HomeMy WebLinkAboutCU-39 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM UNIQUE SITE NO. I n3-) 0- `9 i DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES CLI-39 ALBANY, NEW YORK (5111) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold / ,SPLIA DATE:_March 11,E 1986 YOUR ADDRESS-Town Hall, Main Road TELEPHONE: �i61765-1892 outhold, L. I. , N.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Communit Develo ment Office IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING NAME(S): Cutchngue Cemetery 2. COUNTY: Suffolk TOWN/C1TY: Sou thDld VILLAGE: Cutchogue 3. STREET LOCATION: Main Rd, vd opposite Stillwater La. 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ 1 h private ❑ 5. PRESENT OWNER: ADDRESS: 6. USE: Original: Cemetery Present: Cemetery 7. ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. Exterior visible from public road: Yes ® No ❑ Interior accessible: Explain DESCRIPTION 9. BUILDING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone KI c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other: 1I. STRUCTURAL a. wood frame with interlocking joints ❑ SYST'E'M: b. wood frame with light members ❑ (il' kn(wn) c. masonry load bearing walls ❑ d. metal (explain) gateposts and entrance walls of e, other •. stone . ICI. CONDITION: a. excellent 'X' b:-good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY: a. original site ❑ b. moved ❑ if so,wherr? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): CU-rsm VIII-12 12- PHOTO: Entrance — 13• MAP: N.Y.S . DOT Southold Quad From the south Enlarged 24 a ♦ .br f 9 T e •• ♦• • 44100 O • a Ik 1�. CU-39 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a.none known EZ b. zoning ❑ c, roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ F. other: 15- RLLATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage d. privy ❑ e- shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: j. other: 10. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land D1 b. woodland IN c, scattered buildings ❑ d,densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential ❑ h.other:next to Cutchogue United Methodist Church 17. INTI-RRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) The access is on the Dain Road; a handsome entrance of cut stone leads to the drive lined with spruce trees. The cemetery itself lies in the rear of the church. 18. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): Handsome entrance of cut stone and drive lined with spruces. SIGNIFICANCE Ili. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: Incorporated 1856 ARCHITECT: BUI L.DF R: '0. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: This cemetery is an important local feature. The well- maintained, handsome entrance contributes to the ambience of the streetscape. 21. SOURCES: Bayles R.M. Sketches of Suffolk. 1874,p. 370 ?. rHLmr Form prepared by Rosemary Skye Moritt , research assistant.