HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-05/03/2005LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Regular Meeting held Tuesday, May 3, 2005 Members Present: Ray Huntington Craig Arm (7:14 p.m.) Michelle Zaloom (7:09 p.m.) John Sepenoski (8:26 p.m.) Members Absent: Also present: Ray Blum, Fred Lee, Eric Keil Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Bill Edwards, Town Board Liaison (left 8:35 p.m.) Commencement: · An informal meeting began at 7:30 p.m. with three LPC members present. Topics discussed but not acted upon. · The meeting officially began at 8:28 p.m. with four LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: · Adoption of minutes from April 19, 2005 MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to accept minutes of the April 19, 2005 meeting. Motion carried 4/0. The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. Applications: · SHALVEY PROPERTY: SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: PDR Acreage: Zoned: CPF: 1000-84-2-2.1 5200 Bridge La, Cutchogue (n/e corner of Bridge & CR48) +19.945 acres +16.13 acres A-C Yes Reviewed appraisal. [executive session] A confidential hand-out prepared by Melissa Spire in regard to potential offer structure based on degree of restrictions for ag structure coverage was distributed, discussed and commented upon by members. MOTION made by Craig Arm, seconded by John Sepenoski, to direct Melissa Spire to recommend an offer to the landowners for a development rights easement on area designated by landowner subject to restrictive Town easement language and allowing for ag structures in southeast quadrant consisting of approximately 4 acres as clarified by GIS aerial of the subject property. Motion carried 4/0. · ROWEHL PROPERTY: SCTM #: 1000-100-2-6.1 Location: Oregon Rd, Mattituck Total Acreage: +27.2 acres PDR Acreage: +25 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: Yes Final review of offer letter. [executive session] Offer letter reviewed and LPC e-mailed comments noted. Offer letter to be put in final form and Fred Lee to hand-deliver letter to landowner. CABERON PROPERTY (Cedars): SCTM # 1000-109-6-15 Location: 765 (e/s) Case's Lane, Cutchogue Total Acreage: +6.9 acres Zoned: R-40 CPF: n/a SCTM # 1000-109-5-16.1 Location: 450 (s/s) Cedars Road, Cutchogue Total Acreage: +6.7 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: n/a Reviewed appraisal. MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to direct Craig Arm to contact George Penny to recommend a purchase offer to landowner for a development rights easement on area designated by landowner, subject to restricting use of property to current use (public golf course), a different public recreational use or agricultural use with no further structures allowed on the property. Motion carried 4/0. · PEARSON PROPERTY(TPDR): SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: PDR Acreage: Zoned: CPF: 75-7-6.1 3256 South Harbor Rd, Southold +16.98 acres +14 acres A-C Reviewed appraisal. MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by John Sepenoski, to direct Melissa Spiro to recommend a purchase offer to landowner based on concept plan presented by landowner to leave house and existing structure area out of development rights easement, leaving an approximate fourteen acre easement area (subject to survey). Creek front area can be included within easement area if landowner desires. Motion carried 4/0. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION · FLOWER HILL BUILDING CORP. PROPERTY: SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: PDR Acreage: Zoned: CPF: 1000-69-3-10.1 Ackerly Pond Road, Southold +25.888 acres +20.71 acres offered A-C Yes Reviewed correspondence from landowner's attorney. Landowner, through his attorney, responded to LPC members' recommendations concerning proposed driveway and an existing lot. Landowner agreeable to moving proposed driveway to alongside property line but not to changing lot location into a corner formed by boundary lines. Landowner prefers to keep a development rights easement buffer around perimeter of proposed lot. LPC to proceed with appraisal. LPC will review "easement buffer area" and may adjust offer accordingly. General: Update from April 26th County Farmland Meeting Fishers Island School District appraisal received. Request for input from Fisher Island residents, Louisa Evans (Southold Town Justice) and Peter Burr (LPC liaison to Fishers Island) Informational: · Batuello (f/k/a Kaloski) request for horse barn. Response letter approved by LPC members prior to mailing to landowner. · Grippa Closing scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2005 at 10:00 a.m., in Melissa Spiro's office in the Land Preservation Department Next Regular Meeting: · The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, May '17, 2005, in Conference Room, at 7:00 p.m. Adjournment: · The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. by the four members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary