HomeMy WebLinkAboutMK-52 t FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FARM MK-52 UNIQUE SITE NO. /fI3';'()' 4'3 12— DIVISION FOR HISTORICPRESERVATION - f QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES -- ALBANY,NEW YORK (518)474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA. DATE: Fall 1985 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Rd. TELEPHONE: 515/765-1892 -Southold, L.I. , N.Y. 11981 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Dev. Offices IDENTIFICATION 1. BUILDING; NAME(S : Jim Is Diner/J.L. Reeve Grocery Store 2. COUNTY: Suf foyk TOWN/CITY- Southold VILLAGE- Mattituck 3. STREET LOCATION: 25 Main Rd, 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ L private FK) 5. PRESENT OWNER: ADDRESS: 6. USE: Original: rr-o:aha--Sto no A,�mll Present: Restaurant 7, ACCESSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road: Yes No ❑ Interior accessible_ Explain During business hours DESCRIPTION H. BUILDING a. clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. hoard and batten ❑ MATI;RIAI.: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles ❑ g. stucco ❑ other modern siding 1). STRUC'T'URAL it. wood frame with interlocking joints 11 SYSTEM: h. wood frame with light members ❑ (if kn(wn} c. masonry load bearing walls❑ d. metal (explain) e. other til. CONDITION: it. excellent X b. good ❑ c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 11. INTEGRITY. a. original site ❑ b. moved '12 if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): Moved from the corner of Love Lane and Railroad Avenue. ( see attached photo) . Covered with modern board and batten siding. LLH 8/2 12. PHOTO.View from S/W 13. MAP: NYSDCT �Ma ti tic Ouad 27 AIN "y�� �•• :� rNr 'y ,9 Jigh�°�aM p "Sch�a ' 25% _ y 11' �R �gN 1• O rratooka •1 L." a .o°• ,e��' lake 'In„ituauilihI If,..��' • atti ekti n 1Hi g •'•• ir3 41 ryl M f. F• T x 60 �' .� �� �l�r'-I I ./: i _ T f •T t> �\1 Nit � _ Q � •t� �+• tttV• tNt t1 • • '. `A •• • pa• It v 25 •'. * •m•r?t ti,Vit" Nom• �, q :t„N1lP N o :`c MK-5j� 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known E�j b. zoning ❑ c. roads ❑ d. developers ❑ e. deterioration ❑ f. Esther: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barn❑ b. carriage house ❑ c. garage IR d. privy ❑ e. shed ❑ f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop ❑ h. gardens ❑ i. landscape features: j. other: IG. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): a.open land ❑ b. woodland ❑ c. scattered buildings ER d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial 17 f. industrial ❑ g. residential E2 Ii.other: 17. INTI-RRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) Structure sits on the north side of Main Road between Wickham Avenue and Maple Avenue. 18. OTHER N01-ABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): Large, 22-story, 3-bay, gable roof building with gable end to street, covered with modern siding. One story addition on front . This building was built by Wilson & Reeve. SIGNIFICANCE 11). DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: 1876-1878 ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 10. IIISJORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: It had been a grocery store with a hall above called Apollo Hall. 21. SOURCES: Long Island Traveler, 12/12/1878. 22THLINIF: Form prepared by Linda L. Harvey, Research Assistant ifil, r"t a r a I T: ht - 15 2 WAI- It. DUVALL. S3 Editor and Proprietor. A JOUrtNAL OF IAGAL AND GENE- A L INTELLIGENCE. Vol. XVII.--N06 50. RIVerhOud No Y. Monday18$4. 'i`MRMsr_gt so Ti, g• 8XI Farmers' Column. ing from experience, we doubt it this Q � rcovsmunhmtlons of lnterrat to the farmer ate part[culeu form of ammonia heA any but �v �11 f + oilipweYanM for this eotamn.—Ea,Nfnee] the mast fleeting of valuta to the farmer A.anLxSl$OF I''ERTI1rIZE1L5.One of the beak evidences that the Notary PubEr, and Auctioneer. aRfw•rL..a,r a= >c.I.ea. �: farmers of Suffolk county okra alive to uu,lnraa:(eadedra ofnccm !heir iatarrxts,is seen is their efforts to KF.r(:rIAM'S FFARNF--S SDOP, ^ _ protect themselves from worthless and Main street.Rrverbe■d. �■/tl!!'r HILL'S BpILDING UP 87CAiRS C®TWIN too high-priced fertilizers, by having �]ATNF BENJAMIN, THE DRUGGISTy samples of various fertilizers analyzed TO THE PUBLIC. and the wholesale value of their various Attorneys T ceuefiluoule place,! tLercon. Oreo! as t d.,lrc ter patron.ro taow that t soon rxwuoae Attorneys&Counselors at Law, MAIN ST.AND PIOANblig AY€, ahs huamru rt efa stand,sad at �e oma the value is of this responsible attaly@iS, rtes exprr.e ter thea t.for oast,put favors. sz btat street, $l�i'EEHEAD,L,I., ( `saes,L'Laaa,sen'..aa4 orrrare of [t can be and often is over-eatimated. It the near always on a,nd RIVp:1tEFEAD,L.1. [s no guarantee that the articles which u Allrerkrad,ban bass& C.If.NESBIT. B.E. PAta€ FT.11. BINIJAMIR. Elm on hind a 6rsLelaw stock of go to make up this or that fertiliser exist At(heir office til Oteeupeirt every Weil, in their beat form,or even that they ex- I S ■.-day and Thursday. T"� ry7 ist in a form available for the crop to Y — FAIL ARTICLES ICLE"I which they aro applied,or the next w P ( 1 EOROE F STACRPuLL the next ten. That tlo bo site 1 �■�°titan Utormea[curt.puts of area dratcrip. [. .y 7 simply y t:ua. tL A.'rltua,In Rae nenrloo iL t.)nuaaaP, PATENT MEDIC] soluble,usually all that is(ailed for by Oxgiaoviloge On Vit, ,n,, [oaare`te)'sal ►ttorney and CounieIor at Law, f tho sunlyeia,is not enough. Ammonia, usalresadrellab;eture.' grit. 54 M'aIn street, 7�n77��`�r1€` for instance,is one of the most necessary Q ES 4 RIVERRFAD. L L DRUGS. as it is the most costly of the ingredimtta ff L + which go to make up a Complete fortil- las Or11111b�nea 1 FL l attrhr et a l;e4!Birwe HuENRY BITTER, ) 77�77j`�1 f}t j�'I �1f (� [zex,exists in A multituda of forms and or"ek Site!Hca Co..e■ya:"t caaddoucy vacate. I AI 1S OILS, ETC. mend Cwnnan plottdeat asawtt cure I"tat* REAL ESTATE AGENT, under as many conditions as au nrtiole of I palafut campkala[,^ o ets.it box a drugglus'- AT RIVERHEAD PRICES. commerce;' It is principally lt"Own) "a I� � I lel F'ulUtu Vit., Brooklyn. AT of ammonin and nitrate of soda. r.a. Havens a farm In Ifaadr,E.L.minalt,1 Iu the laboratory Of the cbamiet a huu- I l;aa(nlsn Olnlmcnt m rrroaRlrr remnsehdsd h Per partltwar attention Inthesale or!arms In MetWkN1a Uuacn,edttor oftLe YoutholaT says s ear part of the talaad a kirk mteralt comms,_ INYESTYIiATE. Bred weight of ammonia is a hundred w■v eats:ons lrcex eflio,wd■rpeedr ce»;rslk■ wme•teK the erai appllmlloty ■tan. a:114m -- woightofammonin,xhothcrits form be Pl�,ESt [I. WOODRULL. Northville. sulphate of ammonia or nitrate of eo,Fa, Dori ag the"recut heavy winds a por- or whatever other form it may chance to CusulWmplalmentne.ertaRa waenu■aaAta.ra DL11■R IN tion of the church spire blew down;82D Come to him in; and herein the mannfae• ing tudlnenpaat. Bohn R'.!full,Auanuc llaeuti r11148, ORGns AND SE nG YAu[N83 ag>. The church sho.la were also turer and chemist mislead the former. intdby ee IIrel1 L1'I'ry&I"e■Q u nitwiva i t Nature in her worksho oho soil—arrivea h I a heYst&eta It r.n.•• stens,l by the aeorrd. p— getat 4 not auppnad sat atm M�ro- Mcttituck J.Terrell will mote with his ism-ly to at her conclusions by dillerout methods; t41e mail xa or You Leta tri ro-boteeA;o drum,or I and it is with her and her methods with r pare of the L•ut■d The]adi Wdio River. emits on 1r cYpt at nor oenu. l'aatape atatnps E. ohnloh all, R which the larmor hno to do. Tho menu- r{e�«�(lrttepl. hold ea ayrler enppse [n Apollo Hall, facturer and his a ort talk ■y all. WALLACE 100KER Tuesday and Wednesday aveninga, for ,,BFO wn 4 f acksoQ 2 B t,the of wo , Ilia baseSk of the ohnrah, A verdant io- r large amount of ammonia in Rha form o[ Proprietor, �" DF:ALt:etS lX nitrate of ends wlilCh his fertilizer con- J11801y] Sflg!!arbor,Suffolk Co.,N.Y. "it""O'll free,eudad to ell to attend. Ad DRESS GOODS, y mission free, tains,and will,if 4o can make ou believe F'OF.l,8 9 T E B7C DOMESTICS. it,that lemmonin in no other form is so R.F.BENJAMIN sad R.A.VAIL. Salting Hollow. well suited to the Pariaus crops. Speak- Rrveaseaa,1..I. On Saturday M. Ff.Smith's horse got vro o l*:a c Q*'a+nf p}�,� n Sett foe• s!anulltolc3 Tnww.. a.harp etiak is its fool. making r polio. AND GLOVES, inlwunad, st.aptealld Ffluc.s cq Artle: 11 , Ul flan Jtarttly tvl•,Itehrrttt+d SOutitold, PhC1IF" YL7LYLI1IZING MARROW The Travrdor says atthe meeting nlEsgls p ANF.XCELLGNTARTICL€ ('pnR"I`0%DENCESOLICITED. Hook and Ladder Co,the following were Flour rIntl Ircod, F1�6 anmiasted for dtparimentoflicers:Chief, And ercrylbing usually keel in s tet:olrp ��� 0. F.Tillinghast;secralarv,Fred.Wil- an.rc, !isms; treakPr W. H. Vail. Al the CO2.Main St. r- Roanoke ave., meeting off Protection Engine Co the RIVE$AI;AD, L.I. endorsed. mo were endorsed. Crosby ElwWhat's ymlrpoti![ce?" -"t}at a,no."' �`( "(Q The fair given by Edatd Hooting —"\Vho are you going to vote fors^"'-- --� Post was it signal success, "Ain't going to POEP."—"t,Vhon diet y011 Joonph Freeb is to have a tole lank?"—"Never new store , r e `✓ .. ■b •� and dwelling horse built on the site of coked in my lift."— hie present store. And then be went off stud said ke suciber mau.1,18-06 that fellow ever tbere,wearlug aid and Passenger Route s deafer? Well,be's the biggest curim• ity of Elul ago. Ain-t got no politics rude .;a..�,r'o. =M`�1.'*�. w`'.,+,s,t?''aa,"..'�. n "'•pct- „ f~.` never voted,and ain't never going to Riverhead to Westhampton, vote." "Duster 1 That ain't no duster, —ALrso DEALER Ix--- RFLIil1Ya That'so, woman tied up in a 1tletber Mapes, Complete Manures for General Use, Ilubb■rel." And prepared specially for each crop. on ane■ler the,date the els".111"v.ltlr. Th-"l`leaat*rano A-1.the Most Yvwsrrdl,parmsvegk sod ProAlst►1■Ferttllsee Mafia. arhea4, from the paale4nee at la a'cl:.k A.M. Those frrttllatrr,taeed tbp moat lborouah leap T■Ht work`apAdeak for them—and av do sn see Artl�en,lenmW%netLhatu,llon Doul Ise Mail Tntitl 'or sale. tamers who have elven them a trial;agricultural ckemlcat■and nenpnl supplier at sit kinds,nd Valuable 111`1 r p1 l� ra.tta for farmers dr.lring toeampiva4 their owe grultaera. Ment for'•NL1;1NA DUTCHMAN Para each way 50 eonts. A alutl le I�ound. kul.SY NWa'n,ICE lflNWON F'WN'A,aa4 IIA\D F'Wlry of Tarin�.klmla,suit I- early eretr I have holll a new a4 ,Put two aeext bona's alud at nrminr Impleazent from a hand tow to■dower and Itra rr.w+id at me.mantal.tensa talaro IE,Md"flat us,n to fm nn uerplxaaaut nt- A tkeroeq hlr 1MIope1 and full hlanlcel rru Xan,l pr"a,; fr+rtlsail t'ttupn(riewer.Drarn amt N p}I plus,l`iilmne Nluea clad<hnalneneal eerwtty l■stow a dellahiful c:cur�enn. neer fl.mad. ta.a.Idrh e...e._._.. Klour tan Ar■dr+l.Neta wd pnalarr. s"�...,e,......,....e_r --... . _ B V.Iew of J.L. Reeve Grocery Store before it was moved. Korten Photo , Collections Nassau County Fa_ M.. •/ " L' `