HomeMy WebLinkAboutMK-48 L FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM MK-48 UNIQUE SITE NO. 105—&J- 6403 3 DIVISION FOR HISTORICPRESERVATION QUAD NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION SERIES ALBANY, NEW YORK 151 K) 474-0479 NEG. NO. YOUR NAME: Town of Southold/SPLIA DATE: Fall 1985 YOUR ADDRESS: Town Hall, Main Rd. TELEPHONE: 516/765-1892 Southold, L.I. , h.Y. 11971 ORGANIZATION (if any): Southold Town Community Lev, Gffices IDENTIFICATION I. BUILDING NAME t�S). Tuthill- 2. COUNTY: suffol TOWj_ 11'i'Y Ou O VILLAGE: Matt1 ,uC 3. STRFFT LOCATION: l,] S r1�� _ 0 j 4. OWNERSHIP: a. public ❑ b. private E 5. PRFS1:NT OWNER: 'f ilth i l 7 ADDRESS:W alz► s Zana (i. USI-.- Original: Residence Present: 7. AC'CE'SSIBILITY TO PUBLIC: Exterior visible from public road. Yes Y No Only Interior accessible: Explain A y appt .DESCRIPTION 9. BUILDIN(; a, clapboard ❑ b. stone ❑ c. brick ❑ d. board and batten ❑ MATERIAL: e. cobblestone ❑ f. shingles © g. stucco ❑ other: modern Siding' 1), STRUCTURAL. a. wood frame with interlocking joints � SYSTEM: b. wood frame with light members E (if kn(wn} c, masonry load bearing walls❑ d. metal (explain) e. other 1(). CONDITION: u. excellent ❑ b. good ® c. fair ❑ d. deteriorated ❑ 1 I. INTI:CRITY: a, original site M b. moved ❑ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): Modern siding. I View from S/W 13. MAP: NYSI.DCT MattituckAQuad AA at ,�, jm� 6 r e• 7 e 'rville i, • t `,�rl.if { i�,,��r•{INI ' Illi ill 1�tllllihuiWill !l - - _ t • �`'�- ,�(` ' '@. S • 1 ?7, c� • IC - - —_ `� - o�•••p 25 r •• r• Aaw 4 s r,9 �iigh•sam s i Sch�> 25 s•4' + •_. A _. My 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. none known 71 b.zoning ❑ C. roads ❑ d' developers ❑ e. deterioration 71f. other: 15. RELATED OUTBUILDINGS AND PROPERTY: a. barnO b. carriage house ❑ c. garage 9 d. privy ❑ e. shed 91 f. greenhouse ❑ g. shop 9 11. gardens i. landscape features: j. other: c i Z4 pc b42 i A14 i I f house. 16. SURROUNDINGS OF THE BUILDING (check more tan one if necessary a.open land [.:� b. woodland ❑ c.scattered buildings ❑ d.densely built-up ❑ e. commercial ❑ f. industrial ❑ g. residential 1Z h.other: 17. INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDINGS: (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic. district) This structure is the first house south of the railroad tracks on the easy: side of the road. Elijah Dane is a rural two lane road with great expanses of open fields under cultivation. 18, OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): 22---story, 3-bay, side entrance plan gable roof house with 2L-story gable roof wing on rear (north) 6/6 windows. House faces south. SIGNIFICANCE 11?, DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: prior to 1858 ARCHITECT: BUILDER: 20. HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECTURAL IMPORTANCE: This historic farm house was the birthplace of Judge Ralph Tuthill in 1896. The place contributes to the ambience of the area. 21. SOURCES: Atlas of Suffolk County, L. I. N.Y. Vol Two : Forth Sade - Sound Shore, E. Belcher Hyde , 1909. Plate 11. UP-Lot Reveries An Oral History of the North Fork. 1984. 72. 4R : Parson. Form prepared by Linda l,. Harvey, Research Assistant 4 8 ht e$,Uffot k qollmts ., I.Peiiw- VOL. cxxx No. 31 Thursday, March 6, 1986 M k.aq 50 cents Serving Southold Town,Shelter Island Town and the Incorporated Village of Greenport ,) to ,y Q) y ti L Q r a l ti -a. Pholo by Judy Ahrens NORTH FORK GOTHIC--John Tuthill was the first farmer to officially Program last Friday. Here Mr. Tuthill is shown on the 22-acre parcel sign over development rights to the Southold Town Farm Preservation that will be preserved for agriculture through the program. `leo Damn Developments on My Land' By JANET GARRELL up development nghts to nearly 22 namesake for the road which runs past land. "Potatoes were one of the main SOUTHOLA-•Generations of family acres of vegetable-producing lard o acidittonal pieces of Tuthill property. crops,"Mr.Tuthill said,"but after the history and some hope for the Future County Road 44.egg ha Lane "fF a family had land running from war,I went into the dairy business in were an the table among the legal docu- "I did it partly because o the cas Route 25 to Oregon Road,"recalled Mr. a small way.I sold milk through Judge menta this week as Southold Town but also because there's a young man Tuthill, adding that the gg�ate was Tuthill,who had a larger operation.He made the facet purchases in its farmland who works for me.He may want to can- known�as'The Manor,"�wiEh the main pasteurized and bottled milk and distn. preservation program. tinue with farming,"said Mr. Tuthill house"Iatt-aR�.Tintersection of buted it through the Mather Dairy." Three property owners sold the de- after the signing."Now that it's pickled, EWahs Lane and Route 25, on a site The dairy operation,described by Mr. velopment rights to 62 acres of land in with everything sold but the agricul- presently occupied by Baxter Brothers Tuthill as "a way to make money all transactions that took place Friday and tural rights,it should keep taxes down." Prean. day--from 4 a.m.to 8 p.m.,"ended in Monday at Town Hall,They were par- Mr. Tuthill, who spent his boyhood Family history includes hiring out 1968 The land has subsequently been ticipants in a program, financed by a helping with his father's farm and then horses for the construction of the rail- used for potatoes, vegetables (mainly $1.75 million bond issue passed by town struck out on his own after four years road tracks put through the property cauliflower and brussels sprouts),hay, voters three years ago,designed to pre- of military service during World!War sometime after 1840 whenEl"ah rye, and most recently, an immense serve a part of Southold's agricultural Ii,is the fourth generation ofhisfamily Tuthill built the ouse cu n v patch of raspberries, located along heritage. to work the property. Part of the land cup _X r. u mile. Route 48. M armer leo n Tuthill was was originally purchased b his eat- The Tuthill tradition also includes a Judge Ralph Tuthill, Mr. Tuthill's t e first to signn For$93,224,he gave grandfather EIUa Tut i , the variety of agricultural endeavors on the -� � (continued on page 181 MK-48 Page 18 The Suffolk Times March 6, 1986 with prickly pear cactus. 1 liked it all "After those are taken care of,we'll sae Farmland Program.,, along." if there's any money left and then go Mr. Krupski said that he made the) for more forms.We have several proper- (continued from page 1) down payment on the parcel,and will ties on our waiting list,"said farmland pay off the mortgage with his$108,675 preservation committee chairman Bud uncle,owned a portion of the 22 acres The family started with potatoes on Southold Town farmland preservation Cybulaki. now in the Southold farmland program. its holdings,which includes two parcels program check, i Mr.Tuthill said he purchased that land owned by the younger Mr.Nierodzik as A farmer since 1980,Mr.Krupski is in 1955.He inherited the remainder of well as the acreage sold to the farmland the fourth generation of the Krupski the parcel from his father Ernest. program for$77,351.40.Approximately family involved with agriculture. He Hard Times Imes Hit After the farmland preservation clos- three years ago, John Jr. made the and his father,Albert Sr.,have an ap. ing Friday,Mr. Tuthill was not about switch to vegetables. proximately 90-acre vegetable-growing"WHerm Chairman to let the big check from Southold Town operation in Cutchogue. e do //++►► burn a hole in his pocket and lead him pumpkins,corn,cauliflower—whatever Cutchogue--Although Southold astray, rhe to a vacation in a "The cost of production for potatoes perhaps seems to be a good crop.It's essentially Town was happy to get its farmland warmer location. "I'm just a hayseed, u got out of hand,"said the younger Mr. ng a gamble, like everyone else," preservation program underway, so I'm going right back to the hayfield," Nierodzik."By the time you paid for all Mr,Krupski said farmland preservation committee he declared. the materials. plus taxes, it wasn't In his case,however,it's an educated chairman Bud Cybulski was un- 'No Damn Developments' worth,it.Labor is another thing—you gamble.With a college degree in plant able to share in the cheer.The man F can't get good help for minimum wage." science,Mr. Krupski says,"'Our rac- who has led the town's effort to re- "I don't want no damn developments In 1985, local farmers lost approxi- tices are uitedifferent from traditional p ag- on my land!" exclaimed Southold mately $4 per hundredweight on the local practices--for example,in things ri ulture business much longer. -fitriner John Nierodzik when asked potatoes they grow. like timim fertilizer and herbicide a "I'm being forced out of farming about is reasons orpining the town's Mr. Nierodzik Jr. said that the ap- plications, wherewe try to do things due to economic decisions,"he said farmland preservation program. any proximately 80-acre family operation more efficiently with less mono Monday when asked to commenton aQv aloe monis didn't bobuy ughtititt to forarm fmake a produces "a little bit of everything," Mr. Krupski agrees with everyone the town's developmenturchaseof p g with labor provided by himself and his else involved with farmingthat there rihts for three agriculturpar- living and raise us kids." wife and with his father, who "quit will be drastic changes in Southold cele."For the last couple of years years ago,"coming out of retirement to t'own's agricultural picture."We can't there's been no money in it. I've Mr.Nierodzik,who is 70,has a view lend a hand.The vegetables are mar- compete with the huge farms in the been trying to make a living and I of four generations of farmers -- past keted wholesale and through several midwest,and we can't compete with the can't." and future--on the 18 112 acres along local roadside stands. large year-round vegetable farms in Mr. Cybulaki said that he had y0 Route 25 west of Southold.The property Another farmland program particip- California."he says."It's going to have been in farming since he got out of / was passed down from his father to Mr. ant,Albert Krupaki Jr.,represents the to be small-scale,with*ally sold,asp- high school 30 years ago. He and Nier%Wk.Fallowing in the family s ag- future of local arming. He bought his conal crops.Another thing is that farm- his brother Tom run a 270-acre op- -n—cultural footatope is his son,John Jr., 1.6-acre parcel between Skunk Lane ers will not be able to live for 12 months eration off Depot lane in Cutch- and now there is an additional genera- and Little Neck Road in Cutchogue in on the crops they can produce for only ogue.They own 25 acres and lease tion, seven-year-old granddaughter 1983, just about the time he was seven or eight months." Mr. Krupski the rest to grow crops that consist Shannon, who is described as an en- graduated from the University of llela- said that he and his father gather addils primarily of potatoes along with thusisstic gardener. 'Rare- tional income with landscape.and car- some other vegetables. "She really likes to help out in the A Boyhood Playground pentry work in the winter. "We're getting $2 a hundred. garden,"said Mr.Nierodzik."We raise 't played there as a youngster,"said "I feel bad about the current situation weight for potatoes that it rest us all kinds of thugs— cdton. tobacco, Mr. Kr�u ki, who was elected to the with agriculture out here,"Mr.Krupaki $6.50 a hundredweight to grow,'" peanuts--right here in town."Respond- town a ward of Trustees n November. gid.'"The farmland program is neces- Mr.Cybulaki said Monday."We ob- iag to an inquiry about the possibility "We caught fish in the irrigation pond Bary to help keep some open space,but vioualy can't continue to have those of succesa with what are traditionally there,and sledded on the hill in winter- it can't help everybody. It's a &home kind of losses. My brother and I warm-weather crops,Mr,Nierodzik re- It has a little bit of everything--woods, that farms built up for so many gener- spent most of the morning talking sponded, "If you know how, you can fields,the pond,a half-acre of saltwater ationa are going through troubles that about what to do.It's a decision we grow anything out here." marsh,and one area that's like a desert, they cant do anything about,Wave got should've made a month ago." good farmers and good producers out There is always the possibility of here." finding another line of work. "If Southold Town expects to purchase someone can't rand a job in this development rights to two additional town,he's not looking very hard," Have a Community Calendar Listing? parcels of land in the near future,bring. Mr. Cybulski said. But I don't ing the total amount of land in the farm- want another job. I want to keep Call Lauren Sisson at 477-0081 land preservation program up to 162 on farming. I just have to figure acres. The total bill is estimated at out a way of doing it." $726,390. Additional properties are being processed for future acquisition.