HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-12/20/2004Albert J. Krupski, President
James King, Vice-President
Artie Foster
Ken Poliwoda
Peggy A. Dickerson
Town Hall
53095 Route 25
P.O. Box 1179
Southold. New York 11971-0959
Telephone (6311765-1892
Fax (631) 765-6641
Wednesday, December 20, 2004
7:00 PM
Present were: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President
James King, Vice-President
Artie Foster, Trustee
Kenneth Poliwoda, Trustee
Peggy Dickerson, Trustee
Patricia Finnegan, Esq., Town Attorney
Lauren Standish, Secretarial Assistant
Heather Tetrault, Environmental Technician
NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Monday, January 17, 2005 at
8:00 a.m.
seconded. All AYES.
NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 at
7:00 p.m.
WORK SESSION: 6:00 p.m.
seconded. ALL AYES.
APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of August 18, 2004,
September 22, 2004 and October 20, 2004.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON moved to approve, TRUSTEE KING seconded.
I. MONTHLY REPORT: For November, 2004, check for
$11,091.39 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the
General Fund.
Board of Trustees 2 December 20, 2004
II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town
Clerk's Bulletin Board for review.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Welcome to our regular monthly meeting.
We have a number of items on the agenda before we get to the
public hearings. They're not really public hearings,
however, please be ready and come up to the microphone and
identify yourself and you're welcome to speak on anything
1. ROBERT LEHNERT requests an Administrative Permit
to install new windows and siding on the existing
dwelling. Located: 945 Fleetwood Road, Cutchogue.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I looked at this. It is absolutely
everything within the building, windows, doors, siding,
couple of trees were being removed that were basically
growing into the house. So I didn't have a problem with
this at all. If there are no comments, I'll make a motion
to approve the installation of new windows and siding on the
existing dwelling at 945 Fleetwood Road, Cutchogue.
2. WILLIAM CHILDS requests an Administrative Permit
to construct a second-story addition/deck onto the existing
dwelling. Located: 1780 Peconic Bay Boulevard in Laurel.
SCTM #145-4-2.1.
TRUSTEE KING: I looked at this, it's a small, two foot
addition over the driveway off the house. It will have no
impact on the wetlands at all. I make a motion to approve.
1. FREDRIC VlSSER, JR. requests a Duck Blind Permit
in East Creek.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It was my understanding that the Board
inspected it. I believe we acted to deny this permit. I'll
make a motion to deny this application.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Why don't you give an explanation for the
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: For the record?
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I believe the Board felt there were too
many homes around the area. It was surrounded with homes,
Board of Trustees 3 December 20, 2004
and the law states it has to be at least 500. There has to
be a distance of 500 feet from a shooter to the
dwelling. We didn't feel there was enough distance in that
creek for a permitted blind.
2. NATHAN ANDRUSKI requests a Mooring Permit
replacing a canceled mooring in Arshamomaque Pond for a 15
foot boat, off the boat ramp at the end of the Grove Road,
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I looked at this, it's a common
replacement. I'll make a motion to approve replacement of
the mooring for Nathan Andruski.
1. OLIVE PENFIELD requests an Amendment to Permit
#5956 to re-sheath 100 of existing bulkhead using C-Loc
vinyl sheathing. Located: 515 Harbor Light Drive in
Southold. SCTM#71-2-3
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I believe I looked at this and just a
common replacement in-line/in-kind.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Maintenance?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Re-sheathing.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I'll make a motion to approve the
amendment on behalf of Olive Penfield. Do I have a second?
2. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of JOHN MORSE
requests an Amendment to Permit #5843 to re-sheath on the
landward side approximately 119 linear feet of existing
timber bulkhead with vinyl sheathing and replace within 18
inches approximately 125 linear feet of existing concrete
seawall with vinyl bulkhead and backfill with approximately
100 yards of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland
source. Remove five existing timber groins and replace only
failed sections of timber sheathing as necessary and
existing timber jetty. Located: 820 Old Salt Road,
Mattituck. SCTM#: 144-5-15.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Are these new plans for Morse?
MR. HERMANN: Yes. For the record Rob Hermann for
En-Consultants. It's a minor change, Al. There was some
question from the DEC as to whether the existing seawall
could actually be replaced within 18 inches because of the
Board of Trustees 4 December 20, 2004
lip and the footings. And originally Rambo was proposing
to use nine inch corrugated vinyl. So once Tom Samuels had
a measurement done in the footings, it's about 13 inches.
So in order to stay within 18 inches, he's going to switch
to use four and-a-half inch fiberglass rather than the
corrugated vinyl. So that cross-section shows a four
and-a-half inch deep sheathing as opposed to the nine inch
deep sheathing that was originally shown. For consistency
I wanted the Board to have that revision, otherwise it's
exactly the same.
We had discussed that seawall when the original
permit was issued for the replacement of the bulkhead
section in front of the garage, which at the time was a more
immediately pressing issue. So this covers some of the
things we discussed that time, but were not in front of the
Board, including the removal of all of the snow, they're
basically non-functional -- they're not doing anything --
groins. The jetty needs some repair, but it's not proposed
to be replaced, just patched up essentially ordinary
patching where it's necessary. Also the replacement of that
timber section of that bulkheading that stands between the
jetty and the concrete seawall.
So, if you did have any questions, I can answer them,
but I think that's pretty straightforward.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'm looking for a permanent non-turf buffer
after the work is complete.
MR. HERMANN: The area that's shown for the limit of
backfill, 12 feet, we can show that as the buffer. You can
even write that into your plans if you want.
TRUSTEE KING: Any other comments? If not, based on what we
see here I recommend approval on this.
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE KING: And the blend fill, just call for limit of
backfill there will be a 12 foot non-turf buffer,
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 3, Proper-T Permit Services on
behalf of Gregory Mazzanobile has been postponed until
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There are a number of Public Hearings
that are postponed that will not be open tonight, Douglas
Carlen has been postponed and Barry Ball and Kimberley
Yanzee has been postponed as well as Elizabeth Lyons.
Do I have a motion to go off the regular meeting?
Board of Trustees 5 December 20, 2004
1. EDMUND J. BAUMANN requests a Wetland Permit to
remove trees and establish a rear property driveway for
trailer and boat storage/access and plant evergreens on
the north property line. Located: 325 Wood Lane in
Peconic. SCTM #86-6-2.2&3.2.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to comment on the
MR. DEFRIES: Hi, I'm Rob Defries, 5223 Indian Neck
Lane. Just a few questions regarding the survey that was
submitted regarding this application, it doesn't show any
distance from the edge of the wetlands to the edge of the
access area. I just want to know how close it is to the
wetland areas.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thirty feet. It says here end road 30
feet from wetlands, and it has three locations where the
trees are to be removed.
MR. DEFRIES: So the edge of the access area will be 30 feet
from the edge of the wetlands?
MR. DEFRIES: About the storage of vehicles back there, are
we concerned about fluids leaking out of those vehicles and
seeping into the ground and contaminating the wetlands?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh When I was out on inspection, I spoke to
the applicant and my only comment was -- and I'll let you
speak too, sir, I spoke I guess was with your wife -- was
that they would store a boat back there.
MR. DEFRIES: Just a boat, nothing else?
MR. COSTELLO: There was a boat and utility trailer.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I'll let you finish.
MR. DEFRIES: So anything else stored back there will be a
violation of that permit; is that correct?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We'll let the applicant speak first then
we'll try to clear that question up.
Board of Trustees 6 December 20, 2004
MR. DEFRIES: That's all I have to say.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Yes. You can speak again afterwards if
you like, but would anyone else like to speak?
MR. BAUMANN: Ed Baumann, 325 Wood Lane, Peconic. The
purpose of this drive-around is to store a boat with an
outboard on it, for storage for non-use storage and also a
utility trailer that was basically it.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anybody else who would like to
comment? Does the Board want to put that as a condition in
that it would only be used to store those two items?
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I recused myself last month, and I
continue that.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Artie, did you see it? I went there
alone, a few months ago.
TRUSTEE KING: Peggy, myself and Al.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Is there old vehicles?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: If this is a concern, then put the
condition on it that it should only be as applied for, boat
and a trailer.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is that acceptable?
MR. BAUMANN: That's fine, it works.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to approve the
application for Edmund J. Baumann for an access road in the
backyard for the removal of the marked trees with the
condition that only the trailer and the boat storage are
stored -- well, they can be stored in the driveway but they
can't be stored within 100 feet of the wetlands, because
that's the extent of our jurisdiction. The driveway extends
all the way up to the little road there.
MR. BAUMANN: This is a drive-around within 100 feet of the
wetlands. And the plan was to have a storage off of that
drive-around for a utility trailer and a boat, within the
perimeter of that.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh All I'm saying is that your property
extends further than 100 feet from the wetlands. If you
stored something at the other end of the driveway, it would
be nonjurisdictional.
MR. BAUMANN: Yes. In fact, that's where currently have
the cars. The only thing I'm going to store in that area is
a boat and a motor on the trailer and a separate utility
traitor and that's it.
Board of Trustees 7 December 20, 2004
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's the motion. Do I have a second?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All if all in favor?. ALL AYES.
2. MATINE, INC. requests a Wetland Permit to
construct a 62' by 52' single-family dwelling and pervious
driveway. Located: 435 Albacore Drive, Southold.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I resolve that the Board of Trustees of
the Town of Southold hereby finds that the application of
Matine, Inc., more fully described in Item 2 of the Trustee
agenda dated Monday, December 20, 2004 is classified as a
Type II Action pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations. It
is not subject to review under SEQRA.
Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of
the application?
MR. HURTADO: I'm John Hurtado, and we had a Trustee Permit
and it expired a few months ago, and this is a renewal. And
there is a building permit and all the other permits are in
place and the septic system's in also.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Is there anybody else who would like to
comment on the application? I think the only comments we
had on this was that there was clearing beyond the original
clearing line and that the permit wouldn't be issued until
there was an established hay bale line at the original line
of clearing, then the permit could be issued. Is that
MS. TETRAULT: When we checked the file and we found the
clearing was done without a hay bales.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh You have to put the hay bale line in
place, have it inspected, and then the permit will be
issued. If there is no further comment, do I have a motion
to close the hearing?
MS. TETRAULT: Require silt fence too if you want to.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I'll make a motion to approve the
application with the condition that the hay bale line and
silt fence are in place and inspected before that permit is
3. EDWARD JENSEN requests a Wetland Permit to
Board of Trustees 8 December 20, 2004
construct a second-floor addition over the existing
dwelling, construct an open porch and a new pitched roof
over existing shed. Located: 440 Sunset Way,
Southold. SCTM#91-1-8.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: The resolution is Resolve that the Board
of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby find that the
application of Edward Jensen more fully described in the
Public Hearing Item 3 of the Trustee agenda dated December
20, 2004, is classified as a Type II Action pursuant to
SEQRA rules and regulations and is not subject to review
under SEQRA.
With that, is there anyone here to speak in favor of
the application? Is there anyone here to speak against the
MS. TETRAULT: Mr. Jensen called this afternoon just to let
me know that he wasn't able to make it, and if there were
any questions you'll have to table it, but he was hoping.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I looked at this, very straightforward,
same footprint, just going up. It didn't look like it would
affect the environment negatively at all; do you want to
look at the survey? Common stipulation we'd use on this
application would be to recommend we put gutters that run
into dry wells to contain the roof runoff. Any Board
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: If not, I'll make a motion to close the
public hearing.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I'll make a motion to, approve the
Wetland Permit on behalf of Edward Jensen to construct a
second-floor addition over the existing dwelling and
construct an open porch and a new pitched roof over existing
shed with the stipulation that gutters lead into dry wells
on site. Located: 440 Sunset Way; do I have a second?
Permit to construct a replacement dock consisting of 3' wide
steps leading to a 4' wide fixed "T" dock with an overall
length of 69 feet. Located: 1030 West Creek Avenue,
Cutchogue. SCTM#103-13-8
TRUSTEE KING: We have a resolution here. Resolved by the
Board of Trustee of the Town of Southold that the
application of Christopher and Gloria Groocock, more fully
Board of Trustees 9 December 20, 2004
described in the Public Hearing Item 4 of the Trustee agenda
dated Monday December 20, 2004 is pursuant to the SEQRA rules
and regulations classified as a Unlisted Action and be it
further resolved the applicants are required to submit Part
I of the Long Environmental Assessment Form, LEAF. And be it
further resolved that upon receipt of the LEAF the clerk of
the Trustees is hereby directed to commence a coordinated
review pursuant to SEQRA.
I'll also read the comments from the CAC. Moved by
Don Wilder, seconded by Doris MacGreevey, "It was resolved
to table the Wetland Permit application of Christopher and
Gloria Groocock to construct a replacement dock consisting
of 3' wide steps leading to a 4' wide "T" dock with an
overall length of 69 feet Located: 1030 West Creek Avenue,
Cutchogue. CAC tabled the application because the project
was not staked. CAC requested the applicant indicate what
type of materials are to be used on the dock.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Was it staked when you were there?
TRUSTEE KING: Yes, Ithink there were two stakes.
TRUSTEE KING: Is there anyone here to comment on this
MR. GROOCOCK: My name is Chris Groocock, I'm the applicant
in this case. I certainly will comply with whatever
questions and concerns that you have. Will you be able to
make these in writing to us, will you, please? I would
like to add that this is a re-application, that thero was a
previous approval of this dock. And the reason that we are
re-applying is that we ran out of time as far as the
original permit was concerned. And that was because of the
long negotiations with the DEC when we had to modify the
TRUSTEE KING: I don't think any of the members had any
problem with this dock as you have submitted it.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We just have to make it in the resolution
that we're going to not require them to submit that.
TRUSTEE KING: Based on what we have seen and what was
submitted we will not have to continue with the long
environmental form. It's not going to have a great impact
on anything. Are there any other comments on this
application? If there's no other comments, I'll make a
motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to approve the application
as submitted for Christopher and Gloria Groocock.
Board of Trustees 10 December 20, 2004
5. NANCY SUE MUELLER TRUST requests a Wetland Permit
to add new steps and sitting area to replace old existing
steps and sifting area to bay beach.
Located: 2200 Park Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 123-8-10
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Would anybody like to speak about this
application? Any Board comments on this application?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Let him read the resolution.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Resolve that the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Southold hereby finds that the application of Nancy
Sue Mueller Trust, more fully described in a Public Hearing
Item Number 5 of the Trustee agenda dated Monday, December
20, 2004 is classified as a Type II Action pursuant to SEQRA
rules and regulations and is not subject to review under
SEQRA. Having said that, I'll make a motion to close the
hearing. The changes reflect exactly what they wanted in
the beginning.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Exactly, but the field inspection cleared
up what was really unclear in the beginning. The original
structure straddles the proper~y line.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I don't know if you wanted me to go through
all that.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: It was all there.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It was all there. They're going to get
what they originally wanted.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: There was a little confusion about it.
They cleared it up on field inspection. It's basically
exactly what they asked for in the beginning. Since there's
no public input about it, I make a motion to close the
TRUSTEE FOSTER: All the in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I'll make a motion to approve the
application of Nancy Sue Mueller Trust as requested.
6. JMO Environmental Consulting on behalf of
to construct a 6' by 80' extension, with wavebreaks onto an
existing pier, to relocate three (3)-pile dolphins, to
relocate one ladder, and to install one new ladder.
Located: Robbins Island. SCTM#134-3-4.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Are we waiting for --
Board of Trustees 11 December 20, 2004
TRUSTEE KRUPSKi: We're waiting for clarification.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: So I'll make a motion to table this
7. Eh-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of INGEBORG
MUELLER requests a Wetland Permit to remove and replace
in-place approximately 102 linear feet of existing timber
bulkhead and a plus/minus 7' northerly return vinyl bulkhead
and back fill with approximately 15 cubic yards of clean
sand fill to be trucked in from an upland source. Remove
and replace in-kind/in-place 4' by 9' wood platform and 3'
by 10' stairs to beach. Located: 1435 West Drive in
Mattituck. SCTM#113-9-8.1
TRUSTEE KING: I have a resolution. Be it resolved that the
Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and more fully
described in the Public Hearing Item 7 on the Trustee agenda
dated December 20, 2004 is classified as a Type II Action
pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations and is not subject
to review under SEQRA.
Is there anyone here to comment on this application?
MR. HERMANN: Rob Hermann on En-Consultants on behalf of the
applicant, It's a very straightforward application,
replacement of existing timber bulkhead in-place with a
vinyl bulkhead.
If the Board has any questions, I'm happy to answer
them, otherwise it's just as proposed.
TRUSTEE KING: Let me read the CAC comments too. Resolve to
recommend the Southold Board Trustees approve with the
condition that the Wetland Permit application -- CAC
recommends approval of the application with the condition of
a 30 foot non-turf landward buffer of the bulkhead. I had a
question, Rob, on that northerly return, what is the purpose
of that? And is it a return? It looked to me like it was a
2 by 6 on edge with a piece on top of it extending inland.
It's not really a return.
MR. HERMANN: I don't think that it is, Jim. Is it
shown -- I'm looking at the plan, I don't recall that it was --
TRUSTEE KING: I think it shows on the plan but it doesn't
really exist that I could see.
MR. HERMANN: It's shown, it appeared in the project
description. However, I don't think I showed it as being
replaced on the plan itself, so --
TRUSTEE KING: It just shows bulkhead coming in. There's
nothing there.
Board of Trustees 12 December 20, 2004
MR. HERMANN: I don't think it needs to be included. If you
just eliminate that from the project description. I think I
may have included it, and I think I asked Steve Pollack
about it, who I believe is the contractor on the job, I'm
pretty sure he told me it was not, as I didn't think was.
It runs straight across to the neighbor. So it will tie
into the face. So it's really a vestige, so I wouldn't make
that part of the permit. And as far as the non-turf, I'm
sure that they would be satisfied with a 10 foot, which is
what the Board normally requires.
TRUSTEE KING: I thought the 30 foot was unnecessary myself,
that's a fairly good sized lawn there. I'd say a 15 would
be reasonable.
MR. HERMANN: I assume that's okay, unless I reappear here
to tell you otherwise, but that's fine.
TRUSTEE KING: Any further Board comments or comments from
the public? If no other comments, I'll make a motion to
close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to approve the
application with the deletion of the northerly return and
the addition of a 15 foot non-turf buffer landward of the
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
MR. HERMANN: Lauren, for your information that return is
not actually shown to be replaced on the plan, so I would
not need to give you a revised plan to show that.
TRUSTEE KING: We need to show the buffer.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You could do that tonight.
MR. HERMANN: I can do that on this and the other one,
8. Peconic Associates, Inc., on behalf of WEST LAKE
ASSOCIATION requests a Wetland Permit to hydraulically dredge
silted-in entrance to West Lake and provide boat
access. Spoil to be hydraulically pumped to adjacent empty
lot on West Lake #131. Located: West Lake Drive and Little
Peconic Bay Lane, Southold. SCTM#90-1-11 & 90-1-13.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Southold that the Application of West Lake
Association more fully described in the Public Hearing
Item 8 of the Trustee agenda dated December 20, 2004 is
pursuant to the SEQRA rules and regulations classified as an
Unlisted Action. Be it further resolved that the applicant
Board of Trustees 13 December 20, 2004
is waived to be required to submit Part I of the Long
Environmental Assessment Form. I'll make that as a motion,
I need that as a resolution. Is there a second?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Before I take any other comment, I'd like
to find the GAO comments and read those into the record as
well. CAC recommends approval of the application, however,
the spoil disposal area was unclear, and the condition of
the existing bulkheads on both sides of the entrance should
be examined. Is there any comment on behalf of the
MR. WIGGINS: I'm Merlin Wiggins, Peconic Associates on
behalf of the applicant. To clarify and make it perhaps a
little more understandable, I'd like to give a brief
background history of this channel. It goes back quite a
ways, the first record we could find was 1926 when the
subdivision map showed a channel from West Lake out to
Little Peconic Bay. The next one we think in the 1950s,
this is pretty much hearsay, the channel was dredged again,
or sometime during that time. In 1965 it was a survey of a
lot that was across the channel, and it was bulkheaded at
the time. At that time the survey showed the lot to the
west of the channel not bulkhaaded at all, but just an open
channel. Then from 1975 to 1977 the County of Suffolk had
dialogue with the Town to consider dredging at their expense
or a combination of their expense, as far as I know this
didn't go anywhere; it was never done. March 27, 1986, it
was a permit issued by the Town Trustees to Herbert
Greenfield to replace all the 15 foot bulkhead with a 28
feet of new bulkhead with 2" thick single sheathing
to a depth of 5' below mean Iow water and the pilings go
down 12 feet and dredged the full-length of the channel
along that side. Now there's been 120 cubic yards placed
behind the bulkhead. To the best of my knowledge this
channel has not been dredged since that time.
In 1988 the permits to dredge an 85 by 60 foot area
to four feet at the entrance to the West Lake end of the
channel that was a delve that was collected out in the West
Lake side. At that time the drawings of the application
show the rest of the channel had a depth of four feet
MLW. March 22, 2000 at the public hearing to dredge West
Lake to three feet that application was tabled. And in
April 19, 2000 application was made and a permit issued to
dredge the entire length of the channel to three feet
estimating 600 cubic yards; that permit expired two years
Board of Trustees 14 December 20, 2004
later. And the mason it expired was evidently the other
agencies applications were never made to the DEC and
Corpsmen. So it expired and no action taken.
In 2002 a blow out occurred on the east side of the
property and that resulted in an emergency repair of that
bulkhead, and from talking to the neighbors and so forth,
that material ended in front of the channel on the bay side,
which a lot of it is still there.
In 2002, 2003 a series of permits were issued.
January 22nd, the Trustees were issued, and then 9/11 the
DEC and then in 4/8/03 the Corps of Engineers were issued.
And this was to dredge the channel to three feet. Now
estimating as 700 cubic yards, and material to be placed in
geotubes along the bay side. These permits are still in
place but work cannot be performed for several reasons,
which ~ already discussed with you. I'll just repeat them
There's no access to place the geotubes except across
private property, they couldn't get to them. There's no
upland site that would take all the projected spoil. All
work could not be done hydraulically as required in the
permits; and some of the work in the permits was determined
to be on private property and should not be included in the
permit. Now we feel it's up to the Trustees whether they want
to amend the existing permit or issue a new permit. And the
changes between what was already in place and what we now
are requesting was an upland site had been located, and owners'
approval obtained and all material can be pumped to and located.
The geotubes have been removed; the work on private property
has been omitted, and the Iow bulkhead on the west side of the West
Lake entrance, which is in real poor condition, has been
proposed to replace to help protect the channel.
So one of the considerations that you might just kind of
came up to reviewing the background, the channel has the side
slope of 3 to 1, so there will be no dredging up to the toe
or the base of sheathing. This means the bottom of the
channel is only about 10 feet wide, so that limits the
traffic considerably because you can't get two boats by
there in that 10 feet. There was discussion about the wake,
we think it's appropriate for the West Lake to post that as
a speed sign of 5 miles per hour, which is standard for that
type of entrance. And as is probably the same volume in the
lake as it always was, with this present reduced
cross-section of the channel this means that the velocity
of the flow in and out of the channel is much greater than
it used to be and would be during the proposed.
Board of Trustees 15 December 20, 2004
During the previous hearing there was considerable
mention made as to the frequency of the dredging. I repeat
again, as we can tell from the files, there was no dredging
since 1988 of the delta and 1986 of the Greenfields, we can
find no record of the maintenance dredging since that time.
A question came up during the previous
hearing as to the concern about the protection of the
bulkhead to either side of the channel, and one thought I
would just like to pass on to you, when the Trustees
approves a project for bulkheading, is it realistic to
expect that the responsibility to maintain that property and
that bulkhead to go with the approval this bulkhead,
especially on the Greenfield side is 20 years old. It's not
very good condition. If that fails, that would impact the
access to West Lake and the channel for about 21 people.
There was also a question that came up several times about
the insurance and the contractor. One of the contractors
that expressed an interest in doing this before is still
interested, and he carries a five million dollar liability
insurance and will post a performance bond as required.
I will give you my notes and also a copy of the
bulkhead to the west side of the Greenfield.
MR. WIGGINS: If I can answer any questions, I will try to
do so.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Can I ask you the name of the contractor
with the five million dollar insurance?
MR. WIGGINS: Yes. Gibson and Cushman.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Where are they from?
MR. WIGGINS: They're up western Suffolk. I don't remember
the exact address. What they propose to do is a small auger
type hydraulic dredge so as not to disrupt the sides, and
they will pump up to the upland site.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: One brief question, before I ask for any
other comments. On this plan you have some dredge material
to replenish the beach to the east; is that approved by the
MR. WIGGINS: No, it's not. That was an area that would
take perhaps the 300 cubic yards of the spoil, if approved
by the DEC. There has been a lot of material lost as you
people pointed out along the bulkhead. We're going to ask
the DEC to approve that. That would take care of that and
the upland site would take care of the whole thing in one
swoop. That's based on the outcome of the Trustees would go
to the DEC. If they turn it down, then we can put
the whole thing on the upland.
Board o f Trustees 16 December 20, 2004
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anybody else who would like to
comment on the application?
MS. GREENFIELD: My name is Marsdel Greenfield. I own the
property adjoining the dredging project. I have that
bulkheading to the west. And first of all, the
clarification, I just had two inspections, one by Fischetti,
the engineer, the structural engineer, and Crowley just did
a repair and my bulkheading is supposed to be in excellent
condition, for the record at this point.
I had submitted to the Board a number of questions,
and you said you would address them. Do you think you could
do that for me now? Would you go down the list or do you
want me to do that?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I'll be happy to do that, I just want to
see if there's any other comment, thank you. Yes, sir.
MR. GUNN: My name is Peter Gunn. I'm a resident at 2145
Little Peconic Bay Lane in Southold, and I live on West
Lake. I would like to, if I may, just read some of what I have
in the form of a letter to the Board.
MR. GUNN: First I would like to thank the Board for once
again hearing the issue before you, namely permission to
hydraulically dredge the entrance channel to the West Lake.
Secondly, I would like to thank the Board for inviting all
the property owners affected by this project to participate
at this meeting, or if their presence is not possible to
write you with their comments and concerns.
Twenty-five registered letters were mailed. It made
no difference if a property owner was 200 feet distant from
the project or at the far north end of the West Lake, you
notified everybody. The common denominator for all of us,
whether we as individuals support or object to this project,
is that we are all property owners in the Town of Southold.
Individually we arrived at differing times and the
expectation of enjoying life in our neighborhood along with
entitlements of ownership. Enjoyment of life in Southold
can be defined in more ways than there are participants in
this permitting process. Some of these enjoyments and
entitlements are in danger of being lost or degraded because
the inlet to West Lake is silting in. Some residents of
West Lake enjoy fishing, clamming, boating crabbing, bird
watching or just the peace and tranquility West Lake has to
To the east and west of West Lake is Midway Pond and
Terry Pond or Terry Waters Pond respectively, both were once
viable, life supporting lakes like ours, and today they are
Board of Trustees 17 December 20, 2004
stagnated, algae covered, devoid of fish life with
abandoned, rotted boat docks at their water's edge. This
degradation has resulted in a substantial financial loss to
everyone's real estate property value and most assuredly
will translate to West Lake property owners if our lake
entrance is allowed to close.
Of the 25 concerned West Lake property owners, ten
have either a private dock or mooring permitted by the Town
of Southold, ail are used to keep a boat. Additionally,
three property owners have moorings on the bay and only use
the lake front dock or mooring when absolutely necessary.
This is because of Iow water and tide restriction when
passing through the bulkheaded inlet. It should be obvious
to the Board that the majority of West Lake property owners
are of common interest and concern.
Historically at all previous public hearings
regarding this project, there are two property owners
objecting to and raising concerns about the project. These
owners are on the east and west side of the inlet, and both
properties have bulkheading at the edge of their property,
and together, these bulkheads define the inlet to West Lake.
In both cases these owners bought their property with the
full knowledge of the inherent risk of maintaining these
bulkheads if they were going to maintain the integrity of
their land. Nobody is more aware of this than Mr. Moy.
Mr. Moy has the property to the east and has his bulkhead on
the east side of the inlet. In 2003, the aging seawall
directly in front of his beach house was washed out by a
nor'easter storm, leaving no protection to his home. He
didn't have a choice, it was fix it or lose it. The earth,
sand and silt washed out in that storm now is located in the
form of a sandbar at the seaward end of the West Lake
entrance channel. You, the Trustees, have a photo of this
The bulkheading along the channel to the east is Iow
and double planked, and it wasn't always that way. Mr. Moy
did this to insure the integrity of his property. I have
met with Mr. Moy and asked what his objection to the
dredging project was. The answer I received was quote,
there was no benefit to him. This is a property owner who
has a brand new dock inside the lake and a mooring on the
bay, the use of which is enjoyed by his children and
grandchildren. May I add that at Iow tide, his dock has no
water under it, and if it were not for the bay mooring he
and his family's enjoyment of water would be greatly
Board of Trustees 18 December 20, 2004
On a late Sunday afternoon in 2003 from his home, Mr.
Zebitz, who is another property owner at West Lake, saw a
swimmer trying to catch up to a boat adrift on Peconic Bay
and realizing how futile the swimmer's efforts were, he ran
to his docked boat on West Lake and took off to rescue the
swimmer and retrieve the boat. He had just docked the boat
at high tide, and so he knew he could get out again. He
rescued an exhausted swimmer and errant boat, and this man
was Mr. Moy's son. I would have to say to Mr. Moy, you have
already received the benefit that you deserve and that is
the benefit of your son's life. And we haven't dredged yet.
On the west side of the channel, Mrs. Greenfield's
property, has a bulkhead that rises in profile to twice the
height of Mr. Moy's. This bulkhead was completely rebuilt
approximately 20 years ago, 1985, to allow the tear-down and
rebuild of the Greenfield home. Mrs. Greenfield has raised
objection to this project from day-one and recorded record
of the Trustees' public meetings and letters she has written
to DEC and Army Corps of Engineers is rife with distortion,
false statement and a subterfuge. All the regulatory
agencies have dismissed these statements and letters, after
all West Lake Association does have a permit to do this
project, the subterfuge is that Mrs. Greenfield's bulkhead
along the channel is in poor repair and has been for the
past 10 years. Repairs and maintaining a bulkhead wall is
costly and just ask Mr. Moy, he knows, Mrs. Greenfield has
known of these repair problems for many years as evidenced
by the pictures in the Trustees possession and by their
personal inspection.
Mrs. Greenfield's subterfuge is she wants to be indemnified
and guaranteed and that nothing negative is going to happen
as a result of dredging to her deteriorating wall, and if it
does, someone other than herself will be forced to pay for
damages. Existing bulkhead deterioration and damages are
clearly due to Mrs. Greenfield's neglect and lack of
repair. Respectfully, Peter Gunn. Thank you.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Thank you. Would anybody else like to
address the Board either in favor or against the
MS. KELLY: My name is Patricia Kelly, and I'm one of the
owners of the empty lot, Number 131. I live in New Jersey,
and we come out and we love our creek front property. I'm a
biology teacher and ecology teacher in Bernfield, New
There's just five small points I want to make. First
of all, I don't understand why two people can affect the
Board of Trustees 19 December 20, 2004
lives of 25 families living on West Lake.
Secondly, West Lake is an estuary, and I know this
whole Peconic region is an estuary, but what's really good
about West Lake is it does a couple of things for us. When
there's a storm, this West Lake, if it remains open, it
provides storm surge protection to all the those bay front
properties. It reduces flooding and it reduces erosion. It
provides a saltwater and freshwater mix runoff from the
upland. So that the estuary is nice and clean for the
crustaceans and the animals and invertebrates that live
inside there.
Most people don't really care about food webs, but
food webs in estuaries are really complex. You guys
understand what I'm talking about, but you got the
phytoplankton and it's eaten by the zoo plankton, then the
small fish, and then plankton dies at the bottom; then you
have the litfie benthic organisms. We used to have oysters
and clams in there like crazy. Then you got the crabs and
the fish and shrimp that come in there, and you even have
blue fishing that used to spawn in there as well as
flounders. So it was highly productive all these years. At
this point, there's a large algae growth. There's mosquitoes
growing in it. What's happening is the oxygen is getting
depleted and it's going to wind up like Terry Waters and
just like that Midway Pond. And you guys know that the
flushing time where the freshwatedsaltwater flushing, it
takes anywhere from three weeks to three months. If that
creek is not left open, we're not going to have any
flushing, and it's going to be dead.
So just from an ecological point of view, I wish
these people would stop arguing about the bulkheads Fix your
own bulkheads, and just keep your estuary open.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI.' Just a short response to that, this Board
issued a permit for the dredging. No one prevented us from
issuing a permit January of 2003. This is a modification of
that permit that's been requested. It's not like someone's
saying that someone can stop us from issuing it. It's
already been issued, this is a modification of that permit
that's already been requested. Ma'am?
MS. SAWlNSKI: My name is Ann Sawinski, 825 West Lake Drive.
I have been spending the last excess of 15 years frequenting
Southold. I don't live out here full time, but I spend a
lot of free time out here in the summers and even the
winters. And I've seen over the last 15 years, how this lake
has been slowly but surely being backfilled, where to take a
small boat out, you have to be dictated by the tides. From
Board of Trustees 20 December 20, 2004
the ecological standpoint and the pleasure standpoint, just
what Mr. Gunn stated and, I sorry, this lady, I just want to
say that I support what's being talked about this
evening. Thank you.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Thank you. Sir?.
MR. CASE: Jerry Case: I also live on West Lake. I have
2,000 SPAT oysters floating off my dock. They've grown from
dime size to at least silver dollar size in the last six
months. They flush 60 gallons of water a piece, keeping the
water clean and clear. If they don't have flow, they're
going to die, and it's important to me for these 2,000
oysters, each of which we named -- I'm not going to go into
that -- to keep those 2,000 oysters alive. So we beg you to
leave that channel open.
MR. MCDONOUGH: My name is Tom McDonough, I live at 765 Cedar
Point Drive. I would just like to speak in support of the
project to dredge the inlet to the lake, and to encourage
the Board to grant the requested permit.
Dredging is necessary if we're going to keep the inlet open.
There are fish, as you heard, shellfish, crab, other creatures in the
lake, and if that tidal flows ceases and the lake closes,
those species are really in jeopardy in that location. If
the lake is allowed to close it will become a stagnant pool
of water prone to have mosquitoes, really of no value to the
people who live around the lake.
Additionally, the people who are there are going to see
their quality of life deteriorate. Boating will be impossible, you'll have a
stagnant pool sitting in front of you, no scenic beauty to
it at all, property values will decline, and I would assume
over time perhaps assessed valuation will also go down. I
can't see anybody who wants all this to happen, so I would
encourage you to grant the permit as requested.
MR. DICKERSON: I'm Howard Dickerson. I have lived in that
area all my life, and I've been in and out of that creek
since I was a little kid. I'm not speaking for or against
that project because I don't have any property on there
right now. Just listening to things here tonight, I would
imagine it would be natural for anyone who has a bulkhead to
be concerned about whether it might be damaged by dredging;
but at the same time, if the bulkhead was put in there under
codes knowing there was a channel there, it should have been
built so as to withstand any normal processes. So I would
think that the issue of damage to the bulkhead should simply
be a matter of making sure that no mistakes are made in the
Board of Trustees 21 December 20, 2004
This is only dredged to three and-a-half feet. It's
not like you're dredging to six or eight feet for a deep
channel. So there shouldn't be any issue of a deep channel
problem undermining the bulkheads.
I looked at both of those bulkheads, and there is a
particularly bad section of bulkhead, which is not the
Greenfield's bulkhead which I think they mentioned in their
list which is on someone else's property. So it's possible
that some of the people looking at the really bad looking
bulkhead, assuming it's the Greenfield's, and is part of the
protection of the channel is looking at a bad piece that
really is not the Greenfield's bulkhead, but really is a
remnant of an older bulkhead that was not taken out, and
it's not even on their property. Their bulkhead is not
perfect, and I've seen lots of worse bulkheads around there,
and they have had some repair done on it this fall, and, in
fact, it's probably in better shape just looking at it than
the bulkhead across from it.
The last thing I had to say was that three and-a-half
feet is not asking for a deep channel, and I've been in and
out of that since I was a little kid, and I don't think it's
ever been deeper than three or four feet, and I don't see
that being a possibility of that silting up and closing
because what seems to happen is it gets shallower and then
the currents get faster and scours it a little more. It
seems more like the issue really should be focused on not
that it's going to be an ecological disaster of whether it's
going to close, but realistically it's whether you can get
boats in and out of there. Say only one bulkhead was there
for many years and before that there was no bulkheads, the
dredging is not what has kept that open for hundreds and
hundreds of years. It's a moderately sized creek that a
little bit of dredging could keep the boats going in and out
of it. But let's not scare people that it's going to silt
up like some of those little ponds would.
TRUSTEE KING: Just a question, how wide was that before the
bulkhead was in place?
MR. DICKERSON: Since I was a kid I think there's always
been one bulkhead, whereby the Moy's. I don't have very
clear memories, but that's always been a tiny little
channel, in fact, I heard somebody say they wanted to get
two boats side by side, that channel has never been
something that you could get two boats by side by side,
unless right after a previous dredging. It was always a
kind of place where you go in and out at high tide or else
Board of Trustees 22 December 20, 2004
with and canoes. A little stability seems to be perfectly
called for, but let's not try to turn it into a bigger
channel that it ever was. It's not like Corey Creek or one
of those. It's a small inlet.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Anybody else?
MR. ZEVITZ: My name is Mike Zevitz. I'm a property owner
on that creek also. I'm here with my brother Joe Zevitz, my
brother, Bob Zevitz, we have allowed the plan to go through
to have the spoils put on our property. I am not going to
repeat the words of everyone who has already spoken, but we
are firmly in favor of this particular dredging because we
too are concerned about the marine life. I'm 43 years old
and I've been here for 43 years old years and I've been down
that creek also, and I recall it being deep. And I don't
recall ever seeing it unbulkheaded on either side, but I
mean my memory might fail me also. All I wanted to say was
we're strongly behind this plan, we hope you approve it.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Anybody else?
MS. GREENFIELD: I want to thank Howard Dickerson for
clarifying that channel. Also I'd like to make some
corrections. I think there's some misunderstanding about
the condition of my bulkheading, number one; and number two,
there was a misunderstanding about why I originally
replaced the bulkheading in 1986, it was as a result of
losing my bulkheading during the previous year's hurricane.
That was the reason I had to re-do my bulkheading. It was
completely washed-out in front, and I can give you the name
of the contractor who did the original work, and he will
give you any records you want to provide you with the proper
Number 2, please take the names of these four
engineers -- lan Crowley just did a major repair for me. I
think Mr. Gunn and others around the lake saw it happen.
Number 2, Mr. Joseph Fischetti, the structural engineer came
and examined my bulkheading and said it was structurally
sound, and I can get you a letter to confirm this. And
Mr. Stanley Isaackson from New Suffolk, another engineer,
was on my property examining it and also attested to the
fact that it is structurally sound; is that sufficient? I
think it is.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Did you submit that information for the
MS. GREENFIELD: No, I didn't, it never came up. And just
to confirm I am not looking for anybody to subsidize me in
Board of Trustees 23 December 20, 2004
maintaining my bulkheading. What I requested is done all
the time. When your property is in danger in the process of
other construction, you should have a bond and that's all
I'm asking for.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That was written into the current permit
issued in January 22, 2003. The current permit states that
post the bond to show proof of insurance to protect the
property owners must be submitted before permit will be
released. That was something that was written in the
previous permit, and something I believe the applicant has
said that current contractor has insurance to provide that
MS. GREENFIELD: And I requested that it's par for the
course that my name has to be on the insurance policy
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We're not familiar with that course. I
don't know. I never play that course, i'm going to defer
to the Town attorney on that one.
TOWN ATTY. FINNEGAN: We can put that the Town of Southold
is the named insured, but I don't think we can require that
you be the named insured.
MS. GREENFIELD: I'd like to discuss that with you again,
TOWN ATTY. FINNEGAN: You have to discuss it with the
applicant. It's not something that the Town can require.
The Town is not going to require that you be named as an
additional insured.
MS. GREENFIELD: Not additionally, but that my name be on
the policy. I've spoken to engineers who have said and
construction people who have done that in their projects, my
next door neighbor, the Hollises.
TOWN ATTY. FINNEGAN: I don't know if the applicant wants to
speak to that. I don't know that we would make that a
condition of the permit. I don't think we have the
authority to.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh As far as your other concerns that your
property would be off limits, we can only issue a permit
that would cover the scope of the project, if someone went
on your property it would be trespassing; it would be like
us saying you can't go there tonight. If we issue it would
be like the previous permits we have issued in the past that
wouldn't give anyone permission to go on your property for
any reason.
MS. GREENFIELD: How can I --
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We can't give them permission to go on
your property.
Board of Trustees 24 December 20, 2004
MS. GREENFIELD: If they don't have permission, then they
can't go on the property.
MS. GREENFIELD: Because I'm not providing that. Well I
think the gentleman who spoke earlier assured us that this
process would not impinge on anybody's property. Would you
explain that, please?
MR. WIGGINS: Yes. The project as written and modified
there's no need to go on Mrs. Greenfield's property.
Everything is going to be done from the channel and also
involves the West Lake and the entrance from the bay and
also the upland property for the site inspection. And just
repeat, you know that the records show that channel was
dredged in front of her property down to minus five feet.
We're not doing vertical. We're only doing a three to one
slope starting at the surface at the bulkhead on both sides,
that's why it's narrowed down to ten feet, and that's why I
pointed out that's only room for one boat to go back and
And I have never heard of trying to name somebody as
insurance on this, but the contractor will have required
insurance and he will also post a bond, performance bond if
it's required.
I think I mentioned that repairs were recently made,
I didn't find any record for a permit in your file for
that, because I asked about it. I heard that.
MS. GREENFIELD: I think, Al Krupski, could you explain that,
please, Al? Since the work was done on my property, it was
reinforcing the sheathing that did not require a new
permit. It went on my original permit.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Correct. It was a maintenance type of
MR. WIGGINS: There was observations to the contrary.
MS. GREENFIELD: Nothing went on except inside just to
reinforce the existing.
MR. WIGGINS: Which kind of adds to our concern if the
repairs were needed that means the bulkhead needed some
repairs or it wouldn't have had to have been done.
MS. GREENFIELD: It's just reinforcing the existing inside.
What happens is, it was explained that the marine bora
attacks the kind of sheathing that is outside, that has the
water coming and then retreating, and it was explained that
there are holes. So the proper way to repair it was to do
the sheathing within my own property and leaving the
existing bulkheading as it was, but just reinforcing it
from the inside. I can get you all this information, if you
Board of Trustees 25 December 20, 2004
like. I spoke to Mr. Krupski before about that and that was
acceptable based upon my original permit.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone else that has not spoken
that would like to speak?
MR. ANDERSON: Bruce Anderson, just quickly, I don't know if
anyone has raised the point, but we're talking about
dredging that inlet, and I've been involved in similar
projects and quite often there's a benefit of doing that and
bringing a regular exchange of water that will tend to
reduce your chloroform levels. It will tend to benefit both
fish and shellfish. There is a navigability issue in and
out, I understand all that, but in case no one's raised that
point, there are very good reasons for maintaining adequate
depths of the mouth of any creek for ecological reason and
reasons for maintaining water quality. We see a lot of
these creeks get silted up. We see a lot of stagnant water;
as a result, poor oxygen levels, high chloroform levels,
degraded habitat for fin fish and shellfish so keep that in
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Thank you. Just briefly, please.
MR. GUNN: Mrs. Greenfield has stated to the Board that she
has had it checked by engineers and that it is in excellent
condition, is that right Mrs. Greenfield?
MS. GREENFIELD: I said it's structurally sound.
MR. GUNN: Okay, the Board has before it, blown-up pictures
of the condition of that wall and the Board went down there
on a field trip to actually look at the condition because we
have so notated the condition of that wall on our permit
MR. GUNN: I would like to hear from the Board what they
think the condition of that wall is.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: For the record, df the applicant states
that they have had an engineer certified that it's
structurally sound, I'm not an engineer so I couldn't say
whether that's true or not, for the record. We have seen
it. We have been down there actually numerous times over
the years. If the applicant states that it's structurally
sound, I would assume that a normal maintenance dredging in
there couldn't have any impact on it.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: This is for Mrs. Greenfield, did you get an
engineer's report from any of the people that certified this
bulkhead, did you get anything in writing stating so?
MS. GREENFIELD: No, but I can.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think that's fine for the record because
like I said, if it's structurally sound, then a normal
Board of Trustees 26 December 20, 2004
dredging operation, unless they drive the dredge through
your house or something, it shouldn't impact a structurally
sound bulkhead; it shouldn't impact anyone's bulkhead. It
should just be a maintenance operation.
MR. GUNN: If you do a re-sheathing job or doubling the
planking, that does not require a permit?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: If you have a current permit, it would be
under maintenance.
MR. GUNN: This bulkhead was put up 20 years ago, gentlemen.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: In the file, I see permit was granted to
dredge in 1987, and wall was built in '85. I would assume
that permits would have been issued to build that.
MR. GUNN: That's correct, but to re-sheath it?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would be considered maintenance. If it's
going to be reconstructed it could or couldn't require a
permit depending, but in this case, just re-sheathing on the
landward side would be maintenance.
Just for the sake of moving this along, here, I think
we have addressed a lot of the issues that have been brought
up. One of the other issues brought up by Mrs. Greenfield
was the automatic three times in 10 year
request -- the original permit that was issued in January of
2003 was to dredge three feet below water maintenance dredge
with the same conditions as necessary, maximum three
additional times during the next 10 years. That's really a
pretty standard condition on a maintenance dredging
operation. In the event of a storm that would wash a lot of
material in, that gives the association the ability to go in
without having to get the permits again and maintain the
channel. So that's a pretty normal request. It's a pretty
normal condition on any dredging permit. Obviously it's an
expensive procedure, and they're not going to do this
frivolously if they have to pay for it. Does the Board have
any comments?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I have a question.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. And on the 2000 permit that
expired, the resolution was the applicant shall provide
bonding for the replacement of the adjacent bulkheads plus
ten pement and to name the town on the general liability
insurance policy as defined in Chapter 97-28. The code has
changed since then. What does the new code say?
TOWN ATTY. FINNEGAN: 97-24E allows you to require
performance guarantee to insure the operations are
constructed in compliance with the permit. And then 97-24F
says that the applicant shall provide proof of insurance
with the Town Clerk's office, I believe, before the permit
Board of Trustees 27 December 20, 2004
is issued.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The only other issue I can see here -- and
I'm familiar with this from previous dredging applications
from 1987 -- is there's that little bulkhead that comes in
on the west side that comes in from the lake, and on
previous permits we've asked that that bulkheading be
removed and other structures be removed and that was cleared
up to us that the boat ramp and dock that we asked to be
removed on previous permits was not on Town property, it was
actually on private property. So we understand we can't
request that the West Lake remove something on private
property, it's understandable. However, that little
bulkhead I would still like to see it removed, that little
retaining wall that juts out onto Town property into West
Lake as part of the operation.
MR. WIGGINS: I would like to respond to that, that little
bulkhead as we discussed at the site visit that you thought
it would be okay to replace that as long as it was not
higher than the iow bulkhead on the east side, and I think
that's probably important to keep that material from
drifting into the channel. And that bulkhead is in pretty
poor shape. I think it would be advantageous to the
maintenance of the channel to replace that with
approximately the same height as it is now, I can't see any
benefits to remove it. That's considered on West Lake and
Town property.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The entire bulkhead would be replaced,
now, would you like that included in the permit, to maintain
that? Could you come up and clarify that on this picture?
We met you, for the record, there is the 9/16/04 field
inspection, we're discussing this bulkhead. We're going to
reduce it in height the entire length to match that?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKi: Is that acceptable?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I just had a couple of questions.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. Are we sure on this bulkhead?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I remember that discussion, yes. But the
only question I have is, don't we have an existing permit in
place at this time?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Was this not an amendment to that permit
just to change a spoil site; wasn't that what this
application was?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There's also the spoil site and the
geotube, they never actually got this permit. They were
working on the 2000 permit.
Board of Trustees 28 December 20, 2004
MR. WIGGINS: To answer this, the permits are in place
including DEC and Corps of Engineers, and we kind of gave
you people the option to amend that existing permit to take
care of the upland spoil area and the bulkhead and the
private property, unless you feel that it changes so much
you have to issue a new one.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I was under the impression that that's what
this was about, to amend the existing permit to change the
location of the spoil site which clearly states to be
hydraulically dredged and filled in which case it would
automatically assumed -- of course, you should mention I,t
that you're not using the geotubes out on the beach -- and
that's what I thought this was all about. Now we're
involved in this whole new application.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It's a rehash of the old information.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: We already gave them a permit to dredge,
it's going to happen. All we should be talking about is
where we're going to put the spoils. I mean that's what I'm
getting out of this, because it's been some time, this has
been going on for years.
MS. GREENFIELD: One of the questions I submitted was,
exactly what you're saying now, how does this plan currently
differ from the original one on which the permit was
originally granted? For example, Joe Edgar who was the
original contractor took us through and showed us where that
Iow slung dilapidated bulkheading, illegal, was put in by
one of the local loam people to make that channel, I guess
extend it, he promised, he came up with a plan that was
accepted originally that was very attractive. It included
some natural plantings to maintain the existing sand and
keep it like a wetlands, which it is. And that was my
question that I thought you were going to help determine, is
that still part of the new plan? I don't see it on the map,
and perhaps I'm not reading it correctly.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh That is one of the changes. The original
permit that was issued called for the removal of an old
TRUSTEE FOSTER: We determined it wasn't on --
MR. WIGGINS: Could I help clarify that? The wetlands and
the planning, that was part of the delta dredging.
MR. WIGGINS: It was not part of the recent permit that was
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That was for a more extensive dredging
MS. GREENFIELD: So it is different from the original
Board of Trustees 29 December 20, 2004
MS. GREENFIELD: Could you explain other differences?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh The spoil site is different. Instead of
placing it in front of Mr. Moy's property, the spoils will
be placed on Lot 131, Little Peconic Bay Lane, it's up the
road to the west, on the lake.
MS. GREENFIELD: It's on the lake? That was part of my
question. What could be the effect if the spoils are put on
the lake, will it not return to the lake?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, there's a plan to have the lot
diked up to prevent the sand from re-entering.
MS. GREENFIELD: What will prevent it?
MS. GREENFIELD: So that's also a difference from the
original plan?
MS. GREENFIELD: So this isn't the original plan from which
they got their permit originally.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It depends on what you call the original
plan or whether you call it maintenance dredge, the
details of where the spoils site has changed and the scope
of the project is smaller. The dredging is smaller and the
spoil site is moved.
MS. GREENFIELD: The other question I requested is if the
contractor or the people in charge of the project would
afford us the courtesy of giving us a walk-through to
clarify exactly what will happen. Can we request that?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You could request that from the
association. I don't think you can request it from the
Town. I don't know of any contractor. I don't know who
they're going to hire, or who you're going to hire. It
would be inappropriate of me to request that.
MR. PROCOP: My name is Tom Procop. I also live on West
Lake. Any member of West Lake Association who is involved
in this project, good, upstanding member, somebody who also
participates in other things we do like maintaining our own
private roads and whatever, would fully know the scope of
this plan. Any time you want to come to a meeting, or join,
pay some dues, participate in the association, we'd be happy
to let you know.
MS. GREENFIELD: I am very disappointed. I feel that my
responsibility is to maintain the bulkheading, and I think
it was in one of our past meetings where you made it very
clear that without Mr. Moy and without my bulkheading, there
would be no lake. And I think as a courtesy, I would expect
Board of Trustees 30 December 20, 2004
them to afford me the information because I am directly
involved and I would expect that courtesy, thank you.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. It's all public record, the
whole application has been public record. If there's no
further comment I'll move to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to approve the
application with the condition that - we're trying to work
out the details of issuing the personal guarantee, which
would be the bond and the liability insurance that the Town
would hold. We've made a motion and accepted the motion to
approve the application with the details, the physical
details of the dredging, the spoil site and the Iow profile
jetty to be maintained inside, and to be maintained as a Iow
profile jetty on the inside, west side of the inlet. We're
going to withhold decision on the liability insurance. It
will be a condition, but we want to make sure the details
are right, and we don't want to spend another half hour
tonight trying to work out those details, because other
people are waiting. The details will be available by the
end of the week about the bond and any liability insurance,
those are the two other items. Thank you for your comments.
9. Catherine Mesiano on behalf of HERIBERT ORTH
requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 45' by 60'
two-story frame dwelling, 24' by 24' garage and 8' by 10'
breezeway, pervious driveway and on-site sewage disposal
system. Clear and maintain a 4' wide pervious path to
proposed dock, and construct a 4' by 45' timber dock with
steps to grade. Located: 640 Willis Creek Drive,
Mattituck. SCTM#115-17-17.12
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak on
behalf of the application?
MS. MESlANO: Catherine Mesiano on behalf of the application.
I believe the application is pretty straightforward, if you
have any questions, I'd be happy to address them.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI.' Would anyone else like to address the
Board on this application? Before we get into the
resolution, I have a question on the dock location. We had
a concern from the neighbor. Is it possible, because
there's a number of docks on the west side of that little
gutter there, is it possible for the applicant to locate the
dock to the north side of the property instead, I think it
Board of Trustees 31 December 20, 2004
would move it away from the other docks?
MS. MESiANO: Let me review this for a minute. I see no
reason why it couldn't be. It's a minimal structure. We're
not proposing a float, we just want to be able to access the
water to some degree.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It was not the size of the structure, it's
just the location. There's a very busy spot, in fact,
there's a lot of lines they're not showing here, across the
water, directly across from the dock. If the dock were
moved to the north side of the property,
MS. MESlANO: I see no reason why we couldn't do that.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Southold that the application of Heribert Orth, more
fully described in the Public Hearing Item 9 of the Trustee
agenda dated December 20, 2004 is pursuant to the SEQRA
rules and regulations classified as an Unlisted Action.
Further resolved that the applicant is waived to submit the
Part I of the Long Environmental Assessment Form. And it's
a motion, is there a second?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: If there's no other comment on this
application, on the dock or on the house, I will make a
motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Then I'll make a motion to approve the
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh The application shows roof drains and hay
bales. CAC comments, CAC tabled the application because the
property wasn't staked, trees above four inch diameter to be
removed should be labeled, any question whether or not the
dock exceeds one-third width the creek, that would be in the
permit as far as requirement that the dock -- as it is now,
we thought that the dock and boat on it would not
exceed more than one-third of the way across, and that would
be, of course, a condition on the permit. So I would put
that as a condition of the resolution that the dock with the
boat would not exceed more than one-third of the way across
the waterway. And the dock be relocated to the north end of
the property 15 feet off the property line.
MS. MESIANO: 15 feet or at least 15 feet off the property?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh At least 15 feet offthe property line.
MS. MESlANO: I just didn't want to be locked in
Board of Trustees 32 December 20, 2004
because the depths do vary a little bit when you go to the
north of that one dock on the opposite side so we have a
little latitude.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there a second?
10. Charles Cuddy, Esq. on behalf of LEONARD M.
SESSA requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct a 4' by 38'
timber dock and replacement of existing piles
in-kind/in-place. Located: 1525 Naugles Drive, Mattituck.
MR. CUDDY: Good afternoon, Charles Cuddy for the
applicant. This is a dock that needs to be repaired that's
located in Mattituck Inlet. And as the notice says what we want
to do is replace seven piles and we want to reconstruct part
of the dock, it's 4' by 38' in length. We have an approval
from the DEC. We have approval from the Army Corps and we
have approval from the Department of State, and we would ask
your approval.
TRUSTEE KING: Before we get into it, I would like to read
this resolution: Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Southold hereby finds that the application of
Leonard M. Sessa more fully described in the Public Hearing
Item 10 on the Trustee agenda dated Monday, December 20,
2004 is classified as a Type II Action pursuant to SEQRA
rules and regulations and not subject to a review under
MS. TETRAULT: Because it's rebuilt in-kind it comes under
Type II.
MR. CUDDY: I was just outlining what the application was.
TRUSTEE KING: You said you do have a DEC permit on this
MR. CUDDY: We do. We have an Army Corps and we have a
Department of State.
MS. TETRAULT: I just want to remind the Board that on this
one there's a shed sitting on the marsh that had been built
years ago for some storage and built without a permit, and
also there was a floating dock sitting in the marsh, and you
said you wanted that removed.
TRUSTEE KING: We talked about that the field, the
dilapidated shed in the wetlands.
MR. CUDDY: That's been there a long time.
TRUSTEE KING: I know. We'd like to see it removed out of
Board of Trustees 33 December 20, 2004
the wetlands. It never should have been built there to
begin with. I don't think it was ever permitted.
MR. CUDDY: The shed as far as I know has been there for
probably 30 years or more. I know personally it's been
there for more than 20 years. I know that from the prior
owner it was there for 30 years.
TRUSTEE KING: That was built somewhere in the '7Os. It was
one of the lobster dealers built that down them and had
lobster tanks down there.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It would be an improvement to put that
TRUSTEE KING: If they could move that into the upland area,
that would be much better. It's a nice wetland in there.
If it were cleaned up, it could really come back.
MR. CUDDY: I think they could move it back, yes.
TRUSTEE KING: That would be acceptable, and just a derelict
float that could be removed because it serves no purpose.
Other than that it's strictly a replacement of what was
there. Are there any other comments on this project,
anybody else? If there's no other comments, I'll make a
motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to approve the application
with the stipulation that the shed be moved landward to the
higher ground out of the wetlands, and the derelict float to
be removed.
TRUSTEE KING: Just get the wetlands cleaned up, there's a
lot of debris in there that really could be cleaned up.
There's a definite break where you step down, so long as
it's landward of that break. All in favor?. ALL AYES
11. Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of STEPHEN
HAWKES WITH POA FOR JANE COOKE requests a Wetland Permit to
construct a 271 linear foot of bulkhead within 18 inches of
the existing structure, rebuilding in-place, the steps from
the top of the bulkhead to the beach. Place approximately
450 cubic yards of clean fill from an upland source as
backfill. Located: 10025Nassau Point Road,
Cutchogue. SCTM#119-1-11.12 & 13
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I will read the resolution: Resolve
that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby
finds that the application of Stephen Hawkes with POA for
Jane Cooke more fully described in the Public Hearing Item
11 of the Trustee agenda dated Monday, December 20, 2004 is
Board of Trustees 34 December 20, 2004
clarified as a Type II Action pursuant to SEQRA and is not
subject to review under SEQRA. That is the motion. Do I
have a second?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Anyone here to speak on behalf of this
MR. COSTELLO: My name is John Costelli from Costello Marine
Contracting. We're the agents for Steven Hawkes, who is the
power of attorney for Jane Cooke. If the Board has any
questions in regards to it, this bulkhead is approximately
40 years old and was constructed as creosote and it's going
to be rebuilt out of C-Loc and immediately in front of the
existing wall after taking the pilings off to minimize the
expanse out towards the bay. Any questions the Board may
have, I'll attempt to answer them.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Thank you. Is there anybody else who
would like to speak? I looked at this and it's definitely
in need of replacement. Any Board questions?
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: CAC recommended approval of the
application with the condition the bulkhead is replaced
in-place or landward of existing. The top of the bluff is
replanted, and all trees that were recently removed should
be replaced. Were there trees removed?
MR. COSTELLO: There's a few pine trees on the slope, which
are sliding down the slope presently because of the loss of
fill, and I certainly wouldn't recommend, myself, I wouldn't
recommend planting pines on the cliff because of windage.
They just loosen the soil, and as you probably have observed
the soil is extremely sandy and will slide, and the whole
part of the cliff sliding now.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there planting?
MR. COSTELLO: I wouldn't plant trees, but I put the beach
grass down on the bottomed to try to stabilize as much of the
cliff. Whether they will spend the money to terrace and
plant up the cliff, I'm not so sure. I think if you
stabilize the toe, you will see some vegetation naturally
take place.
MR. ANDERSON: I have a question. The CAC seems to be
saying you have to remove the bulkhead in its entirety, that
would make a real mess.
MR. COSTELLO: That's their recommendations.
MR. ANDERSON: That's a bad idea.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Or landward of existing.
MR. ANDERSON: No. You have to do it the way he says to do
Board of Trustees 35 December 20, 2004
it. If you do it any other way, you're going to make a
MR. COSTELLO: If you did it landward, the existing bulkhead
would deteriorate, and it would be scattered around the bay,
you certainly don't want that. If you remove that bulkhead,
you would have probably three or four times the necessary
fill brought into the site because one easterly storm, the
owner will have a little claim.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: The slope disappearing because of the
condition of the bulkhead?
MR. COSTELLO: There have been holes in the bulkhead that
have been patched with plywood, probably 250 or 300 yards
have been lost through the bulkhead already.
TRUSTEE KING: Is it bulkheaded on both sides of this
TRUSTEE KING: Are they all in line with each other?
didn't look.
MR. COSTELLO: No. The one to the south is considerably
newer, but it is in not very good shape. It's entirely CCA.
This bulkhead was built about 40 years ago, and I had a
little bit to do with it, and it's all creosote, and it's
lower elevation. The one to the south is higher in
elevation. The water and tide is hitting it each afternoon,
and the one to the north is of creosote, and it's a little
bit better shape because there is more beach in front of it
for protection.
protection. It's just age, like myself.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Do they have a problem with including in
the plan replanting of the beach grass?
MR. COSTELLO: No. They're almost going to have to because
only on a severe easterly storm they will have oversplash
and they will lose unless they buffer 15 feet or so with
beach grass.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Should say it on the plan. It's not a big
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Do we require a new plan?
MR. COSTELLO: If you make it a condition of the permit.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh It should be.
MR. COSTELLO: It's been recommended to them and they
anticipate it anyways.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Any other comments? Doris?
MS. MACGREEVEY: The only comment is the top of the bluff
should have plantings on it.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I don't know that the top of the bluff
Board of Trustees 36 December 20, 2004
was planted. It's very barren.
MR. COSTELLO: The whole bluff had vegetation whether weeds,
small pines it did, where the holes have been created by the
loss of fill, then the slumping of the cliff this loss of
vegetation has occurred in certain areas, particularly near
the stairway. I think when you stabilize the toe, you will
see the vegetation start backing up. But how much they're
going to plant, I'm sure that they want to save the property
more than anyone here.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Any other comments from the public, from
the Board? I'll make a motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve the
Wetland Permit to construct 271 linear feet of bulkhead
within 18 inches of the existing structure, rebuilding
in-place the steps from the top of the bulkhead to the
beach. Replace approximately 450 cubic yards of clean fill
from an upland source with the condition that replanting of
the beach grass be done all along the toe.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You should come in and just mark up the
original plan with like a line for beach grass, you could do
it now.
12. Patricia C. Moore on behalf of MARY DEGREGORIO
requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4' by 58' fixed
timber dock, a 3' by 16' ramp, and a 6' by 20' floating
dock. Located: 100 Oak Street, Cutchogue.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh At the last hearing we had discussions
about a pier line. Miss Moore was going to get us some more
information about that pier line and she has?
MS. MOORE: No. What I was going to do was go research some
of the other docks in the area, and find the lengths of
those docks. What I found in the files are 89 permits that
the length varied, the longer one by Cusamano was 61 feet,
and some shorter ones were in the 40 feet range. And the
problem with all the permits was at the time nobody asked
for the depth to mean high water -- I mean Iow water, the
depth of the float. So all that information was absolutely
useless to us because the length of the dock was not as
crucial to us as having the adequate water depth at the
location of the float. So, I spoke to the client. We will
try to reduce the length of the dock, or actually we have
different options. You didn't tell me where you wanted the
Board o f Trustees 37 December 20, 2004
timber dock. We have the ramp, and obviously the float
stays at the end of the ramp. But we weren't exactly sure
where you were putting us or where you were stopping
us. Once we get it from you, we have to go to the DEC and
convince them that the water depth is adequate.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh ~ think we're looking at the existing pier
MS. MOORE: The water line there is less than two, I think
that might be a problem. I know that would be a problem,
put it that way.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh That would be the pier line they could
work within those parameters. What most people do in that
case is they put out a dock with steps or stairs, then they
have access.
MS. MOORE: FII give to you Cusamano's dock which shows
length of a dock 61 feet out to the water. The problem that
we have are the two docks that are on either side of those,
the Cusamano actually, the one that you're looking at on the
east is this one here, that looks to be in the right of way,
however Cusamano has her own dock that goes out about 61
feet. So when my client goes out and looks out -- I hate to
push it back as far as you proposed because it really
doesn't give a very useful structure. So, I'll give this to
you for your records, it's in your files.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You propose TO table that?
TOWN ATTY. FINNEGAN: I'll table it because I don't want to
pursue something that's not going to be useful. We imagined
pushing it back to three feet. We're right now at four
feet. We could push back to three feet or even two
and-a-half, but what you're suggesting is at one and-a-half
feet, and that's not consistent with the rest of the docks
in the area.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh That's what the one, the Guttinger here --
MS. MOORE: But Guttinger has the depth of the water it looks
to be at least two, maybe a little more. You should be
looking at water depth, not the distance.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We can't because --
TOWN ATTY. FINNEGAN: The combination of the two but
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh No, because if someone says my boat draw
six feet.
MS. MOORE: We're not asking for a large boat.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The next person might.
MS. MOORE: I would ask you to take a look at the aerial in
your files, and look at the Cusamano dock because when I
added up the length it was at least 61 feet where it goes
Board of Trustees 38 December 20, 2004
out. And that's the consistent, anywhere from 40 to 60 is
the length of the docks that go out. Keeping in mind that
you have the timber bulkhead, the property, my client's
property is further out, and you have a cove there. So to
measure from someone who is back on a cove is not a
comparable measure. So that creates a real difficulty.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I'll make a motion to table the
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Heather, could you find an aerial of that
couple going back a few years, historical reference on
13. Patricia Moore on behalf of GEOFFROY PENNY
requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct the existing 232'
bulkhead in-place with plastic interlocking sheathing, and
matching the existing elevation. Located: 570 Mason Drive,
Cutchogue. SCTM#104-7-2
TRUSTEE KING: There's a resolution on this. Resolve that
the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby finds
that the application of Geoffroy Penny more fully described
in Public Hearing Item 13 of the Trustee agenda dated
Monday, December 20, 2004 is classified as a Type II Action
pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations and is not subject
to review under SEQRA. Do I have a second?
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE KING: Anyone here to speak on behalf of this
MS. MOORE: I'm here on behalf of Mr. Penny. I thought he
might be here tonight but with a Monday calendar he is not
able to be here. Was there a question?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh I'm going to recuse myself on this one,
and I didn't remember that until I got to the site then
there was other discussions about it.
TRUSTEE KING: Let me read the CAC comments. Resolve to
recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees approval
with the condition of the Wetland Permit application of
Geoffroy Penny to reconstruct existing 232 foot bulkhead
in-place with plastic interlock sheathing and matching
existing elevation. CAC recommends approval of the
application with the condition no treated lumber is used,
and a 30 foot non-tur[' buffer is installed landward of the
Board of Trustees 39 December 20, 2004
bulkhead. What we were looking at in the field I think would
make a nicer looking job, a better job, the two returns,
Pat --
MS. TETRAULT: He was glad that he was going to get them,
but he was going to get them in a different place than
TRUSTEE KING: Where the return shows now it's a 90 degree
angle, if you backed it up to the second pole on the
bulkhead and came into the 45 like this on both sides, it
just gives it a much more natural appearance, and it will
give a little more fringe.
MS. TETRAULT: Keeps the spartina free to grow.
TRUSTEE KING: It kind of flows.
MS. MOORE: I don't see a problem with it. My problem right
now is the DEC. When they took this plan what they came
back with it was so unacceptable I guess is the
answer. They had marine habitat that took a look at this,
and they didn't want us to replace the sheathing. They
didn't want us to put piles -- they wanted us essentially to
build it on the inside rather than replacement in-kind, and
that's going to create a real problem. Certainly we can go
with this application as approved by this Board with that
modification, that's a very minor modification, but it would
be helpful to have your support with the DEC because marine
habitat, they obviously haven't built bulkheading before
because the suggestions when I talked to the builder, he
said it's impossible, you'd eliminate the whole boat basin.
TRUSTEE KING: They want to come inside the existing
MS. MOORE: They're suggesting the old bulkhead could be cut
down to the mud line, and a new structure installed on the
seaward side, which is designated as coastal shoal littoral
zone. Batter piles would be placed for support, but no new
tie rods or dead men will be allowed in the vegetated tidal
wetlands. It's just not going to work. It didn't make any
sense when I got this. In fact, this is from Karen
Westerland. I have a call into the DEC.
TRUSTEE KING: Who went out and looked at it?
MS. MOORE: I don't know. I thought maybe Chris Arvisson
had gone out, because he's usually the guy that goes out and
looks for it. I mean, we're limiting the dead men that
we're using, we're going to reuse the ones we have. And
that's how it's been designed, to try to limit the amount of
activity there any way. So this didn't make any sense to
TRUSTEE KING: I don't know what to say.
Board of Trustees 40 December 20, 2004
MS. MOORE: Anything you guys can do to get the DEC on the
same page, we'd appreciate it. We can either take this
permit, or we can leave the hearing open based on meeting in
the field. I'd like to try to set up the meeting with Chris
Arvisson if somebody from your Board could be present.
TRUSTEE KING: We can do that. We can set up a meeting.
I'll make sure I can get there.
MS. MOORE: Thank you. If you know of any times when
they're coming out, let me know. I have a call into them
and they haven't returned my call yet. So, I just got the
December 13th.
TRUSTEE KING: I'm tentatively supposed to meet with Chris
in Mattituck. I don't know if he'd be coming out this way
or not.
MS. TETRAULT: Also let Miss Moore know that the Trustees
wanted to see a buffer to the water there because it existed
TRUSTEE KING: When they put the sod in there was a nice
sand buffer.
MS. MOORE: That was a volleyball court.
TRUSTEE KING: It was a nice buffer. It was a nice
non-vegetated buffer and they sodded right over it. We'd
like to see some sort of non-turf buffer. I'll make a motion
to table this.
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
14. Michael J. Scholz on behalf of ANTHONY & NICOLE
SPIRADAKIS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a
single-family dwelling with a garage. Located: 8915
Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM 59-6-27.3.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Resolve that the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Southold hereby finds that the application of
Anthony and Nicole Spiridakis more fully described in the
Public Hearing Item 14 of the Trustee agenda dated Monday,
December 20, 2004 is classified as a Type II Action pursuant
to SEQRA rules and regulations and is not subject to review
under SEQRA.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: You would like to speak, sir, about this
MR. NASTASI: Yes. My name is John Nastasi, I'm the
architect of record for this project. I have an updated
site plan that I need to submit with slight modifications.
This reflects as the property is currently staked.
Board of Trustees 41 December 20, 2004
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Do you have an authorization form to
represent the owner?.
MR. NASTASI: I do not.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Then you cannot speak on behalf of the
owner. Michael J. Scholz can.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You can comment. Just not the official
MR. NASTASI: I just wanted to submit the updated site plan.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: How does it differ from the original?
MR. NASTASh What happened was when I visited the site a week
ago, I thought there was an error in the way the property
was staked, and I met with the surveyor, Ehlers, and the
owner, and we clarified the actual setbacks so the numbers
of the setback is slightly different than what it originally
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I noticed that. There's no structural
changes on anything?
MR. NASTASI: No. It's the same exact house it's just the
way it's staked on the property.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Our setback for a septic system is 100
feet and we try to setback for the house if possible could
be 75 with a 50 foot nondisturbance buffer around the entire
property, which you have on the original submission. It
seems like you have plenty of room.
MR. NASTASh The septic has to be revised?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The whole thing could go to the east or in
this case north. We want a 50 foot nondisturbance buffer
from the wetlands all the way around and dry wells for roof
runoff for the house, backwash dry wells for the swimming
pool. We can approve that tonight based on those changes.
MR. NASTASh Then I'll have the owners resubmit?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. Just send it to our office and
we'll check the changes and the permit will be issued. Any
other questions?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Any other comments? Board comments?
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I have a question. We noticed there was
quite a nice grouping of very large beech trees; is that
right where the house is going? Do you know where they are
TRUSTEE FOSTER: The way it was staked, a couple of those
trees were in the building envelope.
MR. SPIRIDAKIS: There's such a little envelope, there's
really no other place to put the house on the elevation.
There's this cluster of these beautiful trees.
MRS. SPIRIDAKIS: And we're trying to keep as much of the
woods as possible, we're trying to keep it as natural as
Board of Trustees 42 December 20, 2004
possible, so it still looks like we're in the woods.
Wherever you look at the house from there will be woods
surrounding the house. We don't want it clear cut.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Good because it is a beautiful spot.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: It was resolved to recommend to the
Southold Town Board of Trustees approval with a condition of
the Wetland Permit application of Anthony and Nicole
Spiridakis to construct a single-family dwelling with a
garage. CAC recommends approval to construct a
single-family dwelling with the condition that hay bales are
placed down before construction and a limit to the number of
trees removed.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: During construction you place hay bales at
that 50 foot buffer to prevent sediment from washing into
the lake and no trees are to be removed in that 50 foot
TRUSTEE FOSTER: The hay bales go down 50 feet from the
wetlands, and nothing happens beyond those hay bales.
MR. NASTASI: We understand.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Do yourself a big favor, lay those hay
bales first, don't drive past it, don't push anything into
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Any other comments? I'll make a motion to
close the hearing.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I'll make a motion to approve the
application as requested noting the changes on the recently
submitted survey and with the following conditions: That
hay bales are placed along the 50 foot buffer zone, that the
septic be relocated to be minimum of 100 feet from the
wetlands, that a 50 foot buffer be maintained around the
entire structure including the swimming pool, and that the
pool have a backwash leaching pool installed, and the house
should have gutters with down spouts and dry wells for roof
recovery. Anything else?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: So carried. And this is approved
conditionally on getting a new survey showing the changes
that I noted.
MR. NASTASh I'll talk to Ehlers about that. Can I ask you
a question? If we slide this to 100 feet of here, we just
have to watch the next wetland setback because it's all the
Board of Trustees 43 December 20, 2004
way over here. We should be well within that, that's okay,
no questions.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Why did you move it from its original
MR. NASTASh We didn't actually move it, I think the
surveyor -- I don't want to speak for the surveyor because
he's not here, but he inaccurately located it. Thank you
very much.
15. Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. on behalf of
Permit to expand an existing dock facility to be utilized
for a commercial shellflshing and aquaculture facility. The
existing 4' by 130' plus/minus timber catwalk is proposed to
be widened to 10' to accommodate a fork-lift or truck. The
existing platform and 3' by 20' ramp are proposed to
remain. Seven 6' by 20' floats are proposed and to be
supported by 15 8" diameter piles. The existing re-bar and
garbage debris on the creek bottom is proposed to be removed
and disposed of at an approved off-site location. On the north
side of the property west of the existing house the applicant proposes
to remove the remains of a dilapidated concrete wall, and proposes to
remove existing wood landscape debris to an approved
off-site location. A shed is proposed in the same location
as the previous shed location, and proposed buffer area.
South of the dock the buffer area is proposed to extend from
the MHW to the concrete wall. North of the dock the buffer
area is proposed to extend from the MHW to the back edge of
the existing fence north to the property line. Located:
1240 Love lane, Mattituck. SCTM 140-1-23.1.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Southold that the application of the Long Island
Sound Oyster Company, Tom Anderson and more fully described
in the Public Hearing Item 15 of the Trustee agenda dated
Monday, December 20, 2004 is pursuant to the SEQRA rules and
regulations classified as an Unlisted Action, and be it
further resolved the applicant is required to submit Part I
of the Long Environmental Assessment Form. Therefore
resolved that upon receipt of that Long Environmental
Assessment Form the clerk of the Trustees is hereby directed
to commence and coordinate a review pursuant to SEQRA.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We received the Long Environmental
Assessment Form from the applicant on Friday and because it
came in on Friday and because today was the meeting day, the
Board of Trustees 44 December 20, 2004
coordinator review is just beginning; is that correct?
MS. TETRAULT: We have just notified the other agencies and
the Trustees need an opportunity to look it over. Would
anyone like to speak on the application?
MR. PALUMBO: If I may, I provided an authorization to the
Board last week. I have a copy for Mr. Foster if he needs it.
My name is Anthony Palumbo of the law firm of Goggins and
Palumbo, 13105 Main Road in Mattituck. I understand there
was an extensive discussion on the last date, and I have had
a long talk with my clients, a couple of long talks,
and Mr. Hall from Land Use. So, if I could just basically
summarize what our application is now because there were a
couple of modifications, couple of different site plans that
were added and submitted.
Basically what we're looking for is the opportunity
to put as many, as you all know, oyster trays as we can.
And the most recent submission from Land Use Ecological
involved removing a number of floating docks that were on
what would be the northwest side of the proposed trays. So
we're limited now down to just a few floats toward the Town
dock there on the southwesterly side there, on the southern
side of the proposed area. And the main concern of the
applicants is that they have the opportunity to have a
substantial amount of trays or enough trays in order to
properly farm.
And after lengthy discussion, the most recent
submission may not actually work because these trays are 6'
by 16' long, and they're 6' deep, and of course if they're
filled with oysters at a Iow tide, they cannot hang up.
They need sufficient water depth.
So our request is, and I know there was some
discussion regarding what the previous owner had done, and I
know there's a little bit of a bad taste because the place
is a disaster, it was infested with rats, they didn't
maintain the actual trays themselves. So our proposal is
basically this: That the dock be widened to 10 feet in
order for the applicant to actually maintain those trays.
They need to be removed, because the bugs and warm worms and
what have you destroy the trays, so they need to be removed,
replaced, maintained and so forth, and that needs to be done
with heavy machinery because of the size of them, and
specifically, have an area where we could fit, of course, as
many trays as we'd like. The applicant bought in excess of
30 trays from the previous tenant because Blue Point owned
it, but leased it to someone else. So their position was,
well they had all those in the water, but two wrongs don't
Board of Trustees 45 December 20, 2004
make a right, and I've explained that to them. And that's
the reason they brought me in is really just clarify the
situation, and it looks as though they were approved for a
30' by 64' area, which would be an area that would fit 20
trays. And our clients and the applicants certainly are
willing to do anything that the Board would require in order
to maintain it properly, of course, clean up the entire
site. Kevin Anderson intends to live there, so he hopes to
ultimately reside and keep and eye on things, and certainly
keep it in good shape.
So the long and short of it is what we would really
ask for is the opportunity to have that 30' distance out
toward the middle of the creek and then down the creek one
tray further, which would make the entire area 30' by 80'
and just those few limited floats, floating docks you can
see on the site plan, the most recent submission from
December 16th that the Board has, which has just a few short
reduced 4' by 12' floats and a 6' by 20' and a 4' by 20'
float. So that would be five trays wide and three trays
deep. Does that make sense?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: You have a row of five, two side by side,
but then the others are perpendicular to that.
MR. PALUMBO: Those perpendicular ones won't actually work
after consulting with Mr. Hall and my client, they won't
because of the water depth they would be hung up.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: You need to turn them the other way?
MR. PALUMBO: Correct.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: So instead of being 16 feet, what are they,
MR. PALUMBO: They're 16' by 6'.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: So 12 feet as opposed to 16 feet.
MR. PALUMBO: The previous owner was approved to go five
trays out and four trays over. We want to go five trays out
and five trays over. And I know my clients we're asking for
a lot more, but for now, they're certainly willing to do
that and maybe establish to the Board that they are
certainly here to stay. They have been residents of the Town
of Riverhead their entire lives. They're not going to come
and rape the land like it seems that the previous tenant
did, they did what they had to do, they didn't maintain it.
The place was in shambles, and they packed up and left. And
we intend to remedy every aspect of the situation. There's
debris in the water and re-bar in the water. We want to
clean all that up and maintain it hopefully. If the Board's
inclined to grant a permit, we would also ask that it be
granted without prejudice. So after may be a year or so the
Board of Trustees 46 December 20, 2004
Andersons would be able to establish a track record with the
Board to prove that everything is in compliance, then
possibly down the road to have an opportunity to maybe sink
some more trays, but for now we'd like to stay just slightly
out of the permitted use, regardless of what was previously
done and make any modifications that the Board would like
regarding lighting or anything that you would feel would be
appropriate. But we're actually only extending it one tray
further, down the creek and away from the traffic and away
from the Town dock.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I just have one comment. In the office we
worked up a brief history, a summary, because the file is so
extensive, it's hard to wade through it without missing
something. From what I can see the last applicant was
granted permission to place a 30' by 64' area for floating
tray area 15 feet past the end of the pier. And one of
the conditions was to place lights on that for
navigational aid purposes. That's adjacent to the federal
anchorage so navigation's a serious concern. It's next to
the boat launching ramp for the Town, the boat launching
ramp for the park district, the federal anchorage and a busy
marina. So that was one of the reasons that we are limited to
15 feet past the end of the dock. If you draw on this plan
115 feet out, it shows the dock --
MR. PALUMBO: If I could briefly comment on that. The
Andersons have worked that area for years, and Mr. King
certainly is as familiar as anyone in this town is with that
area, and I would suggest and submit that the previous owner
would not have been able to actually have those trays in the
water if they were to hang up. So the previous owner, I
think we concede it was in violation based upon everybody's
investigation, but the fact of the matter was that the
distance they were from the dock had to be 30 feet from the
end based upon the water level because they're six feet deep
and they're the exact same trays that the ^ndersons have
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We're not sure what they did. We're just
saying that's what they were permitted for. There's a big
navigational issue. That's my only comment. In the
meantime, I don't want to make any more comments because
right now we're in the midst of the SEQRA review and we're
still kind of--
MR. PALUMBO: You want to get a feel for that first before
you make any decisions. I certainly understand.
TRUSTEE KING: I have a question, it's not indicated on
here, but there's a dry well in that concrete slab. I think
Board of Trustees 47 December 20, 2004
what they were doing, they were washing the oysters
upland on that slab and draining the residue down into that
dry well and that was piped out to the creek, there's about
a 12 inch plastic pipe. What is the intention of any
further use of that? What is that going to be used for?
Because it's mainlining right into the creek from that dry
well, no matter what goes in there. So what use is proposed
for that dry well? And I would like to see that indicated
on the survey where that is.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We want to see that removed. Unless it's
a necessary thing, that's fine.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Were they being washed with saltwater, Jim?
So actually whatever they were washing them --
TRUSTEE KING: They had a big drum, put the oysters in, turn
TRUSTEE FOSTER: Washing it with saltwater. Whatever's
going in there is what came out of there, basically?
TRUSTEE KING: Yes. I'm just looking at down the road.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: I understand what you mean. I'm trying to
establish what's going on.
MR. PALUMBO: Basically it is. What that was overflow
from the hatchery up on the land and that's all saltwater,
and there are, in fact, the Andersons do have permits from
the DEC to do that, because apparently they keep filtering
water through and as it overflows it runs back, so they pump
it out, and it's a completely closed system.
TRUSTEE KING: That should be included on this.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: That basin is acting as a silting pen.
TRUSTEE KING: I think the original intent of this, a lot of
this was going to be an upland grow-out area, when Blue
Point had it, and maybe they couldn't do it, maybe the
electricity was expensive and they kind of shifted off into
the creek, and they just did what they felt like doing.
MR. PALUMBO: I don't think we necessarily dispute that. I
think that was the reason for the emotion at the last
hearing, I think there was misunderstanding.
TRUSTEE KING: I don't think it's fair to hold this Board
responsible for the actions of the other people.
MR. PALUMBO: I understand that, Mr. King. Our only
position as far as the navigational hazard issue, is that
wherever those were, and although they weren't permitted to
do it, those of us that are familiar with the area recognize
that that wasn't a navigational issue or I'm sure it would
have been flagged because it was done for years and someone
would have said something, and indicated they were in
violation somewhere down the road. So basically where they
Board of Trustees 48 December 20, 2004
were, which we submit is at least 30 feet from the dock, was
not a navigational hazard to day to day traffic, although it
may seem like that in a vacuum if you look at it on a
survey, it certainly wasn't practically. That's the only
reason I commented on that. I think everything else you
said we would basically agree with.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: If there's no further comment, I will
make a motion to table the hearing until we finish the SEQRA
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Could we have the outward corners of the
proposal staked, just drive a stake in the mud so we can go
out there in the field?
MR. HALL: It's really deep to drive a stake.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Just drop a weight with a float.
MR. HALL: That's not going to accurately depict it
depending what tide's there, you could be off 10, 20 feet.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Make it tight.
MR. HALL: It's only accurate for a certain period of time.
TRUSTEE KING: Why couldn't you go out to eight foot Iow
with a stake?
MR. HALL: You'd need a 12 foot stake.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just so we can see it on inspection.
TRUSTEE KING: Go out to eight feet. Let us know where
eight feet of water is at the outward corners.
16. Suffolk Environment Consulting, Inc. on behalf
of KATHLEER ZUAR requests a Wetland Permit to construct a
front entrance arbor off the southwestern corner of the
existing dwelling 80 square feet; remove an existing rear
wood deck 85.6 square foot; construct a rear screened-in
porch off the northwestern corner of the dwelling 192 square
feet; construct a rear deck off the northeastern side of the
dwelling 540 square feet; remove an existing stone driveway
from within the western corner of the subject property 880
square feet; construct a driveway within the southwestern
section of subject property 2,100 square feet; construct a
wood walkway off the existing rear retaining wall measuring
4' by 35' with steps and supported with ten posts; and
remove any and all invasive and/or non-native vegetation
within the area situated from the existing rear retaining
wall 35' seaward 2,600 square feet and revegetate with
Rugosa Rose and American Beach Grass. Located: 1905 Bay
Shore Road, Greenport. SCTM#53-4-9.
TRUSTEE KING: Anyone here to comment on this application?
Board of Trustees 49 December 20, 2004
MR. ANDERSON: Bruce Anderson, Suffolk Environmental
Consulting on behalf of Kathleen Zuar.
Just a point of clarification really only Item 7 and
8 are within 100 feet of the high water mark as shown on the
survey. So, we put everything in so you understand
everything that's going on here. But really what's
regulated here is a wood walkway and native plantings.
We think the wood walkway's a good idea because it
restricts activity to the walkway. Its only purpose is to
get from the existing retaining wall to the beach. We think
the plantings are a good idea because it gives us a chance
to remove a lot of obnoxious invasive vegetation and create
a naturalized seascape. And that's really what this
application's about. Dave Chicanowicz is here, he'll be
doing the work and we have every confidence that he'll do a
great job. I would just turn it over to him if he wants to
say anything.
TRUSTEE KING: Let me read this resolution. Resolve that the
Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby finds that
the application of Kathleen Zuar more fully described in
Public Hearing Item 16 of the Trustees agenda dated Monday,
December 20, 2004 is classified as a Type II Action pursuant
to SEQRA rules and regulations and is not subject to review
under SEQRA. Do I have a second?
TRUSTEE KING: All the in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE KING: I guess we can move forward now.
MR. CHICANOWlCZ: Dave Chicanowicz, Environmental Design.
Primarily in the interest of customer to try to maintain a
nice seaside, naturalized environment that at this point has
been overgrown with some unnatural plantings. I guess some
of the stuff are very weedy and non-native to the area. So
they're just looking basically to clean it up. We
recommended that they put in a series of beach grass, Rosa
Rugosa, to maintain this small area between the house and
the beach; do you have any questions?
TRUSTEE KING: I think the biggest question the Board has,
why are we going to do anything down on this beach area?
MS. TETRAULT: The Trustees found it was native. There are
some locust in there, we found you could have the locust
removed, right?
TRUSTEE KING: Yes. I think there was, did we count five
locust trees could be removed?
MS. TETRAULT: But there's switch grass and beach grass and
a lot of baccharis on the beach they really wanted.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh We didn't want to see a wood walkway there
Board of Trustees 50 December 20, 2004
because it's adding structure to a sort of naturalized area.
MR. ANDERSON: I think the wood walkway is a good idea
because it would seem to me you would want to restrict the
pedestrian movement to a walkway, that's why you build
something like that, so environmentally that's a plus.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It was a naturalized sandy path.
MR. ANDERSON: Again, that's going to spread and meander and
you're going to have plants trampled and whatnot. So I
think that's a good idea, and I think what Dave is saying is
he's really seeking to augment the area, clean it up. We're
obviously not going to be ripping out beach grass if we're
planning to put it back in. That's not the point of this.
The point of this is to do some very customized augmentation
into this area and provide a dedicated way to get there
there so the area can be better protected.
MS. TETRAULT: There were a couple things you wanted to add
when you write the permit, dry wells and gutters on the
house plans for the new work, and removing turf
under the deck that's going to be rebuilt, and you were
concerned about that one tree in front. I don't know
whether that's going to be removed.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Big old cherry tree?
MR. ANDERSON: Again, what we're talking about here, we've
given you an entire list of particulars. We certainly have
no problem putting in dry wells and doing all that. But I
think this application is really just about the walkway and
the plantings given the location of the wetland boundary
shown on the survey.
MR. CHICANOWlCZ: You have no objections as far as removing
the locusts that are sprouting up, but that would be the
only plant to remove --
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Unless there was something else that was
objectionable. Obviously the locusts are going to take
MR. CHICANOWlCZ: Basically they're trying to maintain
something that's not going to get 20 feet tall.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: On-site we stressed hand pruning and just
for the locust, hand pruning, you'd have to pull it out.
MR. CHICANOWlCZ: Just for the locust hand pruning?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh No, you'd have to remove the locusts.
The roots are 20 feet long. The roots will go from here to
the end of the room, but once you pull it out, they're gone.
MR. CHICANOWlCZ: With some maintenance to follow.
TRUSTEE KING: CAC recommends approval with the condition of
a 10 foot non-turf buffer.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Once the retaining wall's being rebuilt.
Board of Trustees 51 December 20, 2004
MR. ANDERSON: We're not rebuilding the retaining wall.
TRUSTEE KING: I think the general feeling of the Board was
take those locusts out and leave the rest of it alone.
MR. CHICANOWlCZ: Would there be any objection to planting
additional beach grass and/or Rosa Rugosa?
MS. TETRAULT: They don't want to see that landscaped,
remove all the natural stuff and mulch and watering.
MR. CHICANOWICZ: We would like to see it thickened and more
TRUSTEE KING: Any other comments? I'll make a motion to
close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KING: Make a motion to approve the application with
the provision that only the black locust could be
removed in that area, additional grasses can be planted and
no walkway.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Additional grass and Rosa Rugosa.
MS. TETRAULT: Do you want to put in the permit removing the
turf under the deck and dry wells and gutters?
17. Suffolk Environmental Consulting on behalf of
DAVID SHANKS requests a WeUand Permit to construct an 1,100
square foot second-story addition to the existing dwelling.
Located: 1165 Calves Neck Road, Southold. SCTM#63-7-34
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Resolve that the Board of Trustees of the
Town of Southold hereby finds that the application of David
Shanks, more fully described in the Public Hearing of Item
17 of the Trustee agenda dated Monday, December 20, 2004 is
classified as a Type II Action pursuant to SEQRA rules and
regulations and is not subject to review under SEQRA.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Is there anyone who would like to speak
on behalf of this application?
MR. ANDERSON: Bruce Anderson, Suffolk Environmental
Consulting for David Shanks. I think the application is
very straightforward, it's simply a second floor addition,
and is wholly within the footprint of the house, sufficient
setbacks from the water. I wouldn't think other than
perhaps some dry wells if there were any issues here.
TRUSTEE POLlWODA: I'll make a motion to close the hearing.
Board of Trustees 52 December 20, 2004
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I'll make a motion to approve the Wetland
Permit on behalf of David Shanks as stated. Do I have a
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I just noticed it said floating dock to
be removed, it threw me off.
18. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf
of JOAN SHANNON requests a Wetland Permit to construct a new
bulkhead 75' plus/minus contiguous within 18 inches seaward
of the existing timber bulkhead 75' plus/minus along the
southern property boundary.
Located: 7080 Peconic Bay Boulevard, Laurel. SCTM#126-11-7
TRUSTEE KING: I have a resolution to read: Resolved by the
Town of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold the
application of Joan Shannon, more fully described in public
hearing Item 18 of the Trustee agenda dated December 20,
2004, is pursuant to the SEQRA rules and regulations
classified as an Unlisted Action; and be it further resolved
that the applicant is waived to submit Part I of the Long
Environmental Assessment Form, LEAF.
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE KING: Is there anyone here to speak on behalf of
this application?
MR. ANDERSON: Bruce Anderson, Suffolk Environmental
Consulting for the applicant, Joan Shannon.
This is a standard bulkhead construction project, a
very tall bulkhead, if anyone has seen it. It's right at
the high water mark, it is lapping up against it, and there
are various decks, and behind it there's a ladder that goes
down to the water, and the idea here is to replace the
bulkhead because it's in bad shape. It's a very high
bulkhead, so it's not something that we can remove and
replace in-kind or the entire front of the property will
drop into the sea, but what we can do is remove the exterior
piles. We want to drive the fiberglass sheathing, patch
legs of timer whalers and replace the pilings.
TRUSTEE KING: CAC recommends approval with the condition
the bulkhead is replaced in-place and the existing buffer is
maintained. I looked at this Monday. I guess it's in
pretty bad shape. There's a lot of structure up above here,
big decks to adjoining property.
Board of Trustees 53 December 20, 2004
MR. ANDERSON: Are they saying remove the whole thing and
build a new one?
TRUSTEE KING: ithink they want it in-place.
MR. ANDERSON: You can't build it that way.
TRUSTEE KING: Okay. I'll tell you what I saw, the
neighboring bulkhead to the west is right in line with it.
The neighbor to the east is jogged out almost four feet out
in front of this one. What I would like to see done -- I
don't have a problem with the 18 inch bump out on the east
end --
MR. ANDERSON: It's not going to be eight inches, it's going
to be like three.
TRUSTEE KING: How are you going to get it down close to
MR. ANDERSON: You're taking out the piles, you have your
ledger there, which is maybe four inches, that remains; then
you're putting this three inch interlock fiberglass. You're
reattaching the ledger on top of that, and you're driving
exterior piles. So 18 inches is this, once you subtract the
piles that are there --
TRUSTEE KING: You're adding five inches at least. But what
I'm saying is you want to blend it in to be even with the
next door neighbor to the west.
MR. ANDERSON: I understand what you're saying, but if you
look at the property, if you're talking about putting in a
triangle here --
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: You're saying if you do remove to
replace it, you take a chance of losing it.
MR. ANDERSON: Take out the exterior pile, you don't want to
encroach into the waterway, but when you remove the
sheathing --
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: You're saying keep that and work up to
TRUSTEE KING: Did you look under that deck, Bruce?
TRUSTEE KING: You have a serious erosion problem under
there. It's a classic example of what happens to a bluff
when there's no vegetation. Under this deck here, this lawn
is all going to slough off under there. It's all ridged out
from rainwater. I think what's happening, the water's going
off the lawn, it's just gullying off the side here. Either
side is well vegetated. It's in beautiful shape.
MR. ANDERSON: I'll do - those are going to help.
TRUSTEE KING: The only other question I have is the access
Board of Trustees 54 December 20, 2004
point. How are you going to do this?
MR. ANDERSON: Come in from the water.
TRUSTEE KING: Any other comments? I'll make a motion to
close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KING: All in favor?. ALL AYES.
TRUSTEE KING: Make a motion to approve the application with
the stipulation that the bush on the southeast corner to be
left alone. There's some nice growth in there, and I think
maybe dry wells in the house for the eroding off the deck, leave
the baccharis and the beach grass in the eroded areas because
that whole lawn is going to end up underneath the deck. It's really
pretty bad under there. I guess that's it.
19. Suffolk Environmental Consulting on behalf of
MARK ANGELSON requests a Wetland Permit to construct an
approximately 4' by 87' stairway to provide access to the
shoreline from the top of the bluff. The stairway will be
between 2' and 6' feet above the existing grade and
terminate at the bottom of the bluff, plus/minus 40'
landward of the high water mark. Located: County Road 48,
Southold. SCTM#73-6-2
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I think I saw a resolution. Resolve
that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby
finds that the application of Mark Angelson more fully
described in the Public Hearing Item 19 of the Trustee
agenda dated December 20, 2004 is classified as a Type II
Action pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations and is not
subject to review under SEQRA.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there anyone here who would like to
speak to this application?
MR. ANDERSON: Identical design and location as the one that
was done for Marilyn Angleson that was approved by this
Board last month. Ken, you looked at that.
TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Two months ago.
MR. ANDERSON: We have taken the same exact design and same
specifications as the last one. I shouldn't think there
should be any issues.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I looked at this. I didn't have any
problems with the plans for the stairs, but the bluff is
very unstable, very little vegetation. I just noticed that
CAC recommends approval of the application with the
condition of detailed landscaping plan of the bluff is
Board of Trustees 55 December 20, 2004
submitted prior to the permit being issued.
MR. ANDERSON: That's fine. We did one of these over in
North Haven. If you look at the excavation profile, what
we did was we put in dense planting of Rugosa Rose. It's
actually in North Haven going to Noyak Bay, then you look
east, sort of the western side of it. Green stripe on
either side, and we did that about eight years ago. It's
still perfect.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: That's fine. The bluff was very barren
and eroding very quickly.
MR. ANDERSON: Fine. We're sort of confined to that two
foot area because, unlike you, the DEC they're afraid of
vegetation being disturbed, so you see that maximum two and
fully vegetated bluff, which it is not. So I would say I
got to limit it to that two feet on either side, otherwise
I'm between two agencies to determine whether there's
vegetation or not on the bluff.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: There were two setbacks of stakes, is
that for the adjacent piece of property?
MR. ANDERSON: This is part of the subdivision you see the
site plan what we did, the real access will be across from
where that ranch house is.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: They can't share? These two within five
steps of each other, and if it's a subdivision that would
make sense to have a communal.
MR. ANDERSON: Sharing stairs --
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Any other comments from the Board? If
not, I'll make a motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to approve the
Wetland Permit to construct a stairway to provide access to
the shoreline from the top of the bluff, but I would make a
condition that the detailed landscaping plan for the bluff
be submitted before the permit be issued.
20. Alpha Consulting on behalf of RICHARD M. BLAIR
requests a Wetland Permit to install a 20' by 40' in-ground
swimming pool with on grade 4' wide deck at pool perimeter.
Located: 900 Mason Drive, Cutchogue. SCTM#104-7-4.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll read the resolution: Resolve that
the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby finds
Board of Trustees 56 December 20, 2004
that the application of Richard M. Blair, more fully
described in the Public Hearing Item 20 of the Trustee
agenda dated December 20, 2004 is classified as a Type II
Action pursuant to SEQRA rules and regulations and is not
subject to review on under SEQRA.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any comment on this application?
MS. TETRAULT: Was there a dry well for the backwash?
TRUSTEE FOSTER: That will be part of the approval.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Dry wells included. The only thing I had
here was we measured the distance of the wetlands line I
think we had a different measure.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: One or two foot disparity there?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Closer to 15 or 20 feet.
TRUSTEE FOSTER: 15 or 20 feet?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: He said 75 or it was --
MS. TETRAULT: Is it written in the file?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKh Make a motion to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Make a motion to approve the application.
(Time ended: 10:23 p.m.)
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