HomeMy WebLinkAboutMK-24ABUILDING-STRUCTURE INVENTORY FORM DIVISION FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEW YORK STATE PARKS AND RECREATION ALBANY, NEW YORK ~518) 474-0479 . FOR OFFICE USE ONLY UNIQUE SITE NO. QUAD SERIES NEG. NO. ~ ~,~. IDENTIFICATION · . . · ;~.:~;:~:~'2. COUNTY: '" S 1 - :TO~/CITY:~~LLAGE~ ~k :' "" · ~., 3. STREET LOCATION: Wes~ph~lin .~ ~ 4. O~ERSHIP: a.'public ~ ' ~ private ~ ;-. ..... . .. ,- ..;:..:..:.-~: .?-..., . · . '.: :,. ?'Inter 6r access ble: Explain ~ · ..... ~.q-, : 8. BUILD N( ' ; · a. ~[ap~oard ~ ~ b ~stone ~ ':. 'c. br ck ~ ,~d. board and baHen ~ ..... ::,.~.,~ ~) · ' ': ' O. STRucIURAk ~ [ a. wood frame with nterl6ck rig jo nts ~ .'~ . '~ :.".' ' ' ' SYSTEM: :' b. wood frame w~th h~t members ~ .. :'~:~ ,'_ IO.'CO~DITIO~: a['excellent-~ 'b. good ~ c.'fair ~ ,.~d. deteriorated ~ ', II. I~TEGRITY: a. original site ~ b. moved ~ if so,when? c. list major alterations and dates (if known): "/:" ": : "VOUR'N~'M'E.'~0~n of'SoU~h0id/S?LIt '.DATE:?~EmU._2~2Lg_ .... ".' .. '..'.':.'?.~:, · .... YOUR ADDRESs:So ' O - , '"':'"""': .'~.'. '..~.' . 'i ' · .~:'JiJ'~. Town ~11, ~ln Rd. TELEPHONE:~ .... ' '"' '~' ' f ~ormerly Bergen & Oolman Oil Co. 'Office. 14. THREATS TO BUILDING: a. nonekn0wn{~[ 'b. zoning[] c. roads[-'] · % ~ . d. developers [] e. deterioration [] ~ , ,.'~, '. · f. other: 15. RELATED OIJTBUILDINGs AND PROPERTY: '.i . ' ,'; :.~ ,' 9.: ~.? a. barn[] ' b. carriage house [] c. garage [] · ' f.: d. privy []' ' ~. sh~d'[]' f. greenhouse [] . · ' -:" · · , g. shop [] h. gardens[] ·" '.-~. ~ ., . ... i. landscape featur&s: ,.-:, ;:~ ?:.:'. ';'.- ." 3. other. · ~ . , ' . :' '" ' 6.. SURROUNDINGS oF THE BUILDING (check more than one if necessary): - ':. ' . ' ' ' ~ ' · ' ' " , a oven land[] b wood and[] · · "';.c -~': ."..'- ; :.." ,.:~,,, ::,'" ' ::: ., -c scatteredbu dngs~] .- .'- - ~.:,' t .' .~,:~'~' ,.' ,~;:: ~,:i:'.'? ~'~-'.-".":' .~ ::?.~': '; ':' ' d. densely budt-up [] . e. commercial~] '.i ';.,- ' .2.v %,, ".: ~.'":?'-:;~;*'.c':: '::"'::: .... - ' 'f ndustrial [] "'g. residential [] .- · ~ ';.: · , ;-, :?',~'Z'.A7 INTERRELATIONSHIP OF BUILDING AND SURROUNDING : :7%:../~..~..:?: ~'.~,'.':',.:.e:v%" (Indicate if building or structure is in an historic district) .: - · ...... ~.... -: railroad · . ? ..-'./ ;:¢~ ~;.': ~his section of Westphalia Road Jus~ north of ~he ' ~.. '~:;'. :?:'~.':.:'5~:'..' ~racks is low-densi~y, business proper~y. .~t.: /., :" ' , ?'. ~ "18. ' OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES OF BUILDING AND SITE (including interior features if known): ~f'%'." ,,,': &. ".-'.: ~,, .} The 1929 S~bom map 'shows the "Lo~ Isled ~tile "~' .- ' ," .'. B~17 ¢or~n.~ m~ufacturers of ~onerete ~locks~ ','- ' - '~ ' SIGNIFICANCE 19. DATE OF INITIAL CONSTRUCTION: ',~'", ' · , · ; .';.~, ~g~e,¥~. ~",' '-. ARCHITECT: ".. -,.~ ~.'..fp'..'rlt~,~ :; :. , . · ~":.~, " BUILDER: ' ~r' ~' 20. 1908 HISTORICAL AND ARCHITECI'LIRAL IMPORTANCE: The prea~nt Ruland Electric Co. building was J. M.'Rambo ....'~ Co. office and warehouse (30 X 70 feet) in 1908. ~>-':':~;". The 1-story white building north of it was Bergen & ' ' Colman Oil Co. office and storehouse in 1908. Both buildings ware buil~ of Duntile Blocks. 21. SOURCES: L.I.Traveler-Watchman 11/24/§3 Interview Elmer Huland Jr. 29~-~458 3/29/86 )2. THLMF: Form prepa'red by Linda L. Harvey, Research Assistant RULAND POTATO~ HOUSE Built prior to 1908 Was a corn exchange at one time. LLH lO/14 From north Now Custom Island Homes Inc. Builders 315 Westphalia Avenue Interview with Mr. Elmer Ruland Jr. 298-8458, 3/29/86.