HomeMy WebLinkAboutWertenberg, William H r " I I I I I I I I , I I , I I r I , l4HP~EAS, WILLI~M H. W~RTF.NB,RG has made I application .0 the Town Board for the elt.blishment of an I I OPEN DE~LOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section I 280-A of the Town Law, and I i WH~RE~S, the Town Board has heretotore rererred I i , the matter to the Planning Board ~ 1ts advice, and I I i WHEREAS, the Planning Board has recommended that , , : the application of WILLIAM H. WERTENBgRG be granted, NOW, TH..~EFORE, HE IT RESOLVED, That the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby establish an OPEN DEVELOPMENT ARFA over the premises of WILLIAM H. WF.RTENBERG as shown forth on the map attached to the appliea t1on. I , I . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham. Chairman ~~m; January 15. 1958 ~xH:BIIl"srexxIX Harold R. Reeve j::I!M1ox;wa>ua< Henry F. Moisa Alfred Grebe T. Paul Montgomery REPORT TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAFlJ SOUTHOLD. N. Y. Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southo1d Town Planning Board on January 13, 1958: In the matter of application of William H. Wertenberg of Ride Away Estates, YoUnge Point, Mattituck, N. Y., to establish and Open Development Area under ths provisions of Section 280-a of the Town Law of the State of New York, as per atteched Map dated May 23. 1957. It was the determination of the Planning Board that they recommend to the Town Board that this request for e~ Open Development Area be granted and the Planning Board suggests that Mr. Wertenberg reserve an additional 12 feet along "Miller" Right of \~ay for the possible future widening of "Miller" Right of Way into a public highway. Very truly yours, ,L=:WiCkha:" DC~':i:m: -<.. - - SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOAFlJ JW:gm cc: Board of Appeals , . . , .... . . .. .. - - " ~ .. APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development ar....) / ;/,;" -.;;z APPLICATION NO,: ,....,.."...".....,..'."..", DATE: ,.....' ........"..,,'...... ...'...".......,...,...,......,.'..,....".,....'.............,.. I, (WE), ",.. ~ /.~,~.. ,!.~/:t ..Ii,.,.., ~,'!!./.f..r:.,4."..(r.., ~-=.: 1'. f"...,.., ,...'"..'",......,..., '.....'.,..',..,...,........, '....,.., OF ,.,..6( /. "z&, ..~,&.,~, ~x..., ..1.~.rD!.r:,e.r.., ,/_,tI:.<fI.,,- (, /r..... !.'!.~~!.~ r..'::.~((.." ..,;:r.Y...,...., (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-0 of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ../fI.,v.I!'1'.~,{,',..~{!.t.~r..."...,.//.If.,r.:.tJ('!,y.(.',....".."..,..,...."..,.... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: A/~'(~d,~x. ./~!.~.r.(f,~..y..,..j,~....,-:(..t;,(.r.d/,....,....,......, "',...,..c./~,l,;",..".('I.':4...e.,~..""Pd,r4.,4,..,,~,.~,~..7..,,..""...."......,.,.....,.......',....,..,............' ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................,............................................................................................................................................................... 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTy:..,..............,..,.., ,A, k"t.."" ,/.i..I. ~#.r..",.*!1., ~4. .y,,~.,... ,&,~e. /.:.".".~,,:"/," ,P.=..,r.",~. 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"t;"~,,4.,"'~,A.{,.(.,~,~.,,.,rx/.,~!.1..,,..~""~,~,6.,,..,f!.'!'..1:.1!.~,y,."..N.!~~~~,("(,""""""",.,.,"",.,',..,,..,'..", 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ,...."....,",...,""..,...,...,..,....'....,.....'................,................., ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF NEW Y~~ i S5, ..u.,.<-'~:4,~""'..N.,U../,e.,r...i::...,Qr:...... COUNTY OF '........, .' . ,.., ..,....,..) , (signature) SWORN TOl1!ri~~ o'~~"ii6 ..,.................' " luJ.:,.., ..... .' 0~,>,~ ...... (notary pu lie) ALL~' C, 1;" ;(!:RSOH , f He" ~ork Notary PU~\IC. S r .,1 0 Co No, 52.6C~~275, Q"";;,,d in SUffO;~j;i.. \,iummlssion Expires March 30, l .'. . ' - ~ . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development GreG) APPLICATION NO,: '......'..,..,............,...., DATE: ...!.//,7..(l...~..9................,........................................, I, (WE), ,.. ..41. /,~..4" (., ,,,,,~......,. ,d, .,.. ,.., ~(,~/l /:.(#,,1t ,1!.~;::;.!. r. .(~..,...,...."......,...,...,....,.....,...., ....,........, OF ".,((, .~.~;,:-.," ,~,"'r.:.~,y..." ..IF., ~r.-!:,D;% ,-("" ,/.f.{.~!I.a:'. ,(., ..,.(~ T...... ,1!?.~.T..r./ r ~,"If. AI).' (street) (municipality) ".., "(~t~t~jI' Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish on "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-0 of the Town Low of the State of New York of the following described property; 1, LOCATION OF PROPERTY; ,..)'.~,':'!.'!t,~..'.......c.,..J.,~,!.'.........,~?..t,T...r...(f.!:!..yr............,....,....,....' ....................................................................................................................................................-........................... 2, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: .(#.,<~~A...",U'!,~,l:'.o!S:,.~-/..".."/..,M"....4,,',/.1!.(,f./.......,,..,....,...., ,....",,'. ,.,r.~<....." < '. -:!.~",..,.. ,R:.1:, .r:di 1.7.".", ~" ,.!",~ 'T' "," '.".'"""""",..., ",. "," .,' ""."",.., ""." "'," ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:,...,..,..,..,.......... "..., t.'l tl,"',... /.r.I, ~l~,r... ..f!I..~'.y.., f.'.."..,.. ,4" r.r..;i':",. .~,-Y.,. ,~r.... ,k.t.,~j':',.,..""......,.."..,............... ".4,ft.(.P.."..,',4.,'~,:'",(~,/..,I.:.,~.,~'~,/.,i.,.",r,~,.,. "~~.,~,...,",!.'!.,~,~,~,!$.,~,.r.,"',.,",.,""""""'""".'"" ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ,e.~.!...~,~,[/.~....,..../.'(,~..~~,~.If..,......,......,......,....,.................. ..............................................................................................................................................................-................. 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ..ERECTED:....~,!.,'(/~..../.'.r..4'.~,7,.../{..",!~..~.y...,..,P.(,I.....,............ "'" .~"o.,~. ,,'. ~ .(1,~,."" .T..y L~". ,.~"" ,4?".'! 4,.,. '" /~-:-a .I:.~.(.~, .y", ". ,1."1., ~,r:t.~. ,.!'."",.., "', ""."".','... ,','" 6 MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ..,................'........,..................,..,....'..,..,..........,..........,.... ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ , STATE OF NEW ~OR ) ~ J . N /. / -..t.. \ (\oX \.c ) SS ......'-'/.A...(.t..,.,..Ht'!,.....,......~~,~,.t-.H" 7' COUNTY OF '......' ...~,..~,........,......) \ (signature) SWORN TQ ,~HIS ......,....'........IPAY,OF..,....,..\C1..!J..\,.L.(U.L\..................,........19..\1.....,..,.. ,.,.."......"..,~".l,:,.,fu.t1uA.~(,~,...,., (notary public) ALL.\:' ':, c"';cRSOrl Notary P:.Jblic ~ ",' ~ of New YorK No. 52-6C~~275. Qu<:.,lil'!!d in Suffolk C~ GGC,1ffilsSlon ExpIres Marl,;h 30, 19~ \ . '-. . ... ,.-.- . -if( FORMERLY CHAS , SCHINDLER -1 --"MI LLE~'~:RIGHT -. -- __ 241, I OF 1.34,.37 586. WAY 157,13 ~ ~ '" % ~ - . ~ ~ \ 4 o ~ ' 7 o '''>~~ ~ 4 ~~ ~ ~. 0', ('..L ~ ..".'" C# I, . "'11 (" , ,,/JY O ,'{}- . ~, ~.- ~~' -~. ~ ro ~ ' ';co, :::0 <SO \ \ - , ~ "\II, ',.> ~\ GI ~ ~~ ~ 't !"V-i\,61 , 'f..:...... ~ ~ ... Ii ;-1. ~ ., oj' " ,;-~ (' ~',A.h' (' ." , ~----- ~ \~-i, \"'~' ~ '- .. \",0, ~~\ <SO ~ - "'!I.--~..---- ',.r ',.>~ I,. - \ ' .ff.~'''':''-- ">:;;~, , ^ \ . ~ , n'." c.~ \ t" ~-- ~ \ \ Q., .~~ . \ \ '3 _Ov-o<..t:r...'1.-~.(-V ~- \ ~~o, c'" 'E>\ 1"(' ~:a. -Z ~ f?-, '\do os.~ ",p. G1 -' 4\0 ,-. 0 '" "'10 'O~ , ,\"" ~" . ... .~ ., \\ "'r;~<'-f \ " ,:' I ,) \ l" j' R~I/I?/-'( "~' \) r"- 'a., ~\ '.- ';;:'.:-> ~ ~~~- ,....: ;,...------.--- .//, .- \ ,r, .- \ ,L--...----::::.--=- /- --- ....-;;...,. ,.- 'f. ---=== . ----- --- . -:::;:::-~ ::==-::::- . C?- S S <~~ ...--- ~ ::/': .r / ~,.....--- ~~ ,+ ~,.....' ....--..... ----==-~_--~ I ------ -- ..-- ~ - ' II - - d_ - - ,\JCT' tN\ p:.. ..en ~~~ Survey for '. . W. H, WERTEN BERG ~/ MATTI TUCK Town of Southold I · Suff. Co" NY " 00' Scale:I=1 I Dee, 2,1953 . JAN, 13, 1954 JUNE 26,1954 JUNE 29,1954 NAY 23,1851 10TE' ALI)EN W, YOUNG, C, E, · '!lONUIoIENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND I. '\, IRV'Y ... Y I' .. .- .