HomeMy WebLinkAboutWells, William .. - ,A ' ., ,- .0 , , V\H'~REA3 , ',.jILLIAH WELLS has made application to the Town Board for the establishmEmt of an OPEN DEVRLOPj'lJ!iT AREA pursuant to the provisionfl of Section 280-A of the Town Law, Rnd ~~EREAS, the Town Board has heretofore referred the matter to the f'lanning Board for its advioe, , I and , " I v.~EREAS, the Planning Board has recommEmded , that the application of WILLIAh WELLS be granted, . ,I " NOW, THeREFOR'!:, BE IT RF.SOLVED: That the " '1 " Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby establish " ,I 01 an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA over the premises of WILLIAM WELLS I' , :! as shown forth on the map att~ched to the application. " " , , 'i I. 01 By order of the Southold Town Board. I !,;arch 25, 1958. ; " " Ralph P. Booth " II Tow Clerk " II , ;, '1 , , ~, , , (' 'I , " ft. , ~ , " , " ~~ I .' , ~: . ~,'. . 'I .. . . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS March 13. 19.58 John W;ckham, Chairman "~~~:IIIX NOoDl>>'Jtn'>>x;",..,. Harold R. Reeve ~~~'/c~X~li~X Henry F. Moisa Alfred Grebe REPORT TO: SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD SOUTHOLD. N. Y. Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on March 11. 19.58: In the matter of the petition of William Wells to establish an open development area - location of property Bayview Avenue. Southold. New York. On motion made by Mr. Reeve. seconded by Mr. Moisa. and carried. the Planning Board approved access with the recommendation that the. 100 feet on the Bay be reserved for possible highway purposes. Very truly yours. ~:: W1c~a:. -.c:a:~~n - SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD JW:ag , ., . . LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND NEW YORK MATT. 9-8331 January 9, 1958 Mr. Howard Terry, Building Inspector Southold, New York Dear Howard: In behalf of William Wells I am enclosing application to the Town Board to establish an open development area together with a map of his development. If you have any further requirements please let me !mow and if you wish Mr. Wells and I to appear before any Board we sha 11 be glad to do so. Very cordially yours, WW:bl!l enc 1. . . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development oreal APPLICATION NO,: ,.,.."...,...,...'..','.....,.' DA TE: ,.,....~~~W!J:;y..,~,.")"~R.~.",..,,......,......,.,.........,....,,..,'........, I, (WE), ",..,W~;r...j.,.~,..WJ;;.u.~,..."..,....,.."......,.....".., ."..........,..,............"..".........",....,....'"......"...,...,..,,..,..'..' Farker Avenue, Wading River. ;~. Y. OF "'~?-.y.:~J':~!, ,~.9,~~,.....".."...,.."..".., ,..".."..,", ".. .......,'~ 9M:t;.J:J,9.;J,.~..",.. ,..,............".."..,.., ,~,~..,Y:,~...."" (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-a of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1, LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ,~.aY,Y~~,W, ..AY,~m~~,J", ,9,9.\\):; gQ),Q.,~" N ~~.. XQ;r:',~,... ,..,...,....',..,...,.,............., ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, DESCRt PTI ON OF PROPERTY: '....".., ~,~. ,Q" AQ~!1,~.... HQ,~:t;h.,. .):ji>y,1( .+.e,Y;" ,B,9.~9.".."...... ,..",............' .,. .'"", ~!i, ~ ,t.",. f:!\'1 ;J,.,~!;l", Q g, Qhr.~~"~,,, '!f,~, ~ ,t. ~" ~\i'?-,~!?!1:: p'),Q ,J;I;~.r. 11.9.\')" :::" ,~, Q).I., ):;h.",.. ,~?'Y",::., ,1:4""""""".""", ",.."..'. ,D.ic-Ker.s on"",.."..".."""",..",.."."......."..,...... ",.....,.....,..,.'....,.,..'""".....,'..".., ,..,..",.., ,..,..."..,.... ,.., ...... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:....,....,....,..,...... """"" I:,~,~!:: ~.,.<?~., ,~'a.-l." ,0, ~',., ~~,I!', ~,., ~ ,~,a,EJ", r..~:, ~ ~l!&" ,1. ~!~~~ ,1:" ,0, ~" p. r:,?,V. ,~,r. ~X, ~"..".,",."..,",.".".."...,',.,' " ,....", f.',<?,~,~, ~,. p. r:<?.P. !?,S, ~~,.,::,., ,t.~~~., .r.I..:!l:,li,~llG.., .t:l,~ r:Y)... ,~!,l9:., ,~, <?1:l y).,., ~.9l'!f, ~ ~.~. ~ ,c!:" ~,y.., ,9,r.!?,~ ~".,',..,""" """ ",.r.,Q,I?,Q.., ,)::),I,nn),flli:" !,:", 1O,t;,. R+;l, j:).. ,W~,~ ,t..,"" ,t~J<.;r:v.~:;:.", ...mJ.., ,Ii J<.b"Q..l)[,~s,lQ)J."pl.<1)J."~,t. J;/i.\:ht:~", .".."", pJ.us.., pr.o!,11e... Qi:, ..r.o<.:<ds)....""...,...........", ........,....,....,'.....,...,..','...,.."......".." '......,........,.,............., 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ........$.).!.,'9.::.(U,y.~9.~...l?,m,..t:n-!-.t!.Q...,Rge,..f.f!"l!\tl-.Y....P.)::.+,y!!-,t;~....,....'...., '" ,.,. ",."" .,10"., ,dweJ.l.1ng,s.,. """,'.'",.,. '" "",..., "." ,.", ",.., "".""... "",.."... "".".,.,., .",..""" '" "." '.".' ",."..".."."" 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:,........9.1:')~,..+.~!;,g.Y..P,r.~,y~.!&,..,....,................,......,............,.... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLlCANT:,. ",.....,....,..."......,...'..','.........."......"..",..,.........."..,..,......, ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF NEW YORK ) "'"""A!.~",.(~<<f".,""""""",.,.,.".."..," ) SS COUNTY OF ....~,V.ff.9.+,.,~....,..,....,..,...) (signature) SWORN T~:lHIS ....,(),1;,:J;J.,......DAY OF......!!,~P.-.1,.\!!-,r.y."................,..,............,..,..,19..,!,).a..,........, ",..,'../~'..i~'t~~~*,"""""',.."..,...,., RUTH F, \\CLLS Notary Pubtk. St::i.te of New York No. 52-D6;IS(".5 Suffolk Countb Commission Expires March 30. 19 . . . . ~ - APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) APPLICATION NO: ,....,.......,...,..,...,,'..,., DATE: ,......~~~~r.,.~,t,..:...~g.."..,...,......,...,....,...............,.......... I, (Wib:f~~ii;l;~~~".."...,..........,..,........,.. ,.,..".~~tj~iUy.'r'~.."....,.....,...,.."'..'..f"l:'....'.. OF "... ..... .,.",.,...,..."..".....,....,...,...'......,",.,...,......, .... ,..,......."..........,'~,...,..,........,..,...".....,.., .,..,...."." (street) (municipality) '(stat~j .... Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-a of the Tawn Law of the State of New Yark of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: . ~7.!~~,~, ..~JJ.p.~I... '9.~1ib9.J.a.." Mly... IQ~:\!;.."...,..,......... ,"...,........'..,.. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, DESCRI PTION OF PROPERTY: .".."..,~.~".&,.~r.d"",,~9,d.Q....~I,y.l\t,1J.,,~a.,...,.....,..,..,...,..,....... ,,',','" ,~,~ h, ,~e. ~,I?!~., ,9.~,~~~!?-",~", :V,~, ~ ~,t". ~;&.,~ ::!A::P~~.~ .r.~9,~., .7, "~,9.H-,~b.t,,, J!!f,r., ,::" MA" "",.."... "'," ",..".." ,p.,~ 9~~~!\ QA..",..".."..,....,.",....""..,.".,.."..,...", ."..""..'.,.....""..,....,..,'..,'..,.......,'..,'..',.."..,..."", ,..,...,....., .............................................................................................................................................................-.................. 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:,........,.............. ",..'... .~~,~, ,~~" .\1,,~,.. ~,~. ..\V~!", ~,..~ ~~.. ..,~~~~,~,r!!i'-" ~,..~~~ ..~,t.. ,~~~p.~~~"!,......,."....,,...,...,............... "",.,...~,~,~,.,p.,~?()~,e.~.,.~"'~~(),.,'::~~!I~,~~.,'~,O'~~,~.,~~"'~,~~,~..,~~,~.,~~~".!:?l,..~,~,J".."..,""" '" "" "'~!?!i.\'!.,' ,rw:o! ~..;,g;;,..~ ,:,~,t "~,~" ,m?,tfo.1i",..,. J~,\oW.Y.i7.",. N.I"J..Q.., ,,~p:~d1 Y.1G1.QIl"pl&n" at,1ia.aha4", "",,'., pJ.J.l.IiI" ~ ;j.,'.r:::t li e... Q..f:, ,r.Q lIAs)"""..,..".."""..", .",."",'..""".'"""...",."""",..".."",.""""""."""".,.""..", 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ......,~,~~,~J~,~,...."',!'!!'!-...p.~.u.I.\,..~~..tM1JJ.r...pr.1Y.",~,.........,...... ",."."."",..."",c1dU1ng...."""".,.,.".."."".,"."""'.,,, ",..""..""..."",.."..'"""""""",'.""","".",.'"",..,...,'.."..." 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:........~,..;~~,+,~l'...P.:r.~~,~~........,....,..,....,......,....................... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ,.,.."..",..,..".",..,'...,..,.."..',.........."..'.........'..,......,.,.."..,., ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF NEW YORK ) ,."..,..,M~:...I':M..4...".."..".,',..........,...... SUFJ'OU ) SS, COUNTY OF ........,......,......,......,..........> (signature) SWOR~ THIS ""'~,t,.t1"",..,DA Y OF."..~~~~",...,...".,.".."................,.."19,.,QI..,,..,...", ."..,.., ,~..:):"'~~.".."..,",.,.,',...,...,..,.. (notary public) RUTH p, wELLS c:. f New York Notary Pllhl_i~, o_t::..tC 0 \k County No. 62-001)";::\;;) SnHo l~-Y CDmmission Expires March 30, .... _____." .__._.__~_____~~~__ ____ - ~_____~_____.__._~_._"_____~_~__________.____._________~~.___ ____~________ .__.____~___ .n'" ___ _.____~_._,_____ ___________________. _______._____~_.___". __ n__..__."________ _~_.______~____ ________________ _ ....... . -- . "" , .'-, -,.,-~...- -----------------. -"-~ - -........ .~ '\ _____ -----" ~-- ~ ..J L__,_~_________/- "\ .--- L-oNGVleW LANE' /~ .Ii ___________ (Pv,,,..t& V....d) _____________-/ -I \9 t \ -.. \~~ \ , ~ LaMd of Coc.I-\V'QI"\ '41 o 00 '0\) ". '" ,oJ ,\ ' ~ -' /;"'" I L * ~ 7 ~ ... -.SI o.Q (II', <<I .q \ L I i J "1'48 / / J ' " \. I "I \ \ 4. ~ / I '/ ' - ----~ ~. O,e.O 10<> / I /i / 00' / {'r \)J. / / / 1jf\'I .,J A(/Eg /J-AIVr / _______ % ~ .. ISo '/ I I ' ' 0<> I 10.'" -'-. \~ I ./' I:\.' ' ... I~ 1/1 ~ '......... IJJ ' ' I I 'cl ' 1j ~ ~ ~ ~ If 1"-". ~ ;-~ \ ~ I I~ ~I ~ ~ IJ1 ' ~ ___ ~ \ -I 0 $ . \ .. .... ,O/! 11' ..... ,6G;) t 00 ~ '" . . _ \S\.~ ' 1(( I~ I ~ ,---. ~O / f ........ " :-...,'..... '-- ~(). ~ ,-a,;- ''''''' " " '''-. i, ,,,",,^ 0 "" ,/ 00 '\ (' 0 ,....- ) Gl /'S,- LI'<NE-"-. ...... \ ~ I .....' : ,"'" \0\ I il / 1/ ' "'..., 'I 10<> 4: ~ ~ \\ n\\~ "\ U JJ//- - ~ I (I) "'\ ) r-..... ...:.:::::::' ,~ ~/ ! : ~ If) / \. ~- - I 0, ~ ,. '- I \c'c.e"f""S.,Oh .. ,.to \ 300 '0 / =-ay ....!"'I~, o'{. "'co i r\ : I - ...;..:.. / \ I / - ~ ~ ~ '-! \0= -_.____ I - - ~ 0 -'- . ,- - ! ~ -- \, ~J ~..!J~..~/. L<:J.Md 0,," !VIO\$o\-\ Mo.yev \' .}~c;.OeS \-~...e: PRELl MINAR.Y, PLAN .- _'n ,. / OF \-ANO OF I j5ca\&:: ICO'",," WI LLIAM WELLS Map dVd.WH Sept, '30, '9S"'T. j 'Otto W' VGt~ II-t'1\ "" So~ Dis-to.Mc.es Q'f'pyo-":'\I+\o.-I-e. 01-\\'1 AT ~r ~ z..,~ .4; i "SA'(Vle:W':.--... SaWTHOL.D,NY. Uc.e\-\sec;::i 1-0.1-\.:1. Zv)eyoys /' Y GVe.eH Oy'\-,New Vo....\c. __......_...........,....__ - --.-__""' __.......,........_.., ......... _...........-....... ._..... .__.._....... 1..... _..... _ "_ r~' .. ~p'('.,.:;-~ .. 38C:;S~G.