HomeMy WebLinkAboutStars, Costas . :~ WHEREAS. """,..,~~"'~~"....,"",..,"",..,"",.,',..,""'""""'.",,, has mode application to the Town Boord for the establishment of on OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section 280-A of the TOWN LAW, and WHEREAS, the Town Boord has heretofore referred the matter to the Planning Board for its advice and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Planning Boord has recommended that the application of "...,..."..,..,'~.,ft-Mf......"..,"',...,"",..,"""",..,'..", be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Boord of the Town of Southald does hereby establish on OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA over the property of ..,...............~~..,~..,..,......,..,....,~ f~..JI~~1'I! ,.4.<1..1 b<.1~. 17vkb._.JII_"- .. I*OPO...s layout: of . pIU:1; of land of COR.. ftaI:. .qry"Y414 by ot~o .. VIIDlUyl . 80D aD .J\IMI 16. 1959 . ~edl July 8. 1959. By ~cIer of the 8oa1:bolel '1'oWn BoRel. Ralph P. Booth. Town Clerk - - - .. . . IRVING L. PRICI:, JR, ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N. Y. t:>I-IONE GR~H.POln 7-IOlh June 18, 19'59 Supervisor Norman E. Klipp South Street Greenport, New York Dear Sir: On behalf of Costas Stars, the undersigned requests the Town Board of Southold to reconsider their previous denial of Mr. Stars' application to have his premises at East Marion, New York, declared an open development area. Our request for reconsideration is on the basis of just the northern portion of said premises being considered as shown on attached map made a part hereof. This is in accord with the report of the Planning Board upon the original application. Thanking you in advance for your courtesy, I remain, Yours very truly, l /') ,1 - /4' l ILP : c J:1/1' ,ud/~ Ene. ~ ~i' , ..,~ ". ,-~ ~.'''''~ , ., .... : ~ . - . ~.- -Jtlr. ~- . - ... .... 1', " '. { " . '}<l... " " .', ,.,... " , " ~..~- ; \ " ...--....,-. . . It ~ ,. . ,-.' ,- - - ( I ;..' . I:' _:Ji :.:~\. '. }: .\1,' ~ "., .';., .,~ -i .' 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II " ! j ~ > '. ~. 2 I ,~ II ""tj~ , i! !!J J;' , i:~l , '~ II ",~ ~ - -, ---.. ,; D.3~l1k~ ' : I W"'ki If 1 ,I I' It PROPOSED LAYOU-r,' " n '~. I Ct.~ r--. P4=\R....T '; II o\: I-R-HO Q~ ~. S-rAr,;:;._'S " > I COSTAS 'II AT " I EA'5T MARION, N.Y. j UHd:- IG., \959 i! ~ ~ Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son :I ~, I '. I Greenport, l. I., N. Y. II "~i G Sed'''' ~ \00'" \" " " If=- '~I , .: ," . ~ -~.'-:.~:-,:-::' ~:'-;:::"-..:":.::":,;,:,-;:-=;.:--"'~"-:;:::,:,;:::,:::,:::,;:-~~.~-=,,:,:,,::,,::::,,,;.:,::::~,:=,:-,"-,-,,-,'---. - :-:-::- Hr- . I, " II .'--- .. " ~,:~~~.' ..... ," ..~:'..;~7:. ' , ..... .... Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickhdm, Chdirmdn April 29, 19~9 Hdrold R. Reeve Henry Moisd Alfred Grebe a.port tOI Southold Town Board Archib.!ild Young Southold, Nev York Gentlemen I This i. to oertifY that the follow1ne action was taken by the Southold Town P1ann1ng Board at its ..etine on April 28, 19~91 In the matter of the petition of Costas Stars for an Open De.elo~nt Area under the pro.isiobs of Section 280-a of the Town Lav of the State of Rev York of tu folloving desoribed property. Acreace at the Sound, Bast Marion, Nev York, bo1Ulded north by Lone Island Sound, east by lands of Schroeder, south by Main Road (State Route 2~ and vest by lands of Daenltoski, Brown, Stamos, Moack, others; it is hereby RBSOLVBD, that the Planning Board reco_end to the Town Board thet right of access be approved by way of Aquaviev Avenue and Cedar Drive to lots as far down aa the one marked Bellman on map of Otto W. Van TWl a: SoDTf Proposed layout of land of Costas Stars at Bast Marion, New York dated March 13, 19~9. It is further sucgested to the owner1hat a strip l~ feet wide on the north and east of Lot No.1, and along the east side of Lots 2 through 11, inclusive, be reser.ed in order to make ~O feet available for a future public road. It is hrther suggested that below Lots No. 11 and SO that this projected public road be on one side or the other of the property, rather than down the middle. 7LJ~~~ V John Wickham, Chairman Southold To'WD PlanniDl Board , . SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE RALPH P. BOOTH. CLERK 'HIGI$TRAR OF VITAL STATISTIC:' SOUTHOLD, N. Y. April 22, 1959. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of COSTAS STARS , of East Marion, L.I. , reJ.ative to open development area under the provisions of Section 280-a of the Town Law of the State of New York is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at Southo1d, New York. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. The Town Board recommends that the highway be 50 feet in width. Very truly yours, ~ p~ ~ Bo~th RPB/mr Town Clerk r . . IRVING L. PRICE, JR, ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN STREET GREENPORT, N. Y. Pi-ION!; GREE"'POIH 7-1016 April 7, 1959 Building Inspector Southold Town South old, New York Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith please find application and maps, in duplicate, in the matter of application for an open development area of la nd of Costas Stars at East Marion. I would like to be informed of the date of hearing in this matter_ Yours very truly, ~/ d.,J ILP:c Ene. . . April 29, 195'9 ~port tOI Southold Town Board Southold, Bev York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the rollo~ing aotion vas taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on April 28, 19~91 In the matter of the petition of Costas Stars tor an Open Dev~lopment Area under the provisiobs of Section 280-. of the T01m Law of the State at Hev York ot the folloving described propertyt Acreaae at the Sound, East Marion, Hev YorK, bounded north by LoYll Island Sound, east by lands of So:hroe4er, south by Main Road (State Route 25) A and west by lands at DzenkosJd, Brown, Stamo!', Maack, an others; it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Planninc Board recoJllJllend to the Town Board that right of aco:ess be approved by way of Aquaview Avenue and Cedar Drive to lots a~ tar down as the one marked Hellman on map of Otto W. Van Tuyl a: Son', Proposed layout of land of Costas Stars at East Marion, New York dated March 13, 1959. It is further suggested to the owner that a strip 15 teet w1de on the north and east of Lot No.1, and along the east side of Lot. :2 through Ilt inclus1ve, be reserved in order to make 50 feet availa Ie for a future public road. It is further suggested that belov Lots Ro. 11 and 50 that this projected public road be on one slde or the other of the property, rather than down the middle. - Very truly YOUTS, John Wiokham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board /jb . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) APPLICATION NO,: ." ......,.""..',..".."..." DATE: ,.,....' ",h,p,:r.1..+..,7..,..19.5,9...........,..,...,..,.,........,...................., I, (WE), "'..,..<:: (),s, ~,?,~,..~ ~.~J:,~,."",..,.......,...,...,...,...... ,....,'..,..."..,...',.." ,....."..',.., ,.., ,....'"..,.....,..',...,......,.... ,...., OF Ma in Road East Marion New York ........................................................................J .................................................................., .................... (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-a of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ",..,"~? .~.~, ..M.~,r,~,,?,~,,--, ,N.~~., X','?r:,~,.."..,..""..,..,..."..,..,..,....., ,.."..,.,......,..,...... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, DESCRI PTION OF PROPERTY: .,Ac:.r.!'!,a,g,e...~,~, ,S!,'?~:n.~..,R!'!J~g..,~,~':',<:,l..?,p.E!,d..,.1?,y...,s.~,l.E!.. ,?,L,....., ",..".. ,J.Q,'\;,Ii"...., ,MQ,~, t" Rt:.. ,J..9.!&, ,w,~r.'$,. ,M ;).,<;1", m:,:i. Q,:r.. ..'\;,Q.. ,~1J..<;!, ~,t.!J)!?J.1t, ,QJ,., !;:.Q1J..:!.,ng, ,Q.r.gJ.!1.?.1:')c:,~" of Southold Town. ..... .......................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:..,..........,......,.., ",..,,'. ,$!'!,~,. ,!A?P,.. !J,i:; t?, c;h~ <?,.. ~,e, r:.~. 1:; 9,....".,~ 9.11!J,Y.~,~\'T.. AYE! :n.l1~." !iA~".q ~,d,~,r." !?r.~,Y.E!.., ?t~,..,.,.., ,.., ,..", .".."" ,ex.i s,ting., ,T OJ/ln, Ro,a d,s..,.."""..."",..,...,...", ",...'".."'..'....,,.., ,...."..""..,...,..."...',.....,......,'..,.....,......... ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ",....,',~,r.!'!.9,1:;.t.~!1...~r,.p.!Jx,?,i:;.~..,:\,~.sJ~.e,!1,9,~~,.."...,..,...,................." ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:...fr.:t,;{!'!t~]!?,~J9,~~9,!'!,~..'--....................,....,......................... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT., ..,.."...""'..,...".."......','.,...',......',..,.....'......,..,,.......,..,.."., ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................,............................ STAT[ or ~KW YORK ) ) -55, ........................................................................................ COUtHY or ,..,......,....,............,..........,) (3ig, l\oIh.u ~) ,'- C v6;rz. \-' dL/.. SWORN TG4FUS ,......,....,....,..D?\Y-E>F..,.., ,fJ.-;(c,. ..c..~;'1:;:,;:~..;;)'................-1-9:........,.......... .............................................................................,.......... (netsp) l3\:1t::1lic) STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) 55. : Sworn to this 7U(/ day of April, 1959. ' ~E JI'I ~ ~ rJ IRVinG L, h;Ic.; . , ~ "> . ,~,~~~~~op;:,:r~~: C~T~iT~ ~:Fo~;~O~,~~" , , " , '{.( '"4r)..3/b ''I,rv I , _......... _ \ ',- "'-.-.... . '-~ - " - .._,.~, -'-..-.. ~., - -' --..~-, ", - I - , '\ .. -. -- . . -_. .. - - -- - .. _..... r - -.."._,- ~ ... -- -',.~._,' '",''' ,_.. ~"-"--""" - .~~ , - "' ...._ n. " . ,. __. , ' ". I \ " \ - . , /" <, / ,Schv-oe.,.:i.""".. '_ , 4 .' 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So.. , Lic<s\-\ sed Lct\.,d S\.-Ivve,:\oys Gv....ertpoy+, N<S\N,....(oyl<., . p, .. . - ... _.......~ - '~ I' ,........-... .__ "P'- _......_. I,_'~"""_ .v-' "....._......... _". ,~ .,... _ a . .. - --" _ ,. --41__ 0' _... .. . - "I" - _ . 1 I --, '-' -- , --,-- ~ , . , L -- -. - - -_____._ _.__,. .... _