HomeMy WebLinkAboutRich, Frederick J . . WH EREAS, .',.." ..f.!=,~~~~ .~,~~,. ,~,~,~p.,..",.".."""..""""".."..""".."""", has made application to the Town Board for the establishment of an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section 280-A of the TOWN LAW, and , WHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore referred the matter to the Planning Board for its advice and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has recommended that the application of ..,................f.;r;,~Q.~;r;,:j,!;'K,R:j,!;'b,....,..........,....,..........,..".. be g<anted, NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Boord of the Town of Southold does hereby establish an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA over the property of ,..........f,:r;:~~~;rJc::,~..~;I,c::A..,..............,...., as shown forth on the map attached to the application, By Order of the Southo1d Town Board. Dated: March 22, 1966. ~()I.~~ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk i;f' ~ ";.. . ''''''. ... ~ ". s-. ';':..-1 '""'.'. ~..,. " ' '. t . FREDERIC P RICH ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN STREET SaU1"HOLD, NEW YO~K i A~EA CODE 516 !;;,O ~-3436 : WALTER GEORGE KAPP March;; , 1966 - NEW YORK OFFICE AREA CODE 21Z PL 2-3650 Robert Taaker, Esq. Main street Greenport, New York " , .I He: Colonial Village , I , I Dear Bob: " " .I You will recall that a .few weeks ago we informally .~i reviewed the propoaed application to have Colonial Village .~. declared an Open Devel~ent Area under aubdlvialon ~ of ~: Section Zooa of the 'l'own Law. An application was 1'iled shortly .~; the1*earter. and va. referred to the Planning Board .for 1'&COlll- , mendaUon 118 provided by the statute. A1"1;er a coapl. or hear- ings. the Plann:h1g Board has filed its recOIIIII!endatloJUI and , report, and there ie now encloaed herewith a short memorandum j discussing thlB report. You will note .1'1'011I the memorandum. as " well 8.8 .from the report it.el1'. that the Plal'Jlling Board haa ! treated this application as tboagh it were the t'i1~ ot' a <, map or a 8ubdiyl81on under Section 33$ or the Real Property " ::\ Law. despite the 1'act that Walter K'app attallpted to point out that no 8ubdlvialon 0.1' land was involved. And it would i seem. that 1;he proposed 20 .root roads tU1>nishlng access not ,', jl only to one. but to two separate pUblic higbwa.ys are adequat.. ',1 not only as 8 question ~ tact. but as a matter o:f law. I.' I am taking the lIberty 01' .ending an extra copy ot .., ~! this letter and ot the enclosed memorandl8l to Let Albertson ~'" . for hie .in1'ormatlon, &S wsU &s extra ooplea or the Jnemorandwn ,<;( -~. tor distribution to other members 01" the Board it be chooses 1:" ~, to pass them along. r I.f ;rou baT. any thought. or suggeatlOnll. I should be " ;1 glad. or course, to stop over to discuss them with you. ~i <, '!~; ,~.; Sincerely yours. I ~~' ~r ./10 ;:~4 ~~: .. ' / . .r"~! , / , ^, ~, ."'~,!-. "',j , ~1'I.t' Supervisor !.eater M. Albertson .' ec: . tit ij' ~ ~ .'r~, ;-;>. ~I , .' TOWN BOARD : TOWN OF SOlJTHOLD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x In the Matter of the Applic~tion of : FREDERIC P. RICH : to have certain Property on the North Side : MEMORANDUM of Main Road, Village of Southold, declared SUPPORTING APPLICATION an Open Development Area pursuant to the : provisions of Section 280a, Subdivision 4, of the Town Law. : - - - - - ------ ------ - - - - - - x 1. What This Application is About By application dated January 28, 1966, filed with the Town Board and subsequently referred by it for recommendations to the Planning Board, application was made to declare the area shown on the map annexed to the said application as an Open Development Area under the provisions of Section 280a, Subdivision 4, of the Town Law, which specifically provides that the Town Board may, by resolution, establish an Open Development Area within the Town, whereby permits may be issued for the erection of struc- tures to which "access" is r;iven by right of way or easement. Subdivision 5 of this section provides as follows: ItFor the purpose of this Section, the word "access" means that the plot on which such structure is proposed to be erected directly abuts on such street or highway and has sufficient frontage thereon to allow the ingress and egress of fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, and other emergency vehicles, and a frontage of 15 feet shall presumptively be sufficient for that purpose. It This statute is designed to cover the precise situation . .. of the circumstances involved in the application, l~here the . . : , property fronts on a public highway but the buildings are to be erected some distance from the street line. Here the public interest involved is that there be adequate access to the buildings for emergency vehicles, which applies even in the case of a single private dwelling. Annandale , Inc. v. Brienza, 1 A.D. 2nd, 785; 148 N.Y.S. 2d, 17. In that case, the Appellate Division for this Department said (p. 18 ) "The purpose of the statute appears to be in the public interest and primarily to provide reasonable means of coping with fires and other emergencies. The statute does not require any particular form of physical access, merely any reasonable means. " The map annexed to the application shows that the plot which is owned by applicant and which applicant seeks to have declared an Open Development Area has a frontage of 60 feet on Main Road and 275.33 feet on Boisseau Avenue (both existing public streets). The buildings on such lot, with respect to which it is sought to have construction permits issued, are nine in number, to all of which it is proposed that access be provided by a 20' road running both to Main Road and also to Boisseau Avenue. It is to be particularly noted that the proposal set forth in the application is not for the approval of a subdivision of the plot since the usage of the land for which approval is sought is not its subdivision into smaller lots or parcels for sale or lease of such smaller lots to the pUblic. What applicant seeks is merely the issuance of permits to build upon ~ single plot, held in single and separate undivided ownership, a number of buildings which will be used for garden-type apartments. In this connection, Section 280a, upon which the application is based, specifically contemplates the development of an area within 2. '. . the Town by the erection of structures thereon, provided, and only provided, (as decided by the Courts) that reasonable access is given to these structures to allow (in the words of the sta tut e) , "the ingress and egress of fire trucks, ambulances, police car s, and other emergency vehicles". Furthermore, the statute speci- fically, and in so many words, specifies that in prescribi~~ suitable access to structures to be erected for the purpose of ingress and egress of the emergency vehicles specified in the statute, that 15 feet shall presumptively "be sufficient for that purpose. As stated by Mr. Justice Hill in the case of Reggs Homes, Inc. v. Dickerson, 170 N.Y.S. 2d 771 (1958) ; affd 186 H.Y.S. 2d 215, 8 A.D. 2d 640 (Second Dept): "A building permit can be validly denied under this section only when the facts will support a finding by the administrative body that the conditions set forth in subdivision 5, supra, cannot be met; viz., fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles cannot safely and with reasonable certainty travel to and from the proposed structure." (Underlining added) II. Discussion of Recommendations of Planning Board The matter having been referred to the Planning Board for recommendations, the Planning Board has considered the matter and made its report and recommendations to the Town Board dated March 1, 1966. The applicant wishes to extend his appreciation of the prompt, courteous and considerate hearing of the matter extended by the Planning Board. It is submitted, however, that as is evident on the face of its recommendations that understand- ing of the Planning Board is not entirely in keeping with the 3. facts, and that the Planning Board has considered the matter as though the application related to a proposed subdivision rather than under the criteria specified by Section 200a of the Town Law referred to above under which the application was filed. Applicant in no sense proposes or seeks approval for the sub- division of property into building lots for sale to the public or for any other purpose. There is no such application before the Board. Had this been the purpose of the application, the application would have been made under the provisions of Section 335 of the Real Property Law and not under the Town law. Section 335 of the Real Property Law (which in no sense is applicable to the present application) specifically provides for the filil~ of a subdivision map whenever the owner intends to divide real property in Suffol~ County into lots "for the purpose of offering such 10ts,H:'''for sale to the public". This section of the law then requires that the written approval of the proposed layout by the Planning Board before the subdivision map may be filed as provided by law. The sole purpose of the present application is to obtain the approval of the Town Board to the erection of "structures" upon the land. As decided by the Courts, the sole matter of public interest involved is whether suitable "access" has been provided for the ingress and egress of emergency vehicles. The Planning Board, however, in the concluding paragraph of its report said, "The Planning Board points out that this property should have been a subdivision in view of the fact that all physical features point to a subdivision." 4. " - It is obvious from the report that the matter is con- sidered as though the question before the Planning Board was its approval of a subdivision map. All the conditions which the Plannin~ Board recommends in its report to the Southold Town Board are based upon this misunderstanding. Paragraph 1 of these conditions states, "that a 24- foot all paved ri~2;ht of way" is needed to get into the parking area, especially since vehicles will be driven by elderly people. It is again to be pointed out (even at the risk of repetition) that the only question properly before the Board was whether or not there is suitable access to the structures provided for emergency vehicles, none of the drivers of which are (presumably) elder ly people, and whose sole interest is in gettinr, to the structures for emergency purposes and not into the parking area. The fact that the Planning Goard has used the wrong criteria in making recoDnnendations with respect to the application is equally evident from the further conditions about drainage and that the two proposed buildings on the North side of the Southold Fire District and the property of Bednosl~ should be moved farther North in order to provide adequate property line setback. It is the province of the building inspector, and not the Planning Board, to see that the Zoning Law requirements with respect to property line setbacks are observed, and the standards to be applied are the provisions of the Zoning Law and not some arbitrary requirement which happens to reflect the individual opinion of some member of the Planning Board. The comment of the Planning Board with respect to drain- age falls in the category of something that might properly be 5. - considered if the application for a subdivision of land was what had been filed. Again, it is to be repeated that the only approval which the application seeks to obtain is for the erection of apartments in an area in the "B" (Business zone) which is a per- mitted use under the Zoning Law, a!~ the question before the Board is whether suitable access is provided for emergency vehicles. In the Reggs case (supra) where the Planning Board specifie~as a condition of a buildine permit. the installation of catch basins. the Court declared such conditions "invalid" . III. The Recommendations of the Planning Board Are Unrealistic It has been pointed out above that the Planning Board has failed to apply the proper tests in making recommendations to the Town Board concerning the present application, and that it has sOUGht to recommend requirements with respect to matters which. as a matter of law. are not properly the object of consider- ation under subdivision 4 of Section 28013. of the Town Law. However, entirely apart from the foregoing. the conditions recommended by the Planning Board are entirely unrealistic. The basic condition recommended by the Planning Board for a granting of the applica- tion is that the applicant be required to construct a one-wa~ paved road 24 feet in width at the places where the right of way is indi- cated on the map attached to the application. It is to be borne in mind that the application ShOHS that the entire development will consist of only 54 families, most of whom are single people without cars. In fact, of the 12 tenants who have entered into leases to date, less than one-third of them either own or operate automobiles. 6. . Under the circumstances, the requirements recommended by the Planning Board are entirely unrealistic. This conclusion is underscored when it is realized that the specifications pres- cribed by the Planning Board are identical in every respect to the specifications recommended for ~ service road for the proposed Atlantic Highway which, if constructed in conjunction with the proposed bridge over Long Island Sound, will be one of the ma j or super highways and traffic arteries in the entire United States. (See map of profile of proposed road submitted with report of a Governor's Commission.) There is already constructed and existing a 20 foot road, sLlch as the applicant proposes for the entire area, leading from Main Street into the interior of the plot in question. A physical inspection of this road l.ill demonstrate that it is entirely adequate for any possible future vehicular tr aff ic into this relatively small, proposed private development. Furthermore, the additional condition that the roads be only one-way is equally u.nrealistic. In this connection, the Planning Board has made the further recommendation that such a condition be in the form of a written covenant to be entered into by the owner. The applicant states categorically that nothing would be more pleasing to him than to provide for one-way traffic just as soon as the entire development is completed. However, it is completely unrealistic to believe that the owner in good faith could enter into such a covenant for the simple and practical reason that there is no possible way he could enforce such a condition if people chose to disregard it. This is not a question of a public highway where an ordinance or governmental . regulation can mandate that the road be one way only 7. , so that those persons using the road in violation of such ordinance can be fined, or other disciplinary action taken, to assure the enforcement of the regulation. Applicant would be happy to agree to post directional signs upon completion of the project and endeavor to the extent of his ability to enforce a one way require- ment if recomraended by the Town Board, but he obviously cannot enter into any binding undertaking guaranteei~ one way use only with no police authority to enforce such regulation. IV. Conclusion Again, it should be stated that the spirit of cooper- ation eDlibited by the Planning Board in conducting the hearings in the matter is most appreciated. Their original position was that there should be a 50 foot right of way, as in the case of a road to be dedicated for public use. While in a spirit of cooper- ation they have now recommended less onerous requirements, it is submitted that their approach to the situation still remains the same, and that this approach is entirely at variance with the tests and standards laid down by law and the Courts. Unlike the typical subdivision, which invariably involves the development of large undeveloped tracts of land in outlying areas, the present proposal entails the use of a small tract of land in the heart of the Village of Southold in an area already highly developed and with respect to which adequate public streets and highways already exist. The access roads which are under discussion are merely roads for the purpose of supplying private ingress and egress to . 8. . the limited nwaber of persons who will reside on the plot in question, which constitutes a strictly private use of such roads. The statute specifically makes the road 15 feet in width presump- tively sufficient access for emergency purposes. There is nothing relating to the circumstances which would furnish any reason why the presumption of the statute should be disregarded. V. The application as filed and the access roads shown therein should be approved. Respectfully submitted, FREDERIC P. RICH, Applicant. Frederic P. Rich Walter George Kapp Of Counsel 9. - - . . Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD. L. I., N. Y. PLANN I NG BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Moise Report to: Southo1d Town Board ^lfr~d Grebe Arc:hibold Young 16 South ,,\Street Greenport, New York Willia-m Uni::elbach March 8, 1966 Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting held on March 1, 1966: In the matter of the petition of Frederick P. Rich, Southo1d, New York relative to an application for an Open Development Area in accordance with Section 280A of the State of New York Town Law, on property located west of the property of Southo1d Fire District on the north side of Main Road, Southo1d, New York, extending north to the Long Island Railroad and east to Boisseau Avenue, approximately 6 acres of land having the metes and bounds set forth in the survey annexed to the app1ication~~ Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, it is hereby RESOLVED that the Southo1d Town Planning Board recommend to the Southo1d Town Board the establishment of said open development area on said property described above, subject to the following conditions: l. There shall be required a minimum twenty-four (24) foot one way right of way, all paved, in view of the fact that 24 feet is needed to get into the parking area especially when the vehicles will be driven by elderly people. 2. In view of the fact that some of the property in question has changed ownership several times on paper, a legal instrument should be drawn up to bind the minimum twenty-four (24) foot one way right of way to the land and not to the owner. . ~ . . Report to Southo1d Town Board March 8, 1966 . 3. The two proposed buildings on the north side of Southold Fire District anoon the north side of property of Bednosky shall be moved further north in order to provide adequate property line setback. 4. Provisions for drainage must be made on the applicant's property. 5. The Planning Board points out that this property should have been a subdivision, in view of the fact that all physical features and area point to a subdivision. Respectfully submitted, E ,JLc, (<),L\,jJU.",-, ' L ~~ , f I ~(- ohn Wickham, Chairman ",. Southo1d Town Planning Board /bd . . OFFI ALBERT W. RICHMOND T TOWN CLERK TELEPHONE REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHoLD 5<3783 50UTHOLD, L, I" N. Y. February 15, 1966. Mr. John Wickham Chairman Planning Board Cutchogue, L.I.,N.Y. Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petition of Frederick Rich, Southold, New York, relative to Open Development Area under the provisions of Section 280-A of the Town Law of the state of New York is in the files in the office of the Planning Board at southold, N.Y. You are instructed to pre- pare an official report defining the condit- ions described in the petition and determine the area so effected with the recommendation of your Board. ve~y truly ~~ur~. ,~tr;!f~k~/ Albert W. Richmond AWR/mr Town Clerk . - . . . ~ . , , APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development orea) APPLICATION NO,: ......,..,..,....,......,....,.. DATE ..,..,;r,f!.,I}!J.,l!,r.:y:.,?,&~..J,,9,R9.............,..,..,................................ I, (WE), "F.r. S.dSX'.i0" ,P,." ,Ri0h".."..,..."...,.",....",.. .,....,""'",..""".."..,..,...",.."...,.........,'.......".,..,.,............., OF Hobart Road Southold New York .........................................................,.............., .................................................................., .................... (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the previsions of Section 280-0 of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ,,'..,. .f.r..Q.P.!i.:r.!<:Y: ..lR.Q,!j.,t. f),c;1.. ,Y!,~ i>,t.. ..oJ~, ..t.b.~..:P~ ,OJ)!;);r. :I<;y:., ,O,t:",..........., '.... "...,..",.",....'",.."..,...,.',.,..',.."..,...,'.... ,$.R,l!, '!ih-,Q;!'4. ..r.t!.'~, ..PJ,/.!,t,:r. .+.9.t ..oP.., , J<hfi, , J).,o.:r.th.. ,:?, ;\.~,f), ..of.......,....., 2, DESCR I PTI ON OF PROPERTY: ~~,:j..IJ.. ~R,9,4..", ;?R,IJJ<P..014~.., f))!;t; !;),t)4,~pg, ,p..or.t,n,.. :till. ..J<hfi............. ",..,...,'......"..,.........."..",.."..,....,.'.'.." Lop..g, , ,J:i>,J.ap..\,!" Reo iJx.o,eod., ,and,..e as. t.. .t.o,.. Rai.s. s.e.all. ,A:v,enlW" ",......,....,.."..".."..,..."..',.."...,..,....,.'" ,fil'p'p,N.<<;:;tma,t,f) ,:].y,.. 6.. .a0.r.!;)~, ..o.!.. .J.IJ.X\\'!,. .ba.v. lug.. , the.. mfi,t,~~.., /I,I1.d .,...".'"""""."".,.",'."", """""..,."."",)?, R ,\!.lJ4,?,..? \! t" t: R;r;'. 1;~!.,. ;tn" ,w.m.,('!;j:.~, 4", /.!!J...r, ![,I? Y" W,IJ..P., , ,of.", Q:I;;, 1; II, ..W,. Van Tuyl & Son. 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:,..,..........,....,.... '" ",A" 2..Q... 1:,09,1;",~ i9.~".r. ;\.gb,t" "o.!. ,)(J,ay., , !;)At.e.n~s, ..fr,am ..}1a.in..Raac;1... t,Q, "a ' ,,par,k.ing. "aX',es...,., ""., .:j.,I}4J ~!'!-. t. fi,~" .9.n... .t.h-.I?" ,? ~;r;''y fi:Y:., ffi.? p, ,!j.,n4" ,r. ,\!n~" ,!>or. 9.1mc;1.,. t,bfi, , ,P,>;1,r. ,:i.mfi.t. !;)X',., II.!" .t.he."..".."..", .., ",R,Q.\u!.4!j.,:r.y" )'.:1-.t)fi", Rt:.,. ,~.~Rh" p.r. 1I.P.>!.:r.:t;y, . ,,:j.,I}, , t.hs",IJJ.fUU1JH'.. ,,IJJ.QX'.e,, ,I)FU', t.ic,u.J.fl..r.1y., ,;t:nd.i~,,,, :t;,ed ..... ,Q,t), , ,t.];).>!,., !?I,1,r.:v.~ y, .!\JA\P.". ,.., ,r, ~;r.p", ,a!?QIJ. t.1I, ,.p.r Q:v:ld.ad, ..a.<1.. .lud,ics.t,e,d,.,.... ,.."..........,...,..............' 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ,E;r;o.aQ,t.;i"O.:n...c.;t: ..gar.dsn"'t,}[P,~...a.Pfl..r.t,IJJ.SX!t.<1..,lJ.t..~a,c,at,i9X!a, ",..' ~,n.~~,~,~.~. ~~,. "o,~",s,~~,~~J" ~P.. ~'" ,~,~p~,~ ~~~g",!l",~;:>,t!l,~" ..oJ, ,5.4", ~!:l?:~,y' ~,~,~~,;J, '. ,~p'~,~~p.~,~!::, 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:,....m!.~:t;I'1"......B.p..U,cj.,;!,;r:Jg..p.>!.:r;'.J]J.t&..b."'1C,e..,i'!J,r.,e,a9.}[..);>.!~,en obtained ror three buildings housing 18 or such units located on the ",..' s'Ou't-hw'e st'e~l"J" 'see t'ion" of, '1: he' 'tro-psr1:y';",. 'Two "aT e'" C'OITlplet, e'd '=0:' 'the" .third is in advanced st~es or cons ructtf8 6, MAP OF PROPERTY SHO ING PROPOSED LA YOU F LAND USE AND RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ..,.......s.>!,e,..!j.,mJ.,ax-~\'!..,~:t;."'t.WJ..eJJ.t..........,................. ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF NEW YORK ) .,. ,.'"" "'" ,h-.r,(!, .~,~, ,~:.".. ~!!. ,~J.I.. ~~<.)."',. ".,., ) SS, COUNTY OF ....,Mf.9.~,:K........,..,..,...) '.// (signature) SWORN~ ~"..,..?AY ~.........J.a;t:ma);',y.....,....,..,..,....,............19..6,6,..,........, ....,........, ,......,..... .. .........../.::....,~..#,.. ,...................., nota ry pub I ic) WALTER G. t-:,...P:"! NOTARY PU,e'I}~, '~.I;' ,"I I\.;c,w York ~ ~ ~Q~470G Re..,id:ng in :uHolk ":-r',j"t-, Terr.' ~:'':'.YS lv'.orch }J. j ~67 " I . , , . . . , . 7. The land described in the annexed survey map is all located on a "B" business zone and is all individually owned by the applicant who is constructing thereon individual garden-type apartment houses which are being offered for rent to persons of : mature a3e who seek this type of housing accommodation in order to ,: relieve themselves of the cares of house ownership. They are particularly designed for widows and retired persons whose fami- : lies have grown up and who wish to establish themselves in quarter of this sort independently of their children, but who have reached the a~e where they 10J ish to be relieved of ground maintenance and other problems incident to house ownership. It is believed that there is a definite community need for this type of housing accommodation in Southold which has many widows and retired persons. Ther e is presently no other comparable facilities in the Southold area. The present main access road to the property is from Main street, but as is evident from the survey map, the plan and design is to have the main entrance for vehicular traffic located at the place indicated on the survey map as the entrance from Boisseau Avenue, loJhich is relatively free of any congested traffic conditions even in the mid-summer season. It is planned that the individual buildings will be constructed as demand for apartment rentals dictates, and as each building is constructed, the right of way leading to it will be surfaced with a finished paved macadam road with a minimum width of 20 feet. As the surfacing of each road is completed, there ,Jill also be a sufficient provision for paved turn-aboutS-61 ! ~l Q'iI so that vehicular traffic to a!ld from each building may be maintained entirely over a paved surface as the building of " I . , . . . . . . I I the individual apartment houses pr08resses. However, there are presently existing unobstructed dirt roads over these ri~hts of way which may presently be utilized as need dictates for all types of vehicular traffic, and which afford direct unobstructed access to the entire area by fire fighting apparatus, police cars, ambulances and other vehicles used for public emergencies. In fact, this past summer, when free passage to Main Street was blocked by the Block Party sponsored by the Southold Fire Department, fire apparatus was stationed by the Fire Department (with the permission of the undersigned) on these rights of way over this same land leading to Boisseau Avenue, as is shown in the survey map, in order to permit exit by this apparatus in the event of a fire in the Southold Fire District while the Block Party was in progress. PaviIJ.G in the entrance road from }min Road already is completed, extending some 320 feet with a 20 foot width to a paved parking area which is approximately 100 x 60 feet. It is to be noted that the number of families to be located upon the total acreage involved is less than ~-half of the maximum specified by the Town Zoning Ordinance. Utilities have been run into the property from !1ain Street, including 6-inch water main. Private fire hydrants have been hooked into this water main and will be maintained for fire- fighting purposes. Contracts have also been let for the removal of snow so that the paved roads leading to the buildin~s will all be readily accessible for fire equipment, police cars, ambulances and other emergency vehicles. _'- _ ._~_____~ _.....__~_"___h__"~_~. .,_ _~__ .'." .+'~'_'''__'_~____'__~''___>^..,_~ ,~~__._ _~...._-.....___,~,.. "_"~__~"______,~,,,__._,__.,,~,,&, _'" LCfiOI, \-:.;(,.\,',(,; Ra.\I.......,-:,L!l,4 N,':;,,,;;:C"4S>3u\:::, (;:,7'3 c:.~ : I.. -, -, ___ I ". ..........." ____ I P.:..~~kll:'1 :'jVdv.{! :J /- ';r.. 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