HomeMy WebLinkAboutParadise Point/Robinson e.'"'' ~, ......... .. '. . . - . ... ".. . ,0 WHEREAS, ",.." ..,.'",.. "... .,IA.. .I.Q8.DIaaR" ,,_IIft'SB.. "" ,... ".' "". has made application to the Town Board far the establishment of an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section 280-A of the TOWN LAW, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore referred the matter to the Planning Board for its advice and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has recommended that the application of ........,..,..,..,~,.,....,......9.m~A..,"'~,........,..,..,.. be gmnted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Sauthald does hereby establish an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA aver the property of ..,......,~.,....."..,~9...P~,...,ftDfta... as shawn forth an the map attached to the application, DAS'BD I March 11, 1959. ay 0I:des' of t.he IIoutbo1d 'l'oIm 8ou:d. aalpb P. Booth 'IcIIna Clerk . . Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickhdm, Chtlirmdn Fe bruary 13, 1959 Hdrold R. Reeve Henry Moise! Alfred Grebe Archibdld Young B.e)':ort to: SoutholQ10wn Board Southold, Ne'er York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the fOllowin,'; action ':IaS takenby the Southold 'town PlarminiT, Board at its meeti~ on February 17, 1959. In the matter of the a,clication of N. '" Robinson for an u. Open Development Area of property described on Map of Paradise Point, Bayvie\'J , Southold, New York; it is hereby HESCILV~D , that the Planning Board recommend to the Southold To''In BO'lrd a.r;proval of the access only to the extent marked in red and siGned December 16, 1958 on nap of Paradise foint at Bay- vie':I, Southold, Ue,'/ Yorl: by Gtto H. Van 'ruyl &, Son surveyed e,n September 15, 1947. We should specifically like to point out that the other roads shown on this ma~ are not actually in existance as shown and should not be considered satisfactory. fhe part approved by the .t'li.',nnin,~ bOJ,rd is all ~aved to a width of about 25 feet and is a 50 foot right-of-way. This has been inspected by our repre;;enta ti ve:: several times. Very truJ.y yours, / ,0 , ;/ i',' (--r-~ Y:;C~77 1 ,-"" /"" lJohn Wickham, Ghairman Southold Tovrn Planning 80ard. I I . . February 18, 1959 Report tOI SoutholdToKn Board Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to oertify that the following action was takonby the Southold TOKn Planning Board at its meeting on February 17, 1959. In the matter of the applioation of N. S. RODinson for an Open Development Area of property described on Map of Paradise Point, Bayv1ew, Southold, New York I it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Planning Board recollUllend to the South old Town Board approval of the access only to the extent marked in red and signe~ Deoember 16, 1958 on Map of ?aradise Point at Bay- view, Southold, New York by Ctto ~. Van Tuy1 & Son surveyed on September 15. 1947. We should specifically like to point out that the other roads shown on this map are not actually in existance as sho~rn and should not be considered satisfactory. The part approved by the Pla~~1D0 Board is all paved to a width of about 25 feet and is a 50 foot right-of-way. This has been inspected by O\~ representatives several times. Very truly yours, John Wickham, ChairMan Southold Town Planning Board JW/jb I . .j November 10, 1950 Mr. F.R.Robinson Jr Indian Neck Rd " Peconic, L.I. , " Dear Frank; The rne'~ting of the Plannin:; Bo~d sceduled for Jo'r. 18th has been changed to Decemb'?r 16th at 7:30 PL I wrote Hallenbeck a notice of Violation returnabJ_e on t~e 29th of November. I have not heard fram h~as yet. vlill let you knov as soon as posE'ible ..hen he replies. '{ourf, truly I I " - 1"1 \ ,'....,. , -~V--""'- .- ".' \ \ . , \ .. .' BUildin{; Inspector > , . . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) mLlCA mN~. '. ...:................;....;... DATE, ....d.,.[.:..... .........\\::......'...'..'....<::.......................... I, (WE), ......,..,..,..5,..,.....~:o:-.~............,......,........(()..,'..........,..,.... l \. ~ ~, t' ' /'- "'-'.A.-- ....................A;'~T:.. OF "..53"k"..".....,~"'~""",.."..,.., "..,...........,...,.."....""..,..".....t,...."...... . (street) (municipality) '......, "'(~t~t~)""" Da hereby make applicatian to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to estoblish on "Open Development Areo" under the provisions of Section 280-a of the Town Low of the State of New York of the fOIlOW~ described prop~rty; " 1, LOCATION OF PROPERTY: .........,~'?-:,;;~........'f.\~~:.:J'......,....~~~7..(':'~~, ",......"..,"",.."...,...,k~~~::-::".,.".,",..".....,/I(,:-:lf.~,..,...".."..,.,....,',.."..,......"..,........,..,.........,.."..,.. 2, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. '" ,~.".....r-J.<.:-::-::-:-,...,',.,.q;;t.).q7.~)?.::-;';}s,..",7:':-:::,~"':r,..,.,......,.. ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:,....,P0:~:,~'::tc. .,....,&..~~.~':.:J.,"',f"..~.,.fJ.:,',..':'::~:."\~'"ic.~~t...-b,,.,'".."..~:',.,",..:~~"o:,>>...,',S:':~..,....,' .......~g,.,..~".~..........:h..,.."\f.......... t.f'.,..,..L,..,.....if',~c+..,................ ",..IJ1,c.~...,.R~,'*,~:~,..,...,~..,..,...,' ,...,...... ""~~..~"~\...,'~':...~f.:,.."..,....., ,....".."'.,....".,..."....""",'..,....,......,..."..,,..,'.......,.....:"..~,..."'..,~,........,....."..".."..".."...,...,.."..,., 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ..,..~........,..,1....,............,..,............,.....,......,....................,........ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:.....,..1.?~,~........,~..~.~,.'.............. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYaJT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFOR0ATION BY APPLICANT.. ..,~,~.~~-::-,T"<,"r.~....,..~~-!:..~~,....0,~,'!.,t~~,~..f.~-O"<I "C::n,',.00.,Z,..,""~{"~,,..,',:~~.~...,,:?<d.\,,~...,..,0:~::C,,:,'~",.........,...,.."..,....,.."....,................, ................................................................................................................................................................................ :::::':::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;V;:::;s.;:::::::::,:::::::::::.:.:::::::::'::::::::::~:::::~~~ STATE 0' NEW ~1t..t/L.- 155 4,'mm/::mm COUNTY OF ........'.... ' ..jI,......'.....) (SlQn~+'..e) €i .-J2-- S'^:Q.~N,TO THIS ..~AY,OF..,..,.. .. ....,:~....,:.7.............,......,..........19..;Fk:....., ..,~....>......,..,.................,......,.., (notary public) I:tOISf IIOWDEN -, ""bIie, Stat. of Now Yo. ro',sNlinlii h Suffolk County No. 52-0367800 "', .' ".'I'$.:'.)rl E'p,r~" Malrh 30. I'~ S~1 .,-'. . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development areo) ~~ ~ Il<;r APPLICATIONN~~":"'"'~''(]'''~~i7''~'''''''''''''''''''''....,....'......,....,..,...... I, (WE53".k".."...Cj"LtL;~='..r;r ,..,..,..,..,~':....((t,=..=,..,....,..."..'..'...ii:'r;' OF ........................................................................, .................................................................." .................... (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280'a of the Town Law of the State of New York of the follow~ described prop~rty; K:'. ,A':I /' (J'c......-.. Co ,~ IJ- ~Jv. {/ ::+".--, i/ Jo.,.../ 1, LOCATION OF ~L~~'t.c:\..,....'....iv.',:(/:.."'..".."..""...""j,..,......",.......,...(..,...,........,..,.. .'"""",.., ...', '.',..".."......" ..,...',..""",..,..,'.,..."..,.,.. .'..'-j"'" ,......,....'cc;t~r;"..' ".."..'.;.......'.'..'.......'...'........"..". 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ,.,'~".."J,..~..,.,......,"",..,...::::,:/:,~:..,~.....,.J~,...,~..,..,',...., ................................................................................................................................................................................ ..................,............................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................ A. +- 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:........,~,~ .,.,"'~,~,.~,:;)"""~:,),.,f1:',.,"~,."w,."~",L.U,,,"",.".,9-::?"..,',.~"""~"""'" "'..,.~'~"'''~'''9:.""...,..'''...':&..~,...,...''~.. ......,6.?~"",..,~,' "..,.()?~~..................., r.n' f2&~ ' 't t 'f'J ~ . ~ - - - . - "- ....""'" ........ , ,c...,_,_,_,..,.. :,^" ,.<J...,.........-.:.............. ......, ,'^..c......,', ......~,....,......, ....,..,...,......,.... ~,..";~;~~~'~~'~~~'~~"~~~~~~;~:...,',,',',',~C:::;:::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:,...,....(f?~,~..T,:L..,.......,~,d......-~,............., ............................................................................................................................................................-................... 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ,...~,~+......&..:~....,:.'..~..~..~,~:.-.- "(~""~""""~~~,.,"'~".,.,~"""~"~",'",,,,."""""".""",."."""""'..,'..,,, ................................................................................................................................................................................ ::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::.::::::::,:::::":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::','.:'.:j/;.:::,I~"'..',::',::.,', ::',:" ':".::::::::"':::::::':~::::~ I STATE OF NEW ~c.- i SS ,~,..,........:....,..,......................,..........,........2,~,...., COUNTY OF ......'.....f!Rj;(~........) L""ature) ~~N T~ THIS ......?i~!.-...DA Y OF..,...... .. ......,.... ....,.. ........,....,..,........,....,19..,~t.'::....., --.'f:JLc..~..,/ .. f:-:1,:,;,:d~::....,....,.......... ,_ , (notary public) '- -'\ -- ELOISE eoWDEII IbtIry ""OliC, Stlt. of Now Yo. ~e5IQI!l':: 1'1 Suff')lk County No. 52.03fnOO ." . .... Cr.rn"ltS~11).(1 t.;;,re'5 Matr.t1 3(,. ;". ~ /' , .,... <:) 0 ... "" H .. N A ~ ,. 0' , , ~ I , , I I I I I I I J ! I . . N . .. ... .. . , CJ . ... . ~ D . , <- ! . " . I Q I ,~. ." . . I . . .. " I . .. " ... I . . .. I '" . ~ I . .- . . I: . /0. '.-.. . .. .. . . -.;-." '" , '. V '-, PARADISE POINT SOUTHOLD I L.I. . PHOME PECONIC 6409 . ",1.' ' -.-..,, ,,- -. '. . ,L"'~-~:" -"~":.~'~.;- --~.',,~,)';' , , " .-" '~ - _' ,- 1,' , ,. " .. " . , \1) ~ I ; l- I \'~ o \\t~ 6 \ \~o e--< C) \t '" cO' f'" H R Vv ,,,,'" N A ", " . o.....'-b 0 do' " Y A c H .,.. o~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 1/1 0 1/1 0 - N . 0 1/1 ~ 1/1 0 1/1 0 1/1 0 (OJ nI '--U ... m 0 1/1 .. oj) oj) 1/1 1/1 <t . .. .. C m m m <> """-""'''"'Uttl@lJiW I , .r ~, 0 ., .. ., ",' 0 0, " <::it)\;)It)" U m ffi r r ~ C3"...' - + ..-.u "'-, " ( .".'f .. ........-. "F " " - / , ., , .. ,.,,, -~ .... , ," \ ~ R. / lor/" , . I " V A 0 .. +- A R. <:> .. ,;. .,. E .. ~ " ,/" :J" 0 '- . 0 YA C H T C/ '1J . r " B A $ I N ~ . (1 .. . - Vi - Q ~ . +- - . .' , --( _"....,,""'m.'~',,"'_. MAP OF' IJJ ," .' .r ",p"" .,~-.~ ~~, '.' 4.,,__. 0- POINT If) ,,-" " PARADI5E' 0 -~........, -., -"- V AT '" "-,"- " "fO':!>, ,'BAYVIEVV "" ''''''''''-,_., ^ 50UTHOLD ~.. , , TOWN OF ',..,", SUFFOLK COUN,y, N,Y, 0 / ^ - I _, Scale,' lOa = \ ..J ,I '" '" 0 c:... ~' "- :r , !- 1/, \)' .. , ......' 07 /., I .. , j '.. "" 0 .......~ ,':J:' '" .... I/) ... ..., { J. t7 Sept, IS> 1947 f IE' Su...ve'je.cI ~ V , ~~"!7:S '" ' , ::>... ~..... '-,I a...e app...oximote 01'1''5- 'Licensed Suv-veljoY '", Note.: IHtexiov- \ i I'1e.s GYeel'1po....t ,New '<'oYk .. 8. - ca~c.V"e.te. t1-1.0\-iutT\e\"\+ ">'-','C".___' _._.