HomeMy WebLinkAboutLatham, Edward ., .,' .. '. - WHEREAS, "",.."..,MP...".,..~,..,.."..".."..".,',..".."."...,",.," has made application to the Town Board for the establishment of an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section 280.A of the TOWN LAW, and WHEREAS, the Tawn Baard has heretofore referred the matter to the Planning Boord for its advice and recommendation, and WHEREAS. the Planning Board has recommended that the application of ......,......"..IDMMO,..W,...,LAtIM,..,..............,................, be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby establish an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA over the property of ............~..~,.,..~......,.......... as shown forth on the map attached to the application, DA'l'BD1 M&'ch 11. 195t By ~ of the 8ou~ld 'I'owD BoVd. Ralph P. Booth 'I'owD Clerk . . Southold Town Planning Board 5DUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickh/lm, Chdirman February 18, 1959 Harold R. Reeve Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: Southold Town Board Southold, Ne~l Yort, Gentlemen: This is to certify that the follOl'lin;; acti Or! vms tal,en by the Southold 'Town Planninp; Goard at its meeting on February 17, 1959. In the matter of the application of Edward W. Latham for an Open Development Area of property located on ~oungs Avenue, ::112,0 \cno;,'n as Youn,ccs Road, Orient, He\rJ Y'Jrk, lying northerly and southerly of a 20 foot right-of -1'iaY as shown on map of Otto ;J. Van Tuyl & Son dated February 16, 1959; it is hereby S,_,SOLV",D, that the Pla!ming B03,rd recom"lend to the 'ro/m bo~~d that the request for an Open Development Area be granted. In vie;, of the fact this ri;;llt-of-'lay has been serving two or thre'2 houses for ap9roxirnately the last thirty years and the totc:.l length is les,c th:J.n 600 feet, the LOJ.rci. feccls the .20 foot wici.th is adequate. Very truly yours, ), ( , /' z:. ' /'( ~~",,~M;:J ';:. l / John ::iicU'lam, Chair:llcln SOClthold~'o',m i'lan.i1in; Board \ . . February 18, 1959 " I , Report to: South old Town Board Southold, New Yo~( Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following aotion was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on February 17, 1959. In the matter at the applioation of Edward W. Lath~ for an Open Development Area of property located on Younge Avenue, also knOl"fD as Youngs Road, Orient, New York, lying northerl:, and southerly of a 20 toot right-of-way as shown on map of Otto W. Van Tuyl & Son dated February 16, 1959. it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Planning Board reoommend to the TO~l Board that the request tor an Open Development Area be gran1;ed. In view of the faot this right-of-way has been serving two or three houses tor approximately the last thirty years and the , total length Is les8 than 600 feet, the Board feels the 20 toot width is adequate. Very truly yours, John Wiokham, Chairman Southold !own Planning Board JW/jb . . . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) APPLICATION NO,: '.,......',......'..,'..."..,., DATE: ",..", "F..br.uar:y.,~1...,19.!a........."..,...................,.............. I, (WE), ",~p.w. ~,~p. ,,!!,,, .1,,/\ mA N... ,m~Und1.1...l1y..,. .and.,OD, ,HhaU'..of, ,W,oodr.ow,.and.,EdDa,Alllell OF .,...,...' ..M.I.n,.R.Qad...., ,..,...".., ,.."....'" ,.."...." Orient... To... of, Soathold-",......,..."" ,..N.,:y:......... (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to estoblish an "Open Development Areo" under the provisions of Section 280-0 of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: X9.~mJ,.,. A !!~~.. ,~"',Q., ~~~n,u, Y~,IoU1I"..BQ.d.., .Od,.n~ ..If_,,,,,.. YQl'k ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, DESCRI PTION OF PROPERTY . ~~,.. ,I.',r.~~,~!, ,fC),r., :'!~~~. ~,~,~~,....~....~I~U,~..~!'-~, p.r.c?P',~~.l ,l~,~., n.~.r.t~~~~y.. .~~~"..C?~~~..~~y.,9.( I~, .2,1,), .(~..," ~,~~~..~, ~~y.. ~,.., IJ,bQ:Q. ,QD. ,JU~,Qf,OUt). ,:V:.nT.u;y1 ,~,,~.9.~, ,~~"', .Jr.'~~,,~ ..tI., ,.1.8.,$ ,and. ...Uaehed,barfto, and. ,formiD&, a.,pad.,her.eof.. ,," "" "",' .....-...............................................................-.......................................................................................................... 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:......................., ,A:,.,2,O,.~:".~~"~~~~~,.r.II~,~,~r.~I:Jl,!,()II~,..,f: !~~U.I!,'~~~~I:',~.~,...~.~~,,!m,~~~,~~~,~.~~p,.,..," ....................................................................................................................................................-........................... ................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ 4, ' ae.idenUal INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY, ..,............,............ ,..,..'........,..,................' ..,.........,........,......'..'....,....,........' ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:,..9.~~J~m,ny...",w.'J,.j.q"..,..,..............,....,..,............................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:" ""..'..'....,..,'...,..",...,..,.."..,....,.........."............'"..,.........., ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF NEW YORK ) ~2~w.!,..e~",.," ) SS COUNTY OF ..!;y.~~9.~........,..,......) (signature) SWO "F.ebr.uar.y""....."..,.""..,..,...19,59.............., , f~~I'Y;plffi\i~lo ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Off. {;; P. O. Add. Grcenport. N. Y. Res. in Suffolk Co. Clks. No. S2-58307QO mV Eommisslon Exp,res M(lrch 30, 1960 . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) APPLICATION NO,: ",..,.'"..",..,...,....,..',. DATE: ",...., ,.r.~:t?,nm,n:-,J7.,...t!),~.~..,..,..".......,...,..,....,...,............., I, (WE), ,,' ~r;>Yf. !:-.~r;>"Yf",,~!:-. TI:IA.~!.., i,n.~i,v:t.<:l':l~ny. ,,"~!).,<:I,. q,,?-,, !?,~,h~M.,qf,. W Rq.4,-q~. ,~!).,4 ,~~.r:\~, ,A.,J}ge II OF Main Road Q:Z:~e,n:t.", .T,Qw.n, .Qf,.sQJ.1.thQ~.d,.,..."", '" '" ,..N..Y~......, ........................................................................, (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-a of the Town Law af the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCA TION OF PROPERTY: ,y.,()~~,~,..E:>: :V:~!l,,!-,e.. .~,~f!I,~, .J.<:I1~~,n., ~,s.. X.o,1,!l1g,f!I" ~.o,~~,.., 9.~~E;I1~,L. ,~,~~.x.<?~k ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, The property for which access is sought is that property DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ",.. .,...... '. .....'"..,.. ,.,.."..,'...,..,....,......,'..,....,..',.."..........,....,.."...." .,............' ,l,y'it;l~, ~,()r.~,~~ ~.~r, 8;!l,~" ~ (),~ t,l1~ ~~:y, ,()f, , ~" ~~. .f~,:" ,r:i~~ ~,~,f, ,~,~y.,,~ 8" ,8, ~.o,~,n., ,o,n., ,Ir!-i!- r, ,C?,~, .Qt~.<?, .Y.~l1I ~,y,~ ,~" i?, <?ll~., ci1J.,t~,<:l. r.~,b.r.~1J.,r.y., ,1, ~)," ~ f!.~, ~,,~n.ci,,~ ~.t~,9,hfi!,ct, h ~ :z:~,t9" aJJ..Q.. ~ Q;r:,millg, ,Q., 'p,a;r:~, he,r.~,Q.f.""",.,...", ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHnS) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTy:........,........,..,.., .~" 2.?, ,f~:, "~~~,~ ,,~,t,r,ip., ,r.~,~~,Il~. ,fr.~,~,.!. ~~.Il~~ ,:~,v:e,~~,~" ~~,s.t,~,a,r.~, ,8;~, ,~~.?,~, .o.~ "~ ~~~~,tl~~"~!~P :"", ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4, Residential INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ",...,..,...".....",...., ,'..'.."....,...,..,...",..",.........,...'...,'..'..'....,..,...,..,...........'.... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:....9.I1~..f?:!:rlgy...~~~n~l1g,!?....,..........,....................,........,.........., ............................................,..................,................................................................................................................ 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:,. '....',..,..,....,..,........,...,..,....,'...,..'......."..,..,....,......'"......... ................................................................,.......,.......,.......................,....................................................................... ...........................................-..................,........................,........................................................................................ .........,..........................................,..................................,........................................................................................ .............................................................,.................................................................................................................. STATE OF NEW YORK ) CQ~..0.:....i~.... ) SS, COUNTY OF ..~.{J.F..f9.~I<;..........,....,) (signature) F.".., .'.,... ....,F.!':br.u.ar;y,.......",...,..",."..",!9 ,5.9.,..,..",..... (notary public) t::OWARO T. CO'3.TEllO 'If ATIORNEY AND COUNStlLOR A~ :A Add Greenp.Jrt. .'. Oft. & P. Q. .. , C;:-._5<;3':17(,0 ~es. in Suffolk Ce. O\<.s. N". ~- ~O lQ5'f':I MY Cc.mm;s""en Exr;:r..:s Morc' j . - - ...- - -" - - ----.... ........,,-.... , ~--_.--......- . ~ / / I 41 / i Les'ie I-cl.~k<::\"" J I , --~ I 4J - -.. I ------ - 4 ~ - - I -.---- -- - - --:1 --- - - ~- \( -- --....------ '0 N.<OIQOG' R. . <> '" ~ 0:.1' "J 1\1 O"e:.. \ ~ 1-1 -t ___J IGL~S N S2."S\':Oo"E:.- 3",\.1~ 40,0 {!'J 160,0 \ 'TI.\<O (J 100.0 .2: . .:) ,0 I --. Nil t 'E A'"' 0,""" \ \ q} 0.., 0 iJ . F Ne.Wmd... .J,: J ............., 0 .;- ( '-----.. L 11 ------- "I- J , ,~ a ,I I .J I ~ / I --'- ,j' --'-- -.-..---- ., Scale: :sO'" ,- MAP OF R.\GHT OF WAY TO LAND OF WOODROW ANGELL AT - I , ORIENT' N.Y: Map dva'N~"\ F~b, lID, IS59 OH'<> W, Vc;n.\ It.-II1' ~ SOH ~r" --~(I Wi" ,/,,'t,,"1.... ",{...,~ ". , LlceHsed La,..,d \..lV've."50Y'S , . ~ " -------- Gvee.... ov;. I Ne"'-' ....(by...... - --.---...." , - - , ,-....-- -. I ,