HomeMy WebLinkAboutKoke, Alex & Fred .~ '. J'uly 15", 1961+ Mr. ~ederiQk Koke Calves Neck Road Southold, N.Y. Dear Sir; In reply to youa inquiry REI Lot Ela of your Open Development Area, s/s Bay View Road, Bounded 1- X-Cowan, E- victorl~ S- other land of Koke Estatei W- Koke Drive (PVT road) and being 125' X 103tt minimum size meats be requirement of the zoning ordinance. I would recolll!llend that the 10ft p/M right of way shown along the easterly line be included in the lot as an easment against the Victoria property line side ot the lot. This may avert a dispute in the tuture about the use and title of the right of way. Trusting th" above wll1 be helpful Yours truly il - { , ~' (. / "1""' ","1....--3 ," -- . ........)~./ . Building Inspector I \ ,/ ~ .. 0_'" . . July 6, 1961+ Mr. Frederick Koke Calves Neck Road Southold, N. Y. Dear Sir I In answer to your inquiry about the lot south ot Andersoa as shown on Van~l!s map ot the "Koke Estate" revised 1t-/30/~81 please be advised this lot bounded R- AnderSOnt E-Victoria, S- other land ot Koke, W- PVT. Road "!toke Drive" meets he requirements ot the zoning ordinance as it is l03tt by 125tt, minimum. I would recommend that the lOtt P/M rilht at way shown along the easterly line be included in the lot as an easment against the Victoria property line side ot the lot. This may avert a dispute in the future about the use and title ot the R.O.W. Trusting the above will be helpful Your s truly fir -- ''-l,\~,....j ',- \. '--x' -~\ Building Inspector I I' '. . . . WHEREAS, ,~~,~,~.,~,.",II~",~~~.~.,~,~,..~"'.."",.." has made application ta the T awn Baard far the establishment af an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions af Section 280.A of the TOWN LAW, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore referred the matter to the Planning Board for its advice and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has recommended that the applicatian of ..4l~~,..W,~.._..ft.rf....Q,...""..,.." be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Tawn Board af the Town of Southald does hereby establish an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA over the property of~lF"-"""..~,~.."'..h!!l,"r"_..~" c5...../n forth an the map attached to the application, ., OMer of the lofthol4 ~.. ....... ..lpb P. 800. ~.. C1ft'IE Da'''. Ma, 6. 19". e: '. WHEREAS, ,U~~"i.',,-,.~,,r.,~_."',,~.,,,,~_,,,,,,,,,,, has made appl ication to the Town Board for the establishment of an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section 280-A of the TOWN LAW, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore referred the matter to the Planning Board for its advice ond recommendotion. and WHEREAS, the Planning Board hos recommended that the application of ..~J~..~~..,~",..~..f.;,~~.~..~.,-..~~..,...., be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Boord of the Town of Southald does hereby establish on OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA over the property af~:1.....,..~,"!s:'..~,.,..~~..~"'~~..~,. ~n forth on the map attached to the application, fI'8' f).,..r I)t t". ;:)0'4\\h814 T~ Boa.... ".lpb 11. !;eotll 'ha ca.'" lie..... _, '. loiJ'16. . . TEL. SOUTHOLD 5-2660 TOWN OF 50UTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD. N. Y. M~rch 16, 1950 REPORT TO: THE P,OUT"'C'LD TO'Jir,f BOARD SCUTHCLD, N.Y. Gentlemen: This is to certify the following action action was taken by th~ Southold Town Planning Board on March la, 1956: In the matter of the application of Alexander W. hoke and Frpderick C. Kc!rp tc establi~.r '11" Grpn Development Area at Bay View, Southcld, 1" .(.; Thp plaDning Board recommends the following; Koke Drive South be widened to 50ft by moving lot 8 back 20ft, reducing lot 7 to 100ft frontage on Cory Creek Road, taking 20ft off lots 10 & 11 DO north side to "Clemens" lot line. On south side beginni~g at A. i:oke lottaking 20ft off south side and east side to l\.oke Drive East-to the creek.. It is further reccmm~nded that an attempt be made to get a release of 20 ft from the Clemens lot to comDlete a 50ft right of way, as shown on a map by Otto VanTuyl dated-2/20/'58. Very truly :lours ~~D , ~' John Wickham, Chair~an Southold Town Planning Eoard J.vi./hrrt - ---;C ~/o ) r /,J"" , I.,_J>- ,)l C----I",/O.'- (TV ~~/-'. S1/,.,J.-L-.t, " ~IIl I>J/ -;, i,: -: .... , . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham. Chairman ~ May 5, 1958 ~ Harold R. Reeve ~ Henry F. lIoisa Alfred Grebe Arohibald N. Young REPORT TO I Southo1d Town Board Southo1d, New York Gentlemen I This is to oertify that the following aotion was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on May 5, 19581 In the matter of applioation of Alexander W. Koke and Frederiok C. Koke to establish an Open Development Area at Bayview, Southold,New York. It was the determination of the Planning Board to reoommend approval of this app1ioation in aooordanoe with the widening of Corey Creek Road and Koke Drive, as shown on subdivision map of the Koke Estate, Southo1d, New York, map by otto W. Van Tuy1 & Son, revised April 30, 1958, attaohed hereto. Very truly yours, ~ 0 ' L r.., ~ { D.i.:; ~ ~ \..J,hn Wiokham, Chairman SJUTHOID TOWN PlANNING BBRD JWlgm 001 Board of Appeals - . . . . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) , , m ~c.,,,^- 4 \ '1 Z; ~ APPLICATION NO.. ......,..............'..,......' DATE, .........' .. ....................,..........,........,................,......,..,............, I, (WE), ,.. ,Al$XAJ\i,D));R..~.,. .KOn, ,~TJ.~.. EEED.I:<flIC.K.,C,., ,.KDKE,..,..."...,... ,..,..........,.......,'......... ......, , ...., OF ,.... ,YQJ,mg,IiI. ..~,1U~A~,E!I"..,...".."..."",.."..,... ''', .,."",... ,~R)~ 1;!~9.,J,.~,........,......."..,.." ,....".." ....~!!~..X9.rk (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-0 of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ",..,.."S.9.~:\i,!+...Ii\~,~,!!.. Qr.,'~!!;y'!.*,~,"!.,.~C?~.~"...~,~~,~!?-,'?,~~..,......"..,....,..,..,.., ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, DESCRI PTION OF PROPERTY: '" ,AI!" .~AQWXJ", 9f).,.. JilMP':,:"ct!,.y' ~,!lJ,9A,. ~~P.., ~~..,~,~,~.. ,:K.~~~., ......,...... ." .J:;,:! t,~ ~,E!I..,., )?!!Y.Y.J~~"", ~QM'" ~,9.;J,.,~."., ~.~, ,,I,!,. ,)?,;',e1?Ii,r~,d", P,y., "~~,~,~, ,.VI,~",y,~,~" ,r.~ ,1" .~" ,~,,?,~,-,,,,,,,, .', ,P.I.', t ,E!I,~" ,f.!! p, r~~ ~y." .?9.1", ,~,9$.,8. ~"',.".,"',.,.,..".,'" """.""""."""'."",'."""".""""."""""""..."""""."""..,,, ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTy:..,....,......,..,...... '" ,,' .A.a,. .s.hC:<<n... QTJ., .1!:b.RY,~.. ~p. ..". ,.'"". The, ,Eo t, .aI\d" .sQ.uth, . !Coke "Dr. i,ve. "ha.vEI.. ,e;x.is. te.Q."" ",..,""'~ ~,..3. Q,:f.:I;, , ,r.,tg q,t" ,Q.f, , ,W~,V:.. f.9. 7:,., ~,1;J,Q)J. t., ,~,:i.~h t., y,e ax s,.,...""".",.."..".."",.""""""",.".""""""" ................................................................................................................................................................................ .....,.......................................................................................................................................................................... 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ......,F.Q~,..,fiI.~,J...~.. ,R~..,!},9.n,(!,1;!~~.~J!?~,..9.L.r~,~,~,<?~P.:~,I!',~,~....,.......... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:....,......~~!1J9,E!I,~~,~!1,L..........,..............,................,........'.........., ................................................................................................................................................................................ 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ..,..,..I,Q,,,.I!...w.!!.t',!!..,J.I!J~,..RJ,I,"'..,~9..,~,E!I,!!~......,..,......, "'...',,, ",J;'.~9.1,!~~.~ffi~~~.!'!" ,9.(" ~,o.!1:t,h.,9. ~~".'!; ()!!,1", ~.~n.,~I):Si" ~,~ ~ ~,~,~ ,~,~~,~.,~ ",."",.." ,,' """",..".., "., ".,'..", ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ~4l~~4.~~m STATE OF NEW YORK 1 ss ~k~....~../r;f....... ........,......'........ COUNTY OF ,..,..,SJ.U:1'.o.lAl;......,.........) (signature. SWORN TO THIS ..,ff..,{.~,..DA; OF..~2/2.6./f.:-.~c4.....,..,..,..,..,..,....,19,56,......,...... ,;,::!i.t,1...~,~/..".<tA:,:-{~"?~".."...,..,,..,.. (notary public) GERALD ROBSO '. t~ota~r Pi.~I:IL~, State of ~w Vorl .,0. .,2-(,:,:'a~I)O,__ Suffolk CQ~ Term expu'es March ~O..r 195 . . . . . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) \']''\ G-. ~ ~ 'I \ 1 s (""" APPLICATION NO,: ,......."........,'."""..,., DATE: ,......'" ..,......."..".."..,...,..,'..,....".."..,'..,....,..,...,......",..,........., :' I, (WE), ",..~~p.E.~..w.,~...~()~.,~,~..,~,~~,~~~"~,~,..~~~..,...,...,.,.....,}...............",..,......."..,...... OF ."..,J.'?~!!,'~~,~,.."..".. ".."..,'.. ',.."..,.., ..', ..,",.,~,O.~~,~,~........,......,....!..,."..,..,.., ,.,..~~~..,~~,1"k (street) (municipality) ,', (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-0 of, the Town Low of the State of New York of the following described property; 1- TI F P , 80u1lb ald. of B.,,,1e. Road, Sou1lbold W~~O~ffiN"",,""',.,"',.,',.,"",.,"""""',...,"'.""'.""'.""."'."."'...".".,~.,""',.,',.'".""""'.,...,,, ....... -...-... ,_.......... -..................."..........."..............."... .... ".... ... '".........."................................... "~"'"'''''''' ....... .... .... ...... 2, E RIP F P R A. shown on ~b-d1v1.1on Up ot ,be ltoke D SC TION 0 ROPE TY: ................,....,...... ............,..,..,..........,..,.......,..........,..,........,....,............,...... ,., ..~,'-~,.,~~,p', ,~..1.,",~.~,~" ,~I:I:\.t1~1.~.." ~ ,~" ,~,~ '" ~,~~.p.~,~~~." ~" .~~~,~" ~,~ '" ~~~,: ,!~~"~, "~~'.,' ."" 41.t.4 Peb1'\lll1'f 20, 19SI. ..................................................................,...........................................................................................,................. ..........................................................................................................................................................,...................... 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTy:..,..................., """',..,..,.~~"~..,.,~~!tI".~,~,~..,' ,.,."The"E..t".M4,'ao~tk"ltok."1)IIi..,,ha.e.,.~.,tec1-,',. '.,....", ~,~.. 3,qr.~".J; ~&:~~,. ,Qr." )1:1\7." ,to-.:., ,at~.n..t., o.1gb,t., ,1.eta1"...",."""""""."".".,."",..".,.",., '["...'..""'" ...... .... .............................................................................. .......................................... ............................. E.....:... ~...... . ~ r' , ,.".....,'......,.."..."..",.."",..".."....",.""..",.."",.,"...,..,"...."'.."..,'.."..,'...,..".."....""..,'.."..,,..,..,....,..,...,...........,\..,.,. 4, POl' ..1. or oon.tl'\lo1ilon ot ...1d.n..... ' ' INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ,.',.........','..'...,..',. ,....".....,',.........."...............,...,.."..,.,...........,........",;,',..,.. , ........... .... ............ ... .... ................ ................... ..... .... .......... ...... .... ................. .... ........... .... '.'" ....... ...~'... .................. '..... 5, TY Re.1deno...., PE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:..........,.., ,.......,............,..,................,....,......,.........,..,..,............,u.., .......................................................................................................................................................i....................i... 6, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF vltAY OR ROApS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, Lo1la .... lalcl 01.111 110 ..., , ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ,.,.."..,.,",..,'.......,.."..,'..,....,..,....,.....,........".....,..........,..;, H \l11oeaen1l. of Sou1lbold Town Zon1ng ..gu18t1on.. . ,.,..,..,',..."..,~,......"....."...,..."...,...,.,',......."...",'..,'..,'..,., "..,',..,',.,........,.."...",,'..,.........,.., .."..,'..,.......,..."'....,,,..,.. ........................................................................................................................................................................1....... ..................................................,...................................................................................................................u........ ~<m -~ ~ 0- ~ STATE OF NEW yo::rro1k i ss '.., u.ru:;~,<,~:~..4..,..e.~.. ........,.......... COUNTY OF ....,..,.................."..,........,) ~? (signature}! '."X ..- ,,' 0 ;'?~/oC' /' sa SWORt .TO THIS ~'.:;;....DAY OF..,../d~..,:.. .... ..,..........,....,....,..19....,..,..,....,.... , !, { >i#~ ,..,c""-c.L..<:.,;:t ,G:........ ',' ,:11. ..~,;::;>,:C,:7~,..,..,..,.... (nQl'ary public) ~, f GER,~LD HOrSON ,0 My PII'I~I' SL~' ~ f N l\o. ';"'.< (. :r,,..;.'" LL..f.! 0 ew York L'~~..d',..LJ__ S~I""folk C Term cxpiJ.'~ March 3u, 1~5~ , . ' ~. .- f~--__d d__ . ,,------- 't . ---___ q fir l'\,---' ----___ '" t:\ , .. --------- .. ~ '...." ~ I ~:>. 9 ...r.. ~ u_.___ ':> .. "'~, . , ~ I' SO.r i3 ,'i '7' V / E: ~....- R.' C; AD. 'Ii >:; ,~ ::: - " /2/./, ..s.~+-.tI j/~"IE. - ~ ~ ~o , Q , 6 ... ,Z,(1.43 l/5'tJz i I ; ___.1".. -":" i I , \) ...... I f : ~ 3<'; I I( I I\:; ~ : I : 4- \) l- IZ.r,"i 9 <:i : ,~,~ j " ; ..... ~~.... .... \)! I '\ ' , ! _-E-_~. _ ~ t ~ ~ ~ i I ; , I . ! It", 7 ~ r: ; , f(' - ttl I;: ! " ' I ! i . ~;;- .'2 o1t7. 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