HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrabie, Walter ',,--~. \ . . . WHEREAS, .. ,''.It.v, ,(:... ...1.,..,..,....,..,...., ,.., ..,......, ,..........,.... has made application to the Town Board far the establishment of an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section 280-A of the TOWN LAW, and WHEREAS. the Town Board has heretaiore referred the matter to the Planning Board for its advice and recommendation, and WHEREAS. the Planning Board has recommended that the application of .............,..,....~~,~~..~~,....~~i,4I,....,..,..,..,....,.......... be g"anted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby establish an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA over the property of ..,....,...~1.~~..,~,!..,~~i,~........,....,..,.... as shown forth on the map attached to the applicatio,," a. pz-opo.t laJ'G'* of laDI of W&1..- C. Grab1. eu-...yM by ~to w. Vllld'Ql " Boa Oft Narda 2, lHO. Dat", JlU'da t, lHO. _ OIL'''' of tile IIoutlaol. .,... ItctRd. "'J~ W. Kl[L Tad, or-. ClKk . Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickhdm/ Chairman 11"......ld R. R~...."" February 18, 1960 Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Report to)' S outh01d TO\fll Boarc1 Archibald Young S outho~_d , Neu Yor1..: William Unkelhach Gentlemen: This is to certify that the fclJnwing action was ta:ren by the SoutholdTNlD Plannine; Eo'?rcl at its meet- ing on Febnwry 17, 1960: In the mattE'r of the petition of \'Ialter C. Gr~i biE for an Cpen Development Area on rroperty Inca ted on Deer:' Holp Crept, !1e,tti tuck, New York, bounded north 'by Elmer Ruland, east by \'ieese andCorso, south by Jensen Audioun, and vTest by RuJ,and and 0 'Brien. Hap of property surveyed for Edr.1und R. l,upton situated at Hattituct by Otto ',I. Van Tuyl 8: Son sUI'veyed Harch 2l.,., lQ52, sngg8fted subc1ivision April 1, 19~;2, it is hereb;,- RF:SOLVED that the E'},an'1ing Boar,' recom~oend to the To\,m Eoard that the OT)er: f;evelopment Area be granted on p!'operty of halter G. Grabie located on the east side Harr8tooka Road and knovm as Lupi;on Poir:t, He ttit1:..ck. Members of the Plarlning Board havE' vis i ted thi s property several ti"IPs and feel '=,ha t l'Ir. Grabie has made every effort to imr,rovp the access. This property viaS, purchased at the tirr'e the original Orr1inance was in pffect where 100 ft. frontage on each lot was not requtre.i. In the file is a petitlon signed by property owners served by this rCeld, elll indica ting they \,rish it left as it prese'1tly is. Very truly yours, ~~?d~ j--P John Wickham, Chairman Southolc1 TO\-lIl Flelnnin[ Leard /jb Ii I e . . - . . . WE. the undersigned, are owners of real property at Lupton's Point, Matti tuck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York. Our properties front on a twenty (20) foot private road extending from Deep Hole Creek to Marratooka Road. This road or right of way was granted to all lot owners who purchased from the Lupton family, the developers. We are satisfied with the width of this roadway and do not wish to have it enlarged since that would mean the elimination of a number of fine shade trees; the acceleration of speed of traffic on the road; and greater expense in maintenance. It would also tend to open up the Point to trespassers and others having no acceptable reason for using the roadway. We therefore petition the Town Board of Southold Town and the Town Planning Board to allow the roadway to remain in its present - ~ ..... . - , \A)~ C-. -t.JA n~ + /, /1 /f:..,j'vt-l / 6h~~{0Jz/u I ~ cd, ~~~~ ~ ,~ :7 ~ , I I I I' I e . . . WE, the undersigned, are owners of real property at Lupton's Point, Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County, Hew York. Our i properties front on a twenty (20) foot private road extending from I Deep Hole Creek to Marratooka Road. This road or right of way was granted to all lot owners who purchased from the Lupton faJllily, the developers. We are satisfied with the width of this roadway and do not wiBh to have it enlarged sinoe that would mean the el1mination of a number of fine shade trees; the acceleration of speed of traffic on the road; and greater expense in maIntenanoe. It would also tend to open up the Point to trespassers and others having no acoeptable reason for using the roadway. We therefore petition the Town Board of Southold Town and the Town Planning Board to allow the roadway to remain in its present size-;-'i Ci~ ~ ~ V"o..l;:: , I~ I II II 1\ 1 ,I 'I I il. e . .1 " "I . . I I WE. the underalgned. hre owners of real prope~y at Lupton' IS Point. Mattituck. Southold Town. Suffolk County. K_ YOI'k. Our I properties .front on a twenty (20) foot private road extending from /I Deep Hole Greek to ~rratooka Road. 7hls road or right of way waa e;rantad to all lot OVlner"s who purcbai:led frOlll the Lupton ramll;,. the developers. we arEI aatisfied with the wiGth 01' this rOll.dwa;y and do not wish to have it enlarged aince that would mean the I I eltmlnatlon of a number of fine shade treesl the aooeleration of I speed of traffic on the road; and greater expense in maintenance. I It would also tend to open up the Point to treapaaaera alld othe1'8 having no acceptable reason for using the roadway. I We therefore petition the Town Uoard of Southold Town and the Town Planning Board tl) allow the roadwa.y to remain in ita preaent fliz,.~ /-; \' "U~ ,/ " ~/~;"A ' // " v I II I I II I I II . . January 12, 1960 Southold Town Board of Appeals Southold, New York Gentlemena It is the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board that the Board of Appeals grant variances on lots owned bI Walter C. Grabie on the south side of private right-o -way at Lu~tons Point, Mattituck, New York, andnumbered 20, 21, 2, 23, 24 on map of property surveyed for EdmundR. Lupton situate at Mattituck, New York, survered by Otto Van Turl & Son on March 24, 1952. The date th s layout waG orig na11r planned was April 1, 1952 as indicated on the aforement oned map. The Planning Board makes this recommendation in view of the fact, although these are only 75 ft. lots on the right-of-way, they are 100 ft. on the water and contain more than the minimum area required under the Southold Town Building Zone Ordinance. Any attempt tel change the right-af-way at this time would result in excessive hardship to Mr. Grabie. Very truly yours, John Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Ijb . . NAMES ON PETITION: Robert S. Baker COP Y Clarence C. Van Dusen - - -- Mary O'Brien Blanche L. H.Weese George W. Kreiling William Westerlund WaHer C. Grabie Robert Bleiniller Henry A.Carsten WE. the undersigned. are owners of real property at Lupton's Point. Mattituck, Southold Town, Suffolk County. New York. Our properties front on a twenty (20) foot private road extending from Deep Hole Creek to Marratooka Road. This road or right of way was granted to all lot owners who purchased from the Lupton family. the developers. We are satisfied with the width of this roadway and do not wish to have it enlarged since that would mean the elimination of a number of fine shade trees; the acceleration of spped of traffic on the road; the greater expense in maintenance. It would also tend to open up the Point to trespassers and others having no acceptable reason for using the roadway. We therefore petition the Town Board of Southold Town and the Town Planning Board to allow the roadway to remai. in its present size. . . Deoember 18, 19~9 Mr. Walter Grabie Main Road Mattituck, Ne.... York Dear Mr. Grabie. Aokno....l.dgement is made ot the petition ot the owners at property on Lupton's Point, Mattituok, Ne.... York presented by you to this Board. We are returning this petition to you in order that you may attempt to seoure the other three signatures you mentioned are not available at this time. We also request that you be ,present at the next meeting ot this Board on Monday, January 11, 19~9 at which time Mr. Rdllrt Tasker ....ill be present. It is hoped some solution to your problem can be reaohed at that time. Very truly yours, Archi bald Ii. Young , Acting Chairman Southold fown planning Board /jb . . October 6, 195'9 Mr. Walter Grabie Main Road Mattituak, New York We not.<. that Y'our petition tor an Open Developlllent Area 111 _t11l in the tile. *.~r_ of the Board have 1nspeated TOur propertY' reoentlY' and note that tne road i. substantiallY' improved, however we teel some ettort should be .ade to acquire at least another 10 tt. from Mr. Elmer Ruland, to increase the width of the road. This llatter has been pending tor so.. time. Very truly yours, John W1Q~, Chaiman Southold own Planning Board JW/jb . , January 7, 1959 Mr. Walter C. Grabie Main Road Mattituok, New York Dear Mr. Grabie J The PJannlng Board baa disOU$sed your problem at Lupton's Point in Mattltuck and teels there are two alternatives open, both ot Which would entail widen- ing the right-ot-way to a a1nimUll1 ot thirty (30) teet. First, it might be more practioal tor you to go befo:re the Board ot Appeals am request a variance tor each lot a8 now projected when they are sold. The second e.l ternative would be to redraw the map malting tour lots out ot the five, numbers 20 to 24 inolusl...~, in which c ase the Planning Board would be happy to reo- ommend their approval. We note further that your land rootage in these lotSl when anet it dredging 111 comPleted! will be somewhat. ess than one hundred feet presently a tbe gutter. Please be advised that the Board will visit the property some time in t he near future and try to get in touoh with both Mr. Ruland and Mr. O'Brien in regard to wldenin!~ the right-ot-way. Very sincerely yours, John Wiokham, Chairman Southold Town PJanning Boud JW/jb . . February 18, 1959 l1r. Halter C. :;rable Main Hood Hattltuok, New York Dear 11r. Grabls: The matter of your petition for an Open D.V8lopme7~ Area calllO before the Board again toni;!ht and it was pointed out that two or our representatives ~~ve visited the PI~p- erty wl thin the past two weeks and find the roads i11 arl un1llat1st'aotory oondi t1on. We would suggest tl"at you take steps to improve thls in the near future. Very truly yours, John :,~lckham, Chalrman Southold Town Plannlng Board J'otl/jb . . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open deyelopment area) C.f. .::b. / 9 J~ y- APPLICATION NO,: ..,....'.,....,..',..,'...,'..', DATE: ,.,..", ",..~~....,':t,.,..,...,... .....'..,..,......."..........,..."............., I, ~ ,....,W.~..~,A.,~,...,",..."......,..........."........,...,...,...,...,..,....,.,.....,.....,.."".."........, OF,~..,~,....,..,..,..."...,..,.,"",.,...,..,.,. ,.,~,....."..,.....,...,..,....,., ..,~X,......, (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application ta the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to estoblish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280.a of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1, LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ..~.., ..rJ,~..~........,N.!.y.'..,..,....,...., ,~",..9r.*,'~,.,~.,',..".."..,"",.....,........,"",.."..,""..,'..........."..,....,..,.....,'....,,'..,..,....., 2, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY; ....(J~...~..~..~..,..e~...., ~,:-:;"~"'~,.,",..,.,.,..,~,,::.,"v.,.,.!,,!?~.4.~",::,.~"""".""""""""",..", J~""..~""~.....,.,...,..,",W~,~",.~,::,C~<B~..".. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTy:..,..,......,...,......, .,"'~"'~"~:,~,~"~..~,~,~ k,.~.,~"~"',CM-o,..~"~"~,~"!..,,..,""" .......................................................................................................................................................-........................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ~..~/,~"..,....,....,..,....,....,.......... ...................................................................................................................................................-...-........................ 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:,..~..,.......,.....,........,......................,..,..........,.. ................................................................................................................................................................................ I), MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:., "..........',...,'"".."..""...",..,'..,..."...'...,...,......,......."..,,'..', ,.:p.~".,~~,...~...~.."..~,..~ .~""~"c.t.~"'~"~,~"',.".,',..,..."..," .......................................................................................................................................................-........................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF NEW, YORK ) -w ~ ~ ) 55 ............,..,~.f.".... ..,..'............'..,....,.........,.. COUNTY OF ... .. .... ...... ..,....,....) (signature) , I,f. ~- r. SWORN TO THIS .... ,.."....,.....DAY OF....,..,...., ......,.... .."........,..,....,................19,..~..,.. ..,...., ~,~~"..".,',...,......," (notary public) ELOISE BOWDEN , Notary. P!Jblic. State ot New YOll Res;d:r;g In Suffl'lk County No. 52.u':;[7300 II\' CommissIOn L,;", March 30, It ~ ~7 . r . .1 " c~_ l- ~J'1~C "-~O APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development areo) APPLICATION NO.: ,......."...........,..."..,.. DATE: ,....Qi(..'::,...,~,f.....,(,t~r...,..,.......,....,..........,.. I, ~,.,...c.y~.t~:~..,...4.,:,....k..~,~0.:,~".., ............,...................,...,....................,....,..........,......:::::::: OF ",...,..,.-..ll(~~,..,'~/::<:?,0.-..~~,...,......, ) 17'vttJ~LL ....,:Y.Y..., .................................................................., (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280'0 of the Town Law af the State of New York of the following described property; 1, LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ....2.7..?C:;;..'HzJ0.~ (1.;:...../...k.!!.:!./~:....,(f":'::~.........I!..:Y:........, ". ..Q,~,..,',.'!:.r;~1:~,Ii,",..,!l!{,:h,...,.,'~:,:':::!.~",.,',.,'"'~,.,""",.,"",..,"",..,...,",.,"',..,"""'""".."..""", 7, ,,?t~' 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ..,J."~c:'?..~,':.':::::.:"'t,];j/~..,~~..>!~'~...),~:..:,~.......... ,Q.::':-:--~ r0[~,~,::".eC~,..J.~,~)!0.=,v.C(".."..,..e.,'~:"",t,' .".."'~,.~"~"..".."[;"""""""""""'..,...'" S"'~,t."',""~~~.~..,(?:~.~~".,'" ,.,"",t/.~"~,!..~:,7,J."~".,:'j4:::"~,,..,,...,' V ......................................................................................................................................................,......................... 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:..,........,............ ".!?~.~l:~+",4,~.<J.;y""."-:1;:,I.0&,"o-:,J.!..':-c-:"..u.?r:0;"..J,,~;11,,,.,'(o6,~",,11:::,~~,g~"~~~ c, .( 9' r:l ' ~ 1;1c / , ":.").,~"1.d"',:t.,':-:>-.,'\.;..~,.,{2.:-w.,ds,,,,P.-::1,,.,.t.,..," ":':;:""",~,:"a".:,{:,~"(~",I"",l-1:!,~,,,,~,;,,...,.."..", ................................................................................................................................................................................. ",....",.""..""".."..""""",.",.,..."""..".."..;J:'L' '="".:"LJL::."""~"""""'."'.".."'.".."..'" 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ,....'..,...,....,..,......, ....,..,......,......,....,..........\....,..,..........,....,....,...................., ................................................................................................................................................................................ S TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:....Jb..b,~....,....,..,..........,............,..,.....,......,........., ................................................................................................................................................................................ /), MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:" ..,....'..,........,.."..........,...,............,...,....,.."..,.......,............ ...../l.1(>..~f1,..W,~."..,f~..':,~..~~,~~,....,E;l.~,L..-;;;~,~,.., (~,.~\"...~.,~"",."..{-?f&~",.,'~,.,d/..::..~,~",."J~,~.,.J?c4~f:'~7""~k.V-~, J.. 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