HomeMy WebLinkAboutFox, Deane .~.~ - n.., . .., . ... . ..-..,.-... _.~.. . DIlAlfB K. POX WHEREAS, "."., n""" n""""" n'."""""" n".."""""",'..','.'",'.'""'.,.."."",, has made application to the Town Board for the establishment of an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of Section 280-A of the TOWN LAW, ond WHEREAS. the Town Board has heretofore referred the motter to the Planning Board for its advice and recommendation, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board hos recommended that the application DIIAIfB K. FOX of ..'..n....n.. ......'n'....'....'n....' n..'.... '.. '..' ....,.., ,......, ....'.... ......n' be granted, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Town Boord of the Town of Southold does hereby establish an OPEN DEVELOPMENT AREA DaNIB K. FOX over the property of ........,....,..,..........'......'..'......'......'..'............' as shown forth on the map attached to the application, DA!'SDI .....c::b 11, 195.. By Qrdv of the IkNt:hold '1'ovn Bou-d. aalpb .. Booth t'cMD Clerk . . . Southold Town Planning Board 5DUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairm<!ln February 13, 1959 , Harold R. Reeve Henry Moisa Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: Southold Town Board Southold, lIet, Y,Jrl, Gentlemen: This is to certify that the folloNing action was taken by the Southold Town Flanning Board at its meeti~~ on February 17, 1959. In the matter of tEe application of Deane K. Fox for an Open Development Area of property loc3.ted on Youngs Road, Orient, NeN Yorl:, anc, bounded north by Lon,o; Island Sound, east by Youngs R03.d, south by C. L. Young Estate, EdNin H. King, Tage Palm, Tilarwick, Hain Road, and west by John Dyer; it is hereby t-:ESOLVED, that the Planning Board recomwend to the Tmm Board that the request for an Open Development Area be granted on the property included in the legal description of Otto W. Van 'Tuyl u Son dated July 2, 1954 and, revised February 2:;" 1955 antl f' [a ~r 6 1955. 'The Planning Board also reco'nmends approval ~ - ",J , of the )0 foot ri~hts-of-way as sho':li'l on the afore;JlC~nt ioned map. 'Chi3 ,;;r,ypert:r .ms restricted by declaration dated 2.pril 23, 1955 and recorded in the County Clerk's Orfice, Liber 3892 of D'2l;ds, Pa.~e 202, Hit!! the map bein,:; filed. \'Titll this deed. The Flmmin; Board ha.s studiecl the declaratio!l and finds that the restrictions are more strin2:cmt than thoSG of the Zonini; Ordinance of Southold 'TcMn, and in vi8w of the above feel that there should be no ~Jroblem. . Very truly yours, O'C~J/:~.L;~ jI- John ~ickh~m, Chair~lan <- Southold 'To'.ln PLo!l1ni.'1;:S ;j,x'cpd . . " , APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOAIlD (open development area) APPLICATION NO,: ,.,..',..,'...,.."..,'...'..... DATE: . ,.F.eDl'u..ry.,n.",l..18".."...,.."...........,......,.."..",......,...." I, (WE), "..,...,P~,~~,~.,:r..mc"..,..,',..,...,...,......".. .....'...'....,...'.."..'..",.',.,'........'......'....',..,'..,.,.,...,.............' OF ,.!,~~.~"~~~,.,,9.~,i~~t,..,',.. ',..,....,...,...." ,.Solltbo1d, TDJn1".."..,. ,", '" ,,'. ,,', ,..' ","" ....,....y......., (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make opplication to the TOWN BOARD 01 the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280'a of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ",.x ()I1,.!I, ,~~~~,.. 9r~.'ID,., ,~,QIJ"noXd. .T,01m., ,N. Y... ,....,.,..,'.................. ............................................................................................................................................................................."- 2, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: "~~~.~y.,k:mI,.JJX.I).(\.,S,Q\m~..E...t,by..YoWII...a0a4i,....."..,. "'~,~~~, ~y., ,C" ",t,.", ,Yo,l\nI,.E.tate." E.dwin, ,S.. ,KUla. Y" Tal. ,Pel.." ,W&l'wiGk." ,M&i-ft,Jt_d,'" ",., ,. ,w.~~~ J~1..."-gJm, OyU...",....""""..".",..,.""..,......"" '".."""..,...'..",......,.,.'....,.......'....'...'"..'..'.'..,'..'.........,..,.. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTy:..,......,......,....,.. ", ~"~~,~~~~~>.'. ,~~~~!'~,"cI", ~~r.~.P.,. ,~Q. ,~..~~" Mde, ,rlUUliq,/rDm. ,the. ,Mam,aoad,JfQr.tHFly,-tG-' ".~g,J.J.""~", ,~~n",.w:lth. ,acc..... ,to, YOWIIa,Road, .0_,",., a_the..1-y 'part'of"P1ot. No;' '2'" "'~" ,,"~~~, ~,~" ,~", ~~~~,,,. .~, ,w:bleb, il"mada ,a. ,pu:t. ,of, thia ,appUcation.", , . '.','..'",...".."..", ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ..,..~~~:tY...r.~!I~~~~~~..~,..~!;\...~~~",U~I..4~,~J~,f.'-Uqp",~,~~,~......" ,,!~p~l,~~ I" ,~,~,~~f" ,~~,~}.,..!<~,~'4, J~ .~,\I#.p.l~,{;,cmnty, ,Cluk'.., .otf1c.,.1n.,LiHr,, ,38S.2 o.f. ,,' ,'," ",',' Dee_ at p~ 202). 5, TYPE OF B LDING(S) TO BE ERECTED: ,..O<<t..\;b.ld.,I1na:l.,'amU;y..dwelUnp... not ,ta,.excaed.., .,~~"~~~ ,~~, ~~"I!I,~I?,r.~~,,,,,m, ,h~~"~,~~..p,~i:,{.\',a.X''''\I,,ot. J1Qt..1D.artl..tban. ,thr..., ,cau , for, .01. Will of own.... and/or occupant.. 15 MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLlCAr--a-:.. ,The..appUcatior1,,1a,.madll..by..a..trutall,-imde.r. . ,~",.bGY.I. .D18ntionad,.Declaratlon", ,aU. ,tAe, Pl'Gpu-ty,.havtnlf ,been,4.edeci- .out , &xcept, , '" "",' "~~~~, .~~..". ~..~,~, ~...'r.y.M1p.M.. ~,.al).(\. ,B....,...'" ",......"", ,.."... ,..,..,'...,........,......,'..,'..'..........'.....,............. ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ STATE OF NEW YORK ) '---~:,~kt..<-r,"',l{".."K~."""',.,,..,""",.,...," SUFFOLK ) SS, COUNTY OF ....,......................,......,.....) (signature) 17th OF",..., ,:f.,..~r.~.II:r.y.,..,...........,..,....".."... ,..".19 ,&IL.."...,..,., ............. .......... ...... , '~,..... ,..,......,..'....' q.{'II,,~liUlLOR AT LAW ATID ~ N v Oft [j F C. .....deJ '':=.r.c2,',';...o.t, .' " . - , h" :-.,.., '0 Re". 1\"1 S~lff:,lk Co C'\..:; N::I ~~ -.):,:~;~;u r":1 Cc:rnn' ",:n "-"'f"C'> I.'o'~n ..>U. ! r19 J I ~o MAP OF PROPERTY ,..I" :5UffVeyeD rOR v-f>' ,5 Bot. ~ AT e.~i(l 6 J.-i1", ~ ~r J-o ~ ORIENT 0 r-' 1';~~ii.f ~ V 5_ '9" f' '" 'TOWN DFSOUTHOLD ;0'~1,.1' (1 3 r.J,:^,' ;\'iO 11,b $UFJ='OLK Co.,N.Y. O,J' -.It!. ""'1>']/ .( h'J ~ [<./7,& o' . A ~ ~ ~, .....{ "' 5ce1/e JOO'=/" ~~ ~ '" tdQ) ;:.. a ~ ~ J" ~ r,j' c. "'I ~..... t:) .~. ~... , ~.: _ ,.~O N <;:t~ ~ ~,S;'1"0 ~ " I'i AREA /8.:J2!7AcRES E ~ I. I "'", ~ ~ :Jot -J. ~ ~ \ ~\ Z. 386 Acres \ "..\ r:' '- ~ ~\ 'II , ~" \ . j 0 ~o3i ~ ~ if ~ \ :::,0' \ ~\ ',. '. I ,. ~ I' .~ · ~. I \ .....\ 3'~---- ~ ~ > I \ '- o37~'-%3g,og ~ ~':11 '....~ \':) Cl\ f'- -, ~o . ~ l ~ ,..---,o:s-,o \ "2., ~~, ~ ~ N ~~ ) \ ~o .... ~ ~ Y1 a ~ \ \~. ~ c.:. t \ ~ ", ~ o oi't \ ,\-.. ~ (jj # ~"ti~ \)~ 2 ~ Ui ) I C 3--1.t ,2,033A. , ~ 1.928 A. II'? ., 'I \j) 0 ~ ' ~ \' . ... ~ . i I ~~. !'1 , I O( , 1\,1 ,.,.;'.....fr.... I'J ~ ~ I .. ' '" ' " -- ~." ~~ ' ~.)-~o.6"6 I, ~r., ~ ! ------... , ____ 101 QI...1.o l' t- JI{;gh!:-~~dy~CII w'tu I I N,tfO'''''''E:. 16f!1.33 ~ ~.~ 4'" J3i~' , , I ' :1J Z,Z20 A, I ~rf~s.O 0 z>"o I ~~, b ~:"'Q'- I II~ )J IJ ~ I I' - \ ~....." ~ Ie ~ . 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'" Gwaran(eed -fo 7Tfte Gtlarante~ and :~<,"'" .r Th/sf Company as .sllrvey~tI July Z,J9S4 0;;i otto W VanTuy/~ .son "",,,,, :'''''0 ,\. ,~~~ r -.1<) Licensed Land urveyor.s , i r 8 =monl,l",.nf f. . Gr~en'poY't; N. Y , . I R~V'tsc:JI ~A24;./~SS' \ i' 0 = pipe .. .Io'7oPfY'"J:!Ui5' ~ . ,l , , ,