HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers Island Estates .' ~ . ...,........._~ \ '-.\,...... . I , I '-,;;.~ , , I; I I' , I i WHEREAS, FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES has made I ,I application ' to the Town Board for the establishment of an , , , OPEN DgVELOPEHENT AREA pursuant to the provisions of \ I -- Section 280-A of the To~n Law, and i I , Ii ~{EREAS, the Town Board has heretofore referred , }I1'-:r .\ the matter to the Planning Board for its advice, and I , WHERF.AS, 'the Planning Board has recommended that 1 I , the application of FISHERS ISLAUD ESTATES be granted, 1\ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town i " I I 'I Board of thE! Town of Southold does hereby estAblish an :1 OP!':N DEVELOPSHENT ARFA over the premises of FISHERS I I ISLAND ESTATF.S as shown forth on the map attached to the application, and it is recommended that ~O feet be reserved , for High~ay purposes ~herever it is possible. I I " j I j I '" - (~- ' I "i' ',' -".'I_} '\I~t ' . ,r,-_" l' '," . - ;~ ,!,~t t'T' d.i~': ,'I _, ",~, I d' ..".;. -~ . ,';,:.,r!:,-, , L, h . \~ ,!.,.,1:,'" I r,"! , , I ( I I , I I , I , ~;; . I I '~. , '\ I ;L 'j '\ " , I .- I I' ,i \ ; l :1 I 1\ I I I ,I 'I I, If ,I , " ), i, I I, I , , \ I' I " ,\ t i: I --- . . . -, (Juthtd 7tUiNe Pta~ '8(J4'Ut SDUTHDLD, L.I., N.Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chdirm,jn SefOJ8 Doyen, Jr. Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Harch 11, n5'b Harold R. Reeve ChMles Van DlJzer RI'FC:-l'l' TO cC1J~l'OI,'=' TCodT ;:O.f.~'"') ~'OUTHOLL, !'fi'" IOHI: Gentlemen: Thi8 is to certify that the following action was taken by the :"C'vthold TO\m Planning Board on I';arch 11, 195'8. In the matter of the pEt~tion of Fisher8 Island Estates, Inc. On motion made Ly dr. ;,:cis2 aCld seconded tw hr. Grebe, the r 18r.ning b02,rd recommended the approval of the hi"huays syster.1 of Fishers Is18nd Eshtes, Inc. as colored red, tluB and green on the Freliminary j,;ap for Property of Fishers Island Club b:f 01!J18tad Erothers, Brooklin~, !,Iass., dated June 1926, revised June 1928, 2nd signed and dated this day by the Planning board. This approval subject to said highways being r.1aintained in reasonable condition. \'ie strongly recommend that in ,,11 caSES 'vl:l€re possible the right of "laY be widened to fift~ feet anc t~at all proposed highways are expected to be fifty feet right of "ray. Respectfluly submitted, "OUTFiOLD TO.:H PLAJ.JIJING BOARD I, \..9- l.>Q J , ,-t::_L: '__ )onn \iickhar.1, Chairman . . -- -- _....... ~' '\ .' .' - ; - -- \ , \. ~~~ ;--"".--. ~h' . - '-'-.; ~~ -~-" :~i.. ..~~.. ~- . -- ,,~,cf:'Co """'8_- " ' O' ,,," --- ,- - STATE OF NEW YORK ) . 58. : COUNTY OF NEW YORK ) WILLIAM B. MAY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is President of FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES, INC., the applicant above named; that he has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to his ovm knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. That the reason why this verification is made by deponent and not by applicant is that applicant is a domestic corporation, and deponent makes this verification as an officer thereof. to before me this ~ ~ ~\- ~ . day of MarChVI9~. /~ d.vH. \\lLL1AM A, HIChEY Notary PL1b1i.c. St:ttc uf New York 1\"0. u.;_\:~"',,,\,a ~ QuaJih.d in H,.,)!!" Cf'11111 \'....:",rt.Fikd with ~~. Y l'n:ll"'- CkJa Tlfm E.\J'irL"::' 1\1.;-, Ii :-,1..1, 1:15-; Q .. .. .. . ) APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) APPLICATION NO,: ,....'..,..,.',...,..,....,..... DATE: ,......, "!v!arQ.\1.,lO"..,l958.,...."...,,..,..,....,..,.........,..,.... ........, I, (WE), .,...' F.ISHERS. ,.ISLAND" ES:rATES.", ..IN.c..,... ,.2.. New. York;.. cor.po.r.a.tion..:...."..,.............,.. OF ,1 it" ,Eas,t ..5.2n.d, , S. tr,ee,t......"......,...,..,.." .... ..N,~w..,YQ.:r.k...2.2.....,....,..,....,..,.... '.... ~ew,..Y,ork, (street) (municipality) , , (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280.0 of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ," ,ii'J ~.~~,:r,?" J~J~P.Q..,.., ,TQw.. .of:.. ,So,u:t.\1o.ld",..S,uf.f.o.lk.. .COJ.ID:tY..... New.. ,Y o.rk L,.., '....."'.,'..',....,..'........,...,...".,...,,...,.......', ,...., '.."...,.."'.,.......,..'.,......',......,, ......',............,..............., The easterly part of said Island, lying easterly of hn~ES~:i!'~~gNII ~6u~~~~T[iriew"Shown"'on' 'iiiap"'subiiiitte'(i"herewi't'h;"'exciudi'ng'''Ca) p,rop, er.t1.es" .no t, "owed".by, ,.appl 1.c ant,; , ".( ,b.),., prope.r.ti.es. "" i.J:np,r.o,1I'ements. .." .equipmen t and facilities constituting the Golf Course; (c) Ponds, lands, improvements, e.qui.pment, ,.,.nd." ["'01,11, t1.e s' ..oons,t;i,tu.ting, "the"Wa.te'l" 'S;rs'tem;'" (d')' "p-ub1:ie. ,\.ttB:i,t1es; and (e) lands constituting the Peninsula. ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHTCS) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY:......................., !:!,I?~.~:!, "~~~, ..r.j,g~.~,s..,.o.f. ..W,~y." ,/,J,!"!,,, ~)::\9.!'m. ,9.11" ,I:) ~~~, ,!I.1.?-.P."",..".., "'.."".,.",,, .." ,,0 "',' '" ,"', ,," '" ,'.. ,.', ,'.'" ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4, INTENDED USE OF PROPERTY: ....,f.Qr.,J;i.~){,e,J.QPme,nt..,and...f.o.r...:the..,sale...o.f...land............. ................................................................................................................................................................................ S, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:........Appl.1Q.ant..bas,..no..p,re,aent,..pl-ana...f.Q.r..,tbe.. ~.r.~,c::, ~:!-.I?I?-,. ,qf.. ~,IlY., ,,~!:l:J, ;JAj"n.g,~, ~",. "",'., ,," ",' ,,'... """. "" ,," ." "",..".., ",. "",..".."..' ",' "",... ",. '." '" ".. ,'.. "'.,,. 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION. 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT:.. ..,Ap'p;J,.+.~M.!1;,..!I.l.~,~,~..,c;.~;r.~,I[!:+.[1..,r,~!,,!~,~Y,?:1;,+g!:ls, ~,:;J", p, r9,y';I"Q,~ 9",;1,.1:\.. ,Ig,^~);>.:j, t, ,,p.,, ,l1~,:r.~.t.9.., ,aJ;;,ta,G b.ed"" [,Q rmi,ng., ,a" ,part.. ,h.e.re.af,.",."..,..".."..", ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................ FISHERS ISLAND ESTATES, INC., Applicant, STATE OF NEW YORK ) ~".""'tiesi~~~~,,",.,"""',.,',.,...,., . ) SS, COUNTY OF ..~~l..X,Q.!1K......,....,......) " 5Wg~.! y!:~~~~.f~,~"D.^V?F ,.,..~,..,"",..,....M=:::h"",.."......".."....,..., 19,.58.".."...., "...".,g44~..,<<:..'(,~...,........, (notary public) \I'ILLIAM A, HICKEY .r-.-otary Publie. Stne of New York ;\'0. ((;-G:'.'),"!I(I{) QU3.lifie.d in BWllx C(Jl\utY.Cert.F'iIed with N. Y. CoutJty Ckrll Term Expir~s MJ.rch 30, l'JSS -.- ~ . ' . . ") EXHIBIT A Applicant herewith submits a map showing the roads and rights of way over the easterly part of Fishers Island, and in connection therewith, m~ces the following reservations: 1. Said map is not intended as a subdivision map and the Block and Lot numbers designated are not intended as a layout of lands, such designation having been made years ago only for the convenience of applicant, and its predecessors in interest. All conveyances are made by metes and bounds descriptions and not by reference to Block and Lot designations. In no event shall said map be considered, or used, as an official or filed map for any purpose except to show the boundary line of said open development area and the roads and rights of way thereon. 2. All roads are and shall remain the private property of applicant, except the lands shown in black outline, being the public highway, and it is not intended hereby to grant any rights or ease- ments in, to or over such private roads, except right of access to the Town of Southold for its fire department, and applicant reserves all rights of ownership and control therein, subject only to easements of access granted to grantees of land to connect said lands with the public highway and the right of access to the Town above mentioned. 3. Said map is submitted subject to correction for errors or omissions in the preparation of the same. 4. All easements of access granted to grantees of land shall be limited by and sUbject to such rules, regulations and restrictions governing the manner of use thereof or the persons permitted to use the same as shall from time to time be adopted or prescribed by appli- cant. 5. Applicant reserves the right to impose such covenants, restrictions and reservations as it may determine on any parcel of land hereafter conveyed, and the right to grant easements of access over the roads now or hereafter open connecting any parcel of land lying within said open development area to the public highway. 6. Applicant does not undertake, and it is understood applicant will not be called up to grade, maintain or improve in any way, any of such roads or rights of way shown on said map, except such grad- ing, maintenance or improvement as applicant may voluntarily undertake. - - ; ~ ~ , ' .... " ' " .. /' ~ , ~ ' o o . , __ 'IT" _,_ _ _ -- . ~'1"'--~,~.....";iw-_ ~~.-s:I-'L--..._ "'-'~.---~>>MJilip._ -~_____1/"'.I -~... --_ ----- "IiI -- L ____~ -= -. - , - -> - -- ~ g~T"~ - - --- -...... - -- - -'- --. ,-- -..-- -- ---------------- . . ,-- . - - - - .- - - . __ .._ __ __________ __ ,____ _. __ ___ __,_ - __ .__ ___ - ___ 00- ____,_ ,____ ,-- - ---. - -O' -- - - . --- · --- - - '''LA'- P'- , - -- O'-, ---- -- - - ~-' .". '{ I --- '-:;"",},. ,-, ,-, . " . MUNNATAWKE.T . ,: '" _ . _ . It . ~ DOCK 28-_ J ~ . """'..>- - I -'" . ' ' ~ ' _r . ' ~ , ~ ' . -A.:.__ ~- ~ . . ., , ,', y. ," .' ~<;'! '" ' fiSHERS ISLAND COR.PORATION " ' ' CI' ,." . "k 'J /)' i"> · ' P,RELIMINARY PLAN , l...... [,. . , "\h\ 0 " J' <,~. .fT " for, PROPERTY OF · . . J. 'c~, ~'~' . ~ \' . ('Hr,' . . , ' ./, . FISHERS ISLAND CLUB' ' , .',' . !. ,. )1, ,oM, 'C,V:" BR.<?,O!5.~~PT, , d . SCAle OF JUT , , \ f cr' ',\ Z ~o~, (' o(~' ,10'~ ':000 ,:000 ::~')O , (', ) I' I'" _-<.f l;;.~__ '--~i ~ - -O' --4;" -.;;;;d ~--.;:..,..d " c, I" " 1 - - , ' '. > ' ' , \ I" ,,\ ')j "...T I,"", 1""-1 ~~~ --'.1-.. -",-1\0: Ap ~-L-rTe:: .j MANSION" ' J. r't, (, ' ,,,,,",," ". "", ., .. \ HOUS' n' ",,,'''' '"'' . . J ,',,' ," !.>or "', '0 .." :9.\0 ' '.,.. J , DO l \ . ., , ' "- CK ' .' " . " S :'\ 18"4',:,:~':t". '\'> REVISED - JUNE 1928 1.~/ ... ,_ ' ' ' "-.J ') , " . , ".' " b' " , . Z ,. ,. . ~C'. q.{ .. " " (-/ 'V .4-J,.-{- o.Q. .~ r.2~ 0~- ;, ' ."" -Ii'" 'Ii _0 ' D I'I'F~.-;' ( " , , " ". ' ~ ' ~,"t? ",,':" ,_ " -r Q~ ,', . '"," .~. '. !~ ,'" , GOOSE . . y, -.., '- ' . 9>1--"-" !~ ~,- ISLAND .... . ;" ',:,"" -~ ~l- i'--"P , ' . G~ f: .,- ?J~~v ... /~. ' - " 1. ' F . '" ,1' ' , , ' . ,', ,,,," v '-, .... /." . " _, ," '. '< " _ ,. "'_ . 1'_ / ) ,;",~ 0.-'2--~' . . <' .,"-, ~'<: ( 7 '..J.....~. t'tt<P'~ J . " . ' ,,'[""-'7"-3 f' (. I ' ' ", '. 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