HomeMy WebLinkAboutRobertson, Douglas/Browns Hills NO\~;;MBEn 9, 1001 'l'OIV'J BO,'\HD w-:n'J I',:G _J (., ,) - Moved by Councilman Demarest; scconded '0/ Justi('c Tuthill: RESOLveD: That n.e application 0': Ro'oert Preston and others for ded- ication of Gull Pond Lane, Greenpor t , :'J.Y. be granted pro'! ided t:hat the recommendation of the planr,ing Boar') be ,omplied wJ.th, Vote of the ToWn Board: Ayes- S11perv tsar Albertson; Councilmen Demarest and Grathwohl; Justices Tuthill and Clark A letter w,o.s receiveu from the State Traffic Commission ad'JisiwJ the Town Board! that necessary study ,'oncerning a traffic signal on ,,-oute 25 and Youngs Avenue, Southold, in the Town of Southold has bee'\ made and that the light will be instal ),ed, A letter was received from the Office of State Transportation outli,ning the qualifications that Rai,lroads must meet in order to qual1.<!iy for Tax Relief, A letter was received from E. J. Goldsmith, Mayor of Southwold, England, introducing Mr, & Mrs Eric Powell. Mr. & Mrs Powell visited Southold to further streni1then the ties between the ancient English burrovl, ET1gland, and her daughter Town of Southold. A letter [was reC'eived from the Attorney General asking for further information we might be able to supply concerning boundaries, etc. reo. garding beach propert:y in New Suffolk. Moved by, Councilman Demarest,; ser-anded by ,Justi ce Tuthill, WHEREAS, Brown's Hills Estates, Inc, and Douglas Robertson have by app1iC'ation verified the 15th day of September, 1959, made application to the Town Board for establishment of an Open Development Area 0;: certain property at Browns Hills, Orient, H.Y. dnd more tully de'Ocribed in said application, pursuant to the provisions of Section 280.,}\ of the Town Law, and NHEREAS, the Town Board has heretofore referred the matter to 1,h~ Planning Board for its advice and recommendation and WEEREAS, the Planning Board has by report dated the 1st day of November 1961 and filed with the Town Boarel re,::ommended that the application of Browns Hills Estate, Inc. and Douglass Robertson be granted, pro., vided that the roads are completed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE n' RESOLVED: ~lat the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby establish an open Development Area over the property of Browns Hills Estates, Inc. and Douglass Robertson as sh()\..rn on the map attached to the application and entitled "Proposed Layout of Land (. : Brown' sHills located at Brown's Hills, Orient, N.Y. " surveyed by Otto W. ilanTuyl,& Son. Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Albertson; Councilmen Dema,:t'e':t am Grathwohl; Justices Tuthill and ClarJ(, Adjournment was at 4:15 P.M, Albert W, Richmc'nd Town Clerk . . . Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. Southo1d Town Board PLANNING BOARD Report to: Southo1d, New York MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairmon Henry MoiS!1 November 3, 1961 Alfred Grebe Archibald Young William Unkelbach Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southo1d Town Planning Board at their meeting on November 1, 1961: In the matter of the petitions of Brown's Hill's Estates, Inc. and Douglas M. Robertson for Open Development Areas over the follow- ing described property: Brown's Hi11"s Estates, Inc., Brown's Hill's, Orient, New York: Tract of land bounded by Droskoski to the south, Roy H. Young to the east. Long Island Sound to the north, and Robertson to the west. Petition of Douglas M. Robertson: Tract of land of approximately 11 acres, bounded by Long Island Sound to the north, Dyer and others to the west, Droskoski to the south, and Johnson, Robertson and Haas to the east. The Planning Board made a recommendation on October 28, 1959 favoring the establishment of an Open Development Area on the above- mentioned property. At that time the Town Board was not satisfied with the Robinson (westerly) section of the property as to access. The Planning Board has since then studied an application fur develop- ment of the Ruth L. Young property as a separate entity and there will be no connection of the two properties, or road to the two properties from the Main route (State Route 25). The Planning Board feels that inasmuch as this property has been slowly developed since the original recommendation of 1959 by the installation of water mains, widening of right-of-ways to 50 feet as requested and installa- tion of the major part of the roads as per the attached plan, it is hereby . . . . Page 2 - Report to Southo1d Town Board RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the Open Development Areas be granted over the aforementioned property. Map of Brown's Hill's Estates, Inc. Subdivision dated September 15, 1959. It is a stipulation of the Planning Board that the roads as shown be completed and particularly Southview Drive Extension and Northview Drive Extension. These roads are not yet completed and we no not believe this Open Development Area should be granted until that time. Respectfully submitted, ..~,v *~~/~ yi", John Wickham, Chairman Southo1d Town p1anningBoard JW/jb .. '. Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman I L _IJ R. RBa.a October 28, 1959 Henry Moisd Alfred Grebe Archibald Young Report to: Southold Town Board William Unke1baoh Southold, New York Gentlemen: This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at its meeting on October 27, 1959: In the matter of the petitions of Brown's Hill's Estates, Inc. and Douglas M. Robertson for Open Development Areas over the following described property: Brown' f! Hill's Estates, Inc., Brown's Hill's, Orient, New York: Tract of land bounded by Droskoski to the south, Roy H. Young to the East, Long Island Sound to the north, and Robertson to the west. Petition of Douglas M. Robertson: Tract of land of approximately 11 acres, bounded by Long Island Sound to the north, Dyer and others to the west, Droskoski to the south, and Johnson, Robertson and Haas to the east, Orient, New York; it is hereby RESOLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that Open Development Areas be granted over the abovementioned property. Map of Brown's Hills Estates, Inc. Subdivision dated September 15, 1959. The Planning Board feels that some day there will be a Town road in the vicinity of this property, therefore the roads over the property of Douglas M. Robertson will be 50 feet. The roads over the property of Brown's Hill's Estates, Inc. are presently 33 feet, although it is felt that some day the individuals to the north of South View Drive and to the south of North View Drive may provide enough land to widen the road to 50 ft. It is also believed that Mrs. Roy H. Young may give 20 ft. additional on her side to widen Brown's Hills Road. Very trulf yours, ~4'V~~'~ ohn Wickham, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board . C Ootober 7, 19~9 Mr. Doug1a. *' Robert.on Brown'. Hill. E.tate. Orient, Rew York Dear Mr. JIobert,oDl Your petition tor a n Open DenlopIBent Are. ot rroperty in orient, de.cribed as approx- imately 1 aores, bounded north by Lons I.land Sound, eaat by Johnson, Robe*t.on and Baa., .outh b~ D1'()skoaki, and we.t by Dyer and other., 11 betore t is Board. Acee.1 road. over this .ection appear to be 33 tt. It 1s luegested that the propo.ed road. be ~O tt. We anticipate that lome day there will be a Town road somewhere near this section and we teel that all proposed layout. should comply with pre.ent regulat1ons, namely "0 tt. road.. Your application is being held in abeyance pending the amendment 01' your applioation to comply with the ~O tt. regulation. Very truly yom-., John W1c~, Chairman Southold own Planning Board !jb . . SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE RAt..PH P. BOOTH, CLERK ItE""STRAR OF VITAL. STATISTICS 50UTHOLD, N. Y. COP Y Oct. 5, 1959 Mr. John Wickham Chairman, Planning Board Cutchogue, New York Dear Mr. Wickham; The original petitions or Arlin DeGuimaraes, or East Mation, 1. I. relative to change or zone rrom "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District and Brown's Hill's Estates, Inc., relative to change or zone to Open Development Area under the provisions or Section 280A of the Town Law or the State of New York, are in the files in the orrice or the Planning Board at Southold, New York. You are instructed to prepare an orricial report derinlng the conditions described in the petition and determine the area so affected with the recommendation ~ your Board. Very trul~ yours, /s/ Ralph P. Booth Ralph n Booth Town Clerk RPB/mr . IV 0 f-0--" . APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) APPLICATION NO,. ,.........,..........'.......... DATE ,....",.j-:.....L~/?.t.~n-r.l~!::.....!...'1..<C?...........,...., .. ,/ (WE), .', ,?:.J.r.:~ ,~,~" ',$.,..H. ;/!;.".. ,€.~T.f!1.t:. e.'?" ,/.. .T.!,~ ,0:..".."...,.."...,..,.""",..,...."""",.......,....., ~""""""',.,"",.,""',.,""""""',.,""",."".". D I-/e uT ..,t.V.:..'/:.... ..................................................................f (street) (municipality) (state) Do hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-0 of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY ......,{!/.f::fe.,H,-r. ,..,..!.Y':..j.;.......c.7.?.r..~..u.::!'!..'~./!!.~;(.s.J...,...... ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ....7i-a.?.t...&..;/,./a..,ttd....d,~.~.if.dK:k.f...,4..y...........,........, ,z.?f~ (;, ~,I(P'.oJ.. k.?-"", .Tq, ,tit.. ,f:.., J..~,~:d it", ~,., /r'Q,y, t:(", y.~, f,( ,':'1. f.... 6,.. ,1 'a..., ,?;:'?lJ ,L},.....,. I...p,/a..y.. ,~s /a,iM:(,, Jr?,K"I.t;(",T~?,.7k~.."/v(n,t.h,.,p~d".7?tP.,b.e*'-1..~.l<h,,...T.,~,..," ,.-tit, ,(;"", .t.'VtF.~.T"""."".., ,..'"",.."""""",'..',.."..", "'..,'..".."......".."..'...,",".."..,...""....,..."..,.."..,,'...........,. 3 DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEANS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY....t.t.,(;,<;:,~.5...s -t~", 7. kf;",.~ ,0;,(;/1.1", ,/. ~..,' 4, j, ': ,f( .s, /:.1:: ~f.",. ,({ j", ,/ctnd", ,:1...1..,~. W ,;,de."" ,t:<<!1!:1J.~'j /7.o.,r.tfr.e. t! 'l.., .fr..~Il?:1.".. 7.1t.~", /II.~.I. ~ ,1!',f6.w,tf!.c.y.~" P../?uHde.,d.", ,4.y..,' ,::t=b. .yll./.'r!. ~y r {J ,10:1." ,1Xl. e.. ,F,q,! T?:1. ~d., Pt::o.,-! ~,o.! 1;, (", ..?, ft.. 1.'. /:,~" ,~e:.~, t:.,.,,! ~; .:5,"" ,~~ Et;!". f;.:5.,.. ..c~..n4 (I,t4,cr"" ,r.q~{s:", "w/:t.fl.~f.1.. ,74,~",j?r.~,~.~tf.",4.I.:~,."(f."'I.(,~4,,Iy:.?'<:,," ,o/~~iOu7:: 4, INTENDED USE OF PR?PERTY ..,7f.~$..tJ:a.f.e.d.~..,r..f;"!':.I.d~H.T.'!~j..,Pt::t:.:{t...,,..,O',tL?;I:f,L/1y ,$~.e,n.e.d,..',0,...,6.,y""',k" (::z...,l !cr.,Cc.t?" .,.,/kI,.",I,9..~.7.,',..".., ,..,'..,..""",..,.",..,..'",.."..,'...., 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED..,(f}~,(4.~,~,{d;.~......,a~,T,r...!-:..c..t:....!./z.-:..~.t.~!:.~r:5 ,/h""8,Uf"l1.;""""".""""""""""""",,""..,...,'..", '""",.,'""",.."'.'"",..."..."",.."..'""",,,..'.""""""..,'........' 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION .......--- 7 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT.. ../?r/t.,!tc.,~,~1:../.?..,0..,Il.P,~,~.);.r.(.?/(..T......, C: f', t;f.(!. fo:1!ib D,k1",,' ,c.I.7k f", -/1..a.t e.", ,0.1 ,!V:6. N /O'K.k..., ,t;;,l.at'f,e.d", ,((f/./t4, ~ Ilt.e..,.. C c:I-'d j:.(; /, ,0. ,0.4'." ,mt1..lI'lTe.1.r. /1, k. '- ,e."", ,,? ,/" .T..k,e.", [{!f'lf( f?"" (1ft: ,d." ,/1,(q(;;"","" ,y"i,f/fi.!y 1.1/..( ,t6.O:1., ,7/i.~", ,qre. Ik""...r.,:t. ,4" ,m e.,p(,6.e.r...f.1r. ,;p".,.I. ,s", ,?:ru~r/..#. ~,cI.", A :/..7/a.. jr..q;,i-.Orty." ,tJ.kk.t!.,O:.,$." ""wl.T.b,;,n. ..,f.h.,f.",..qt3?:4::"q.~".Ia.T..e.d., "~,.-r.I!.~,..,~~ 13,-z><<,/Jofls 1(//1,$ p...r.rarec, ..T...,> , STATE OE NE~A I " _...'l':CX,Z~"'...xi~!f';;;::.... COUNTY OF ,... ...., ,......~,......,..,......) (signature) A- ~ SWORN ~THIS ,....t).\}~....DAY OF,....,~.."........,....,....,................,..,l~,1..........,.. iB, ..,..............,'~~~~,........,............, [l ~.: -:7:- L!JCE t:otarJ P:lr::~,:::, : ui l~elN York. ....')..~ \'t ~O () .. .,.. -r " :\1 No tJ)..;: Resldmg In :.1":,',, " . ' < . Commisslo;\ ;::,]:i _ f'" JO, l~ "f r . ...{V~_:::-- APPLICATION TO THE TOWN BOARD (open development area) APPLICATION NO" ..............,..............,.. DATE ..,../..~..,..Je~,t~,?n..i.~r..,....,./..,r..',C?.......,......,.. I, (~), ",.." Qc;,t/.'f'/<< ,..$;".. ,/Yl,:.., ??~ ,j?,(fr ,r.:.t.!?:..t!, n",.."..""""".."..".."".,..,.."""".,..........."..", OF ?n,tY.:'#, .!.J.II;/!f...,t;j,W"e.:,$.,... .'..".. "" "" ,(2. ,/: /.€':,"n.!..."..".."....,.".."..".."..,." ..,..1::'::-Y:.., (street) (municipality) (state) Da hereby make application to the TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK to establish an "Open Development Area" under the provisions of Section 280-a of the Town Law of the State of New York of the following described property; 1. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ",.. ,7JI.':t:.{'-.fO:(,'..J",fI~ !/~",..:-:::",CJ.f:l.,~.?:?,t...;:"..&::.y",..,.........,...., ....................................................................................................................... ......................................................., ~ ' 2, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: ,..,./rfJf-.!.,..,o/../tfu..d,....,if..,~'//7r~..un:r.I(?-k:Ij....I./.. a,U:':t.!:S"" ,.,.b.Il.id.n.d(:.d, ",-Iy.."6,~~/,,T-F..ItZ,Hd. J.~..<,{.;M,d" t~,,7.k~,,:1::!?rt.4,:J..,,2.3rer /hdd,(),th.e~" ,f.c.f6.c., ,l~:e."~7.;,..,',Z?,K,,4.A:p,.f.,A:..~..,,~,,,7.k. f'" ,:hu.t..It,,).,~,..v.(?Afl~th-r 7{b.,b. .6.'l:t..r.It:u, ,j" r 1.1(+,4, ,~~".., L ~ ,7. k,~." ,.g-(2,,(',,/;,,...,,.,,,,.....,,,,,..,,..,,..,,..,,.,,,,,,,..,....,,,..,,,,............, 3, DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT<S) OF WAY OR OTHER MEA.NS OF, ACCESS TO PROPERTY:..,....?1y,..,...... ./.:tt,T..,,~f,t:v~.y..,.,~"~~"~'" '" .?!"l.1.f/'." "(!!;.{~,.r.7?,n..f..,t.:6.,~,q~,.,.,,t..j.,..?1I.'R.WH..'.f ., " ,//I.J..," 1::.. !.7'):?f.~'?J-' ?;""'''-::, "',' ,in. ,tY.Is,.,.." w f. ,?:.~, f.r."." ?'/r.,f:...4.t:i!!',q"....,.W; I./.. , ,4.~, ,e xTe., H,f./..~~,$" "" "fe';', "The ,,~f,t::..fi ,ct.,~7,r..,~R.4'..5"",.," ""'..,,.. """,..'.. ","'" ".."..,...,., ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4, INTENDED USE OF PROP.ERTY .....;pe.$.{d.e.",i7'.I.,~/....!.1.[e.&."......~,((Ld/.v.:,(,d.e..d.,.. ,I.';t.,1.r). ".,.~~rI~O..~,/N<':!,~.t.~Iy.."J.qr..~,~"..b.T.~ """..".."" "" ".." ..,'.."..'"",.., ,..,. "..,,'.., . .......... 5, TYPE OF BUILDING(S) TO BE ERECTED:,..,ff.e,.s.l,d.f.,~.~,~~....,....,.......,..,....,.....,....,..,..,....,......,..,...., ................................................................................................................................................................................ 0, MAP OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPOSED LAYOUT OF LAND USE AND RIGHT(S) OF WAY OR ROADS TO BE ATTACHED TO THIS APPLICATION, V , , 7, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY APPLICANT.. ..71.e....,J.u.L7.,t::Ir.!:':!.,$.,(.,~,....,fP./:.,Z4..;,~...., c1,~!;Ie. r.7y..".d e,~Q. ~ c. ,:$." ,:or.?fc "'tiet ?':,'T., .z~", ,/.tf fl.".. .'./?u,~, ~... f<<'/ct..?" ..q,~d...." r~rY u4.. f~~, ,~"" ,t.7/), kt,(:, ,4,/- -/ e.c.:t u,~ f.." :7k,e, , ,/J-rr,lc.t:.7. y.., ,~"~,~I::f."", ~ T.."'. , C71.:o,C;(/.}(1.,(J.. ,lIdl $,.. h~T~.$. "),~~~..:,, (?~/.r..~,Qf7' .y,.~r&:UJ!f.r.:.$.",,?Y11.$.~:/ao/y ,d e.-:t:..E.7:'1. ,(.e.,.., ,h1e,?:U..J.e.;:.~""" ~.;/,.., ,7 A,e,.,.., (~,~, ~ r..~,?:*'. ~~"",."..".."...,..,"""",."..."...,...,' STATE OF NEW S03\ ~\ ] SS "%':'if:'("':';?"'J.y,,~........, COUNTY OF ,............\~,.., ............) . (signature) SWORN TO THI~,....,....,..,..~y OF,..,..,................,..,./<t:'...,~~........19,..':f.~:l'.,...... ,....".."................., ,~~,..,~,~~........, (notory publ ic) [L8(~' [, WCE '-\ Iql.\~ 0 Putl r C:.\]k .',\ i'lew York, '\.... ~ Motaf; '": L _ '0 .;c\a( No. b RtI\d\T1ilnSutlo\\, Cu. .,,'.. '=-019 k,.-' tamm\~~\M' t::-rll.:<:' t\:.,,\...I .J . ." . . ; " " " September 15, 1959 '" .. ~ :.- i... Brown's Hills Estates Ine ,- " Brown's Hills '" Orient, N.Y. '"~. .. ,,1'. - i Gentlemen; .-., I have been informed that your organization have oontroll e>ver the , private roeds and "enera1 area known ae "Brown'e Hills., Orient, N.Y. Under the requirements of sEction 280a of the Town Law, Building )i; permits cannot be issued to property 10c~te6 on unapproved private roads. " ~ .""- I am encloshl!, application blanks eo that you may apply fo'r an ,- open development area, whereby access can be approved to all lots in t~e area covered by the map submittec with the application. -., " Vie are 110W faoed with the necessity of granting a building permit to one of your group, this cannot be cone until access is apT'roved. The enclosec blanks should be filled out in duplicste and together with a map of the area showing lots and roads attacied returned to me as soon as possible. There is no fee in connection with this matter. The next Town Board Meeting will be Sept. 29th at 1:30 PM. As it will take the best part of a month to process the application at best, I w,)u1d urge ) all possible haste in filing in order that IDasonery work etc may be done before ,1r..;' bad weather it approval is granted. " Yours truly i " ' i I Building Inspector. '. ., .----- .-..--- ---- ------- - - ","", ~ - _W._" __ .._ ._ d n_ .___._ ___. _ P.__ _______ _ __~_... _H__~__ ____ '.---- - .-- --- -, ---, '~ " .......0." , ....... " '~ ! -' - "_ __ 'C:' I , "- c;" "--- _::...~.!~.L.:I:,::, f:]lI{~u...:.S(2U/id .c, .......... -,-.--.... -'7 ~ .. ,~ , nn ,O~ .n ~ " <~ '" "', "'> , <0.:; ;-- /I / '; f / / " 1;t-dJ is / ".,; , c' ; 1; "',' ,. U / </ / I).,U ; -<'-{?/, / 'i / .!~ ; ': / / ~rr / ; ~ / .-1': -;--~ I-I! Y ,. ~ I . ~ - ~~/ 7 ',-,vl1 d 1 I ~ vou vi I '" 1 I~ I rieL?" I i t... /1..--0 ....... ~ ____ J.--r/ __ ~ ,... ~tf ~ . " ~ I -- ____ t:'""", .0- --- ____ . \Ii Y' I ..... "'v", ~ · ____ S ____ ...1' " . -r~ . / .... q) / - ~ ~ "'r~.., I yO 1 ~ / '1' J 'f.. ..-<I ,r b;\ < Co....... 1 ,'i.---/ '\ ';;... ~ __ 7 ! ~ ~ ..... I '/' , ~ ~ , .)....... 0 c ....... \ ' ~ ~ ....... ,'/ ,f /...{J. t' :0. - '-0\\ ~.. ~ /.~~ v, ..... " . .. ..... 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