HomeMy WebLinkAboutBurns, Margery .-. , ..11'. -,' . . , July 24, 1957 x:x~ n:7....z...JI:...... Ken17 Moioa REPORT '1'0: SGJTIiOr.D TCMN HOARD Alfred Grobe o{)UTHOT.D, N. Y. RE: mUGlmY BURNS PROPERTf Thill is to certi1)' that the following action _8 taken at a regular _ting of the Sou1;hold TCMIl P1ann1.ng Board, and as a result of and subsequent to the report to the SOIlthold Town BoaI'd by the Southold Town Planning Board dated !'fay 22, 19S7. PETITIOI or /farger,r 8I1ms to provide an open de'YelopIIEIs area for her propert;y enti tle4 SuMet Knoll on Long IalarId SowId at Sautbold, N.Y., deecI deaceiption or property and aplanatorJ let.ter tl'OJa Mr. lapp dated July 17, 1957 addreS8ed to the SOIltholc! TOIC Plan;.ing Board. THE SOJTHOLD T()IN PI.ANNI';G OOARV RECOMMEJIDS to the SouthCtld TOII1 Board that thi. property be I'/Ade an o-en dewopant a~ tdth tour lote in acC01"danoe with skqch -A- dated Jul7 24, 1957 _lond, aDd that acee.. be by __ of the Hyatt rignt.-ot_7 and Hlll Top Path as shown on _p ot 8unaet Inoll dated October 9, 19,2 by otto W. Van Tuy1 aDd S(III. enclosed. '!he Planning Board teelll after 8pend:l.nc con8iderable 101118 and several _ting8 on this petitiOJl that undue bardabip would be created for the petitio1'l8r it her petition be not granted. John W1ckbaa. Chair.8Z1 JW:A So..lthold T~ Plall'l1n@: Boa:rd .J . . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Widh"m, Ch"irmtln St:lll;jtl Dvy",,,, J,. R~bv.1 ":. C;II;3tJ;.., Jr, Htlrold R. Reeve May 22, 1957 ChMles Van Duzer ,......'"/ r-.M.;.. Co ,4../(. {,~c.c-.. Report to Southold Town Board regard request of Margery Burns to provide an open development area for her property entitled "$unset Knoll" near Long Island Sound at Southold, Upon inspection by the Planning Board, this property was found to be partly hillside facing west, including lots numbered 6, 7, 8 and 9 with lots IlA, llB and 10 being more level land near or at the top of the slope. The 20 ft right of way "Hill Top Path" runs up the hill through a depression or valley, It seems, however, that the layout shown on the map is tentative since there are no survey stakes marking the unsold lot lines shown on the map, nor marking Hilltop Path, It is the conviction of the Planning Board that these lots are much too small, and even the 60 ft front lines and 30 ft rear lines are measured on the diagonal. The Board wishes to call attention to the spite fence about 20 ft tall standing between two houses already on this development, Therefore, the Southold Town Planning Board, in special meeting May IS, 1957, by unanimous action, cannot recommend this change to the Southold Town Board, In studying a possible solution under these unusual topographi- cal conditions, the Planning Board feels that this might be declared an "open development area" only if the lots were enlarged, We suggest that four lots might be made out of the existing 6i as follows:- Move Hilltop Path more north cutting down on lot 8 and enlarging lot 9. This would entail moving some earth, but at present lot 9 is too low (frontage below storm tide level and practically unsalable in the estimation of the Board), ; I . . . The final result might be ore lot out of 7 with part of 6 and part of 8; another of 9 with part of 8; a third from 10 plus some from Hilltop Path, and a fourth by combining llA and 11B less some for Hilltop Path, Even with these suggested changes, all the resulting lots would be below the minimum area of 12,500 sq. ft. That such changes would not be an undue hardship, can be shown by the fact that past sales in this development have not always conformed to the lot lines shown on the map, and that survey stakes for the lot lines in question have never been placed. Respectfully submitted by unanimnus action of the Southo1d Town Planning Board in special meeting May 15, 1957, . . WALTER GEORGE KAPP ATTORNEY AT LAW P. D. Bex 2D7 M....IN ROAD. BDUTHDLD, N. Y. - ISDUTHDLD SR3B'78 May 24, 1957 Morman E. Klipp, Supervisor Town of Southold Greenport, New York He: Margery Burns property Dear Mr. Klipp: 1957, I wish to thank you for your letter of May 22, and for the enclosures contained therein. With the permission of the Town Board, however, I would appreciate the opportunity of resub- mitting the request of Margery Burns on an informal basis in accordance with the enclosed sketch. I am also enclosing the map originally submitted with my letter of May II, 1957, because I note that there have been some pencil notations made thereon, and it occurs to me that perhaps the Planning Board would like to refer to them in connection with the proposed reconsideration. I will, of course, submit a formal peti- tion together with an engineering survey and metes and bounds descriptions of the individual lots, at such time as it is considered necessary. I appreciate the indul- gence of the Town Board and the Planning Board in this matter, and I feel certain that some satisfactory solution can be arranged. ~~:C;" /c4r g Enclosures . . WALTER I3EDRI3E KAPP ATTORNEY AT LAW P. D. BOX 207 MAIN ROAD, SCUTHDLD. N. Y. - SDUTHDLI:) 5-3878 Ma7 24. 1957 ~ B. KliPP. Sup.1"'rl.or 'l'0VIl or Soutbold. GPeeaport. ... York R.: Karg.1'J' BurDa properi7 Dear Mr. Kllpp: I v1ah to tb8Dk 70U rop )'Om' letteP or Ma}' 22. 1957. and. ror the enelolJ1D'e. ooata1ned. tMre1D. WIth the pe1"lll1.s1on or the 'l'0VIl ~ ~,go. I vould. appreciate the opporttm1ty at rea~ JI1UJ.IiIC tbe req...t or IlaPgeI'J' Bu1"aa oa an 1Dtoma1 but. 1D ....ol'daDO. 1f1tb the _108" abteh. I _ al.o _loa!Dc the _p OP1g1Dall}' .ubmitt.d. vltb ., 1."-, or )fa}' 11. 1957. ....aua. I note tbat there bay. be_ .... ~11 notat1ona _de thereca. and It ooeUPa 1;0 _ tbat pel'bapa the P1......1.. BoU'd would l1ka to rer.. to tMa in e..... ..tlon vltb the propos.d. recODlllderat1oD. I v1U. or cOUPSo. aubldt a ro~1 peU- t10D tog.ther vl th aD eJlg1Deer~ SUI"'M}' aDd. _u. and boUDdll d.soriptlcna or the ladiY dual lot.. at sUDh t~ as It t. ooa.ldered Dee.ssar}'. I appreout. the iDdul.- seaoo or the 'l'ova Board aDd the Pl&Dn!Dc BoIU>d in thb _tter. IUtd I r..l c.rtaiD tbat .... satur.etol'J' solution CIUt be ~d. Vel'J' trul}' )'OUPS. Inclosures -~ " . :A --- ;;V~NG~ O;~'~.e~\;~p --;tl~RTe-- I : (3eAc/-l Fot<i! <.IS/!!!. CF .eSS"dJEtv"'-S I l OF BELoW PA~~cL I ~ P/4.,...'......'. ./ - ~/ / ~11/ o ' ~" { .), A . ''li;O' / .-' NON -COWPott!t'1IN 1/5;:' .- , 1 ~ ( l:11.o '. 11 V I' ~ Il " 1 ~ \, j- '~ J 4 \i) .1 ~ ~ , - ~ 1 t-: " , Co ~') 70'0 '" .. '" 1-1 I . oO:Z 96.0 --- ~""Ol= " i=- ...... -r.-I 3""" -- "-- I :;;{ ...,I' +I (0 " \C) " I , 5c:",i-=: ~ 50'= I"~ I I~ ppeO)(, I i ". i . ,.!... , , ... -- . ~~ ,.-- I' L CNr- I ...::> I ::::s . -------- -._ L A ~J ". _. '''_ '-' c:::::: _ --'....)l.J/"r- , ' ~ i !. :J.- 4L ", -----_ " 'li ...,.... -- , ! - ---- I, .~ > P....\......CI~e 8e:cac:..\o\ < r ~ , 0 ~ (J ~ i . a. J . 'II ~' ~ , 00 " ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ - . ~ ~ .\ ? - I. . , -'--- . - -- - - - -- ~ A,. \-01 " .~ .~ / , ~.O i -1. I "~. I . . \,. . , I VI .A/,J' \' '1 . I c / ~ I ,t I ~ '? t \ / - I... , I' /o? ry \ ! ... I . [;J . I .- ..) ~ 1 i I t ~/; ......... t I I I / / I " v 'i pol \/I)c...... I ." l"- I!--, ...k I .! . .,. "- .... i 'r'v.o ; '-.. Oil _______ ....... "..... I ....-:.-----.'-D-4 .......~"I.. \t~ ... " ""\ 1.- .ft., p"\r'O.+ ,. Q~ t , ~ ______ ...~ \0........ ____ . , " .J" ______ --- .' () ~. ~ ~\~c:;.~e"" . \ t ~ ~ . . ~ Q , l ; ~ ~ t! ft. 1I.e ~ ~ 0 · r . 0 r . J rjI J .,~:I):, .- J Z '. ~ - "- f~ f'1 - -, , ~ 'f A , ~ .~ ~ , J 1 ' t -- ,-.. I.' ~ -~ . ...i ..~\~ \ ,.\ I -. \. -.,--.- .~ ' \, '~\ 0 . MAt:) O~ ,.. I'" " ..$' , - ,4 . SUNSE'TKNOLL " ~'t',j'~1' I' MA~ -. <::;)\.. ..ro" I~ . ~\-' lv, \"t', MAR.GIU.a.,,< O. SUR"'. 1- ~. .;7"" "Y' 'oo! ' , 5ou;rMQL.o, N.Y. ,{ '\ ,.. ~ ..~ :SC::.c:t\a :.. SO'.....,-" . . ~, t O<li.lto:"..CY ,. \."i!>.S!"_' 0+11= 'V.!;'VCI'..!'T\.t'1\ . c:e . ~ ~ . WALTER GEDRGE KAPP ATTORNEY AT LAW P. C. BDX 207 MA.IN ROA.D. BDUTHDLD, N. Y. - SCUTHCLD 5.387. July 22, 1957 Norman E. Klipp, Supervisor Town of Southold Greenport, New York Re: Property of Margery D. Burns, Application for Open Develop- lIIent Area Dear Mr. Klipp: I enclose survey of the property of Margery D. Burns, located at Horton's Point, together with a deed description contain- ing an engineer's description of the 25 foot right of way over land of Hyatt and also an engineer's description of "Sunset Path". I also enclose an engineer's description of "Hilltop Path." I trust you will find the within satisfactory, and I wish to thank you for your cooperation in expediting this lIIatter. 1.:. Very truly yours, /1..;-M_-~ r}crr g Enc1s. . ... ~ . DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OF MARGERY D~ BURNS LOCATED AT HORTON'S POINT, NFl"," SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF i>OUTHOLD, SUFFOlJ{ G.::nlTY, N.J. \ BEDINNI!n at a concrete monULlent set on the northwe8ter1,y line of ot Jonathan T. Overton at the souther1,y corner ot land conveyed by the part,. of the t1ret part to AlllilCander T. Willi.s by deed elated 1948 and recorded in 1948; Z'IllIIWIg thence along said land of Jonathan T. Overton 8.$10 $9' $O" W.- 274.03 feet to land of S. B. Fischel' and then aloIJg IllDd of Charles S. Witherspoon, N.640 SO, w. - 610 teet, more or le88, to high vater uric of Long Island Sound; thence northeaeter1,y along said high vater mark of Long Island Sound 246.8 feet, !!lore or less, to IllDd of A1nander T. llilliams; thenoe along said IllDds of Alexander T. W11118I11S, 5.640 SOlE. - 700 teet, more or less, to the point ot beginning. TooETHER with all right, title and interest of the party of the first I part, of, in and to Long Island Sound abutting said premises. I ALSO with a right of wq 20 feet in width from Horten Lane to the premises, the southeaster1,y line of which is described as follows:- I BEDINNIOO at a point on the northeaeter1,y line of Horton Lane 2S feet, southeaeter1,y along said line fraa the point ef beg1nn1ng of the curve in said . I line as altered in 1941; running thence on a curve to the left whose center 18 I the point ot DIlrvEl in llaid line of Horton Lane and whose radius is 2S teet, a distance of add curve ot 39.27 teet; thence V88ter1,y on a curve to the left and concentric with the norther1,y Line of Horton Lane and at all pointe d18tant 2$ feet theretraa, a distance on said curve of 87.S4 feet; thence N. 140 $9' 20" E. l8l.9S feet to the sout.trvHter1,y line of the premises herein describecl. SUBJEX:T to a right of way 20 teet in width, the swthea8ter1,y line of which begin. at the teminus ef the last described right of va,- and runs &Cross . the prEfr.lisos, two oourses, as ~llO'w,"- (1) N. 220 30' W. - 170 teet; thence I I (2) N. 2SO 10' E. - l.3O teet to the northeaster1,y line of the Pr&l1- . ise8. I I ! I I , I I , I I I I I I I I , . ~ . . " July 19, 1957 DESCRIPTIOI--wHILLTOP PAtHW thru land of Margery Burns bouttlold, R.Y. th~ southerly line ot wHilltop p~t begins at an 1ron "oipe on the southerly bounder,. .line land of Burns at a point 23'.35 feet westerly alo southerly boundary froQ the southeasterly corner IS land, sa1d pIpe being at the point where sa outherl" 0'Jndar:r 1s intersected by the easterly f a right of ~~r leading northerly to sp.id lan n~ ~roM horton ane; from said point of beginning utherly line runs thence alans said southerly p ry line of land of Burns! 0.64 50'BB~203.24 feet e easterly line of s,ld "Hl11~op Pathw. ~ld ea uns th'nce 2 ceurses, U follgws I 11~ N.38 )O'E.-8S.16 e 21.2,Dlo'E.~158.BO nd now or for~erly of il1laas; thence alon d of ~'lllams, N.64o~O'W._ 20.0 feet to th te of sale "Hilltop Path-. 1a1d westerly- runs th~nee 2 eourses, as follows. 1~ 8.250],0'. 56.42 eet; tknce 2 ij.,SO,O'. '1'0.0 f t to the northerly line of said "H1l1top Path Sdd rtherly line runs thnce 1.64 50.... 210.0 teet to terly line of sald right of way leading from Horto ~ane; ~~ee along a&id easterly lin. of s~ld right of way, S.22 )O'E.-29.?O feet to the ?oint of beg1nning. ~~~~ ro Mr. 'alter Kapp ~ur eyors L- a ".J ~ ~ Ie. - - --- L.P\~~D -, - SaUI'-.D - - ------ -- - ( . .. Pvivo'Tp- 8 eu <::.\-'\' ;:: <) n " J.. \1 :,. 0.1 J: +- .- > . --- PATH .. '0 .. I 0,0 . \,. :,. I \.' vi + , '\, .- ' ., QI ....", S ~, . \...t.;1\,t",,''-' 'So,....e...i ~ ...~o.s, ~' ,I _.; ,,," ' \ '-, 1, ?C;\\~- ' ',~' "M l..r """ ~ \ - O' u' ~ v..C> ~ ' , '" ~''''' - . 0 / ----/ ,\\ ~..-:> ',--- c'" ~",- , _/-- .,' - C> . ....,"' ~ '-'> ". · ~, -' ~,.. \.,' ., . ,..,. "'r ---- .. , '\. ,< , J ~'''. <> <, c> C> __ 1':1/ p,-: ' · 'y ,- . /. , \ ~ ...J e.. ..- __"._ e.o 'V... "\ ~ \\" 't \" \ C)' - . " , .. \\\-- .. \'. \ \ ' . '>" . " /." :. I} '. \ ~ ,\ , " C' ; ~ ~ ~ e < i C'~' "~ r\ \..\ a ~ , 9 ~ \ '::' ':. ~,'. , 0. 0 I ~ ~ 1.0 \,. \ " ,. ~ 11\ I~""~ ~ \ ' ' ~ ~ \ '. If 'n >, ~ .. ',~ ' \ Iti tJ ~ 0 ! r I : ~; ; :; 0 I '0 ~ .' ~ v - ~ , VI r- -~ '1= (J\ D ,~I,.... <t _ ! U. J 0 : ~ 4 - - ~ "- 7 ~ J t- .... I' -'. 0 " 2. ' -, - ~' J 100.0 - - PATH . ~ ~ 'N --- , _O'_ L 158.80 - :3 1 MAP . OF r- " 1/ ~ SUN st::-r KNOLL- - .... "" 0 f( ~OIII. Q\..- ~ ' MARG.ERY D. BURNS '~ ,/f. 50UTHO\..t:>, N,..,.... <::>, 1 .f . , ~ " ", , 5cCA\e ~ SO':' ~ " " ~~ . ;- '-'i Oc-.t"".....n 9. 1 '?; 5 ?'_ .\1; ~e"i~ ....1'-'1'1 1',19..-r. ,~~ 0++0 \1./, VeA'" ,,,,..,, . ~ ( A"T1-1'"/ '--' ,.( , ;-c.".~ '" I. .