HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlocker, Julius Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village. I~,lalll Street, P.O. Box _002. Bridgehampton. Nex~ York I 932-200; 16311 5~7-5160 Fax: 1631 ) 537 5198 Bruce Anderson. M.S., President November 8, 2002 Southold Town Trustees Albert J. Krupski, President P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0950 Blocker Property Situate: ROW offMain Bayview Road, Southold SCTM# 1000-87-6-12.1 Dear Mr. Krupski: Please be advised that the wetland application filed by this office for the property referenced above is hereby withdrawn without prejudice. cc. J. Blocker A. Wickham Sep 1G 02 01: 13p STR[ IGH RE~L ESTATE G3 537-5t~ p. 1 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Newman Village, .Main Street, P.O, Bon 2003. Bridgehanlpton, New York 11932-2003 (631) 537-5160 Fax: (63~) 537-5198 Bruce Anderson, M.S., Pre. :dent September 16, 2002 VIA FACSIMILE Southold Town Trustees' Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re.' Situate: SCTM #: Julius Blocker Main Bay View Road, Southold 1000-87-6-12.1 Dear Trustees; This Firm represents Julius Blocker, who seeks to construct a single family dwelling on the property refi~renced above. An application w~ filed with your Agency requesting a Wetlands Permit. Kindly consider this correspondence a request to adjourn the Trustees Meeting scheduled for September 25, 2002, fi~r a period of two months. Our reasons for requesting the adjournment is to tbrward you the second survey showing an alternative dwelling location. In addition, we will take the adjournment as an opportunity to forward full size surveys to the adjacent property owners in an efibrt to avoid unwarranted confusion. BA/dkw Cc: J. Blocker A. Wickham, Attorney at Law Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town H',flL 53095 ~/n Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New Yo;k 11971 $OIYlTHOLD 'I~OWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, September 23, 2002, the following recommendation was made: JULIUS BLOCKER to construct a 2,230 sq.ft. "footprint" private single-family dwelling; an attached 1,340 sq.ft, porch; 170 linear ft. of retaining wall surrounding the sanitary system; pervious driveway; public water utilization. Located: R.O.W. off of Main Bayview Rd, Southold. SCTM#87-6-12.1 The CAC has no comment until the new plans for the project are received. Suffolk nvironmentai Consulting, Inc. Newman Village, Main Street, EO. Box 2003, Bridgehampton. New York 11932-2003 i631) 537-5160 Fax: 1.631) 537-5198 Bruce Anderson, M.S.. President August 23, 2002 Mr. Albert J. Krupski, President Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re~ Situate: SCTM# Blocker property ILO.W. off of Main Bayview Road Bayview; Town of Southold, NY 1000-087-06-012.1 Dear Mr. Krupski, This Firm represents Mr. Blocker who is seeking improvements to the above referenced property. In order to do so, a Wetland Permit from your Board is required. Enclosed herewith please find a completed Wetland Permit Application. Application contents are as follows: (l) Town of Southold Trustees Wetlands Permit Application; (2) Short Environmental Assessment Form; (3) Location Map of subject property (two [2] copies); (4) Photos of the above referenced property (one [1] set); (5) Survey of the property, prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno, L.S., last dated June 12, 2002 (two [2] copies); and (6) Check made payable to the Town of Southold in the amount of $200.00 covering the requisite application fee. :-' .~ Hammanh/ 2 By way of this correspondence, and on behalf of Mr. Blocker, I request that you commence review of this application. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact this office at any time. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Matt D. Ivans cc: J. Blocker LOCATION MAP for BLOCKER Property Situate: R.O.W. off Main Bayview Road; Bayview; Town of Southold, NY SITE HOG NECK BAY ASTREETATLAS SCTM #: 1000-087-06-012.1 BLO(:KER Property Situate: R.O.W. off of Main Bayview Road; Bayview; Town of Southold, NY SCTM#: 1000-087-06-012.1 r V +r � I 2wx+r ;� `gip Photo indicating the location of the northern-most corner of the proposed porch. Photo taken from the southwestern section of subject property, facing west. BLOCKER Property Situate: R.O.W. off of Main Bayview Road; Bayview; Town of Southold, NY SCTM #: 1000-087-06-012.1 w r _ Photo indicating the location of the southwestern-most corner of the proposed porch. Photo taken from the western section of the overall property, facing southwest towards Hog Neck Bay. BLOCKER Property Situate: R.O.W. off of Main Bayview Road; Bayview; Town of Southold, NY SCTM#: 1000-087-06-012.1 r Photo indicating the location of the south/southwestern-most corner of the proposed porch. Photo taken from the western section of the overall property, facing southwest towards Hog Neck Bay. Please note the access path towards the shoreline. BLOCKER Property Situate: R.O.W. off of Main Bayview Road; Bayview; Town of Southold, NY SCTM #: 1000-087-06-012.1 v Y'- a r � e T f 1 � Photo indicating the location of the southeastern-most corner of the proposed retaining wall surrounding the proposed sanitary system. Photo taken from the western section of the overall property, facing southwest towards Hog Neck Bay. BLOCKER Properiy Situate: R.O.W. off of Main Bayview Road; Bayview; Town of Southold, NY 1000-087-06-012.1 i 1 11location1 1 1 1 1 1 f the proposed 1 1 • Photo 1 1 the western sectionof the overall property, 1 towards 1 ' Neck Bay. Please note the access path towardsshoreline. BLOCKER Property Situate: R.O.W. off of Main Bayview Road; Bayview; Town of Southold, NY SCTM #: 1000-087-06-012.1 a I i Photo indicating the location of the entrance to the main access trail off the beach path (please refer to the photo location map), indicated in the field with orange ribbons. Said trail travels from northwest to southeast, with pathways from stakes cut southwest directly to the shoreline. Har~ord Livin~ Trust 8 Beachwa'/ Port Washington, NY Seotember 12, 2002 11050 Southold Town Board 53095 ~ain Road Southold, NY 11971 Trustees Re: Applicant Julius Blocker, SCT~I # 1000-087-06-012.1 To Whom It Maw Concern: We would like to state that we were delighted to receive the notice that ~Ir. Blocker i~tends ?o build his home o~ the ~rivate road also known as Takaoosha Road. On September 9, 2002 we visited ~our o~fice to review this ~ile because the partial surve'/ coo~ we received ~rom Suffolk Environ- mental Consultino, Inc. was so small we could not make out the details. From what we could see on the larqe~ readable surve'/ co~y in '/our apolication ~ile, it appears that the orivate road would be eliminated at the entrance to ~r. Blocker's ~ro~osed house. If the above is the case, we would o~pose this road closino ~or several reasons. First, we do not wish to lose our riqht o~ wa'/ which was transferred to us when we purchased our house ~rom G. Campbell in 1975. Second, and ma'/be the most important reason, it will create a ver~ danqerous situation when emerqenc~ vehicles have to enter the p~opert~. The'/ will have difficult'/ and delay, s with maneuverin9 these larqe vehicles without the road loo~. On '/our tour oX the oropert'/, please take this second objection into account. Sinc er el,/, Jean Har~ord, Trustee Our teleohone: 516 944-6073 cc: Suffolk Environmental Consultino, P.O. Box 2003 BridqehamDton, NY 11932-2003 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT September 4, 2002 One Dickinson Avenue Yonkers, NY 10703 Board of Trustees Town of Southold P. O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Applicant Julius Blocker SCTM# 1000-087-06~012.1 Building Permit Gentlemen: Please be advised that the above application for a building permit is invalid and should be null and void for the following reason: Septic system is located on a private road and not on a "dirt driveway" as shown on the survey map of Julius Blocker. The private road (dirt driveway) is recorded in the following records: A) B) ¢) D) Suffolk County tax map, section 87 Map of road recorded on agreemem between Girard Campbell and L.I. Lighting Company dated 5/31/50, record in liber 3091, page 139 Map of road recorded in deed dated 6/8/50, liber 3080, page 440, recording sale of property along road, tax map key: 1000-087-0600- 007000 Deed recorded 12/7/72, liber 07306, page 441 I trust that the appropriate action will be taken to void this application due to the above. Yours truly, c~ . f-g~4~ 0%__.__ Ralph L. Panella Southold Town Board of Trustees 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 50 East 89th Street NewYork, NY 10128 September 4, 2002 Re: ^ ,p ication by Julius Blocker. Suffolk Count,, Madam and Gentlemen: This letter is a request that you reject the above application of Julius Blocker on the basis that it is arguably fraudulent and materially incomplete. The survey submitted with the application conceals the fact that the proposed sanita~' system and house have been placed across a deeded Private Road, blocking my (and four other property, owners') right of way for access to my (and their) property. Mr. Blocker is not able to build legally where he indicates in his application; therefore, it is impossible for the Tox~ to investigate properly the potential environmental impact of his project. Mr. Blocker has nearly a 45-acre site on which to build, but has chosen a comer of his parcel that, if properly set back from the Private Road, would require building nearly on the shoreline. It therefore seems impossible for the Town to act on Mr. Blocker's application in its present form, and I ask the Trustees to reject the application pending clarification of where on his 45-acre parcel he actually intends to build. I have been a resident of what is now unofficially known as Takaposha Road for the past fort)., years. My address, as recently assigned to me by the Southold Building Department, is 370 Takaposha Road, tax map number 1000-087-06-007. Takaposha Road is referred to in all recorded documents as "Private Road". Upon receiving notice of Mr. Blocker's proposed development across the Private Road, I researched the recorded history of the Private Road and found many examples of its recording. The earliest recorded map of the Private Road that I could find is part of a utility right of way granted by Giraud Campbell to Long Island Lighting Company on May 31, 1950 and recorded in county liber 3091, page 139. I have attached a cop>' of this map in Exhibit "A". The map shown in Exhibit "B" is part of an earlier conveyance of my property dated June 8, 1950 from Georgette Campbell to Adolph and Marjorie Budinoff and recorded in count)' liber 3086, page 410. This conve5'ance, preserved in my deed, grants me an unrestricted rift)., foot wide right of way along the Private Road for access to my property. I have attached as Exhibit "C" another cop)' of the map made part of my title insurance policy in the original conveyance of my property to me, which again clearly shows the Private Road that Mr. Blocker, according to his pending application, intends to block. Finally, as further evidence that the Private Road is widely kno~vn, I have attached as Exhibit "D" a cop), of the relevant portion of section 1000-087 of the Suffolk County Real Property Tax Map, again showing the Private Road as laid out in all of the above-referenced documents. As spelled out in my deed (see copy in Exhibit "E") and confirmed in the above-referenced documents, I have been granted unrestricted access to my property from (1) Main Bayview Road along the northerly spur of the Private Road, (2) from main BaF~'iew Road along the southerly spur of the Private Road, and from (3) Core5' Creek along the southerly spur of the Private Road. My deed and the Key Map Showing Access To ProperS, attached as Exhibit "C' have been guaranteed by Title Guarantee Company. Importantly, the recording of the Private Road, as shm~aa in the attached exhibits, is incorporated by reference in each of the deeds of my four neighbors: Messrs. Panella, McNamara, Harford, and Kouzios. While my title search was not exhaustive, I believe it provides evidence beyond any doubt that the proposed structures are incompatible with my deeded right to use the Private Road, and, therefore, the proposed structures must be placed materially closer to the shore than is shown on the survey attached to Mr. Blocker's application, or on some other portion of Mr. Blocker's 45-acre parcel. Accordingly, his application is defective and should be rejected in its present form. Perhaps more troubling than Mr. Blocker's evident attempt to block the Private Road is the misleading survey that is part of his application and upon which he intends the Town to rely in reviewing his application. Mr. Blocker's survey fails to identify the 50-foot wide fight of way for the Private Road, instead referring to it as a narrow "dirt driveway." Curious as to why Mr. Blocker's surveyor, Joseph A. Ingegno, had prepared such an erroneous survey for his submission to the Board, I called him on August 304. His secretary answered the phone and I told her that I wanted to find out why the Private Road was not shox~m on his survey. She asked ill had a recorded right of way, I said that I did, and I faxed a copy of my deed and the Key Map Showing Access To Property to her. A short while later Mr. Ingegno returned my call and told me that originally the Private Road had been on the survey, but that he was ordered to remove it by Mr. Blocker's attorney, Gall Wickham. Her reason for doing so, he told me, was because Ms. Wickham insisted that the Private Road did not exist on any recorded survey. I telephoned Ms. Wickham and am awaiting her return of my call. It strikes me as somewhat disingenuous, however, that someone without any prior title search experience can easily find several instances of the Road being recorded, while someone else who is experienced in real estate law apparently claims that the Road has never been recorded. I am full3, aware that the Trustees do not have authority to consider matters involving setbacks and rights of way. I believe it is impossible, however, for the Trustees to rule effectively on Mr. Blocker's application when it does not accurately reflect the ultimate location of his proposed development, and therefore ask the Trustees to reject the application pending submission of an accurate survey illustrating the true intended location of Mr. Blocker's proposed structures in development of his 45-acre parcel. Please write to me at the above address or telephone me at (212) 534-7777 if I may provide any additional information. I will contact the Board shortly to confirm receipt of this letter, and to arrange to meet the Board during its site visit on September 18, should the Board decide to proceed with the application in its present form. Thank you for your careful review of this information. Sincerely, Theodore Zang CC: Anderson McNamara Blocker Panella Harford Kouzios Ingegno Wickham Krupski - President, Board of Town Trustees Kiernan (for Gin Lane property, owners) Reiter - Suffolk Count).' Dept. of Health - Re: R10-02-0126 Verity - Southold To~n Principal Building Inspector ~'XHtb. i'7" ~ Du ":-.~::t ......... . :""r.:; ........... I~ COUNTt OF SUFFOLK 0 '~1 o,.? " [ .,, I .....SOUTHOLO ..... "'""."' ............ IA?',~,.. ~,',~'~Reol Property lox Service Agency Search Number: TS-21889:F ..',.il ih;~t ccr~:,m p;~rcel or tract or had situate, lying anti being at 13ayvicw. in (l~c Town S,> ~ 11 } t (.'Guilty t)l' -~ui'l'O!].: :tlld SLaIk: UI' Nc;¥ Ym'k, mm'c parlicularly I)oulldcd al~d ,t> BEGINNING at a stake set in the southerly lithe of a private road 50 feet in width at a point d~stnnt 315 feet westerly as measured atong said southerly line ofsaid private road from an angle in said road where the same turns and where the southeasterly line thereof then runs in a northeasterly direction along the southeasterly line of land of Georgette Campbell and connects ',.',irh a right of ,.va).' over a strip of land 50 feet in width extending over the land Qf Ma...ry, L. Dayton and2qo,,vh~d A. Toedter~ In.c. to Main Ba7 View Road as defined and established by ngr._s_eement date~{ Octobeff6, 1949, recorded (aemh,,- to.. 1949...i..q ~'uffolk County Clerk's Of~ce ih LXber 30--04 ot cl['id~ ,page 580, made between Mary L. Dayton, Howard A.A. Toedter, Inc. .~"~'~BerYedict MansE< and iV.tau Mansel<, h'{i w'i'fe fro.m said 'point of be~inm..,ag; .RUNNING THENCE South 26 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds West, along land of Georgette Campbell 156 feet to a point in the ordinary high water line of Little Peconic Bay; THENCE RUNNING along said ordinary high water line of Little Peconic Bay, North 63 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds West, 100 feet; THENCE RUNNING along land of Georgette Campbell, North 26 degrees 32 minutes 20 seconds East. 156 feet to a stake set in the southerly line of said private road 50 feet in width t-~rs[ above memioned; TI-[EN~.E RUNNING along said soulherly line of said private road, South 63 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds East. i00 feet to a slake at the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER ',~ith a Right of Way for ingress and eg~ress to and from the above described F~'ise} ovcl:'said priv'ate road 50 in ~ddl and together with a right of way over it striI) ill' ];Uld -50 i'cci m' wt[hh cxtcndi;Ig fr6m th'c ]lorthe;Ystel'ly Icrminus of srdd private r'o:l(I over I.ql]d Gl' ,',.lac>, L Da>'ronand land of Howard A. Toedter, inc. to Main Bay View Road as defined and estabhshed by agreement dated 10/6/49, recorded 10/13/49 in Liber 3004 cp 580 made between Mary L Dayton. Hov.,ard ^. Toedter, Inc., Benedict Mansek and Mary Mansek. his wife September 3, 2002 Southold Town Trustees Dear Trustees: · - 5 Thanle you for notifying us regarding the proposed construction by Julius Blocker (SCTM # 1000-087-06-012.1). While my wife and I are not fundamentally opposed to the proposed dwelling, research conducted by our neighbor, Mr. Ted Zang, and his son, has revealed that the proposed construction lies directly on the right of way now known as Takaposa Road. We believe this recorded right of way has been intentionally omitted from the survey/proposal provided to the Trustees by the applicant in order to conceal this encroachment. The right of way deeded to each of the five homeowners on Tackaposa Road provides for access to our properties and access to the shoreline of Corey Creek as well. Mr. Zang will be providing detailed documents to the Trustees supporting this position. For the record, my wife and I are not willing to give up our right of way as provided in our deed. We urge you to require Mr. Blocker to honor the existing right of way, and incorporate it into his building proposal. Please keep us apprised of the status of this application. Thank you for considering our position on this issue. Sincerely, //John McNamara ~x Margaret McNamara Tackposa Road (SCTM # 1000-087.00-06.00-010.000) 79 village Lane Hauppauge, NY 11788 (631) 979-9O65 (631 ) 563-0855 Days o9,'01,'2002 14:10 FAX 212 53~ 0o01 Theodore Zang ~01 50 East 89th Sa',~ NewYork NY 10125 S~lannber 4, 2002 Southold Town Boant of TrusW.-s 53095 Maia Road !. rr-~ _ - .~ ~., S°uth°l~NewY°rkz~l'-'~~ i~' ~I 0~-~ l~rl. rn and Ocnfl~ttLcn: /'/ .... ~ :-- ' This letter is a r~luc'~t that ~ reject t~ ~ application of Julius B~ on ~ ~ ~t it is ~ly fmu~ ~ ~t~y ~1~_ ~ ~ su~ ~ ~ ~p~ ~[s ~e ~ ~ ~ pr~ ~ sy~ ~d h~ ~ve ~ p~ ~s a ~ Pfi~ ~ bl~ my (~d f~ ~cr pro~ o~rs') fi~ ~y ~ a~s m my (~ ~) ~. ~. Bl~kcr ~ ~ ablc to build t~y whcrc ~ ~tcs ~ ~ apph~ ~om, it b ~bk for ~ T~ m mv~c p~rly · e p~fi~ ~o~ ~p~ offs pmj~. Mr. BlUer ~ ~ly a 45~cm ~ ~ ~ch ~ b~ but ~ ch~n a comer offs p~l ~ ~pm~dy ~ ~ ~ ~ Pfi~ ~ ~d ~ b~g n~ly ~ ~ shore~. It ~e ~ a~sible ~ ~ T~ ~ ~ ~ ~. BlUr's apph~on & i~ prat fo~ ~ I ~ ~ Tm~ m mj~ ~ ~pli~n ~ding c~fi~ of ~e~ on ~ 45-~ p~l ~ ~ly m~ ~ b~d. I have been a r~sident of what is now unofficially known as Takalxaha Road for thc past forty y~rs. My addrass, as rez. ently assigno:l to mc by the[Southold Buildir~ Deparlm~_. ~ is 370 Takaposha Pa:ad, tax map number 1000-087-06-007. Takaposha l~el is r~ferred to in all rccora_~_ docnsm~s as "Private ~d". Upon r~ceiving notice of Mr. Bloch:r's p~r~d dcvclopn~nt across tl~ Private Ilt,atl. I rcs~arcbed tim recorded [t/story of the Private Road and ~und many ~..ankoles of its t~.ordin~ The ~trliest recorded map of tho Private Road that I could find is pa~ of a utility rigt~ of way gxantot by Giraud Campbell to Long Island Lighting Company on May 31, 19~0 and rccord~l ~ ccnmty h~cr 3091, page 139. I have attar, h~! a copy of this map in E~ii "^". The ma~ sho~n~ ia Ex,'bit "B" is part of an earlier conveyance of my property dated Jun~ 8, ] 950 from G-cot~et~ Campbell to Adolph and Marjorie I~udlnoffand recorded in county liber 3086, page 410. This con~, pre. fred in my de~d, grants m~ an unrestticted,,~fi~,, fi:~ wide right of way along the Pdvate Ro~d for a~ess to my property. I hav~ attaclaxi as Exhibit 'C another' .~,py of thc map made pa.et of my ,~tle insuranco policy in the ori~i~l conv~ance of my property to me, which again clearly shows th~ Priv~¢ Rnad that Mt. Blocker, o~-~raln~ to his f~ai.£ a0plicafion, iate~ds to block_ Finally. as further evid=~z that the Prbr~ Road is widely known, I have attached as Exhibit '~D" a copy of the relevant portit~ of sectinn 1000-057 of the Suffolk County ~ Properly Tax = . = [ . = Map, agatn showing the Private Road as laid out m all oftbe above~rcfcrcocod As spelled out in my dccd (se~ copy in tix~'bit ~E") and cotcfit~n~x] in tbe abov¢-ref'creacetl documents, I have be~n grant~l unrestricted access ton}y property from (1) Main Bayvi~w Road along tho northerly spur oftbe Private Road, (2) from main B~tyvie~ Rond along ~ southerly spur ofth~ Privat~ Road, and flora (3) Corey Creek along ~c southerly ~pur of the Priva~ I~,~/I. My de~d and the K=y Map Showing Access To Property attached as Exin'bit "~" have been ~uara~,-~ by Ti'de Cmai-an~e Company. lmporr~r~ly, tim recording of the Private Road, as ~h~wn in the attached exhl~oits, is incolpotar~d by reference in each ofthe deeds of my font ndghbors: Messrs. paaella. McNamara. HanCord, and Kouzin$. o9/04:2002 14:lo FAX 212 534 0001 Theodore Zang ~o2 While my title se~exch wa~ not exhaustivc,! believo it provktc~ ~id~r,~ boffond any doubt that thc proposed structures em incompatible with my docclcd right to us~ thc Privat~ Road, and, tbenfforo, the proposed structures must be p!s~red materially doser to file shorn thnn is sho~n on the sll_,-~'y ~ ~o ~1'. Blocker's application, or on some other portion ofM_z. Blocl~r's 45-acm parc. el. Accordingly, bis application is defective ~d should be mjc~l in its pr~mt form. Perhaps mort: troubling than Mr. Blcr--kcr's ex'idem att~pt m block ~e Pfi~ ~a ~ ~ ~1~ su~cy ~ is p~ offs appU~fion ~pli~ti~. Mr. Bl~kcr's ~ m~ m ~ ~ a ~ow "~ ~v~ay." C~ ~ m ~y ~. R~'s ~or, I~h A. ~e~o, ~ p~ such ~ e~ su~ for ~s sub~ssi~ m ~ ~ I ~1~ him ~ i~ 30~. ~s ~r~ ~wc~ not s~ on ~s ~. 5~ ~ ffI ~ a ~ fi~t ofway, I ~d~t I ~ ~ I ~ a ~y of my d~ ~d ~e K~ ~p S~ A~ To my ~11 ~ ~ld ~ ~ove R by Mr. Blm~r's ~m~, Wi~ ~ ~t ~e Pfi~m ~ ~d not ~ ~ ~y ~r~ ~. I ~1~ ~. Wic~ ~ ~ awing her ~out ~y prior ~fle s~ch ~efi~ ~ else who ~ r~. I am fully a~ar~ that ~¢ Trust,s do not havc authority to consider matters involving setbac~ and rights of way. I believ~ it is impossible, however, for ~h~ Trust, s to m1¢ effectively on Mr. Blocker's application when it do~s not accumtcly reflect ~¢ ul'dmato Iocalion of his proposed d~v¢lopmcnt, and thcreforc a~k the Trustees to reject thc application pending submission of an accurate survey iilustratin~ the true int~nd~l location of Mr. Blocker's proposed structur~ in d~wlopmcnt of his 45-acre parcel. Please writo to me at the above 9ddross m tel~hono me ~ (212) 53~7777 ffl ~y pro~ ~y ~dd;~ ~6~. I ~ ~ ~ ~d s~y m ~ ~ of~ l~r, ~ ~ ~ge m m~ ~ ~d d~g i~ site ~k ~ S~r 18, ~ ~ ~ ~ m p~ ~ ~ ~pfi~ ~ i~ p~t fo~. ~ank yOU ~r y~ ~e~ re~ offs ~on. Sh~ccrely, Th~xiore Zang Anderson McNamara Blocker Panella Harford Kouzios Krupski - President, Board of Town Ttus'~.s Kiernan (for Gin Lane prot~rvy owners) Reiter- Suffolk County Dept. of Health - Re: R10-02-0126 Verity - Southold Town Principal Building Inspector 09z04/200~ 14:10 FAX 512 $3~ 0001 Theodore Zang ~15 09/04/2002 14:10 FAX 212 534 0001 Theodore Zang ~]i6 0§/04/2002 14:10 FA~ 212 S3~: 0001 Theodore Za~g ~1~ Search Number~ TS-21889:F ,*.1[ Jhnl ccrl;qn pierce[ or tt'act o1' I?lnd SllUate, lying nmi being ~( Bayview, in Ihe Town of Xuuihtl[tl, CJOUIILy tfl' SulToIk :llld ,~[ tC O[ Ncw York, IIIorc particularly bou.dcd ;llld dcxc,'ihud BEGINNING at a stake set in the southeily line of a private road S0 feet in width at a point distant 315 feet westerly.as measured along said southerly line of said private road from an angle in said road where the same o2rns and ~herc the southeasterly lin" [hetcof ~en m~ in a northeasterly direction along the southeas~r[y line of land of Georgette Campbell and co~ects with a right at way over a s~p~f lan~, 50 feet in ~d~ ex~Bding over the ~and o~Ma~ L. D~ymn-a~a How~rd.A. Tocater, Iht. t~lMmn Bay 'View Road as defined a~ es~blished by ~emcnt dated ~ctobct 5, 19a9, recolded ~t,~, l~. ~o4q m Suffolk Coun~ Cle[k s Office m L~ber~O~ot Wcees page 580,' madc b~tw~cn M~ L. Da~ton, Howard A.A. Toedter, I~c. ~nd Benedict Mans~ ano m~a~ Ma~sc~,~h~ ~i~c~m said Eoint,o~ RUNNING THENCE South 26 degrees ~2 minute~,20 seconds W~st, along land of Georgette Campbell 156 fe~t tp a point in thc ordins~ high ~ater line of Little Peconlc Bay: THENCE RUNNING along said ordina~ high water line of Liule PccoMc Bay. North 63 degrees 27 minute~ 40 seconds West, 10~ [cct; / THENCE KUNNING along l~d of O~orge~e C~mpbell, Noah 26 degrees 32 minutes 20 s~conds East, 156 f~e[ to a s~k~ set in ~e southerly line of said priwte road 50 fe~t in width first ~bove m~mioned; J THENCE RUNNING along said southerly linc of said private road, South 63 d~gre~s 27 minutes 40 seconas Eash 100 feet m a s~kc at ~c point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with a Right of Way for p~mises o,,er s~id--prlvate road 30 m wilt Mary L. Dayton and land o[ Howar~ A. established by a~teemcnt dated 1016/49, ingrcs, s and egress to and from tbe._a_bove described th and together with a right or w;~y over ;~ s[rlp el' [;md thefi'slerly.tcrminu~ of s~id private ro;,d over land nf Toedter, Inc. ~o Main Bay View Road as defined and recorded 1:0/13/49 in Liber 3004 cp 580 made between Mary L. Daylon. Howard A. Toedter, nc., Benedict Mansek and Mary Mansek, his wife. ! 72 64' $ 8,~'30'46" E 167,42' /t / ,. / '~"~/.Z,& ,/IS/ Albert J. Krupsld, Prosident John Holzapfol, Vice President Jim King Mardn H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Mare Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Tolephono (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1823 Office Use only Coastal Erosion Permit Application X Wetland Permit Application Grandfather Permit Application Waiver/D2nendmen~haBges __Received Application: ~/~/~ Received Fee: $ 'po-g ~ _~0 ! __Completed App~ i on/~/~0/~ Incomplete ~l~ SEQRA ClassifiCation: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date~/~_.~ CAC Referral Sent: __Date of Inspection: ' qT[~/O '/ ~eceipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: __Public Hearing Held: Resolution: '1- ' Name of Applicant Julius Blocker Address 212 Astor Drive; Sa~ville~ NY 11782 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000-087--06-012.1 Property Location: R.O.W. off of Main Ba%rview Road; Ba%rview provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Suffolk Environmental Consultin~t Inc. Address: P.O. Box 2003 Brid~eham~tonf NY 11932 Phone Number: (631) 537-5160 Fax: (631) 537-5198 Board of Trustees Application Land Area(in square Area Zoning: Previous use of property: Intended use of property: GENERAL DATA feet):' I~' 961~~ 276.11' S~ar~ feet A - C Unimproved lot Improved residential lot with related appurtenancs. Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date X No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? X No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary) : Applicant proposes to construct a 2, 230 square foot + "footprint" private single family dwelling; an attached 1, 340 square foot ± porch; 170 linear feet of retaining wall surrounding the sanitary system; pervious driveway; public water utilization. Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Construction of a ~rivate single family dwelling with related a~urtenances. Area of wetlands on lot: 450~ 000 · square feet Percent coverage of lot: 22.9 % ± % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: N/A feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 76.0 ± feet Does the project involve excavation or filling: No X Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? N/A cubic yards How much material will be filled? 250.0 · cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed/deposited: 3.0 · feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 0% - 10% · Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Fill will be de~ositedb~ typical front-loader Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): No impact to the wetlands are anticipated due to the ~ro~ect design and location~ s~ecificall~ the ~ositionin~ of the proposed dwelling to maximize all associated setbacks from the wetlands located conti~uous to subject ~ro~erty. Board of Trustees Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA N/A Purpose of Proposed Activity: Are wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? (cubic yards) (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from the implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOkRD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: Julius Blocker SCTM# 1000-087-06-012.1 YOU /%RE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: Applicant proposes to construct a 2, 230 square foot · "footprint" private single family dwelling; an attached 1, 340 square foot ± porch; 170 linear feet of retaining wall surrounding the sanitary system; pervious driveway; public water utilization. 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: R.O.W. off of Main Ba~view Road; Ba~view; Town of Southoldf NY 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: Julius Blocker 212 Astor Drive;Sayville, NY 11782 PHONE # : ( ) Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. ADDENDUM to the BLOCKER Board of Town Trustees Application ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS NAME MAH,ING ADDRESS Michael & Judy Ricciardi: Stephen & Susan Larese: Henry D. Strubbe: John F. & Mary A. Kingel: Erminio & Gracella Blecic: Elizabeth IL Bernich: Francis J. Kiernan, Jr.: Derlth D. Sutherland: P & G Clipper Holding Corp.: Carol Conroy: Arthur O. & Rose M. Wells: Angela Savino: Leonard & Helen Costa: Mike & Irene Venetis: Thomas J. McCarthy: Thomas J. McCarthy: Richard L. Hammel: Patricia E. Katz: Harford: Spyridon & Letta Kouzios: Theodore Zang: Ralph & Elaine Panella: Margaret McNamara: Peter Bujnowski: Paula M. Breen: Town of Southold: 970 Gin Lane; Southold, NY 11971 1100 Gin Lane; Southold, NY 11971 1200 Gin Lane; Southold, NY 11971 1300 Gin Lane; Southoid, NY 11971 17029 Lithonia Ave.; Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 1500 Gin Lane; Southold, NY 11971 Gin Lane; Southold, NY 11971 1230 Watersedge Way; Southold, NY 11971 7675 Cox Lane; Cutchogue, NY 11935 380 Gin Lane; Southold, NY 11971 580 Gin Lane; Southold, NY 11971 176 East 77m Street; New York, NY 10021 16624 26m Avenue; Flushing, NY 11358 4807 HoHis Ct. Blvrd.; Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 46520 County Road 48; Southold, NY 11971 5650 North Bayview Road; Southold, NY 11971 19 Greenmeadow Lane; Huntington, NY 11743 9875 Main Bayview Road; Southold, NY 11971 8 Beachway; Port Washington, NY 11050 8669 Sancho St.; HoHis, NY 11423 50 East 89t~ Street; New York, NY 10128 1 Dickinson Avenue; Yonkers, NY 10703 79 Village Lane; Hauppauge, NY 11788 117 Torrington Road; Goshen, CT 10924 14 Chaplin Court; West Islip, NY 11795 P.O. Box 1179; Southold, NY 11971' CONSENT Re: SCTM# 1000-87-6-12.1 Private Road offMain Ba)wiew Road, Southold, New York I, JULIUS BLOCKER, individually, and as President and sole shareholder of Airam Enterprises, Inc., the owner of the above referenced property, consent to Wickham, Wickham & Bressler, P.C.; Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., Joseph A. Ingegno, Land Surveyor, engineers, or other contractors retained by any of the above, or any of their representatives and/or agents, to enter onto the premises for the purposes of surveying, obtaining septic test holes and excavations, water tests, test wells, and other testing, plotting and inspections as required to make applications necessary for the approval of construction of a water supply system and septic system and approval of a building permit for a single family dwelling to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, DEC, Town of Southold Trustees, and the Town of Southold Building Department and any other authorities or agencies having jurisdiction. Such applications shall include all matters in connection therewith. Dated: Ma5' /g, 2002 2/ consenb Julius Blocker 14-16-4 (9/95)-Text 12 PROJECTI.D. NUMBER 617.20 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only SEQR PART 1- PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by, ~oplicant or Project sponsor) ]. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME Suffolk Envimnn~ntal Consulting, Inc. BLOCKER 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality $otdho[d Count7 Su~olk 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) R.O.W. off Main Bayview Road; Bayvicw; Town of Southold~ NY 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: [] New [] Expansion [] Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: Applicant proposes to construct a 2, 230 square foot ± "footprint" private single family dwelling; an attached 1 ,340 square foe* ~_ ix~rch; 170 linear feet of refaining wall surrounding the sanitary system; pervious driveway; public water utilization.. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND EFFECTED: Initially < 0.2 acree Ultimately < 0.02 acres $. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? [] Yes [] No If No, describe bdefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? []Residential E]lndustrial ['~Commercial []Agriculture Describe; Private single family residences with related appurtenances. E]Park/Forest/Open space []Other 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? [] Yes []No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals Town of Southold Trustees approval; Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services approval; Town of Southold Building Depamnent approval 1 ]. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] Yes [] No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? [] Yes ~ NO I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applioant/sponac~ name: ~vlatt D. fy;ms - Suffolk Em~ronmcaml Coasultiz~. l~c. Date: Signature: /~--~----~ 08/23/02 If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER P~OPE,R,TY AREA = 50;880~20 sq. ff. 0.709 ac. 9.145 ~q, LOT I AREA = 187,651 iq. fl.: LOT 2 9f,024 eq. ff. LOT 5 / LOT $ AR~ = 81 755 sq, fl. LOT 15 AREA = 149,197 LOT 11 1172,869 83,586 LOT 10 LOT 9 ft. \ ILOT 12 TOTAL AR~ = 218,589 UPLAND ?REA = 8~,505 sq, ®) 7 J°.seph A.' lngegno _L~nd SurveYor-' T19 \ p PROPOSED CONC RETAINING WALL DETAIL SURVEY OF PROPERTY (FOR THE DOWN HILL SIDE OF THE SEPTIC SYSTEM) 4' O1 SITUATED AT "° ° SCALE) '`� rY M, xo� ON +/+' ,y3'10 \' .}� (TEST HOLE DUG BY ON MARCH 15, 7002) a. BAYVIEWLEVEL EACNFlLL MIN. ' . 4A' _ W . 1' CLLR w Y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2' CLEAN Na, JREBAR \ M�WrEAew M ,'-a• D.C. / nxx ,,,R �;"Y'FT' •^ MOM P0a R SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK r HOUSE PT ,D SUE,, / , � " °x " " "` w,4, MbM eWR PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM DETAIL S.C. TAX No. 1000-87-06- 12. 1 0 fi O.C. GF. 4t° IN 1 • Y-0' D.0 2' FINISHED °RAGE FINISH GMDE /� \ SCALE 1 "=� 001 PROVIDE PIPE AND GRAVELF£V. ].°' ZO' DRAINAGE BEHIND WALL AS REQUIRED ,,. I� �I /' 'In x '1 ,O .-yW1Y., IN ORT' oRGrc aAr aL FEBRUARY 13, 2001 h TOP EL. °.B' —r MIN. IDP EL. °.0' �—Y Mm. um. 4' Du 9' /• � � GRAVEL DRAIN APPROVED PIPE 9µO MP LEACHING TEACHING C�JN APRIL 22, 2002 ADDED BOARD OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT DATA, HNL'' QT mm. PrtcH i/4•/1• min. PITCH 1/cyt' P00L POOL .wx TOPOGRAPHICAL DATA, PLOT PLAN a.D Irrv. ¢. s.z' b DOLLAR M7. EL s.e• IM'. n. AL AL JUNE 12, 2002 REVISED PROPOSED HOUSE PRONDE DAMPPROOFI D °3 °• •'r F—B• ,p y AS REOUIR D `—°'--� E.illt AL � �.• lb u�[�we�° 0NB ' ' •> -- DISTRIBUTION POOL OF BMT. EL GROUND 3.5' WATER' AL5 POOL SYSTEM ELEI, 0.5' /, O AREA = 1,961 ,276,11 9q. ft. ; aa (TO TIE LINE) 45.025 OC. Nel, 9 REBW '1 i PC /' M '-o o.0 . , + SEPTIC TANK (1l 1!, p �- 1. MINWUM SEPTIC TMN C(rXFFES Fag A D emRDDM HOLrsE Is ,.o5a r• "Ns, LEACHING POOLS (31 d K . •� 1 TANK: !' LONG, a-3 WOE, B-7 DEEP 1 MINIMUM LEACHING SYSTEM FOR A 3 BEDTVOM MUM IS 250 p R SIDEWALL AREA. •� N , _ m loo 2. CONCRETE SN HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3•000 psi AT 2° MVS, 5 FROOM 2' OEEF, s dic. AA • . M,' " 3. WALL THICKNESS SH,VJ,E A MINIMUM OF 3', A TOP THICKNESS OF V AND A SODOM THICKNESS OF 4. Z. LEACHING P0015 ME N BE CONBIHUCIEW OF PRFOAR PEINfp1Cm CONCRETE (OR Ep1N.) / �� 11111- \ by AS Sr ALL WADS, BORROW AILD TOP °"ILL COMAIN REINFORCING TO RESIST M MPGED FORCE OF ]00 pd. IEAC19Nc smucnREs, EDLN DOMES ANDda+ STABS, Q 1114 Fa 133' CLEW A. ALL JOINTS 91111 E 9EAlFD 50 THAT THE TANK IS WATFRi1pR 3. AIL COVERS Sln LL BE OF PRECAST REINFWIIEFD CONCRETE (OR DOW) 7 ,3 No. 5 REBM / No, fi REBM 5. THE SEPDC TANK SWLL BE INSTALLED AT LLVEL IN 111 DIRECTIONS (WITH A MAX. TOLERANCE OF kl/4') ©a • 1'-0' C.C. W 0 1'-D" O.C. 4, A 10' min. DISTANCE SEIMEEN LEMHIN° POOLS MO WgTR LINE SHALL E MNMAINm `o---I ON A MINIMUM J' THICK BED OF COMPACTED WD OR PEA GRAVEL 5. M a' min. DISTANCE BETWEEN ALL LEACHING POOLS AND SEPTIC TANK SHNL BE WINNNED. / AL AIL ''\ - ,2-\3 a a. A 1a' min DIBTMCE MrWEN SEPTIC TANK Ma HOUSE SHAH BE WMNNmNo ILL /' rua m AL Ido ALL N np FE i I ,KO %n� � � � ILII(. ,O'0J 'Ot ,P 6Q '1 I\\ w A��, o S 6/• 1 �� N 05• to '1 TIN I. UL FUN 1zr ww WE ♦• A, \\ '?7 36, AT� APS 35'56„ W & `�4.906/ E' • 69.55' ` TRA\ NUE ,. x. 2.27.Op. � P .41*1 „ \\ RIFF 32.20 E , Gx TIT 1. UAL 4. 9`IR 746048., IN 01" IIVL \,\ \ T„a x. AL Ay N \ M S 4 O.r�LL,y G h / AL AVL a,RA.� Rp xE e. w 3 ALL rUA x• xL we ruawni AL > > 5.3d 3' d V$ ' sys lU 2>p s�Z•. f N 82-1-PI?1„ E g ap)708•• E io 172.37 76p•$3pN E r E / n v ILLRN /,/ a 35 A5 // lZ S4 ASO'• S N 60,06 65F. ,V• NOTES: 7 S, 4' *, ,/ /' 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO'N,G.V.D. 1928 DATUM ES B O w 1sAv EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHQ,WN THUS: sa °j_§ � E�FAL w 3 !� p 3 'y�T, gHD f10x 'f /, © ° EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS; ---- 5 ----- / QA d, 2. SEPTIC SYSTEM STRUCTURE SHOWN THUS: N •• ICC O IID V iQ r O - W G1.E V 'A A s n PROPOSED EXPANSION POOL // / / / lOA°4• ,A(. O- Qin N-- N d' <- S77 M M1 � JPd�' / O��LY�. L^ • PR,OPQSED LEACHING POOL 7> 6• / 'AR,� Y M iv o N N M rj r` _Id' ,,/AP /, S; ad we PROPOSED SEPTIC TANK 7>'�la / / /� HILI_ C,hDE p O n N °' F O 40„ E AL A' A' - O •A. .cf`'aj' 0'' / m S EK N o y Y 05 , : 9 8 3. THE LOCATION OF WELLS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ABE;,FROM FIELD SCALEEIr�= 40' � �• /pE . 78@28841—� N Z Z '^ 83.03'36 E A f X33.561 �x /V / �'T 5,i'� '� OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OBTAINED FROM OTHERS. "<•tl4' 88'Sb'46" E M..,w. / 4. FLOOD ZONE, INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: N 119,63 .Pub- w / A1+`' FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No. 3610300168 D _--- S6'7 � y ,.8 0 � � / da x � ZONE AE: 819E FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED •• W\ /� /� - p�a [Si 194 \ FMP N G,a w ' / Q�0 ZONE VE: COASTAL FLOOD WITH VELOCITY HAZARD (WAVE ACTION); 7 // BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED _ S 76.28,41 n -262.23, \\ / ,�.'(f •Y' Y /_,w 111. �b og "''^p• R �' / �R.m fKl h ZONE %A: AREAS OF 500-YEAR F.060; AREAS OF 100-YEAR FLOOD WITH AVERAGE E COREY CREEK �_ / < 8) D»x. AN Nrw xi o $ -- -- / / 7^ DEPTH OF LESS THAN 1 FOOT OR WITH DY LVE FROM LESS THAN IIS/ 17 — 5-88'30'46° E 167.42' '-'0.08 4„` \\ \ m ' - // // / moi N m 8 ( PRIFATi ROAD J O 1 SQUARE MILE; AND AREAS PROTECTED BY'L'EYEES FROM 100-TEFF FLOOD. -- �OGr 82 k, \\ \ \ ID - / /6a�'�' -�- - - °L 11 A S. FLOOD INSURANCE#NOT AVAILABLE L BARRIER WFOR THUS: CONSTRUCTION OR SUBSTANTIALLY .. -,. --_ - warq / -------------- �� IN 0•p ^ \,\\ / n �j/ // / _ PUBLro WATER INR 1 m” / +/ 1Q IN DESIGNATED ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER 46, .1 A90 ,,,, IMPROVED STD CO#STAL BARRIERS. ALL ALL 36 /„uI h A, 87'20'20” E N 6T2�E 100.00 ./ � FUG Aa4 ,� ,� \� / 1\ 100.00 Fun A" FLAG /a a6 I / AL • AI" \ y+ I / I I24, /77 ,/ // / \ .1c ♦ 'n _— --5 4 . •y[ \ / ,"O F1Aa NE / // +_—.- --7<— MM lR N7 s�- ".w,Iyk Vol, 225.236.. w / w TD THIS SURVEY IS A wounON °F UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR AOOMM a EDUDATwN UW. / Y) ECTDN 720E CF THE NEW YORK STATE !K°�"r yob o Av 3 ml N 3z e dy:; '011` S j W O M1 M• COPIES OF THIS9D R'S I MAP NOT BEARING N OBaED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED M 3 Bpi p, W ! = 1 THE LAND tAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL oR / - // /� / - I -_-_�-_ -'� - ry ,� � 00• ro, 4 '� O ` LQ4 TO BEA VALID IIEUE QOM. / F / /// / 1ESI ROLE �' O ^ A•0 t7' h `� {4A�, RQIFlMnONS IINRDIICCATEF�DpRHGIEON SHVI jUN S.v ,1 yy'' M HIS BEHALF' TQ E I- \ O ^• M 3 ''1180 fkP,Y M THE P N WHOM INE S 11 '"r 2 2 n� % Vg M^ PO COMP NY, °Da,'°6RNMENTAL ENFY MO `C J�eq THE A991aWEES OF ATAY 'r N 73. LIMPED INsnnmoN u T�m LHEND�"IND'I sn- � / 2o, r / dog ¢ D2 Y S f N 0N. CERRFlMnON3'ME NOT ANSfER/A E. iYdv' w w 2s2.3BAR 8i), ��Ql�e -`'L'�iTHE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS 3' "RWWv� ? ^1� Y �" Na4yy. SD °� AK0/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF 69.23 36., ANY. NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. 37, \ � ® ABA moi�'f PREPARED IN ACCORDANCB' THE MINIMUM \ / /�H. • A . / I e, ,. G ` 4W'' P A BY FDA L.S TOTE Ell AS ESTNM9HE0 BY ME H ME R, MD AtltlOOPLA�D Jose ,. ,Iq. ��gegnp � / / (4" Y '. .",'y ' , '. � •: ,/y. \ b0, 1Q ♦ry .y- 'mmLRE A9�Rsocun -•' srATE LAND Surveyor e/ �l i I / // / 89 N Si. aiM °�6Y%T pe C3 RIZ, - y 1pllsi ;1V W,A LU TdIE SURVEY° - Su6Cf- ., 47R MfIP?nA - She Plana Co - nPtruoBER YouE \ I I I I 'ye Os a Y PHONE (831)727-2090 Fax 831)727-1`,27 \\ '' I I I I II 11 / / 4• y, � O , O�S, 48608 � ( AND OFFICES LOCATED AT WILLING ADDRESS NNS, UG. No. 49888 " 1380 ROANOKE AVENUE P.O. Box 1931 RIVERHEAD. New York 119G Riverhead, New York 11901-0988 h