HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5815Albert J. Krupski, President James King, ¥ice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE.CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. JOANNE WOODLE INSPECTION SCHEDULE XX Pre-construction, hay bale line 1st day of construction ¼ constructed __ Project complete, compliance inspection, Board Of Southold 'Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE: ...°_A'~?b.~....:!~.,- zOO ISSUEDTO ~OANNE S. WOQDgE _ _ . Pursuant to the prov;sions of Chapter 618 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New Yore 19521 and the Southekl Town Ordinance titled ."REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBUC LANDS end the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL.OR OTHER K4ATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;?, end in accordance with the Resolution of The I~ard adopted at a meeting held on ~,~:..~'~....'~.~' ~.0.~.., and Jn consideration of the sum of $...J.~.g.:..g.g ....... paid by Joanne S. Woodle of Peconic N.Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions lided on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town. Trustees authorizes and parmits the following: Wetland Permit to remove a dead 'cherry tree and replant area with salt tolerant trees and brust~, with the condition the prive' is planted above the bank, and in accordance with the amended and ap. proved planting plan stamped on O.c. tober 22, 2003.. all m accordanc~ with the delaval spacificatmas as presented ,. · the originating appl'~afion. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes ifs Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these ~r. esents fo be subscribed .by a imajodty of the said Board as of this darn. Trustees TER~S and OONDmONS TI~ Pg~mlctce Joanne S. 2213 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic p~X' of t~ coo. side~adon for d~e ts~uan~ of d~e Penutt does understand tnd.m~G'tbe to the roi- 1. That the s~ci Board o~ Ttxutee~ and ~e Towa o~ Scmhoid a~e released [t~m any a~l 2. That~hhPe~mitls'valld~ai~*iedof .24 ~,d *~e_'re~ *o O0ml4eCe d~ wed~ l~voi~l, b~'Sheold ci~u~staa~s ~ request for an ~on m,xy be trade to the Board at · la~ ~. Tl~t ,h~( Permlc should be retal~e~ imie~mltely, or'as shall csme uuressomble obs~',%a,_,M to free mvigsd~ d~e mid ~ ~ b~ ~ ~ ~ to m~o~e o£ sl~ ~ ~ o~ proiect he~in ~l wld~o~ ~ to the Tram 9. X~at the eetmittee war ebon Ut od~er pe~iu tad coose~dat may be requited mP- piemeatal to ~ permit ~ my be subject to zevoke upon f~t~ to obatn _**m~ Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 $outhold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 22, 2003 Ms. Joanne Woodlc 2213 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 2025 INDIAN NECK LANE, PECONIC SCTM#86-5-9.4 Dear Ms. Woodle: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, October 22, 2003 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, JOANNES. WOODLE applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 30, 2003, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on October 22, 2003, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, 2 WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of JOANNES. WOODLE to remove a dead cherry tree and replant area with salt tolerant trees and brush, with the condition the privet is planted above the bank, and in accordance with the amended and approved planting plan stamped on October 22, 2003. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $5.00 Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms Telephone (63 I) 765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, October 14, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Don Wilder, seconded by Drew Dillingham, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Permit application of JOANNE WOODLE to remove trees and brush and replant area with salt tolerant trees and brush. Located: 2025 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic. SCTM#86-5-9.4 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application because the disturbed areas should be restored to the previous condition. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried PLANTING PLAN 9/2003 iNDDEGENNARO/JOANNE /AN NECK LANE PECONIC,NY, 11958 REMOVED AILIANTHUS X 2 PRIVET X 10 POISON IVY WILD ROSE WOODLE DYING/ROTTEE DEAD APPROVED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE KILLING MAPLE TREE WISH TO REMOVE c'~'~ % ~(~_A ~,'~cv'y REPLANT BELOW BANK /~ 20 TO REFILL EXISTING HEDGE TRANSPLANT OSTRICH FERNS (NATIVE) X 60 TO STABILIZE BANK ADD BACCHARIS X 20 TO FILL IN DEER PATH RIVER BIRCH HERITAGE ( CLUMPS ) X 4 COPPER BEECH X 1 RUGOSA ROSES: BLANC DOUBLE DE COUBERT SF? .~ AT EDGE OF EXISTING WOODLAND Southold Town Board of Tros[ees HYDRANGEA SNOWFLAKE X 10 HYDRANGEA WH/TE WAVE X 5 HYDRANGEA BLUE WAVE X 5 DOGWOOD CELESTIAL X 2 UNDERPLANT WITH FERNS/HOSTAS/CAREX ICE DANCER AS GROUND COVER MAINTAIN EXISTING WATERFRONT GARDENS PRUNE, DIVIDE AND TRANSPLANT SHRUBS AND PERENNIALS Continued On Map No. 20 47 ! oF: z~ .SUPPLEMENTARY INCIDENT REPORT Southold Town Police Department Route 25 Peconic, New York 11958 631-765-2600 Incident Repot[ No,'s Narrative: (Print or Type Only) S T A T U $ PDTS-2A S,gnature of Investigating Office 1 Name: last Hfs INCIDENT STATUS CODE 2First ~' 3Rank''~'(~. · 4Date: ¢;~ /-'~(~/'~ I /~J¢5Time Status FOR OFFICE USE ONLY A - Under Irlv: F - Ref. to Chiefs Office: B - Cleared by Inv: G - Ref. to Chief of Operations C - Cleared by Arrest H - Ref. to 3Yaffic Div. D - File I - Ref. to Dat. Div E - Incident Unfounded J - Ref. to Youth Div. K - Report to be Resubmitted Hrs. J4 Forward Copy to: Code Reviewing Officer Date: 2 3 Signature Rank Time 3. ORI 5. Case NO. 18. Weapon(s) 27. Date of Birth 29 ~ex DMO~ 35. Name (Last, Fi~t, M~ddle) I I [] u 1O Indian [] Agarl [] Unk. [] NOn-H span c I []Medium [] Other I I [] YeS OSmaN OLirge 54 I I A'1620 Town of Southold Suffolk County, NY 11te People of the State of New York vs. VIN NUMBER COURT COPY Field Inspection Wednesday - September 17th, 2003 JOANNE WOODLE requested a Field Inspection - clearing in wetlands Located: 2213 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, NY SCTM#86-5-9.4 Arrived 1:30 p.m. advised Ms. Woodle to place haybales at top of bank to wood pile. Submit paper work for permit - to do no clearing until permit was granted - submit planting plans with the application for the permit and survey of the property. Charlotte Cunningham Notes from Field Inspection. Standish, Lauren From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: E. Brownell Johnston [ebj-eati@nvbb.net] Friday, October 031 2003 7:59 AM Standish, Lauren McCarthy, Kent; Dzenkowski, Don; Montefusco, Lori; Finnegan, Patricia; 'pegdickerson16 @aol.com' Re: Violation - Joanne Woodle (revised message) Thank you for the update on the above. At the last Trustees' legislative work session, since there were more than one parcel evolved, Pat and the four Trustees discussed that there should be two or three violations issued for the clearing and the same two or three for the continued activities. At your Friday meeting, would please find out why this has not been done. It was anyone's understand that the Bay Constables had the three property records provided by you. Please advise. Brownell "Ssandish, Lauren" wrote: > Thank you for the copy of the supplementary incident report for Joanne > Woodle, which you did at our request. This is to confirm that the Trustees > did not give permission for any plantings or any other activities. The > recommended action was to apply for a permit, visit with the Trustees at the > 6:00 PM worksession on Sept. 24th, and put down hay bales. > > The order/direction was noted on the original summons/notice of violation, > which indicated "Cease all further clearing of wetlands. Apply for a Trustee > Permit for work already done". > > The Trustees request that you once again re-inspect the property with the > understanding that any actions taken by the property owners, such as > planting, would be a prohibited activity and as such subject to the writing > of a further violation. > > P.S. Would it be possible for you to visit this location prior to our 8:15 > AM meeting on Friday, with Lori, who will be handling this case? > > H3kRD COPY TO TRUSTEES mailbox:/Macintosh%20HD/System%20Folder/ P references/Net scape %20%C4/Mail/Inbox?ld= FW; Woodle/DeGennero update for Brownell Subject: FW: Woodle/DeGennero update for Brownell Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 14:14:29 -0400 From: "Standish, Lauren" <Lauren. Standish(~town.$omhold.ny.us> To: '"ebi-eati(~'!nvbb.net'" <ebi-eati~!nvbb.net> Wednesday, October 22, 200.~ ..... Original Message ..... From: Montefusco, Lori Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 1:04 PM To: Standish, Lauren Cc: Yakaboski, Greg Subject: Woodle/DeGennero update for Brownell Brownell, I met with BC Kent McCarthy and Chief Cochran this morning and was informed by both that Kent will be attempting service of sunmaones to both Woodle and DeGennero in connection with numerous clearing and replanting violations as previously discussed. If service of the summones are successful, Kent will irm~ediately forward to the office of the Town Attorney all of his paperwork in connection with the case. The case will then be calendered in the usual manner for defendant's appearance in Justice Court. Lori H. Montefusco Page: 1 TO: A1 FROM: Brownell DATE: October 22, 2003 RE: 10/22/03 Agenda Items #'s 6&7 The above-referenced applications should be handled separately, as listed on the agenda. Please acknowledge for the record that both applications are "as-built". Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only __~wweaStal Erosion Permit Application tland Permit Application Major Waiver/Amendment]C h .anges _~ceived Application: ~"Received Fee: ~ompleted Application'?/,.6 b]C~.2 ' Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted__ Coordination:(date sent)~ _-,C:~C Referral Sent:~_~..~ _~l~ate of Inspection: I~l~.]~-~ Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ~,,,'Public Hearing Held:/~_s~~ Resolution: Minor SEP 3 u Southold Iowr~ Board, of lrustees AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: Board of Trustees Application Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: Previous use of property: GENERAL DATA Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date o prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspende/d)oy a governmental agency? f No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments ifnecessary)' ,~c'=~c~,/0~ ~3/~--5 · S,~'_ _ Board of Trustees A~plication WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA ?urposeoftheproposedoperations: %. r~& ~.~ ~,/ zr~\ /'-~C-~-_% Percent coverage of lot: / ~,~0 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: />'C~ feet Closest distance between n~,.n~,.n~,.n~,.n~est proposed structure and upland edgeofwetlands: ~ feet ~ ,416 .~-F-~c.~/ Does the project involve excavation or filling? o Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? )~f cubic yards How much material will be filled? (~ cubic yards / Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: /-- feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York ~t,/t-/..~ ~/ ~_~3%/,-~ BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE I~'5-TtlE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMiT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF TI-IlS APPLICATION. Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF <~ ~tAA~( ,20Q~'~ 617.21 Appendix C State E~vlronmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (TO be completed by Aoplicant or Project sponsor) SEQ S. IS PROPOSED ACTION-' [] New [] Exl~ansio¢l ~ooificallonlallerafion S. 0ESCR,EE PROJECT SR,EFLY: ~:~j ~ ~ _~ 7, AMOUNT OF ~ND AFFECTED: 11. DOES ANY ASPECTkSPECT ~J-= THE ACTIOtJ HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT Oil APPROVAL? r~ Yes [~q~oo If yes, list agency name and gerrmflaDproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMITIAI~PROVAL REQUIRE MOOIFiCATION? the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this as~.s, essmen; OVER I :ART III--OETERMINATICN OF SIGNIFICANCE I-Fo ~e comoleleo ~y Agency) The Town o~ s~u~hoid's Code of Ebhios prohiblbe coe~lioba oF tn~etes~ on the parb of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide ln~ormation which can alert the town of possible con~liu~s oF interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. o~her enmity, such ~s a company. NATgR~ ~F AP~bI~ATION, (Cheuk ali khak apply.) Tmx Varianue Exe~pkion from pla~ o~ official map p~en~, ou ~hiid) have a relu~lonship wikh any which ~he town o~Eicer uu ~mpioyee ha{ ~ven a ownership of (or employmen~ by) a co~porakion In which ~he town officer ur employee owns more ~ban If you answered 'TRS," compl~2e ~he baianue o~ 2biff ~orm and date and sign ~he~e indicated. Name of person employed by ~h~ Town of 8oukhold Title or posJSion of 5ha5 p~r~on Omzcribe 5he rmla~ionship between yourself (the appliuan5) appropr[aSm line ~) through D) ~nd/or doscribe pruvided. The kern officer ur employee or hi~ or her gpou~g~ patenS, or child is (citeck all 5ha5 appiy)~ A) 5he owner of gremSer than 5% of 5he mharez of ~he corporaSe mkouk of the applic~n~ (when ~he appliuank' nuncorpoua~e'en~i~y (when ~he applicant la nub a corporation) ~ C) an uf~ic~r~ direc~or~ pa~ner~ or ~mployee app~lcanb ~ o~ ' ' · · ' ' '. K'hji ~~';>^C' '!r./:?" ,",',., ':'~:::';- t;:;~~ <";"'--~-. ,<oil ~ 1Il~", W 0) ~ ~ 1Il . ~9:g- a: 0""':;; L- ::r:: CD ..... ~....c_ Z=>,g . "" 0 Q. > >'" . o "Z L-- u.. CO' ~ r-Oo'C Ll.ZC::o o ~.5S QO"'O ....:;'" ~ III ~ ~ m " u Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: -flXJ. '''u... S. U}Oocl.. k. <I- ~oh. n ~ nno. Hr Please be advised that your applicatio@ dated 9/30/0.:3 has been reviewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of }O /;)dJD2> and the following action was taken: (~Applicatio~Approved (see below) (____) Application Denied (____) Application Tabled (see below) (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: o (na; (nJJ(uCt:Lol1i) - .;1.;2./3 drcJ..t.o. n (\(Jd: O<OrtL / P(><OlU.c' J..oJ.:5 f!r.d.1o. f'I ft(Jt k Of,CLIl.I PecON C , ~OD Paa-K- TOTAL FEES DUE: $ 10,00 .. - T 041707 , I()-- For AMT PAID 'BALANCE DUE () --Jl-la" 4/98 , ,"-, ,~ ''',it: - ~,~ .' NOTICE Police Dept. - Bay Constable Town of Southold Peconic, New York 11958 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Date: Sept~illber 13, 2003 To: Joanne Woodle (Owner or authorized agent of owner) Address: 2213 Indian Neck Ln., Peconic, N.Y. 11958 (Address of owner or authorized agent of owner) Please take notice there exists a violation of the Code of the Town of Southold, Chapter 97 Article II, Section 97-20 a premises hereinafter described in that you have cleared w~tlands without fir'st obtaining a permit from the Southold Town Trustees. You are therefore directed and ordered to comply with the following: C~ase all further clearing of wetlands. Apply for a Trustee Permit for 'work already dOI1~. on or before the 3 rd day of October , 20~, The premises to which this Notice of Violation refers are situated at: 'In!j Indian Neck Ln., Peconic. N. Y. 11958 Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY (Suffolk County Tax Map Designation: Dist, 1000 Section: 86 Block: 5 Lot: 9.4 ) Failure to comply with the applicable provisions of the law may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. NOTICE: You have the right to apply for a hearing before the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold, provided that you file a written request with the Clerk of the Trustees within 10 days after service of the Notice of Violation. Such request shall have annexed thereto a copy of the Notice of Violation upon which a Hearing is requested and shall set forth the reasons why such notice of viola- tion should be modified or rescinded. Bay --'''-' ., _._~"'-'--,.,'~._.--.--..._.I.- .-. r",\ ~) ,/""',,\ \...vI -c. ''''.~'''''.- .._~- ... .. ..----- .- ,". ~ (",:,. : '::~.d,J: Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) ,765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 Albert 1. Krupski, Presid(:nt John Holzapfel, Vice Presid(:nt William G. AlbertsoT! Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTIlOLD Office Use Only '0<.'~.:~~..~.~. ~~.~.~'... tnA.~. ~.~.T~~t~;~lication rn Grandfather Permit Application . . Trustee Lands Permit Application ~cei~:~v~~plicati n:.'" ',S- Clerical Revi.ew:", l"". omplet:edApplicanoIi Incomplete 'SEQl.Cla.SSifiCatiOn: .' e F' ..':rype II. ..... Unlir;t d Cood1.n~ti.ion: (da't:e sent ~" ~AC,Referral Sent: . ateo~ . Inspection: . Re!::eipt of CAe Report.: ati!) ~ea4'~ge~ Deter~iIiation'~ Tep-ijDi.eal' Review: (date r; . V"'l?ubfic'H\l!aring~(date) I) '. i.siloo: Approved ( j{ ) \ PPli!cation Fee: $ fS"d- ~ @ ~ OWl ~. Tm..' APR 18 j!Jj I]J TOWNOFSOUTHOLD ,r :so-f'~ ~ ijd-7lnpt -I 'f" .. ;;.,0" Nanle ofApplicant-Dc~\ <; (' 03 6'R.o\l E: . :.r- .~.." Address.$R.:#:;J. HcRR6l<E',RAIJ...r ,^JAbJN~ R\'{c..~ ' N \I lVF:r:L PhoneNumberd5'/~) 9:29- "ir'ffl"C SuHolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 -~~...., s- cr."'! Property Location: 3:10..\ rq ..or"-\ 1\\ Ec. J;:: LA N j;. (provide ILeO pole >>, distance to cross streets, and Agent: COSTELl-D (If applicable) H.J>..."R I\-\ F: Co t-JTR..AC-TI'N G Address: 1>,0. ~()~ ~Ial.f I (;.~fF:t.J'PdRT) NY H94-lf.- Phone: '177- 1119 1 , ,. .',.... "'"" ,......, ~rd of Trustees APplicatio\~ IiiENERAL DATA 07.31 AC:K'l:.oS Area Zoning:_RfSI bFt-.\"TIA L WATF~ fROt,Y'r VAc..A I\J T Intended use of property: "'RESl"\) EI\\(' E. . 1.)6C\<'.. FA-C\'-..ILY. Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Land Area (in square feet): previouS use of property: 01 I "P'R \ LlATE Agency Date I'd A , L No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any pepmit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? No . Yes If yes, provide explanation: , IN STA- L. L , Sf"~ vl'SlJi.--'v ~N./q~ (~se attachments if necessary): ~ I I ~XJ.j{) r.;.TUlALk. I I t, )(:16 F t-DA T , I .?' '/.. I~ ALUM,. ~ A".q:> . (i)d- ~. hOL"PI-\-I.lJS Project Description 2 . ..."_._~,,,':~!.:' , . I"" . (") ~rd of Trustees APplicatiot~ COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA purposes of proposed activity: 'PR \ VAT .E. R.E 51 b E ~L... lJDC'C):' A Cl LI T1/ f"6 'R "?ReiI' ER-ry DW N e R' s BDA T Are wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? . No / Yes Does the project ./ No involve excavation or filling? Yes If Yes,. how much material will be excavated? D (cubic yards) (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? CD Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: IV/A I Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) C.hTW A L- '\:::... ( 1-/ AR 0\) E. A-b\JFRSE'- W f LL "R E- C.C>T\18-n~..U ~TEb A N ~. \J EO: " ETA 'T ION, t-,j 0 :::c.tvt?-Ae.TS .ANTI Clf'ATE: b. 5 , I I; I -I J , .,.t.-,;.o...., . -" .~ .~ .. ... t') L-lrd of TrUstees Applicati~ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations:_""PRI \J AT E. D()C. Ie. :PRb 'P E~ ,..~. t:>\A )l\lF~"3 3~Q A"G FACI Ll~. F Ql1<:: Area .of wetlands on lot: 2. 2.~ () square feet Percent coverage of lot: J % Closest edge of distancebetwee~rtearestexisting structure and upland wetlands: .. Nj4: . . ..... f.eet distance.betweert nearest proposed structure and upland wetlands: IK feet. closest edge of Does the project ./ No involve excavation or filling? Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated?~CubiC yards How much material will be filled? .1'-/(,8 . ... cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: . iliA. . feet. ~ Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: N{A Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: H(4 statement of the effect, if any, on the.wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason os such proposed operationsluse attachments if appropriate): clAt \.l..)"\Llc WILL ~\f) Al\\IJ:- e s€- 'l";.t::1( ABoiiC A~ [1 V EbE.TAoi/otJ . , /E.~p be -r () I\J LU E. T LA ~ P S" 6 I i -I ! .j I I I I ...-.""'.,.... . r-. "'-" I~ ......} coUnty of Suffolk ) State of New York ) GlfO~.t.C()ST1:L.L()1 SR. BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES .AND AF'EIRl>iSTHAT HE/SHE 18 THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PEmlITjS)AND THAT ALLSTATEMEN'l'S coNTAINED HEREIN ARE .TRUJ;:TO THE BgsT OF HIs/MEn KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT WORK WILL BE DONE IM.THE MANNEItSET. FORTH IN.THISAPpLICA1'ION AND AS MAY BE .APPItOV..ED....B.y....'rHE. sotlTHO. LD.' TOWN BO.AlU'J 0.1" TRUSTEES., '. T. HE.....AP....PLICANT. AGItEES'1't:lHoLtJ 'rilE 'l'ClwN OF' sotiTHb4IJANDTHE . TOWN 'ffiUSTEES lIAW'tLESS ~DF'nEF:.FROM ANY. AND ALL nAMAGESAtlD .. ClilUMS ARISING t1ijtlii:lton.llYVlRTUEOF SAIDPERl'II'i'IS), IFGRAN'tED.. . 1NCO\lU>t.e'I'ING.. 'TIllS . APPLICf!.!J;'IOM I . . I .HE1l.EBlf ..AUTllott:r fJE1'!;tE TRUSTEES, TIl1q:1t MF:MT( s j OR REPRES,lilNj.'ATIVE Is) i . TO ENTER ON'l!Ol'lY PROPERTY TOIN$Pl!:cTTUEP~ISES UlcONJUNCTION WITH REvIEW.OF THIS APPLICA1'10M. . , i i . , j;' ; f , i , ;.[ :1, ~~~Mj.B' fly IUSANI. lONG .....,~lI1ete of N8lIlYolk ~1~3 C4N1t<11I.-'an EIIp/res ~~ talS i I I il I 'I ~J-1ne.~'-~ ~~~ . S NATURE th . SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS I~ DAY OF APRIL. ,19-1S I 'I I .. I' Suggested space for location Map TIllS IS NOT A PERMIT ,r-' i~ \.1"" r""\ \"..J " " , .-..,. AUTHORIZATioN FoRM <.:;-- bate! r2 - i''--'' / 5 \ I, ,~J.:)'Zuz.. /7 " , '- '-L' ;1" /) V&Q<'L.c..y0l~ oWMro.t ',1...' /~, F#~-'~-"'" '~L~JA/ (' ' , '.~slproper:tyname ' located at '" r"'Y1~~ '7v-e-L- {;(-..e hJ"~r-A/~~- . - - - ' - '",-/ do hi!.rhygivecosbHlo Marine contraoHhg Corp. the aUthQrity to lict: 'HI agent ih my behalf 111 applyihg tor tt11 ot the hecSElsary pet\llit~ 111 order for #ork to be do he 011 my property described t I abo"ie, (~j/~ __Si~nature :/7 /Lro iA'L'1-'" " ./ ------' , , , :fj11) , .1 -' ."~.) I""'. , "......-' o U.'6Ti'1iilIl-Tod 12 I ~ROJ"Cf 1.0. NUMBER 611.21 Appendix C Stale. Envltonrnlli1!l11 auallly Re.vlew sHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM '. . . ..' ........ .... .... .. . .". .. ...... !'or UNLISTED ACTIONS oiil1 . PARTI_I>~~JECTINFoRrAATloN (To be completed by Applicant Qll'fOlecl spon!~orJ t. .'APPLlCANT"SP_ONSOR 2; ,PROJECT NAME COstello .Marine Contracting Corp. 3. PIioJECf'LOCATION: ~<lnl&l~~lI1F " . .. Counl, Suffolk .t. PReciSE lOCATION tSlreet address and road l.n1er'5ectlons, prominent landmarks. etc., or provld1t m:;lip) .1 SEQR See Attached area map. 5. IS PRoposeo ACT_ION: N.w' "'O~~Pa,,sl<in o MadlltcatlonllJlhwaUott ..O~SCRleE ~ROJECT9AIEFLY:( I I I' ..I. '::j:NSTAk.\.... L.f''f.Lf() CAI\..Ut\l..K) "X.J..D fJ,..DftT, 3 XI'6 .n\...\)MIIJIJ~ lqA\-\ fl) ~ - "" PIl...E t>cl.:f'fiJ N~ 7, "MOUNT OF LAN8 AFFECTED: :1111118"Y' '. icrfs Ultimately 0 at:res 8, WILL PROPOSED ActiON COMPLy W1TH EXJSTtNG :ZONING OR OTHER EXlsn..,O LAND use REsrmCTIONS? m Yes 0 No If No. des~rlb. briefly g. WHAT IS ~AESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PAOJECT? : l!9 Residential 0 lndUSh'lal 0 Commercial Describe: o Agtlculture o Park/Fo,e-"UOpgn space o Other WATERFRONT to; OOES ACTION 1WVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING, NOW OR UlTIMATELV FAOM ANY OTHE_R GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL. STATE OR LocAL)? Q9 Yes 0 No II yes, list agencYIS) And PttrmllfBpprovals NYSpEC,ACOE .Tow,,",-O.FSoOiHQL.D It.. . DOES. ANy 'ASPECT OF THE ACTION IIAV" A CURA~NTlX VAllO PEAMrrOA AP~ROVAL1 DYes mcNo' If yes. list igency- nlni. .and ~lirmlllapp~oval 12. AS A RESULT OF ~ROPOSED ACTION Will EXISTING ~ERMmAP~ROVAL AEaUIR~MODIFICATION? . D~o. 1XI11o I CERTIFY fHAT THE)NFORf,lATlON~ROVIDED.AllOvE IS TAUE TO THE BEST QFMV kNOWLEDGE "0:10: -1 J /1 / qS" I I Applh::anllsoonsor namw: COSTELLO MARINE S'Il""U'0,~11.ll..aM) L CONTRACTING . IIlhe Bellon Is In the coastal.,6.raa, and you Ble II 'slate.lIgeney, complelelhll COBstal Assessment FOlm before proceedIng with :thls assessment . oVElt 1 0,." . .,' .'.. ) it,.' ... ,......,^.-;.... .. . ' ," .. . ......'0.. ",",.. ,I, STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBANY. NY 12231-0001 ~rs:t8~~ Wl I"'O,L~ . I WN Of$(JutHOW ALEXANDER F. TRE:AOWELL , S'ECRETARY' ,O/" STATE September 11, 1995 , Ms; Susan Long; Permit Manager Costello Marine Contracting Corp. P.O. Box 2124 .' . . Greenport, NY 11944 Re:' F-95-367 U.S. Anny Corps of Engfueers/NewYork . District Permit Application #95-04760-12 . . . Doris Cosgrove Town of Southold, Suffolk County DEC #1-4738-01129/00001-0 Dear Ms..Long: The Department of State has completed its evaluation of your Federal. Consistency . Assessment Form. and certification that the above . proposed permit activity complies with New York State's approved Coastal Management Program, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with this program. Pursuant to 15 CFR Section 930.63, and based upon the project information submitted, the Department of State concurs with your consistency certification. This concurrence is without prejudice to, and does not obviate the need to obtain all other applicable licenses,permits, and approvals required under existing State statutes. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is .being notified of this decision by copy of this, letter. . Sincerely, (,k1b,Vkid..'.. ~rge R. S~ bf' 7/ Director P Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization . GRS/DM/jtb . cc: COE/New York District - Sophie Ettinger DEC/Region 1 - Robert Greene Town of SOuthold - Albert Krupski .. ".,. R!eYCLEO PAPER ., .. .,~._,...',"_'.-'---'-_.. _.,.J. /'~-.:~. \....,: it. ,4.' . .... ,I - ,(""'\ \...J STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF StATE , ALBANY, NY 12231'0001 ALEXANOER, F., TREAcWEL.L. SECRETARY OF. STATE June 26, 1995 r~~ ~' @ ~. OW "UJ rnfn) iuD JUN 30m; /.YJ ,~j TOWN OF SOUTHOLD.. ,. .: !. '.. '~. . M$. Susan I.ong,Permit Manager Costello ~~ Contra~gCorp. 1';0.. Box, 2124 'Greenp6tt, NY 11944 Re: F-95-367 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/New York District permit Application #95-0476Q-12 DQnst:)}sgrove , Town ofSolIthold, Suffolk County DEC #1-4738-01129/00001-0 Acknowledl!ement of FederalConsistencv Assessment Form ' Dear Ms. Long: The Department of State received your. Federal Consistency Assessment Form and supporting information on June 7, 1995 and has,' determined that the submitted docum.entation is adequate. to commence our review of your proposed project. We will contact you if additional information may be necessary for consistency review purposes. ' You andthe Corps of Engineers will be notified of our decision when we have completed ourrevieVI of this project forits consistency with the N ewY ork State Coastal Management Program; The Corps of Engineers cannot issue a permit for this project unless the Departnlentof State concurs with your consistency certification. Please call David MacLeod at (518) 474-6000 if you have any questions. S~di~ WilliaD1 F. Barton f JJ Chief, ConSistency Review and Analysis Bureau Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization WFB/jtb cc:COE/New YorkDistrict - Sophie Ettinger NYS DEC/Region 1 - Robert Greene Town of SOllthold - Albert Krupski (App. No. 1000-86-5-9.4) ~ RE~~LiD PAP~ft ~ ~j (l \..,,) Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel. Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O, Box 1179 Soulhold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: DORIS COSGROVE please b~.advised that your application, dated4/1R/Q<; has. bee reviewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of 6/29'h95 . and the following action was taken: ( ....uA) ( ) Application Approved. (see. below) Application Denied. (see below) (See below) (____)Application Tabled. If you application is approved as noted above, a permit.feeis now due. Make check or money order payable to the southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth inthe sintruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or reapplication including. fees will be necessary. cOMMIDlTS AND REMARKS: Ramp: 3' X 18' =;.54' X $3 =$162.00 Float: 6' X 20' = 120' X $3 = $360.00 COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: $522.00 DUE TOTAL FEES .DUE:$5;;Q 6lO; . ~9. /~. 9, SIGNED: PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY, ~~~S<EES 6/95 _.,._..,.----..~,=.'-,,~_._^--~."~'--- . . ......,. ,...._:..,...'__",.:....__..J.,._.-'__~.'...,.'..--'--'-~"_ . r: ''-0.,..../ () , ..' Albert J; Krupski. President John Holzapfel. Vice President William G., Albertson MartinE. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 MainRbad P,O, Box 1179- Southold, New York 11971 Telephotl!: (516)765~ 1892 Fax (516)7fj5.1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOurnOLD June 3(l, 1995, costello Marine Contr. P.o. BOx 2124 GreenpOrtNY 11944 Re,: DORISCOSGROVE SC'rMi86-5-9.4 Dear'Mr. COlitello, Thefol.:lowing action was taken, by the Board of Town Trustees durin.g its regular meeting held on June 29, '1995 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Costello Marine, on behalf of DORIS COSGROVE, appliedtothe southold Town Trustees fora permit under ,the provisions of the Wetlarid ordinance of the Town of Southold,' application dated April 18, 1995, and, , WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town ConserVationdAdvisoqCouncil for their findings and recommen.dations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town TruStees with respectto.saidappliaation on June 29, 1995, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and'" WHEREAS, the: Board members have personally viewed and a.re familiar with the premises in question and thesurroundinq area, and, WHEREAS ,the Board has considered all the testimony and doc1.UUentation submitted concerning' this applicati.on, and, WHEREAS, thestruct~e complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 37-l8of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, ./ ..,.", ,..._-'-'.. ..~,...,._,_.,-,-,._~,-.,-",,-..I .. ~~ - ~-'.-'--,-'._.-'-'-_.__'_" -,,"-',"," _.c.. -" --, .. r""\ I ' ~ .t"'"\ ,-J NOW THEREFORE. BE IT, RESOLVED ,tha.t. the. 'BClard of Trustees approves the. application of DOlUS COSGROVE to construct a 3' X 40' catwalk,' a)' X 18' raltlp and a 6' X.ZO' float and 2- 2..,.pHe dolphinR. I?etmit to constp],Ctproject ~l eJtil:i.re>two~ars frolil'l:hedate it: i~signed.E~sJ;llu.stbe paJ.d, if applicable, andperm.it isso.edwithin su::months. of the date. of . this .notifi..cation~ 'lWoinspections 'are. reqUired and the Trustees are to.be notified uponcol;llpl.etion.of said project. .~: Ramp: 3'.X 18' = Float: 6' X 2.0' = TOTAL DtrE: 54' X $3 = $.162 120' X $3 = $160. $522 DUE Very truly yours, t2Lt.t..la 1~:9~ Albert .J.~pski,Jr. . President, Board of Trus.tees AJK/djh cc. CAe '''',';'' A+ /,'~" .~i. .,.., \",,,i Albert J. Kropski,President John Ho1zapfel, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hall 53095 Main ~ad P:O. :Box 1179 Soutbold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (519) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S.E.Q.R.A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION NOTICE OF NO SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT APPLICATION NO. 1000~S6-5;"9.4 NAME: DorlsCosgrove DATE: May 26, 1995 RESOLVEDthaj::pursuant to Article S of the Envlronmental Conservation Law, State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR. Part 617, Section 617.l.0and Chapter 44 of the.Codff of the TownO! Southold, notice is hereby given that the SoutholdTown Trustees, as Lead Agency for the action. described below, has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. chapt. 97 - Wetland.s Chapt. 37 - coastali!:rosion Please ta~e ~urther notice that this declaration should . not be. considereciia determination. ~de for any t;lther department or . agency which may' also have an application pending for the same or similar project. . TYPE OF ACTION: TYpe I DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: Applicant requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 3' X 40'. catwalk and 3' XIS' ramp and a 6' X20' float with (2) 2-pile dolphins. Located Indian Neck Lane, Peconlc. LOCATION: 'SCTM #1000-86-5-9.4. REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: 1. An on site inspection has been conducted by the Board of Trustees. 2. An environmental assessment, submitted by the applicant and reviewed and completed by the Board of Trustees, has iridicatedthat no significant adverse eHects to the environment are likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. cc. CAC DEC -.~_.~.~,<~,=.'~"---~'~---'--~--"-- ,.","".,.....L '. !""\ '-...J Meeting of MAY1S,1995 o No. 1252 : Movi!d by Allan Connell, seconded by Bruce Louck<!, it wu . RESOLVED .torecomm~nd. totheso~thold Town Soard of Trustees APPROVAL WITHs:ti~U~TIONS . "f'theWetlandAppli~atiqn jot ..F~~,'P~~Rl"flll.-1-2& to. con.structl!)2 =1_ IA..ofs,tonerevetment agaij'lst. eroded bank.!Inct ba'c.kflll witl'1 76 +l-c. y. .ofcleansanj:! to be trucked in frbr!1uplatldsource.Construct all>' x~5' fixed walk and . stairwaY for pedes~rian acce5:s. over revetment. (Pi-oject wlthclarke,schlecbt, and Wilcox) . The:CA.Crecomm.ends 'olpproval with the. s,tlpulatlon thatlhe sand burl~d rocks be ptanti!d with Qeaphgra$s, and plant any backfill with non~turf buffer. 5665 l\Ior'th ROad, Southold Vote of .Council: Ayes: All Motionc~rried. No. 1253 Movedb~ Bruce Loucka, 5&Conded by ~obertKelth, It was RESt>LV~D to recommend to the SO!Jthold Town Board of Tru5tees.APPROVAL of the! Wetland Application. of LOUIS MOORE BACON 1311<-3-5. to Dredge approxlrl1ately 2700 c.y.l0-15%brick, 20% gravel and 65% And to; 5' below MLW. Material to be trucked. away .to approved upland 5ite. Ferry berthing area to be maintained at 7" below AMLW. Robin5 151and Vote of [Council: Motion c;arried. Aye5: All No. 1254 1-_ - Moved by Robert Keith, 5econdedby Patricia Isaksen, it was '. ....... ...... ....... RESOL\lED to recommend to t~~Ol.ltro'j:!.1;Q.",nB<:,,!rj:!. OfTrustees';~~__~L. of the !Wetland Application of")ORIS,C~R.t>VE' J6':5*g:~, to. in5ul!II>' 'x . q.o' catwalk; 6.' x 20' float, 3' x 18' aluminum ramp, and two' (2) 2-pile dolphins. Indian Neck Lane, Peconlc Vote of: Council: Ayes: All Motion j:arried. NO. 1255 Moved by John Hagerty, 5econded by Betty We1l5, it wa5 RESOLVED to recommend totheSouthOld Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL WITH PROVISIONS of the Wetland Application of MYLES SCHNEIDERn-S-n to 1 . Con5truCt deck 16x 16 and 3' wide catwal kon 50Uth end of house. 2. Remove existing dolphin5 (approx. 25' from bulkheadJng) and constr",cta platform (lI>xll> and a ramp 3'x10' wide) to a floating dock 5' x 26'. Floating dock to have 2 pilings. 3.; Create an enclosure on the ea5t 5ide of the garage 30" wide for garbage' can5 and 5torage. Page 3 __. . _ ~~__".'.'_~.7~~. .....'-.~L-.~-. .._~.._--.._..._--, .~'.." ~....".,...~...J._._,.. - - o o ~ " Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President ' William G, Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel D'. EPA. '"'"""""TT. .'0"1: STI\1ETown .Hall. . ,11 . . "nIlVIO~' 'r., 53095 MalnRoad COASTAlPAOGRAMS P.O.Bilx 1179 l'I~y 1199iontbokl. New Ylllx 11971 ReCEtVE&\ephoiIe (516) 7t\H892 . , .' Fax (~16) 765-1823 . . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTIlOLD M~Y ~ : ~~ ill . DATE: 4/2 ~t}WNOF SOUTHOLD completed part I of the ' rn LEAD AGENCY COO1IDINATION REQUES'r ! '",~ TO: Whom It May Concern Enclosed is a permit application and a Environmenta.lAssessment Form. ' southo~d Town Trustees are interested in your ageny' s. comments in acting asSEQRA Lead Agency for: NAME.~~$ibO&Gtl.bVE . .''''1.., "',: ;:".,,\,~,~:,?>'i "',', :': '". LOCATIGIl1: '.IiidlanNeckLane, Peconic TAX MAP: (lO.OO~86:-5'-9. 4 DE. S,cR1?TN........ :. (See. . a.tta~ch' d) PERMIT REQW:RED: '. " TOWN WETLAND ( ) CYmER SEQRA CLASSIFICA'rON: ~ ~~S~ ~ T:J II Pl. ea.s. e contact Albert J. Krupski, Trustee. President, W~.' 30 . days and be advised that the Southold Town Trustees (WANT I (DO NOT WANT) to assume lead agency. ' SENT TO :w.r::;~./~ DElC ~ DOH ( ) PB ( ) ZBA ( ) BLD ( ) , ,,~/sf'ir PERMIT i Pending, ACE (Y-) CAC <',6 s-j1'l"/'1r Please complete, processing. Involved Ac,oency: Project Name: Location: sCTM: We at detach and return this form to expedite tJlJ D~ AGENCY Trustees assuming oYYfcfH;:v~ Lead Agency. objection to Southold Town comments/Reasons: ~ / --- Cf!:s 1: ,,_t=e of , thorir" "p~=tatl~ . . _..,.,'~,_.~--- . ""'" . , \J ,..-.., \j 'illr\~ ~~IIDI TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .. ~.., ~- STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STATE ALBANY, NY t223t~OOOl Al-IEXANDER' F. TREADWEl.L SECRETARY OF STATE Mr. A1b~rtJ.Krupski, Ir . Presidelit Board of Town Trustees ToWfiHall P.O,(BQX1179 Southold,. New York 11971 Re:. Lead .Agency CQordination Request for Proposal byp{)ris;C(isgrove~~ian NeckLane, Pec<iiric.Tax Map # (1000-86-5-9.4). ..' May 3, 1995 Dear Mr. Krupski: With regards to the above mentioned application, please note that the DeplUtment of State has yetto receive a Federal Consistency Assessment Form (FCAF) and supporting infomiationfor this proposed project. During your review, if it is determined that a federal pemiit (U.S. ArmvCoros of Encineers)is required for anvportion of the proposed action. please instruct the applicant to submit a completed Federal Consistency Assessment Form (FCAF) and supporting information to the U.S. ACOEfNY with a copyo! the information to Ms. Diana Boos at the Department of State. Upon receipt, we will determine if the submitted information isade.quate to begin review of the proposed project for consistency with New York State's Coastal Management Program. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at (518) 474-6000. Since~elY.' . .. _ / .Le 'VVi/ "'1 WalterF. Meyer Coastal Resources Specialist ----- - c. U.S. ACOE/NY - Sophie Ettinger Costello Marine Contracting - P.O. Box 2124, Greenport, N.Y. 11944 file n . "'.I printed on rK)'cled. paper " "" _ ... . ".. .~~.. "~C"e, ,"_n'" ....'__.'..,- ("'"\. \..) o Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. -aox 1179 Southo1d. New York 11971 'TelephollC (516)765-1892 Fax (516) 165-1823 ' Albert J. Krupski,President John Holzapfel, Vic~ President Wiiliam G. Albertson Martin H. Gatrell ~ter Wendel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST TO: ,Whom It May Goncern DATE: 4/27/95, Enclosedil> apeimitapp:J.ication and a completed part Tof the Environme~talASsessment Form, Southold Town Trustees are interested in your ageny's comments in acting as SEQRA Lead Agency for: NAME: DORIS COSGROVE LOCATI.ON: Indian Neck Lane, Peconic TAXMAl': (1000--86-5-9.4 PERMIT If Pending DESCRl'TN: (See att~ch d) PEIlMITREQUlRED: : . TOWN WETLAND ( ) OTHER . SEQRACLASSIFICA : ON: ()() Type I " L j Type II . ." ( ) UNLI.STED ))Q CEl\. Ple,as.e c...ontact. ~bert J. K.ruPski,Trustee, PreSident.,e' nO, days and be adv:!;sed that the southold Town Trustee (WANT) (DO NOT, WANT) to assume lead agency. , . . ." SENT TO: nOs rN PEC ~ DOH ( ) PB ( ) ZBA () BLD ( ) ACE ({.) , I\b'f..~ ;/.. .I....L '., '. SO/ZiTS- CAC (~).ryl?f.r please complete, detach and return this form to expedite processing. IhvolvedAgency: project Name: Location: SCTM: We at (Have/No) objection to Southold Town AGENCY Trustees assuming Lead AgenCy. comments/Reasons: Signature of Authorized Representative . . _....~......."..~~~.~,w,'._........_'"...__,_..___. '-.....,. ;.....,...".,.._...~.,_...l~c_.__. 1''\ \......./ (~ . AlbettJ. Krupski. President . John Holzapfel. Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold.New York 11971 Telephone (516) 165-1892 Fax (516) 16H823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWNOJ;1 SOUTHOLD ~.' April IB, 19.95 Stephen Angell, Chairman southold Town conservation Advisory Council. Southo1d Town Hall Main Road southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Angell: Transm~tted herew~th are the following applications tqr a Wetland Permit: Doris Cosgrove please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application. tl;ZJIVOU;~. 9, Albert J. KrupSki, Jr. President, Board of Trustees " AJK:djh . ~_.~. ..,......,.,,.,,~~."',~_~.~~r.-=....~~~..~.__--:_.._..M_ .,."'-"',.,,,..,,--"",,..........~.,,,.~,...,,,..'.'-..,,;'''' ,...-..,,--..,.-...-;O-.,i'<.-,,.'....,-:c,..., _.,.-'."'o=';;<:;,.,=.=.""~"',,...-,--."'.-,."',~-....,"'r=">,;.-,'......"..".=="K'.,.."......=n-.....~.-~,.,,-,-;,..=='"..''''.".~._-,''.~.--,='=--' ..". . ! ("-: , , \",,;-" I^"\ '0 p .. c;. Q. N. I c::; Via/my ;lPlP $CJM'~<lr.>"~P~ ~t1"'70~ a:;?C/M"Y/f7Z'A:? ",. ~ ."~ . . ,I I . ~C4.$/A'~ . ,'. -..."'- " ,p.... '.PvT. .iff t>f. u.W6. ?~ 2'5" r~...<~~.fi'y. V. 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