HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/10/2005FINAL AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD May 10, 2005 7:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of May 10, 2005. Approval of the Minutes of the April 12, 2005 Town Board Meeting. Town Board Work Session: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. Next Regular Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 at 4:30 p.m. SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Police Recruits McNamara, Jacobs, W'flinski, Buonaiuto I. REPORTS 1. Southold Town's Program for the Disabled May August 2005 2. Recreation Department April 2005 3. Southold Town's Program for the Disabled April Events 2005 4. Island Group Claim Lag Report April 1, 2004 March 31, 2005 Claims II. PUBLIC NOTICES None III. COMMUNICATIONS None Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda May 10, 2005 Page 2 IV. FOR DISCUSSION 1. Proposed Local Laws: Conservation Subdivisions, Streetlight Specifications (10:00 a.m.) 2. Draft mooring code (11:00 a.m.) V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At the start of the Town Board Meeting the Supervisor will invite the public to speak on the following resolutions. 279. Amend resolution no. 223 of the April 26, 2005 meeting to change the effective date of the appointment of Everett C. Corwin to May 12, 2005. 280. Grant permission to Senior Environmental Planner Mark Terry and Senior Site Plan Reviewer Bruno Semon to attend a workshop on "Conducting an Effective Site Plan Review and Making SEQRA Work Well" on May 19, 2005 in Mineola. 281. Grant permission to Planning Director Valerie Scopaz and Senior Environmental Planner Mark Terry to attend a workshop on "Building on the Community Preservation Fund: Complementary Tools to Preserve Water Quality & Wildlife Habits" on May 25, 2005 in Riverhead. 282. Grant permission to Recreation Supervisor Ken Reeves to attend the LILSA Spring Workshop: Violence in Youth Sports & Gang Awareness for Recreation Workers on May 13, 2005 in Patchogue. 283. Accept the bid of Grace Quality Used Cars for lwo used police vehicles (2000 Ford and 1993 Ford). 284. Accept the proposal of Pirates Cove Marine, Inc. for repair and replacement of channel markers in West Harbor and Hay Harbor, Fishers Island. 285. Grant permission to the Raymond Cleaves Post 861 Mattituck American Legion to use town roads for the Memorial Day Parade on May 30, 2005. 286. Appoint Benjamin Brannon, Rory Flatley, Gregory Simmons, David Steele, Evans Griffiths and John Helf, Jr. to the position of Traffic Control Officers for the 2005 season. 287. Accept the resignation of part-time Mini-Bus Driver Sabrina Crenshaw. 288. Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for members of the Southold Town Housing Advisory Commission. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda May 10, 2005 Page 3 V. RESOLUTIONS - Cont. 289. Authorize and direct Supervisor Horton to hire Robert O'Brien, P.E. to prepare a complete report in connection with a Justice Court action involving wetlands and coastal erosion violations. 290. Amend resolution #264 adopted at the April 26, 2005 Town Meeting to change the effective date of increasing the hourly rates of Fishers Island Ferry District personnel to May 26, 2005. 291. Determine that the acquisition of 0.45 acre of 260 Hortons Lane adjoining the Southold Town Hall properly is a Type I action pursuant to SEQRA and designate the Town Board as the lead agency. 292. Determine that the acquisition of 0.45 acre of 260 Hortons Lane adjoining the Southold Town Hall properly will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and adopt a Negative Declaration. 293. Adopt the Findings and Determination with regard to the acquisition of 0.45 acre of 260 Hortons Lane adjoining the Southold Town properly; and authorize and direct Supervisor Horton to execute any documents and pay any and all charges to effect the condemnation. 294. Set 8:00 p.m., June 7, 2005, Southold Town Hall, as the time and place for a public hearing on "A Local Law in relation to Violations of an Approves Site Plan". 295. Grant permission to Adam Doroski and Boy Scout Troop 6 to implement a grassland restoration project on the Arshamomaque Preserve. 296. Appoint Matthew Willett to the position of Seasonal Deckhand for the Fishers Island Ferry District. 297. Appoint Kenneth Heidtmann to the position of Seasonal Laborer for the Department of Public Works. 298. Set 8:05 p.m., June 7, 2005, Southold Town Hall, as the time and place for a public hearing on "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Streetlight Specifications". 299. Set 8:10 p.m., June 7, 2005, Southold Town Hall, as the time and place for a public hearing on "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Construction Specifications for Roadways in Conservation Subdivisions". 300. Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to transmit the proposed "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Streetlight Specifications" to the Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations and reports. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda May 10, 2005 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS - Cont. 301. Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to transmit the proposed "A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Construction Specifications for Roadways in Conservation Subdivisions" to the Southold Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations and reports. 302. Request that, in the event the United States Navy determines to take any action with respect to the lands owned by it on Fishers Island, they provide notice to the Town and an oppor- tunity for input on the use and ownership of such property. 303. Authorize and direct Supervisor Horton to retain L.K. McLean Associates to conduct a SEQRA review on the proposed "A Local Law in relation to Size, Height and Setbacks for Accessory Buildings" and "A Local Law in relation to Height of Buildings of Residential Structures". 304. Determine that the proposed "A Local Law in relation to Height of Buildings of Residential Structures" is a Type II action and not subject to further review, pursuant to SEQRA. 305. Determine that the proposed "A Local Law in relation to Size, Height and Setbacks for Accessory Buildings" is a Type II action and not subject to further review, pursuant to SEQRA. 306 ' ' "(h ld) VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8:00 p.m. Hearing on "A Local Law in relation to height of buildings of Residential Structures" 8:05 p.m. Hearing on "A Local Law in relation to the size, height and setbacks for Accessory Buildings" Southold Town Board Work Session 9:00 a.m. TOWN BOARD APPOINTMENTS 9:30 a.m. Marie and Lee Beninati re Whitaker House 10:00 a.m. Jamie Richter re Proposed Local Laws (IV-l) 11:00 a.m. Trustees re draft of the new mooring code (IV-2) 11:30 a.m. Community Land Trust EXECUTIVE SESSION Eminent Domain