HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-04/19/2005LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Regular Meeting held Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Members Present: Members Absent: Also present: John Sepenoski Ray Huntington Michelle Zaloom (7:15 p.m.) Fred Lee (7:15-9:10 p.m.) Ray Blum, Craig Arm, Eric Keil Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Bill Edwards, Town Board Liaison Commencement: · The meeting began at 7:18 p.m. with four LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: · Adoption of minutes from April 5, 2005 MOTION made by Ray Huntington, seconded by John Sepenoski, to accept minutes of the April 5, 2005 meeting. Motion carried 4/0. The members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. Applications: · SHALVEY PROPERTY: SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: PDR Acreage: Zoned: CPF: 1000-84-2-2.1 5200 Bridge La, Cutchogue (n/e corner of Bridge & CR48) +19.945 acres +16.13 acres A-C Yes Reviewed appraisal. [executive session] Discussion held until end of meeting as Fred Lee has chosen to recuse himself from any future discussions on this application. HOLD until next meeting as no quorum available at end of meeting. · WESNOFSKE PROPERTY: SCTM #: 1000-69-4-8.1 Location: s/s CR 48, Peconic Total Acreage: +8.235 acres PDR Acreage: +7.19 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: Yes Reviewed status of offer. [executive session] Melissa Spiro had several meetings with Eugene and Ernest Wesnofske, as well as a meeting including Tim Caufield (PLT), Marian Sumner (PLT), Mark Terry (Planning), Anthony Trezza (Planning), and John Sepenoski (LPC). Eugene Wesnoske desires to buy the farm from the Wesnofske Estate, and have his daughter purchase the farmhouse in which she now resides. Highlights for an offer letter to be prepared by Melissa Spiro, were reviewed by LPC members for approval. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Fred Lee, to modify offer to reflect an overall purchase price rather than a per acre purchase price as landowner's concept plan, as presented to Land Preservation Committee members is based on acreage estimates. The Committee's proposal is contingent on the concept plan remaining as outlined and presented for review by Committee this date with only slight variations in size due to acreage verification by the survey. Motion carried 4/0. · DEERKOSKIPROPERTY: SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: PDR Acreage: Zoned: CPF: 1000-101-1-2.3 4600 Elijah's Lane, Mattituck +20.78 acres +10 acres offered A-C Yes Reviewed status of offer. [executive session] Melissa Spiro, Mark Terry (Planning), Anthony Trezza (Planning) met with landowners, Felix and Gladys Deerkoski, on April 16, 2005. Landowners to look into estate planning options with regard to sale of development rights on farmland. · ROWEHL PROPERTY: SCTM #: 1000-100-2-6.1 Location: Oregon Rd, Mattituck Total Acreage: +27.2 acres PDR Acreage: +25 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: Yes Reviewed status. [executive session] Fred Lee made report on his meeting with landowner that took place one week prior to this meeting. Fred agreed to continue personal discussions with landowner regarding preservation options. MOTION made by John Sepenoski, seconded by Michelle Zaloom, to draft a proposal letter to the landowner for a development rights easement on the larger farm parcel based upon updated appraisal recently received and reviewed. Approved letter to be hand-delivered to landowner by Fred Lee. Motion carried 4/0. END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Inquiries: BATUELLO PROPERTY (f/k/a Kaloski): SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: Total PDR Acreage: Zoned: CPF: 1000-102-4-6.1 1855 Alvah's Lane, Cutchogue 22.811 acres (per survey) 22.811 acres purchase by Town 2/5/99 A-C n/a Reviewed draft letter to landowner re: barn. Several comments from LPC members considered. Conditions and recommendations approved to be sent to property owner in response to request for barn on purchased development rights easement. · COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES PROPERTY: SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: Total PDR Acreage: M Wetlands: +4.12 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: No 1000-109-3-2.38 Country Club Drive, Cutchogue +5.69 acres Inquiry re: park & recreation area: Art Ross, a homeowner is County Club Estates, made an inquiry as to Town's interest in taking possession of the park and recreation area set aside in this development as homeowners may consider relinquishing property to Town for relief from liability and property tax concerns. Members are favorable to accepting donation of this parcel. This property adjoins Down's Farm Preserve in Cutchogue. Melissa Spiro, Melanie Doroski, John Sepenoski and Ray Huntington plan a "walk" of this parcel and will make report to members. · PARADISE POINT HOLDING CORP. PROPERTY: SCTM #: Location: Total Acreage: Total PDR Acreage: F Wetlands: +3.83 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: Yes 1000-81-2-5 695 Paradise Point Rd, Southold +19.95 acres Inquiry re: possible conservation subdivision. Melissa Spiro was invited to sit in on a pre-submission conference with Vincent Orlando (landowner), and Planning Board staff regarding landowner's subdivision options. This parcel is in the vicinity of preserved open space in the Cedar Beach area and the possibility exists that a development rights easement or open space purchase may be an option that will provide a connecting pathway to preserved open space. LPC members raised questions as to what standard yield would be (due to shape of property and location of wetlands) compared to yield of conservation subdivision, and what the overall benefit of public acquisition would be. Melissa to meet with Planning to discuss LPC's questions. General: · Update to County:s Open Space Acquisition Plan Melissa Spiro and ,John Sepenoski used ~IS to prepare list for County's Open Space Acquisition Plan. List to include, as priority, areas for e×pandin~ e×istin~ preserved lands. · Update to State Open Space Conservation Plan Melissa Spiro was appointed to Committee to prepare 2005 NYS-DEC Open Space Conservation Plan. Open Space List to be prepared. Clark's Beach, Greenport Of concern is announcement recently made by Greenport Village Mayor Kapell's proposal to sell various Village owned properties, including Clark's Beach. This parcel would be considered a priority if it should be declared surplus property by the Village Board; however, it is the opinion of the LPC members present that County should be given first option to purchase as County owns adjoining parcel known as Inlet Park, then State, then Town. All interested parties should be made aware that Clark's Beach is the location of the Village sewer output pipe into Long Island Sound. Informational: County Farmland Meeting - Tuesday, April 26th at 6:00 p.m., Long Island Horticulture Research Extension Center in Riverhead. Information distributed to LPC members. Peconic Land Trust (Harper) Closing on development rights easement for open space purposes was held on Thursday, April 14, 2005. This purchase will yield one (1) septic credit to be transferred to TDR Bank by Town Board resolution. Closing information memo, dated April 15, 2005, distributed to LPC members. Badenchini public hearing held on April 12, 2005, and contract fully executed. Development rights easement appears to extend approximately 150 feet into wooded area at northern end of property. Melissa Spiro and John Sepenoski to visually verify location of easement and, if wooded area is included, a recommendation is made to add clearing restrictions to easement that the existing trees in wooded area of development rights easement to remain "as is". · Caberon (Cedars) appraisal received this date. To be reviewed at next LPC meeting. · Pearson appraisal received this date. To be reviewed at next LPC meeting · Grippa Closing tentatively scheduled for first week in May 2005 (not mentioned at meeting) Next Regular Meeting: · The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 3, 2005, in Conference Room, at 7:00 p.m. Adjournment: · The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m. by the three remaining members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary