HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-48.-3-6 APPROVED BY ..',. PLANNiNG BOARD TO\VN 0:= SOUTHOLD .: " , l n - DAT~ H' ~ , , " ,. ~ ....... it--.. l.i::: ;' ._;' f" ,0:. .i.~ f~-: .,' . ,1';,..'....- 0 '.. <<, h U'f~::t- t....~ ,"" .~riw"'li j, ! , \ r ., aZ'-I6'lu"e. -. ;: u c. ~ 'i.-, ! i i..-".....,a-,: .~ ~ ------...----o:--~-- ''1' ------ -- -, "'" . if < . S 7, " ' I -, '" . .z (.. i:" :"Ci .'1",'.0 .:l"'l I , '.,. - . " ' .~:.v. ,:;' ..j, ~: ~"!.:::: \ -. " - :, . ~ t,'\ , Ito. -1: ' II Ii 1 , ( '.t -~ ~ \' ; \u f' -. /1(,;. i :i ...; - ~ ~ O\'~ ;; I: : .. · to\>. .'" <;) It)'~ - \ Ql . ~'\O~ ~ tr; " C'\. ","l .0 ",,11:.;' t:./,.~t5 , ~l:~';~ _~ " t.i :'-ll;:r, . "- -. :<--,'" So "'..... l..x,':":17ri,,. .:A.-'l:,.,t"rrlq {'-)1'": 5(.21'/ S'f~r. I '" ,'- ~.~ "\. .~ '''~ lfw.. '" '" t- Ii) ~ ~ / :<ir, {,:;, ,- .it; ~'c, /,(./ ,:;,',j"";ri:;d; 4/rj:-r ! 4 ~. 63'_. _._ . O/~ ~. ,V; ~ , . " . " /'(;<7-':;/: '0 Ii' ~ 1'(> :~ -. 9.:;': " ,.. 'i "< "i p,,:.'.':?'1",;t:' ,'n {'~.,,:f,:.~.'~,. '-''':''' .: .>'~ '. ~ -...- :;"(') D .:;']'l.tJ .,i ..l ~ '. I ,..". I '... . r'. ), ,87.& 1/3._0 . '~"- ,. Ie -----...--.---....---- -_.-.- - -e N. iJ'Z''''f.:;"'%O-IH. .. 20..,.(:;- ! \ ih " .......7 ,,/i~..';i: :"'0 ~ .'11 <.---~ IS' 'Zf) ;t.;Z' 2,4 u. . ) t. -~' r ---.. ' ,~;; ;:.. ,~";{')I"U;"11e'f'f i , :.' ~.:~~.\,~-l'~~~~,~ i ) ,"\i\\. ..-::u/~~lk. ,_,au~,,!'J.." ?~7',\ l-"t,;<,,-",;C:-:'.f.: 1 ';.\,> '\ '/(;.~"" .;11 -:,..64" ..,1\. ' i 'it: I'Yi/') f.-;'" "'F ;' t.".;, i{;' - U" , JJ;20P{j,"~EL} ')7'- I 'Ne (::fl/~^i6J€ L,., -'-'I .'-.,;0 -- rOre. (.. 0 "-.$ 61-- 6+ "6~,;;e NP02T DI2/VING PAIZK. ,. ("-c"""Ct.1L CC'.t>4hP fJc. 3'9) ,,-;ro,%'f:;':; >"./,-'11'~,;:::" 13; i'il/l't A7' Gk:{feuPSR.1,- tV, Y. ,eo ~r'IC,j,( V~!'t>'?Ji,.i/ P.:'; ,,,. "c.~" ~. ... l ' ..;. " \./ ,__....., . r ---.....-:I-~ ....J;':'J' W ' '~'- ,;.;(". h4 .. t>4AVIi' Pm.. -';~;.:t':fA; ::.,;,-;'c-.- I":' ;;.~,;-, D AYSlvi?1N /YJ- .':Z I <; ...~i..."€'I"$c1d' I.-'__dnc.:,: .:/Ur'l"r!'~t'I"':; , ..." .,:~,~:E"f,:.,~~:t;;t>,,:~~,;~ (..J /<. . '''' - 't- o - - .--------....., uI"8erl?....~#"" .J. N.Y. (Z760 :'1".' '-I IVE <:"1'r7' QIi&. S".(iYW<JLP" }/, Y. Il~::r!) , I ~ . . Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 1197\ TELEPHONE (S 16) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE , . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 18, 1989 Daysman Morris 2760 Yennecott Drive Southold, NY 11971 RE: Lot line change Daysman Morris SCTM ~1000-48-3-6 & 7 Dear Mr. Morris: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, April 17, 1989. RESOLVED that whereas, a formal application for the approval of a lot line change entitled Daysman Morris located at Southo1d was submitted to the Planning Board on March 16, 1989 and, WHEREAS, the Planning Board did an uncoordinated review, declared the Planning Board lead agent and as lead agent under the State Environmental Quality Review Act grant a negative declaration and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on said lot line change application at the Town Hall, Southold, New York, on April 17, 1989 at 7:45 p.m., and WHEREAS, the requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met by said subdivision plat and application, - NOW, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the application of Daysman Morris be approved and the Chairman be authorized to ~, . endorse approval on said lot line change, map dated March 13, 1989. Enclosed please find one of four maps signed by the Chairman. V~..r.17 truly your~"-);l /1 ;l <: ../ /' / ,";, //1-/ ,c::<:,:yr-l{ .,/ ;/{' i--.'" ~ /? .;' ~ ~ .,; . " .. .'" ' t!f... .-trW' /"/1/ ,! / .,/, .:";;>.<,..-~,,..,. ,.-- " ~ ~ ",-.;.~ ,- -,.,.J>" ...,.,..... .'- ,"~ ,i " BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. If' CHAIRMAN ole: Building Dept. Assessor's Office enc. jt ..,.. .. . . . . W m @ m a-\Vi1" 2760 Yennecott Drive Southold, New York 11971 /.fAR I r le;::,- March 16 1989 __ ...........'1 SOUTHOLO TOWN . PlANNING BOARO ,,-~.,,~-.,.,. To the Southold Town Panning Board I'm writing this letter to you requesting a property line change of my property on Linnet Street ill Greenport. I'm requesting this change because I would like to divide this property between my two children. Thanking you in advance for your consideration to this request. Very truly yours, / ~~.~ Days an Morris . . . . . ,. . ~ . , . '. . - . , . . APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF PLAT To the Planning Board of the Town of Southold: The undersigned applicant hereby applies for (tentative) (final) approval of a subdivision pIa accordance with Article 16 of the Town Law and the Rules and Regulations of the. Southold T( Planning Board, and represents and states as follows: 1. The applicant is the owner of record of the land under application. (If the applicant is not =0" "' '"'""' _"' !"' "0' "0'" '''''''''"0_ ,", '''''''0' ,",II "." "" IZ." '0 , land under apphcahon.) ~ '!J. ~ - 2. The name of the subdivision is to be. . ....../J.. '. ~7'" . . ........ ............................................................................................., 3. The entire land under application is described in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. (Copy o(d( suggested.) 4. The land is held by the applicant under deeds recorded in Suffolk Count)' Clerk's office. follaws: . ~ ~~3-f- Liber .3.s:.6. .~......... Page ....3..'-'3....... '" On .. ?-:.f.~.~..... lff-.3-1 Liber ...... ."!. .. . . . . . . ...... . Page " On . .. .. .. I.'. .. . .. .. .. .. . ...................... Libq .' . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ; . Page ..................-.... On ...................... Liber ..".........."!...,,........ Page ...................... On ...................... Liber ........................ Page ...................... On ...................... as devised under the Last ,ViII and Testament of ..................................... or as distributee ........................................................................ . . ..................................................................................................... . .. .~. 5. The area of the land IS ..... . . . . . ... acres. 6. All taxes which are liens ?n the land at the date, hereof have been paid except ........... ..............;.......~..,..,........................................... 7. Tlie land is encllllihercd by ......... ........ .......................... , . mortgage (s) as folIows: . (a) r.fortg-ag-c recorded in Liber .............. Pag-c .................. in -odginal amoun of $..... ~. .unPaid a~o;lIlt $ ...... .,..""......... held by '" .............. a~;;::--~~ ."....., ~....,. ,'.... ,..:.................. .....~..:........................ (b) ~rortg-ag-e recorded ~n Liber ......... Pag--c~............... in original amoun of .............. unpaid 'amount $...... ................ ~I~........ ..... address ................. . .............. .!................................................ .. ".-.; .,'~. . . . . . . '" . (c) recorded in Liber .............. Page ................ in original amI of .............. unpaid amou . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. held by .................. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. address ..................................... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. 8. There ~o other-encumbranc"s--or liens ag:ai[1sLthe land except..................... ------... ..................................................................................... 9. The land lies in the following zoning nse districts ..t,....,~.t/.~4...g.#~.-. ..................................................................................... 10. No part of the land lies under water whether tide water, stream. pond W:lter or otherwise, cept ......../11.& . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ~ . . . . . . . .. . . . . .' . . . . . . .. . . .- II. Th~'applicant shall at his expen~e install all requircd public impro\'ements. 12. The land (does) (' ._t) lie in a \Vate~Distri t or \Vater Supply District. Name of r . . " .... tnc~~ ''''Ithm a District, 15 ....~ ......................................... 13. \Vater mains will be laid by ......../1/................................................. and (a) (no) charge will bc made for installing said mains. 14. Electric lines and standards will be installed by ... ~~ .. .. .. . . .. ........ . ..................................... and (a) (no) charge will be made for installina s; lines~ ~ 15. Gas mains.,viII be installed by ....-.:~.............................. and (a) (no) cha~ge will bc made for installing said mains, 16. If streets shown on the plat. arc claimed by th'e 'applicant to be existing- public streets in tl Suffolk County Highway system, anncx Schcdule 'IE" hcrcto, to show same. 17. If streets shown on the plat are claimcd by the applicant to be existing public streets in t1 Town of Southold Highway system, anncx Schedule "e" hereto to show same. ." .. J8. There arc no existillg' buildillg's or structurcs on the land which arc not located anti sho\\ on the plat. J9. \\'here the plat SllOW,S propo:::it..'d ::;trects \\' ldclt arc extcnsiolls of streets l)1I adjoin in." sui di\'isioll Illaps heretofore filed, there arc 110 rcsern~ strip~ at the end of the streets ~~l sa: existing- maps at their COlljf1llctiollS wilh the proposed streets, . 20. In the course of these proceeding-5, the :!pplic.:Lllt will oiicr pWlli o( ..title as rcquired ov .SCt .335 of the H.eaI Property Law. . 21. Suhmit .:l copy of pi-opu.sed deed for Jots ::JI<J\...i:1g' all restrictions, CO\'cn:lIIts, etc. Annc 'Schedule "0". .. I . . . . . , , . . : . '. . stimates that the cost of grading and required public improvements wi! $. .. .. .. '" as itemized. in Schedule "E" hereto annexed and requests that the maturity c Performance Bond be fixed at .............. years. The Pei'f&Q?ance Boncl will be writte '-------- ' a licensed surety campan)' unless otherwise on Schedule ifF", .~ DATE ...~..l5............ 19.~.j~.. .... r- ....... (Name of -- By ......................................... (Signature and Title) .............................................. ' (Add rcss) STATE OF-NEW YORK, COUNn~ 'OF .... .9.4 FFPJ-.\(..........., ss: On the.. ..15. ~..... day of... .'. .rY.\A(c.J+.:.........., 19X1., hefore me personally c~ ~ " lli~~,~:~:(\......... C. (( .\.<;;;. .. ., . .. .. to Ille known to be the indi,'idual described in and " executed the foregoing i~~trurnent. and acknowledged that.. .~.e.......... executed the S<lme. LJND,~ F. KOWALSIU ~~~:...... NOTARY PUilLlC, SI Ie of Now Viii No. 52-4:j~,.771 Q_WI~ified in SI;U'7.!:IiIMY otary Public CommISSlO" ix/lilol ~'1lf9v STATE OF NEW YORK, COU:\TY OF ........ ...... .. . . .. .. .. ..... ss: On the................ day....... -.... of .............., 19......, before me personally cal ... .... ::, ,':............. to me known. who being by me duly sworn did d pc)se anel sa)' that............ resides at No. .................. 0................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . .-.. . . . . . that ....................'...... is the ........ ....,............. of ...........................".."...,........".....,.... .:.'...;........ the corporation de~cribcd in and which executed t Iz't. forcg"oillg instruIllcnt; that ............ kno\' the' ~{'al or :-;aid l'orporati'on; that the seal affixed hy order of the Jward of dircctor~ of's.:1id corporalio :tr;d lh:lt .."........ :-;ig-ried ......... .-.... name thereto by like order. .. '. .... ...................................... :\otar)' Public " '" , tt . . . ; . . . , . " . Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall SouthOld, New York 11971 Re: Gentlemen: The fOllowing statements are offered for your consideration in the review of the above-mentioned minor subdivision and its referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: (1) No , other than foundati . cava tion for a residential bul. s, osed. - (2) No new ' . e proposed and no changes will the existing roads. o new drainage structures or alteration of existing ~tructures are proposed. Yours truly, . ..- " , , . . 14.16-4 (2/Sn-Text 12 PROJECT 1.0. NUMBER 617.21 SEaR , . Append ix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM C For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) 1. AP CANT ISPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME , i 3. PROJECT L CATION: Municipality County 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks. elc., or provide map) ~ .4 No / DO(J - +s>- 3- ~ ~ 7 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: . DNew o Expansion odlflcatlonlalteratlon 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFL V: I:~ p~ ~ 7. AMOUNT OF L lnlllally acres Ultimately s 8. W&,:PAOPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? Yes 0 No If No, describe briefly C 9. WHAT PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? Residential o Industrial o Commercial o Agriculture o Park/Forest/Open space DOlhe' Desc'ibe: J2; I/o ~ 10. DOES ACTION INV~ERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTlMATELV FROM ANV OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCV (FEDERAL. STATE OR LOCAL)? , o Yes No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals 11. DOES ANY ~ OF THE ACT!ON HAVE A CURRENTLY VAllO PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ~/U DYes 0 It Y6~. list agency name and permit/approval ~1 , . ~ /lv; ~ (l() 6 . 12. AS A RESULT ~POSEO ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REOUIRE MODIFICATION? DVes No I VE IS TRUE TO THE ~T OF MV KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Dale: 5-;5- . Signature: l If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment :...,~ OVER 1 , . SMENT (To be completed by A. DOES ACTION EXC RES HOLD IN 6 NYCRR. PART 617.121 If yes, COOl jinate the review process and use the FULL ~AF. oVes ... B. WILL ACTION RECeIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.61 If No. a negative deClaration may be superseded by another involved agency. oVes oNO C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANV ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answe.. may bo hanOw'"ten. U legiblo) Ct. Existing ai, Qualily. su,faco or g,eundwate, Quality or Quan'ily, neiso lovols, existing t'atllc pallems, solid wasto P'OdUCtion or dlspesal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding prOblems? Explain brletly: C2. Aesthetic. ag,icullural. archaeological. hlsto,'c, or othe, natu..1 0' cultu,al ,eseu,ces; e, community e, nelghbe'heod eha,aete,? Explain b,'elly: C3. Vegetatien 0' tauna, IIsh. shellllsh or wildlife species. slgnUican. habitats, e, th,eatonod er endange'od species? Explain b,'elly: C4. A communlly's existing plans e, goals as officially adoptod, e, a chango In uso er Intensity ef use of land or etho, notural rosourcos? explain brlofly CS. Growth. subsequent development, or related activities likely to be Induced by the proposed action? Explain brlelly. CG. long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified In Cl.CS? Explain briefly. C7. Olher impacts (Including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly. I D. IS THERE. OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE. CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? oVes DNa It Yes. explain briefly PART III-DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect Identitied above. determine whet he, it is substantial. large, important or otherwise significant: Each effect should be assessed in connection wilh its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of OCCurring; (c) du'at/on; (d) . irreve"ibility; Ie) geeg,aphic scope; and (t) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting malerials. Ensu,e that explanatiens con.ain SUfficient detail to show that ail relevant adverse Impacts have been Identified and adequately addressed. o Check this box If you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. o Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any SUpporting > documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination; , . Name ur lead A~~'ncv . Prmt Of rype Namf' of Respooslble Officer In It'dd Agt'ncy Title oi loIt."sponubJt.' Olflcer SIli:nd[Ure 01 Hespooslble OffICer m ledd At.:t.>ncy Slgn..uure or I'rt.'p.Her (II duferenl Irom responubl~ OllICt'r) E ~..:'-' Dale 2 " .....;: , . . . . , . . , . . " c.~ffa0r;; PLA:N'NIN(;;-li'6'-,um To~~:h~;~~~~~LD ~ . . 't.;:.\, ; :/~~~}:~:., ~' ',.\~'-'~_o...:.~"~ "{ SU~TY . "J! 'f '\V :"':l' I Southold. N.Y. 11971 (516) 765- 1938 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE CONPLETED AND SUBNITTED WITH YOUR APPLICATIONS FORMS TO THE PLANNING BOARD Please complete, sign and return to the Office of the -Planning Board with your completed applications forms. If your answer to any of the following questions is ~, please indicate these on your guaranteed survey or submit other appropriate evidence. 1. Are there any wetland grasses on this parcel? Yes G (Attached is a list. o-f the wetland grasses defined by the !?wn Code, Chapter' 97, for your reference) 2. Aco COm 'oy oCOoc pcomi,o, un'"c youc owooc,~ abutting this parcel? es No 3. Are there any bUilding permits pending on e this parcel? Yes 4. Are there any other applications pending concerning this property before any other .(9 department,o,r agency? (Town, " State, County, etc. ) Yes 5. Is there any application pending before any other agency with regard to a different C9 project on this parce.l f Yes 6. Was this property the subject of any prior application to the Planning Board? Yes 7. Does '''i, PCOpoc'y "'vo . v,lid ooc'ifio.'" ~ of occupancy, if yes please suomi t a copy of same {Yes ". . ' , , I stutements are true and will be relied in considering this applicution. \ . - :..!,1.r-~9 Owner or uuthorized ugent da te I UJ~~ k~/6-;-')'1c?l- brNDA F, .\O\VA1.S.;(t. NOTARY i'JGLlC, SMa ;;f ft~'''i Yort '. ~p~', f!;J.52-452t,.771 Q~ali~ied in St;ff;:;t:t.:'nty " (I!/e r). ' , Commls$ian Expires 0 cAo, 19fD ." - '" , . . . " . LOT-LINE CHANGE The fOllowing items are to be shown on the survey for a lot-line change: (1 Key map. (v) District, section, block and lot number from tax map, scale , and north arrow. (I) Name of subdivision map, if lot is part of a filed subdivision. Also, show the liber and page number of filed (;:1 map. Name and address of the owners of record. ( ) Name and address of the person preparing the map (certified engineer,land surveyor, architect.) including original seal (;; and signature. Property descriptions, dimensions, bearings, square footage of the properties being changed, square footage of the land being transfered. The existing and proposed surveyed boundary lines of both properties must be shown on (v1' one piece of paper. Areas subject to flooding, including wetlands. (vi Existing buildings and site improvements, (Le. fences, (/ hedges) . Indicate the existing lot line (dotted line) with the bearings and distance and the proposed lot line ( solid (v( line) with the new bearing and distance. Location and name of existing streets or right-of-ways (v5 adjacent to the property. Existing spot grades. The following information is to be submitted with the application for a lot-line Change: ( ) -Written and signed letter, notorized, by owners of properties in question approving of the change and reasons tv!-4 -( ) for the Change. Affidavit that upon approval the property will be merged. (\ ) Any existing covenants applying to either of the properties. . ^-~t--( ) Form letter regarding drainage, roads, and grading, see attached. (~Short Environmental Assessment form, Part I, see attached. (~ Application, three pages, last page notorized, see attached. (~Fifty (50) dollars filing fee. (Questionnaire. . (~Eight copies of the survey* * Each of which must bear the original seal and signature of the surveyor or engineer who prepared the survey. (Photostatic copies are not acceptable.) Additional Copies may be requested by the Planning Board, if needed. Amended June 1988 < . . lilli-'I , ' '.;1 ~ Ii c . ~: .... o Q) 0 ~ v > .... '; l ~ ~.!z t.L. VI~-, o ~.....; >- I- c.... I- >-5: Z _v~ > .. =>. . O Q . o . u> Q @g '" ! , - :i :":t 0',01 . -- l~';::":' 6 :;: , !1 - , ~a~~ ~~~n ~~.~ . "~I':!' . , ~:; ;!~ I ,I '" 1,,,-,, "II' I: ~.'~. ! J 1 I i~~ii iLh! ~m~ i i ;.uir "~@J:6 1 ! ._ _:\~ ~.."' l'-I __,..l ii i ~... "", ~ ;.." JII H~i' _ .. .!, .~q~', }!li~ '0 ' . ','J I . . ~ _ \ _ ~ .. '~, ii I I I I I I g I' \ i ' ... _' i'~.!:. I I I I I I ~ I ,:; ~ l. >>i~ ! f~. .,," I I , f~ .., 0: " ./ I' ~,I,I t ,,' f ;! I' ~HiH = ,I 6&666 -",-, Ii'? .I.i ~ ! i ~ 1 .. t I ~ :. ; , ~ ~ ' I I ~.. . , I _____ ---:-' I- ;; i: ~ ii II! 11 f . i I : l! <II -~. ~. ~ Ill: I ; I ' ~ ~ . ~ I I I ! j ,.. I'! ... -----; .. -----; -'~ ~ , ' ,.",: @.--,-;{ I I ! 1";r; __ "l ; .~ ;,,1..16 , i -~---- ;' :". ;_L l \ HIll I . .. I' I".... I t' II !,! : l . ; I I. 0 \ I . ! 1"~II:;"S" -'.~-'f:;~1 il I ~ ... .. I I... 1: ..' "-_!--<.- --1E I J ,f I - .. .. .... f ,.. , <,.-..:>ri,.,T, l" : I ~ I 0 .... I , u' ;1' j' .. 'j \.. _ _ :. I .. . ". . "~'. ,Ii I I I .. : - -; '.-- -..-I I t;) 1,011 Q/IA M "0 'S .LS " " ~ IJ ;, I' I '-----, '5i I .~ \ \ t ....,! c:.\ ~6 !~Hi .4' _ \Jl ~..!j' -'-~iil~..:;;''';:'''.~i'' a;_;:-~~"r:~l;t.ul..;r;. . ;:"~:;::::' -::: >I;~~~""'~~!~~~~~~ I LEGALS NOTICE Notlce'--ofPU:blic Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southald Town Planning Board, at the Town HalL Main Road, Southold, New Vork in said Town on the 17th day of April, 1989 on the qucstioo of the following: 7:10 p.m. Final approval of the lot ime change of Rita Cushman, located al the Town of Souulold. County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map No. 1000~ 8-1-6.3 & 6.4. The propctty is bordered <ffi the North now or formerly of Rita Cushman; on the East by Long Island Sound; on the South by land now or Connerly of Otis Pike, by Beach Pond; on the West by land now or fonnerly of Rita Cushman, by land now or formerly of Roben J. Miller. 7:45 p.m. Final approval of the lot line change of Daysman Morris, lo- cated at the Town of Soulhold, County of Suffolk, and Slale of New York. Suffolk CounlY Tax Map No. 1000-48-3-6 & 7. The property is bordered on the North by Linnel Slreet; 00 the Ealt by land now or formerly of J oh n Olinkiewicz; on the South 'i. land now orfonnerly of .~. ~ by land now or formerly of . er; Wyche, by land now or formerly of P.K. Realty, by land now orfonnerly of Tunmothy Reeves; on the West by land now or formerly of Frank Field Realty,lnc. Any person desiring to be heard m the above matters should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: Apri14, 1989 BY ORDER OF TIlE SOUTIlOLO TOWN PLANNING BOARD BENNETI ORLOWSKI, JR. CHAIRMAN r~~rri @ ~ l~~J~_.I' I c, , . I~ I 0m:J M . ;LOUiH?,~~~~tit~~k, I. said County, being duly sworn, says that heliiiiili'Ptlncfpal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a Weekly Newspaper, published at Mattltuck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the aMexed Is a printed CO", has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for ----L- weeks successively, commencing on the 6 day of Apri , 19~ STATE OF NEW YORK) )ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Principal Clerk day of MFIY K ,-;1rlr;\1Y pi nur \!f"'" .f)\! :t'.'1U:f. ~'fO 6252-ITA6 . ,- LEGAL NonCE Node. of Public H.aring NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing. will be held by the Southord Thwn Planning Board, at the Thwn Hall, Main Road, SouthoId, New York in said Town on the 17th day of April, 1989 on the question of the following: 7:30 p.m. Final approval of the lot line change of Rita Cush- man, located at the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Thx Map No. 1000-8-1- 6.3 & 6.4. The property is bordered on the North now or formerly of Rita Cushman; on the East by Long Island Sound; on the South by land now or formerly of Otis Pike, by Beach Pond; on the West by land now or former- ly of Rita Cushman, by land now or formerly of Robert J. Miller, 7:45 p.m. Final aliial of the lot Iin. change 0 . ......uted at th _ County of Suffolk, and State of New York. Suffolk County Thx Map No. 1000-48-3- 6 & 7. The property is borde~d on the North by Linnet St=t; on the East by land now or former- ly of John Olinkiewicz; on the South by land now or formerly of Daysman Morris, by land now or formerly of Ellon Wyche, by land now or former- ly of P.K. Realty, by land now or formerly of Timmothy Reeves; on the West by land now or formerly of Frank Field Real" ty,Ine. Any person desiring to be heard on the above matters should appear at the time and place specified. Dated: April 4, 1989 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD roWN PLANNING BOARD BENNETT ORLOWSKI JR. CHAIRMAN IX, 4/6/89 (114) r , t I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman once each week for. . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . . . , , /. . . ., weeks ,z?, . I . h ? successive Y I commencing on t e ...................... day of..... ?i;~f.J',...., 19 (/1.. _____~. ;Y' C~> ~~-=:':f~~~'; . .. . . , 'I',~' . , '~i~ :'. :', . . . .ur Sworn to before me this. . . . . . . . .(. , , , , . . . . . day of . . . . . rc/. . , . . . . . . ., , 19 .J''J. , ",. .~4,~,f!~.~-<:"".. Notary Public r.~,fmrp:~) ,^.. SCH?lEmER f.;cr!(\:u Pur_:l :i~, Sfai.8 of N~w York t'h. .::;::eIj84G ~:;bd !i :_;,:~ff)'k Co~r~iY CU:l;;1:l$Sto;; [xp::~s d73</C; L-' . '>,L)-:~~,:~~-" ~'? "~.~, . - r::.., '--'~\..l,),':' ,'>.- '::1... &;) -~jI~ ~~j ,;.,.,( :,,:,,;';~'~'; !;J 13 " . ..... 1 't:. .-:,';. '. ' , ,'~. ~~::: 1 .~tf)'-j; '-', ", "',17 L \~ ".\. ,',.'."':; Town Hall. 53095 Main Road \,.. '~~~~; .,'~~;,~",. ~\:',l P.O. Box 1179 '". '1'// . "':/ Southold, New York 11971 ~?:;'~;~;j.:~_.~~~>: TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD - April 6, 1989 Daysman Morris , 2760 Yennecott Drive Southold, NY 11971 RE: Lot line Application '- . Daysman Morris SCTM ~1000-48-3-6 & 7 Dear Mr. Morris: The following actions were taken by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, April 3, 1989. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board do an uncoordinated reveiw, declare the Planning Board lead agent and as lead agent under the State Environmental Quality Review Act grant a negative declaration. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, April 17, 1989 at 7:45 p.m. for a public hearing on the final maps dated March 13, 1989. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ~ ~./7~l?1 , ,/'''/{./ 1Si' ~":"''C.>~~~~'''-::'''-- -- Em,,'ORLOW a:,JR.,C' CHAIRMAN // enc. jt - Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 f' :' 'i~~\~:~:?i;~:~, ",/ '",'\J." ,.,L~ ;":- ~'" :'J-{-",.. .'" -,' _) '%, ,J;'. '.,i '. P:~~,\ "'&V- I, Y ,,'V . '."""(~""'.'. "r.-..' ,,', ~ '~(' {";,!,,,; "-:''''. :,11-,,:;, t"'''''_-J\<~} ~!::] '1 P '",;L",: r' ::,'/v~~ ~ .~~. -.J '" n -",'/, ..;:!:~lr' rr.., h ":-;. '"", - - "'~,~" ~ :/i ~-~ ~ f. '-\,\.:::::? ",-',~-4,!..- ~ -,'t if;:'!'!! ,'~ '';~6YL'' -', lJJ.,. ...,,\) "jj, "::::';"J ' :, ('"Ji "<~..-.....' ... - '. .,. f.;r "C~ . TELEPHONE (516) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0-1/06/89 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review Act and 6NYCRR part 617, Section 617.10 and chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southo1d, notice is hereby given that Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency for the Unlisted action described below has determined that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. DESCRIPTION OF ACTION The lot line change of Daysman Morris is located at Greenport. SCTM #1000-48-3-6 & 7. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessmen't has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Further information can be obtained by contacting Jill M. Thorp, Secretary Southold Town Planning Board, Main Road, Southold, NY 11971. " Copies mailed to the following: Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk county Planning Commission NYS Department of Environmental Conservation NYS Department of State Judith Terry, Town Clerk Applicant Planning Board