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Th~ ~t~eut by a~d ~e~.~ T~ .gL~9~tho]~, 750 P~k
New Yo~, ~40~ herein reread ~a as P~ ah~ll a~ as
I Se~cea by P~E
A P~ME w~t p~de to MEMBER ~e following,
PS p~m and a~ f~e~e, m~i~L housekeepeR, an~ offl~ s~pply data~se i~ma.
2. .~1 pri~g
3. ~mp}ete ~in~ a~d ~p~ on ~e PS
~ pe~o~n~ by MEMTEK
(~si~ o~ ~ ~bu~m: m~. wf~e. b~. ~) and
se~n (7) of ~e foHo~
~ ~d~ Co~m~n ~ S~mo~ P~ton
~ ~ct $u~ly ~ Sb~ ~ms
~ Home De~% Supply ~ S~pi~
S _ / ~nt ~y ~ be $ -- .~ / mon~.. ..... lNot ApDlicable }
It ~ unde~ ~at a~ ~a~n p~ ~chd~ ~e Iht of v~dom and p~g
~nomie ~lue that ~MBER ~ d~g MF~BER a~s n~ to dl~lge a~' ~fotma~o~
~a~ ~ ~e PS p~gmm.~
ME~BER a~s m ~ a~ ~ pr~d~ only at ~he lo~nn ~,t i~ h~s ~a p~ ~r
a~d ~
anyoue ~ou~
To pay ~do~
Should MEMBER not
t~ely ~nn~, ME~ERsh~fl p~y P~ ~n aanual ~sm ~in~nsnce f~ of $850.oo.
pR/ME ~e~c~ieea, Inc., 0lot Robmson ]~t.. Lockport. i~' 1a, O94
Property Rt~tts
_MI ,ofix~,are provided shall remMn the properi'y of pRIME,
terrn.~ e nd conditions for a like ~tind unless either party ts notified by c.~r tlli~l letter or' ll's inien~.
to cancel oc modify this agreement thirty (.~to~ days prior tn the etl& of ~.lae lena.
PRIME may :ermin~te tbi~ agree~e, ut by providing s thh~_. 1,3o) day written notice ti' MEMB1,;Jl
et anytime during this ag~,.eme~t is not in compliance with tbs terllls
~ff Ltmt ltatton o f Llabi lir~/
~- in no e',.e~t shall PRi~$E be tiable ~o ME,'qBEL~ for ~my aamages, iaeiudtng; lo~t p~ofks, ia~
,~avin~s, ot other inckie~inj or eonau-qt~ential datnages arls~g out of Lhe me o; inability, to us~-
N~-w ~brk. Any controversy o? ~-Jaim eri~ing mit of or r~}atlng to thi~ agteemen~ or brear,.h thereof
~ladJ be settled by b~d~g arbitration m be held in the Coun~' of Nia~ra, New York ~tate. The
shove terms end ¢ondition~; are ~.~ree~l ~o s~ indicated below.
~erry 'L, a n R:ILt: ea:L,_. ~t.LX,;.e,.._ l~ n .,, n..e.r.._-