HomeMy WebLinkAbout5128 • • ,/ ssg4, (Cis:/-V4!e✓> $6 -40.1,00 NIA/"/ •6, .ESN/C - # 'f90V (f-A' VLI- I0I 4 ' i4194isS 6ex/67tee C7'•7_5Ie-z--- 2zA/G-- /4fl/e % 6 76, cg 0 - / /P/c'/ j 5/02r - i/17/6/b Z - /8 51/46/0 2 OA APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS • ''''g�FFO4'' • szsN, CQ Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman � Gyp: 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora Z P.O. Box 1179 George Horning ^+ 1� Southold, New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva y O�gc'tt� ZBA Fax(631) 765-9064 • Vincent Orlando `\OJ # �a,d. Telephone (631) 765-1809 ..,.•�•• http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF MAY 16, 2002 Appl. No. 5128—Joseph and Cristina Como Street and Locality: 40300 Main Road, Peconic 1000-86-4-1.4 Date of Public Hearing: May 16, 2002 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicants' property fronts 196.15 ft. along the south side of the Main Road (State Route 25), depth of 186.86 ft. along the west side, 252.05 feet along the east side, and 185 ft. along the south rear line, in Peconic. The lot is improved with a new single-family dwelling. The survey prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. shows an easement on the west side of the property labeled "common driveway" and a row of evergreens. Along the southerly property line is a split rail fence near a footpath on the lot to the south. The fence also runs along the easterly property line to the northerly corner of this lot. APPLICANT'S REQUEST: Applicant requests a Special Exception under Code Section 100-31(b)(14) [ref. 100-306(14) to operate a bed-and-breakfast accessory use in their home. Floor plans submitted with the application show up to four (4) B & B guest bedrooms, and the application proposes a maximum of eight (8) guests. On-site parking is required, and proposed for a minimum of seven (7) vehicles. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION, DESCRIBED BELOW: (1) After hearing testimony, both in support and against the application, and reviewing submitted materials, and making personal inspection of the property and viewing the neighborhood, the Board has considered the General Standards set forth in Code Section 100-263, and finds and determines the following: (A) The proposed bed-and-breakfast accessory use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties, or of properties in adjacent use districts, or of permitted or legally established uses in its zoning district or adjacent use districts. (B) The safety, health, welfare, comfort, convenience and order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. (C) The proposed use will be in harmony with, and promote the general purposes and intent of, the Zoning Code and will be compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general. (D) The structure will be readily accessible for fire and police protection. (2) No adverse findings result from a review of the matters to be considered under Code section 100-264. .159`, ' Page 2 — May 16, 2002 ‘711- B&B Appl. No. 5128—J. and C. Como 1000-86-4-1.4 at Peconic RESOLUTION/ACTION: On motion by Member Orlando, seconded by Chairman Goehringer, it was RESOLVED, to GRANT the application for a Special Exception for an accessory bed-and- breakfast use, in conjunction with the owner's residence, subject to the following CONDITIONS: (1) Owner-applicant shall obtain a bed-and-breakfast permit from the Building Department as required by Code section 100-31(6)(14). (2) At least seven (7) off-street parking spaces shall be provided (on the property) as required by code, for not more than four(4) B & B guest rooms. (3) There shall be no backing out of cars onto Main Road. (4) There shall be a flexible chain-type ladder placed next to each guest bedroom window (above the first floor) for emergency purposes. (5) The screening buffer of trees and bushes along the rear property line shall be maintained at all times in good condition. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Goehringer (Chairman), Tortora, Horning, and Orlando. This Resolution was duly adopted (4-0). (Member Oliva wa •. .• due to illness.) * * * 12, rand P. oehringer 5/.2 is/o 2-- / / Chairman ,5 2 k to-2— us • LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard at public hearings by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on Thursday, May 16, 2002, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 8:00 pm Appl No. 5128 - Joseph and Cristina Como. This is a request for a Special Exception under Section 100-316(15) for a Bed and Breakfast as an Accessory Use in the applicants-owners' existing residence. Location of Property: 40300 Main Road, Peconic; Parcel 1000-86.-4-1.1. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business days from (8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: Wednesday, April 24, 2002. Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (Tel. 631-765-1809) APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS 1,��,,o�OSpFFO fr • Co Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ` Si : 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora t P.O. Box 1179 George Horning rtr tSouthold, New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva `�y� O��,tr� ZBA Fax(631) 765-9064 Vincent Orlando : Qi 4ig re," Telephone (631) 765-1809 http:/isoutholdtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REPLY/MEMO TO: Michael Verity, Principal Building Inspect — FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman i DATE: May 30, 2002 SUBJECT: ZBA File #5128 - J. and C. C : (86.-4-1.1) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Como have contacted us regarding an inquiry raised by Building Inspector Gary Fish during the inspection for the Building Department today. This will confirm that Condition (2) of the ZBA Decision rendered May 16, 2002 is for a requirement of seven (7) parking spaces for both the single-family dwelling and the B & B accessory use. Thank you. f. I • • May 16, 2002 Dear Mr. Chairman, Members of the Zoning Board: We are applying for a special permit for B&B located on the Main Road in Peconic. We have complied with all the necessary requirements, we feel that we have built a beautiful home that adds value to the whole area and one that will become a favorite place for visitors of the North Fork. Some members of the board are familiar with our request. We appeared before you in January 2001 to request a variance for backyard setback(in order to save a 50 foot spruce) which was denied. At that time it became evident that the issue for the Parma's, our neighbors to the South, was not the tree, or the setback variance, but the fact that we were building a home intended to be a B&B. The Parma's have again expressed their objection with a letter presented to your office yesterday afternoon around 3.30PM. In order to respond to the Parma's we have to go back to January 2001. Here I present copy of the letter submitted by the Parma's dated January 17, 2001, strongly objecting to the variance and the idea of a B&B. The setback variance was denied. I also enclose a copy of the original survey. After the denial, my husband Joseph Como met with Mrs. Parma. They discussed all the objections and their specific requirements: 1. They wanted us to place the house parallel to the south boundary line, and not diagonal as in the original survey. This, they indicated, would avoid a direct view of their home from our windows. The back of our home is now 67 feet from the property line(deck). 2. They wanted the house moved as far west as the sideline setback would allow. It is now 30 feet from the western boundary. 3. They wanted the row of arborvitae on the south boundary line to be replenished as needed, with same size trees. Done as requested with other trees added. 4. They were concerned with guests looking out the back windows. That was taken care of. 5. They assured us that they would look favorably to our proposed use if we complied with their request. We agreed to all their demands and proceeded with the construction. In the letter I just submitted Mrs. Parma states"my family is not entirely against the use of this property" and we felt that we could trust her. • • We had our architect redraw the plans in order to place the garage and driveway on the western side of the property, we had to request new surveys placing the house in the requested location and of course this caused delays with the construction. My husband was the general contractor and all the different subcontractors had to alter their plans. This represented an expensive proposition for us but we had no alternative. After the construction was completed we hired a landscaper to prepare the yard for the winter and plant the many trees that we purchased. We installed 6 arborvitae(average size 12 feet high), two 30 to 40 feet oak trees in the back boundary line and moved two 20 feet Douglas firs. Additional arborvitae where placed on the eastern boundary. We were informed that with care, irrigation and proper feeding the back boundary line of arborvitae should grow at least 2 feet per year. We have installed a MI irrigation system. The adding of trees was also a request of Mr. Goehringer at our Jan 2001 meeting. Photos of"before"and "after"are submitted. We have also installed a privacy fence along the eastern boundary line to satisfy the request of our neighbor on that side. We have designed our B&B not only to afford privacy to our family but also to our neighbors. The house plan restricts the use of the back of the property to our family. We have a separate entrance and separate back stairs. The kitchen, dining area, family room and deck are all located in the back of the house. The backyard that adjoins the Patina's property is only for our family's use. Our guests have only the use of the front porch, dining room and living room located in the front of the house. There are two guest bedrooms in the front and two on the back, on the eastern side of the house. Three guests windows are overlooking the backyard. I am enclosing photos of these two rooms. The Parma's are concerned with guests looking through these three windows to their back property. With all the beauty and lovely attractions that the North Fork has to offer I sincerely do not think that guests would waste their time looking out of windows. But to satisfy their concerns we had already installed"cotton voile panels" in all the bedrooms facing the backyard, whether guest bedrooms or our own family bedrooms. These panels are fixed and they block the view while at the same time allowing light into the rooms. Before we entered into this project, we did a thorough research. We have three children, who the Parma's know well from school and church, and they were our most important consideration when thinking about this business. After talking to many of the members of the "North Fork B&B Association"we felt very sure that it was a safe and exciting business for all of us as a family, with all of us contributing to its success. My eight year old already plays at being a waitress and taking breakfast orders! • • And that is another important point that I want to make here. The decision to enter into this new venture was made with our children very much in mind. After living and working in Manhattan until 1994, I decided to move full time to our weekend home in Southold. I felt that there was no better place in the world to bring up my daughter Forest, then just an infant. As time goes by and home prices continue to rise with no end in sight we want to provide that same opportunity to our children. We have built a place that would allow them to enjoy living in the North Fork when they graduate from college if so they wish. They won't have to leave the area in search of a job or a home, and that is what a B&B is all about: a home business for all ages. We feel that we have complied more than fully with all the conditions that the Parma's and the Zoning Board requested from us. We have talked to our other neighbors and they are very supportive of our efforts. Please approve our request. Cristina and Joseph Como . ' '*I� F7(�' t ' l Erik and Pamela rannna ;00 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 January 3, 2001 l /7 r, Southhold Town Board of Appeals E nn`� d�J Lr Town Hall JN � 4 20D, 53095 Main Road 11u • • Southold, NY 11971 Dear Southold Town Board of Appeals, We reside in the dwelling #4 on the lot survey done for Christina Hessel. The rear side of our property adjoins the rear of the Hessel property. She has plans to build a two story home on her property. On these plans she has requested a variance to move the rear of her home from 60ft. (code) to 40ft. from our property line. This is a reduction in terms of space of 33%.o. The reduction does not seem to be a minor request. Their reason for the variance is to save a cedar tree. The variance, we feel, will create an infringement on our privacy. The way they plan to build, their house would have a direct overlook of our pool, deck and back of our house. These are large parcels of property therefore we feel that there is no reason to build so close. In speaking with Ms. Hessel on the phone we tried to convey the fact that this would create privacy concerns on her part as well visually and audibly. We called Shamrock Tree Co. and asked about foundation construction and the tree. They stated that with a tree of this size (24" diameter,4013. high) foundation construction within 20ft. could damage the root system thereby possibly causing the death of the tree anyway. Looking at the survey the tree is less than 20ft. from the foundation. We also heard that Ms. Hessel is also considering plans to possibly open a bed and breakfast. This would enable a multitude of strangers to peer down on us from their second floor. The issue comes down to privacy vs. the tree. This variance will enhance their property value (farther from the Main Rd.) and detract from ours. Attached are pictures and maps of the two properties for your consideration. We hope these are helpful . rely I I Erik and Pamela Parma Pdon on , I q ppr0Ye_ Vo dance • ^ns /Ircce ( 1 1 U., Pamela and Erik Parma 300 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 (631) 734-4123 January 17, 2001 Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Board Southold, NY 11971 Ref: Lot at 40300 Main Rd., Peconic Bay Cove lot #2, 1000-86-4-1.4 Dear Board Members: Since the last public meeting on January 4th we have received and reviewed a copy of the new variance request regarding the above property. In addition, we met with Ms. Hessel and Mr. Como at our home. The purpose of our informal meeting was to address the issue of the variance and the future use of the property as a bed and breakfast. We felt that these issues go hand and hand since once the building is constructed we are stuck with trying to undo or correct problems that might have been avoided. Our meeting was cordial, but not constructive. After allowing them to view their site from our,second story, upper deck, and rear rooms, they tried to reassure us that people in a bed and breakfast are only in their rooms for short periods of time and wouldn't have time to observe us. However, we've come to the conclusion that their definition of privacy is different than ours. Placing this building for its intended use(as a bed and breakfast) in the rear quadrant of their property, so close to ours, will alter the current private, residential character of our neighborhood. The proposed use of this property housing transient people, will adversely affect the feeling of safety and comfort we now enjoy. My family is not entirely against the use of this property. We feel that if the tree is such an important part of the character of the property, the house plans should have taken that into consideration, without sacrifice to us, an existing family. We are very sorry that this has to be the way our relationship as neighbors has to begin. However, we feel very determined to protect the safety, privacy and property value of our home and family. Sincerely, t,.C�eu _ Pamela and Erik Parma • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK • p ICiraPS ROBERTJ. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, AICP DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June 17, 2002 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Corrazini, Warren 5095 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc O CCHORN ZONING ZONING`.RORKINGL DYGE IANJUNSD!®N5 NN LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H LEE DENNISON BLDG. -4Th FLOOR ■ P 0. BOX 6100 ■ 151 6) 853-5190 1 00 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. NV I 1788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 16) 853-4044 !� t>� • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK • aQ,a u In> ti . ROBERT J GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES. AICP DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June 7, 2002 J 1'13 Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Walz, Roger& Leslie 4962 Floyd King Trust 5045 Laoudis, Theodore & Angela 5077 Laoudis, Thoedore & Angela 5078 Ahlers, Paul & Patricia 5082 Carnesi, Anthony 5083 Kistner, John 5085 Wood, Joan 5087 Giacale, Louis & Sarah 5088 Bedell, John & Susan 5090 Young, Robert& Dorothy 5091 Arnold, Richard & Joan 5092 Edgewater III 5093 Buskard, Donald 5094 Gusmer Realty 5096 Sleckman. James & Cathy 5097 Ketterer, Gwyneth 5103 Blackley, James 5107 DiBlasi, Robert 5112 Edgewater III 5120 Custom Designer Homes, Inc. 5121 Ellis. Scott & Constance 5122 LOC47I5N MMLING ADDRESS H LEE DENNISON BLDG - 4TH FLOOR • P 0 PDX 6100 • 1516) 653-5190 100 JEfEPANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE NY I1788-0099 TELECOPIER .516) 853-4044 • June 7, 2002 *FOLK COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTSNT Page 2 Conio, Joseph& Christina 5128 Youngman, Arline 5129 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc G CCHORN,uuoNINGZONINGW'ORAMGLOduu:IANWMSH4O,U JUN LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H LEE DENNISON BLDG -4T1-I FLOOR • P 0 BOX 6100 • X516/ 853-5190 IGO vETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE. NY I 1788.0099 TELECOPIER 516, 853-4044 a • June 4, 2002 Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Department of Planning P. 0. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Newman: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. — 5128 — Joseph Cristina Como Action Requested: Accessory B & B with up to four guest bedrooms Within 500 feet of: ( X ) State or County Road ( ) Waterway (Bay, Sound or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman By: Enclosures �\ti APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS �i��SVF014 S ��t�QN� CO Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ��FS 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora : P.O. Box 1179 George Horning i Southold, New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva Gy l�d�, ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 Vincent Orlando _-II 41 Q/ Telephone (631) 765-1809 http:isoutholdtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN MEMO TO: Building Inspector Gary Fish / % FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman ;-` DATE: June 3, 2002 SUBJECT: Your Inquiry —Appl. No. 512: omo B & B) This will confirm that I visited the above property on Saturday, June 1, 2002, and found there was no violation of the Conditions under Appl. No. 5128 concerninct parking and screening. • fi` let )/"36 rifrej/vvicrilifoThrjAfi Pamela and Erik Parma 300 Indian Neck Lane lac Peconic, NY 11958 r Ceti, (631j 734-4123 May 21, 2002 Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Board Southold, NY 11971 Ref: Appl No. 5128 — Joseph and Christina Como. Special Exception for a Bed and Breakfast. Property: 40300 Main Road, Peconic; Parcel 1000-86. -4-1.1. Dear Board Members: We are requesting that the board put in place conditions to preserve our family's privacy: 1. That the common boundary between our home and the Bed and Breakfast has a maintained natural barrier that will be determined by the board after viewing our property. 2. We are asking that the current evergreen and deciduous trees stay in place until the arborvitae trees have grown to the second story level (so at least we will have some privacy during the time the trees have leaves). Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Pamela and Erik Parma MA 7, Clfrk41 6i ear ax€tcQaC 6 ' . .) _. /) 10Z-- L, 5 Pamela and Erik Pa. • 300 Indian Neck Lane fcP Peconic, NY 11958 (631) 734-4123 MAY I ., ?z,., a May 13, 2002 Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Board Southold, NY 11971 Ref: Appl No. 5128 —Joseph and Christina Como. Special Exception for a Bed and Breakfast. Property: 40300 Main Road, Peconic; Parcel 1000-86.-441. Dear Board Members: Home is our haven and our backyard is our refuge. Especially in today's society where your safety is always in question and the sanctity of your home is God sent. We reside in dwelling #4 on the lot survey. Our side rear property and home adjoins the Como's rear yard. We feel that the proposed use of this property as a business, housing transient strangers will adversely affect the safety, comfort and welfare of our family. One of the first things we checked out before deciding to buy our home was, what the property now in discussion could be used for. Bob Scott from the town assessor's office assured us that it was for residential use only. We're now told that this is going to be a money making business venture where transient strangers can view our family and friends from their rented rooms. Our family should feel free to swim, play ball, or hang out without others seeing our activities unknowingly from a bird's eye view. Please place yourself in our shoes', thinking of your children or grandchildren, having now to question leaving your kids alone or having strangers instead of just neighbors viewing your comings and goings (never mind viewing myself in a bathing suit or hanging laundry in my bathrobe). Its been stated that this business property will appreciate our home's value. In actuality, we view it as a drawback if we should sell our home. Our family is planning on being here for years to come, where as the ownership expectancy is about six years for B&B (see attached articles). The North Fork has a growing tourism and we're sure this business will prosper with many staying throughout all times of the year. The Como's have attempted to placate us, by planting trees. We feel that other protections should be in place. We are requesting that the board grant this special exception subject to conditions that would preserve and protect our family during all seasons. We're asking that the line of vision be blocked in all recreational areas of the yard, where our children and the neighborhood kids might play. This should be planned and maintained and replaced when needed. If necessary, an expert in architectural landscape privacy could be brought in to suggest a natural barrier or window awnings to preserve our privacy. Prior to buying the property the Como's knew how strongly we felt about these issues. We are sorry if this has caused them to have ill will towards us as neighbors. However we feel determined to preserve the safety, health, welfare and comfort of our family and home. Sincerely, Pamela and Erik Parma AQ ♦ • AREA210,599egif. 4. * 9d I em INS TR with Ina STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL , l) AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE '� DISPOSAL SYS TENS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES O and wM abed* by Me conditions set lam Mer*M and an IM /2:911 permit Its contract e,* • N ngl +6° eat..- m 15�• n� c.0PO A 0 v �PIlh 0 *ii A N *ss \�. © S . 16 . 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B, r to e a•. j The locations of wills and cesspools )12 - O. 49616 shown hereon ere tram lleld observations PECOMC '" YO.gfry_;,p and or from dela oblelned from others. 16311 765 - •0,0 F 71• 1797 psv,rm AAs esrrAFRrro P. O. BOX 9.9 1 ra Aa AAAIAWD MTlel 1230 TRAY O -TRE S ,L SC UTNOLO, r. `< - O SOF SCDHS REF. NO RV— 00— 0272 AREAz445flagft il ctx I am Temper with die STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL 0.0 -� 4ND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL. SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES shod 0 and wiH abide by tire cantons set forth therein and on the permit 10 construct. Z �. # \ *11‘ Nii ,n 5k � l> ft`.&14\ �' • 7. c „, , `� ` \ ul ppb, „bock 1ta , 1 c It P • t \��, O0/1 / 7 \ IZSi 11'1 j1 te sIfr VI Vr Cifi Pi \ I � SEPTIC 1 ^SYSTEM! -,S . si I 91 er o CRUSHED \ 0 \ \ 0';',w ., F' Mel v f.•.H . i le \ t exp, WO 80 r %C �... ..f A Tr=„ - Jr c \ 954b.- ---- . %. 7, 41C - 111 3 t+s - IL j ii o\ 24e....--- -1:7 \ ``IS 4ss wis Ifni awn lo.,.‘ \ ` �lvs 4 \ D /. • a \ Tios \ py .� at,w �oGA \ $ © \\ vol f�1P'iN Jew CERTIFIED TO' JOSEPH COMO •i` \o s�E 4 CHRISTINA COMO 2 r % , . .. a 18590 \ SURVEY OF \ LOT 2 • Agra 4,` St, , it > e. SUBDIVISION VISION MAP OF ' ' F : . ._ PECONIC BAY COVE SIM YEW k-° ,,� FLED MARCH 4, is S FIE NO 71,19 r cetrsI;an lit TEM u rigio er A T PECON!C OF ERaG�sjoi CTS NC TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a Dns- ro•Oar NOT N oarrwCE NTH TIE LAW. SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. ' 1000 - 86 /�, •r 4 t,-- \ ARE, OF CESSPOOL Scab. ;7'� � a .- : TYY boy -NOV. 6, ' 0 •0 oe # ., QJ 7X 9 rF "° w .Y.S. LIC. NO. 496/8 TS �Ie Rf was and cesspools � ��,8r„ ' ,..� spo�MT breseOA we from field observations - CO '° ' irE •R and or fray-data obtained tram others. , P.C. •% Il 1765 10X9 5026 'F X (63/) 765 1797 JAM 9, 2002 ! cwnScanar 1 -.,:> �v BOX9Rp9 Nov. S, 2000CAEvwtw1 ' 1 ' • ice - STREET MARCH 27, 2001 Eons. foundation / SOS ` ,it'` ... � . 1197/ 88 - 424 • APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS ,o�pSUFFO(,�Co-\ 1 set y�‘ Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer. Chairman o < 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 inizio Serge Dooyen.Jr. James Dyen.. Jr. ;to 471�' Southold New York 11971 Robert A vita oy't/pl dot Fax(516)765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora :_ ,,.; Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE Acracsnry Anartmont or Bed and Breakfast with Owner-Occupancy Names of Individuals or Parties Having an Interest in the Subject Premises and a description of their Interests: Cr; sfit..o. a £stil Cove;o Name�of I the Applicant( s) and his/her Residence: • C1 IS-kta. a cbsepL Como - 17'o3oo 7aIk 2d, reatu'C , k t/ l/9 " Names of Current Residents/Occupants of the Subject Premises: Same c1.& Qfoo Je Current Occupants are: (please check one or more boxes) ( } Tenants with Written Lease ( } Tenants without Written Lease . (X ) Current Owner (. } Contract Vendees ( } Proposed Occupants/Residents under the Subject Application • ( } Residents NOTE: By not checking one or more of the above, it is assumed that the current Occupants are not tenants with a written or without a written lease, are not current owners, are not contract vendees, are not proposed Occupants/Residents under the Subject Application, and/or have a different residence. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale or being shown to prospective buyers? ( } Yes } No. uthgr-'t% • .:tune and Date • • 4111 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached. )� (,r/ch a t mos ep 4 Cern n B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for - sale or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes { X} No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) C. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? ( } Yes (X} No D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? /U 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3. Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? N/) (If not applicable, state "N.A." ) F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? Amid- If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? It/U If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? NO If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. I. Please list presel�}}t use or operations conducted at this parcel °EUnac kerne- and proposed use /1„/B uthor• Z:d Signature and Date 3/87, /901k r 0 • APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Soythold ' s Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees . The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same . YOUR NAME! C&) S n N 4- �Sa Qfcam F OA/o ( Last name , first name , middle initial , unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity , such as a company . If so , indicate the other person ' s or company ' s name . ) NATURE OF APPLICATION: ( Check all that apply . ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other //�� ( If "Other , " name the activity . ) iIf/d Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling , parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. -nosiness interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the . shares. YES NO u If you answered "YES, " complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated . Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself ( the applicant ) and the town officer or employee . Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided . The town officer or employee or his or her spouse , sibling , parent , or child is (check all that apply ) : A ) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant ( when the applicant; is a corporation ) ; B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation ) ; C) an officer , director , partner , or employee of the applicant ; or D) the actual applicant . DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitte• this day of 199 Signa , :,.i. _ Print 'lame - C4/STrn/A CL colo Tose°y cbyo Olikgym, "Y Yra.r't,`4 --r-A- - -- - ----1 r i TIrl1$ - s � ' TW b 4 Z8 410 W TW 210 TW 24 1 1O TW 28 'Ho TW 26 410 IW '4to<g ; ` r 1 ,r ------ �. 111 - i�� -.__- --�--- a - -" --=-_-22-== ---_-_:_---;47-_ ' - _ ��r�•- �x�^^� � • __ . 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Ci:,f Ii\it • R r ' -0- 1 11.--4.' 4 - I : )4 i : V -ii p • _ ..�¢...._7'.^L,,,. :.�"./ ilia _-Z, a•�.Y.y— . •.:,r .;te.r A,... p, .ca ! 1 ''4 •j11,.'� II' {.* NJ 11.1.%;Q.S • .7 _ .aw.'r . e . t rWsis - �a` { �y� yy .Nw.i f 1 , :III -. - . t" "b. . • •all " 41) : : ,.. C� ,� ;;,,,:t• .er r w _ ,' V2:4," 7 O • �1` `I 4.'-b' -- I "M' 1 �1-o' '' r s w. r 4, 1 - I -k 1 -.' . A_ ',�. *.:•.,-,‘,;f r . .• , r • :._.. .Qi {,�`�y k N '- o1 4 P5,..p • 4_yq,• +�.Y. -- �, .a.. .u-4 4% l I.. •© ` pl.., 1�jJ' —© - ` f + ' • ,.ice --- ----, Mfr. N'• IG' . Ll `ti! 1 Pel R - "a`` 40 t 1`-1 l 1�'i t ... #-. : , a G / r lit 7, z '19a -a41 �� •M' k . ,Visig �'S , ti- in •3 II Ir i lit _ / ir.'.. _ _ _ - 1 b lbs ! i •Ir • • MP eta I/ ,. / / S 1 O. 1 • I " w APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS „5 I,,•'.%3FFO4C �•, c 0 . Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ��_ y�; 53095 Main Road Lydia A.Tortora y P.O. Box 1179 George Horning � Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva y �� ,' ZBA Fax(631)765-9064 Vincent Orlando =�1 `0„,' Telephone(631)765-1809 .....•''� http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 24, 2002 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Como 40300 Main Road Peconic,NY 11958 Re: Appl.No. 5128—Bed and Breakfast Application Dear Mr. and Mrs. Como: Enclosed please find a copy of the official determination rendered under your Special Exception application, during the Zoning Board Meeting of May 16, 2002. A copy of this determination should be made available to the Building Department when obtaining your Certificate of Compliance to assist in their reviews. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office, or if you have a question regarding the next step in the bed and breakfast process, please contact the Building Department staff directly at 765-1802 between 8 and 4. Very truly yours, GERARD P. GOEHRINGER CHAIRMAN Enclosure Copy of Decision to: Building Department �!lnssGc Q a , .`b L�...i.11 -"aroma_ dX-S/2 v/02_ LEGAL NOTICE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2002 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following application will be heard at public hearings by the SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on Thursday, May 16, 2002, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 1 8:00 pm Appl No. 5128 - Joseph and Cristina Como. This is a request for a Special Exception under Section 100-31 B(15) for a Bed and Breakfast as an Accessory Use in the applicants-owners' existing residence. Location of Property: 40300 Main Road, Peconic; Parcel 1000-86.-4-1.1. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. Each hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business days from (8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: Wednesday, April 24, 2002. Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (Tel. 631-765-1809) APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS = ,�� ��VFFU( 4'/ .'$'s CO Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman = yd: 53095 Main Road Lydia A.Tortora co, z P.O. Box 1179 George Horning rri t Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva .�� �I ZBA Fax(631) 765-9064 Vincent Orlando = 1 �►a,,i� Telephone(631)765-1809 ....�''� http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REPLY/MEMO TO: Michael Verity, Principal Building Inspecto FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman - DATE: May 30, 2002 SUBJECT: ZBA File#5128—J. and C. Cu.. : :• : (86.-4-1.1) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Como have contacted us regarding an inquiry raised by Building Inspector Gary Fish during the inspection for the Building Department today. This will confirm that Condition (2) of the ZBA Decision rendered May 16, 2002 is for a requirement of seven (7) parking spaces for both the single-family dwelling and the B & B accessory use. Thank you. • • t • F - I 1 d J r May 16,2002 Dear Mr. Chairman,Members of the Zoning Board: We are applying for a special permit for B&B located on the Main Road in Peconic. We have complied with all the necessary requirements, we feel that we have built a beautiful home that adds value to the whole area and one that will become a favorite place for visitors of the North Fork. Some members of the board are familiar with our request. We appeared before you in January 2001 to request a variance for backyard setback(in order to save a 50 foot spruce)which was denied. At that time it became.evident that the issue for the Parma's, our neighbors to the South,was not the tree, or the setback variance,but the fact that we were building a home intended to be a B&B. The Parma's have again expressed their objection with a letter presented to your office yesterday afternoon around 3.30PM. In order to respond to the Parma's we have to go back to January 2001. Here I present copy of the letter submitted by the Parma's dated January 17, 2001, strongly objecting to the variance and the idea of a B&B. The setback variance was denied. I also enclose a copy of the original survey. After the denial, my husband Joseph Como met with Mrs. Parma. They discussed all the objections and their specific requirements: 1. They wanted us to place the house parallel to the south boundary line, and not diagonal as in the original survey. This,they indicated,would avoid a direct view of their home from our windows. The back of our home is now 67 feet from the property line(deck). 2. They wanted the house moved as far west as the sideline setback would allow. It is now 30 feet from the western boundary. 3. They wanted the row of arborvitae on the south boundary line to be replenished as needed, with same size trees. Done as requested with other trees added. 4. They were concerned with guests looking out the back windows. That was taken care of. 5. They assured us that they would look favorably to our proposed use if we complied with their request. We agreed to all their demands and proceeded with the construction. In the letter I just submitted Mrs. Parma states"my family is not entirely against the use of this property" and we felt that we could trust her. We had our architect redraw the plans in order to place the garage and driveway on the western side of the property, we had to request new surveys placing the house in the requested location and of course this caused delays with the construction. My husband was the general contractor and all the different subcontractors had to alter their plans. This represented an expensive proposition for us but we had no alternative. After the construction was completed we hired a landscaper to prepare the yard for the winter and plant the many trees that we purchased. We installed 6 arborvitae(average size 12 feet high),two 30 to 40 feet oak trees in the back boundary line and moved two 20 feet Douglas firs. Additional arborvitae where placed on the eastern boundary. We were informed that with care, irrigation and proper feeding the back boundary line of arborvitae should grow at least 2 feet per year. We have installed a full irrigation system. The adding of trees was also a request of Mr. Goehringer at our Jan 2001 meeting. Photos of"before"and"after"are submitted. We have also installed a privacy fence along the eastern boundary line to satisfy the request of our neighbor on that side. We have designed our B&B not only to afford privacy to our family but also to our neighbors. The house plan restricts the use of the back of the property to our family. We have a separate entrance and separate back stairs. The kitchen, dining area,family room and deck are all located in the back of the house. The backyard that adjoins the Parma's property is only for our family's use. Our guests have only the use of the front porch,dining room and living room located in the front of the house. There are two guest bedrooms in the front and two on the back, on the eastern side of the house. Three guests windows are overlooking the backyard. I am enclosing photos of these two rooms. The Parma's are concerned with guests looking through these three windows to their back property. With all the beauty and lovely attractions that the North Fork has to offer I sincerely do not think that guests would waste their time looking out of windows. But to satisfy their concerns we had already installed"cotton voile panels"in all the bedrooms facing the backyard,whether guest bedrooms or our own family bedrooms. These panels are fixed and they block the view while at the same time allowing light into the rooms. Before we entered into this project, we did a thorough research. We have three children, who the Parma's know well from school and church,and they were our most important consideration when thinking about this business. After talking to many of the members of the"North Fork B&B Association"we felt very sure that it was a safe and exciting business for all of us as a family, with all of us contributing to its success. My eight year old already plays at being a waitress and taking breakfast orders! k � And that is another important point that I want to make here. The decision to enter into this new venture was made with our children very much in mind. After living and working in Manhattan until 1994,I decided to move full time to our weekend home in Southold. I felt that there was no better place in the world to bring up my daughter Forest, then just an infant. As time goes by and home prices continue to rise with no'end in sight we want to provide that same opportunity to our children. We have built a place that would allow them to enjoy living in the North Fork when they graduate froth college if so they wish. They won't have to leave the area in search of a job or a home, and that is what a B&B is all about: a home business for all ages. We feel that we have complied more than-fully with all the conditions that the Parma's and the Zoning Board requested from us. We have talked to our other neighbors and they are very supportive of our efforts. Please approve our request. Cristina and Joseph Como ,Ms /1 rsse I e /U/r t){" �y Pamela and Erik Parma 300 Indian Neck Lane Peconic,NY 11958 (631) 734-4123 January 17, 2001 Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Board Southold,NY 11971 Ref: Lot at 40300 Main Rd., Peconic Bay Cove lot#2, 1000-86-4-1.4 Dear Board Members: Since the last public meeting on January 4th we have received and reviewed a copy of the new variance request regarding the above property. In addition, we met with Ms. Hessel and Mr. Como at our home. The purpose of our informal meeting was to address the issue of the variance and the future use of the property as a bed and breakfast. We felt that these issues go hand and hand since once the building is constructed we are stuck with trying to undo or correct problems that might have been avoided. Our meeting was cordial, but not constructive. After allowing them to view their site from our,second story, upper deck, and rear rooms, they tried to reassure us that people in a bed and breakfast are only in their rooms for short periods of time and wouldn't have time to observe us. However, we've come to the conclusion that their definition of privacy is different than ours. Placing this building for its intended use(as a bed and breakfast) in the rear quadrant of their property, so close to ours, will alter the current private, residential character of our neighborhood. The proposed use of this property housing transient people, will adversely affect the feeling of safety and comfort we now enjoy. My family is not entirely against the use of this property. We feel that if the tree is such an important part of the character of the property, the house plans should have taken that into consideration, without sacrifice to us, an existing family. We are very sorry that this has to be the way our relationship as neighbors has to begin. However, we feel very determined to protect the safety, privacy, and property value of our home and family. Sincerely, Ex I.,k_c:POOWA.Q._ Pamela and Erik Parma r'I1K and Pamela PaITIla 300 Indian Neck Lane Peconic, NY 11958 January 3, 2001 E � c, �\\//7 rr' Southhold Town Board of Appeals D Town Hall 53095 Main Road JAN _ 4 200 Southold, NY 11971 , Dear Southold Town Board of Appeals, We reside in the dwelling #4 on the lot survey done for Christina Hessel. The rear side of our property adjoins the rear of the Hessel property. She has plans to build a two story home on her property. On these plans she has requested a variance to move the rear of her home from 60ft. (code) to 40ft. from our property line. This is a reduction in terms of space of 33%. The reduction does not seem to be a minor request. Their reason for the variance is to save a cedar tree. The variance, we feel, will create an infringement on our privacy. The way they plan to build, their house would have a direct overlook of our pool, deck and back of our house. "These are large parcels of property therefore we feel that there is no reason to build so close. In speaking with Ms. Hessel on the phone we tried to convey the fact that this would create privacy concerns on her part as well visually and audibly. We called Shamrock Tree Co. and asked about foundation construction and the tree. They stated that with a tree of this size (24" diameter,40ft. high) foundation construction within 20ft. could damage the root system thereby possibly causing the death of the tree anyway. Looking at the survey the tree is less than 20ft. from the foundation. We also heard that Ms. Hessel is also considering plans to possibly open a bed and breakfast. This would enable a multitude of strangers to peer down on us from their second floor. The issue comes down to privacy vs. the tree. This variance will enhance their property value (farther from the Main Rd.) and detract from ours. Attached are pictures and maps of the two properties for your consideration. We hope these are helpful . rely Erik and Pamela Parma PI MSC dOn 61J)19Wve- Vc net/ice , COUNTY OF SUFFOLK T. \c5���vnm,,H,oc�'j�1y'Cd -::rte• ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, AICP DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June 17, 2002 J!JN 2 4ut ;f Town of Southold __ Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Corrazini, Warren 5095 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G.Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc G\CCHORNYVONING\ZONING\WORKING\LD2002 JANUUN\SD5095 JUN LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG -4TH FLOOR ■ P 0. BOX 6 100 ■ (516) 853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 I 6) 853-4044 ' f ' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 5c' ROBERT J GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE THOMAS ISLES, AICP DEPAN I MENT OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING June 7, 2002 i ; : 1► j 113 Town of Southold "—~ - -__ Zoning Board of Appeals Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the following application(s)submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is/are considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or a disapproval. Applicant(s) Municipal File Number(s) Walz, Roger& Leslie 4962 Floyd King Trust 5045 Laoudis, Theodore&Angela 5077 Laoudis, Thoedore &Angela 5078 Ahlers, Paul &Patricia 5082 Carnesi, Anthony 5083 Kistner, John 5085 Wood, Joan 5087 Giacale, Louis & Sarah 5088 Bedell, John& Susan 5090 Young, Robert&Dorothy 5091 Arnold, Richard& Joan 5092 Edgewater III 5093 Buskard, Donald 5094 Gusmer Realty 5096 Sleckman, James & Cathy 5097 Ketterer, Gwyneth 5103 Blackley, James 5107 DiBlasi, Robert 5112 Edgewater III 5120 Custom Designer Homes, Inc. 5121 Ellis, Scott& Constance 5122 LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H. LEE DENNISON BLDG. -4T1-I FLOOR ■ P. O. BOX 6 100 ■ (5 16) 853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 I 6) 853-4044 aJ June 7, 2002 FOLK COUNTY PLANNING DEPAR1,,. _>NT Page 2 Como, Joseph& Christina 5128 Youngman, Arline 5129 Very truly yours, Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc G\CCHORNYIZON1NG\ZONING\WORKING\LD20021ANJUN SD4962 JUN LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H LEE DENNISON BLDG -4T1i FLOOR ■ P. 0 BOX 6 100 ■ (5 I 6) 853-5 190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, NY I 1788-0099 TELECOPIER(5 16) 853-4044 June 4, 2002 Mr. Gerald G. Newman, Chief Planner Suffolk County Department of Planning P. 0. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Dear Mr. Newman: Please find enclosed the following application with related documents for review pursuant to Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code: Appl. No. —5128 —Joseph Cristina Como Action Requested: Accessory B & B with up to four guest bedrooms Within 500 feet of: ( X ) State or County Road ( ) Waterway (Bay, Sound or Estuary) ( ) Boundary of Existing or Proposed County, State, Federal land. If any other information is needed, please do not hesitate to call us. Thank you. Very truly yours, Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman By: Enclosures /�,,I//iii,,_ \ APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS - �,�� SUFFOL4 2) ►�i ��0 COG, Southold Town Hall Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman ►►���� yd l 53095 Main Road Lydia A. Tortora y Z P.O. Box 1179 George Horning ,�� Southold,New York 11971-0959 Ruth D. Oliva ‘•:.y�jCl �.a��i•11 ZTelephone honeFax(631)631 765-1809 064 Vincent Orlando _ t �„I p --.....•'' http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN MEMO ;.' TO:, " ;?ma ' Building Inspector Gary Fish FROM: Jerry Goehringer, ZBA Chairman �.% QAT . June 3, 2002 SUBJECT: Your Inquiry—Appl. No. 512; Como B & B) This will confirm that I visited the above property on Saturday, June 1, 2002, and found there was no violation of the Conditions under Appl. No. 5128 concernin parking and screening. 1,1111 D2' .,\71 AC • :31))1/1),L_,,,,;f Pamela and Erik Parma 300 Indian Neck Lane �G Peconic, NY 11958 -" Ute" (631) 734-4123 Uuyto May 21, 2002 Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Board Southold, NY 11971 Ref: Appl No. 5128—Joseph and Christina Como. Special Exception for a Bed and Breakfast. Property: 40300 Main Road, Peconic; Parcel 1000-86. -4-1.1. Dear Board Members: We are requesting that the board put in place conditions to preserve our family's privacy: 1. That the common boundary between our home and the Bed and Breakfast has a maintained natural barrier that will be determined by the board after viewing our property. 2. We are asking that the current evergreen and deciduous trees stay in place until the arborvitae trees have grown to the second story level (so at least we will have some privacy during the time the trees have leaves). Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, CSL ��U�wZ Pamela and Erik Parma t • • m'6-¢ La .� -� • r-A Pamela and Erik Park„__ r y. c cIP 300 Indian Neck Lane ---- - - �m�� Peconic, NY 11958 I 1; / ` cs 'e� (631} 734-4123 fiI� `SAY I5 ��_ I ►� � May 13, 2002 L _ Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Board Southold, NY 11971 Ref: Appl No. 5128— Joseph and Christina Como. Special Exception for a Bed and Breakfast. Property: 40300 Main Road, Peconic; Parcel 1000-86. -4-1.1. Dear Board Members: Home is our haven and our backyard is our refuge. Especially in today's society where your safety is always in question and the sanctity of your home is God sent. We reside in dwelling #4 on the lot survey. Our side rear property and home adjoins the Como's rear yard. We feel that the proposed use of this property as a business, housing transient strangers will adversely affect the safety, comfort and welfare of our family. One of the first things we checked out before deciding to buy our home was, what the property now in discussion could be used for. Bob Scott from the town assessor's office assured us that it was for residential use only. We're now told that this is going to be a money making business venture where transient strangers can view our family and friends from their rented rooms. Our family should feel free to swim, play ball, or hang out without others seeing our activities unknowingly from a bird's eye view. Please place yourself in our shoes', thinking of your children or grandchildren, having now to question leaving your kids alone or having strangers instead of just neighbors viewing your comings and goings (never mind viewing myself in a bathing suit or hanging laundry in my bathrobe). Its been stated that this business property will appreciate our home's value. In actuality, we view it as a drawback if we should sell our home. Our family is planning on being here for years to come, where as the ownership expectancy is about six years for B&B (see attached articles). The North Fork has a growing tourism and we're sure this business will prosper with many staying throughout all times of the year. The Como's have attempted to placate us, by planting trees. We feel that other protections should be in place. We are requesting that the board grant this special exception subject to conditions that would preserve and protect our family during all seasons. We're asking that the line of vision be blocked in all recreational areas of the yard, where our children and the neighborhood kids might play. This should be planned and maintained and replaced when needed. If necessary, an expert in architectural landscape privacy could be brought in to suggest a natural barrier or window awnings to preserve our privacy. Prior to buying the property the Como's knew how strongly we felt about these issues. We are sorry if this has caused them to have ill will towards us as neighbors. However we feel determined to preserve the safety, health, welfare and comfort of our family and home. Sincerely, rG at- ta---i-corilco___ Pamela and Erik Parma L e vl,l'l: ° l ., t c ,z, %-t '�` � -"-iS1Fars, --r., .7-°-�.•..fr,'�. ,fit,,..�_qt y b r•i r a • t\ii ~i :-^a ., ^"'"r"•r1 x .-.� 't b,,?-r i;k,i' `Nc'4 t, "''' kt, IHiome Porgy -, -t� t�,g t 4� 1N . �� � z { , .q �'s:,� . r � �� � i�.� { r ,{ 1. car t -f' } e• f� tt2t'{ 1� t, � o- f, ;s'In 1' `...I�a - � � ��Y��,j{{ � �1 '.7:,,,,14,4 Y !§ - Y{ el f i'U�--,t' 1 ' Ri �'4 , {i • - � { 2 k:IL r� r J. v"i � 1 F•'~E- � S r y �. L I ��;''x ri�R � { �� 1 y t 4,,1p. a c 1 r•, � i 1 3t,z -: �: One of Southold's first ; ,}?,,.� rp,, `�1� ...P. 1;� � 4;z I1 . ,,t �k 1,,• ,2� +;, B&Bs is on the market , , J . i•-+, mo=t �, , t` a.-r "_ , , '' �'. :?-'1U.'.41. Y yob # y�r.. S4� • •, f��_:'_moi I '�v%'`,A.:r, Q 1 :lei By Jeff Miller ',.t : ,}pL I. ` 1 it r Wit. I I , I'Cj i�rn.{ �!_ The second-wave effect is washing over another PI ` ��- �` 7 s 11 7 = ,2 I�` North Fork industry. j1' " ,r�,e '' , , [t n ! t 4.. 1 I� 1� �2r. It started with the vineyards Almost half of the pias z q t A t sr neers who planted the first vines have now sold their., - ,a to t , yY + --- fields to a new crop of wine people And now the wave ` L I F-xiµ +. x''s• ` y'• ' 4 is lapping at the North Fork's bed-,and-breakfasts 1 <i •• , ,� -— V,, ,y,?.. t I •. . 5 '. One of the North'Fork's original B&Bs_is on-the' -: .,3,,,,,: .j,! �• ; ; a a " i ._ ;Z • ;'rr& market. "Historic Overton House," says.;the real;'' ris. 4 , f 4!lit 9,11 i-- Y ; estate ad."Beautifully restored V ctorian.:.be'Auti- , s' II I('�t{t �' t' •` s fur gardens _11=foot-ceilings ...Must-tie seen. tit \ 3 IIII t ,s 4a h �. $625,000." _ :- _` It was 1985 when Pat and Jack-Combs opened-. l •� ; .,....li Home,Port in Peconic's venerable Overton.House.: : ,zi -� _-'J °� �L. :, "We acre one of the first;alonewith Mary Mooney Getoff,"_who started Goose Creek Guest House in:, ` .;• .- .• - " Southold-,said Mr.Combs'.'In the end,the law spec- ' :s> -- Suffolk renes photo by Judy Ahrens ified three guest looms,among other strictures The' Jack Combs with dogs Spot(left)and Emily!n the dining room at Home Port on Monday. ceiling's since risen•tofive,-•but most-owners stay 0-._..., •=- - _ - '- .. -. - four or fewer to avoid running'afoul'of state codes.-, y� R�T . Home-Port ended up_operating-four rooms,aand•=, TO=;- -�LB=_ oren j-�`to L' 8VB'�_ made a nice,business•of-it,Said-Mr.Combs"•We've -- , _ _ , _--,- -: - -' ->_ •_ _ - had.very nice guests,some from_the;White=louse , When Teresa Taylor was getting into the tied& ;and,Rita Cohen(The Hedges;Southold),Paul and:one,fromthe.Metropolitan Opera--who;comes, breakfast business,she read'a book that warned_of a_ Davis(Sterling Cohen Greenport),Pat and Pail every year.','_'_- -- - ` ` - •-• -- • burnous riod"Sfter five to seven years."People get Knkzieski(White Lions Inn,Greenport),Teresa _It ryas Daniel Shanks,head of'the White House -tired and want to spend more:time with their farm- Taylor and Bob Feger•(To the Point,Nassau Point), -beverage department;who_liOim&d,m.on Qme,Port.-: lies and-doing other things,"she said."That's.pretty= Mary-Mooney-Getoff(Goose Creek Guest House, -"He came out`to buy Long Issland-wines•for statedi i much what happened to eveiybod-y on this list." •Southold),Jackie Smith(Fordham House, -nets,"said Mr.Combs."Avery nice gentiemhn;Hine oL,%: -ahe•list she's referring"to is the roll of local B&B Greenport),John Ciartosieski('I_e'Tern Inn, . - , - -•-...-• ~- owners-who.are nalonger B&Big,.In addition to ' Southold),and Elaine and Jimmy 1 O��• • • S•ee Port,page 1,': 1ack,and Pat Combs Q ome:Pgrt,it includ6's Al ' ,, O'Keefe(Shorecrest,Southold). &B,page 31 - Of those,only the last,Shorecrest,i Ir is still operating,having been sold to(The Cg as authenticus wanteda tos "keep new innkeepers John and Susan O W n e rS h l Q em-From page everything as as possible"in Barnes. 1 the nicest ever."They still correspond. the 1876 Overton House, said Mr. Despite all the deliartures,Ms (� y r 5 And it was Joyce Olson from the Combs Pat, a consultant for Paints Taylor agrees with Mr.Combs that the opera:"She sang at the Met for 30 Plus in Riverhead, oversaw all the industry is alive and well,with at least years in choruses and some solos" decorating."I kiddingly called her the 15 B&Bs going strong."The fact is, said Mr.Combs."We got to be very Martha Stewart of the North Fork," there are never enough rooms avail- good friends" - able in Southold in season,"she said. The guest book has also seen the said her husband,adding quietly"but . Jeff Miller. autographs of many writers and she's better than Martha Stewart." ., actors."We've had a couple of women ; Sixteen years after helping to create - _ - - - who are on soap operas,"the propri- it,Mr.-Combs said Southold's B&B etor recalled."They come with their industry is "going silonR. nestsNEWSDaY�► t i ' husbands, sit and play Scrabble in sometunes ask what kind of business � front of the fireplace and relax My - might be a good one to start her lug it luxunous and upscale.The Ivy is the only B&B See+-I O n a wife knows who they are.All I know is he steers them toward bed-and-break- in the village that serves a full homemade breakfast they're great people." - fasting."You can live in i and offers extensive concierge services It is the only I And Home Port's seen a stead g pay t,You don't one where the owner,live in the bed-and-breakfast 6 £ B a�^+-J c I c Y have to a a second rent,and you im with their guests. v t stream of Wall Street traders"They meet a lot of nice people,"he said This ie our sole source of income,d lye Melody."it come all wired up,";said Mr.Combs. But now,said Mr.Combs,it's time to' h been better financially man we thourthi.phis �� /e���.( "T N°days later they're looking where pass the job on to a new innkeeper. -breakfast is our bread and butter.7t v aTeo IN SIU 01/41 to buy property." "Pm going to miss the people," he onr home.• The Combs home-based aroundyFroee ortYtraces said."But I'm going to be 67 and my Although the encs tereating p�Plee m this beir inn—"I meet the usineae•Pln7ip soya- a b004- its (�)"� A n P wife is 61.We just want a small place.. they are quick to dismiss the notion that its roots on Long Island back to the Any bed-and-breakfast is bound to li bed-and-breakfast is a hobby. running 0 u S 4- 1640s. The ancestors were whalers, generate some interesting anecdotes, • Running a bed-and-breakfast is like living with per- boat-builders, en,salt rum-runners and Home Port doesn't disappoint manent house guests and the Tierneys have had to 1� —almost anything saltwater-related. Here's one: make compromises and adjustments that were not in V u 5 i ll e S S (They're also famous decoy-carvers. An elderly couple had come down to their original business plan. • Pat and Jack's son,Michael,is a fifth- breakfast"We had to go out,so we Pnva ,for instance,is virtually non-existent for 8 told them to leave everything the innkeepers.The TSerneys placed their own bed- generation carver whose work is dis- justerything and room,bathroom and sunroomliving room on the first played in galleries) we'd be back in about an hour,"Mr. floor,making it extremely easy for guests to track Jack Combs himself worked with his Combsrecans The Combses were also them down at all hours. •Nmety-ergnt father on the bay for a time,before egg one of their sons to stop by,a percent of the time, we like having the people beginning his career as a cook with son who sometimes helped himself to a f around,'Melody says.'You do feel a little—not cap. Moran Tow Boats out of New York snack and then left the-kitchen a mess. ! tuned—but imprisoned,in your own home But we City. -By 1975 their hometown, "So we left a note that said:'You Will recently bought a nearby cottage,so we can go there Northport,was getting crowded.And Wash the Dishes,and You Will Clean Jo escape' with six children,Pat and Jack's house up!!!!!Four exclamation points,"Jack was,-too. So they came out to the ' said,"We returned two hours later and North Fork and found a new life. ' the place was clean,everything was put After renting"fora year, the-old away,the dishes all washed"Thins out Overton House came on the market the son had never arrived_And the eld- and theombsesnd ced.The restis erly couple never returned. and North Fork bed breakfast history. '4.Tfio uf{olk fiimes','April'g','2t601 f 1 —1 h fs 1 S -the .-re a-- ,al" dk l CI S p I a j v o l l e y ha c - 11 , S©ece,✓ -ei' F'; - ,• r _ 4 ; � Q�� }� J y Y `. • Nil .'"*".1. - ry•J 4 ..F - CO- i _ -art L 'I �.a�a and ::' f 4.,,,,,;:. w 'rt y yti An 411 i + iw' a w wm.l: +wt. iliP "u, Imo.. .i 4 '4 1 eye % +4.3 / yt r. -._ _ = f s - a. . w''..-°V n. s • 5'4-M E ' E A i f - A k.I) • a A In . . . ::.,..,, ,,, .„.. ,r___ ,,,.:_ fr •• •• • . j F�.yVW._ ` M ,e .fir P' '1 .w ..a: •` .rrriorr.r. . r. i - • -' k e �. • o t • • . `. • • , ,--I, ••,ei . ;, . , - v,Z,v'• . ' - '''' ...-' .,'A , i I.,' , •IF 4— 3'''')" •— ' . —.,'':£0...47;;;;.:7''`—'-•1..', :' • .,''':+ ' '' ‘ . / ,.110,i,•,?..4'•,' .—i':".••.'•": .,'' 11-.: _ • .07tr-S;rs6. ',•- '. 04 AieW. .-... ___ .. . • ., . I , , .. .. . ..., . .. .' ." 141.414:••• - -,.- . '' .4)14* ^4' ,,t-'(r4..17. i-\_ ':,-. • -,-.., I ,.• ., 1 . 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' •iii. : ✓sa _,— - . _/ w � d- ,t:4 �f � P . ;; z`-�. 1.',,y,{&i„ - i �.:sy F ` ,'"", f. . 1 e . \ tl 5 \14.N , si AelL VIM _-O Itutili. to /- S(0° / \ 1 01 6:34 u o ° OtFeTM td)Fp0o -.0\ - CERTIFIED TO, CHRISTINA HESSELL •• •• " e 4 r A - ; • SURVEY OF r _ LOT 2 > -.'*': ANY AL TERA T11Y Lw AW.YTION TO RIMY is A ROLA TEri ,f" SUBDIVISION MAP OF OF SEC=AS 7209 pr AE raar STATE EDIA'LL EE LAR PECONIC BAY COVE EXCEPT AS PER SEEM TYa9•S!lTfl'Rt9g11 t ALL CLRTf,L/TIDNS ",^.* • HEREON ARE VALD AS AIS IMP AN COPES REAEOr ONLY F SAD MAP OR BEARS AMUSED SEAL OF RE REKTOR FLED MARCH 4, 19*9 FILE NO. 7M9 wax 1t -t, AXITXMMLLT TO WIRY NTH SAD LAI RE TM AL TFFED Br AT PECONIC MIST a ER SIIMP, , AS ; ,� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BROUGHT-To•DATE'AK NOT Lv COMIIAht>;IMF AE LAI. SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y.• 1000 - 86 - 04 - 14 `',- - 'A:' AREA OF c[sVroat SC8I9 1" - 30r `^\t^,f 11EIY y0 I,J „� E'er P i 'r NOV. 8 ^IJ r 1Gr .,� N.av a 1.0 rc.,,I , .• WA'Llt. 0 49618 The locations of wells and cesspools I,IJ.v : f° =4y l, -' shown hereon ore from field observations 'PECONIC SURV:YORS,t-.41 ' and or from dole obtained from others. 16311 765 - 0:0 F 7... 1797 Yr P. 0. BOX 9 9:- "Y' ELEVA ROAS ARE RLFERENcED 1230 -TRA v Q;, TR &\!c. TO AN ASSUMED OATLAL SOUTHOLD, h. 1D : , S\ • iv.. :/SCDHS r _ - _ REF NO.- R10-00 0272 AREA= *`pooi • asp `- H - = "moo - r .. - eV . I am familiar with"the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL , 0 AND CONSTRUCTION, OF, SUB'',UR CE SEWAGE A DISPOSAL SYSTEMS- FDR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 4', \ and will abide by the condi/ions set forth therein and on the -:=- e � '' Permit to. construct.' 29'• - - f, G1A•a - Z� `.� 196�h ° Lk. ck. . ren 1 �• o \ „..,..,,. n i� 10 i i P• p $ Zm ‘4:r-SII‘ ' - _ .. - / . , , 021, \ . 0 ' ' - I ^ ilia ��1 '- 0LER ,R2 ,. 4' i, \* 5 , \ it i ‘.1 30 \\ ` _ �� LAo �� \ SYSTEM . ,\ ,��Qt 31' \ •-.- ., . „ . 52.5-1)Lp. . -e,,.,:. - - xx 6:0 : \ ar. _ - .- „ \\ P 2 36' \ �3 `'a •C'R,USH'E0 • ,o - "4000k37' ~.reV','-- ' ' - " - ' -- ! '.-- . • ,.4'1'1' --; Il ,„ . . „. ._. Y ` -1,-'4 , '. _ _ 4A 1 a.�•.- - .�Di�S• - - - • i- x. : v ': . : a,aa ',,..i,4•.;4.:",,-,.sS.. 4. �-\ t. y� z � :r7S..Y "- ~j - �.ii4a : "a . - - - TxR`-1�.' ..,.";.,..-,;. .!..:(42,.,..,.,%;,,...",'..1.'. ''''''''''''•":1-''''4.-'.'�'-, ;..4'..--,-.`tF:^-t' " ^ :: " -:..;J- F.-..4 : u mai • IDcic.: -- ,- `-,* .......4 . '..i.; NA .-9 ii risti7 91 ' . 114% oo ,48,,,....-.--; .,g, - . o `: \ -'PLBLIC WATER • '" \ -;,' 0\,.... ,‘,.. \ O Rpt- • 00 o . IS �\ °SPPtN CE �N� , CERTIFIED TO: \ F°• . . ur'" - JOSEPH COMO •1` . \°•y�►.E o� 4 , t CHRISTINA COMO Z fE• -•6 _/'/ .0,,,,10-.p0 I \ s SURVEY OF �� , _.. , _...,4, -..„, _ . Fr":„_-:•-"„ LOT 2 .. .. ,...... ,' ,.ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO SURVEr�IS A'V/OLAT/ON ;:r • ' SUBDIVISION MAP OF , . 'OF'SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK.STATE-EDUCAT/ON,LAN..•`••r::'-' ' , EXCEPT AS PER-SECTION-7209,-SUBDIV/SION.2.1-ALL4CERTE•7CgTlONS ' PECONI C BA'Y COVE - HEREON ARE VALID FOR TINSMAP AND.COPIES'TIIEREOF ONLY lF - , SAID MAR OR COPIES BEARS A{PRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR FACED MARQH 4 1983 FRE NO. 7t59 'WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS M1REON. ADDITIONALLY TO COAPL"Y.117TH SAp=LAW rIIE rElu(ALTERED BY' A T•-PECONIC MUST BE USED BY ANY,AND ALL,SURVEYORS UTER�}VG A COPY OF-ANOTI ER SURVEYOR'S MAP. TERMS. UCH AS INSPECTED'AND. TOWN -OF SOUTHOLD - `',BROUGHT-'TO-4 DATE'ARE NOT PI COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY. , 1000 - 86 ---0---, - Seale. fS F �—` AREA OF CESSPOOL , r' O TSG -'The locations,pf'wells and cesspools l ,'. • .* Y.S' LIC. NO. 496/8 _' ' 'shown" hereon are from field'observations - E R; - - `and or from dela- obtained from'others. PCO 4 ,Z6';_ , P.C. IE$�1J � =� 502 o�F X 1631 J 765 - 1797 JAN. 9, 2002 (certification 1 .• H ' - --'ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED Om 7, 2002(MALI BO s M��9 TO AN ASSUMED DATUM NOV. B, 2000(RENON I 1 , G STREET SO 1 TH.-_,,,,L Y -. I:` . 1197/ MARCH 27, 2001 Mona Mundial* ) - -�---� I ' 88 - 424 111 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-28275 Date: 03/13/02 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 40300 MAIN RD PECONIC (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 86 Block 4 Lot 1.4 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated NOVEMBER 14, 2000 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 27082-Z dated FEBRUARY 13, 2001 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH COVERED FRONT PORCH, REAR DECK, SECOND FLOOR BALCONY AND ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to CRISTINA HESSEL (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL R10-00-0272 02/25/02 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 52906 01/29/02 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 03/12/02 DINIZIO PLUMBING & HEAT ut-oriaed Sig nature Rev. 1/81 *wnO OfBox Southold1179 P Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 03/18/02 Receipt#: 254 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Application Fees $250.00 Check#: 254 Total Paid: $250.00 • Name: Como, Giuseppe Po Box 1884 2150 Anchor Lane Southold, NY 11971 Clerk ID: LYNDAB Internal ID:51279 411. - , %ofFO`,�eo O • ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE ���/� Gy ; Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK - P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER . 1,,L ���, Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ; '/�l a��i� Fax (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ,rrr southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals FROM: Elizabeth A.Neville DATED: March 19, 2002 RE: Zoning Appeal No. 5128 Transmitted herewith is Zoning Appeals No. 5128—Giuseppe Como-Zoning Board of Appeals application for special exception. Also included is application for bed&breakfast,bed &breakfast questionnaire, ZBA questionnaire, applicant transactional disclosure form, survey, plans, and a certificate of occupancy. • APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS •0, '�„OFFD,L4- tie iO py Southold Town Hall • Gerard P. Goehringer. Chairman % c :c 53095 Main Road Serge Doyen.Jr. ; ca _ ; P.O. Box 1179 James Doyen.,Jr. ;O ' $ Southold,New York 11971 Robert A. Villa =y'l��! �a0�r'� Fax(516)765-1823 Lydia A.Tortora '- i'- Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE - cc. ss^.iqr Ana rtment or Bed and Breakfast with Owner-Occupancy Names of Individuals or Parties Having an Interest in the Subject Premises and a description of their Interests: i Siii t. 0. A .kbSe.r k. Cove,o Name of the Applicant(s) and his/her Residence: Cf s3t4 .rb epCowl° - 1fo ,00 t(ar'k 126e, �etocc<'c fit/ / s ' Names of Current Residents/Occupants of the Subject Premises: See.n-te o e Q Lo Vie. Current Occupants are: (please check one or more boxes) £ } Tenants with Written Lease ( } Tenants without Written Lease CX ) Current Owner £ } Contract Vendees . £ } Proposed Occupants/Residents under the Subject Application - ( } Residents NOTE: By not checking one or more of the above, it is assumed that the current Occupants are not tenants with a written or without a written lease, are not current owners, are not contract vendees, are not proposed Occupants/Residents under the Subject Application, and/or have a different residence. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale or being shown to prospective buyers? ( • } Yes '� No. . uth• • .r`.' • . _tune and Date lik 4111 1111 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR Z.B.A. APPLICATION A. Please disclose the names of the owner(s) and any other individuals (and entities) having a financial interest in the subject premises and a description of their interests: (Separate sheet may be attached. ) Cr/sfi ;5e/04, Corny B. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale or being shown to prospective buyers? { } Yes { X} No. (If Yes, please attach copy of "conditions" of sale. ) C. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? { } Yes {,(} No D. 1. Are there any areas which contain wetland grasses? /O 2. Are the wetland areas shown on the map submitted with this application? 3. Is the property bulkheaded between the wetlands area and the upland building area? 4. If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town Trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? E. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? /11/ (If not applicable, state "N.A.") F. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences which exist and are not shown on the survey map that you are submitting? NOS If none exist, please state "none." G. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? /1/U If yes, please submit a copy of your building permit and map as approved by the Building Department. If none, please state. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land close to this parcel? NO If yes, please explain where or submit copies of deeds. I. Please list preset use or operations conducted at this parcel 6604 home- and proposed use 6V-6 l// i ' I:/4 / 47440 - uthor i z:i d Signature and Date 3/87, /901k � Oi.,i 41 A l i I I l i , III I L 1_n Ii. 1 • II I I i 1 i APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL, DISCLOSURE PORK The Town of SoUthold ' s Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same . YOUR NAKR: al2/S T7 A)* t kTos6P1-1 /° (Last name , first name , middle initial , unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity , such as a company . If so, indicate the other person ' s or company ' s name . ) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply . ) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other ( If "Other, " name the activity . ) r vl-6 Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling , parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO `4 If you answered "YES, ", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself ( the applicant ) and the town officer or employee . Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided . The town officer or employee or his or her spouse , sibling, parent , or child is (check all that apply ) : A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant ( when the applicant is a corporation ) ; B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation ) ; C) an officer , director , partner , or employee of the applicant ; or D) the actual applicant . DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSIIIP Submitte' this day of 199__ Ir ,_001000.- Print lame C(Z,S r/Am E L c'oM•o mat ay CO,10 • Albe 4V1/01 1,4. 4 :41 ... a ,,,,,-,,,6-0..-...,.„,..).-. .L. 1,40--_,,- • . ., 11 . 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MAY • Sender: Please prin I me, address- i • S 4 pi 042(S'RAJA 6 /Yo P, D - 6-0X- /8d° 51 S00-14,0(aa A-) 7,,,(761 777/ t P " n ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NEW YORK x- - In — - In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF (Name of Applicants) MAILINGS CTM Parcel #1000- - - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, Cc's 'i Co .w residing at L10 300 Wait.. 1 .4 Pealkie , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 30 day of Ap-r I , 200 z I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in S0.1+kolat. , New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Legal Notice in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the (X) Assessors, or ( ) County Real Property Office S0014,0(d , for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of- way of record, surrounding the applicant's:roperty, - af-0 (Si r,nature) Sworn to before me this day of -2- , 09)Ai 101,711: 1 ... d 6� Nota Public) • �g ( rY PLEASE list, on the back of this Affidavit or on a sheet of paper, the lot numbers next to the owner names and addresses for which notices were mailed. 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ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTFIOLD.NEW-YORK__----- ------__- -- _-- _-- -_---- x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT ToSe{o(_ fert'S614 eo.Lo OF SIGN (Name of Applicant) POSTING Regarding Posting of Sign upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000- - - x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, residing at 1-f'o-b-490 /2-ft PQ '� , New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 3rd-day of , 2002,-I personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of my application noted thereon, securely upon my property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance) -facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance;* and that I hereby confirm that the Poster has re gored in place for seven days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, M ttearin s:t- was shown to be et y /6 2-00 '2.— . • / • Si n- ur- Sworn to before me this /S-111 day of in 7 , 200GAI0� Notary b� York No.Qualified in Suffolk Cour 0 (Notary Public) Commission Expires Jan.18, 0 *near the entrance or driveway entrance of my property, as the area most visible to passersby. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHF�CKLIST FOR NEW PROJECTS LABEL APPL# f ASSESSORS CARD (7 COPIES) NAME CTY. TAX MAP (7 COPIES + 1) V INDEX CARD (ATTACH OLD) TOWN j' _,may ` LIST ALPHA BOOK ‘/ RESEARCH ALPHA COPY PRIORS env SIX COPIES /MANI INSPECTION PACKETS COMPLETE REF: UPDATED NEW INFORMATION zAJ/ (,9 (Vac'7.3-t/0 Z79r a7' 74` V e .A R e_ 4Nr� (671--R GO. ,�-p-f 6.vliJ . � 0 �266 9.30-/O/9-m. • ' n1.- a o�P fell / / / /