HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5494 Board Of Southold . Town Trustees SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 5".'/91/ DATE: ..ßeb.2~...2.o02 CATHERINE A. MCGOVERN LUCARELLI ISSUED TO .............................. ......... '...'.'. .'.. ................... .......... Aut4nrillttinu Pllrsuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893: and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New YoR 1952: and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN W A TERS;~~, and in accordance with the Resolution of The BOard adopted at a meeting held on ........F.-'~þ........~.º., . 2~~~... and in consideration of the slim of $.....?-ºº.,..o.O '.. paid by Catherine McGovern Lucarelli .... ................... ............... ........ ......... .... . ...........-. ........................................................... of ......¡:;.<>.'1..t.J:1.C>~(I...... ..... . N. Y. and sllbjec:t to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the foDowing: Wetland Permit to remove +/-70' of concrete bulkhead and to reconstruct in place 70' of C-Loc 4500 Vinyl Sheathing and to backfill structure with +/-20 cy.of clean sand to be trucked in from a~ uplanci site,~\thLthl: çcmdition ,that. a 10' non-turf .huffer aB In ac:c:ordance With tne detailed specifiCations as presentea 1ft . the oriain«ti!'lg application. . eštab!1sñed behind the bulkhead. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of TNstees here- by callseS its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be sllbscribed by ð majority of the said Board as of this date, ~~~ a}\.~· ç2. .52. -' L(J"~~ . Kå.!'Mfih Po!iwpda(Absent) r....¡eo. . . TERMS and CONDITIONS 11>0 Permittee Catherine McGovern Lucarelli ....:..:__ 138 Fifth Ave., Kings Park N .., &--ai at . .I.., as part of cbe coasideratioa for cbe ¡.....~ of dae PCrmIt does uødeøtaDd and prescribe to cbe foI- 1oMøg: 1. That !be said Boud of TtuStees and che Town of. SouchoId are released from My and all damages, oc claims for damages, of suIø adsiag direcdy oc iadirecdr .. . nsuk of My opere aâoo pedoaued pinuaat to chis pesmit, IUId che said F<> .J~~... will, u his oc her - ÐJ'C'~. defend My aDd all aid> IlÙCS '/ftlHofe'! bJ tbhd putks, IUId dae said ~ I...... ..- faIlliIbDItJ wid> RSpect thereto, to !be compIete·erdasioa of dae BoIrd of Tn.ia of. cbe TOWIi of. ~ 2. That this Petmit is' wIid f« . period of 2 4 IDOS. wbich is eo "~"!d to be !be ('CÑ.....ed time· requited to «Vftplete !be '""'" In'V'Ohoed, but ihoaId ~"C"'" ~ Ieqaert for an extension may be made to !be Boud at . btu daœ. . ~. That this Petmit should be ..er..u.ed iade£anitely, or .. loag .. cbe said ~ withes to ....i....in !be sttuc:ture o. ptOject Involved, to ptoYide evideøœ to anyone œoc:emed chat IDIh- orizat/oo was originally obtaioed. 4. That che wad: imolved will be subject to the ift~ and approval of the Boad Ot its agents, and I>OI1-'aIØIpIlance wid>. dae prOYisioøs of cbe 0fÍ8Ì-~ applbtioa, may be cause fOt revocation of this Petmit bJ resoIutioa of the said Booud. s. That cbete will be no uøreasoDIb1c Intctfereocc with navigatioo as . result of. !be 1ftIå: bcrcIn aùthorizcd. . . 6. That cbete shall be no iaterferenœ wid> the right of cbe public to pass and .- a1cog. !be beach between high and ~ _ marks. . 7. That if future openåoas of !be Town of SouchoId require dae ftII1Oft1 udjOt aleeradoas In !be location of !be '""'" bcrcIn ..."_"I>e'I, or if, In !be opIaian of. the Boatd of. T.-, dae. wad: shall cause wueosooable obstruCllOn to free naYigMioa. !be said p...n.I- will be reqaIted, upon due DOdœ, to ftmOYC or .her this wod< at project bcrcIn stated wiIboat ~ to dae Town . of Soutbolcl. . 8. Th.. chc said Board will be notified bJ the Permlucc or cbe u ~cJoø of !be wodt aatb- otbecI. 9. That che PermIttee will obtain all other peaniI3 ud conscati dIat may be zequited lap- plcmcntaI to this permit whIcb may be subject to re\'OIre upon failuœ to obtain -. , . " Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 21,2002 Mr. Glenn E. Just J.M.O. Environmental Consulting P.O. Box 447 Quogue, NY l1959-0447 RE: CATHERINE A. MCGOVERN LUCARELLI 830 Oak Ave., Southold SCTM#77-1-4 Dear Mr. Just: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, February 20,2002 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of CATHERINE A. MCGOVERN LUCARELLI applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of South old, application dated January 3,2002, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 20, 2002, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 ofthe Southold Town Code, 2 . . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people ofthe town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of CATHERINE A. MCGOVERN LUCARELLI to remove +/-70' of concrete bulkhead and to reconstruct in place 70' of C-Loc 4500 Vinyl Sheathing and to backfill structure with +/-20 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland site, with the condition that a 10' non-turf buffer is established behind the bulkhead. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Deparbnent or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Fees: None Very truly yours, ~9· /~.~ Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms DEC ~~i2002 14 40 FAX 631 434 9518 ,- . rÞ - o,6J cg I ..~ , e -~ 'J--~' T-\:\:'J.-\P DbIG:\' -\ no_, 1),,\" 1000 s.., 077.00 "IL 0\.00 1."11,,004.00 r, . Illiì..Z- I< COMr"NY llIa03 - .--.------ - . . q\O~ -ð~ I G 'A.L._tDd..ld.~1 ar Ca.:a.a~ $'k...,hr~ BI 'l B T C h_1l0014 II-BJ-511-Du'..... n"'~. .....cul. wlUl CO"."". "s:. an n.1I1I' I II:OHIULT YOVIt LAWYlI MN. II...... mts INSTIlUMIN'I'-TIIIS "ITIlUMENT 5HOUloO 81 USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. :.:o,Ü'; 11424Pt056 THlSIND£H'I1.1ItE.. made the 18th da)'of February ,nineteenhundred.a.ndninety t'oIQ BETWEEN ANN P. LOSCO. presently ~~s;ding at 54 Maujer Street. Vallv Str@am, New York of hefi and DANIEL J. McGOVERN and CATHERINE A. L\Ac.c.,·"\\';, ~1 Witfe.rs\J~~ presently residing at 138 5th AveTlue, Kings Pðrk. New York ¡1L ."~ . Rtè.f!\~E.º.\'E.D. . ~~-. ¡.~¡. : ";", t ;-,;C it,.. rt~ r:~ p:uly of the second part, wrrNESSETH. that lhc party or rht fint put, in consideration of Ten T~~~~\~,\~' r .' ;t,1"Ta11mn'. consideration paid by the part,'" of the second pðrt------------dollano;. 1awfuJ money or tbt United State,. paid by the party of thl: .:ittond pan, does herebr grant and rdeas(:' unto the part)" of the sKond part, the hdrs or successOrs and ani¡:m of the part}" of the second part forever, ~ tltat certõÛn plot, piece or pared of land, 'A"ith the buildings and intpro\o(:'mt:nts Ihereon trec!ed, situa.te, lying and being in the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. COUNTY OF SU~~OLK AND STATE OF' NEW YORK, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOTS 291' THROUGH 292 INCLUSIVE AND NORTHEASTERLY HALF OF LOT 293, ON A CERTAIN MAP ENf] TLED "MAP OF GOOSE BAY ESTATES", AND FILED 1 N THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON 11/13/34 AS "MAP NO. 1176, SAID LOTS AND PART OF LOT WHEN TAKEN TOGETHER ARE MORE PARTICULARLY ÐOU~D£D AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF OAK AVENUE WHERE THE SAME IS INTERSECTED BY THE DIVISION LINE BETWEEN LOTS 289 AND 29B ON THE ABOVE MENTIONED MAP, S~ID POINT BEING DISTANT 2.7.12 FEET AS MEASURED ALONG THE NORTHWESTER(.Y SIDE OF OAK AVENOE FROM THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF OAK AVENUE WITH THE SOOTHEASTSRLY SIDE OF CEDAR AVENUE; RUNNING THENCE FROM Si\ID POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF OAK AVENUE SOUTH 49 DEGREES. 56 MINUTES, 48 SECONDS WEST 78~Ø FEET; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 40 DEGREES, 03 MINUTES, 20 SECONDS WEST 140..9 FEET; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 49 DEGREES, 56 MINUTES, 40 SECONDS P.A5r 7Ø.Ø FEET TO THE DIVISION LINE BETWEEN LOTS 289 AND 290 FIRST ABOVE MENTIONED; AND RUNNING THENCE DEGREES, 1113 MINUTES, ~ORTHWESTERLI SIDE OF 5EGINNING. ALONG SAID 20 SECONDS OAK AVENUE, DIViSION LJ.NE SOOTH 40 EAST 14Ø.Ø FEET TO T~E TO THE POI~~ OR PLACE OF , . , Being and intended to bè the same pr~mises conveyed to the I party of the first pent by deed dated JU'1e 2ß, 1989 ënd i recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk County : '" on January 1Ø, 1989 in Liber 10966, Page 279. \ '.) I :/: II: . 1".. -._-.- 14:40 r~Å 631 434 ~ 18 A . . . 11424PC057 - Premises being known as 830 Oak Avenue, Southold, New York. Subject to the rights of tenants in possession. , , . _~u'l. ; 14~....' 1 434 1...18 AVZ & COMPANY JOIl:> . . 11424PW58 TOGETHER with 611 rig"t. tide and inttr~!ot, if :111)-, of ¡h~ p.'lf'ty or the: fir.,.t p:lrt in J.nd to :my sitters :lnd ru:¡rh 3buuing tM above: ckscribed ¡:¡rem.i;cs If) IIi..:. ~t:~~t'r Ijr,~s thereof, ~. TQCITHER with flte appurtt'rr3.T":t'~ and an ¡he e~are :Lad righu af thl party ¡)f the fir:.! part in ¡\nrl to õ,j,jd premises, TO HAVE A1\ID TO HOLD the. p~enti't~ h~rein granted unto the: party of the :¡ecDnrl pil.rt, the ht;rs or iuceessorS Md anigns of the party of the S~ond pan roren~r. ..... AfID tne party of the first part eovl!nanU (hat the party of the first pan has not done or sufferc:d anything whereby the said pren1ists tu."t ~cn illcumbtnd in any way whate:ver. e:xcept as afore!>uid. AND the part)' of the /ir,¡t pan,.ill compliance with Section 13 Qf the I..ien [..lOt, oovenants lhar the: par~y of t!'le fint put will receive the consideration for rnil; con\'eyance: and will hold the fight to rM:e:ivt such consid- entÎon as a. ¡rust fuud to be :ï.pplied !;rst [o~ th~ purpoSl: of p;:>.)"ing the cost of the improvement a.nd .....11 apply the ;iarnt first 10 the paymen~ of th~ eost of the impro~'elnellt before using :my V3r~ or the ~O'tal of lhe same (0(' any other purpoM:. The word "p.uty" sh~1 be corutrued as if ir md "p<arties" .....heneve:r the sense: of this indenture 50 requires. IN wrI'NF.SS WHEREOF. the party of thl:: flr.)t pan has duly exet¡atod thIs deed the day and year first ~boye wrinen. IN PR!:S1tNCI: OF: £__ :P~.ð- .I , !/: II, 10::_14:41 rA.\. 63J 434 t)18 .J..1. "S¡("OS[ UV"ù' STAn OF NEW you. eoUNnOf SUFFOLK A\£ Be COMPAl'u ,0.. the 18th doy 01 FeÐruary peI'IOaaU.r aune ... L\nn D. losco . 19 92. boofon ... a: ST"'" OF NEW TOU. COUNTY Of 0.. the day 01 persooall)' came 19 .Iore:~ to ~ knoWD to be the individud cxec:uk<J th!! foregoing i(\Strument. she cxa:uted the same. dtscribed in and who and a.cknowl~ that 10 IDt kDown to be the individual ~ted the foregoing in5trument. exC'tuted the s¡¡.me. desd'ibed in ..ad who and acknowledled that. ..Q~,f;> ~~ ""'" SZ\IAy ...-...;:.....y... ~e,o.No.~ STAD Of Ntw Yoalt. C:OUNn Of u: STAn OJ NEW YO... COUNTY' Of !U1 On the day of 19 . before tnc: peTsQnally came to me known, who. ~ing by me dldy sworu, did dcp;:ISC and say that he resides at No. On lhe day of 19 , bdorc me personally came the 5ub.icribing wilnes~ to the foregoing Îlmrument. with ",hom I am personally acql.l.ainttd, who. Ming by me duly sworn, did depose and ¡ay that he resides at NQ. that he knows that ht: i~ the of I the corporation dncribtd in and whith txccuted tt,.e fon:going instrument; th¡l.t be knows the seal of uid corporation; that the scd affixcd to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so aŒixed by order (I( the board of direttors of said corpora- tion, and that be $iI:"R~ b name thereto by lik¡:; order. to bt the indiyidu,¡1 dCKribcd in and who txecuted the fot~( ing Instrument; that he, said. ill.bsc:ribing witneu. WaJ¡ prtStnt and saw t:xecutt> the ¡ame; .and that ht, said witness. at the same time subscribf¡,d h name as witness thereto. J nglin Inb ....1. ¡¡..b \\'¡1I! (:¡,,>VENANl Ar;I\INS1 Gk.....N10';\ ACJS TiTle No m SECTION 077.00 BLOC" 01.00 LOT 004,000 COUN1"Yqf.x~ Suffolk: TAX BJLÜNG .....DURESS 830 Oak Avenue Southold. New York Ann P. loscd1 Daniel J. McGovern and Catherine A. McGovern R.l:o'd~-o A' FiI.o~.¡¡ 01 r"lI T'''e Qulrln,...(; C.O"'lJany aUUkN BY" MI\IL TO: _ TITle GUARANTEE- - NEW YORK A TlCaR TITLe INSURANCE COMÞANY 1...._....11 HI.... 0' NCW TOU: .0&.0 0' mu _."""ITIU o;",i¡"'~ ", g ,. m ~ ã , ~ ..... " <- Q ,., ~ ;:::; " I! <" ~ "' ~ '" ã ~:-. '" ~, ~ 2121 ~ C~ ~ uõ 2 -< '" '" C . " ~ ~ ;: J 51 ;¡y ~ . . GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY JOSHUA Y. HORTON Supervisor MARY C. WILSON ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1889 e-mail: greg.yakaboski@town.southold.ny.us mary. wilson@town.southold.ny.us OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM FROM: BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNEY Qì MARY C. WILSON, ESQ., ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY ~ TO: DATE: FEBRUARY 12,2002 RE: MCGOVERNILUCARELLI In regards to the ownership issue of a roadway area in Goose Creek Estates, the following actions should be considered prior to fmal determination in this app lication: . documentation which shows ownership (i.e. survey) . once correct ownership is determined, the Trustees can defme what is "reasonable use" of the property/roadway is and thereafter set and hold a public hearing This application appears to be quite similar to the Timothy Hill application the Trustees dealt with in 2000. Feel ftee to contact our office should you require additional assistance with this matter. FEB I 3" ,. r ... Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 . SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wednesday, January 16, 2002, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Drew Dillingham, seconded by Scott Hilary, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Permit Application of CATHERINE A. MCGOVERN LUCARELLlto remove +/-70' of concrete bulkhead and to reconstruCt in place 70' of C-Ioc 45<10 Vinyl Sheathing and to backfill structure with +/-20 cy. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland site. Located: 830 Oak Ave., Southold. SCTM#77-1-4 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application because of the misrepresentation of calculations. The project requires 200 cy. of excavation and fill as opposed to the 20 cy. indicated on the application, and the project was not staked. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~; . . SCALE 1//" 2/ SECTION 2"")< 12" CAP l / 62 20 ~----, 5FD 2\,6<· FOLLO¥'IFP;:, .~ ~ LI M I T OF DISfLEßAN:£ t\ND FILL 1Z I ALW( ~ 1M , / ~4 -- --'(Õ //~ B" WALE t BOTTOM :t 20 c.y Or:- Cl[ AN SAND FI~orv1 AN UPLAND SITE AS BACKfl LL !' I - ~ IU - ~....::::I ~ .~ .0 :f.ã,g ~!ê ....o¡¡ go::l of'-,o"è°CfJ . ~oc°"è· 0=......=......- f'-_"è "'<J:: 0 +Io.cc ,g IU E i:d (I: '::1 ;>.OI)IUBo o Õ 5 ë:) .~ CfJ ~g~~"è~ "¡gIU;>..jE= g8~o§"6 rJlU-OCf-<'¡¿ ",.. »<'1 (I: 5 &. 9 .5 +1 8 ::sf >< O"è>,g 0 0 IS. !ã ° .Z: <.t= ,g ~ - o::S;e::lZ i-¡~ g:..:,~ . ~:ŠY.dIU.:.iÞ 8:'3 ~ g -g ~ g <J::.cu",.!:IUU ..... ~ !¡ y ::I"è ....¡- o S,g C IU .... 0 > -.- 00- OCfJy.. ua.rË2 ::S5§~! <J::;>y~r-!. 1U<J::~0f'- .§ ~ -¡ ....¡ ¿ IUOIUï::° -¡o:f2~S u.....'3o.ó .. 00,:Q 0. Z di:j..<J::..¿ i:d 0 IU .. """ ~·i g¡ !¡....; §" 0. y Æ . 0. 0 U <J::....¡ Q~....¡ :!C:;/ ProP. C - LOC 45('(1 VINYL SHEATHING 412.. I/){ 12 "¡< 8 / "è ã ~- :{~ .cf1U j~ ~ ~ .~~ .ËS .....,... 0- !~ 2 OF 2 . r ~ _ Plan based on a survey by Lisa McQuilkin, L.L.S. 11/9/01 J.M. O. Environmental Consulting Quogue, New York 17 DE:C'OI SHEET ^'t- .\:. ~..\' (. c:\' 0" (,0 / -.- --' . l ;ì t-<" 01.,. Á ,/ J ' '* l-?, .' <.~,?(( / ___ It;¡..'\'" / / 1 / ,/ ). ,/ í 1 I ~"''''' '~ "'", , " "" ...~.¿.,'" ~ 'f'"') ......,~ ~ ·0-' '" '" ..(') " o...s.... ~~ .:> . ..- þ ~ o?~ ~""""'-'''" .... 0 '~~ , ~ ~ ~ \, ·~·.o ". Ç-> . ., ,;ò "'Ç> 1 ~ 0 \ , " 0(5' '~"" ~<s> ~o¡, , ,'t/ ç' , (i\'\, 9"~ , --c.. , '" 0",,,,, \ , ., \""" :::; \ 7_ '\; \ çL \ 4. \~ \ u \ <' "'"" '" '.... '0 ð' 0"', o c:S.">~ , <f'> ~ -- , ð'~ (:>?ÿ o *~ vA- ~ 0 :0~> ~~ ~~ <t- O'?> <J- <. .." (,~.,. "'..... <; .- ~ ..' <, ~ .6'. \~ ~ ,1/ ~/ '!I> .' " ~ ,~ .~ -d-/ ~~ W,~O ,Ø ç,'O '?' ~i ? tl ,.. '" "'5'. 0° o 1 "0 i:-' 'é' o '6"' "" --1-. /- // £ ;1 S.C. T.M. 1000-077-1-4 SURVEY OF: LOT 290.291.292 &- P /0 293 MAP OF: GOOSE BAY ESTATES NO. 1176 SOUTHOLD. TOWN of SOUTHOLD. COUNTY of SUFFOLK. STATE of NEW YORK -~--- uNAUTHORIZED Al T[RATI()N OR "DOITION TO THIS SURV(Y IS A VIOlA TlON OF" SECTION 7209 or THE NEw YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW .r· COPIES OF THIS SURVEY UAP NOT BEARING THE lAND SURvEYORS INKED SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A. TRUE VALID CoPy OIS T ANCES SHOWN HEREON FROU PROPERTY LINES TO EXISTING STRUCTURES ARE rOR A SPECU:-IC PURPOSE AND ARE NOT TO BE USED TO ESTABLISH PROPERTY LINES OR VQR ERECTION OF FtNCES CERTlF!CATION INDICATED >-iEREON SHALL RUN ONLY' TO THE PERSON FOR WHow. THE SURV(v 1$ PREPARED A.NO ON HIS BO-tALf TO THE CQMPAN)', GOV[RNU[NTAL AGENCY, AND U:'N~NC INSTITUTION LISTED HEREON AND TO THE ASSIGNEES or THE l[NDiNG INSTITUTION C(RTlFKATlON5 ARE NOT TRA.NStERA8lE TO ADDITIONAL INST,TUTlON'5 OR SUBSEQuENT OWNERS i LISA McQUILKIN fERT1'IED TC I LAND SURVE~NG I 102 MAIN STREE T I NEST SA YVILLE. ~ŒW YORK 11 ;"0 I PHONE. 6."· 563- 49:,é ----- DA TE I -~---------r------- . 11 - c.¡ - 01 I .. f~,CALE:l"=:)\~J' , I ,-------,. . -,-- , i~!Ll NO,a,9~O'ol , "- :--.. . . Albert J. Krupski. President . Jnrnf' Khfg, Vice· President C!; "~nt"Y Smith Artie FmJtÐr Ken Poliwoda / Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (518) 785-18·92 Fax (518) 785-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD office Use only --LCoastal Erosion Permit Application ~Wetland Permit Application ___Grandfather Permit Application Waiver/Amendment/Ch es Recei ved Applica ion: () -ý Received Fee:$ Completed Appl cat 0 Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date s~nf) .- CAC Referral Sent: 1f:2 .... Date of Inspection: I' (. Ie v Receipt of CAC Report~ I Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: f.- ~ ' Public Hearing Held: 1/, J II -ý Resolution: '/ I JI\N - ::: Name of Applicant Catherine A. McGovern Lucarelli Address 138 Fifth Avenue, Kings Park, N.Y. 11754 Phone Number: ( )clo63l-361-6339 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 77-1-4 Property Location: 830 Oak Avenue (prov de LILCO Pole #, d stance to cross streets, and locat fit \\~ AGENT: (If applicable) Glenn E. Justl J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Address: P.O. Box 447, Quogue, N.Y. 11959-0447 Phone: 631-653~0607 FAX': b)j-jj4~ I ~d of Trustees APplicatioAIÞ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): ± C( I 600 Area Zoning: ~-;)o Previous use of property: Sï~l?' ~M.ì\'-'\ Òt..!Je\\\ij \. ~G.N\e~ Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date ~ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? VNO Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): 2 B~d of Trustees APPlicatio~ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations:~l4.Qaó 1ÍeC00S-\flJ-~ Area of wetlands on lot: ± YsO Percent coverage of lot: ~ ~ % square feet Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: ¡;::y- feet Closest distance betwe~.nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: ~ feet Does the project involve excavation /' or filling? No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? j-~ cubic yards How much material will be filled? :!-;xy cubic yards ,J -- Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: :L feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: /:( Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: 'f'CLJ,\OQ'-\.of\. \ Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): 3 , . Dèc O~ 01 01:04p J. consulting 6. 653 3348 p.4 Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk state of New York CD- fhertne McGóven¡ BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT{S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. (b~h;(f~ SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS T"h DAY OF Dec.emoer,_';:¡oOJ . ~/1-f/ì1P {' ~ Notary Public IRENE E. HOWElL NOTARY PUBLIC, Stateo! NuwYOIII No. 4871174 OuafIfled In Suffolk County Commission Expires Sept 8. 20 0 L 7 n~'ov 01 01:03p J. consulting Board of Trustees 6. 653 Application 3348 p.3 AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not I, CnH1CrlíJ.e.. µC(;;OVt'Jrl residing (print owner of property) .' the owner) at tJg fi~-M R'uc- (mailin address) ili q) Po ¡- k.. AJ.j J /7 7-/ do hereby authorize Glenn E. Justl (Agent) J.M.O. Environmental Consulting to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ~~~~ . 8 .. . '~"6,2 [9(9'5)-7.C . . , 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine. In an orderly manner, whether a projecl . or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is nol always easy to answer. Frequenl- Iy, there are aspects of a project Ihat are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood thaI those who delermine significance may have lillle or no formal knowledge of Ihe environmenl or may not be lechnically expert hi environmental analysis. In addition. many who have knowledge in one parlicular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecling the queslion of significance. The full EAF is Intended 10 provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured Ihat the determinalion process has been orderly. comprehensive in nalure, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective dala and Information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project dala, It assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on Identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a profeCt or action. It provides guidance as to whether an Impact Is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether It Is a potentially- large Impact The form also 11entilies whether an Impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any Impact In Part :i Is Identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 Is used to evaluate whether or not the Impact Is actually Important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: 0 Part 1 n Part 2 oPart 3 Upon review of the InformatIon recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 If appropriate), and any other supportIng Information, and considering both the magnitude and Importance of each Impacllt Is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: o A. The project will not result In any large and Important Impact(s) and, therefore, Is one which wÚI not have a sIgnificant Impact on the envlronmenl therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. , . 0 B. Although the proJect could have a significant effect on the envIronment, there will not be a slanlflcant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mItigation measures described In PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.' o C. The project may result In one or more large and Important Impacts that may have a significant Impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. . ^ Conditioned Negative Declaration Is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer In lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer SIgnature of Responsible Officer In lead Agency Signature of Preparer(1I dIfferent from responsible off)cer) I Date 1 . PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the enviro,ment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional Information you believe will be needed to complete Parls 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not Involve new studies. research or Investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable. so indicate and specify each Instance. . .. NAME OF ACTION p, BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( ~>:h <053 OIDO LOCATION OF ACTION .ttnclud 630 co. ~ t<\¡J u.£. NAM OF APPUCANTISPONSOR (\"(\. ~- <::fu~ AOORESS:-.:p,O , L-\ Y. 4- CltYIPO ZIP CODE I Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. If not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall prolect. both developed IInd undeveloped areas. . . 1. Present land use: -øJ1rban Olndustrlal OCommerclal OResldentlai (suburban) OForest OAgrlcultllre OOther 2. Total acreage of project area: ± O,~ -;- acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (No....agrlcultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards. cropland, pasture. etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 2S of ECl) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock. earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) L~'^ 3. What Is predominant soli type(s) on project site! , " c.~ a. Soil draInage: (jiwell drained 1m" of site OModerately well drained " of site OPoorly drained " of site , b. If any agricultural land 1s litvol~ how many acres of soli are classified withIn soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS land Classification System! ~ acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). I 4. Are there bedrock outcropplñgs on pro\ect site! DYes ONo . What Is depth to bedrock! V\ _ Q. (In feet) 2 ORural (non-farm) AFTER COMPLETION acres acres PRESENTlY n.ODS: acres acres acres acres O.OO$"" acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 0,0"\ (),\ QÇ acres acres O'D~ O,\l('~ acres .~ . . 5, Approximate p'ercenta!!e of proposed project site with slopes: .¡;&¡.10% \n'D % D1()'15% % 015% or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district; listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Placesl DYes .allio 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Naturallandmarksl DYes ~o 8, What is the depth of the water tablel V\ \'^-. (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary. principal, or sole source aquiferl Ø:tes DNo 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the proje'èt areal 11. Does project site 50nlain any species of plant or animal life that is idenlified as DYes '99Wo According to ~€\~ Identify each species . 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project silel (I.e.. cliffs. dunes, other geological formations) DYes ~ Describe ¢res DNo threatened or endangered I 13. Is the project sit.!.¡presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? DYes 9'N'" If yes, explain 14. Does the present~e include scenic view~ known to be important to the community? DYes ~ 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: Hnn"'-J? C reet: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary "" \ Q 16. lakes, ponds. wetland a}J!fs ",Ithln o~ontigupus to project area: a. Name ~<-.e. ~íee'¿. 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? ~s DNo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exIst to allow çonnectlonl ~s DNo b) If Yes, will improveménts be necessary to allow connection? "3¥es DNo 16. Is the site located In an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets law, Article 2S-M Section 303 and 304? DYes ~ . 19. "the site located in or substantlall.!L~~ntlguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 6 of the ECl, and 6 NYCRR 6171 ~s DNo' 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? DYes ~ b. Size (In acres) -12lCÀ.- B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill In dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acr~age owned or controlled by proJect sponsor O. ,;)S- b. Project acreage to be developed: ~ acres initially; ..er- c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped ..ø- acres. d. length of project, In miles: IÎ\ \ CL (If appropriate) e. 'If the project Is an expansion, Indicate percent of expansion proposed VI \«. f. Number of off·street parking spaces existing V\ \a. ; proposed I,,, \ Q g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour V\ \ Q . (upon' completion of project)1 h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family °ee Ultimately c<) ,rvP./ I. Dimensions (In feet) of lareest proposed structure? height: / t3 " width; . linear feet of frontage alone a public thoroughfare p'roJect will occupy Isf ff 3 acres. acres ultimately. %; Multiple Family C"ndoml,lIum Initially \ -qo----- ft. leneth. 2. How much noturol material (i.e.. rock. earth. etc.) will be removed from the sitel -±3Ga.i ~ tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclalmedl ,axes DNo DN/^ a. II yes. for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimedl b. Will topsoil be stockpiled lor reclamationl DYes ~o c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamationl ~s DNo 4. How many acres 01 vegetation (trees. shrubs. ground covers) will be removed.{rom sitel . A?J acres. S. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locaily-important vegetation be removed by this project? DYes r$& 6. /I single phase project: Anticipated period of construction '^, '^- months. (including demolition). 7. /I multi-phased: n '- Q.. a. Tolol number of phases anticipoted b. Anticipoted dote of commencement phose 1 c. Approximote completion date of final phase d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases! 8. Will blostlng occur during construction! . DYes SNo- 9. Number of jobs generoted: during construction . <: 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project ø-- 11, Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities I ta....JV\ (number), month month DYes year, (including demolition). year. DNo ; a Iter project Is complete g- DYes ¢¡o /I yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal Involved! DYes ~o a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage. Industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name 01 water body Into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal Involved! DYes Ijit;¡.o. Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body Increase or decrease by proposall DYes ~o Explain 15. Is proJect or any portion of project located In a 100 year flood plalnl ~s DNo 16. Will the project generate solid waste!' *-es. DNo a. If yes, what Is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing 'solid waste faclll!):, be used! ~s DNo c. /I yes, give name "-'¡;;',)("\ Lt?(\N-H~ ; location 'E-k.. L\.~ S{JLL~ta d. Will any wastes not go Into a sewage disposal system or Into a unitary landfill! DYes ~ e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the proJect involve the disposal of solid wastel DYes ØNo- a. /I yes, what Is the anticipated rate of dlsposall tonS/month. b. II yes. what Is the anticipated site life! years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides! DYes ~ 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes ~ 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels! DYes ~ 21. Will project result In an Increase In energy use! DYes iu.ao /I yes . Indicate fype(s) 22. If water supply Is from wells. Indicate pumping capacity If\ to: gallons/minute. . 23. Total anticipated water usage per day \f\ \«- gallons/day. 24. n,,". .,.·I·ct Involve Local, State or Federal fundlngl DYes ~o ',.In 4 . . . . is. App;ov.als Required; Type SubmiUal Dale CitV. 9illage Board CiIV. Town. Village Planning Board City. Town Zoning Board City. County Health Department Other Local Agencie. Other Regional Agencie.. State Agencies Federal Aeencies ~e. DNo DYes ~o DYe. ~o DYe. ~o DYe. '16No DYe. !lfN 0 5¥es DNo fi!I¥ e. DNo 5n"n ~~ /¿(Ø{ \J.:-\- '),'tI,,\:£', 4 AI...'-/. ":1\ "D.ð'> I I ,":DO\(\,,· - 12/0( olaf , C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does propo.ed action involve a planning or ~oning decision! II Yes. indicate decision requited: D~oning amendment O~oning variance Dspecial use permit Dsubdivislon Dnewlrevlsion 01 master plan D~esource management plan Dother 2. What Is the zoning classlflcation(slof the site! '"B-- 20 3. What Is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning I ,~'N-.ç ~. What Is the proposed zoning of the site! e:..n.."" f2--- S. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoningl ~W\. '€- DYes ~ Dsite plan 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land us~ plans! ~ DNa 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Yo mile radius of proposed action! S O,w.....(.... 10. " . 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adJoining/surrounding land uses within 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposedl a. What is the minimum lot size proposedl Will proposed action require any authorlzatlon!s) for the formation of sewer Or water districts! DVes ~ Will the proposed action creag,: demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, pollee. fire protectlon)l DYes 0 a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demandl DYes DNo Will the proposed action result In the generation of traffic significantly above present levels! a. If yes, Is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic! DYes a Yo mllel V\lQ ~s DNo 12. DVes DNo ~ D. Informational Details AUach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such Impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoId them. E. Verification I certify that the inf Applican!/Sponsor Na Signature I! the action I, In the Coastal Area, an with thi, assessment. vlded above Is true to the best of my knowledge. . C <tS Date~ Title you are a .tate agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding 5 Part 2-PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE Responsibility of Lead Agency General Informalion (Read Carefully) · In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question; Have my responses and determinations been reasonable! The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. · The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situalions. But. for any specific project or site other examples andlor lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response. thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. · The impacts of each project, on each site. in each locality, will vary. Therefore. the examples are Illustrative and have been offered as guidance. They do not conslitute an exhaustive list of impacts and threshold, to answer each question. · The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. · In identifying impacts. cÇ>nslder long term, short term and cumlative effects. Instructions (Read carefully) . , a. Answér each of the 20 questions In PART 2. Answer Yes II there will be any Impact. b. Maybe answers should be consIdered as Yes answers. . c, II answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box (column 1 or 2) to Indicate the potential size of the Impact. II Impact threshold equals or exc~eds any example provided, check column 2. If Impact will occur but threshold Is lower than example, check column 1. d. Idenilfylng that an Impact will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that Ills also necessarily sIgnificant. Any large Impact must be evaluated In PART 3 to determine slgnlllcance. Identifying an Impact In column 2 simply asks that II be looked at further. e. If reviewer has ciOObt about sIze of the Impact then consider the Impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. f. If a potentially large Impact checl<ed In column 2 can be mitigated by change(s) In the proJect to a small to moderate Impact, also check the Ves box In column 3, A No response IndIcates that such a reduction Is not possible. This must be explaIned In Part 3. IMPACT ON LAND 1. Will the proposed action result In a physical change to the project site! . ONO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · ^ny construction on slopes of 15% or creater, (15 foot rise per 100 foot of lencth). or where the ceneral slopes in the project area exceed 10%. · Construction on land where the depth to the water table Is less than 3 feet. · Construction of paved parkinc area for 1.000 or more vehicles. · Construction on land where bedrock Is exposed or generally·withln 3 feet of existing ground surface. · Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or Involve more than one phase or stage. · Excsvation for mining purposes that would remove more than 1.000 tons of natural material (I.e.. rock or soli) per year. · Construction or expansion of a sanitary landfill. · Construction In a designated floodway. · Other Impacts 2. Will there be an effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the site! (I.e.. cliffs. dunes. geological formations. etc.JONO DYES · Specific land forms:. 6 1 2 3 Small to Potential ,Can Impact Be Moderate Large MItigated By Impact Impact Project Change 0 0 QYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo I 0 0 DYes oNo . IMPACT ON WATER 3. Will proposed action affect any water body designated as protected! (Under Articles 1 5. 24. 25 of the Environmental Conservalion law, ECl) DNO DYES E..mples that would apply to column 2 · Developable area of site contains a protected water body. · Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of a protected stream. · Extension of utility distribulion facilities through a protected water body. · Construction in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. · Other impacts; 4. Will proposed aclion affect any non-protected existing or new body of water! DNO . DYES Examples that would apply to column 2' . · A 10% increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. · Construction of a body of water that exceJds 10 acres of surface area. · Other impacts: 5. Will Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantity! DNO DVES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. · Proposed Action requires use of a source of water that does not have approval to serve proposed (project) action. · Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater than 45 gallons per minute pumping capacity. · Construction or operation causing any contamination of a water supply system. · Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. · Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the site to facilities which presently do not exIst or have Inadequate capacity. · Proposed Action would use water in excess of 20.000 gallons per day. · Proposed Action will likely cause siltation or other discharge Into an existing body of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. · Proposed Action will require the storage of petroleum or chemical products greater than 1,100 gallons. · Proposed Action will allow residential uses In areas without water andlor sewer services. · Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses which may require new or expansion of existing waste treatment andlor storage facilities. . · Other Impacts: 6. Will proposed action alter drainage ffow or patterns, or surface water runoff! DNO DYES Examptes that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action would change ffood water ffows. 7 . 1 2 3 5mallto Potential Can Impact Be Moderate large MItigated By Impact Impact Project Change 0 0 OVes ONo 0 0 . oVes oNo . 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 OVes ONo 0 0 OVes ONo 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 DVes ONo 0 0 OVes ONo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 OVes -ONo 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 OVes oNo . , I 0 0 OVes oNo · Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. · Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. · Proposed Action will allow development in a designated lIoodway. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON AIR 7, Will proposed action affect air quality! DNO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action will induce 1.000 or more vehicle trips in any given hour. · Proposed Action will result in the incineration of more than 1 ton of refuse per hour. · Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed SIbs. per hour or a heat source producing more than 10 million BTIJ's per hour. · Proposed action will allow an Increase In the amount of larid committed to industrial use. · Proposed action will allow an increase In the density of industrial development within e"'sting industrial areas. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 5. Will Proposed Action affee! any threatened or endangered species! DNO DVES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Reduction of one or more species listed on the New Vork or Federal list. using the site, over or n.ear site or found on the site. , Removal of any portion of a critical or slanlflcant \9l1dllfe habitat. , Appllca60n of pesticide or herbIcide more than twice a year, other than for agricultural purposes. 'O!her impacts: . Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened or non-endangered species! DNa DVES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action would substantially Interfere with any resident or migratory fish, shellfish or wildlife species. · Proposed Action requires the removal of mOre than 10 acres of mature forest (over 100 years of age) or other locally Important vegetation. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. Will the Proposed Action affect agricultural land resources! DNO DVES Examples that would apply to column 2 · The proposed action would sever. cross or limit access to agricultural land (includes cropland. hayflelds, pasture; vineyard, orchard, etc.) 8 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact at! Moderate Large MItigated By Impact Impact Project Change 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 OVe, oNo 0 0 OVe, oNo 0 0 OVes oNo 0 0 OVes ..oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo . 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 DVes oNo 0 0 oVes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DVes oNo . 0 0 oVes oNo I. i; . 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impacl f Moderate large Mitigated B) . Impact Impact Project Chan! 0 0 DYes ON. 0 0 DYes ON. 0 0 DYes ON. 0 0 DYes ON. 0 0 DYes ONi 0 0 DYes ON, 0 0 DYes ON, 0 0 DYes ON, 0 0 DYes ON, 0 0 DYes ON, 0 0 DYes ON, 0 0 DYes ON, . , 0 0 oí,es ON' 0 0 Des ON' 0 0 DYes ON, · Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of agricultural land, · The proposed action would irreversibly convert more than 10 acres of agricultural land or, if located in an Agricultutal District more than 2.5 acres of agricultural land. · The proposed action would disrupt or prevent installation of agricultural land management systems (e.g.. subsurface drain lines. outlet ditches. strip cropping); or create a need for such measures (e.g. cause a farm field to drain poorly due to increased runoff) · Other impacts: IMPACT ON AEST~ETIC RESOURCES 11. Will proposed action affect aesth~tic resources! DNa DYES (If necessary. use the Visual EAt Addendum In Section 617.20, Appendix B.) Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed ,land uses, or project components obviously different from or In sharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns. whether man-made or natural. · Proposed land uses, or project components visible to users of aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. · Project components that will result in the elimination or significant screening of scenic views known to be Important to the area. · Other Impacts: IMPACT ON HIST.ORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12. Will Proposed Action Impact any site or structure of historic. pre- historic or paleontological Importance! DNO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · PropoSed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substantially contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of hIstoric places. · Any Impact to an archaeological site or fossil bed located within the project site. · Proposed Action will occur In an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventory. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13. Will Proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities! ham pies that would apply to column 2 DNa DYES · The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. · A major reduction of an open space Important to the community. · Other Impacts: 9 IMPACT ON CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS 14 will Proposed Action impact the exceptional or unique character ¡sties of a critical environmental area (CEA) established pursuant to subdivision 6 NYCRR 617.14(g)! DNa DYE List the environmental characteristics that caused the designation 0 the CEA. Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action to locate within the CEA! · Proposed Action will result in a reduction in the Quantity of the resource? · Proposed Action will result in a reduction in the quality of the resource! · Proposed Action will impact the use, function or enjoyment of the resource? · Other impacts: IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 15. Will there be an effect to existinl transportation svstems! . DNa DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Alteration of present patterns of movement of people andlor goods. · Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON ENERGY 16 Will proposed action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy supply! DNa DYES hample. that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action will cause a greater than 5% increase in thé use of any form of enerlY In the municipality. · Proposed Action will require the creation or extension of an energy transmission or supply system to serve more than SO single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or Industrial use. · Other impacts: 10 ----------- ------- I 1 2 3 1 Small 10 Potential Can Impact Be Moderate large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change S f 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYe, oNo 0 0 DYe" oNo, I 0 0 DYes oNo . NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS 17. will Ihere be objectionable odors, noise, or vibralion as a resull of Ihe Proposed AClion! DNO DYES Examples thaI would apply 10 column 2 · Blasling wilhin 1,500 feel of a hospilal, school or other sensilive facilily. · Odors will occur routinely (more Ihan one hour per day). · Proposed Aclion will produce operating noise exceeding Ihe local ambienl noise levels for noise outside of Slruclures. · Proposed Action will remove nalural barriers thaI would acl as a noise screen. · Olher impacIS: IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 18,. Will Proposed Action affect public heallh and safety! DNO DVES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action may cause a risk of explpsion or release of hazardous substances (I.e. oil, pesticides, chemicals. radlalion, etc.) In the event of accident or upset conditions, or there may be a chronic low level discharge or emission, . · Proposed Action may result In the burial of "hazardous wastes" In any form (i.e. toxic. poisonous. highly reaclive, radioactive. Irritating. Infectious, elc.) · Slorage facilities for one million or more gallons of liqulfied nalural gas or other flammable liquids. · Proposed action may result in the excavation or other disturbance within 2.000 feet of a site used for the disposal of solid Or hazardous waste. · Other ImpactS: IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 19. Will proposed action affect the character of the existing community! DNO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · The permanent population of the city, toWn or village In whIch the proJect Is located Is likely to grow by more than 5%. · The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating services will Increase by more than 5 % per year as a result of this proJect. · Proposed action will conflict wIth officially adopted plans or goals. · Proposed action will cause a change In the density of land use. · Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, structures or areas of historic Importance to the community. · Development will create a demand for additional community services (e.g. schools. police and fire. etc.) · Proposed Action will set an Important precedent for future ·projects. · Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment. · Other Impacts: . 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Modera!e Large Mitigated By Impact Impact ProJect Change 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 DYes oNo 0 0 oVes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes ONO 0 0 oVes ONo 0 0 DVes DNo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DVes DNo 0 0 DVes DNo 0 0 DVes DNo 0 0 DVes DNo 0 0 DVes DNo 0 0 DVes DNo D D OVe~ DNo 20. Is there, or Is there likely to be, public controversy related to potential adverse environmental Impacts! I DNO DVES II I.Y IcUon In Plrt 2 II IdenUflld II I potlnUlllllVe Implct or II you CIMot dlterml.. lho mlgnltude 01 Imp.ct. proclOd 10 Plrt , 11 Part 3-EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Pari 3 must be prepared if one or more Impacl!s) is considered to be potentially large, even if the impact!s) may be mlllgaled. Inslructlons Discuss the following for each itnpact identified in Column· 2 of Part 2: 1. Brlefiy describe the impact. 2.. Describe (if applicable) how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project chanae(s). J. Based on the Information available. decide if it Is reasonable to conclude that this impact is Imporlant. To answer the question of Importance. consider: · The probability of the impact occurring · The duration of the impact · lis Irreversibility. including permanently lost resources of value · Whether. the Impact can or will be controlled · The regional consequence of the Impact · Its potential divergence from local needs and goals · Whether known objections to the' project relate to this Impact. (Continue on attachments) . 12 . . 617.20 Appendix B State Environmental Quality Review Visual EAF Addendum ~ JoI . ...·11.(9195)-9c SEaR This form .may be used to provide additional information relating to Question 11 of Part 2 of the Full EAF. (fo be completed by Lead Agency) Visibility 1. Would the project be visible from: · A parcel of land which Is dedicated to and available to the public for the use. enjoyment and appreciation of natural or man·made scenic qualities? · An overlook or parcel of land dedicated to public observatlo.n. enjoyment and appreciation of natural or man·made scenic qualities? · A site or structure listed, on the National or State Registers of Historic Places? · State Parks? · TI-¡e State Forest Preserve? · National Wildlife Refuges and state game refuges? · National Natural landmarks and other outstanding natural features? · National Park Service lands? · Rivers designated as National or State Wild. Scenic or Recreational? · Any transportation corridor of high expos.ure. such as part of the Interstate System, or .Amtrak? · A governmentally established or designated Interstate or Inter-county foot trail, or one formally proposed for establishment or designation? · A site, erea, leke, reservoir or highway designated es scenic? · MunicIpal park, or designated open space? · County road? · State? · Local road? Distance Between Project and Pesource (In Miles) 0·'10 '1.-'1. '1.·3 3·5 5+ ODD LJ 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ... o o o o o 2. Is the visibility of the project seasonal? (I.e.. screened by' summer foliage. but visible during other seasons) DYes oNo 3. Are any of the resources checked In question during which the project will be visible? DYes oNo 1 used by the public during the time bf ~ar I 1 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING VISUAL ENVIRONMENT 4. From each Item checked In quesllon I, check those which generally describe the surrounding environment. Within .,/. mile "I mile Essentially undeveloped Forested Agricultural Suburban residential Industrial Commercial Urban River, Lake, Pond Curfs. Overlooks DesIgnated Open Space' Flat Hilly Mountainous Other NOIE: add attachments as needed o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 5. Are there visually similar projects within: "Y. mile OVes ONo "I miles DVes ONo "2 miles OVes ONo ·3 miles OVes ONo . Distance from project site are provided for 8Sslstance. Substitute other distances as appropriate EXPOSURE 6. The annual number of viewers likely to observe the proposed project Is NOTE: When user data Is unavailable or unknown. use best estimate. Activity Travel to and from work Involved In recreational activities Routine travel by residents At a residence At workslte Other CONTEXT 7. The situation or activity In whIch the viewers are engaged while viewing the proposed action Is FREQUENCY Holidays' Weekends o o o o o o tI Dally o o o o o o Weekly o o o o o o Seasonally o o o o o o 2 . . THE'FOLLOWING ARE A LIST OF ADJACENT NEIGHBORS FOR THE BELOW NOTED PROPERTY AS PER THE TAX ASSESSORS OFFICE OF THE TOWN TAX ASSESSORS OFFICE OR TIlE DEPARTMENT OF REAL PROPERTY Owner: Catherine A. McGovern Lucarelli S.C.T.M.No. 1000-77-1-4 Adjacant Owner: James W. Kophen Mailing Address: 26 Roberts Lane, Yonkers, N.Y. 1070 I S.C.T.M.No. 1000-77-1-3 Adjacent Owner: Alexander and Pauline Ledonne Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1746, Southold, N.Y. 11971 S.C.T.M.No. 1000-77-1-5 ,,- f' . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: D'dhulM A fY1t.GM~r7) Lu. cClrel I i SCTM#lOOO- 77 - J - f YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: /fPf U(Will- ¡Þ10?OSe s iD reCtn1JIYucf .þ A /,Sh/i;J bu..l /( h..€Ct... cl J70' tvi"¡"tc V¡,7'11 ('-Lot. 'ISOO 5hP..ú+-tu"1-- c¡ ha.-e.ltfi¡/· LV i 1---1;..) 2 Ú {' if Ò feu Ú-A<.. ~d 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review,--is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: ð 30 OCuk ~ :5v/Æ..-fh£!/cf 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on :('11 ßp ðf¡!,{jJJ You may contact the Trustees Off ice at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. . tlc¡'!A-O'lI/{- Enc.: copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. s