HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5657 . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 1, 2003 Mr. John Costello Costello Marine Contracting Corp. P.O. Box 2124 Greenport, NY 11944 RE: PATRICK KELLY 75 HARBOR LIGHTS DR., SOUTHOLD SCTM#71-2-7 Dear Mr. Costello: The following action was taken by the Southo1d Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, April 30, 2003: RESOLVED, that the Southo1d Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the Amendment to Permit #5657 to allow for a 6' wide by 142' long untreated deck landward of the newly constructed bulkhead as part of the non-turf buffer and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Costello Marine Contracting Corp. dated March 16, 2003. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, a~;~ <- - I (7 ~ _~~; C2., ,.'<., ~T' Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:lms . . ~n Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town HILll. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New Yark 11971 _ SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wednesday, April 16, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Tom Schlichter, seconded by Drew Dillingham, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION of the Amendment Request of PATRICK KELLY to Amend Permit #5657 to allow for a 6' wide by 142' long untreated deck landward of the newly constructed bulkhead as part of the non-turf buffer. Located: 75 Harbor Lights Dr., Southold. SCTM#71-2-7 The CAC recommends Approval with the Condition that an upland swale is installed to keep the fertilizers from migrating. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried . . ReTURN TN FORM TO: NOTICE OF COMMENceMENT OF CON&TRUCTIO~ COMPLIAHCIi MaMt ...Iab".' ~I'O"I""" NYSDEC Iullcllng"O _ SUNY Slllny.~~,NY117~ PERMITNu SFl.R;J:j13i-OO'fb;/OÇOO5 ISlVEOTC:PAtl\l'~b: ~eJi-J , "7r I-h-bN 1-; , 1""'-' ¿> Î",-dJ/.- ~~OJECT" CATlON/ADDR!S8: l. - r I- f i"" ¡:II'.... CONTRAOT RNAM~: (( r~ m,..".,/¡t Ú'r<-f, (.;y.p, If)-~ ø >-r, ,; c::;' "('~f:>,,; AI) 1/1 ý)' '177- If'f ~ i I I Purcuiilnt La IlØP/lm.nr,1Y Specl., Condition D otthm lallrenCOd P.t"'~, yðu ar.. h.r.b)' norlfttrd I~.t ~ 1II.4oII'\orJ..~ I. ttvity et\aIl COtM'lancl on ¥/' J , ~ . Wt cenilv thlt WfJ have ~Id (". ~.'.r.r'lcad p.tl'l'll& ana: .pproy. plant."e:! rya~ uncf....tanc:I the IUIl'tClÌ1Ud project .na III "lmll oonctltlOl1l. we nave fled the proi,CI ... loa ..n mplt",n. prol..'., d...rlbO<t In tho "",mil lod II .oplolod "" Iho aoP/''''O<I plo"" elll dO ,. In loll ..",pilon.. II' all plan nol.. .n. pormll oondIlIOn" Tnt pOl",II'l9n, pOI",II.nd aop""'o. olin. will Þ. "'.:lOCIo .".0 ... for Inop Ior\ In _din.. wllh f.n Condluoo N., 1, ,...... "=. . ..n ~ ' ONTRACTOA DAT~ S" ~__, T,"" NO"/C MUST If '/!NT '" ",ove AOQ/<I'U A T /,EAST 71oVO p"" ~RIOR TO COMMEND'·).NT 01' TI/4 "'OOJIiCr IOIfANV Aof'DÇ .O_IIIOVl.AT¡¿)AOTMTIU I'AlLUR' TO ¥'IUIIN THIf NOne., ;$sr T><E PERM" SIGN, 0Ii' E rME PHNtf/r ANO AI¥¥tOVID PIJo/'Jt AVA'£.AII.' A r T11' WO tJC tJTE ~OR THe DUbTt<?N 0' rHE PROJ,eT "SUBJEOT TI-/' /'iRM/TT.. AND/OR eONTRADTOIO TO ,_,OA'" SANCTIONS AND ~f""'. T,6S FOR NON· ~ON¡)I.IANC IMTk PENdlr OONCtTIONI. , , ...: ~ iO DRess' T E~HONe: OsarSw - . ~,~... ".. ...",. w w Su.-....¡-µ--(L ¡; /,I..A\- /")vrrn¡ r -J- -S {, ~ 1 Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. S'S"7 DATE: .toI~v: 20th, 2002 ISSUED TO .n__. .1> A ::r~.r.ºK:__I(J;;HX . 1\ut~nr¡latin" Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893: and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952: and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;!.', and in accordance with the Resolution of The Bóard adopted at a meeting held on __Np'y'... 20.th 200.?.__. and in consideration of the sum of $____209__..99. paid by . .ºostell.o.__M.a!in~...Ç9ntractin.g.. Corp.,. on...b-eh-aU--.,£-',Patrick Kelly of.__... __. ....º-l".e"Z:¡PP!t. .. N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authori¡es and permits the folowing: Wetland Permit to construct a new 156 foot bulkhead inc1udin ~r return on ~e~t side) with C-Loc Vinyl Sheathing directly III front of eXlstlllg bulkhead with the stipulation of a ten foot. non-turf buffer. all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees hoare- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscn"bed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. TNlSlees {. ", ) , " t ~_'____~ _"",-II . JIIt'-_~:t..~';;'''' ~ -.... "" '; I: '\; '-.. ~.." ~.~-) '''J~.., '. ....----.........~.-""" . ~;7.'-- -.- -" . ::::::.~, .. - . ~ ~r- r-:_ , - ~ (\ J!.:: . ......;:.;-....J ,_ ....:!.. ~__ \1._ ./~-~-'~'; - :-:=-..-,- . . ..... .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . .. . . .~. . . . '. . .. " . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. .. . . " .. . ~ TERMS and CONDmONS '"' :'A. ~ ..:.. ~ :...,.,~ {......, The Permittee P:::Lh·i,...1l- Kpl1y· residing It 75 Harbor Lights Drive. SoutholrJ. N. Y.. u pan' of the coosideratioa for the isa··nce of che Pamit does IJødentand and prescribe to the £01. l-šøg: 1. That the said Board of T~ and me TO'IrD of SouchoId are re1eaed &un uy and aU cIamages, « claims fIX cIamages, of suiu uisiag direcdy « iødhecd.y .. a result of uy oper- adoo peáocmed punuaat to chis penait, and me said fi 'I ~ will, . his « her _ e>:f'<"". clefeocl uy aød alllUCh lIJIu'iaitWiecI by cbItd pudes, aød the said 1'»-. 11M __ fall JiIbIIity wich mpea thereto, to the ~ '~ of the Boud 01 'i'~ of the TOWIi of ~ 2. That chis PenÞk Is' wUd foe . period of /4 IDOl, wbichls oof'l~recI to be the ('Cd.....,~ CÌØIe requhed 10 ~ the wod< iawhed, butihoald ~..... -. ftIIII*t for an exœasion may be made to the Boud at a Iatu ~ 3. That chis Pamit should be retained iadefioitely, or as loog as the said Permittee wiIbes to m.i""'¡n the structure or ptoject involved, to provide nidence to anyoae coaœraed tbot IIDIh- orization was origiaally obtaiaed. 4. That che wodt imolved wi1I be subject to the ¡n~ aød approwl of the Boud ( t ia ageøts, and noo-oompliance wich, the pr01'isioas of the otIs''''''''' app1icadoa, may be cause foe rnocation of chis l>ami.t by ......Iution of the said Board. 5. That chete will be no Wlmlsoooble iaterfercøœ wich aavïaatïœ as a result of the ...ø herein auiborized. 6, That chete shaU be DO iaterference wim the right 01 the public to pass and ~ aIœc the beach between high and low watel' marla. 7. That if future operatioas of the Town of SouchoId requke the 1'CGIOftI and/or aIteradoas in the location of the wodt herein """-(10)'''<1, or if, ia the opiaioa of the Boud of TtuIIeeS, che, wad; Ibal1 ~ _SODlhle ohstructaon to free aa~ the said p....m;.... win be reqaIœd, upon due nodce, to remove O¡, alter chis work or project herein stated witbouc e.<peI*S to the T_ oE Souehold. 8. That me said Board will be nodfied by the Pemùuee or che ~of the...ø IIDIh- orlzed. 9. That me Pe.tmitcee will obtain aU ocher permits and conceø" chat may be required ...... plemental to chis permit wbich may be subject to reYOIœ upon foilure to obcaia -. '.' .. '.' , , ,. , , ,. ".' , , , . . , , . I' . .. , .. .. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .. , , , , . ,I. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Costello Marine Cont"~"'ing Co 11,. Behalf f r L . l\. v Q. .LJ.\,; Kelly Please be advised that your application, dated Octoh..,.?l ?oQ? has been reviewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of 1\110'"""'88" a9tl.. 2882 and the following action was taken: (see below) (see below) (-L.) Application Approved (-) Application Denied (-) Application Tabled (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: One Inspectionion @$5. 00 TOTAL FEES DUE: $ 5 1)1) tZu..· ý '1 ~~ J~"~' 9' SIGNED: y. PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY: c~~o9~ 4/98 Albert J. Krupski, President . James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.Q, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 5, 2002 Mr. John Costello Costello Marine Contracting Corp. PO Box 2124 Greenport, NY 11944 RE: SCTM# 71-2-7 Patrick Kelly 75 Harbor Lights Drive Southold, NY Dear Mr. Costello: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during a Regular Meeting, held on November 20th, 2002 regarding the above matter, WHEREAS, Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of Patrick Kelly applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of South old, application dated October 21,2002 WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on November 20th 2002 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS. the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18 of the Southold . 2 . Town Code. WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approved the application of PATRICK KELLY .a Wetland Permit to construct a new 156' bulkhead (including 8' return on west side) with C- Loc Vinyl Sheathing, directly in front of existing bulkhead. With the stipulation of a ten foot non-turf buffer. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Fee must be paid, if applicable and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Ifinspections are required, at a fee of$5.00 per inspection (See attached schedule). FEES: $5.00 Very truly yours, ~ý l!v._;~~' 0' Albert J. Krupski, Jr, President, Board of Trustees AJK/cjc cc DEC Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P A TRICK^ KELL Y YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line 1 st day of construction Yo constructed ----X Project complete, compliance inspection. One Inspectionion @$5.00 Costello Marine Contracting Co. . ~ Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town HILll. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New Yark 11971 . SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the South old Town ConserVation Advisory Council held Monday, November 18. 2002, the following recommendation was made: PATRICK KELLY to construct a new 156' bulkhead (including 8' return on west side)" with C-Loc vinyl sheathing, directly in front of existing bulkhead, Located: 75 Harbor Lights Dr., Southold. SCTM#71-2-7 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. SOf./THOLO ðA Y ~. t >30t./THO L /:) ~O..JIiCT L.QCAT'ØN ð --v >- r , VICINITY MAP L..OCATION MAP " - - - - & ._n: - - - - 400' -0 ADJACëNT PROPERTY OWNERe.' CD PAT KEL.L.Y' ® ..JOHN ~ L.~EoL~ C!7~AHAM gO CATHEDRAL AVE, 150 OXFOItD DR. GARDE.N CITY NV II 5!10 (7ARO~N CITY NY 11530 (215 HARe-OR L.IGH'T~ OR,) CSl5 HARe-Oj( L.IGHT~ DR,) PRopo~eD'- CONßTRUCTING A New ISGt' e,UL.tc.HEAD ( INGL, ð RETURN ON WE~T ~IDE),WI-rH C-L.OC VINYL. 5HEA-rHING, DIRECTLY IN FR.ONT OF e.XI~ING eoUl-I<HEAO, ACCE:'.:>5' eo..,.. WATER, U&ING CRANa/ e.ARGe., PRëPAReD flY' COôTEL.L.O MARINe GONTRAGTINC!o GORP. p.o. e,ox 21Z.... GlteeNPORT, NV lIe++ (p~I) ....77-11!)9 APPL.ICANT' "PAT KELLY ~o CATHEDRAL. AV. GARDEN CITY, NY 115:30 (75 HAlteoR LIGHT~ DR., 50UTHOLD) 5.C.T.M, 1000-71-2-7 sePT, 7, ZOOZ SHEET I OF:3 .. .",. .'~. '.';t C' ~ .{, ~.../ ø' ''Sri.'' ¡"'/..' : I /,-' : I"!:' IF I"j.: Ii: I"'~' T': ~l $[ " ' < ¡,: ., '1'"... : f.' I 'j: , ¡-IE;': ,/ , \'" I / l " I ok . .t / t Q, /~// /~f /H'/ j'"/ / Jf / A://\./ A:/ "'~~r." . e~<. .~'" ....,~~ Pþ_ ....~o f> (' ~'O'"b "'G 'A.¡;( C',~$o ðv(." ~~OC"Sfõ' "'lii 0,..""',,,,/"(:; ....0 '<>ò I!:J( r-(. ~ /=t,(..' '~.,..-:S"'tðl./(. ('<:!ol. V. . ðl./e....!:f.Io-f€ clJ.~Os 1.J.¡,.,,'ì!,,;;'ö ~) ....g 51TE PLAN o ac' v 'f ~ "'c"'>-- """ """ t:;,'S-r-. "-10(..,'''<<> <1:~0 'f U '" I ... . ).. oJ oJ fJJ .or II. o . o ~ \'" " 4" '" l o /-.¡ . ~~-- ð°le 1..1(3 /-.¡.,.. .s D~/V~ ~ APPL..ICAI'JT' PAT KI!!L..t..Y ~O'CATHEDRAL.. AVE, GARDE!:I'J, CITY, NY \ I S~O (7~ HARI!>OR LIGHTS DR,. 60UTHOt..D) SEPT. 7, 2002. PREPARED e,y: COSTEL-L-O M.....RINE CONTRACTING COIi!.P, PO: ~x 2.12.4 ßREENI"'OItT, I'JY 1I!)44- (<'~I) 477- II!)~ 5HE:ET Z OF ~ · E)<.I ~T. "I L.~e. TO e.e REMOVEO Ex.¡&T. a."" (ø" 5TRlloJðER'i:> TO....M.....'þ.,i . 1!)C.1e.-r. ïAð ~He.ATHINe¡, TO RI!MATN \ \ f'ROI"05ED 10"¢ PILE PRO~ r:ø"..<.: STilt I NOE"'~ PRO~ "C-LOG" VINYL. 5HE.....THING cø' o.c:;.. e,ULKHEAD RE5HEATHING (TOP VIEW) - - - - I' &' o EL.+8,O - .....MHW +2,5 ... 10' NON - TURF e.I.JF,.Eiõl ,:, \I. (2.g,,~"J N.~¡t. ":"''''f''I~ \:L....5.0 EXI5TING e.ULKHE.....D TO RI!M.....11oJ ....ML.W 0.0 ,II ~ Ie-I. TI E ROD e.,XlðT. ~oTTOM ( e>"'CK I ¡-I(;, PIL~,c.; O.C. c¡J1)( r.1I 5TRINe¡,ER~ 10· F.....CE-TO-F..-c.E 'c- LOc." VI N'(L 5He......THIN<::t I+' LONe¡, HORI2., DEADMAN Dli!eDGE. TO 6L,-4,O f. U5e.....~ e.ACKFIL.L.. tiÞ' - -, "" CR055 SECTION ,----' '2.' 4' APPLICANT' UL;I 2 I '21.",. PAT KE!L.L.Y ?>O CATHEDRAL-Ave. GARD_"l c:.ITY,.;':'>t 115!1o (Tð HAIi:I!oOR LI<::tHT5 DR" 5OUTHOLD) 5e:PT. 7, 20~'2. o PREPARED e.y, C06'TEL.LO MARINE CQNT.RAc:.'T1 Ne;, COR.P, ~o' e.ox. 212+ <5IR.ee,N..OII.T, N,( II~++ tiÞ!lI-+77- \I~9 SHEET :3 OF '3 ~._.._--- ..--.--.... --.-- """'.11, I "\L.P"-'~:; '40 ....-.---.-. I H.'. NO. BUFF. CO, H~"LTH DEf' PROVAL. <f- I\Mr':LlA DEL.-.ul?o CAO:OLl'-lE ¡':OAD "h<"-A",US, N.';' 07ó':5Z . A"lIAr ;::O.UQ() 1Q 1""1 D.l!:th NI A 01/:1:06EO CANAL , --- ' '. ~ ._~ \ eU"IIO Ø'F.~·Jr:.., ~ 644ÖI510··t;' 11'\v --' :-.-.------~- . . ., p .;~ If) ~ 100.0 - euu:MllAO \ '\, '\ \. \\ \\ \ ' 0- \\- \ ..f'~~ brlHIr: o ,. , '< . .J " 7. ~ ., J I :l' g < N ., as' i 000_; . 0, ',o( .'þ "AN~._) r·· ..~:~ , <J 01 () ~ I .. .,. ~ I- , 0 g J f In " yi .... .00 ~ ..; 91 -'-=CPCO.. '. ~! ni 0 ~\ ~ 1\1 ~ VI \ ñ 0 ~I ~i 1>1 0 I ~ ; I u. .; ~ I TIn... I \ .CALl:z 40··'" s. IItCJ"l plrH 1 ·O'Tœ'f F'P.""~MK;"~~ 'Ij I I N ~.Io.q LJ¡_I ;, , ~- ~.' <, '-- !...: I .J .,-, .I.lWIII\,I.. u.."..,...,·...........~ 10 nil' "'tV" IS A ¥,O\...rIOJH QI I!·;' I.'" 'JJ' 1>1 tltl H:!.." ''J. ~IArt f¡,~""'II'Jt'I.\W. .~ .;A ; 100·0 ,5) >!t. .'{I.: ~l-~-t. -. W7J' ~ ,;oi,",: Ii~ BrLJcu1i·'.... D... ~. - LIGHTS Or.?. r:''''''''' t".,r I' f:' I ·IL I";;: r."")'· ,.,....,. ... r·.··'·· ., (STAMP ..~..., ~ ~.. . '" """0510"W. - HAr!'>o~ ~.:'I" ", 'I '~ '.~-.. 'r, r rUl'!"'·· .," , .....\.. ,·.,.11, ,. I; I· þ. ,~. , , ... ."'. ··"r' ... . . .- ..,. 4/'· " . ....... .,. calm', T TIf.14I! """.I~ì06q ",' "." ,.. MAP Qi= LOT -43 0" "M",' 0" ~AlZeo"- U""H E'T'>.·SI;I:T.Z: (5vW>'~ Ccu"'" Ma~ '-Ia..lfoBI) A-r BAVVIEW T~t-J OF 30UT....O'-O - N. V, "w· ·.EAL I GU"~d_d jo Õ\1I! Tit'" "....,~ c.o"'t"'''~ '10 .u,.."..~.-.i Jut.¡ 'l, I'j'r~ """."1"" YA" TIIYL. p, a, E.. V~ ~~~ LIe. LAND .U"v!I'YO....OltK. T, H. y, TDTIoI04.-k au,.,., CO. ÞIE", 011' H."LTIf .KftVICIII eTATENI:NT OP' Ifr(l'W:N't I I <i ~T fro" A"~,,ovAL Of' COMe11IIUCTION ONLy 'tH1: WAtl." .U~~LY A.... nw,w,: ~EQ'D, ÞATI, ÞI.t'O....L ØYI'TI.M8 ,~" THIg: "'fill. a.Ne. WILL eON'~:....TO T'r.o; H,'. ".,. trto.z W'tANDARÞ8 0' aU"OL.K co. blt"1tT-...,~· O" HIEALn-t. II:IItVla.. A","OVEÞI e81 ,.. ArrLICANT , 2 I Pllo.JaCT LOCATIØtoI . . t~ >$O(/TH OLD PCOoJliCT L.OGA'"f'ON SOUTHOLO ðA Y <3..., r- r VICINITY MAP LOCATION MAP - - - - - - - -- , .00 o 2 . _OPT. ø ADJACENT PROPERTY Ow..... eIU., - o PAT KELLY @ ,JOHN l. LE61..e;'r' GRAHAM 30 CATHEDRAL AVE, 150 OXPOItO 0&. G^RDEN CITY .....Y 1I'5~0 eAlI:~N CITY N'i' 11530 (fiE> HARfJOR LI{;,HT:!> DR,) ($15 HAlt&oä I.IGHT~ OR,) . PROFO::;'!!:D', ACC655, R.ESQU¡¡ST FOR AN AMe.NDM~ oo. T TO A I.. L.OW A <#'VVIDES ðY 142ll.0NG VNTReATED DECI<. L^NDWARD 01" THE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED e.ULKHI!AD A5 PART OF THE NON-TURF e.UFFI!R. e.Y W~TER, Ue.,.....G CRANe/ e.ARGE., SOUTH OLD TRUSTEES PERMIT No, 5<#57. DATE.D' 11-20-02 NY5De.c. PERMIT No. \- 47ðð- 00'Z>oe./OOO05 E~~ 2-2~-Oð . ~Ti- PAT KELLY $0 C:^TH~DRAL AV. GARDe..... CITY, .....Y 115:30 (75 HAI'-eol'- I..IGHT.5 C>R.,SOVTHOLD) :5.c.'T..... 1000-71-2-7 PREPARED flY: C.05TELLO MARINI! CONTR^CTING CORP. p.o. e.OX '21'2+ GReeN PORT, NY 119++ ((,'201) +77-11~!!I MAR. I "', '2oq~ 5HEET I OF 3 c v t ~ -<1 "V . -<¡ ....""'" ~~<. ..".~ "1""'-"" ... "1<"0 1::)( '% '-S""'II,¡G 6V'-k;Jylii: e.v£. 4ö fo<¡"'lii: "'\0 4 .{, A,;~ ¡"'/" : / /,-. : 1"'/." : /1.-' I"'/.: Il' l't<'.· ,.... ~l l¡: " ' <" /: II) ,.. I. ... /"'¡.-' !" 1",/ ,} ¡/.r/ , ¡'~/ / ' I ~ if I~/ IH!, I *¡:' /... ;: o ao' 51TE PLAN '" úß~~ ~~;Si:D ~D<Õ'''' O~/:'V-~ , , cl<¡.... """ """ "::: \'" lJ '" I ,'Iv ~ . , . >- ..¡ .,J tq .~ "- . 0" o ~ 'f " ",/¥ ! o ;.., ~k>ð O~ t../cs Iy..,.. .:s D ~/v i:: ~ APPL.ICAlNï: PAï t<eL.L..Y ~CAT"'ePRAL.. AVE.. GARPI!I'J.ClïY,NY 115õO (Te H....ReoR L.IGHï5 D~., eOUTHOL.C» MA~, I(Ø, 200.3 PREPARED ~Y: COSïEL..LO M....RINE CONTRACTING COR,., ~o. e:.DX 2.124 CtltEENIPOR,., NY 11~4+ (cøõl) 477- II~~ SHEET 2 OF ~ / ~L,+8,o - EL,...5,o AMHW +2.5 "" AML.W 0,0 e:.XlðT. e>OTTOM CR055 SECTION ._---' o '2.' -+' PREPARED lòY' COSTEl.LO MAR.INE CONT.R.ACTI NC!o COR.P. p.o, e.ox. '2.1'2.+ GIREENPORT, N";' lIe++ Cí>51-477- 11~9 PROPO"-" D c,' W" 14i'l. VNTltEATED DEC '; 10' NON - TURF e>UFFE:R. I" >< I Go' TI e ROP Q:}I)( (í/ &TRI NGER.~ 10" FACE-TO-FACE ·c- LaC" v I N"(l. SHEATHING 141 LONG APPLICANT- PAT ,;El.l. Y 50 CATHEDRAl. AVE:. GARDEN CITY, NY 115~O ("7~ HARðOR LICSHT5 PR., '1)OUTHOl.D) MAR.IG>, 2005 HORIZ., DEADMAN IO"Ø ~ ö' IòACK 1('46 f'1t...E,Ú> O.G. SHEET 3 OF '3 'II IL '" . . COSTELLO MARINE CONTRACTING CORPORATION DOCK BUILDING· JETTIES· BULKHEADING . STEEL & WOOD PILING· FLOATS 423 FIFTH STREET . P,O.BOX2124· GREENPORT,NEWYORK11944· (631)477-1199/477-1393/477-0682· FAX (631) 477-0005 March 13, 2003 Southold Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Re: Permit#5657 Patrick Kelly 75 Harbor Lights Dr. Southold, NY I , Solllloold I To Whom It May Concern: We would like to request an amendment for the above applicant, to allow for a 6' untreated walkway as part of the 10' none turf buffer area that was required as part of your permit # 5657. The permit allows for reconstruction of their bulkhead from the previous existing creosote to a new vinyl bulkhead. I appreciate any assistance and consideration that you can give this request. _ ~¡<f. ~, ~ ~\PJy Respectfully Requested, John A. Costello President JAC/dc Cc: DEC . . ~ D (Y) r ,., 0 E--< 0 0 :> -.. z 0 0 0 ~ :\J ('oJ 0 0 0 -.. ~ \0 \0 (Y) M M 0 {J} -I< .. -I< ¡,:¡ -I< ~ -I< -I< ¡::¡ -I< -I< .. :;] E--< 0 E--< ~ r- U 00 ¡,:¡ (5\ ::c 0 U ('oJ 0 0" 00 :>:: ..¡,:¡ 0:>:: Z <r--- ... ~ ~~\....,..... u ~ ~~ 1 ¡,:¡ ~I "" ::c ~ V" ~ U "'--;'L-- i-->-,\-,", <J) ~.~.~\- ( ) ( ) ~t~t JJ -I- rJ) :;: :< ¡..¡ .... ~ ~ ~ E--< ¡:: ¡:: ~ ll-lf ~ oJ 0 C- OE--< E--< , 't ¡::¡"Q >-1rl IL6H '^ 'N 'p Oq¡nog 00 ~681-99L auoqd PI!OI:I ure., S60C9 ::c'<:: Cl0Hlf10S '!O NMOl E--<JJ ~:;: S33.1Snw. HMOl :10 aHYOB 00 <J) <fJ<fJ JJ ~LH8~ ...; a ~ H E--< ( ) Z "-' cr; ~ O¡':¡ 0 0 a¡,:¡ u '" z>-< u M ¡,:¡..: ..: \0 >"-' ~:...........;:_::..<..... ~.- .:~,". . -. . ~"- ~.-';-:.-,.,~; "'-',::~,.:,-' . .~ . . :·::~~)tt~~}jir~,~·-',· : ". .-.':'~:.~<:,>~.~''';'~>': . . Date: 3/20/03 From: To: Lucy Clark Lauren Standish Subject: Amendments for Harbor Lights Lauren: Hi! As per our telephone conversation, I am forwarding our check #20987 in the amount of $160.00 for payment of the (4) Harbor Lights amendments (4 @ $40.00/ea.). Thank you, Albert J. Krupski, President , James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- I I I BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of -j2~~~-JO~~-----_____________ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) :J ~nl!~h,l " .~_ ~ SolilÞaJid ö1iWf'" '''' (iJfûü r;';St:ti::. .J AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING . I'~OHN A, CQ$Tl$-f...C...o , residing at /2.ID NDJt.77I lZol4D 6'I2.t!fr;:ÞOP~ 1 N, \( . being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the I ~ day of APi. L , }OO ,?>, ~ persona:j.ly po§J;ed the property known as 75' H--MØDk bf4'H'1S ~/iHS-; ~t'J"'--~ by placing the Board of Trustees ofÞ!cial-poster~where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public þearinq. Da~of hearing noted thereon to be held ~rt I ~ a.~ ('¡!"lor a.bo.,.L-( 1iOO f'Tl, Dated: Sworn to before me "? day of~J-.. this 2003 QL ¡Ç ¿;,-~y yrgnature) tb"~~ Notary p' ic MILY H A Notary Public, State Of New York No. 01 HE6059270 Qualified In SuffOlk County f'I c::: Commission Expires July 23, 201.Q;..J , , A1bertJ. Krupski, presi~ J ames King, Vice·President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken poliwoda .. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971·0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD _Coastal Erosion Permit ApplicatioJ!" _Wetland Permit Application ~ Major _Waiver/Amendment! ha gev _Received Application: I 0 0 _Received Fee:$ .Il..JJ..J---- ~ ~ _Completed Application lot /1 V _Incomplete I ' _ SEQRA Classification: Type I_Type Il_Unlisted_ _Coordination:(date '!In.~ _ CAC Referral SentI. ~ _Date ofInspection: I _Receipt ofCAC Report: _Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: . Public Hearing Held:-L1 ~ _Resolution: I "ffolk Coo"'Y T~ Mop N'mb~, 1000 ~ -=r I - J ~ ~ Property Location: 7 ~ ¡"¡'()..y~'/Il~ ~~~o . (provide LILCO Po. e #, distance to cross streets, and !o<;:ation) AGENT: r oslflk-lV\o.11~f al'thOc-h~9' 0l\tþ (If applicable) Name of APPlicaðtv ICt- Address ,~ r iì-rV\ed.ya ~ Office Use Only Minor ·r , l) ~ ~.. . , , 2 \ '¿0\';2. \ J C;.· Ktt\ Y Ä'le.v-..Uf - GllvApV\ 01 ~~ ) 51 (p 1410 - J<!9~ . ~ rff Phone Number:( Address:--==:f(). ~x ~ I tV 4- hW)Á'lP(')(+--r-~ Y !J3""14- Phone: <ø;r, I 477 - 113 q t - .. Board of Trustees Application WElLANDffRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA .......-T ' Purpose of the proposed operations: I D Y(I \kI-Gý~ {)},\ ~)(\':kM ('1-;--- _~It~~, Area of wetlands on lot: o o square feet Percent coverage of lot: % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge ofwetlands:_ lÞlo"t feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge ofwetlands:_W::J<::-' feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No)< Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 0 cubic yards How much material will be filled? . 50 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited:~ feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 0 -1...~/o Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: £'Á\7h~q M().h,ol fvOM ra.l'1(¡~ My](ít\-\:~- -\n f',)(~~ WI(w{)tlwULbi (A"7fd Y'f)Ñ{)ýpa h, h.cb:J--/rh:edo/- ~ \ " -+"" I p\actd dlV'cAj Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such propos~d operations (use attachments if app,ropriate): tJO V\fqa.hw \W\~[J.. , - . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: <;\~UIM\\~ Y"t';\Om \-inJ WIl kl{h-ovt-l- Previous use of propertY:--þY\vtÌ h> Vf~,Mip ""'I" Intended use of property: So:1NV1.L Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: !Á.~4awV\ Agency Date UG\ L \:\:" ï:~: . a..:.-" ~ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements, Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? ...L.. No_ Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): C I. d: 1""10' \_..1(,1. d OlAc,;,.tVIJ .n· \'leu) ¡:.I._ rJI.UL-VlOQ ~uctu;9 f-;' Y¡1ruYV1 ðn ,^I~~ ~d!') Vlhttl C-IO<'- vlny LShea,HHVtq ,dJruJJ.{ \V\ ho~ ¡')~ t'~~j)od J 0 I NT AP P Ul..l'i"I....v'I FOR PERMIT 9-;'·', j-~ Ié.~, ~I; I~ew York State Unite~ States Army Corps of Engineers ,. Ched:. permtts applied for: Appl.c.able 10 ilwenoes II\( permit C818QO(18.lilt8cl in Item 1. Pl.... rNd all IOatl'1.lCtlonl on tHtck. Anø addibonlll informatIOn U nHded. Plea,. pnnt leO,bl) OII~pe \Ùa,ül1'\ç, NYS Døpt of Environmental Con.erv.tlon o o o o o o o o o o o o o D Stream Dlsturt>ance (Bed al'\d Banks) NavIgiole Watera (Excavation and Fill) DockS. Moonngs or Platforms ¡Constl'\Jct 01 Place) Dams and Impoundment Structures (Construct, Reconstruct Of Repair) F resnwater Wetlands Tiaal WetJanos Coastal Erosion Control WIIO SceCìlC and ReCfeaUonal Rivers 4\)1 Water Q~rtitication POlaDle Water Supply Long ISland Wells AquaDc Vegetation Control Aquatic Insect Control F Lsn Control NYS Office of General Service. (State Ovvn8(l Laoos Under Water) o Lease, License. Easement or CIMr Real Property Interest o UtJhty Easemenl (pipeline.. conduits. cables. eIC.) o Docks. Moorings or Platforma (Con:struct or Place) AdirondacK Park Agency o Fresnwater WeUands Permit o Wile SceniC and Recteatlonal Rivera Wk.e George Pant Commlulon o DQC (.S: (Construct or Place) o Moorings (EstaDllsh) us Army Carpi of Englnee", o Section 404 (Waters of the Unlte<l Statel) o Sect,on, 0 (Rivers and Harbors Act) o Natlonwloe Permil (s) Identify Number(l) ForArj¡enco¡ UH Only: DEC APPLICATION NUMBER us ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (u.. full nam.) A 'Ii < I; .¥.' He In¡tructlon 1a.) 1:ax Map SectiOnl BlOC; (" ¡Lot Numt>er 1000 - ì¡ - ¿ - 7/ Telephone Humbør loaýtlme¡ [on or near pro¡èC¡ $'lè.1 Location CoonIlnataa: NYTht-E NYTM·N 4 8. proJKt DNeI1pUon and Purpo..: (Category of ActIvity e_g. NtW constructionflnslal1alion. malntenanCè vI replacement; Type of Structure or Activity e.g. bulkhead, dredging, filling, dam, dock. taking or water. Type or Maler,a,) and Quanüües; Structure and Work Atea Dimensions; Need or Purpose Served) .. (1rß.b-:u..d~oq... .~.. . . ~e'Ñ.... 'ð(.p'. qwl:h:nd . ,(Jñc.l~~..e/. .reJu.m. .~n..~:::.t_ .~lde). .~-:-.~Ç,..--.\AI1-.~l..~et;1..fu!-.\'Icì-r d~'(~c.HLf·· Jrì t>f.. .g\~.lxl9 .'oJ.ltk\ed..... With -90rt- ........-. ...-.-...-.-............-------_...........------_.-.------ ---"... .-........-...--.--_._--_..........---.-.--_. 12. Propond Sq.rt Dllo: 13. Eltlmateo Completion Date: 14. Has Work Begun on ProJect? (If yea. explanation 01 wny wor1t wal staned without permit) 16. Will thl. Project Require AddltJon.1 Federa.l, State, or Local Pennttl7 11. LJat Prevloua Ptnnlt I Appl~tlon Numb.,. and Datel: (II Any) j,Ü1.1:¥1ðl\J Vl :#' ~:':U.t 'ltoE, #\\Y'7Þo5> NY'7t£c. So"-ftdd~V1 17. If applicant II not the owner, both mUlt I gn the appllcaUon I hereoy a.ffirm U"Ial ¡nfonnabon provided on tnl. form and all attachlne:nts .ubmltted herewltnl. true to the belt of my knowledge and belie'. False stalements mace 11..10:"- are pvnl$naCle as a Clasa A misdemeanor pursuant to Sec:tIon 210,045 of the Penal Law, Further, tne appUcant acceptŠ fun reaponllbiliry tor an damage (Jlrect or ,n..:Jlle..:1 or whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, arising oul of the projeçt de herein and agr"110 Indemnify and J8ve harmlellthe Stale trom SUitS. ¡ClIans. oamages ana coals of everY flame and delCl1puon ,..lulUng from laid Federal Law, 18 U.S.C., Section 1001 provIdes lor a fine 0' not more !n¡¡n ~ 10000 Of Imprlsonmem for not more than 5 yoars. or bO ore an I g . wi ngly rallinol, conceall, Q( covers up a material fac!. ar I<.n':¡""f'loJll r1id~¿~ ar uses,: ¡::e(~~CJous or fraudulent ~Ia'ement. ft A n.1.1 _ Date ~ Signature of Appliesn Title ~~I+ l!.k1.&:¥I~ Date Signature of Owner Title .. -. 14- 1 5-4 121V7)--q !"RDJECT 10 NUMBER 117.20 ·APPIHDIXC STATE INVIRONMINI'AL OUAIJTY REVIEW . SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM '. for UNUSTI!D AÇTIONS Only PART !-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or ProjeCt Sponaor) 2, NAME SEQR MunlCI ,Ii Cou .. PRECISE LOCATION: (Str"1 add,... and road In&ernctJonl. prominenllandmatkl, etc.. Of provide map) 7':; ¡¡'o.Y~(" L.1~td·":7 "Þy;ýt S.CTM. /000-7/-2.-71 7o~fhold I NY 1I~71 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: o New 0 ExDANion 0 MQdlflc.llonlatt,,.tIon 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: . CCI1Jrw:t- a.. ~e~ Jfjp' k(~rod (it\dl'.lÍ~q Wll-k (/.-CéJc. Ylt\yl s~Wlq I direcHL{ 1:J",1I:-11.t.cul ' 8' r,ttlAXI1 01'\ we.s-\- ....ldJ 1M M-on+ of- e,¡.l'S.t-~ 7. AMOUNT OF lAND AFFECTED: I.....ty 0 _ UIIònoIoIy () _ 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXlsTINo ZONING OR OTHER IXISTING L.\ND USE RESTRICTIONS? lYII CJ No Kno,_brioIIy 8, WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROÆCT7 'J! R,.iØenlia/ [J JnduItriaI C Commercial C AgricuIIurw o..Cnòl: c: . '. r:~k fesMtcJ? wob4foG!-- c PotkII'orMUOpon SpaGO. CJ OIhor 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR fUNDING, NOW OR UL~TELY FROM Nfr OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (F.""" S..,. 0' Local)? YV.5 o No K yol, ... _(I) .... ponnIt/lppIO""'.. . '" .;.., .A r:JÆ. , N'f7tV7, I\l '1'7Da.,~ltß1otd ~V\ 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? o Ves ~ No It yel, liat agency name and """",approval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REOUIRE MOOtFlCAnON? O~I ~~ . . . Slgnatur. If the action la In the Co..tal Ar.., and you are . atate agency, ' complete the Co..tal Aa....m.nt Form b.for. proc..dlnll with thla easessment OVER .. .. PART II-ENVIRONMENTAL AaaEaaMENT (To be completed by Agency) A. DOES ACTION EXCEEO AJ/V TYPE rw r,I7.41 ' . o V.. 0 No "_, __!lit ~~ !g¡1I)i1I'ULL IA/', B. WIU. ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REV! P UITID ACmDHIIH. NYC;RR PART ,'7.e? o v.. 0 No "no,._INt~~;j'f~Iw_""'--' ., ibi) - C. COULD ACTiON RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE ,"Ern AAOCIATID WITH THE POUOWlNO: (,,",won may '" hand..;,: Of :.~; polOn..llo, IIo..on, C 1 billing .1' quality, furf". or groundwater qYIIIty or qy¡ntity, nolle 1Ivt1a. tlildng .1Ik pIUtmI. IOU" wutI pr or.lnage or tlOQdil'1g problem'? Exptaln brtefty: C2. Anlr'l'(Jc. agrlcullural, .rcN,ological. hiltonc:. or orner nalura' or cuhura! ,..ourc..; or community or I'IllghÞOrhood character? ExplaIn on,fly C3 V.g.tallon or I.una, fi'h. ,hlllll,,, Or wUdlll, 1Pf:C~" Ilgntfk;ar¡t habUlr¡, or ",,"llned or ,ndang.rld .~cl..7 E_pl.1n bri,rlY' c..a. A community', tXllung plans Of goall .. offiøially adopWCI. or I !;hang. in UN or Intenltty elf UN 01 il.nd or oth" "atural ,..oure..? E.r;pI.1n ÞfI'Uy C5. Growth, luÞ-.quent d,.,.lopment cr ,.latH 1CUvttiI, lIkety kt ÞI tndyO'ld Þ)' tN prvpoHd Gdon? Explall) brielly: , C6.!..on; 'Inn, lhon term. eumulliüve. or other .".. not kMl'ICIhd In 01.c17 IbptaIn brItftr. .-. . - C7. Othlr Imp¡C'1I (inçluding chang.. in UN of ttcher quantity or type 01 """8Y)'I Elpilin britftV: O. WIIJ. THE PROJEC7 HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAl. CHARACTERISTIC;' THAT CAUSEO THE ESTABUSHMENT OF A CEA? o VII DNo E. IS THERE, OR IS THERE UKELV 70 eE. CONTROVERSY REVoT¡¡) TO POTINTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? o VI' 0 No II YII. Ixp a¡n brielly PART II-DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be çompleled by Agency) , INSTRUCTIONS: FOt ..çh laY'''1 .n.elld,ndftn aÞo¥t, -'mÑl1l ..... II II "'~I .... Nnpor\In1 or oth,lWi.. Ilgnnic.nt. Each l"let ,hould De UUIH" In çonn.cUon wtIh kI Ca. HtUng eLl", urÞIn or n.nI)¡ (Þ) PfObI,ÞMtty of ooauntnQ: (0) ClurIUOn: Cd) Irreveralbl lty; (II g,o;'.øhIC ICOpe, and (r) magnItu4.. II MWuary. adØ atIIahmtnII or rtlerwnoe aupporting ma&ettIII. &naurelhal ~Uona contain ,,,"icil", a,tall \0 ShO.... Ihat all rlllYlnl aøv..... Unpec&l ha'll been tcIendfttd _1Cf._y __tUN It QUeIdon Dot p~ II wu cheeked YII. Ihl a,tlnnln'llon ano $'9' nlficanct mUll ,valuate U\I pocentIaI tmpaCI 01... J)fOpCIM4 .uon on .,. ~ ohIractertlUel or ~ CEA. o Cneck tnis box if you have identltied one or more potentially lerge end slgniticantedverse impacts which may OCcur. Tnen proceBd direCtly to the FULl EAF and/or prepare a po,itlv. dlCleratlon, . - o Check this box If you have d.termlned, baled on \htintonneUon and analysll above and any supporting documentalion, tnallhe proposed action WILL NOT r..uitln any slgnltlcantedver.. envirOnmental impacts AND providB on attBchments as necessary, Ihe reasonl supporting \hll determination: Name or Llad Aglncy ". Pnnl Ot Type Nam. 01 Rllpon.ltN. Offk::,r In Lead ,AQtnçy' , TIIII 01 Rnøonaibll OffiCI' Slgn.lur, 01 Rllpona þI, Officer In LI.d Agency Stgnaaurt or p,.par,r (II dilf,r.nllrom ".pons.bl. o"lcer D... so:=, 19,2302 l' 28PM .-... 8A~NEY ... 0, _ L "ROM . CO:5ìELLa M~I<¡NE c~ "HONE NO. i)lEõ '77 øoos - Be:, :8~ 2<i32P ;:':~~PM p~ AlJ'l'flOJHM'VJ,CJ'" 1'0111'1 I, , lac;at:ed, . t: .,. . , . own,u" at r. ,ÐUIJnëss/pfoperty l," name .. .....-<., do herby 9ive Costella Hurine contraoting corp. the authority to ",g\; eu' "'98111: 1n "'y bo:h..lr 111 0I¡.>l'ly1llY J: ,¡. till vJ: 1..11;, l1..o;¡......~.'y pel;II1il:s in order fQr worle tQ be dOl1S on de.c:rlbed .bavs. . . . oard of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York Oiw...t EING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APP CANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO fNSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW 0 TH APPLlCA nON DAYOF~.AL ,200¿r- SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ! {p Q-£~/~jtV¿;' RPlCCA A. VILARDI NOTARY PUBlIC, STAl'E OF NEW YORK QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY NO: 01 W060391 06 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 'Z'/,c500b . . . .-. NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER i" ..,.~~ BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: SCTMItlOOO- YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: COI\s\--rv-.d ~ nel.Ù. I~' b(.(.lth~o.d ('\'ldud~q 8' re-I-uxn 0>,\ ~ 'SIde)., w\t-h C.-Lac.. VIV\Y I -::'l1.eo..+¥tt-V\q , dlY"!ctk{ w. -h-OI'\.T of- . V<I-:.\-Ù^q bv..1Wãëí., 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review....is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: ìS lio,x'ooY- L,qk+':::' --:Dr¡ve 'S:cu-lhDld. I NY \\<iil 3, That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME :t=à.-h (~ ~ MAIL'ING ADDRESS: (', ro,j Å"e>\.v.O. (,~ r,:tL{ ,NY 1I ':S:J;;» PHONE It: UG\ '2 I ·,'t1tJ2. l ~ t; '. . r_, " ~ ,. . . ~...:.-.::..--. ---'--'--- -' Ene,: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. s Na " ~ '0 'S o ò: ~ '" . - ~ , o Ü ~ u f- ~ a. - _ 0 w ~ ü" w 0 ¡c'" ...Ji- ~;;: (5 ;;:2 - 030 .~ ~w ;; rn_ u ti u. ~ ~¡:: ~ . ¡c E (/)W 0 :jü e. . .. . -. PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS .. ress: ,--: ,I " -e .1Jo!: i iQ· I~' ~ ""i ~i'~ llj1 ~~ ~; c: i ,,¡ ,'''' . ... ~= : c.: :.. ~!;¡.¡d: ()!::.t~ iF;¡ .. (¡Il~ i!f ~ :o:tCQ:8 .... :":O:Ct:I · i~"; >; ~ ¡û)¡s ¡ij "¡;' .~ ) ',.., II r- "-.! 'if '\I o . I'\t ~ i ~ ~î n ¡ III "'C '5.:::1 f" L o ~ -Z" go III a. :e g~ '¡¡¡~ & ~ i¡ Ii J 9E~0 2250 to DO o9Eo tOo¿ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~~~ ~Sh ~ '1v Ii II" ~ Ý lI7A.:(' ,being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 1l1. day of ~b bP r.> ,,., .2~ deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of tne above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold¡ that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at r""7jjol".!'1.DóY"1- 1\9-i4-_, that said Notices were mailed to each of said:persons by (certified) (regl.'ered) mall. ~ OCT 2 I ¿I'; , residing at L.. ¡ .. Sworn t~re me this lCo ?21;/~~;:::: Notary Public REBECCA A. VILARDI NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK QUAUFtED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY NO: 01W06039106 /L,n,,, COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 27, e2""'~