HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1977 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 21, 2002 Dr. & Mrs. Luke LiCalzi 19 Prospect Avenue Garden City, NY 11570 RE: SCTM#70-4-46.1 2105 Calves Neck Road Southold, NY Dear Dr. & Mrs. LiCalzi: Tbe following action was taken at the Southold Town Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on November 20th, 2002. RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approved the request for a Transfer of Permit #1977 - Dock Permit ITom Arthur L.R. Francisco to Luke & Rita LiCalzi. However, this determination is not a determination ITom any other agency. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 765-1892. Sincerely, ~(). /~49 Albert J. Kru{ski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/cjc 19 Prospect Ave Garden City, NY 11530 September 30, 2002 Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold PO Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 OCT - 2 2üD2 RE: DOCK PERMIT TRANSFER 2105 Calves Neck Rd i \ ,~ . Dear Sirs: Please transfer the Dock Permit of A. Francisco dated July 13, 1946 to Luke and Rita LiCalzi, current owners. Thank you for your time and consideration. SiH?----- Luke K. LiCalzi,M.D. ~v'--- l~~~ 1m\.) t T. w'Nk ~a<).i1(J\ ----.-- Sí0 ~ 7'17 '-:xfo9 S7(¿ - 7(04 -S'fS'S rN-.57~ -7</7 - 1'1/9 P.~ AÁ <f1' .-{-l 01JY \O~,n¡ (1/V C}~\ 0 -r . 19 Prospect Ave Garden City, New York 11570 October 23, 2002 Board of Town Trustees Town of South old PO Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 RE: DOCK PERMIT TRANSFER 2105 Calves Neck Rd 1'r" lJGI 28 Ln, c. Dear Board: The Request for Dock Permit Transfer was to enable dock repair to be done. The rotting Pilings closest to shore are almost completely gone and need to be urgently replaced. I have no plans to dredge as appeared on the 1945 permit. Thank you again for your time and consideration. BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 DATE: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL ICE DAMAGE PERMIT Ap'€,L :;JJf JCìð'</ Instructions: Fill out form below and return to above address. You should have this application approved and returned to you within a week. C ¡¡Lve.s Alp£/< 1M. So,,- fL. lei ¡tlLf !. f( FIlIl/l/Ct'SCò Tel. 76.Ç-33<-// jl/í4n"", S4A1bÇ' r;M~a þc. Tel. 3:13- ';;S~.s- 1. Applicant's Name & Address: 2. Contractor's Name & Address: }1~'N ¡JI ()1l,'PI,i. 3. The Purpose of this application: Redriving or replacing openwork dock or openwork pier piling, and mooring piles, removal of damaged piling, repair, resetting or replacement of floating docks, ramps, or decking, all necessitated by ice and storm damage resulting during the winter. THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ON MAY 30 OF THIS YEAR 1. No dredging or filling is permitted. 2. Repairs to existing structures shall be limited to replacement of timbers without change in design or dimension. 3. No repair or replacement of bulkheads is permitted under this permit. 4. No freshwater or tidal wetlands are to be disturbed under and circumstances. 5. A yellow permit sign provided by this office shall be displayed on the project at all times while under replacement. 6. Original permit number 3 inches high must be permanently displayed on project. I, certify that the work as authorized in this special ice permit has been completed and is now ready for your inspection. Also, the permit number on this project is clearly visible. ) ':\\~~ W·~:! Signed - Owner Signed - Contractor -Date . ~~ ~. LI.II I ~ ~ .. cc I f . Ð1J ~ d z . . t ~ " ,..:- '" GI ... fa Q o ... -a ., :s tit tit - tit tit ! -a ~ z o - t ::::) alii: Ii; z 8 " z - alii: ::::) a a III S D. '" - a III . I;; ::::) ~ III U ¡:: o z '" - :z: to- a .... o :z: to- ::::) o '" I&. E o _ z - _ . >= . 2 :II! :¡ ui~ië Y lI.J It ~ I! o ~ Ia· 0 III '" Ii; ~ I 2 ~ WILl-tAM ·POLLER>. ^....... ..Ar.., &"....,..... öouthold. NEW YORK 16. N. y. March 26, 1956 Town Trustees of the Town of Southold Southold, N.Y. Att. Mr. Alvah Goldsmith. Dear Sir: This is to advise you that I have given permission to Mr. Arthur L.R. Francisco to deposit some of the spoils from the present dredging operation of Messrs. Francisco and Hendrickson on the portion of the island owned by me, called Hallock Beach. Yours truly, I'~~ I) íéú.,vt . c.c. Arthur t.R.Francisco ~ I . . OW""E. I ..- L ______" SAltrto,.. .. ~'t.1.. '<d ----. ~ \]" ~ ...'" f/ ~ " !J Y // ,~ J5, fA I-0~ . ~ ~&... ) '" ~ a.ot :;) ~ ~ ,., ~ /,... lo . ¡' "\..N .1/ .. :J,iJ / / 8¡; / '" :1';_· I:' ' i '" ~ i ~....() ... 0 ol J '1-,0 . , --'-- J-... :0 ... ..~ 0" <1.,010:) \ .. I -~ 0::--" "'e,,~ ~(,('. ~ "':".of ~'<9... '", . ~~ " / 0", 'v' " - '«,/ ->«' / / / ~'< . ~. ... .~ J SC....LL MII..t.. r CHART , I NO. 29' o FIt.OM C.&"O. So '" ., '" ., ., 8t.rtTI' /P....ct:,.t'> a'· 0" 0·(":. 'r "'c1\"'_ . .~\,,"" " ~ ~ "......... '1'""" ~ " ''6 " , ~i E L E.V....TION "A- '00 ........ 10 '2CI Sç 40 50 "'::>70 8090 rli.ET PLAN o '/CA,r...E. s··o·· I 2'2" ~'~ IO~ rt, i-""L.-ïOP" 10' CI.... -....- ~ - 3" '" '2." :"~c.., I ~ :11 I i 'I" ,- - '2.' Ii 0 ¡.. ~L_ N ... ðOTW /10£..... ON e:.~EIL'( O'f1.<!..1I.: ~N"r M.HW. - J .. , M.L.W. - --27 PIL.EI' MOT ,. LE~~/ THAN 10" AT Top , AMO 7" AT ;Jo1 Mt-L - 0 .' " .. . /I!.CTION- X-X , I " ....," '^" ~ . ,'~ ..... " , " ." A . "v' r fi.MO /C.ALE. - 5 f"EE'T '< 3 4 ApPLICATION rOM.. - PR.OPO.l'£D WHAR.F' ~ DR.£OGING. LOCA'rltO ON - JOCKEY CA., ItU<. ADJACENT TO /OVTHOLO ðAY. AT-/OII'1'HOLO, /UFFOLK. CoUNT'I, L...) N.Y. PPLlCATION P,y-AR.THUA. LE!I.ov f'R.A.I'ICII"CO /10'1'. I, 1945 alrf_k ( A:RTRtJ:R L.RP~ClSCO 1511 PIPT.& A..V-~:Ntr£' ~ JS'EW ~~I<1r "L _lIati:/T' -----.. December 13, 1954 Mr. Alvah. GOldsmith., South.old, L. I., .New York. Dear Mr. GOldsmith.: r .~ ~kiog 'h, lih"" or '''''~¡tt¡og to th, ~_ o[ SoothoI<, '",oogh Yoo, ~Y 'h"k ¡o th, .... o[ $50. 00, [0' th, P,,~,t g..o.,. to ~. hook in "46, .¡II. .h¡'h I am SUre you are all mOst familiar. YOurs Very truly, "-J -0 C¿, -<' /C~ '/<~'"" A.L.R. F"rancisco- - . -- ~~jr JÎ~),W'11 . IIlk, r;{~/_~j,~ L ~\ Ct . . . - ARTHUR L. R. FRANCISCO 511 FIFTH AYENUE NE'..... YORK December 4. 1945 T~~ Board or TrUÞt8.8. Southold 'ro=, Ltmz leland. II!'!.. Iork. Denr 8ir$' Phllce c·)ru;ider thlD leU.or an amended r-..uellt tor ¡:¡cr:aU fùr ~"rformin;¡ thC! dredgiI¡o; an¡¡ d;¡c;.;; "Qrk re- qœcted in writer'. letter of lIovembbl' 1, 1745. "/ill t.1:10; 7o~ 'frll8te.8 be 110 kind all to cOIlll14er grant.ing to tne wrUer a a\rip of prop<!rt.y UDder the wahL' liiukn.t.ant..I.ally a.¡¡ out1:ln84 on the att.aci1eà .?la: fro:;¡ to.:... ,a-op;¡rt.y liu8 for the full le!lg\b. of Bue, a;,.t.¡¡¡."';; "a iat.o the _t.ar to tne line lIal'ked 810u water 1lDa·, .. well all sufficient land for t.he ¡)1'opoaeJ. wb&rf "nú dredglng. We ·..111 h~ve 6w-veyor. Ott.o Van T¡¡;yl, pU!:e btake. at the ilmar end of the propo.ad wharf ae well aa t.lw ;)litoer eJrt;rem1ty th:Jre01' and the ret¡¡n¡ aD the eud. Vie wl11 l:.k:nd-... lli..ve ..taked out the area to boil dred,¡;ed. 'fhie w111 bû ¡¡erfo!'lIeå &Ii llOOD ae pO&Blb1e by t;;$ blU"Veyor, and ore ..ill ~e the liberty ùl' &:.'.i¡;ll1J th<'\ Bo.'1.ro 'lÒen tnll1 1: comp1a;ed. P!edBe r~..t a~~ured tnat tne efforts of the Board ar.. mObt. Mppre~lnt.ed by ~~= ~Tlter. ï;:oure very tr~ Q: /. ¡p. '-" <".A!¿oé '-<1 . . ARTHUR L. R. FRANCISCO 511 FIFTH A,\TENUJ:: NEW YORK MarCh 11, 1946 Torm Bo~rd of Trustees, ::'outh01a Town, LOllb Island, New York. Gentl<J!llen: Ths ',vrHer has been given to understand from one of your members that his application for pormit to dredge a small area in l'ront of' his propertr, to remove the beach grass and to erect a doCk, originally re~uested November 1, 1945, and finally requested in amended form Jan~ry 17, 1946, has beer. approved by the Town Board. We are furthermore given to understand that thi~ permit will be forthcoming in th'3 very near future. In view of this infol'maÜon the \\Titer has authorized a local contractor to perform the work and it will be started within the next weeK to ten days. Please rest assured thaL we are mo~t appreciative for your kindness and are looking for=d to receipt of the permit itself. Yours very truly, A.L.R. FMNC~ U ~ ~-ez{H "''Î c·~ · , ARTHUR L. R. FRANCISCO 511 FIFTH AVENUE NR\'''- YORK In"'T 1. 1M1 f.-. Bitød ot .,.,....... IIoutbold to"m. La, I.laad. I.f. Beal' fi.... I laer.'" ... e.ppUo&t.ùD W ~dot'll \U aeel.....,. dn4c1al ad eoanl'lHl\1oø of .. tboIt all loek'f17 C'I'MIr qd ilia i1!td1cllted an the attaclaeð. ~. '" dndPd uta1'1a1 .111 ~ plaoed Oft IIl1 J)1'O~ .. .bon. It 111 turthlmlOt'e fIT 4..11'. .. n.,.,. Uae ..tri... >:>t bea~ ¡l'1iH f'røII the ...t UaJ." of' ., ,""orfl1 \0 .. aiddle pout. 'l'Ido b eo thet " will bo able to VflO WI! 8t'9a rOT ..thin, pu-rpo.... !hi" beach ¡TUB l1!1:n1.. will be 44Þ!'OelW " tb. pl'OD....y UDd..,....tJa the dn04ed 1lAt.Ilt'W. I would ein4'!:e¥ .pprecdat. the Ios.t'd'. 1'1I,-erabl. _ñ1t'1ft " thh pe1'ldt IIPd .. cclodaor 1IIItt1c1..,cOP1.. of this leU", aDd plllD fl.Jt' the __1enco ot \1M n.nOIlIl SeaM"lI of the hal'd. t'h..n1t11Jl 1M tflr )'0111' kiAdD... iA adY8l1C.. lour. :;; ~~~~ ~_ 0:- ,(': e-' 'It: " .:) ,i.. T'" -~. ;- ., , . " , ii' .~ i~ ~, r1' ~ .", .;; c¡ ~ ,:{ ~~ ~~ ,J, ~;¡.- j ,~ 'c, :~ .' " -~~ - . ~; ;-j ;¡,; ~.' -. ,~ " ,;1i c:Ji " " jf! ':": '.< , ~c to' i ~,: '-:t :, .ii ~.. ..:;.' .~., ~.. ....> ,,¡., . ,', ~ ... t; .* . i ¡I THIS PERMIT made in duplicate, the "I day of ~ 1954, between TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, in the County of Suffolk and State , of New York, by a majority of its duly elected Trustees and by virtue of Chapter 61$ of the Laws of the State of New York, passed in 1893, and pursuant to a written resolution adopted by a majorit of tho Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold, at a meeting held pursuant to notice duly given to all , 19ti, party the members thereof, on the /3 day of M of the first part, and ARTHUR L. R. FRANCISCO, party of the second part, I I WITNESSETH, the party of the .-::- 0" Ii the sum of $ --.J O. -- , duly paid I first part in consideration of to the party of the first part before the delivery hereof, the receipt whereof is hereby duly acknowledged, has granted and does hereby grant unto the said part of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, permission to dredge the area adjacent to his premises at Southold as indicated on the attached map, and permission to drag meadow grass and bog in front of his property in order to provide a sandy beach, and permission for erection of a dock and pilings. Subject, however, to tho public riaPt of navigation and sub ject to the ri ght of the public to pass and repass along that por- tion of the beach between low and high water mark. On condition, however, that the party of the second part will hold the said Trustees and the Town of Southold harmless and freo from any and I all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of saiLi dredging I I ..'t!',"". "'1 . 1 ~" ·1 I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Town of Southold, party of the i first part, has by a voto of a majority of the Board of Trustees 0 " said Town, caused its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of said board of c. Trustees, the day and year above written. ... /~ {" ;:::;i;'._____ ---- - ~ -!I: A - - Æ 'V ~~-., , átrJ~~<ut#- ~1M4 (/ -y ~ ~---- / ( L. S. ) í', :; . :.> '-; ( L. S. ) ~" ". " (L.S. ) " (L.S. ) ~~. L " , '-~ (L.S. ) " , " . ~¡. .. STATE OF NEW YORK, SS:- II COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. " On this I~ day of O",_ûAAAÃ' , 19.54, before me personally came EMMONS DEAN, oFG~;:e-~~~}t, N.Y.; LYLE F. TUTHILL, of orient, N.Y.; ALVAH B. GOLDSMITH, of Southold, N.Y.; JOHN McNULTY. of Laurel, N.Y. and FRANK DAWSON, of New ::>uffolk, N. Y., all personally known to me, who being by me duly sworn, soverally said that they each resided in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and were members of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and constituted a majority of th sarno; that they knew the corporate seal of said Town of Southold; that the seal affixed to the forogoing instrument was such corpo- rate seal; that it was affixed thereunto by order of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Southold and that each one signed his name thereto as a Trustee and by like order. , '" ..~ .~ !', I I I I I I , II .'.. c, ounty. fLOI~E BOwD,tr~_'e'f( Yllrll P b"c State II 1~ N."ry . II ,I i~ Suffolk County ...Idlng #52-03íÛ8:J,') \9.JJ.- M.v Ctmlllulon E¡tpircl Marc;:h 30, ~ , to'. t."'