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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-30821 Date: 03/11/05 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 535 MCCANN LA GREENPORT (HOUSE NO. ) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 33 Block 3 Lot 32 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated APRIL 14, 2004 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 30244-Z dated APRIL 16, 2004 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to ANDREW H & ROBIN D HUZSEK (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL R10-03-0043 11/10/04 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 2008507 10/20/04 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 01/21/05 CUTCHOGUE EAST c Au oriz d Signature Rev. 1/81 Form No.6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD U i r, BUILDING DEPARTMENT �(a� MAR 820 , TOWN HALL 765-1802 I ULU- DEFT. L T W F GTMOLD APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This apphcanon must be tilled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the 1'ollo%�ing: \. For new building or new use: I 1 ural sure} of property%+ith accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural Or topographic features. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 Conn). 3. -\ppro%al of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. S[rorn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2r 10 of' 1 1�o lead. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6 Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: I. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topogrnphic .• features. _. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occup;uu', is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees I. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling$25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Alterations to dwelling 525.00, Swimming pool 525.00, Accessory building 525.00, .Additions to accessory building $25.00. Businesses S;i).00. '. Certitica[e of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - 5.25 q. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 p Date. _ Ne\+ Construction: / Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) n LocationofProperty: �JJ �C�Ca\ntf�S VA House No. Street11 (, I lamlet 0%k ner or O[t ners of Property: A \& L. 7 � W 1 \'' `o V� VAtj 2.5E V Suttolk County Tax Map No 1000, Section ��UUUU 3� Block 3 Lot Subdivision It�O1Q�S Filed Map. OZ Lot: Penin[ No. 3 2 Lk 4 Date of Permit. Applicant: Health Dept. Approval: /00%)3 '00 7 ? Underwriters Approval 7- Planning Board Approval: _ Request for: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: (check one) Fee Submitted: S Applicant Signa — -- FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 30244 Z Date APRIL 16, 2004 Permission is hereby granted to : HUZSEK (INLAND HOMES) PO BOX 117 MATTITUCK,NY 11952 for CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE AS APPLIED FOR at premises located at 535 MCCANN LA GREENPORT County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 033 Block 0003 Lot No. 032 pursuant to application dated APRIL 14 , 2004 and approved by the Building Inspector to expire on OCTOBER 16, 2005 . Fee $ 838 . 50 7 j AutHefizea Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 JAN-21-2005 09:47 AM INLAND-HOMES INC 631 290 9697 P. 02 Tare HWL 33093 Maio RindFuc(631)765.9503 P.O.Box 1179 lag Tolephoo(631)765.1802 Seneold,New York 11971-0959 BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CCERTIFI&ATION Date: / Building Permit No. Owner: 1 (Plow print) ✓ Plumber: C V au& as (Floe prwt) I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 Of 1% lead. G/ (Plumbers Signature) Sworn to me this-e SU3AN J,NAQY day of 20Notary FubliC State of New York No.4696735 County Qualified in Sutlo�res Ma 20 Al Commission Exp Y Notary Public,��County ' 111111131161110111rrJ�rJ�r� r�r n crr�n[PtJ�rJ�rJ�cPcnr'LJ8?nu-acnrJ 3PLPLi L3 o 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY C� 40 FULTON STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 c7 CERTIFIES THAT 5 LS5� Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 JIM SAGE ELEC. INC. INLAND HOMES 5 Ij P.O. BOX 38 McCANN LN rj 5 GREENPORT, NY 11944-0038, GREENPORT, NY 11944 5 t5 5 Located at McCANN LN GREENPORT, NY 11944 5 5 c5 Application Number: 2008507 Certificate Number: 2008507 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: NS11 11++5 5 Described as a Residential 1200-1799 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 5 Basement,First Floor,Attached Garage,Outside, 5 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 5 herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 20th Day of October,2004. L5 5 Name OTY Rate Ratin Circui[ Tvoe _ [, Alarm and Emergency Equipment 5 Sensor l 0 Carbon Monoxide 5 5 Sensor 4 0 Smoke L55 Appliances and Accessories 5 � Future Appliance Feeder 1 0 20 Amps 5 5 Air Conditioner 1 0 36.000 BTU 5 Exhaust Fan 1 0 F.H.P. 5 5 Furnace 1 0 Gas 5 5 Wiring and Devices 5 55 Outlet 41 0 Fixture 5 5 Fixture 41 0 Incandescent 5 5 Outlet 62 0 General Purpose 5 L5rj Receptacle 39 0 General Purpose 'J S%itch 30 0 General Purpose 5 5 Paddle Fan 1 0 5 Receptacle 1 0 20 amp Laundry 5 C Receptacle 1 0 30 amp Dryer seal 5 Disconnect 1 0 60 amp Air Conditioner 5 �5 Continued on Next Page 1 of 2 e5 c, This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 O rJ'rJ�r.P cPrJ'arJ'�rJ'A..f'�rJ'� rJ'r1�rJr�l'� �P rJ�rJ'�rJ'rJ'� �P CO 5 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY �5 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 Upon the application of CERTIFIES THAT upon premises owned by 5 5 5 5 JIM SAGE ELEC. INC. INLAND HOMES 5 rj P.O. BOX 38 McCANN LN 5 5 GREENPORT, NY 11944-0038, GREENPORT, NY 11944 e� Located at McCANN LN GREENPORT, NY 11944 r� C5 Application Number: 2008507 Certificate Number: 2008507 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: NS11 �5 5 Described as a Residential 1200-1799 square ft. occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of C electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 Basement, First Floor,Attached Garage,Outside, 5 (55 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 3 herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 20th Day of October,2004. 5 Name OTY Rate Rating Circuit Type 5 5 GFCI Circuit Breaker 1 0 20 amp r5 Dimmers 6 0 5 Receptacle 6 0 GFCI 5 5 5 Service 5 1 Phase 3W Service Rating 200 Amperes 5 Service Disconnect: 1 200 cb 5 5 Meters: I 5 5 5 5 5 5 sea/ 5 2 of 2 55 S5' This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 5 5 o M )c _2 _3 _ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER, STREET 535 VILLAGE DIST. SUB. I/ LOT f n k. 14 de, eAyw l a wF .�-► "j/ � a FORMER OWNER N E ACR. K'vv-i'iq7h4wdorou if a k- u rm S W TYPE OF BUILDING ES. SEAS. VL. .3 FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS o n 3' ZS'p d v nv hl ode rou AGE BUILDING CONDITION NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre "illable 1 'illable 2 "illable 3 Voodland wompland FRONTAGE ON WATER ;rushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD louse Plot DEPTH 66 � BULKHEAD 'otal DOCK 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION Loe DATE INSPECT 7654 802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] F91JNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ vT/FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: - L DATE o INSPECTOR 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ OUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE 8 IMNEY [ ]] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION TMARKS:tV ce DATE �� © INSPECTOR ' '- 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] RO N PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ NSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: rtAj DATE l! © c INSPECTOR 765.1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1 ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [Z I SOLATION ] FRAMING [ NAL [ ] FIREPLACE& CHIMNEY [ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION REMARKS: U'v 1' .T DATE INSPECTOR JAMES J. DEERKOSKI,P.E. 260 Deer Drive Mattituck,N.Y. 11952 (631)298-5506 To: Town of Southold Re: Andy Huzsek 535 McCann La. -- Greenport,NY Permit#30244 11 TOW To whom it May Concern: This letter certifies that all wind strapping on the Above mentioned project is in tact,and meets all state and local building codes. Any questions please feel free to call. ✓` (� FO NE{y yo CP S S.DIE: .,r. Sincerely „.A 25 ��, James J. Deerkoski P.E. DESIGN WIDTH HEICFI TXiCMNE55 DFS(+ .I .ry, 0...1 26 23 .;c 21 4 I t 20 23 3c t 3.a 6 y.,- 1NL Ca M ►�S te. ,yJT- 302 1�4 a :a 20 2b'_ J 0O 20 25 31 24 i_-1 r —_ V � "fl 2325 28 3D 3 _ , 21 ;0 23 Io - q :a . 2= _a.2o 23 3� 2C, 24 20.23 3J 20 zz 23 36 2� ;,C..3J r, - ZO IcgtzLzO 28 .3c —_-- —_ '3 2_ :a 26 23 3. . -a cc 23 3C In 23 2e._- ru 21 24 Ir zc zE..o - _ - i 2...212E 2E .- n - P 1 2L 2. :S 2t _ P 1 2_ 22 _3 [E 26 30 SuaIP[i-SrnDAao Sines Tor RAIL BOTTOM RAIL RAISED GL.Sl A ,OR HAPDW♦Pi MDVIDIXL DF$<PIPTIDX y 1;24,:9" 41'2 -- _, z 41.5 41/2 41 2' y,;g 41;2 — — — 41 2' 41'8" 4 V2' 9114 — LE 9afet, ;�nt�e-gi,aea 170 -13114 90113:41 ,.1 , 4 LE 4112" 914' — r8 5aferl "c 1, gi,:e" 170 131:4.8o 113;4" 31 2 41 9.. 4112" 91!4 — s.16 E,. tea 4 G .13114 80 '13'41 6'8'9'!4 70 731!4' — 3,,6 8=.lea 412 4,.8 41!2 80-113:4' .:1-2 4,.8 41;2 91:4170.13„4'1 — 8 iaret, 41 2 41 8" 41!2- 91:4170 13,:41 — c 16 Brass Pe,111 3,'2' 41!11" 41/2• 91.4.17p" 131.41 — - c Brae Be,PE] 4112 418 41!2' 9114 170 131:41 — , 8 53fet. 112 _^8 41,2' 91:4 170 13,!41 -- a1 a1:E 4112 9,:4 ,3 14 .1 2 a, 41;z' 91:4 1. - 'n:4 — c BeaieC =34 4''e' 41!2 3,:4 f70 Eo n3:41 13 Loc.-E -3'4 43'8" 41/2 9''4170 Sc 11 3 4 F .-.. - 11291'4 (70 .131µ l 1j3 33'3 41/2(70'6') 91'4 170 .11314 ) — c L.,:1-E 1 s'4 4 i 8 4112"17o"-6") 9'14'170.9o -1,:!4'i — c Ix':.` 43'4 4313 41/2` ,13!4 — 5 U:..E 11'2 4'.3 4112' 914 — 3 iif✓t. ..1'2 41 4112 91:4 — eras Ee:elea 11 2 4t 8 41!2 9,:4' p 6rar. Ce r'I?J 4 1 2 }t.9 4112 9 114 — I G c j(ct. 31:2` 4'15' 41/2 9114 170-131!41 — , g S;r_t. 41 2 3118' 4w16"Patterned 9111 17 0 ,3114'1 — 1 9 camp 41 2 11 E 41'2' 91:4 112 a1.g 41.2. 91'4'17 D.13141 — 1E u..elt1 3,.2 31'8 41:2 9114 E 51,11+1 --- ..12 4„5.. 41;2 91:4.170 131'4.1 1 2 4v8 4'12 9114 — . — G12 41:5' 4,12' 9,:4 ' -13141 — 316 Eevelei --- 11.2 41:5 2 1.L1 — -:,6. Pe,018:1 412 4 4 112 9 — 1 - 41 2 `6 .31'21 4118 4112" 9':a — 5'1P, e•as 98.8'81 41 . "6 3 1121 41:8 41!2' 66"q 114.08..91:;.70-13114 — rp Yir[1 1'12 4 F 1/2' — 4 63 -9'14' '0"y':a' e,6 ee:=iea 41:2 4119` 41/2' 66-7'/468 9114.70 1/"-1 — 3 4 1 9 iatvtl 4 vz 31.a qt!z" 68g 1:4,7 0 y l:q — 3n6 Pe.elea a 1,2' a-8' 4,12" 1'4 _ 5 , a ,— 51 01 Permit Number REScheck Compliance Certificate Checked By/Datc New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code REScheckSoRware Version 3.5 Release Id Data filename: C:\Program Files\Check\REScheck\INLAND MCCANN LA.rck PROJECT TITLE:HOUSE COUNTY: Suffolk STATE: New York R HDD: 5750 SOF NECONSTRUCTION Iv y TYPE: on Electric Detached 1 or 2 Family HEATING TYPE:N DATE:03/11/04 \` DATE OF PLANS:03/2004 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: McCANN LANE 4AA 5 GREENPORT,NY �1 COMPLIANCE: Passes \ Maximum UA=304 Your Home UA=296 2.6%Better Than Code(UA) Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1349 30.0 0.0 47 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 1552 13.0 0.0 106 Window 3: Wood Frami::Double Pane with Low-E 157 0.340 53 Door 1: Solid 21 0.180 4 Door 2: Glass 82 0.330 27 Floor 1: All-Wood Joist(Tniss:Over Unconditioned Space 1349 21.0 0.0 59 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed systems have been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief,and professional judgment,such plans or specifications are in compliance with this Code.. Builder/Designer ::SArnf�_s _� YrSd<�tO���\� Date 6A Table 1: Minimurw Insulation Thickness jor Circulating Mat Water Pipes. Insulation Thickness in Inelo by Pion Sizes Heated Water Non-Circulating Runoms Circulating Mains and Runouts Temperature(F) UD to 1" UD to 1.25" 1.5"to 2.0" Over 2" 170-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 140-160 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 100-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: Minionum Insulation Thickxm for MVAC Pipes Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickness in Inches by Pipe Sizes Piping System Types Range(F) 2"Runouts 1"and Less 1.25"to 2" 2.5"to 4" Heating Systems Low Pressure/temperature 201-250 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5 Steam Condensate(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Refrigerant, 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 NOTES TO FIELD (Building Department Use Only) Commonwealth Land Titleurance Company 185 Old Country Road, PO 419 Suite 2 Riverhead, NY 11901-0203 Phone: 631-727-7760 Fax: 631-727-7818 LandAmerica Commonwealth CONFIRMATION Title No.: RH80040545 Sales Rep: Applicant: ANDREW H. HUZSEK Date of Application: MARCH 26, 2004 Order Type: Informational Individual ANDREW H. HUZSEK 870 CHAMPLIN PLACE GREENPORT, NY 11944 631-477-9487 Record Owner (per applicant): ANDREW H. HUZSEK and ROBIN D. HUZSEK Premises: 535 MCCANN LANE, GREENPORT, NY 11944 District: 1000 Section: 033.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 032.000 County: SUFFOLK T/O: SOUTHOLD TRANSACTION: Survey Instructions: Additional Searches Ordered: Notes: SINGLE & SEPARATE SEARCH WE ARE PLEASED TO CONFIRM YOUR APPLICATION FOR TITLE EXAMINATION AND INSURANCE. THE EXAMINATION IS NOW IN PROGRESS. PLEASE CALL US WITH ANY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR IF ANY CORRECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE IN THE INFORMATION DETAILED HEREIN. THANK YOU. IF THIS IS A REFINANCE WITHIN TEN (10) YEARS, YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO A REDUCED PREMIUM. CONTACT THIS COMPANY IMMEDIATELY FOR DETAILS. Confirmation \ LandAmcka Commonwealth Title No.: RH80040545 Date Printed: April 1, 2004 Applicant: ANDREW H. HUZSEK Order Type: Informational Applicant #: 10012021 Sales Rep: Premises: 535 MCCANN LANE, GREENPORT, County: SUFFOLK NY 11944-1917 Closer: Date of Closing: Purchaser: ANDREW H. HUZSEK and ROBIN D. HUZSEK FEE SHEET ITEM JAMOUNT ITEM AMOUNT Fee Insurance $25,000.00 Recording Fees Mortgage Insurance 0.00 Deed Second Mortgage 0.00 Mortgage Third Mortgage 0.00 Satisfaction of Mortgage - Special Search 402.00 - Survey Departmental Searches Certificate of Occupancy Street Report Bankruptcy Sewer Search Housing and Building Transfer Taxes Fire NYS Transfer Tax Emergency NYC RPT Additional Taxes Mansion Tax Survey Inspection UCC's County UCC's State 8.1 Environmental Waiver of Arbitration Condo Endorsement Morta e Tax Mortgagor Mortqaciee Escrow Service Charge Escrow Special Delivery TOTAL CHARGES RECEIPTS CHECKS PAYABLE TO Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company (Circle One) Buyer/Seller $ Buyer/Seller $ Buyer/Seller $ Buyer/Seller $ CHECKS PAYABLE TO OTHER THAN Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company (Circle One) Buyer/Seller $ Buyer/Seller $ Buyer/Seller $ TOTAL RECEIPTS $ *NOTE Rates &charges herein are subject to change based on the rates in effect at the time of closing. 185 Old Country Road, PO Box 419 Suite 2 Riverhead, NY 11901-0203 Phnna- fs'21-777-77An Far! 611-777-7R1R • F�No.: RH80040545 Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company 185 Old Country Road, PO Box 419 Riverhead, NY 11901-0203 Phone: 631-727-7760 Fax: 631-727-7818 LandAmerica Commonwealth SINGLE AND SEPARATE SEARCH Effective Date: 02/27/04 Title No. RH80040545 Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company DOES HEREBY CERTIFY TO: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND ANDREW H. HUZSEK 870 CHAMPLIN PLACE GREENPORT, NY 11944 THAT it has caused a search to be made in the Office of the Clerk of the County of SUFFOLK, in the State of New York, against the premises described herein and property adjacent thereto on all sides from 07/31/81 to date to ascertain the fee chain of title respecting the premises described herein and the property adjacent thereto and has found only the returns as set forth herein on the following pages as they bear on record title; and Certifies that the owners of the premises described herein have owned the same in single and separate ownership as defined by law during this period of time, except as otherwise shown herein. This Company's liability is limited to Twenty-five Thousand ($25,000.00) Dollars. NO policy of insurance is to be issued hereunder. Premises: 535 MCCANN LANE, GREENPORT, NY 11944 District: 1000 Section: 033.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 032.000 County: SUFFOLK T/O: SOUTHOLD Commonwealth LaLand �Title Insurance Company BY: 6 ROBERT GAFFGA VICE PRESIDENT Title Number: RH80040545 Dated: 02/27/04 Single and Separate Search TQ20015NY (07/00) • File No.: RH80040545 CHAIN OF TITLE FOR SUBJECT PREMISES: District: 1000 Section: 033.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 032.000 FRANK STURM DEED TO DATED: 01/22/70 KYRIAKOS THEODOROU AND SOPHIE THEODOROU RECD: 02/01/72 LIBER: 7097 CP 591 KYRIAKOS THEODOROU AND SOPHIE THEODOROU DEED TO DATED: 05/12/03 ANDREW H. HUZSEK AND ROBIN D. HUZSEK RECD: 07/11/03 LIBER: 12260 CP 635 LAST DEED OF RECORD Commonweal nd Title In rance Company Subscribed and Sworn to this 31st day of March, r BY: 2004. ROIfERT GAFFGA nn, . ' _ n � - VICE PRESIDENT / ' `m Notary Pu bKTHARINE J.KINO Single and Separate Search Notary Public,State of New York No.01•KI4844660 Qualified in Suffolk County 6 Commission Expires Dec.3'._ ?-00 • Fife RH80040545 CHAIN OF TITLE FOR ADJACENT PREMISES NORTH: SUTTON ROAD Commonwend Title surance Company Subscribed and Sworn to this 31st day of March, BY: 2004. RO RT GAFFG VICE PRESIDENT Notary PLaWARINEJ.KIN O�� Notary Public,State of Nwe Yolk Single and Separate Search No.01•KI4e44660 puslified in suffoik CountyZD $ Commission Expires Dec.91,___ • Fit.: RH80040545 CHAIN OF TITLE FOR ADJACENT PREMISES EAST: MCCANN LANE Commonwe"14"nd Title surance Company Subscribed and Sworn to this 31st day of March, BY: 2004. RO ERT GAFFGA i VICE PRESIDENT _ Q Notary Public NG Single and Separate Search C�7„9RINEJ.KI 9 P r,ntary Public,State of New Ydrk No.014(14844680 Cuaiified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Dec.31. C>6� � • File o.: RH8004DS45 CHAIN OF TITLE FOR ADJACENT PREMISES SOUTH: District: 1000 Section: 033.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 033.000 ROGER T. FOSTER DEED TO DATED: 06/04/71 CRAIG A. RICHTER AND BARBARA E. RUTKOWSKI REC'D: 06/16/71 LIBER: 6947 CP 257 CRAIG A. RICHTER AND BARBARA E. RUTKOWSKI DEED TO DATED: 10/09/03 CRAIG A. RICHTER AND BARBARA E. RICHTER REC'D: 12/23/03 LIBER: 12291 CP 426 LAST DEED OF RECORD CommonwealtflLard Title In Trance Company Subscribed and Sworn to this 31st day of March, BY: 2004. ROBERT GAFFGA VICE PRESIDENT Notary P61 ib.4RINEJ.KING Notary Pubk State of New yo* Single and Separate Search No.01-KI4844660 Qualified In Suffolk Ccunty, Commission Expires Oec.31. OEi • FIINo.: RH80040545 CHAIN OF TITLE FOR ADJACENT PREMISES WEST: District: 1000 Section: 033.00 Block: 03.00 Lot: 019.019 IRENE KLASFELD DEED TO DATED: 07/31/81 SAL CAIOLA AND BENNY CAIOLO, JR. REC'D: 08/14/81 LIBER: 9052 CP 500 SAL CAIOLA AND BENNY CAIOLO, JR. DEED TO DATED: 06/19/02 EAST OF EDEN LLC RECD: 10/23/02 LIBER: 12216 CP 336 LAST DEED OF RECORD Commonwealth Ind Title In rance Company Subscribed and Sworn to this 31st day of March, BY: 2004. ROB RT GAFFGA VICE PRESIDENT Notary Public CATH.ARINE J.KING Single and Separate Search Notary Public-State of New York N0.01-1048448f0 cualitWin Sufic mryZ )OS Commission Expires .:. :.i._ ' f f FIELD INSPECTION REPORT DA COMMENTS d 0 9% .mob FOUNDATION(1ST) - 3 Zo �y a FOUNDATION(2ND) 3 vl ROUGH FRAMING& 3 PLUMBING (� . s3 INSULATION PER N.Y. y STATE ENERGY CODE U � Cl FINAL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS �Z M d k C G � z - c a Cl r TOWN of SOUTHOLD 13UU3D;G PRUNE APPU(; r.0N CHECKI BUE�DING DEPARTMENT Do you havo or=4 thn follo-v4n&before app1, TOVFN HALT, Loan of aozhh SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 3 sou{of:3nUdmg Plaas h TEL: 765-1802 usury PERMIT NO. Septl�Pcmm NY.Sb.E.C. TYustees Ex a> nod 20-0-�— Contact; Approved 20 1%fail to: Disappaovod a/c _ h � Pte: 298 9696 -R 14 2004 Building erector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERhIIT. Date 3/12/04 20 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MAST be con:plotely Slied in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector,ww sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scala Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public strexu areas, and waterways. e.The work covered by this application may not be dom ramoed before issamoo of Building Permit d.Upon approval of this application,the BuRdWS Iuepeacr will issue a Building Permit to the applicant Such a peen shall be kept on the premises available for inspection thtogghout the work- c. orke.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or iapart for any purpose what-so-ever until a Cerdncate of Occup is issued by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS MMMY MADE to the Building Department for the,issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and oth=applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of btuildings,additions,or alterations or for rc=val or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing cede, amd regu haioms,and to admit authorized inspectors on premses and in building for nocessary'inspections. Inland Homes Inc. (Sigcamm of applicant orname,if a ompaaaticm) PO Box 117,Mattituck (.Vafimz addmu of applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician,plumber or builder Builder Name of owner of premises Andy & Robin Huzsek (as on ft tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer Robert E. Hiltz (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. 19736—HI Phrmbors License No. 2877 P Ele-triciaas License No. 3635 E Other Trade's License No. l. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: �+ 13� McCanns Tana Greenport House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 33 Block 3 T , SubdiViSion astern Shores Mcdj&p110, 4021 ".- /t�7 � J3ei7�efl5+MiiR (N=0) tlµ0.9 ilsttut,BSEdBG?^O tQ,eN �..�d Idstmiyt3 anal es and intended use and occupancy dproposed consImcbW Stats existing use and ocatpancy ol',premis � �P , . a. Existing use and OCCUPM y Vacant Land b. .Istended use and occupancy New sin le Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building XXkXX Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Description) Estimatad'Cost $150,000.00 Fee (to be paid on filing Ibis application) if dwelling, number of dwelling emits 1 Number of dwelling units on each floor 1 If garage, number of cars 1 If business, commercial.or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. Dimensions of existing structures,if.-y: Front Rear . Depth Height___L.Numbdr of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Dem Height Number of Stories. Dimensions of entire new construction:Front--L!'-2 ' Rear 6-21 Depth :35 Height 18 Number of Storlos ' 1 . - 120'• Size of lot Front 120' Rear Dept 160 ' Data of Purchase Name of Fomner Owner Zone or use district in which premises are situated . Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation: no . Will lot be re-graded yes Will excess fill be removed$oro premises: NO . Names of Owner ofpremises Huzsek Phone No. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Inland Homes Address Phone No. 298 9696 . Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland? *YES NO XXXXXX • IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED . Provide survey, to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. . If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. ATE OF NEW YORK SS: )UNTY OF 1 Robert E. Hiltz being duly sworn;deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, 00 is the Contractor (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer,etc.) said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have perfom ed the said work and to make and file this application; a all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be rfonned in the manner set forth in the application wed therewith. ' romfore me l day of to 20-LL�— N Public $yg� o DONNN:1.DOR0SM Notary PuMk.State01NMV A IN.01D0W5323,Sdh!At1� Tina Erpha ------ - - ----- - I SURVEY OF LOT 4 -- - - - --- - - - - - --- -- - - - - - - - MAP OF EA,5TERN 5HORE5 N FILED APRIL 27, Ig64 FILE No. 4021 SITUATE: 6REENPORT TOWN: SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY s r SURVEYED 02-26-03 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX # q 1000-33-3-32 PV1'UL � CERTWIEl TO: ANDREW H.HUZSEK ROBW D.HUTSEK FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE \ CDMPANY OFNEW YORK 4 i TWe n 1600 i TESL Hole # 2 From Filed Map SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 1'17 � PEIIMI7'FOR APPROVAL 7r'CO,N'7RUCTION FOR A bT]!GLI`FAA. Y fILSIDE CE ONLY f x - — v O 3� P� � t0► DATE 3 II.3.-6`3 ..SREF.NO. I -CSO APPROVED q FGi\. uv�� '..._IIi t RT \ 0 ote OF ODMS og° e r� �•_ ,p, E.CPiRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL u s' ° - J14 - CIS _ 00 $ m 1 O � 60 1 NOTES: ,° 4 OP NEW ■ AC. MONUMENT FOUND .,: O PIPE FOUND„ x �• 1` ���11L W�e 1 r ELEVATIONS REFERENCE SUFFOLK GOUNT'V"foNO.fyf,�,� .` " •R 7f w .,,,,,, ,, .,,,,,,^,", . , PROPERTY ZONE R 40 ',.. -'.j p 7..M' BUILDING ENVELOPE REFERENCES 5OUTHQ]5', TOWN CODE FOR NON CONFORMING LOT AREA , AREA -- lc l,200 SF OR 0.44GRES LA II A JOHN C. EH L ERS L 6RAp+�1G sca,Le 1"- so' AND SURVEYOR - SUFFOLK GOUNrY DEPr. OF HEALTH SERVICES 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S.LIC.NO.50202 - REFERENCE NUMBER RIO-03-0043 RIVERHEAD,N.Y. 11901 -- -- - - - - - --_-- - - - - - -- 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF k\Hp serveAd\PROS\03-118.pro SURVEY OF LOT 5 MAP OF EA5TERN SHORES FILED APRIL 27, IcI(54 FILE No. 4021 l n w rr�r E 1 5ITUATE: GREENPORT lam° TOWN: 50UTWLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY SURVEYED 02-26-03 CERTIFICATIONS AMENDED 03-10-03 FOUNDATION LOCATION 05-I2-04 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX u - 1000-33-3-32 CERTIFIED TO: j ANDREW H.B:UZ3ffiC f ROBIN D.IIU7.SEK FIRST AMERICAN 7117.E INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK O s � u 4`. 1' 9 N 0. g a � -rn p O $ % $ SII -p0 p 7 3s; <� ap p O 0 n 3 e� N m p � �O p � �T 6 � • f OF NEa1. NOTES: I i MONUMENT FOUND O PIPE FOUND R • ort �� ELEVATIONS REFERENCE SUFFOLK COUNTY TOPIC, MAPS PROPERTY ZONE R 40 F� CgNO S BUILDING ENVELOPE REFERENCES SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE FOR NON CONFORMING LOT AREA JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR AREA = 19,200 SF OR 0.44 ACRES 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S.LEC.NO. 50202 GRAPHIC SCALE I"= 30' RIVERHEAD,N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.—UHp server\&PROSW3-118A.pro ——-------------------- 5URVEY OF LOT 5 N MAP OF EA5TERu 5HORE5 FILED APRIL 27, Igb4 FILE No. 4021 ; _ , SITUATE: OREENPORT {ICT 21 F;1 i 57 TOWN: SOUTHOLD S 5UFFOLK COUNTY, W SURVEYED 02-26-03 CERTIFICATIONS AMENDED 03-10-03 \ FOUNDATION LOCATION 05-12-04 FINAL 09-16-04 } SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX u 1000-33-3-32 SUFFOLK NTY DEPT. OF HEALTH REF. NO. RIO-03-0043 CER7w=TO. ANDRHWILHUZSBK ROBIN D.HUZSEK FEW AM13PJCAN TrrLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NBW YORK 01 \ 10 c004 v o v 3 pe \ar dna g\�eHoN � ➢ \ I ...._ - � •i 9 o V �Qra9 �.Q a•_ p � $ 6p av NOTES: 0 MONUMENT FOUND p PIPE FOUND otN cy\pn \MKS c e p�_�`� � g •� .'.. f �p �..v ., ,..a�d a,v�u,,;.,,,,, SLK -A �` nt Mv. u, eM,oen Ie.Prn�Rnu I�h �s� ua Pa.,rn m�H.,PnMw y w.�...y.>b.en.y.� AREA = 19,200 5F OR 0.44 AGRES JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S.LIC.NO.50202 GRAPHIC 5GALE 1"= 30' RIYF.RIIEAD,N.Y. 11901 "_—� 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REP.-\\Up serverWROS\03-118A. ro RETAIN STORM WATER PURSUANT TOS SECTION 45.1 OC CERTIRK ' "TN OF NAILING & C( IONS REQUIHLU. COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF NEW YORK STATE & TOWN CODES AS REQUIRED AND CONDITIONS OF SOUTHOLD TON Id ZSA SOUTHOLDTOV" -ANNINGBOARD SOUTHOLD TOC,1aiSTEES N.Y.S.DEC 5_4� 4_0 22'-4" _. 4'-I" ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL ---- — — - MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OFTHE D OFEW YORK STATE. --------------- --------------------------------------- DO NOT PROCEED WITH _ = FRAMING UNTIL SURVEY O F FO NDATION LOCATION HAS BEENAPPROVED. r 9 T J i �A u 6 LU B u � e -----I ____ __ s 0 m — - WASTE 3bJ3 Fs�smsni Po -------------------------------------------- ___ _____ _--_ __ x291^ 5aeem�nt llno - ,� -. PLU GING „ ______�-�_______________�____ _ �_ 1 �; . { � � '" & ATER LINESNEED _ o � TESTI GBE ORE COVERING O o � - "© PLU- BER CERTIFICATION E ---------------------------------------------------- 10 - ON L D C NTEOC BEFORE in o� ---- - .-----,- .,•-------------- --- - CERN ICA OF OCCUPANCY 10 SOL ER SED IN WATER SII - _ _ 1 -4 SUP LY YSTEM CANNOT EXC ED 10 OF 1%LEAD. I � � - - - T • I m Q UPA NCY OR '� 5E I• UNLAWFUL 'II [Z I-3/ x9-V2 I_vL=1ROE�� _ _ _—i � I� 4 F - - ITOT - U CERTIFICATE '.1 , s / CUPA F C NCY 1 I , � I � I APPROVED AS NOTED 1 " 1'1 DATE b B.P. u 1 U 1 1 - ------ - ---- -------- ---------- -----' FEE . BBY; �) •� w } ,° S NOT I SUILDIN3 EPA MENT nn O U P 765-18 BAM TO 4P RT F A k — OLL ING INSPECTIONS OR THE FO NDATION • TWO REQUIRED DBL, FOO POURED CONCRETE J015T - ' R H - FRAMING & PLUMBING til FIS TION NS - - --------_— -. , ,, a � . . ------��-_'_ ----------------------------------- _ �" I BE P�iETFORTlON C.O. MUST 1 , ] - A ---- ---------- •� ---- 0 MTRUCTION SHALL MEET -------------------- mNCRFTE cNEx WALL __ --__ __ _____ _____ - — _ -,- -- ", ; R UIR ENTS OF TM 517E TO BE VERIFIED IN - 1 - THEPO BIBLE F ----- HIF - TE. NOT RESPONSIBLE R HELD 5,_011 -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE �. REQUIRED ,l c; 31011 16, 411 3 011 BIB SI, -- ._ 221-411 1=OLINDATION PLAN_ FLOOD ZONE_X - COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 46 \C FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION �1 SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. I-I�I,Irj McGANN LA- GREENPORT PAGE I OF t3 March II, 2004 SGALE 11411 = I'O" DRAUJhI BY NI. HAND 62'-O" 2'-4 81 011 213'-4 - 221-411 41 011 4'-0 11 61 511 9'_ra° 8'-1111 41 6.1 101-1111 111 5.1 3 6115-FWN60611-3 615 �- - — -- - l2J 3/4X11-VB VL HEA R c-DCO u ool oR � O P26� /2x2CJ -I6"OC e ON-5TORAGFJ2XIOOJ .I2"OCTORAGFJ2633 3052-2 o -011 IG ' 13 TH � O 21611 `) IIIc o� �� LB 21 8 :9 O i BEDROOM _ v' � �l L/ VI - - U- 2•_ i X \ closer _2-6 KITCHEN 2 O 3 •- cV U �' Y T 8" q 4'-O" � 1_wenl cLasET - aI V 6" (09 r rai m p _ -2/axe-vwm4 �_ _ � � m _ e OLO5ET � � � ,„i� FLusu uEODER K 1u 9,_0 g, all o Y 0 3-6 2-6 D lel 18' 011 N ? Q tt a N iv �� P o -� BEDROOM __ 0 n N X X 151 411 LIVING: ROOM N LLl ` 011 o X - 2 u 2'-0 ' 3'- \ - - 9 1 I/2 CLOSET N c 0 ai 2-4' O- a ° u i4 =� GARAGE I °� W KI I II _ I I 3052 3052 1 STOOP n052 3051 1 l2J 1-3/4x11-1/0 LVL NEADFR � ' ' ' 11'-2' 4' 221-411 2' 62'-011 IST, FLOOR PLAN HOUSE M.CANN LA., GREENFORT PAGE 2 OF S March 11, 2004 ISCALE 1/4° = 1'0" JDRAWN ESY M. NAND O p 12 �. rc n w x \ X 12 TI O 6s m W,10 RIDGE gyp\ ,LVv u FO SRR -Ir be O � y i. rc rc X WINDOW DOOR SCI IEDULE EXPOSURECATAGORY: C �pOF LAYOUT WIND-BORNE oEBRIs PROTECTION EORW000 sTRucTURAL PANEL G EOR WALL OPENING PROEEG(ION GEVO Idl'H E, 5FGUNl1 WIPII) USIS MEAN ROOF HEIGHT: t2'-R" ( MAXIMUM MI_AN RODE NEIGH I. 5'.') LIVING SPACE (EXT. WALLS DOORS WINDOWS): __ _ _ ALTERNATIVE FOR OPENIING PROTECTION EL¢ESI GAnrvG SELTSPFA Mml.vr MIIJD, RHIF 160914 MANIIFARIIPF GTALOGHE NOMBIiR RFSWWr01J SP 51 ll-VAWE _I_ 1Sr R QTY .11,1 UN[i 6P, NOTEs 1r NET WINL1HgIFIII IIF HEIS FROILC 110)Id EASIFHIIJG 11O� ] nmpSCIILULILL IGR WOOU SHRUG RLIHAL I'APICLG \\ easeNI'll, UL.I DwNG 6n Iz6 D31 v1 z is aR sv uSE DLslex PRESSURE UNR II v,OpICHEO � II T. rn�nu 1,amu M1Np1itS1. 9051 SGL llvIG 1,9 11.6 G39 O1 I 15 SID 50 LEE pE9GN-PRE5511i1EUrGINOEp IINIi FAETNER PPNFI SPAN $FEET�fANEL 4 FEE 'XP EL llFEET8PNEL II\ ANDERSEN .11 SLIT HI INC 11 61 R]S LD pSEp6IGNP TVPE FEET SPAN cIFEET SiPAN<G GCCT SPAN�B FEET Iry' L 9G BS RI911RFHPGRADEp DNR - M LI DECR El H i &1IP'lf6 1x14" II IIGI¢ 130I IS R9 ?I OC ANDLRS'CN 1PO SPIT ILONA i 0 7? 03L 10 E 1 11 1 _ _ WOOD SCREWS p II II ifi IG Ifi 11 waoo SCREWSI I I I I 1 ANDERSEN F.vro16a5 Finau1 SU 115 a]9 me z 51 SD WOOD SII (URAL PANELS 'NIIII A Ahli M11M ITIIIChNE;Ii OF 7/16" AND MAXIMUM III -. IL. 1 I;: \ Ici l•z� PANEL SPAN OE 8 FH I SNAIL EI III kMIE1C1) FOR OPENING PROIEC ZION IN b' I• a ANDERSEN IwI1DDevAwDA rnFrvalDOOR ]a9 22.9 033 aD0 ] ]s 40 0NF— ADD 1111 =.lORYENI HARD PAFu1s v;HA HE RRELu o cove, c A7Fu SHUTTER ASSEMBLY -- - -- -- -- -- -- - (RLNINCS WI111A Incl1MCN HARDWARE PROWIULU (PERI: 10 SLC IIORI 16119.L-1, 16119.115 AND [IABLE 1609.1 !) N 1 II 11 IS � I FOR RANEI SPANS' 11, J` mcrzMATRu 1196 lnxeln Fxmr pP xv v N D 1x 4' OR WIDER SPAN I I 25/32 APA SPAN RALLIED Ae/24 SHLA II IING GRADE PLYWWO SHUTTER ASSEMBLYV OVERLAP AROUNDGPwINLs '. As L 4 SIRnIIG HAI,K9 @ "+ OG STORAGE / GARAGE_ / MISE: � 4 01 PANEL SILM Assl MITI r n U WIID 9PAPI A, 1) RRFASSFMHLE PlYWOOU 10 Pxl'S )) 10 (w/ WASHERS) GAI VIN17EO OR - _ — ^5/52 APP SPAR RAICO 4R HIIJ 4 tiHEAIfIG GRADE PI YWOOO .'\ STAINLESS SIELI W00R SCREW C 1,1OC ,AN11 111 CATAI OmF WINNER DISWIP➢DN PAR. GLAZING uNRARG 14 N �, RES OR MIN D.r' uwTpr OLDIES (OVERLAP NUJ(RdU OPENINGS -0") I _) AI (ACHING SIRIJC RIRAL I'ANCL' I ALIEN TO BUILDING w/ FF SFSF IONEI zoMEs 'I #10 (w/ WASHERS) GALVINCEIJ ON SIAINILSS STFF1 SSEM9 VI wn011 scIw 0 16' GG amoexs'w surly nm. nurac lN 9a 11,4 I 91 o su use DESIGN-PaESs'uaeuxuOm wul ATIAC%v/ WASH AI RANH ASTLIH Im TO,c RHIIIIIPIG w/ WO (w/ WASH( R16 GALVINILIU 01; SinualFSS SICCI ALIERNAIIVC EAAlFOR SHUITIER 10 DLIII-DING ., II' ff10 TEE Nu is A 12'[ACHED IO Hl uc w/ Illu ( w/ wASHE Fs) mwlmuu sza z)uxyN ovrnr Dn vv sv 1nn I es m - WOOD SC HLW C 15' OC L- MPC HINT FlOI I �E9 1T UG -- - -- - - - - AI_IERHAIIVI- EASUJIR FOR SI-111111E IO RIIIIIIIJING' `- S10 IEe PIIJIS A11AeHF0 10 RING, w/ ffIT) ( W/ WASHERS) GnpFD ]rlss IEID%]/voHOR uz v1 .ID m \\ MACIIINL DOLT �m 12" Of, 1 O)rvlulu-raurs wl vea Pr5T \� HOUSE M,,CANN LA., GREENPORT PAGE 3 OF S March 11, 2004 SCALE 1/4" = 1'011 DRAWN BY M. HAND 100 t �P ❑� � � - C �� F I I Ej 71 El L-11 DODO FRONT ELEVATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -FE] 13 IL I I I i I I 4. I I I i REAR ?= � 1�6a .•/ - - -- - - - - NATION _;a - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H0U,5E IcGANN LA„ GR PORT PAGE 4 OF 8 March 11, 2004 1 SCALE 1/4" = 1b" IDRAWNI 5Y M. HAND - - - - - - LEFT ELEvA I it � �-�-��� - _ - - --7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RIGHT ELEVATION HOUSE M..CANN LA., GReENPORT PASP 5 OF 8 March 11, 2004 SCALE 1/4° = 1�0" PRAWN BY M, HANE RIDGE VENT - RIDGE VENT z ASPHALT ROOFING _ // A' 1/4 DERLAYMENT Y' 4-PLY FIR COX SNFATHINGROOF MRH /; ~'"•.,�h 4X4 COLLA IN FELT UN HRR ql6 OG ASPHALT ROOFING 2X4 RIDGE /]" 4-PLT FIR CDX SHEATHING .•r" R TIE ee.H"OC 2XHRR +RIDGE 2X I0 RIDGE _y " CEILING: 2X4 COLLAR TIE s42"OC - __ - _ 2keCJ alb"p0 OFILING- , n ` _ R30 INSULATION 2X6CJ m12"OC I 1/2" 5/R TAPPED t SANDED 5/ 6" TYPE-X S/R TAPPED 4 SANDED - 5/6" TTPE-X F.R. S/R 4SIDING. SIDING WALLS I CEILINGS F.R.VINYL SIDING - VINYL SIDING W/ STEELTYVEK VAPOR BARRIER TYVEK VAPOR BARRIER -- - y e 5.0. H1l2" SHEATI-IING I/2" SHEATHINGr 2X4 STUDS -16"OC _ 2k4 STUDS 416"OG - - I� RI] /R TAPPED 5/H" TYPE-X S/R TAPPED e SANDED 61 llllll�llp'I I/]" SIR TAPPED e SANDED 51LL- FLOOR 2x4 PT PLATE 3/4" 5UEFLOOR TERMITE SHIELD - - I 2x1oFJ 16`oc NZ — Vi1UVV 61LL GASKEt T1VlIl1ViIUVIJV l �Vil� � 1lIU �, _ I - (2) -3/4x9-I/2 --- � --- R21 INSULATION d -- .J LVL GIRDER 'S FOUNDATIOPL H" CONO, WALL SILL. 16'SH" CONC, FTG. 2X& PT PLATE HIED TYPICAL GARAGE _ FLOOR : �n 51LL GASKET q CONCRETE SLAB 1 STEEL 6 C �I 6X6 G,W. COLUMN r FOUNDATIONI H" CONC. FOUNDATION h.. DAMPPROOF EXTERIOR 16"XH" CORD, FTG. I I 4" GONG, SLAB u T. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - SECTION - - - - - - - — - SEGTION A—A SECTION B—B 4.o„aOFVENT 4 -- -- II,. FAI N C �1 (�WEF DJ"` SHF L NICO �\ COII L _ TO APROVED SEPTIC SYSTEM SLOPE"114-PER POOR PITCH TO DRAIN ioa PLUMBING SCI-IEMATIC u.Ts — HOLISE M.OANN LA., GREENPORT PAGE C OP 8 March 11, 2004 1 SCALE 1/4" = lb° JIDIRAWN BY M. HAND WIND LOAD PATH CONNECTION AND CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWINGS USE THE FOLLOWING OR APPROVED USP METAL CONNECTORS FOR PROPER WIND RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION. FOLLOW MANUFACTURES RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TO ACHIEVE MAXIMUM UPLIFT LOAD CAPACITY. KING STUDS GATT EH j �} ENowau CRIPPLE STIR — - O j�r ',A WALL STUD O %� RIDGE /T A LEDGER— —O � BorroM PLATE IPAPER LOU BATHTUH BLE s1oEwALL JAu<sruos FLOOR USP NUMBER OfSCRIPTION APPLICATION IGT AI]65 HOLO GOWN CONNECT T0161DC-OF PLL CORNERS AIJCHOR TO FOUNDATIUIV WI AINCHUR BOLTS _ \ CONNECT TOt51DC-OF ALL CORNERS ON LOCATION USP NUMBER DI ECRIPTION APPLICAIIDN LOCATION USPNUMBL'R DELLRIPTIUN - AOPLICATION RgFTER SIZE USP NUMBER UESLRIPTIppI - APPLICATION BATH/SPA TURS III HAVE ADOUBLE FLOOR JOISTS UNDER FOR pDI]FO SUPPORT HOLDDOWN BOTBOT PLATE OF IND ROOR ANO TOP ENO. M55 ANCHOR PTH OF YPLATEO12 DFLOOT THROUGH A>_L OPENINGS_LSTA12 1-1/A"x12"20ya STRAP APPLY rOGACIi.IALK STUD ROOF LSTtiA 1-114"x2r"±Oga STRAP APPLYOVER RIDGE TO EACH 12AFfER hfi-lr9- L516 i9ga SLOPE HANG_R APPLY TO C-ACR RACTCRI LC-OGER THE FLOORS TO EACH UTHFR W/iHREADEU ROD. ALL OPENINGS RT30R fir] fYUOWNANCIiOR APPLY FO EACH CRIPPLE STUo 2%10 L5210 iBa SLOPE HANOF.R APPLY TO f-ACR 13AflFRI LEUGf_R SIIPPUE EACHCTION ITH D)PARALLEL WITH THE FLOI]R g JOIST DIRELTION WITH(21,IOISTS UNDER WALL. d ONEFLOOR WALL ((� \C WALLSTUO TOP PLATE / /_ \ WOODJDIST pLOLI(ING ----� GIRDER/HEADER ....-O �VA� �J��� - WALL STUD WOOD JOIST WOODGIRDER - ---- �) METALSTRAP I A � RIM EDGED 0 -F f -__ LOCATION USP NUMBER DGSCRIPTION APPLICATION SILL PLA7G(5) - _ CONPIECI TO 4' fi"RARER R1ID IB-3I{"r19ga TY0OWN ANCHOR ALL JOISTS CONNECTFDTOAFLU6i1 HEADER TO0E SUPPORTED WITH �N. _ EACH RAFTER PROVED BLON(ING BFTWEEN.101515111A1 ARE SPICED AND fOUNDATIDN CONNECT TO TI IE PROPER STEEI CONNECTOR OVEROEMING WALLS ANUHEADER6 9"-12'RA7FR fiT40 21-IIB"x2tl3a TYOOWN ANCHOR EACH RAPIER IF ABLE.SETE RJOISTS APRUX 114"HIGNFRIIIANIALHEAOFRS 151 FLOOR WALL TO N LOW FOR SHRINKAGE .\ \\ RAFTER 3 GIROERIHEgOER FLODRJDIGT DEPTH USP NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPLICATION FLOOR JOIST DEPTH USE NUMBER UESLRIPTIUN APPLICATION `4 INSTALL A')"00 P ` TP'OP LSTA24 1-114-,M-20, STRAP AND JACK STUDS d"-tl" LSTA36 1114"F BEMpla STRAP ANII JACiITEDS POSTICOLUMN D \ J ON AILOPENINGS ON ALL OPENINGS INSTALL4'P0C INSTALL AR"O,CTOP PLAT J6 E \� / JOIST LSTAt-tR"x811"i9, STRAP AND JACK STUDS 0"-16" METALS 1-lWx48"lfiga STRAP AND JACI(6fUD6 \� \ BE ALL OPENINGS ON ALL OPENINGS - INSTALL 11'9"OCA =� LSTA36 1-114'x36' Bga STRAP AND.IACKSTUDS WALL 6IUD ON ALL OPENINGS — L,\ GIRDERIHEADER / IACATION USP IJUMBfiR OFSCRIP110N APPLIOATIOA IOCATION UGPNUM2ER DESCI3IPTIDN APPLICATION j RAFTGRIPLATC Ri15 TYOOWNANCIiOR CONNECT f-ACR AxA SOLID LOI UMN PBSMI/PB56'q I KGW POSI CAP ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH LOWMN % RAFTER TO PI AT 6060LID COINED!PB566l PB5E66I KC65 POST CAP ANCHOR APPLY TO FACN CDILMN CONNECT OVER IIULLOW COLUMN SIMPSGO STRRl l2 HC ANCHOR APPLYTO EACH LOWMN LOCATION U:P NUMBER DESCRIPTION APPI ICATIpN PLAlE1VJALL —SPFHA SI UD PLATBANCHOR pI AT ES TO EACH STUD JOIST IO GIRUERIHEADER RTIII fY00WN ANCFIURCUNNECi TO EACH JOIST i/ / CONC STAB / TYR CODC.FOUNDATION / j A 61OIL POLY -- % % DAMPPROOF EXTERIOR EMIL POLY ON EXTERIOR GRANULAR FILL %i i STFFI COLUMN ----f DBL SILL PLATE_ / T i/v' 6'IRUCRIHEADER TERMITGSHIELD ��;� 1 / POST COLD BLAB A 4 I'n' -_% SILLBASIL; A COMPACT FILL POSTICOLUMN KEYWAY FOBTIN9 0 RIM1DFCIK.IOISf : J V 4 41'd 4 \ CON,FTG /1 p (:n e, /RPNFO BING BAR' ORAINTILE rWHER OCINCNEED D FORSTIUNTURAL PILASTERS MIN i"OTFFL COI UMIV ANCI ONCE TO-1"W4C 1p'COPIL Fle USE MIN 112 DLA GALV HOLT5 WITH PAMPERS AND NUTS USEMIN 2 122-DIA GAIV BOLTS WITH WASHERS AND NUTS WHERE NEEDED FOUNDATION LEADING (1) ( 1 COINL.illu W11aDWM AXIS AD ANCHOR BOLT CONNECTION .,'� h COMPACT FILL \ / '1 FOUNOATIUW 5Itl"DIA ANCHOR BOLT ANCFIOP.130Lf COPINECIION j GIRDER - SUPPORTING MAXIMUh15PALING _v BILL PLAIT,TOFOUNOAHDN STORY 0"OC PORT P.T.PLATE / CRAWI SPACE ORD!UNDATDN d 2STORIES 96-CIC CRAWL SPACE ORI OUNDATIpJ�_ \}I �� / WALL BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION 0%fi VIM M & GRAUC 12 STORIES 51 GO _ �,. �sLAOALGRAOEI �- coNaiErF PI INN USE WITH 3x3SQUARE WASHERS 12'7Zx12 J° C J JUST,IfwGSGOR BPSS3) CONCRETE FOOTING i 1REINFORCING RAR _J7 -REINFORCING BAN DRAIN TIIE 1 / 12' —__.__ THICIKENSLADS BENEATH BEARING WALLS AND COLUMNS. LOCATION USPNUMBER DESCRIPTION APPI ICATIUN LOCATION USP NUMBCft DC-SCRIPTION MPIKATION TYPICALCONC MDNOIITHICFOUNDATION REINFORCE WITI I(MIR REINFORCINGBARS REINFORCE FOOTING'NITR(21 MI REINFORCING BARS IXA POST PAUAAORWEIA POSfIBEAM pNCLIOR APPY/TO EACH FOOTING a)BFAIdG PAWIA ORWE4AICN IDE AM ANCdOF APPLYTO FACHPIER 6X6POST HAUB60R WE6G POST/BEAM ANCHOR APPLY TO EACH FOOTI NO (3)BIEAM S PAU660R WEER POST IDEAMAINLHORAPPLY TO EAOHPIER HOUSE MCOANN LA, GREENPORT PAGE OF S March II, 2004 SCALE 1142 = 1'0° DRAWN eY M, HAND � WIND FRAMING NOTES NAILING SCHEDULE �_� PLAN CONTENTS: GENERAL/�r�`I—^ N_OTE8 1) RIDGE-TO-RAFTER ASSEMBLY: ROOF FRAMING: OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION _R3_RESIDENTIAL BUILDING WEIGHT 15'-II I-- x20gauge strapshall be attachedto each pairofirdi In me.m.port.table 34 NAIL NAIL _ _ _ _ DWELLING _ —When a collar tie is used in leu of a ridge strap,the number of IEd common natls required JOINT�IE6LIA'TETION 1D'WALL'4OTY COMMON RAFTER NOTES TOTAL SLI BFT. OF CONSTRUCTION 13A9 S.F, (LIVING SPADE)RESIDENTIAL in each end of the collet he need not exceed the tabulated number of Ed nails in the strop RAFTER TO 8'WALL 3-Bd COMMON EACH CONSTRUCTION NOTES: DE NAIL S.F. (GARAGE] = 15]5 5.F. TOTAL 1) The information Within this set of construction documents is relatedtubasicdesign 2) RAFTER-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY' CEILINGJDIST 8'WALL 3-Bd COMMON EACH intent and framing details_They are intended as a construction aid,not a subsume Lateral marring and shear well connections for rafter,ceding or Wee to top plate shall be,in TOE-NAIL pE51GN CRITERIA PRESCRIPTIVE AS PER N.l'.S. RE5IDEPItIAL CONSTRUCTION CODE_ AND for general) g p TO l OP PLATE 10'WALL 4-Btl COMMON .101ST y accepted neral practiceandcpm compliance providing New rd accordance(.table 33 When OF fall cath]alpha below, 1995 SBC HIGH WIND EDITION WOOD PRAMS CONSTRUCTION MANUAL State timate codes.The General Contractor id professionally providing structurally all the to the shall be attached to the wall ns plate and the wall top plate shall of attached t. CEILING JOIST TO AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE FRAMING ELEMENTS AS FSR FLOOR PLANS ORO55 SECTION AND GENERAL NOTES cpnstmch.0 details and procedures 1n ensure a professionally finished,s[mchually the[.the wall stud will uphR connections Roofs ovedlan9vig the rake side of the budding PARALLEL RAFTER WFLM-SBC _LAP_ NAIL ...ad and a weatherproof completed product shall be connected with uplift connections in accomence,with table 33c CEILING JOIST LAPS AS PER TABLE 37 EACH FACE pd BALCONIES 60 OVER PARTITION WFCM-SBC LAP NAIL DECKS 40 2) fire General Conuador is responsible for ensuring]hal all work and construction 3) WALL-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: COLLAR TIE AS PER TABLE 34 EACH FACE ATT, GE, w/o STORAGE 10 meets currpat federal,state,county and local codes,Ordinances and regul.li.ns,on Walt stutls above antl kinds below a He.,level shall be attached with FIRM connections vi These codes spin reconsidered as part of the specrfralions for this building and accoNansewrlh table3BI,When wall studs abay.depot form Ilstudabelow,the TO RAFTER WFLM-CBC ENO NAIL DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS A'TtICS ./ STORAGE 20 should be adhered b even rf in vanance with the plan. studs shall be attached to a common memrer er the floor assembly with uplrfl connectors in BLOCKING 2_led COMMON EACH TOE (LIVE LOADS, PSE) ROOF (GROUND SNOW LOAD) 45 accordanceFT with table 3 3 TO PAPER END NAIL ROOMS (OTHER THAN SLEEPING) 40 3).Dmehsmns shall take precedent over..11ed drawings RIM BOARD EACH END ROOMS (SLEEPING) 30 (DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS) 4) WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION' TO RAFTER 2-16d COMMON END NAIL Fruit wall studs shall be connected to the foundation,sill plate,or bottom plate with upMl STAIRS 40 4) The designer has not been engaged for construction supervision and assumes n. connectors Steel straps shall have a minimum embedment of]Inches in concrete WALL FRAMING: GAURDRAIL5 (ANY DIRECTION) 200 responsibility for construction coommunilnU with these plans,nor responsibility lar foundation and slabon-grade,l S Inches in moranry block foundations,or lapped under NAIL ronslruction means,methods,techniques,sequences,or procedures,or for safety the plate and nailed In accordance With table 33b When steel simple are lapped under the JOINI DESCRIPTION QTY SPACING NOTES _=XFOSURE CATAGORY O precautions and programs in connection with the work There are no warranties fora bottom plate,3moh sgpamwashes shall be used with thea norm,bolts.Anchor bolt - LOAD PATH SEE CONSTRUCTION ANDWIND PATH CONNECTION specific use expressed or implied in the use of these plans spacing is to be soused and sized in accordance to table 3 2a In addition N spacing TOP PLATE TO 2-16d!COMMON PER FACE NAIL (gOOF - FOUNDATION] DETAIL PAGE t GENERAL NOTE PAGE anchor bolls are to be spaced between&12 inches from the and of a all plate..it.11 TOP PLATE FOOTSEE NOTE 1 -- 5) Refer to the Window and Door schedule for exterior openings. rumens. TOP PLATES AT JOINTS FACE NAILING SCHEDULE SEE GENERAL NOTE PAGE INTERSECTIONS 4-16d COMMON EA SIDE NAIL EGRESS SEE FLOOR PLANS AND WINDOW SCHEDULE 6) The General Contract.,is to ensure that masonry or prefebraded fireplaces meets 5) TYPE I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: STUD TO 2e FACE Sym.: or exceeds maneaolumbe specrfle tr s and appl e.ble codes. Type I exterior shearwallswith a minimum.]116 inch wood structural panel an the extortor STUD 2-16d COMMON O C NAIL FIRE PROTECTION SEE FLOOR PLANS atached with 8d common pads at 6"o c at the panel edges and 12"ms rn the field,and - --- (SMOKE a CO2 DSTECTO525) ]) The General Contractor is to consult with the Owner far all built-o Reins 112 Inch gypsum wallboard on the Interior attached with ad cooler nails at 7'..c otparel HEADERTO Ear O.0 FACE such as bookcases,shelving,Vantry,closets,toms,etc edges and 10"me in the field shall be in accordance with the length requirements specified tfid COMMON TRU55 DESIGNN/A - STANDARD STICK FRAME CONSTRUCTION HEADER ALONG EDGES NAIL in table 315.-b TOP OR BOTTOM 2-1fid COMMON PER 2X4 STUD END ENERGY CALCULATIONS RESCHECK 3.5 RELEASE I _ 8) Wind load requirements shall be taken Into account during construction. PLATE TO STUD_3-16d COMMON PER 2.5 STUD NAIL __ O 6) TYPE II EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS BOTTOM PLATE TO FOUNDATION NATES. Type It exterm,shrOus is shall meet the requirements.fable 3 lamb limes the mfghmpdale FLOOR JOIST,BAND JOIST, 2-16tl COMMON PER FACE NAIL 1) The GeneralConteolorandMasontoreviewptons,eleva0ons,notadsandnoteste lengthatllustmemfact.rslntehle316 END JOIST OR BLOCKING FOOT SEE NOTE.1,2 CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA determine intended heights of Lashed Foods)above typical pride. 7) INTERIOR BEIEARWALL CONNECTIONS FLOOR FRAMING: L45 UND WIND SEISMIC FROST WINTER ICEShIlELO Allowable Penwell Label he Reseldetl in table 3 14 shall be permitted to be r mloweed when FLOOD 2) All footings to rest an mobsturhed(spen)soil NAIL NAIL OW SPEED DESIGN WEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY DESIGN DNDERLIIELD T interior shearwalle are used Sheathing and connections shall be in accardance with .JOINT DESCRIPTION OTY _SPACING NOTES AD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP. REQUIRED HAZARDS 24 A 2 and 2 24 respectively 3) Provideetor masonpans.n lomt maim exterior unhealed slabs andabuting ,]PLAT O PER TOE MODERATE SLIGHT TO t concrete of masonry walls occurnig in exterior or unhealed interior areas B).CONNECTIONS AROUND EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS: SILL,TOP PLATE OR GIRDER A-9A COMMON JOIST NAIL BS. 120 B SEVERE 3 FT. TO HEAVY MODERATE 11 YIONE Header anchor girder connections shall be allashad with uplift connections in accoNance, BRIDGING EACH TOE 4).Any new concrete walls being attached is existing concrete structure shall with table 35.Window,sill plates shall be have steel connectors in accordance with table TO JOIST 2-Bit COMMON END NAIL be lnsla0edwil re-har'18"long atl2"oc Use approved epoxy for insulation. 35 BLOCKING EACH TOE ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: 2-Bid COMMON TO JOIST END NAIL 51 red on 4tinch Trick sand all Wasson grader. wire oB psi Counselorship I to be g) CATHEDRAL o be used ASSEMBLY SHEATHING LOCATION NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE NOTES Pouredin4m3h112 inch gravel911 with 6x6 wire mesh reinforcing Interior slabs Mere on is to ben oomoasopesombeam,theftregion,shall fflachelto cast, notched suit BLOCKING TO 3-16d COMMON EACH TOE AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE MMONa Err 0 FIELD th be minimum 3-t t.2 inch lhirJ<. anchoretl on top of the boom or slope c.nneclors dM1all be attached to each rafter-to-ndge SILL OR TOP PLATE BLOCK NAIL 4-PERIMETER EDGE ZONE Bd COMMON@6"OC 6d COMMON@6"OC SEE NOTES 1,3 .tongthe.,on ceding part etre building 0...ei.tm.s to the ridge and wall shall be be LEDGER STRIP EACH FACESEE NOTES ( (BOTH FIELDS) 6) Crawl spaces to be provided will amlmmum lirx ol"access opening Install one attached with the above mffluements TO BEAM 3-16 COMMON ,JOIST _ NAIL INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6"00 Bd COMMON @ 12"O C NOTE'2 FOR PANEL FIELD 0x16 cast von foundation vent tutelary 150 sqEructation - JOIST ON LEDGER PER TOE GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS sit COMMON AOC Btl COMMON @4"O.C. SEE NOTES 1,3 DECK AND COVERED PORCH NOTES: 3-8d COMMON @ " 7) Damppmential riororbefil CodeA bituminous coatmglm spar hallh Op R406 of TO BEAM JOIST NAIL NYS.Residential Constmdi.n Code A6-mil polyethylene 9lmshallheappbed over 1) Unless otherwisenoted,all(ramingmaterial tobekl ACD pressure treated lumber -BAND JOIST PER END NOTES the below de portion of extener walls ri.,m Imel p All frature.hangers and anchors to be galvinrzed or stainless steel 3-ifid COMMON gra pe p g TO JOIST JOIST NAIL HAND JOIBT TO: PER TOENAIL THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED fO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY B).Drainage as persedion RA05nfN YS Residential Construction Code 2)_Girders fordeck)osts to be bolted to each post with washers and nuts. 2-16d COMMON Gutters on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper steel connectors anchored SILL ORTOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE.i 1) For roof sheathingwrthin4feet ofthe perimeter edge.,theme,including 4feet.n each side of the real peak, FRAMING NOTES into c.nerele with a minimum 1/2"go x7"long anchor boll with washers and nuts ROOF SHEATHING: the 4 fast penmeti,edge some Amehmenls required shall be used. NAIL NL 1) All farm,techniques and mnlhale as prescriptive design of 1995 SBC High Wind 3) Posts supporting girders shall be anchored to a 127112"x12"thiel(concmte footing JOINT DESCRIPTION CITY SPACING 2) Tabulated 12 inch nail sparing assumessheathing attached mraflerlVoss framing members vnth G>13.49.Edition Wood Framing Construction Manual Use a minimum 1/2'dna long.T'long Duct...boll with washers and nits Footings Shall be 3 fl — For fmmrng members with<D,42<G<0A9,the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6 inches o c below grade_Porches with covered mnfe shall have 12"the concrete piers for the girders STRUCTURAL PANEL Bit AS PER TABLE 3 B 2).Unless otherwise noted,all fmmrng and shucWral wood material m be lt2+BTR_ WFLM-SBC 3) Tabulated 4 inch o c nail spacing assumes sheathing to raflerl truss framing members with G>o 49 For Douglas Fir 4) Deck Joists to have blocking at B'o a c. CEILING SHEATHING: Naming members with 042<G<0 49,ED nail areemg shall be reduced to 3 inches D c 3) Floors,walls,call and raters 10 be spaced at 16 inches D c unless noted 5).A minimum of 10 inch flashing shall be Installed between the building and ledger NAIL NAIL Otherwise OINTOEscR1pn01J WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: Ledger to be fastened building with ill"die.bolls washers and nuts GUY SPACING where needed GYP60M 7" O C EDGE 4) Unless otherwise noted,all bearing wall heatlers to be 12)2x10 N2+BTR.Doug Fv 50 COOLERS NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE Bearing wall headersto have(2)jack studs and(2)full length studs on each side ofall fi Concrete piers shall be a mrmmue 6"above WALLBOARD 1D"0.0.FIELD SHEATHING LOCATION NOTES openings LVL headers to have(3)Rusk studs and(2)full length studs on each side of ) pi grade _ __ AT PPNEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD openings Bennis wall window stile shall also have(2)window sill plates for 2x4 wait WALL SHEATHING: SEE NOTES:1,3(BOTH FIELDS) 7) All hoists to be en,m ed with hangers and anchors Each Joist shall also be anchored 4'EDGE ZONE ed COMMON@S"OC ed COMMON@12"O.0 openings between 4'1 and US and 2x6 wall openings bemoan 5'11 and B'9 Provide fire to girders) JOINT DESCRIPTION NAILUL NOTE.2 FOR PANEL FIELD and blocking where applicable Oft' ING INTERIOR ZONE Ed COMMON @ 6"O C Ed COMMON @ 12"O C SEE NOTE:3 fl) Covered Roofs shall be assembled and anchored the same manner as a typical building STRUCTURAL BLE 3 9 Bd COM 5) 91 tush beamslheaders to be mstellec with heavy duly galvinrzed hangers and PANELS SBC NOTES anchors where applicable to all cpnecdng joists PLUMBING NOTES 7/16"OSB DGE PLYWOOD 6d COMIELDTHESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY fi) Ds 1.hep oar i unndeeded mil a parallel tofor lhet000total anA un unless ntubs i) Allwater Supply,drainage and venting to be installed as perN Y.S.ResidentmlFloorst.have ceramic breinstalled shall be vented for proper load capacity unless noleJ C.nsUudlon Code GYPSUM EDGE 1) For wall shea[hin withinb feel of teroomers,the4 fool ed rune allachmentre uirements shall an Plans_ WALLBOARD Sd COOFIELD g 9e q _be 2).Verify septic system with the Engineer for Sutelh County Health Depadmont approval FLOOR SHEATHING: _ 7) Provide,rloclpnglbndpmg in Roar joists at 8'D or Use solid blecl.ng in ilonrJeists 2),Tabulaled 12 inch o c harts acro assumes sheathing attached to stud framing uw" spacing ga gmeches D with 3 vide adequate hates or'andplreculoR per installation for m. Ver related work NAIL NAIL underallbearing walls ) .P I 9 Y plumbing ,JOINT DESCRIPTION G>0 4&For members with OA2<G<,the nail spacings shall he reduced 1.fi inches o c promde adequate bmnnq and plates In Pm[nd and secure the stmctum Verify with the OTV SPACING 8) Preardemsulaton baffles at eavevents between rafters Install area blocking as stale code and manufastmerre recommendation for maximum hole size and spacing Permittee STRUCTURAL PANELS 6"OC EDGE 3) For exterior panel siding,galvinrzed box nada shall be pemnged to besuhslilead for common nails needed. fid COMMON B 1"OR LESS 12"O C.F__ _ HVAC SYSTEM NOTES o -- � 9) Unless otherwise noted,all roofs and walls m have a minimum t./2"thk,4-ply Fir I).Mechanteel subcontractor is responsible for activating to all applicable codes and safely NOTES: j/�� LEGEND }I''J� COX exterior sheathing grade plywood Plywood to cover over plates and"heatlers requirements WALL LEGEN^ THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF I ;+ r'7 10) Unless pilerwise noted use 314,thick T&G PTS Fir or Advantech plywood sObfl..r MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NO . adhered with PL400 adhesive and screwed to floor Imelle Finished boor to be mslalled a HVAC subcontractor is to fully coordinate all system data and requirements will,the TES ONLYNEW WALLS per manufacture's msuuchans equipmentt supplier over subfloor as q:fi S1l, F, P i) Netting requirements are based on wall sheathing EXISTING WALLS � - u 3)-HVAC subcontractor to provide final system layout drawing and submit It to the General nailed Sm on-center at the panel edge if wall sheathing \ \ 11).All bathroom wallsmhave llT'thmk m.islureiesistanl sheetrock Garage walls and Contractor and owner for final review and approval is nailed 3"on-center at the Panel edge ED obtain higher WALLS TO BE REMOVED C — — — — codings and over furnace to have516"thick esti sheetrocli All other parts of building shear rapacdies,nailing requirements for structural to have regular 112"dleetr.nk.All wand to be taped and finished ELECTRICAL NOTES: mc-mbers shall be doubled,or alternate commerce, such as shear plates,shall be used to maintain load path t2) At root with a pitch less than 412 shall be installed with an Ice d Water Father or 1).All ole amcal to be Installed as per Y S Residential Construction Code approved equal Flat mons shall be applied with a Fiberglas base sheet with an EPOM 2) When wall sheathing is continuous over connected torch down type matedal over 2).All electrical work shall be approved by a qualified Underwriter mmorgern,11n,tabulated number of nails shall be permitted to be reduced tot-1 Ed nail per foot 13) All roll plates and wood m contact with concrete i e s field o rapprotreated Sill plates to 3) Install Smoke dial CDO and Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout as per section R317 be installed withafoam sill gasket and cop-r-rex termite shield or approved equal of NY,S.Residential Cons[mc§on Code HOUSE MCCAbIN LA., GREENPORT PAGE S OF S March 11, 2004 15CALE 1/4° m IrOO DRAWN BY M. HAND Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 04/14/04 Receipt#: 4997 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Septic Permit-Construct- Resid. $10.00 Check#: 4997 Total Paid: $10.00 Name: Inland, Homes 315 Westphalia Road Po Box 117 Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: BONNIED Internal ID:92305 Date. Applicant Reviewed: Owners Name: Date Architect Submitted: Engineer: SCTM N: 3 District: I A� Section: '3 3 13 lock. 3 Lot: 11 Subdivision Jlroject —_ r Name: Location: X35 vtl cCH — SiII&Ie R separate Required _ certification: es/ o Req Req, -'roposcJ__'_ 7auing District: � J I,ot size: �v v �.AdLot coverage Actual: I ( Req. Rey. �, � Side Yard O Proposed: J [Rear Yard .,.�5 r Proposed (Front Yard 3�—Proposed: t 35t � Project Description: Permit �nAGENCAVERMITS V)CE� N.A. N2 YES / Number '0-0 I Suffolk County Health Dept. / New York State D. E. C. y Town Trustees gown Toning Board approval: Town Planning Board approval: Flood Plane Elevation??? L-;7� Flood Zone: pies: . r y 1 � NEW YORK STATE CODE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST CLIMATIC/GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA: i Ground Snow Load: 45 Wind Speed: 120MPH Seismic Design Category: B J Weathering: Severe Frost Depth:36" -/ Termite: M-H Decay: S-M Design Temp: 11 Ice Shield Underlay: YES,-" Flood Hazards: USE/OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION HEIGHT/FIRE AREA: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: DESIGN CRITERIA: ENGINEE /PRESCRIPTIV FULL FRAMING DESIGN ELEMENTS: Y/N HEADERS: Y/N WALL STUDS: Y/N GIRDERS: Y/N CEILING JOISTS: Y/N FLOOR JOISTS: Y/N ROOF RAFTERS:Y/N LUMBER SPECIES AND GRADE:Y/N DESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS: Y/N LIVE: Y/N DE4)p YIN SNOW: Y/N SEISMIC: Y/N WIND: YIN WINDOW AN4bOOR SCHEDULE: MIc""Lkr; -tAT REQUIREMENTS: Y/N� l E�';�SS 5.7 S.F.: Y/N J ;/ LfgHT 8%: Y/N VENT 4%: Y/N NAILING/CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: Y/N/ MEANS OF EGRESS: Y/N /I PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM: Y/N LOCATION OF FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: Y/N l TRUSS DESIGN: Y/N CERTIFICATION: Y/N ENERGY CALCS: Y/N TOTAL COMPLIENCE? Y/N (RETURN TO PAGE ONE) BUILDING PERMIT EXAMINER CHECKLIST DATE REVIEWED: / /04 APPLICANT: DATE SUBMITTED: / /04 SCTM4 DISTRICT: 1,000, SECTION: , BLOCK: , LOT: SUBDIVISION: ADDRESS: CITY: ZONING DISTRICT: CONFORMING? BUILDING PERMITS OPEN/EXPIRED: PRE CO: Y OR N BP -Z/C/0 Z- , INFO -/BP -Z/C/0 Z-., INFO BP -Z/C/0 Z- , INFO /BP -Z/C/0 Z- , INFO SINGLE & SEPARATE CERTIFICATION-REQUIRED NOTES: LOTS 40,0008F-100-24.Lot recognition.(CREATED before June 30,1983),UNDERSIZED LATS FROM JAN.1997 100-25.Merger.(A nonconforming at any time after 7, REQ. LOT SIZE: ACT. LOT SIZE: REQ. LOT COV. ACT. LOT COV. REQ. FRONT PROP. FRONT REQ SIDE ACT. SIDE REQ, REAR PROP. REAR REQ. HEIGHT PLOP. HEIGHT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: WATER FRONT? DESCkIPTION: PANEL # FLOOD ZONE: APPROVALS REQUIRED SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH DEPT: YES or NO, (BED #): DTE: / /_ PERMIT#: TOWN SEPTIC RECEIPT: Y or N NEW YORK STATE DEC: Pip-DEC glin5 YES or NO DTE: / / PERMIT#: SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES: YES or NO DTE / / PERMIT#: TOWN ZONING BOA] D-APPROVAL: YES or NO DTE: I I PEP-MIT#: TOWN PLAN. BOARD APPROVAL: YES or NO DTE_ / /_ fERMIT#: TOWN HISTORICALJPRE (SPLIA): YES or NO / NEW YORK STATE CODE COMPLIANCE (SEE PAGE 2): YES or NO NOTES: FEE STRUCTURE: FOUNDATION: SF FIRST FLOOR: SF SECOND FLOOR: SF OTHER: SF INIT OTHER TOTAL TOTAL: SF FEE FEE FEE 1. (—. SF)- SF)= SFX$ =$ +$ . +$ = $ 2. ( —SF)- (--SF)= SFX $ =$ +$ +$ _$ 3. ( SF)- ( —SF)= SF X $ =$ +$ +$ _ $ FINAL TOTAL: $