HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5487 Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. . 5'117. DATE: .I!.:.b~ 21, 2002 ISSUED TO ........ POSILLICO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. .....................-.-...... ..m.···....... ........................................ Aut~nrilatinn Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the . State of New Y ork 1952~ and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN W A TERS:~.'. and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on ..f.!:,þ'.,...2.º...4.002· .........., and in consideration of the sum of $..2~0.~.o..o..... paid by Posillico Construction Co., Inc. ................--................................. .......................... of ......w..~.s~~~:':T...... . .. ....... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the foRowing: Wetland Permit for the existing single-family dwelling under const 'and proposed 24'X28' detached two-car garage,with the condition !·of a 50' non-disturbance buffer and a line of staked hay bales 'placed .down at the 50' buffer during construction. aU in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the oñginating apprlCation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by II . majoñty of the said Board as of this date. :;L~ tJ· ~k'eth Pol1woda (Absent) Trusie.. TERMS and CONDITIONS 11>e Permittee Posillico Construction Co.. Inc residiag at 31 Tennyson Ave., Westbury, NY 11590 N. Y., as part of the cOllSideratioo for the sS,..nœ of die Permit does uødentand and prescribe to the fo1- 10wiøg : 1. Tbat the oaid Board cl T~ and the Town cl SoutboId are released from aøy and all damages, Of: claims foe cIamages, of IIÚØ arlsiøg diteàI.y or JacIireody as . result cl my oper- adoo perfoamed punuaat to tbis permit, and tho said p... "'eee wiI1, . his or her OWD areo"'. defend my and all sUch suilS' ¡..;.I.fed by tbIrd patda, and the oaid J'1 1..- ....,.., fall JiIbI1/ty with reSpect tbeteto. to the CO"'J"- --..a...Inn of the Board cl T~ cl the TOWD cl So..ð-Qld 2. That tbis PemIÎt Is wIid foe . pedod of 24...... -wbIcb Is ~Dllfu ed to be the --to<! time· requited to C9"'p1~ the wade in'fOhecI, bat ihoaJd ~"""" warnøt, request for 011 eDeDSioo may be made to the Board at . later date. 3. That tbis Peanit should be retained indef"UJite{y, or as loog as che oaid Permittee wishes to m.I....;n the suuaure or project involved, to provide erideDœ to aøyooe coøœrned chat aad>- .orizaâoo was originally obuiøecI. 4. That die work åm>lved will be subject to the ~ and appronl cl the Boud « its agents, and non-œmpliaoce with. che ptovisioas cl the origI-,;"g appl;C'~ may be cause fOf: reoocadoo of tbis Permit by RSQwtioo of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasoo....e intedereoce with ...-.igadoa as . result cl the wodc baein auÜ1orized. 6. That there shall be 00 imerfereoce with tho right cl the pobIic to pass and repass a100g the beach between high and low water marks. . 7. That if .fuaue openåoas cl cho Town of Soacho1d reqahe cho teII10ftl aad/Of: a1œradoas in the location cl the wade berein ...tJ.-~ ¡~. or If, in the opInh-o of the Boud cl Trustees, the. wodc sbaI1 cause unreaSOC'ob1e obstrucÞOD to free nav/g2doa. the oaid P "wl,,_ will be requI1ed. upoo clue DOtice, to remove or alter tbis wad< at project baein stated widIoat ~''''''I to the Town cl Soachold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by tbe ~rm;ø- ot the f' ",ok\il, n Of the wad< aad>- orized. 9. That the permittee will obtain all other permits and o-en'" that may be requited sup- p1emental to tbis permit which may be subject to revoke upoo failaro to obtain -. Albert J, Krupski, President . James King, Vice~President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A, Dickerson . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 21,2002 Mr. Anthony Posillico Posillico Construction Co" Inc. 31 Tennyson Ave. Westbury, NY 11590 RE: POSILLICO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 3040 Kerwin Blvd., Greenport SCTM#53-4-44.35 Dear Mr. Posillico: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, February 20,2002 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, POSILLICO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of South old, application dated January 31, 2002, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 20, 2002, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, 2 WHEREAS, the Board has detennined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of POSILLICO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. for the existing single-family dwelling under construction and proposed 24'X 28' detached two-car garage, with the condition ofa 50' non-disturbance buffer and a line of staked hay bales placed down at the 50' buffer during construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date it is signed, Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Fees: None Very truly yours, t2!.i.,- ¡ (1, /¿._~~, C. ;' I ". Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms cc: DEC Bldg. Dept. Health Dept. . . ~------~-------~-~-------~------ JOB No AUG-33 REV 02104102 WETlANDS TAXLD. No. 1000-53-04-44.35 APPROVED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOlD DATE 2 /2--.0 /02. LOT 29 ) / ~ ~- .~ \:r DRAINAGE AREA POND KERWIN BLVD. [50' ] R=25 DO' i\ l"3327' S 43°09'40"E 160.00' r ---T-'---'- æ TIE 777 DO' ..... I ::J \52' a. UJ , ill , , J (9 « (J) LOT9 a o c;j .,., N µJ a N a .,., ° <0 " Z '" z ::> a 0 "' - C> C) 2~ ('''I'''' 0 >- .,., :5 N :J.'"~P Q. ;:;: '" z '*' a '" N '" à '" 4> .,., '" ° Q. <0 " (/) FLOOD ZONE X FIRM ~ANEL No 36;o3C0159 G WETLAND BOUNDARY FLAGGED BY DESTlN GRAF ON 02101102 [FLAGGIW'I·B61 /' / / FEßI I N 43°09'40"W 160 ~O' ( , \ POND AREA "--- t· VACANT , FILE MAP No. 9107 6/3/91 "--'--- Un3utnotizecl alteration or addition to tn!!; document Is a .111)1.31'011 0í Section 7209 of the New YOll< State Education Law Certrflcatlons indicated hereon sMail run only' 10 the person for w~"11l11 .;; prf'~'\f1red ;]nd or. h'~ behalf to the Title r.ompanr. Governmental Agency ann LMrtmg tnst.Mion listed hert'M)n, and t:J the assl<;¡nees of the lending ¡nsu!tltlon... or subsequent owners Cop,e~ of thIS document nol bearing the professlonars Ink:9( seal or embo~sod seal shall not be considered a 'valid true copy The offsets I or dimensJons I shown hereon from structures 10 tf'Ie ¡:;roperty lin~ Bre ror a specific purpose and use and therefore are nOI intended to gUlete !he erection of fences, retaining walls, poolS, planting areas, addition 10 bU!ldlngs or any olher conSlructlQn Tl1e eXistence of right otways andlQf easements of record, "any, nOI shown are notguaranleed --.-----. -------------.-- SURVEY OF LOT 33 M/O AUGUS~ ACRES SECTION 1 ARSHAMOMAQUE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOU< COUNTY, NEW YORK SURVEY DATE: 01/14/02 SCALE: 1"=50' ------~- DESTIN G,GRAF LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFIED ONLY TO: POSOLLlCO CONSTRUCTION By DESTIN G. GRAF N.Y.S. LIe No. 50067 - . . ------ JOB No AUG-33 REV 02/04/02 WETLANDS TAX ID. No 1000-53-04-44 35 LOT 29 ) \~ '~~ "'- " , ",-,,> ,Y j~ .~ ." 'r> DRAINAGE AREA POND R"'2S.00· L=39_27' KERWIN BLVD. [50'] S 43'09'40"E 160.00' D::: ::J 0.. (/) UJ (9 « (/) TIE 777 00' ¡ I I 60' 219' HOUSE UNDER CONSTRUCTION LOT9 å a 6 '" N µJ å N å '" , <0 .... Z \,' å a a '" N o z OJ o 0: CJ >- S D.. o z « '" 0: « D.. FLOOD ZONE X FIRM PANEL No. 36103C0159 G " xB6 X , 65 X 63 XB4 X 62 s: å N å '" <0 .... CI) '* <¡þ WETLAND BOUNDARY FLAGGED BY DESTIN GRAF ON 02101/02 [FLAGGING BI - B6 ] X 61 / POND AREA N 43'09'40"W 160.00' t;Eß I \ '--,I. , , _,",'or·f 'l ~ . nauthOrlZed alteration or aadrtJOIl 10 [hIS document IS a .10latlOn of Section 7209 of tne New YOrl< Stale EducatJon La~ ':ertrficatJons Indicated hereon shall r..n ani) to tile persen for Mom It IS prepared ana on his Deha!f to the Title wmpan¡r Governmental Agency and lending InstitutiOn I.Sted hereon and to the assl\õlnees of tile leno'ng <nstltut'ons or Subsequent ownen¡ ::Oplt'S of thiS docclment not Dearing tile prof&.¡s,onal's InKe(l seal or embossed seal shall not oe conSidered a val,O true COpy Tr.e offsets [or dimensions) shown hereon from structLJres to the property lines are fOf a specific purpose and use and tnerefore are not ,ntendea to gUide the erection of tences retaln,ng walls POOlS p¡antln¡;¡ areas addition to bLJlldlngs or any other :onsU"uctlon Tne 91CJstence of ngnt of ,^,ays ana/or easements of record If any, not shQWl'1 are n0tgLJaranteed VACANT FILE MAP No. 9107 6/3/91 SURVEY OF: LOT 33 MIO AUGUST ACRES SECTION 1 ARSHAMOMAQUE, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SURVEY DATE: 01/14/02 SCALE: 1"=50' CERTIFIED ONLY TO POSOLLlCO CONSTRUCTION By DESTIN G. GRAF N.Y.S. LlC No. 50067 DESTIN G.GRAF LAND SURVEYOR 1-31-2002 3:31At.1 F"Œ1.ILLICO Ir".IC 516 333 6903 . --'--------- ---------------- ----.- P_..1 TAX '.D No. 1000-53-04-44.35 I-,:·E. rJ.:> AUG-33 I I ~" ". ". ...... ,"'<> "",,,/ ". " -=:::..~ \..Oï Z9 ~ ." '~" .,- DRAINAGE ARE!A POND KERWIN BLVD. [50'] ~=~5 00 L.."'3\Õ1 ;:;:- 'S 43°0Q'40"E 160.00' Ct: => 0.. ü) W c.9 '" ü) ¡ TIE 777 O(¡ , I ~3' 60· . I ~ I , <:;> LQT 9 0 2 =0 '=' L '=' '" ~ '" ¿s &."J.,i-;~ '" '" 6 '" ~ '" '" ~ ~ ~ ~ !,U Pr-..~~I;-'J.. ;<: 0 '=' z it> -< ~ 2..(",,, G..r-""se ~ ~ it> \ moO.L..I......... JJ.-.....~"" '=' ~ '" ( D,,+ç.ched) '" ~ iL> iL> ~ ~ LA.1'14€'r" c.......st.......(.k..-... ~ z U> FLOOD ZONE X FIRM PANEL No. 36103C0159 G / / POND AREA N 43°09'40"W 160.00' VACANT ~ FILE MAP No. 9107 '~~ ."~"n.1:""" "'I"'''¡¡I,'''~.~' ...:I"' f C;r> rc tr",; .:I.,)c"rr.i!r,¡ 15.. ""I..¡",r. .;,r.s...<:"tI""'~.!09 "'." r,..~ ~,"'. :,"Ute E"~C"lIO" L..... - ,'"' 'i.';>I,O"~ ,r·",=..I<O<:I r.",c~r> ,;n.." ,'~r. "~.,. 10 Ir,,," ¡:.....'"'~" br WI,,,,,,", il '5 t;r..p..E'<: " ~. - ~ ~..-...If Co cc." TIt'... Cn,.,.,p"" ~," '''''''''''''\,]11 .........roc; ",-" \..,.,a"'11 . ,',',,1,,:.'. ",10«1 t"~",,),, ."Ic..:'! Ie: !~... .....5.,qr..."~ =' ,r... '''''''''Ir,t; ",..!,!....[)un,.:r SURVEY OF LOT 33 MIO AUGUST ACRES SECTION 1 ARSHAMOMAQUE. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK _~-.~',,:~u.-.' -.....r.,>'6 ~ ~~ ,,~ :' l',,~ "D<-~""·"~I "0,)( ~",.",~ I,r-.o; ¡...,d'~'5'''h:;'' ~ ,,,~....:I .,~.. ,o' limt>""",.d ,c",,, ,,:.' t><,. ~':".õ",..,-"", .. ~al,a rr"" "up, - " ''''''''''-'>''.'- ;¡""t:'''''''~~ I ""'''''''''' ~.o"""'~. [""m "'""'~'u"~" tc 'r..- P';.P<>rt'. "Cq11' ::or.. . '~'-'''''''h ....'1;><>0;_ ;or..' ,.,-;,:" iII·-·" t~,...'...t,:>r.. ,,r.. not ,n....~.-:le" t" ;, u.Cle r".. ~,-~"."c, <11 ~',,' ,,~. '"r.;,...",;¡ ....."s. POol", PIBN'''9 ~r"...~ ..do::!,¡,O~ '0 "'''''''''''I'Js <:or <ony ",-"." I ': :';-'~'.u~:~_~~.. .-,f f'CI'" o' ...CO.... u',,'1,o.- ",'¡;~"m"','s '" r""'':.r] II ..,.,. c.~t ""o.>W~, ..re I=~~';;~~ED ONLY TO I POSOLLlCa CONSTRUCTION SURVEY DATE' 01114/02 SCALE 8y DE:::.TIN G GRAF N'r 5 LlC No 50067 ----- DESTIN G.GRAF LAND SURVEYOR 1177/3 6/3/~ I 1"~50' . . '. JOB No. AUG-33 TAX I.D. No. 1000-53-04-44.35 JAN j 1-'" LOT 29 ) DRAINAGE AREA POND KERWIN BLVD. [50'] R:2S.00· L=39.27 ·843°09'40"E 160,00' C!:: ::J (L (f) UJ <.9 « (f) TIE 777.00' I ç3' 60' J ¡ () LOT9 21.9' D z OJ 0 r 0 0 Ls """. ,,.. a: ~ 0 '" 0 c:i >- '" '" :5 N N "- ~ P'-.ð"~".l ~ D 0 Z 0 '" N 2-<'.. G.. ray" N '" 0 ~ tI1.J" I... IJ-v.."se b a: :r (Dt'-I-<,-cheJ) '" '" CD ° "- 1...("..\1:"1"'" cc:.......'Sk\.l;ðM CD .... .... Z (j) FLOOD ZONE X FIRM PANEL No. 36103C0159 G N 43°09'40"W 160,00' /' I ( POND AREA \ '" VACANT ---.... FILE MAP No. 9107 6/3/91 LJnautt10nzed alteration or addition to tn,s document IS a ,",olation of Section 7209 of the New York Stale EOi,lcabon Law Cert,fications Indicated hereon shall run only to the person for whom It IS prepared iH1d on hiS behalf to tna Title Campan)'. Governmental Agency and LendIng Institution I,sted hereon and to the assignees of the lending mstltutions or suDSeQuent owners COpies of thiS document not bearing the professional's Inked seal or embossed seal shall not be consloered a valid true copy Tria offsets [or dimenSions] shown hereon from structlJres to the property lines are for a specific purpose ana use and tnerefore are not Inlendeo to guide the erection of fences. retamlng walls, pools plantmg areas, addition to bUildings or any otner con'!;!ruC'tlon Tne eXIstence of nç ht of ways and/or easements of recora, If an~, not shown are notgloaranteed SURVEY OF: LOT 33 MIO AUGUST ACRES SECTION 1 ARSHAMOMAQUE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK SURVEY DATE: 01/14/02 SCALE: 1 "=50' By DESTIN G. GRAF N.Y.S. LlC No. 50067 DESTIN G.GRAF LAND SURVEYOR CERTIFIED ONLY TO: POSOLLlCO CONSTRUCTION . . Fred K. and Dorothea T. Salzberg 2890 Kerwin Blvd Greenport, NY 11944-2745 (631) 477-9733 February 22, 2002 Mr, Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 119711-0959 FEb 2 ~ . Re: Appeal no. 5066 and Environmental Review 3040 Kerwin Blvd, Greenport, NY, 11944 Dear Mr, Goehringer: We, the undersigned Fred K. Salzberg and Dorothea T. Salzberg, residing at 2890 Kerwin Blvd, Greenport, NY 11944-2745 ( also known as lot 9 on MlO August Acres, Section I, Arshamomaque, Town of Southold, NY ) and located immediately adjacent to the subject property, make the following statement: We believe that the house and proposed detached garage will be an attractive addition to the neighborhood, and urge that the variance requested by Posillico Construction be approved. $~Y~ cc Board of Trustees, Town of Southold / Posillico Construction . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, February 12, 2002, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Bob Ghosio, seconded by Jason Petrucci, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Permit Application of POSILLlCO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC, for the existing single-family dwelling under construction and proposed 24'X 28' detached two- car garage, Located: 3040 Kerwin Blvd., Greenport. SCTM#53-4-44,35 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application and recommends that the applicant re-establish 100' of native vegetation, non-turf/non-fertilization buffer. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~: . . -",."._..._,,-- .......-.... ~ --....._~1:"<'I,.~ " ~":. ::. -:r~~.!~,''--- <: ! .,j, ···..ft".....-,,; .' , .", .t'~~':~~'~r:~¡ ! 1 I I ---------------. .....-]-- I -=.:::->2~ , -+'"~ I . ~ I A~,,'1' A-\-("\':-.. ~ "',·(é-·'~ '.. ~ ,.. -1",. .: '>", ' ..A'\~~~ \ ,........, .... \ ~~~'\\..( ~; .1\ 'to . ~' ~,H~.V ~., ...'" '.' '!o ~:\-:\y <" M" ,," ~1> r.-;t'#'';-t'. ., '\~.h ,~.~~' -;. ~ <",,.\',.:,t.~o,.'"' ~:--it\,~ \&/ ~.""'\:;.., ~ .....'''~.'t~).,- ~ <", '\' "t",.',.,/ ~A A~l\ ~.>-'~t~/t \~~>:~~,";)~;,,~~~t.\~N ..~ ~ <"'I:': , " ~¿<',~ > .' I Þ"",~' ." ,p.;;/''\''t,\,/ 6. ~/'::"§. Ii~' :i§.>"':f ~\ I "'.."'~y'. "'" ,j :,;'¡,-,':-} ii..~\r...~~~", j .. .,., .....,,~ ' '~?' - ~~ ~ '-i:J; ~~ ! ~,\ II' I~"G"\ ~~,,~ .." >:~,ý" !,', , [roo· ::::." ~ ;a;fi.:~';~' "> I :/ ;t..'"".,., ""j ,0" ,', , '\ I .----,,--.; .' ,\t-- ~','t,,t ~ I ,'t.'~ i} !.<~J ~ '\ ';"':., ~ À , \~'\ . ~;~..~~/ ,1~( . ?¡ i.- "/, \. ) . ~ ..;: ~:" ", ;- ... 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Z [V) C Uì !;;: ~ 0 ~ o ð ~ § ~ I = ' § , . . ~ ¡ ! i i f~; "'...>- ::O....1l. 9[ .:...:-~ i~iM ~-ª j~ ,~ . l~iY 5d:::_~ u~~ Æ I e d:¡ .'!. ~ o !.. ~ ~ I - ,,~~ " ~ ,.¡~; i:.~! H~~~ II ! j I JI¡ ,HBI! ;;Hi M'!II II ¡ I i ¡¡¡ji .,"j 11111 Jj!li! 11111I ; ~ ! ! ; ~ t ¡I! II !,¡! II 18 II ! I I ¡ I ~ ~ ~ S ; ¡ I ¡!/ '- ; , ~ ~ _ J ~ ] , , . .1 ;¡ ¡¡lid '1'1 1'1,:., I : ~ ,I, :1'1 illii ~"'O""ZC 61-\13)0;). fìQ\c'I--¡:::("\~\)' tbJG"- i ~ 1(jJ' ~ì \'lkr\'\ 0. rd5 . \\QQ<i a çj !üJW( I b(l¡uJQ\.\S + 0\.t\to(~ .' CCJt- Ó-tiJJ('\ \o.~ \-fee? 1-31-20('2 3.30MI FPŒ~ POSILLlCO WC 516 33:' 6983 Ul,'Jl/U..! IHL IJ:JU ....~.\. :)!~ ltì~.b ~OUtnoHl 10\\'11 .'t'C'öUnT:ln~. Albert J, !úup.ki, ¡>r.,sident J&ID~, VjcE:..Pre,ident Henry S,Aith Artie f'oBter Ken Poij'oode T.lephg". (631) 765-1892 Fa>: (631) 765·1366 To-n Hall 53095 a.",. 25 P.O, Box 1179 S""U,old, Newy""k 11971·0959 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Offiç~ Use Only _Coastal Erosion Permit Applíc;atio~ ~etland Pennit Appliçation /Major -Waiverl Am~ndmentlChangcs - _Rcc~ived Application: _Received Fee:$ _Completed Application _Ineompleti! SEQR-\ Classification: Typi! I_Type ß_Unlistcd_ _Coordinalion:(date sent) _ CAC Refem.l Sent: _Date of Inspection: _Receipt ofCAC Report: _Li!ad Agency Determination: _Teclm.ical Review' _Public Hearing Held: _-.-Resolution: Minor JAN,J I , L Name of Applicant "fbs; ¡//Cð C-.-..:s/-y.",c./-"vv., G..Znc , Address 31 Te"'''75h-- Av~ w-estb.o.vy/ ÆY //5"<Jò Phone Number:~J b) 3"3'3 - 06(, (, Suffolk County Tax Map Nwnber: lOCO - 5' 3 - £f - 4' t( 3 "> propc:rtybcation: 3o¥o ke~wíh a/v), ¡Çyf'f'.n porf - v IYHIi wesf ;,..,'¡'e'rs.ecf¡~ of Kevwi,... Blvd ~ PJ,ep,s",...f PI..(e (provide L1LCO Pole 11-. distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT, (If applicable) Address' Phollc:__. P - .¿ ~\JU.l ~~ ~S)y 1-31-2082 .3, 30At.1 FPOfl POSILLICO INC 516 333 6903 Ul:Jl1U;! lKl IJ:Jl l-A....\ ~11) I~~.I) ~(JUt.nUlU tuwn Al'l'UUlJ.llU. ~ P. 3 IiL.1 UU! Board of Trustees Application '--~ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): ~tJ77Þfz Area Zoning' R- 80 Previous use of property: Vaca""f ¿aV?d Intendeduseofpropmy' 5;"1-,,, ~......,(ý ~{,,5;je.-.(.., """,;AK Jek.J...€.J 2- cC;¡,.- jq,r"'je Prior permits/approvals fur site improvements: Agez 5,A;(;,1J<. ~¡ý /.kQ.i fÞ¡f ~I .5 /J !3vi/.L"5 D",!f Date ?,/(./oo f ' /2 /7/0 I I , __ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any pmnit/approvlI1,~vu been revoked or suspended by II govemmental agency? ~No_Yt's If yes, provide explanation' Project Desaiption (use !Lttachments i[necessary): E..:; s /; ") Si "jle kM'/ý 1Ju.-,..e: uhd~.,.. c-..S¡""fA.Ch·~ (ff?¡........¡1- # z 7 {51 Z) -.J ,I'r'JP0se j 2'-f' ~ 28 ' de f-o..cJ..-eJ 2- c<-;v j< ....~je (4'vvð¡;L'j ZBA h-f''''''¡''') r"", 3/14/{>2. ZBA F./e # SDb'=- -f""", ,...,/'!(e"",J ;~ +rø-n.+ vc;rJ.\ r ~~ · . Board of Trustees Application WETLANDITRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: 2- S·h,,-v· 5', ~) (-e h,.""'1 ~ { R i?5, d"" (e with 1NV'''f " 'rVlA " J po v-ct-... ~.l 2",-0 5 I-vv t ßð,lcc"y c",) 'ì)p-f-.:cf-"J '2...- (.¡ v (,...¿; Ir<j e , Area of wetlands on lot: 6, 3 b 5 square feet 15'. <1 % Percent coverage of lot: Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 71, 5" feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 7'1- feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No -/ Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 3¿1î) cubic yards How much material will be filled? tilffYO)/ ISO cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: Lf X o.S-Ivi.o Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 2 -f., :, % Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: EX(qvtl ~'¡J-v-., S' £ B<:chfi II will h... ¿..... WI ¡.,~ ßcAfUczl'ý' /ÞIU-. +v-<.1 laClJ",. feet t'l,C6.V<i I; '-'Y\ f~t r::--,II Þ.dat-. A,,! -r,/I ni'fJ"J 4/'11 h€ bnrnjA+,V\ 6( J"'''''D ,fv-vck c..J 'f~.('CjJ WI~ <,-laO"'" /'VIe", ¡¡Impel e<;<·;,pno PVlf. , I v Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): ,None J -10 1/"" be>!-- <.f M"¡ f k"'ék-Vledje · . Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York r ßs; /I iGc C;"" s fv",cI-¡ ,- Co. / J;,c. IIn+I"-fJl- Pos;//¡co -J... -fa« BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF IllS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING TIllS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENT ATlVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. 'l~.£?_ /ð~ l-~jj¿ þí~ / . i ature SWORN TO BEFORE ME TIllS /8~ DAY OF !;Lhll//"'íl ,20ð?-_ /}~LO ~ Notary Public HELENE D. HORNE Notary Public. State of New York No,4951364 Oualified in Suffolk Coun~ roo ........-. .-:--:-'."",~ f-'~rÙ"'!::: May 22, 6t.003 ~tt) 3 ,\. J0Ø~U~ß0 Œ0(ï)ØÛ;1!1ßÛ~0(ï) 31 tennyson aye . westbury· ny 11590 . 516-333-0666 . fax 516-333-6903 Dlte 3/1/ oz.. , , TRANSMITTAL To 5~,-<>/j B<'><"ty--J of ?;-tA.,j-e-es Address 'R O. 130 )( / /7 "l s.~ #0/ cf , , Attention: L <'t.« ¡r f"v¡ AI Y //97/- ð'l5'1 We Ire sending herewith o CONTRACT As follows: C~ ¡r /-"'¡:;Yi o PRINTS o Me-¡ i! IJ~ T^ì~ 5/........./'" 6e M IaJ-I-- rejC!Y' ,"'] ÁjVJ+ k""J V-H- !>J Ov-R . Received Your. truly, POS/LLICO CONSTRUCTION CO.. INC. By By ~? Æ~ . . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: 3ot¡-o k-eYIÑ/I" Blvd G~e~'YftT~ /II f /I? 't'-/ STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK /lr,414"'''¡ ~s;/lu> S'r ,residing at :2Q(.e C"""J Ave. /3.;/d<.ulr- Iv Ý I / I s: I D , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the h H--- day of ¡::éby«" vý ,200 '-, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board ofTru$tees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of South old; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at /I1J">~LiVy' NÝ , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered' mail. ~¡?~~/. Sworn to before me this i d. 'Ik DayO~~ j¡...'I..v...'O ' 200 ~ '?\CJì -'2 (hßL Notary Public LYNDA M. BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC. Slale 01 New York No. 01 B06020932 Qualified in Suffolk Counw -? Term Expires March 8, 20 ~ 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) ,. APPLICANT IS,P9NSOR ", I 2. ?AOJEC7 .\lAME po>i /1 í Co {",,> ,cJYIA C f-;.... c,. ( 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Munlelpa,;,y 5'0 <-1f/..o Ii í ðTAn'\ 5 /,; H.~q.412187)-ïext 12 PROJECT '-D. NUMBEi< . . SEG -'-5 M-# 33 5uf 0 k County 4. PAEC:SE LOCATION {Street a( Clress and road Intersections. p mmenl1anamarKs. etc.. oJr ,::Irov,ae mac! 3ot.¡o kf'vwi^ /11'-1'( ",f kf''rwiY\ (fA" rno5>f c) asHe Blvd I C-VOVlr['0tt J NY S&u. -ftf'.+ I ð-f-- "'" ¡ r:e We 51 > / cI ~ P/'eæsc¡YI + Plc,ce) 13/v'cI 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ~ew 0 Expansion 5. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: 2- :':,h,Yj 5iYl51<? F;¡h1;1y jJes/Je-.-,(€ (rc,..-c.,)", L'1^- I 40-'" 4/f 111 o MOdification/alteration Wlft.... De!-r..(kf'j !lz,¡j f/sr Ac~ 5 5C<bcl/YlS;,.... Z-CC;V '. AMOUNT OF ~ND AF¡::¡:CTED: y~ IVL Initially acres Ultimately _ acres 3_ WIU.. :=RO?IJSêù ACTION CCMPL':' WITH Ð:ISilNG ZONING OR OTHEr¡ E.XISTrNG LANO USE .:¡;eS7RIC7'tQNS? ~es 0 No If ~Jo. describe briefly 9. V¡HAT IS ?RESENT LAtW U8E IN '/ICINIP- OF ?ROJECT? i~'::¡es denllal [j,lnaus:na C C.)mmerciaJ U Agriculture Desc:lbe: /111 5<-1.,...""""J'''5 Ic-l5 i", /I.1J,-'!,f )10-<'5 ð'>"- / <Joe lei) 10. aOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERJIIIT APPROVAL. OR r-UNO!NG. .\J.OW OR UlTIMATELf ,i:"RQM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (F::ùERAL. ST A T~g.¡¡ lOCAL)? ~ Yes 0 No If yes. lisl agencYIs) and oermitlapprovals /J I- / /-. I L ~ -4' 5" ~ 5.'.Af£/h. ~~I¡- Dí1f ·ðf /-k.:-.LúC 5e....v;<e5 - ,?o'''''¡ h.> '-"'1~TYhr 'f' <_ )-'J 5c--G<-It..,IJ I~ ßu; 11,-,... /)2 i - 8",¡1c!1 R-o',,",,¡ f ~/,j T.-"'slee:.-; t1le-{-¿~J I?r..,f :-.J Pan<;/ForestIOoen space L Other <1... -;';"'5' ~ £""..,.,; Iy I-. UVrl' s 11. --.99ES ANY ASP:CT OF THE ACTlor~ HAVE A CUR ENTLY VALID PERMI OR APPROVAL? (!f Yes' 0 No U Yf!s. list agency name and permIt/approval 5Ú(.(,¡h &unt-¡ 1*$ 171- <'vi" 5..-d4<.1cf ----r.:.......... B.Ú/¿;''j .Ph"" 1 r 12. AS A. RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION Wll!.... EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL ME·:)UIAE '....'OOJFIC)., ¡ION? 0_ ~o ... I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ~eOVE IS TRUE:-O TH: 3EST OF MY KNQWL':;íJGE ~pplicanllsponsor name: ?o5,j/¡-~o c;. 5 Iv-... (/-,"'" 0. , J;, c. , D.tle: Z/¡z/o 2 , , Signature: If the action is in the Co"stal Area, and ,au are a state asency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this a:j..~essment OVER :..:.y . ~~Jï . oJ je '-::::H:":::;¡e-~e,= ~y ,-': . 7¡..,::;E3i-:CLJ 'N 5 .'.':'::=;¡::. ::0 :..F¡ 5= 7.':'" --- :;CES .:.C7:C:-¡ :::;\C2"~: :~':'~s 1_.-"0 ~ç,~ç -- jf :¡~S. :::cro,nate ::"Ie re....'p.w :::cceS3 ana 'J$i:t :!".9 ='JL_ ::~,=- P..\ñ¡ l1-~:\NI¡;C:"IM=;'~ï"\' I " =- ',vIL~ .:"C'';":CN ·=tE·::::;'·¡=: ::;CPOIN':','2J :::¡E~/IE'N ....$ ?RC'/ICEJ =.:;:; 'J~ L.S7=:J .:.C7:C;"IS :N :5 .~'('::~R. :J~;;ï 5' ;-.37 Tlay ':Je suoerseCec ::Jy :!once:":er ,n....ol....ea açency. :1 ..~O. ~ îeç.3.(:·¡e ::~c:ar:: 1-..: y~s !_."IO c. C::ULO ,~C7;CN .=!ESt.:L7:N ,.!,.NY .:.[jVE::;S¡: :::.==:;:·:;73 AS3CC:..;7"2J ·,vl':.! -:....,S .=·JL:.....:'NI~G. :An.s.....ers .-:-;ö.v::e ianCwr¡[:en../ ..~-; clel (;1. ~,(lsllng .ilr ~uallt·l. sut:'ac~ Jr ,¡rot.:nawace~ ;:ualify Jr '::t.: an II !y, ,101se .e....els. ~X~S¡lng :~â;:ic ::al:erns, 30lic .....as:e :)root.:C:;=., :Jr JIs.:;:: ;JOtenllal fer ~ros¡on. ::ralnaçe or :toocmq Jrac!ems? ::"-:o!am ::merly: C2. AestneUc, a~rlc:.II!Ural. HC:1aeoloqlc.al. :'¡s;onc, :Jr :Jcner 'at~ral :Jr C:.Jllur31 ,-¡¡sources: :Jr :::;mmun,ly :lr ,'el~t1ccrnooo .:~;¡rac:er'" =-'(Olaln ~ .J..... '!eçelatlon .)r :auna. ~ sn. sr:ellfisn or 'lfllclHe s¡Jec:es. .3lqmiicanr .iacltals. :lr :nre3teneo :Jr ~n":a.nc:;ereo .:;cec:es? :'H:tam :¡rially~ C..:.. A c~mmuml'f'S exist:ng ;)!ans or ~oatS as olflc:aJly aaootea. ':Jr a cnange In use or intensllY or use at rand or :Jtner natural resources? S;¡:plaln :~ c.::. GrowIM. suoseauenc :evelooment. :>r relalea ac:~""lt[es likelY (0 :>e ,nduceo :;y !ne ::rcooseo ac:icn? S;Jlaln Jf1eilv. C3. ~cng :erm. snort :~r;";l. .::;mutò.live, .)( 'Jcner '3lfec:s no( IcenlltieCl In C;-ÇS? =.1:l!aln ::Inet]',_ ::!r:~! moac:s ¡nc:.Jc:n~ :::~an<;es ,n 'Jse .:It ~~tner q1,)antlly .': r ~y~e or ~nerçÏJ? =-t:)Iò.JO :::r:etly. j. S ':"HE:=.E. JA :S -;-.=::!c; :":!{2!..·:' :-C 5e. ::0Nï:=iQVE?S'f :J¡:!....r<.7"=:J '7"0 ?QT::~ril";L ":'~'Ë.=!Sc; ::::'WIRCNMPIT":'L ....:P.1.C-:-3? '_':'es __ .' O :f ·:'es. ~XClaln :meffy .'AR7 III-DETë::!MINAïICN OF SiGNI¡:iCANC" ¡To ~e comoleted "y .~gencï) !NS7i1UCi¡ONS; ¡:or :!3C:1 a.dverse ~!fec~ identified accve. determine woerner it is substantial, large. :mcorcant or otherwise signific. ::.3.ctl :!jfec~ siloula ~e 3.ssessed in c:Jnnection wltn Its (a) setting (Le. urean or rural); (b) ¡:)robacility ot oc:::~g; (c duration' jrre'¡erslo¡JHy: ;el geQqracnic ¿¡c:Jce: ana (f) magmtuce. If necessary, add aUachments or reference supporting marerials. :nsurF.! o:xolanations c~nta," suttic:ent aetali !o snow that all ~e!e'lanr adverse impacts nave been identified and adec:uatelY aCCresseG. C;'ec:x: ;his box :f 'fOU "ave idemifiea one or .-nore .:JotenciaHv Jarçe .Jr significam 2.C'Ierse imoac:s 'NnlC:1 ~.1';"·:' oc:;:.Jr. Then ~rcceec airec:I'I ~o :he FULL ::'AF ana/or preaare a positive' declaration. - C;'ecx: :his :;ox :( 'Iou ;'ave de !ermined, JaSed on the informarion and analysis above and any SiJDDort:r:c doc:Jfì1enrar!cn. :hat ;/":e :JrODosea ac:ion ¡:¡JILL ~JOT result inJny significant .3.CYerSe -::nvlrcnmental imcac:: AND Jrovlce .:n 3.t:aC:1r.1ents 35 necessary, ¡he ~eason5 sucr:oning this dete:"mlnarion: ......,"... H _c..<.J "',t."OC·¡ "",OI.JI 'C~ '..rnfO' .)¡ <~·,wOO\.O'C "';llIc-:r 0 _"..0 ...~"nc·¡ :,u~ )1 ..(c'OOO\'O'~ Vlr,c~r ;.,n.JIl.:,C' )1 <~·con'.o f' ":1:,.:C'r ,0 ~C:.1Q ~.;",ncy )',<:",,:U'l" )f ....·..".),Jf"'( 'Ir ":":er",nl 'f::lm 'e'ooo"o'~ 'Jl"C",,, ~ J~[C o 1-31-20223,30AM FRO~_LLICO INC 516 333 6903 _ [;JUJ0~UU~L5œ (B(]üJøß(fI!1í5ß~øüJ P. I 31 tennyson aye . westbury' ny 11590 TRANSMITTAL To .5&<-0.. -H... /J. Addr... ~ ^ #- {3.,., ~ CJ f (n:.. s k€' 5 . 516-333-0666 . fax 516-333-6903 Dlt. I I;, / lo-¿ . , 6; / - 7{, '5 - 13' b ('Zo~ ( f?'J""!> = 'f) Attention; Lt:f c...c yeV\ W. Ir. ..nding h.r....ith o CONTRACT A. /0110...., o PRINTS GY 4;,,$/1'< <={-;,;»-. V ;304..J "f 7;-"" k'-$ Af7?l/¡c:... -/-,.~ R..c.iv"'¡ Yours truly, POSfLLICO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC By By /ð ¡ú'~ . . lI.rPLt~lI.N'r TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Sou~hold's Code of ~thics rohibits contlichs of nberesb on bhe part of bown off cers and employees. The purpose of bhis form is to provide informabion which can alert the town of possible conflicts of inberest and allow ib bo bake whabever acbion is necessary to avoid same, YOUR NMfR. ", 1''" :_I;} .~~·~I~'\ -0 Ilf /' _ L t. yl \ ;,..,.:1,·ít.....,.~J!,,~~.. ro5r /co c,,,,,,,,.-vuu-i,,^- (.0; :z;.,c.~' "":".:,:..-:' (Last name, first name. mida~e initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other enbiby, such as a company. It so, indicate bhe other person's or company's name.) NATURB 0' ArPLI~^TtONI (Check all bhat epply·) 1'..··· . "', "·1" . . . ..,s;.~~r· .' ",- . ,...~ " .,~ . , P·. "tt.~.,!,:" .,:' ~..:-.;. ""', -. TeX grievance Variance Change of zone Ap'p~~al of plat . Exe~ption from pla~ or official map Other V I j /) (If "other." name the act! vity.) 1Y- t/:rl-'U> W -et ¿>y¡ , rev""" f . ,¡. Do you perøona11y (or through your cömpany, øpöune. nibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the 'l'ovn of Southold1 ·Relationship· includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Dusiness interest" Means a business, including a partnership. in vhich ~he tovn officer or employee has even a partial ovnership of (or employment by) a corporation in vhich the town of ricer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YBS NO \/ ·,.,1."" If you answered ÞYBS," complete the bàlance Of ~bis form and date and sign where indicated. Name ot person employed by the Town of Souhhold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer ør employee. Either check hhe appropriate line ~) through D) and/or. describe in hhe space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parenb, or child is (check all hhah applY)1 ~) hhe owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of bhe applicånt (when the applicanh is a corporation)/ B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interesh in a noncorporate'entity (when the applicant is noh a corporation)/ c) an officer, direchor, parhner, or emplöyee of the applicanh/ or D) the ~ctual applicant. ,. . '-'" ...."..: " DESCRI PTION O¡;' RELATIONSI!! P ~ ,I . . . " . .., , . ..".~ .~ .~ " ". ,. n. ,. ,". .. .'.. .. ~... ,....~J..... ~ _, r'! .,,~,,~..:.,.lV· .' .,: .' ". ~~ ',>', ·'.'~~r~!f~\~~i~,,\~~:·~~;\:~:~,~,~ SUbl1\ihted thhE..daÝ' ofl .,.i:I';';';·;·;"·~'! . ·.t·~: 1..". ··~'I"·· z r "." ,'I(jt'~}:Tr·... ~..70Ö'l. .' .,' ." ;..." signature 'print name "A)¡l/<0¿;;:'EßiLtt.f:fl::?i62W~',!:,¡- ·,\.~:..!':1'Ä~~~:~' ~):,t.¡'¿ , ~\;;. :"',,=' r_~!:,'-.!. 7 I;~n:¡..\r~.{\~ ~.:·r~fl"·.\:~" .)~".' ~ .' \....Jt. I.t-.,,, t\'~ :.~.....,. 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