HomeMy WebLinkAboutSucher, JosephTo: United States Army Corps of Engineers New York District Jacob Javits Federal Building New York City, New York 10278-0090 From: Ruth and George Thogersen Greenport, New York 11944-0010 .5 Cc/Southold Town Trustees Feather Hill\ Southold, NY 11971 portion of this proposal. Re: Public Notice Number 2002-01519-L2 We have no objection to tbe bulk-heading o f this property and even welcoma~ it to (~[~--.~ prevent further erosion and shoaling of the land. However, we are vehemently opposed to any type of ramp or floating dock that would protrude into the canal which would be an obstruction and hazard to navigation of our boats which are docked on the immediate north side of this property. The finger dock must be prohibited and eliminated t~om the construction project. FordhamCanal is approximately 92 ' wide at the proposed construction site. The Cavanaugh family has a small finger dock on the opposite side of the canal from the new proposed construction. The current boat docked at the Cavanaugh's dock extends into the canal approximately 28'. The proposal is for a finger dock to extend 27' beyond the balk-beading. Ifa 42' boat with an 18' beam were to be docked there, and allow 2' lines for the tide at high, the remaining navigable water would be 17' wide. This extremely limited passage would trap my boat and my neighbor's boat to the west owned by Leo Olsen. The construction of this finger dock would also prevent the Cavanaughs from being able to turn their boat around in the canal. If the entire proposal is approved, you would have essentially landlocked both of the Thogersen and Olsen waterfront properties. Upon researching the development of this property, we discovered that the NYSDEC issued the enclosed permit to bulk-head and dredge this property in 1981. We support the reissuing of a permit to allow the same type of project. It is for these reasons, that we ask you to reject this request for the finger dock CIAL CONDITIONS 6. Applicant shall be liable for any damage ~o adjacent wa~er,.'ay ce~:ulr~i~.g f~'om any phase of the permitted construction. 7. We reserve the right to comment at a later date concerning other ~nvirorimuntal aspects of this project. , 8. The granting of this permit does not relieve the permit[ce of ~he respons£bility of obtaining any permits, licenses, or otb. er authorization which rosy be required by o~ther State. Federal or local agencies. PECIAL rNOTE: = " In accordance with Section 401(a)(l) of tke Clean Wa~ers Act ~me~:dmen~s of ~977 PL 95-217) the Iq'IS Departemnt of Environmental Conservation horeby curtifies chat the ubJect project proposal will not contravene effluent limifiations or c~her ~im±~ations r standards under Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 o~ 307 of the Act. ~dJTJ$SUEDAT£ IpE~ITAD*alNISmATO~ ,;~.~/~'~'<c'd/' '~': ' ,~ ) L',f~ Dap,:. of Env. Conservation , P~E. ~7~z~'~-~ '~j~B-Id~ .~ sg~__~tcnv B_~ook, ~ 1179 ~2/81 ~n~el J. Larkin, L'' :c: ~SDEC Law Enforce~nt - Re.on I }uthold Town ,rd of Trustees AUG 2 6 2OO,t PEFi i)T Costello )brine Contracting Corporation ~or J, ~uche~ Bo× AK, Greenpo~t, Ne~ Yo~k East side of For~ham Canal north of Wiggens Laoe ..... ~ ---~ ~,.n - ~ al~ DESCMPTIONOFPRO)ECI Construct 160 ~ 1.f. of timber bulkhead consz.t, zng of a 70' secczon with southern bulkhead) than a 10' section to ~un landward, t~ec~ inno a 50' se~ lion aligned with northern bulkhead and one 20' southern re~:~r~-J~d 12i0~ J*:~rn. ' Con]~i~r,Jc[: 4 floating dock~ 8 x 3' ramp. Dredge 10' x 140' area to depth ,:~_5' p~..Lpw mean (250 cu. ydsJ) ~spoil to be ~placed behind bulkhead. COMMUNITY NAME (City, Town, Village) Greenport COUN]Y Suffolk FiA COMMUNITY ~;U. GENERAL CONDITIONS Southold 1. lhe permittee shall file in the office of the appropriate 2. The permiHed work shall be subject lo inspection by an aLdhodzed ,~der the work suspended if the public interest so requires. 3. AS a condition ol the Issuallce of this permit, the applkant ilas epted expressly, by the execution of tile application, the full legal respon- ibility for all damages, direct o¢ indirect, of whatever nature, and by whom- ndemnify and save harmless the State [rom suits, actions, damages and osts of every name and description resulti~lg from the said project. 4 An,/ malerial dredged in the prosecution oi the work herein permitted hah be removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across the ,ed of the waterway or flood plain or deep holes that may have a tendency to ause injury ~o navigable channels or to the books of the waterway. 5. Any material lo be deposited or dumped under this permit, eHher in I the locality shown on tbe drawing hereto attached, and, if so prescribed hereon, wilhin or behind a good and substantial bulkhead or bulkheads, sucg 6. 7here shall be no unreasonable interference with navlgaiioll by the ~ork herein authorized. 7. Thai if future operations by the State of New York require an alteration n Ihe position of the structure or work herein authorized, or il, in the opinion he health, solely or welfare o( the people of the State, or loss or deslrudion hereby wilhout expense to the State; and if, upon the expiration or revocation i this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification oi the zatercourse hereby authorized shall ~ot be compleled, the owners shall, ny portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to ils iornler ondition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim ;hall