HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5195 . . :Ya'l':",. ·:ï'IIII\~;f.\·;(.\~·r.\·:r.\·-(.'·:r.';·f. ';'a'(.;r.":f.'·',. ,",.,··,...:;ra,';r.ii:r.,· r. ~ r. n'.1;1. ;,'..../. ",.,;'/. ,'r. ".",I\';r.,· f."". "f,' I.' I." I. ".' "Ij;,.· I. ,..', '. I.".' ,.' fl' .' fa '. . ,.' r·.··'~·.· ,. ........ '. ~ ~ ";~0.6_', ., <" .' ,I· TERMS and CONDITIONS .\ .. The Permittee Gekee Wickham residing at pan of the lowing: P.O. Box 1122 Cutchogue N Y . ~ as cooslderation fot the Issuance of the Permit does understaod aod prescribe to the fol- 1. That the said Boacd of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all datoages, or c1aims for datoages. of suits arising directly or indirec:dy as . result of any oper· ation performed pursuant to this permit, aod the said Permittee will, .t his or her own expeose, defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee .~,...." full liability with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold N/A 2. That this Permit is valid for a period of mos. which is considered to be the estimated time reqoired to complete the work involved, but should årcwDstances warrant, request for an excension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3, That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to =yone concerned that anth. orlzation was orlgioally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or Its agents, and non<ompliance with the provisions of the originating application, may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable Interference with navigation as . result of the work herein an'thorlzed. 6. That there shall he no interference with the right of the public to pass aod repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That If funue operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or If, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the. work shall cause unreasonable obstruCtIon to free navigadoo, the said Permittee will be reqoIzed, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That rhe said Boatd will be notified by the Permittee ot the completion of the work auth· orlzed, 9. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be reqoired sap- plemental to this permit which may be subject to revoke upon fallure to obtain same. i .. o ., 1-. I¿J ;: I¿J Q: I- CI) ki - ... ~ fQ :"<'8' - 2: IL. t-OV~$ QI'I\t: IV .8Z· 53' w. IV/O/F ORCHARD STREET 8 g NjO/ F 1r14XINE II EL4/NE KESSLER ROlrl49NOLI S.IJZ·53'E "'00á L -{"'¡'~d al'''_ CM. r ) 40.D' ,¡> s". .J' fr. hs.,.. <¡ ~Q;o. a'~ ~ .'- - - '--~ 1:/--- ~ =;- >- - ' .' Ig }11 ~ :'::::-::V "t :-?: .. I ( I IX) ~ . ,. . " ~ ... (~-." .-.....;.... ---~ .~ . : --- - --------- o " r. "'_ _ - -:::--- u .,. 6 ' ., I ~r d - - - ,')- ,~n··.' 'Ii -------- ~-'/ ~ ", ..... . 0 __/ <.. '.'" ~ 0 ", IE' ~ u ~:CN. lcri¿" ~ "S. .' woOq :..,.."., ,. ~. 6"/~ 0« Oil ~~. 04'". "'''''''' -... - _ ~rr""'" ~ .......... - \ ::r,--__ -_ J i' -- II - J I- ot ÚJ Q: ø 4NN4 61,.S· LOR/4 SURVEY FOR AMJAD ASSOCIATES AT NEW SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y 1000 '117 '07 30 SCALE (" = 20' JAN. 23,1986 CERTIFIED TO: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK TITLE NO. /21 5 2554 HARTFOR D FUNDI NG AMJAD ASSOC IATES I ...pared in Qccordance with !'he minimum 6iondClrd. for till. Nr....y. 0. ..tabli,h.d by the L. I. A. L. 5. and approved and adopted for wch ute by The New Yorio;. State land Tifl. A...xlallon. N.Y.S. LIC. NO, ..9818 EYORS II ENGINEERS, P. C 020 ~ 1'0.8 909 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOI D, N. Y. 11971 z N/F ROMAGNOLI f-..: It) ;" "- <ci ~ '" '" ~ ~ CO ... CO ~ '< if I<) v; <i) '< ~ ~ .., <: 50.53' STREET \ ,c ... .. ,.P IL NGS~ 6 0 0 òl0 CUTCHOGUE<' BA Y ° 0 ° 5 08' 08' 2 .. _ _ 0 W STfa SHUn1.¡G UN[)fR FACC OF DECK :Jf)..5.J' I . 1 ~ I~ , '" ~I'"- It: IE IS I~ iL '" I~ I~ :~ 1& I" I I I I I ovoo .'CK -------- ~ 36.5' ÆNCEi io ~ 2 STORY WOOD FRAME RESIDENCE ...., , a CJ a Q:: I<) "t: Ò <i) '" ê3 IQ V) 2.7 RPE FOIJND <:> .., TIE- 50' N 07' 50' E FIRST CUARANTffS INDICA-fED H£RC ON SHALL RUN OHL Y 10 THE PCRSON FOR ttHOAI THE SUR~ IS PREPARED. AND ON tItS BEH/tLF I'D 1t1E 111l£ COIIPANy' GO\o£RNAI£NrAL AGCHCY, L£NOINC wsnrutrOH. Jr USrrD HCREON. ANO 10 THE ASSGNffS Of' THE 1.EN0fNG INSI1FUnON. GtJARANrŒS ARC Hor T1fAHSFERASLE 10 .WDlnOHAlIHSl1fUJIOHS DR SUBSEQU£NT OItHERS. " i:\ < ~ ~ O¡È \ ~5: _'-, UJ ~ " .. ~ ~ '" ~ f"' h- b~ ¡ê<;; Ig '< G _I .6· N/F LORIA SURVf:Y£D J MA. Y. 2000 SCALE 1-·10' AREA= J,II1.382 SF OR 0.071 ACRES UNAU1HDRllED ALrFRATlON OR ADDII10N 10 FHlS SUR't£Y IS A KOLA ßON OF SECTIOH 7209 OF THE NEW YORK srAÆ COUCAJIOH lAW. SURVE"Y OF DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUATE coPIes Of' 1HIS SUR\£Y MAP Nor BEARING THE /..AND St/R\£)'OIi'S EUSossro Sf"AI. SlW.L NOT BE CQNSlD!REO 10 ~ A VALlO 1RUF: CQ"r. TM # 1000-117-07-30 CUARANTEED TO NEW SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUN TY. N. Y. SURVEYED FOR BYTES BY THE BAY \. SURVEYED BY STANLEY J. ISAKSEN. JR. P. O. BOX 294 N~ t, W SUFFOLK. NY, 11,9,,56, . ~;;Z;2)~~ /7 ,'C.'[NS'·" ! ~NL' s~ / f/ì~5 l.[7r;. ftO .,1'.127.] BrTES BY THé BAY COMUQNwFAl TH LAND nnf INS CO I' ,J, \ ,0 ~ .. "P I LINGS......", boo b\o CUTCHOGUE<' o 0 o ~ " ~ ~ ~ o,¡: \ ~~ -~ ~ .. ~ '" ~ '" '" z BAY S 08' 08' 2 " _ _ _ _ _ _0 W srm. SHECRNG UN[)fR FACE OF æCK QQ.23' 1 '" I", " " . if¡ (õ Iu.. N/F ROMAGNOLI :~ ~ 15 ~ L , I~ Ii I~ I" I I I I f--.: I U) lu ..,,'" OW( ---------- ~ f"' h- ~'" 1<'1- t....: <0 36.5' '" lë q G FENCE, 0.6' io ~ 2.J' N/F LORIA 2.0' 2 STORY WOOO FRAME RESIDENCE GUAJMN TffS /HOICA rro HfRE ON SHALL RUN ONL y ro fHE PeRSON FOR ItHCIIII THE SUR\£)' IS PREPARED. AND ON HiS BEHALF 10 1Hf nTL£ COMPANY, GO'ÆRNWEHrAf. AŒNCY. lENfJ NC /NSnnmclH. IF USJfiI HCRCON. ANO TO mE ASSGNŒS OF THE /.£NDING INsnrunON. CUARANTŒS ARE NOT rRAHSFFRABLE TO AW1JONAL /NS7lruTlONS OR SVSSEQUOIr OItNCRS, FIRST '" ~ <ci ~ :so '" ~ <i' " C> '- C> ~ :l ") I)j '" '" "- ~ ..¡ <: 50.53' STREET a 0:: -<¡: G ct () , C> C> ") Il) ~ (r¡ ptPE FOLINO 2.7 " ..¡ TlE- 50' N 07' 50' E coPIES OF JHlS SURYCY MAP HOT BEARING THE /..AND 511R\£\'OIi'S EMBOSSED S['AI. SlW..L NOT BE CONSlO!RED 1'0 BE A VAUO TRUE COOl': 5URVf:Y OF DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUA Æ SURvEYED J MA Y. 2000 SCALE '-.'0' AREA= 3,1n382 SF OR 0.071 ACRES UHAUTHORIZ£D AL1rnATICW OR ADDI1ION 10 rHlS SUR\£Y /5 A KOLA T/ON OF SECTION 1209 OF THE NEW rœK STAlf EDUCA1ION LAW. NEW SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y I· SURVEYED FOR: BYTES BY THE BA Y TM # 7000-117-07-30 GUARANTEED ro B'fÆS BY THE 8A Y COM""ON~£ALTH LAND nTl£ INS. co. } ,-,:;;), . . Telephone (516) 765-1892 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Bnx 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, July II, 2000, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Melvyn Morris, seconded by Scott Hilary, it was RESOLVED to recommend to lhe Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL of the Grandfalher Permit Application of GEKEE WICKHAM 117-7-30 to repair/maintain the existing bulkhead, including the existing bulkhead around the entire property. 1200 First SI., New Suffolk Vote of Council: Ayes: Nl Motion Carried ., , ,'(to" .., ,! " !" -:~ . ""iv'-: ,"':",'i <. ·;,..t,t1;-,'-:.¡"J,. ~ ~"~ ;:~;~ .,', r.<~. .:... ~ ~..' ~:',.'~., " ';.p~~- ". r. ,. ".¡' ::~~L.' ,t_ . "," ,- i,) ., " , , " ~. .,"," . .,', ., .. -. :'¡.,' --~_. -.-'-' ~£ ·,EC. .,,). :l') ~~ ".- j \ ' \ . \ I I \ I - ---~~ (" '·:'c ) I~--..J , :., I .-I '·"·c. Y'. ." -+ i'~ i I :~ i 4' I <I ;,1 !.6~ z i qLJ/ ,'!~ ~ ---;;-;- L_' ". !. "'!I' ~. I ~ I ,R P.¡>CÙ "C. -~££ ':£:. "G. l! )-~ -,¡). r,~~_,,-,¡ ~ --'---.-I'~' ,~ 1.,;: c.j·":' E ~,'- , ",,' ---"___ I' I,' 2.ð~ CUT,:HOGUE HARBOR 6"(;' '- ¡..LO' " ~'I 0;1 2'\ \,,' ,. -, -L;:--¡~-1' '";:1. I - :~~ '_'\ Ê_.I-,~ ~;: -- -, 1,- ..-< ,', --"--·1 'i-'···- I Jt :. SEC. "'. 16.5 '~ /~ 1.1· ., .., ... 2.3.. ". (1/ ~l '1~ {/ 1.Ulel . z N/F ROMAGNOLI f--: It) I . I ~ I~ ....: ~ <0 It! I~ ... 1:\ ~ iL- I!- I~ ¡~ ffi I" I I I I I lu a CJ a Q: I<) '" tl) G ~ gs (¡¡ 2.7 c PfPE FOlINO-.... ..; GtJARANrŒS /HOICATCr) HERE ON SHALL RUN ONL. Y ro THE PeRSON FOR 1If-I0II THE SUR~Y IS PREPARED, /tND ON HiS f1£HALF ro J'HE nIlE COIIPAHY. GO\£RN/tICHrAJ. AGENCY, LtNDING /NSmunoN. IF usrro HCRffJN. AHO TO mE: ASSlGHŒS OF THE I..£NOING INsnnmON. GUARANrŒS ARC Nor rRANSFE'RABL£ TO ADDWON.4L INsmunONS OR SUBSEOIJ£Nr DItHERS, nE- 50' ! ,0 ~ .. ,P IL/{I¡GS--., 6 0 0 b\o CU TCHOGUE-' 1\ ;:\ ~ ~ ~ 0;;: , ...~ \ c~ .~' ~ .. ~ ~ " '" ~ o 0 o BA Y S 08' 08' 2 .. _ _ _ _ _ 0 W SÆ£l SHEEJlNG UNDER rAce OF O£CK 51).5.3' .,,,'" DECK ---------- ~ foo h;" I~~ Ig ~ G 36.5' FeNC£, 0.6' <0 2 2.3' N/F LORIA 2.0' 2 STORY WOOD FRAME RESIDENCE N 07' 50' E '" '- <0 ~ :so '" ~ is a '- a ~ I I<) ß, tl) 0( <::... ~ ..; <: 50.53' STREET FIRST UNAVTHORIZ(D ALTERAJlON OR ADDHlON TO THIS SUR¡.£"Y IS A \II/X.A.7ION OF SECJ10N 7209 OF mE Nrtr YORK ST;, I"E" EOUCA nON LAW. SURVEY OF DESCRIBED PROPERTY SITUA T[ SURvEYED J MA Y. 2000 SCALE I ø.. TO' AREA.. J"",J82 SF OR 0_07' ACR£S CoPtES OF rHlS SURVCY ItlIiP NOr 8£ARING mE: lAND SUR\IE"\'œS EUBOSSCD SEAL SHALL Nor 8£ CONSlDCRfD TO BE: A V.4L1D 'TRUE con TM # 1000-717-07-30 GUARANTŒD TO NEW SUFFOLK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUN TY, N. Y. ¡, SURVEYEO FOR BYTES BY THE BA Y SUR.VE YEO BY STANLEY J. ISAKSEN, JR. PO. BOX 294 N~..~. 5UFFOLK, NY 11.956 ôJI 7J1-58J~di 'Ä' w¿~lJ) /1 .... . ,/ ULYN~tl) ! r,'.D 5 .~j1: ,},~ fI/S LVr: f/() -1-'JJ:'';' BYÆS ay THE BAY CC.I.HJONI\£Al rn LMJD nTl[ INS CO ,'" I,. . ~~fFâL0- ,"J'~\;.í::i:~ :",:§ ~';\ Uæ :-c.~, ~cn ~~ ~ ~ " R'ð ~'! ,,~ · ~ ,11 ~ ~Q./ ,+-~<:::J v' ,-~ + '1-1P ~~-Z:'2~.~?-}J- . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-18.'/2 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .r~~ ¡~ I'~-~~'~-r-~-- L...j¡ ,-. " " /1 -' ¡'; ¡.," JUN 2 7 2000 Office Use Only r ~.' ...:._- Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~Wetland Permit Application ~Grandfather Permit Application ---Waiver/Amendment/~h~ ~ ) Received Applica ion: vI " ~ /À Received Fee:$ I~~~ Completed Application Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date sent) ---- CAC Referral Sent: ({ Date of Inspection: ' / /10 / rl Receipt of CAC Report: f f Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: f Public Hear ing He ld: ì 1/1 tv ./ Resolution: f Address ApplicantJ¡~\\C.\(\I /\M Gd:~e. V1 c.\,\Ø S\A.£, N'f It 'I '?r Phone Number: ( b;¡) 1'?> '+ - "2.,,17 1000 - .II' - 01-.'\n 'i.f. NIiõW 'i.....Çfol..lC. \.)~ Po eo)!.. 11'2..'(.. Name of Suffolk County Tax Map Number: Property Location:_\ '2..00 Ft~\ C A-c.rø..~ h ~. '> (provide LILCO Po e #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: FAX# : 1 qa.u~ ø.,roll.,...;' "'J~')fOO B~d of Trustees APPlicatio~ . GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: M 1L Previous use of property:_'R..~S:ld!'^ti t(1 Intended use of property: {<.e\~ cle.~t¡A( 3105 (9)'~3' )( 6('45') Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): ~f>ø-\( 11"1 Q.\Y\tQ.il'\ ~röt~ blot! k.he ad) '\ 'l.c..Ltcl.\lI.J .\-L. Øf.~ç,.\ì"'ð ~ Mo~ .Q.M.t~~ ~ 2 . B-'rd of Trustees Applicatio~ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations:~po.\f AA.1. Y'I\/1....+r:..,... ---P~~.~II.\- b~\t~R4Á, .' Area of wetlands on lot: o square feet Percent coverage of lot: % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? x: No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? cubic yards How much material will be filled? ~ cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposìted: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): 3 ';','j{ ·a~-·1~' - ~~\._. I .:(; :-....:=::.;,-CL.:' -:~ ::~:,-?~.;;.:: ':', ":',-""''''''''' :1'- ..... . ='_'L_ ::.,:. ~ :J:..r:.--; 11_:::;'~'JI.::;C,' .\~=.'<--;..1' :,~.;,~~-:c.'~ ~~: ~ -3 'j' ':;:;.-. ~ ~;: 7" J.. : {"s. :::crCL!1¿¡,:r;¡ :,"e '~VI>!'N :·~C~~:! ,inC lS~ '~e _. ·.'JIL_ :.,C7":C,'~ ~E'::=: "'~ :::::¡::¡::::I,·~.:.7":::J :::E','!E'..'/.:.S :::-C'iICE::' -_.""" jrIL.3;-~:' -'::::-:::;.· S .'~ 'J'J·:.-::R. :::.:.ñ, ""Jay Je >u::e~seceo:: ::;",. ~nc(:':er n';Glved lçenc'/ -K-,o . ';0. 1 -.eo:; :;'::'113 _ _ ~.~. :':L.:UJ .:.C"7":C,· :::~3LiL:- :-< ;"NY ..Icv:::-SE ::=-:::'·:75 ..:..S:;':C:;.,::::: .'JI";"'"" _. = =:L:....:','}!·~G. ;'nS'n<'!rs .2-·{:e ~iinc.Vfl!:e'l. r e~I::I~' :1. ::.ostlnq 1,r :::uallf·f. >Uf~.ã':~ ~f ;rO\..:ndwa[e~ .:uaut·{ :r :t.:.]!1[I(V. ,clse e'/eIS. ~"~s::nç ·-.;,;'ic ;:a[:e~"s. :.~JIC vas:e ::rcct.:c::::."'1 :r JI~: :Jorentlal 'cr ~~os:cn. :r.J.tnaçe wf 'IOGCInQ JrCClems' ="",0131" :(leri'f' 1Je> , ... J.èstl1e:IC, 1çr'c;,¡I(UfZI. ~rc.":aealaqIC3.I, .lls;.:r:.:, Jf Jtr.er lat·JrJ.1 )f :"Jlrt.:r]1 "eSOUrC2S: Jr :.:Jmï.1unlt., 'Jr ~elç:-:tcrnccc :;-:::;:rac:er" =",::'03.1.' Ive>. le':;~~a!lon ,~r ·aU!13. ·IS:"l. :;:-:e¡lt;';;,l Jr /VIlelite ':J~ç:e~. :;u:;nlrLc::.nr -:3Dn;:;'I':, :;r :nr~a!~!1eC ::r õ'nCallçe~e'J ::;:",c:e~' :::',~CI';JL-, ']rlell'/: Iv\) , A .:.:mrr:unll', s ~XIS~:r:~ ~1Q.ns Of ;C.,aIS as ,J!f!c:õ.11V acoctec, ::ir a cflanqe 1!1 use 'J( ,ntenSity ''J! l:,Sa,Jf !ana or Jt:1er ,1aturaL ;esour::9s.7 :::'.'tQI.:1ln ND. '::;,'owtn. :;u:Jsecuent :¿vp.lao~¿nr, :r ~eI3!e~ ac::v'tJes :,keIY ~o :e ,ncuce~ J" 'ne :rcoos¿o ac:¡cn? :=;r.:.:H.3ln Jr'e!!v /J'p, ,". '_:nc; :erm. 3r:cr~ 'er~, ::'¡(:"'.UICi{;.e. 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J~s. ~x~!aln :nertv :JAR7 IIJ-OEï'E~MINATICN JF SiGNI¡::¡CANC::: I¡"O :;e C0r.10lered j~J ...\gency) ¡NS7¡::¡UC-;ICNS: ,=or ~3C:1 aaverse =~fec: ~demJ!ie'J :;.tcve, .:etermrne ....nether It IS suCstamial, ;arge, :mccr.3.nt or ornerwrse sic;nlfl ::.:aC:1 :ifec: Si10ula ::Je ~ssessed ,n c:Jnnec:lon .....H!1 Its fa! setting ,.i,e_ urean or ;ural); (1:) ;¡rooacrlit'{ at oc::~-wg; (c dur2tio Irre'lerslcllity; :el ,;eoqraonlc 3c~ce: ana (t) magnltuce, If ,ecessary, add aUac:,mentS or reference supporting materialS_ :::1surF:- :xc[ana(icns c::ntatn suttic:em Je!all to snow thac all -e!e'/ant acverse ,mpacts nave been identifiea ana acecuare!v accressec ''::;'ecx: ~hls ~cx ,f fOU :'av8 Jdentlfiea çne 'Jr ,ì":ore :::otentlall'1 larçe ,Jr siçmficant ='C'Jerse :r.;oac~s ·.....t1IC:1 ,',',,:, CC:::.Jr. -;'en Jrcc:=~CJ c;irec:l'l :0 :ne "=;JL~ =."':"¡:: =.nC/or ;::reaare .3. aosnive- c€c!araticiI. 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'')m '~\DO,~"O'" Jr"':"" ':-..lC: , B~ of Trustees APPlication'" County of Suffolk State of New York G'.:'~~ \1J\rr1-!~M BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT Hti/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF ~/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BR APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT ( S) OR REPRESENTATIVES ( S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. ~&.u \}jirJJJ 4l.14 Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS (:)1 DAY OF Jvne , J:-9-,;¡ 06\,J ~fjr , Notary Pu ic ~e.&I.'(iU: !tiSY PuhIc. ~ 01.... YaI! No. 4a49OO!i QuaIfted Ir1 Sutlolk ~ ~\;:;:OII EJI¡¡rÐI3()ù/J.ùOoI 7 .J" ~rd of Trustees APPlicatio4IÞ' GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area' Zoning: M :it. Previous use of property:J<..~s:\ctt\l\+i rd Intended use of property: Re\', c!e.~ti AI 310s (~,~:!>' )( 6('45') Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date " No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessar~): ~'¡rIMQ.'¡Y\tQ,·,y\ ~röe~ b....lkhead; 'lY\rJ..u.J.~IAY~ ~'l~~~\¡\ð 6~ ttrOlJA,lI ~.cr.re- ~' 2 - ,- ~d of Trustees APPlicatio4IÞ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations:~o.\r ~d. VYlI1',..-h:a',1/I ~~~,~I.\\- b~\~,^Ud. Area of wetlands on lot: o square feet Percent coverage of lot: % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet .' Does the project involve excavation or filling? )( No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? cubic yards How much material will be filled? - cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: .' Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): 3 .' ~rd of Trustees APPlicatiJIÞ County of Suffolk ., State of New York G.~~~ \lI\r.k:}. ~M BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HB/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF H*&/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE· APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. G.&'u \}j i r JJ.oUW1 Signaturê SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS ,:)/ DAY OF June , l-9-,;¡ Ö6" ~[j ~ Notary Pf}¡f-iC ~'¡¡;E.U·I~ .......... f'I¡!:IIjc, S\¡ Ø 01 HIII'tå ,-. No. ~Ðro!i 0uaM\Qd ¡¡, Sullolk ~ ()I:oo",1~ r::m<r.t3(..Jù/J.<:"" I ., 7 ·.--w . I. Albert J, Krupski. President James King, VicewPresident Henry Smith Artie Faster Ken Poliwoda ss.~'b\\fFOL.t ¿>~ ~ ~ ::::0 .... c::o . en :æ: 'ð ~ ~... ~..'" ~-"ø~ Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. N ew York 11971 Telephone (516) 765·18$! Fax (516) 765-1B23 BOARD OF TO\1\'N TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOw1i OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of -~~(¿,_ UJ.\s..,~~ro __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK! AFF!DAVIT OF POSTING I, (Ç...r-..... ~__¡ residing at 2.8700 lV\~l\J RoM) -~ C:rlJe. .1tI-1.l1.~ being duly sworn, depose and say: .h. \ 200D That on t:le 2.ï1!(',E'.:: o!".J~NE , ~, I personally posted the property kDCW~ a.3___.1z..oo _..f'J..t'iL'L_ Sf 'Nt.UI Su.U..Ur.. 'W'f ,/q<:;{. b· Y P'ac'''9 r·l~· Rr···¡-,; C·" ""'-""1"<'~ n-FA;c'a' po~t~r W'nere l't C~n .... .J.._~ '-J. Ç" - ,.....J._..... '__ ....._ 10..:...:.. _.:;.....::;:, ............:........ .J....1. ,.') ;.' . c.... ~asily 'be seen, d.D-d tj~;:it ;: hoJ.v~ checked tc b~ st:.re the paste::::- has 1:"emained '.n :)l..)~..": fo'( seven days pJ:'iQr to the date of the II pub-c:i.c .ÈEfarir.g, ¡ca.'c.", of h'¿a:~:ing noted there':>n to be held Jil\.l 1 1'1,01..000 01'\. org.nt1.l-f- '):00 ...IV) ~ D' ""~-~r!. 0:. ._~....J. . 01:.- 2:t - z.c,oo 4J~.o~j~ (signature) ~ P~ºt. Nota Public Sworn to before me this , , ,,,,'(fiE d-ì day of J...)('--<:. -¥.t9,)..o"ù ~E;". ._.,._...... ___ J'IM!:. $:a.e '" ,~ ""'" R,M.;UJ No. 491GG~') OumU:.od j¡ SUJü\;i. C;';y'!>,V Ct:4\;r;;¡-""""¡ 8;;:," ôf.>1;;¡.ùò I ·. .. PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: «;> ~ \ Postage $ -D Certified fee .::r Return Receipt Fee c:::r (Endorsement Requjredj r::J Restricted Delivery Fee CJ (Endorsement Requiredl a ;' $ .73 m Name (Please PTt CI --_.--fJi¿~ rear~becomPleted,b~~~r. ' g:: 81"" A'/',No:ti;oB¿'Nolt:~(;:C""<\~",,u. a ..urDu 0.6 3D4 r-- City. State, ~C4W- -~"----~If(- ----~-y- -- Total Postage & Fees -, i l . u j ,. .' I' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GAL~ \Nì.clt:t.4~ , residing at 2..'iS-~11I .2.'D ~; '\I'i uqll-, being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 2.') day of ju.. _ ,J,.9-.2aIc, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at , that said Notices were mailed to each of said erso s by (certified) (registered) mail. Sworn to before me day of . \ J^-<' this .) I , ~~Û0ù .AAIE E. ~'IR¡; -1'ubGc. S\.1Ie oIl-'M y~ .-. No. 4M~ GvaIfied j¡¡ SuUolk CçIØf O:I1\;~.!as\on f.r.øa .3 (;. ~I.) r.)':' \ ~L-' f Jr:~~9-- Notary ublic . . ORCHARD STREET 8 Ii NjO/ F "'~ (/NE III EL~/NE KESSLER RO"'~GNOLI ~. IU ., IU : Q: II) ~ CI) 8/,72' I ~i /..' 35.3' It·:-- ~ ."- - - '--= '1;/---- -...::::: ~ >- ~~.~' /1 J ~ :.=- -!J ~ . ~ r:-. ('--~ ','-B t - ~ -- - ------ .ì.. iI-~,. r"'í g>--- - _ ~ u 0'1"'0- - - ,..0 «'" '0 ~ ----- -=::''i ~ .,~G"';";.. I~I .~ 0 ',;",'., ,..' [e ,: frl ~, :. f:". " 0.. &'/~ "'- --- at( 0/'- .... __ - Þ&tG\?Q" t!!'o..-eo,J - Qð'J'. :t --___ 1 r--- 5/,45' \ I <UJ,O' ~ If! ~ Iu o II) ~ ¿.S' :l: .i? "'Y /". ¡,,,~ <¡ flOJo. ".. ( S~ 0,0' ~Port = Nood IV/O/F ~NNI\ LOR/~ -.::----- ,< - \ -- ) -J I- ot It.¡ 0:: ø ~()y~s o.l'~ 1V.82·53' W, SURVEY FOR AMJAD ASSOCIATES AT NEW SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N,Y. 1000 -/I., "07 30 SCALE I" = 20' JAN, 23,1986 CERTIFIED TO: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YOR~ TITLE NO, 121 5 2554 HARTFORD FUNDI NG AMJI\D ASSOCIATES N.Y,S, LIC, NO ..9818 EYOR S III ENGINEER5 , P. C 020 ...: P.O. B 909 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, N. y, 11971 lu.pored in ac:~c fdanc:. with the mInImum ¡Iondord. for tltl. lurvey' 01 elfobli.hed by m. L. I, A. L. S. and opproved and adopted for IM.ICh u.. by The New York Stat. LQnd Tirl. Auoclatlon.