HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1675 / . . - . .¡- -- -:- '..,.... --:- i'·- ~;U:-13:::?3 ...-- ...................-,.__ ...,....~ r:r:-.\::"::::J :'~L"::' D~::;?s...:-\·¡ ,....3:.:..:.;..¡..... ..'""".......~ ~..J ..~.......... ,",,-,,-~,, ......-..1.,:) u..... .. r ~.. ~¡-,.. -- "":' ?:::?:,:,:'I:' ~;--u:·13~~..s AL:" DC.--·G ;....:) ôü:....::~:::·;:J :·n.:::: I' D.i:3?....·..,;. J.':> ....:.;~.... .~~, <~~:. ~;~~__ _/~~,,~~--~ ~ ...'~~;:::-~~~r-~~-~..~~:.---~ I~.....---../..~~ ~_-~.A_--:::;:r.""'-_---::;....~.--:t.......-...- --~ . - ..-_;> ~ .....~..._..:"'- --.- ~ ~ -.-.. -, :,(~::.;~}-~..¿.:::':::-:~~;: ~'~~;-~~~;=..:~··;~>~;:·;~r ~;'::::::~7'~t ~~~~;~;;t;~;'C·;~'~:' ~ ~( \.~- -''''J -.,. . ''-- ~ r:.. ..........\.......... - '. -C":::Jt'"'" ..............1:-" ,~r.'~Y,""..) .,l\:) \.... ~ _:....1..:...... -.-. ,:&y~~~;;:~:~~~~;~~~i,i~~?;~:\~::~~~;?;~-·.ésY=8:fi~.;~t;;J:f~~,~" ~'~~i~~~:!,j~~~\\ '~.,. .~:.',···<'-'··I ..,... T ¡ J".·~l .'-..,,> .:L, \':::t·\~~ "i:;[~. n ì~rd Or(" Sout,...,¡' lold I own ïuste~s \·Jt'·fs··'~",~; - "'.., ¡,..;.."....... ,\; 0 G a ~"..>,,::r"'" '!./I¡ Vi-';;/;O;:;::, SGUTHGLD. NéVI YOR.K j~r.'·:::«::· lT~,F{: HOC:<-"G NO N/A }.~]~_.~)~.~~" ¡f!tÜ"-ðH;; . .Lc. . . 1675 19a¡~0 'r~~~, ~'i' H . -i!' . PER.MIT NO. DATE, ....s..~pt.....n,. . r['f z', ;'i! ·~\~)i.'~J~,~~,,~~~~~':~'& Joseph Esquirol i'J\~.·~f?~ß/ ¡ . .. . ISSUED TO................................................................_................................................ . .,_ _., -- :.:.il.~-i·;...;\·,~ ~ '-;"'::;1..:.. -....-.\ I ,---: '-":':"1" . ," E,...". '.- \\ ~F '~!.,":':( ::; J.t~ ~:__';" L¡=;9 '->:+.\' ;"-:-,,,...-,j ~\~.. ~ ill r r1'. 't011 ". ~ 'o.:"........:.?-I\ . ¡I:,';-?'.þ;;..~ _ ~ _..1....;, ¡;:.Û.. .;.;¡ :.-i~?,..'~!.··11·\ ..t.i:·.t:~·.·t-;;;::·:~ ~ o-:i.;;::--." '. ~~ .d,L :-;;"':' r/.:. x.::i:: ¡I~~ '~---':-~?;' ~;:""'¡:-:&.' '::":' Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of (:~<~:..;.{,::/ 11(~~;~l{) ~~f:;t;IE~~25~~ ~~ ~1~~£~t~~~~f~~f~~:i:~T~Sw~~~~i ~~'r1i::~~iè ~~;:. ~~', CfP;: ~~,~O~A~~¡: T~A~~. ~:Z~iè 6'P~~:.~i}I~}~~I~LSa~~¿~ 1~':[~~ ,!f';' }j~¡: J~~,1 :;,~;~o~~.~::~ :~;N·:;,:rr :::.~:;·:;I~~:"~~~:~~~~ 3. . rj~1 )~%.~~~ ~~~i .. ....:::::=:::...~.~~~....:~._C~;~;;.~.~.~.~i.s..~P;..~~.~~.;·~.:~t::::::::.:......~:.~..~.~~.....~ ...,. ¡~,i~: Ä;\~4!Þ .~.,. ....". "<;;'" ......, \~,. ..,,,\. I ~. ¡;~~ \:1,~-,; - M tt t k ··-·li-......;.\· ,....~, ",,,",,\. ¡ , -,. ."... .,.,. .. ... -'1' '" . ''''} \:', ·"i~". ".:,., of ....._...'!.......~....1!.I:'............................... .................... N. Y. ~nd subiect to the '.¡ ~r J:>'c'¡;n.) ~. Y·:;.""'''; ~.:' Terms and Conditio,,, listed on the reverse side hereof, !"t. >"''i·g··V··; W;.'.i' ~.::..I '·i.-''--'" ~'f:':1 ')':"'." - .?.,.,.s:.";t~.·i of Sournold Town Trustees authorizes and permifs the foHowing: :·:18:.~~-:;-!:".':'1 ~--,.._". /,,--,.;,:;(--. ~,.ff!:~·:~i;} APplication approved under the Grandfather Clause to 'I:{~ .~~~ ":~~:~ ...'..;..... ÞV ¡...T.t ~·.i~ ~'t¿'. .~'!.?~ · ;:;, .~;.'r·~:\T.i; obtain'a permit number for a dock in Deep Hole Creek. - :.;¡(.!j ;',~ fO;\: I ,,~; ~',~.";. ~" ~'. ....:~;:.,y ~.~_~.' 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"(' J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services Phone (516) 653-0607 · Fax (516) 653-3348 121 Jessup Ave . 2nd Floor· p.0. Box 447 Quogue. New York 11959-0447 . ---" ., ". __...._.. .".. no_ FAX COVER SHEET TO:. I-Ohll Vv0 Company Name Søu.~h ol..r.l...:1Q.w(J Date:.. ID/7- /q ~ , ~g.a. . Attention _ _._._...... . ...__._. Fox N"mb., -"] Ú '5 - 18). _S._-?:::ì- Number of Pages Including Cover..__.,...______.. ~ H. """_n__. _ _ FROM: _iJl.M. /.u RE' f: ~ î .J.J ¡ rr) J '. rÞ..CJJ::f¡'+-ud( _ . .~ MESSAGE:.....,,/}: ...,. .,..,.. .., ......"...'.. ,...... . ~ a1ÜJ~L'JU~oI__._.Þ~J/.J-(_~~¡;'D;';·~ e cf./M. & -lIn. appt;;¡;:h (fX. -t::.. ? 4.x:JW .'--'-C'? 07.A-- ~-4Ø+1,·¿5.. . ¡fCLL -_...!/eutd..-;'~/~ ~......~ .-....- ~,-- --......." . ., . ....---- y ('\mL!-J.c..,w..._._ .m_ . f?liM..t. _0 u I ç¿/j ~ ..._-"_.._-_..._..~.._.~.. ,",'. '" ---.-....., _n...h yo',,,.. . --..".. -,....-., --........... --- "_.. . ... -" ....,.. '''_. .........'.---- If you do not receñte the correct number of pages, please call our office as soon as possible . "" .::.=- =- \ \ ;! ~:. , 8 -'1'; ~¡;¡~ ~ ~¡<= ----1 ~--~ ; I \ i I !ôo\i1c: ¡ 11 ~~~ ~ , !IE I , ' I ' I . I, ~I I I , '" I I I ~!i~ ~~~ ~t>iË JH" ~ ",."..",:r;m 1 t ;,~ ! ! ¡¡ :: t ¡¡ ~ I ~ ~ d ì ! d!! I i \\1 18111\ I I i I !%! jil "'!! ~ ~ 0 ¡ 0:: , , ~ " 1_,." ~~ . ~ ~ ; "11 I ·I! I' I Jill \~, 'I I.. , " 'I ':\ " \JI .... 0 ° 24·4 .... ~ -Þ-. (J\ tR...IIE " 'i O~ m G"'AAGE ". ì f"'\ 24.4' ~ m \.... \ \ \ \ ~ <¡¡; ....¡ "'. ,.,s<I: 'fI",ø ::;:...-- ,.J'~G ~"":---- :---- ....---- .,~~ ~ "'~ ;..:--.--- ------ :1 ' :::::---------------- ~ ~9.€> :::-- " '-N " \f'I """'; ~A- i A-:1 :-- ~\o\'1.' ~ ßIZ C~£ B- 0 L~EE¡() D ß ß P (WILLIS C r?¡ í-'nJ Œ œ r n \it ~ _ í'n,'~, ¡ ,u r·'··· . "1,'1' I , ,.t d li~i¡ JUN - 6 2000 ¡,Iii! ¡ ~ I !!, ..' , ...~ ~ ~ I... L Joseph A. Ingegno Land Surveyor ROp..D pOl~'1' ..... L~P'1'q~RIVATE ::~~ ',. .. ., ,:1" '£. .. / ~ ÈDGE OF PAVEMQCf t--\ 7 go 1+5 .' o. . M " fÐ'CE \,6'S. o.\....f..~· "",NO ..~ COI"'.~'" \ ù I 0" E. 79'4':>' . '" 600.00:"----- c-~ ..... ~. --z. of' ..... 0 -'" ~ o '"¡ o .... -Þ-. (J\ o~ \}£ : . \ i í ¿^ .?¿ \ ~. \ .~ \ ~ ~ ';D ~ o o ~ ';V ';Ò o ~ CESSPOOL ~ COlIER \ u ; . .' :Z t \~ \\ 4~ '.,~ \ % ~ .. '" J ~ ~ \ \J:) > ';>:3 \J:) > ~z " ",0 :r:" 0"'3 II::, ":I V! o Z \ " - -~..-'--'-- - SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK w.u.02·W S.C. TAX No. 1000-115-11-11 SCALE 1 "=20' DECEMBER 4, 1999 MAY 18. 2000 ADDED PROPOSED DOCK AREA = 19,272.45 sq. ft, (TO TIE LINE) 0.442 ae. cOt'C'O;:¡¿;:¡ c£ O.l.· \ \ \ \m '{>. \ \ \ \ \ .... ~ CERTIFIED TO: JOSEPH A. ESQUIROL \Ø -.; 0'> -Þ-. AI..l- Q.\.... eUUl-t~· 1~ NOTE: 0 APPLICANT PROPOSES TO REMOVE EXISTING DOCK AND TO CONSTRUCT A 4' x 45' FIXED DOCK, ELEVATED 3 1/2' ABOVE GRADE OF MARSH, 3' x 12' RAMP, 6' x 20' FLOAT SECURED BY TWO 2-PILE DOLPHINS. I UNA.THORtZED AlTERATION OR ADomON TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 Of 'THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE lAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR E"'BOSSED SEAl SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VAUD TRUE COPY, CERTIFICATIONS INDICATED HEREON SKA.LL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEKAoLF TO THE TITLE CO"'PANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INsnTUTION USTED HEREON, AND TO THE ASSIGNEES Of THE LE~NG INSTI- TUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFtRA8t£. L:--"-~I '" ;j . ----------- ^ , G\U'A cuRB ...OC" " uRB oJ;S. '16.í.- - - 1'1'> Z <;,>"' ~~z ~z" \:ZJ>-<'o " <;,>g"'3 >~ ~\J:) ........ Zz 00 - 2....1' - ~ ~ 'i .. \ ~W~ ~g ~oN· .... \Ø N (J\ (J\. fÐ'IcE O.L. ~~ 78°'1.€>"? 5 '13.51+ þ' þ '" . __ ,J'( ,_ '~'''.:':'.A.. \ .;;o;¿cP':'/-;{(, ,{"'r e ~ .-' Site Plans - Construction Layoul Title Surveys -- Subdivisions OFFICES LOCA TED AT PHONE (631 )727-2090 MAILING ADDRESS Fax (631)727-1727 . ~",,"1:14t,,:,¡' t L. ??'O/'( Ii lit _·w. _.__. . ÍII:.i ,.1 I ! -.j () /\) I I I I , I I !''::>~,/ ;?'.D ... . ". ..--....-... (ð I.) -- ~-, - . '~" \ ¡ -' ~-_. ."J1' .,.' /éJÖ -,-_..~'..--,..,~...~'-""--- .-.....------." ~CI ' \ 7 f'r "" ~ 16 r- '),.0 ' . (¿.ð .lU , I I I \ '7</ , ! ~ROM : ,JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. : 653 12161217 . Oct. 1217 1999 12:53PM PI2I2 , .- .. .....l:~,~':~::::'~· :') 1")I~~\\HOl.t~'-:,,. '!!S).....f1<.~. .' .-'!f .... :¡, :!~ ''-'o.¡ ,( :::> ' -"'1 . ... . . '" . :;¡, I \~ .. ~:. ~ + "':~~.ß· ......~~JX.=.:.t1.... Town Hall 53095 Main Rood r.O. Du~ 1179 Solllhold. NCIII York 11971 Tclephonc (516) 765·1892 Fu (516) 765·1823 Albe" J, Knlpskl. Presldcn! John l1ol7.~I)rel. Vice Preslllent .11111 King Mnrtin II, Gmrell !'cler Wenczel BO^RI) OF TOWN TRUSTEES 1'OWN 01' SOUTHOLD off ce Use only Coastal -Wetland ~randfa aiver ece ved App Rèceived Fee:S ~ompleted Appl c n Incomplete ---SEQRA Classi£lcation, pe I Type II____Unlisted____ Coordination: (date se~) CAC Referral Sent: ¿ÐJ ~ w"Date of Inspection: J It!JOj9'J Receipt of CAC Report: ---Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: '"7public Hearing Held: IDJ:;¡?J9"1 Resolution: . Erosion Permit Application Permit Application t AppJ.ication C ~ OCT.. 8 Name of Applicant JudKe Joseph A. Esquirol, Jr. Address 1350 Lupton Point Road, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 Phone Number:(516) 298-8676 suffolk County Tax Map NUmber: 1000 - 115-11-11 Property Location: J350 Lupton Point Road ~ (p~ovid. L1LCO Þole I, distance to a~a.. .t~..~., and loaation) AGENT: Glenn E. Just/ J.M.O. Environmental Consulting (If applicable) . P.O. Box 447, Quagua, N.Y. 11959-0447 Phone I 653-0607 FAX': ó~3-3J48 Address: 1 J ~ . , . FROM: .JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. : 653 0607 . Oct. 07 1999 12:53PM P03 Î Board of Trustees Application Land ^rea (in squ~r~ feet): GEt/BAAL DATA nla Area Zoning: Residential Previous use of property: Existing Sin~le family dwellin~ Intended use of property: single family dwelling Prior permits/approvals for site improvements! Agency Date Grandfather permit for dock issued 9/27/83 Permit # 1675 No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Deséription (use attachments if necessary): Applican. proposes to reconstruct a 4'x 45' catwalk, 3'x 12' ramp. 6'x 20' float and (2) two-pile dolphins: . . z FROM: .JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. 653 0607 . Oct. 07 1999 12:54PM P04 , t DOl.lrd of '1'ruøtees Application WETLJl.ND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the propo~~d operations: Reçonstruction of docking facility ~rea of wetlands on lot: square feet Percent coverage of lot: '\ Closest distance ,between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the project involve excavation or filli:10'? x No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? n I a cubic yards How much material will be filled? n/a cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: nla feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: nla Hanner, in which material will be removed or deposited: nla Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): Reconstruction of dockinR facility shall have no ne~Rtive imp~rts upon the tidal waters or wetlands of the Town of Southold. I 3 FROM JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. 653 0607 . . Oct. 07 1999 12:54PM P05 J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services OCT R' To whom it may concern: Please be advised that we have authorized the firm of I.M.O, Environmental Con~\llIing Serviccs to Rct as our agent on our bchalf in applying for certain approvals through your agency and olhers involved wilh this project J.M,O, Consulting Services has been relained 10 coordinale all approvals necessary through your and other Involved agencies, III well .S: our architect, engineer and contraclors. We request th.t .11 communications, correspondences, notices, approvals and calls be addressed directly to 1h<~m~of:MO "'i~mM.'=::~.~~ Dated :Ju..I...'( 'Is, l'fè¡t: , .. I Phone (516) 653-0607· Fax (516) 653-3348 121 Jessup Ave . 2nd Floor . P.O. Box 447 Quogue, Newyo,-k 1/959-0447 FROM JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. : 653 0607 . Oct. 07 1999 12:55PM P06 Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York . I ::Sr. "IV'Ol 5V>t:lr'\ P BEING DULY SWORN FFIRMS THAT . " '1' FOR TIlE ABOVE DESCRIBED P IT(S) AND ~'IiA'l' At; ENTS CONTAUTED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF~ KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND ~'i!1\T I\LL WORK WILr. BE DONE I~E MANNER SET FORTH IN TillS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY i~E SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND.ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE Rf. $AID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS AP.PLICATION~!EREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO.~,EaOPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REV,.::-~~~'S, APPUCATWN. .. Òi:~.~4J S~ SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIs_1Ç'ih- DAY OF JI)J~'19iiS MelANIE V. NaI&Iy NIIø, .... aI NeIf York Nt._12 en CMIIId III aM 0ammIIII0n!Jr¡N ()ç ~ ~ - 7 ~ROM,: .JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. : 653 0607 . Oct. 07 1999 12:55PM P07 ~oard of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where tho applicant is not the owner) I, . :::r\A.1~"~ } f, ~ I~L nt owner of property residing at f,,,, ~ "IS'1-z.,.. (mail ng address) 'M1I"I""r I Õ £lC«. ~ 'f. l ¡q ::;-'2- . do hereby authorize Úlenn E.,J"ú.Sr / (Agent) ~L1JLD, f:.n v i ro ()fY\.J1 /\l.!1l Southold Board of Town f.Ot)~() ¡ J ¡jO Trustees on apply for permit(s) from the my behalf. , 8 FROM JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. 653 0607 . Oct. 27 1999 12:21PM P02 PROOf' OF M^ILUlG OF NOTICE ^TT^CII C~RTIP'UD MMf. RECEIPTS LI' m n, NI1/IIOI ...1uhn Gulle, bt'li.:' tj .... <C ~ Ir"' :r :r N STATE OF NEW YORk COUNTY or SU....OLK . r.tL~I!..L. l"êtd,dinq at: If)"1- ~~'JM' L, ~tl, i/al")y~n , b~A~q duly sworn, e oaes an ar" ft n e ay 0 -----ÍÆ ijJ. _,19 a _, dêponen~ ma led a ~rue copy 0 1e Notice set ortff'tn tho~ard of 1'rusteéø ^pp1icfttion. directed ~o elich of th~ I'thove tlllmed person!! at: the! IIddresses eet: opposite thore rt'spoctlvo nnmes; that \;hc addl"e"".es set opposite the nAmes of sn.ld parr-omf are the address of siiid porsons I\S shown on the current IIssessmf'!l1t: roll of the Town of Southold; tha~ 118)4 Notices w."".. rnll.l.1ed at the Un,lI:ed states Post Office at -.J))UOfl.1._Q,...J , that said NoHces . were mailed to each of-.ald~nR by (certified) (roqi.tOred) msi 1. - afH~&;¡I).' L - ~worn to before me thl. ...., day of ,19 Notary PUblic I . (, v~ ~ bJ'p- Q J1f.. n\. juv r- J. o.vJL- Ir . .1 FROM JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. 653 0607 . Oct. 27 1999 12:22PM P03 PROOI'" OF MAtLIIIG OF NOTICE ATTACII CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: (Jnll!C)()I! (""'O.n'')Ô/J-1() I\ddr.ess. II' i. /Irst) /,((/,/(\I )"> )7 A 'n'?«""'~ /J)Ll t-{; ). (C l) 1/ I no? . ,...' n~ q" 5.2 . .::> "..'. .......... r.:i CO Ji :lIE at ... J!~J :ë r1... ~H rri oãg : ~i~¡ !Jh~.:B~. ... m IU ,--_. .....,........ ....... '"' ... r- . £ .!: n or ,¡¡~' J. j hJ vo " . ~... ft. I J ,r H ,'~ ~ æ - c':r;;';II!,fT,"ooøë i',;;;i~~ ". I , . re!lldinq al: It}'" ..ÅALJ()K Å' ¡? d. -Jl0nt11lön , b;tfcng duly øworn,~eþo.e. a~ .ar~ n t e ay 0 -~ ' '-i.J.L.t....._,19 qq , deponsnl: ma led II t.ruII copy 0 ,. Notico Slet ortll'IïltheÐõird of Trullt:eé!! Applicatlon. dh'(!cted to toach of t:he above named persons at: the addresses set: opposlte there respectiv.... names that the ßddreSlses set opposIte the nalnes of s1tld pcrson~ ar.e the address of slIid persons as shown on thl:! current assessment roll of the Town of Southold that-ilia.ø. Notices were maIled at the United states Post office at YfJr){lJ_p-, . that said Notices weremailedtoeachofsa[~sonsby-(.ëãrHfied).re9ht:ered ) mal 1. /;,)" / / . " a'J11~9IfLLJ - Sworn to béfate me t:his ~ day of .19 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY or SUFFOLK Not:aty PUÞl1c I , 6 FROM JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. 653 0607 . Oct. 27 1999 12:22PM P04 PROOF OF Mill LING OF NOTICE ATTACn CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS + Address: 15 q P1.0("'*. ..sh.f!.lJ..{¡ ();l.d;l!.tJl (3( :/(1/ 1)9 //:3 Bt) . I (>-~; ...,..,.<, ... ,r.> .J .... --".-'''. ..----.. ~fI"e : __OJ. (.jll.<-J:Xl.(;()., / nOrr1p5<)/'" :¡ I :IE .~ :ill i~~ o~·~ ~h ~ fJ . ~ fªg~ N [~Hs ~a::~8 ..ø ,., no ;.. ,g .... STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK " '~I1.L, residing at /1J1.-!A.lJd/{¡((' f('r/J 'hL..J'/) t.. ~. b$!,lng duly sworn.""':f~oses and sa~ tlat ay 0l----L£,-!¡·VI.L.(¿._..19.23.... deponent mailed a true copy of tIe Notico set f'õrth"Tn thl! Board of. 1'r\l9teell IIpplication. directed to each of the above nam!!!d persons at the addressl!!s set opposite there respective IIlllneSI that the addresses set opposite the names of slIld personr1 arê the address of said persons as showlI on the current RSSCSSlnent rolJ. of the TowlI of Southoldl that sa ,-Ø, Notices were mailed at the United sta.tes Post Office at '.1, I t_L' ..._. that said Notices were mailed to each of sa sons by (certified) (registered) mail. .' âf, Li1 ~;¿Ih'¡¡~ú.~ (i Sworn to before me this ~ day of ,19 Notary Public ! 6 FROM JmO CONSULTING . PHONE NO. 653 0607 . Oct. 27 1999 12:23PM P0S ·w.·.··, ........ ;¡¡r I 0090 wl9h to receive 1hO (oIlow- Ing 88rlAces (for an AJClrø fco): ....::--.... ¡ SENDeR: 1ft D COIfWIIIII. Mlm' , "NUor 2 lot Addll.klnpl ",..,Ioø· I Co....eI. Itemt', 410," IIIIb. C PrInt yoUI Mm. _ ....... on 110. ""I~ oliN. lonn 10 I"'''' we 0111 rettM thl ¡ j. eaod '0 yOu. a Aft.th ffl 101m l<t me lront 1111.... fNII II.I:Ie. or on tn, hick II 'fIDc;;e !kIo, nol . petOIII, t:I Q WrtI,. 'R~ AlJcøJpl Aflq/Jff#fØtI"an Iha ""llpIeCe buløw tI~ MllcI. numb~. OTtto .-.1"," RacI'P!. will thow 10 wMm II'. .RloIo Wfla "'liv.,ocIlI!~ the dDle Õ. Ii ..Ø,..od. 'II i ~'e;;;;b=lhon/WS()1'Î ~"tA4"i~rZ8i;¿i¿·..-.=:-· ï t 16'1 ß-too/t-Sh.lt.::I-· 1~·:~~:'r~JP· 'r;a'dOlUUAII i tJ' ~ ~ -' ~ ~ /f) ~ . /Iv D e<pr... M,U b IImured f ~l L,...L ~, 7_ 0 Rnluln nor:r-I"tlfITMeIOhfl¡+-8 1JrOD " .__~I}!. 30 . ~,: ,,( PoIlVBrÿ-' ¡~JL;;" I,' "-"l 5: R.CBlvi.! Dy: (POn' Nomo) D. Add,e..e.·s /ldd,..' (Only 11_.c.'ed .IId ~ ,..I. ""Id) t: 1. 0 .hrJdrcftsce'a ^ddm!\8 2. 0 Aft$lIlcted Dellvf!tY I .. .III ,-"-"-" \.. 1U'-S.~!:; !l9·J) 02?~ Domesllc RtIowii, (1!1~Mp' I: :1 ill:' ':: :¡ -...-. --.-..,.... ¡ SENDER; ........... I C=:.htmllfllndli C ,,"nl~~~trI4' a. 4a,:,J ~ .d.'IIIIonoI.tJrvlctJ., c..,d I rtVII.1\tf ~ ' 8180 wish 10 r:J AlI.8d'l0 ~( I.I. ' II 01111111 '(lYeI!J(II of 1111 Ing SlJft"ceo (,fecelve the folIo'" . ''''' 101", 10 lhe '-_ II born 10 filii. rVI or al~ -- Ii D=~' "~.'.'"""Ip'- ....".".".,.'. '."(8100): n,..-w.""""-::e/pl . ,orOl'lfteblllC'lkH 1 g [] ~ellN'I'I A«1'IpI wt~_IIØ"f(/'OIllhe l,I)Içe dn&1: nDI . 0 AdOI8SSÐf!'$ ^ I r.d, IO""lOII'IltMI~beolow.hcl'"1 2 [J ~ . (dress 1 a~Cf'Addr08S9dIö;---~~-:~rett.,~:::= . SIrlc1edDellvery tfnlhYJu 0_ ~ 4aÀ---- - l'lðOLt. '7 ccr.n1. ~JO Z/~OI.N"';bo<_---·---·-·-"--·-1 J'h.. .u.. ,Uþ;bn 'J/}-J. Rei 4b, šõrv;{""-r:!. :IlL ,;¿¡,y I' c.t-£..( I V(t.t.:~· 17k 0 n.gls/.,ed "-"-..-- ; . '. DEICP,fJSIMilJoo'7,'1.,":',lï/i¡",¡-,.,f.JCèorllfie-d I I /7lfrJ 0 R.'u,"~,.,~,~=,_ ., /. I"'.red f '7V-<" 7-- ,. -.,en.nðl> ... ... . Dale: 01 ê"VOry ._._"_\~_. D s i! -'--'-- B:Add" .~ ~ --- ~ ; 10018 ;d)'Ad~(Or-.7Y __ 2- .III '~ orJafl(/ ~ (/8ps 119~~" e. j ; i f I ¡ i i ''"'59!; ~·R.~J ---- DomeSlic Aelur" J:t p,Cefpr 't S 7J-2 'So' . 414.07' E: ~ /'" '\0· t II 19"4 OO/' . &00, :"'t /'" ~. -z. V' ~ ~ O. . ~ ~. U\ O~ œ:\,ü ~ ~ ï;ú ~ o o 7- 'r ';D o t; ~ t \\ f, \\ . , . ,; !..~ . ,I " . I . , I I· I f " ¡;I I"~ \ ',.' " ¡, J :., \ ~. ,~.\. \z ........ ....0 '::Q~ i '\ II) o Z «- c""\~ SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATED AT MA TTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK -,-02'" S.C. TAX No. 1000-115-11-11 SCALE 1"=20' DECEMBER 4, 1999 f'fN(~f n' AREA = 19,272.45 sq, ft. (TO TiE LINE) 0,442 ae. f~ ~'*"~tI 0\ CERTIFIED TO: JOSEPH A. ESOUIROL , f ~,~ (, \ /) f'ý l ,r""rDI ~ltffi U..J7J, ~f¡0, i "~{'III! !~Ii! APR 24. 11!)'1 , f, . -"'''J "j i " . ~, ., ¡ j __to ALTIA'o'l1ON 011 AOOI1ION 10 THIS SUIMY IS A. ....ou.TION Of acT1CN not OF T!1IE _ 'I'ORI< STAT£ F.OUCA TION LAW. COI'I£S or THIS SUIM't .... NO! ~ THE LAND SU!M'IOII'S ... ..... Oft EII9CIIISm ,SEAl. ~ NØf lit CON!IIO£Pm> TO 8£ A 'lAUD TRUr ðOI'r. m'·' ŒRT1F1CAT1ONS SIW.L _ ONI..Y 10 M TH[ SUIMY IS ~"NCI 10 THE mug _....0 I.£NOINO -. MIl TO TH£ ~ 1IS11- M10N NOT ~IWU. Pft£PIIMD IN ~ W!rn TI1E IIINIMIN ~ FOIl 1ITIl IUM'i'S AS m_En /11 TIC ~IAU. _ oIPPR(Mt) AHO _"TED F'CM SUCH USE 8Y THE NEW YORK sr-.TF: '.....NO mu IIISOCIAT1ON. \ 0'1-"'\ 'J. ~cjJsÇ. \ .~(. ~ ~'I-" --------- -ûiíi.IT'f'~ t.fft ,,""" . \00.00 , - ~~ ~ rp,,"'[ r.^R^r.E 24.4" \ \ \ ~ .- 'c' -.:v-r -- -Rã1\Ü- .- /---" pOll"') /'" ~:JP:;·(rrv.^~;_~~~ ~ ~p^~"m' , " 79.45'°. '-. ~., . tot, ..-!.~:~' "_ / ' . - - '#._.....-0:: \ . IJ,Í , A . ! J'1l- - '-.;E 1;1. ". - \ \ \ \ ~ I' \ \ \ \ \ - ~- ~~ ioz oz........ \\~ ~~ 00 '#. ,øt, ~ It> N é;I U'. ,.,.c< ° \ -- -- -¡¡, ~ ~ ~.<>::\- . -.I ' ø ,. 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I ;:S 0... 0"" - <:T .....:> - U')U')1dP" I u..¡c::..,~ ~ ~8t)oo.,ï' §<"''''''¡.,...o ..c ,....¡ ... _ego 0 0...., 0 tUo~ ~_ '" '" ;> ~ ('") ï:: 00 g 0 .. - 0.. Oof,¡ Z §i:iü~t--~ ~.~ ~'" ! ~ b 0..0 0, <f.,....¡ O""'¡VJ ~ w o .-::"{ c:c ClE (I) S fltET J.M.o. Environmental Consulting Services Quogue, New York .3 OF .3 ,.. --------. ~.. ~3ZJ""> :> . f- 'f\! 1 . , t\] _ '1tI ' ¡, t ¡ /';; , I.... \ '" 1q~- I f ').. I" . I "'0 v ;=0 5 o ..' . '- " I ~ I~ l: I/) '8 :1:- .", 'r{ " ~ . "." '''-'.J_,,_ ," _..,.~...~~ '·--"~·__·'''\.:Á¡. .......-...-..,'J~I .;,~iII -- . +~ " f..r 1"-' 'j. " iJ \ ~¿. " ,'.. \) , , ,19 '" \ ~IT , \ iii ~I~ h ~ '> .J +-" 0 F¡¡'~ :r J"'~}* ....~ ,- " , )0 )...=- { :1~ . V'~ '" .. ' Q/ ;) ~ 8 .u _ V)~¡.. ~.8 J ~ ó'¡ 0 .r . Z ~~ JI 0 -+ <I ð I) 8 or lI) 0·... T""'Q rJ ~ ~ ~ J ~'~ r<1 :1' lIJ G 1) OJ of .. II .. j\..J ';. 11 LJ, To .1 Ii )- . to:' .: ~ t 1 " J IJ) "'Q V e 8.~~ ,. 0 ~J ~ r ~ VI I/) ~~, ..J ..J ~ · (. .....,.AO~ ¿,; ~61 !'-,OS'.'.O'·~ ~'v."., ....O"t."1I'~ '3 HO~"'''e \ , 2 ,\ >- ~. \? I- .... æ- ..:.. >=' W c:l ~ ' " " . ~ 0 W ~ " 0 tL U " a " . d ':> 0': Q. 0 ~ l- v '. . " w " ¡.. " . , > - ~" . ' , . « r- .. " - LL IU >: J , ,0: . ^ ... "0- Il .'A. -'. . :. ... -, . . . >=~ : ~._; J..." of rJ,.. , -:) .(L ,. Z W'o, w "" ~rr ~ ~ .. '~, ~ ;: ~ ,:>, ; > v), ¡ 0' ¡ .7 , N~:.¡ ~:, '¡- ,'1.11 V , - , .J . ~ r' '" l,' I,: I ". . '," ,t ,.~: f I" ," f '. . ~ '~..,' (i '... f iì·, " ,'; ~:; 'f." " f , ,I ' . f " t' _ ::~ . ,,', ' ~" .' j.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services April 18, 2000 Southold Town Trustees P,O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-1179 Attn: Loren frñ1 Œ @ f D ¡'Î IT' I' 1 :~il'- . ¡tnJ I APR 2 4 2000 I , RE: Property ofEsquirol, 1350 Lupton Point Road, Mattituck Dear Loren: As requested, enclosed please find copies of the completed plans and section for Judge Esquirol's property. I have also enclosed a copy of the survey recently prepared for this property which depicts the existing docking facility which will be removed, Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel fÌ"ee to contact our office, arh Most sincerely, ()Ú/UIt[ l1JL ~e~nE,J~ ~ Phone (631) 653·0607 . Fax (63 i) 653·3348 121 Jessup Ave. 2nd Fioor . P,(). Box 447 QuoÇJ:.Je. New York 119S9·0<147 FRD ,1 Tml] CONSUL!_~.~.9_ PHONE NO. _: .~5_~.,.Ø60~. ~ U _/ ~ \ ¡j .\ ~ 92.55 _---- t,'·) .- ------ ';£.. 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VlV1 --' o "" ::; o '" " w ~.,¿ ~~ ~~ t:::., ~ "-' .,-.---- - Ma'::l. 31 2000 12:5BPM '..{' ...- ...;~ "' ... 1:,... ~, '.ott .. \~\ r.\ ~,(} ,~-, '., \~',~ ~,) '~: ~ o C.... 0)0 G>~ O)G> C> -... 0:;] «(I) -C-c &}i W..J o -;) ..-....----.,.--. PU2 - .. ---_._-~ . I ~ .... I-ä [::! j , :;¡~ Ñ :1 ~ ~> ;;; ~ ~J ~ ,¡; 1 ¡ J ~ I 0 J:;;: w;;; I ~ § ~~ j i gl~ ~ j i ~i .-.,,-------... ~' '" ä: . i :Ii ~ !~i i!::::I ;:; 2~! ~Iif~m~§ ~i~ ~ii~ :~~ ~~~ R~r ~~l~ wi! ~~~ !i¡,~ ;~~; ,~;~mi; I~ ~ ~~m· etgi~~ ~~~~ gil!~: ~..ìi!0!i¡;:> <ñ ~ ~J ;f! 11!i~ ~~i iã!j B~ _ ~n FROM: JmO CONSULTING . . PHONE NO. : 653 0607 Ma~, 31 2000 12:57PM P01 j.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services Phone (631) 653~0607 · Fax (631) 653-3348 121 Jessup Ave· 2nd Floor. P.O, Box 447 Quogue, New York 11959-0447 ... '_u.,_.___._.._",. u.___.___ "'__'___'_'" .U_.__..__. . ...----..... -'.-...-.-------. -----..--. ,.,. .....-----.".. ,.._._-_._--_.."_."...~,',,,._-----_. 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'_''''''_''_.._...._,..., .. ~"--'_---......_- ----.---.----.-.-.... ..... .._u_____.._.__.... ......----.--.----...-- If you do not ~ceNe the correct number of pages, please call our office as soon as possible Albert J, Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . , Town Han 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765·1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 28, 1999 J.M.O. Consulting Glenn E. Just P.O. Box 447 Quogue NY 11959-0447 RE: JOSEPH A. ESQUIROL SCTM U15-11-11 Dear Mr. Just, The following action was taken by the Southo1d Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting on October 27, 1999: RESOLVED, that the Southo1d Town Board of Trustees grant an Amendment to Permit #1675 to reconstruct a 4' X 45' catwalk, a 3' X 12' ramp, a 6' X 20' float and (2) two pile dolphins, subject to receiving new plans and dock put on survey to scale by surveyor. Located: 1350 Lupton Point Road, Mattituck. However, this determination is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. Sincerely, ~9· /~.~. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/djh lU~:·LS 02 C:'~:':K_ JÐl~~-, ~ . ~/ N\}J 17 / , -,:¡rv , (fY DO.-\IW Of TOil';\," TRUSTEES Tüv..n Oi Southr)lJ i\J:¡in RO'1(1 SOllth0ld, New Y urk 119ïl ~ røJt1 ;;J--- j1ßP APPUC.-\TIO;1 FOn. fIXED and/or FLOJ.TI~G DOCKS J, A~¡J:icc:1t's "0"'0 and dero,s: ....:r..~':-:'...¿,.ð..:,(.....~.J.;:~~.::~.!~,:.!.........f...f9l,::..L~~: k~ ....,...........I.3..¿:-,:.9...., "'~:,., ....~.~:~, .!:.?~:::~(......?.T....." ..~..Þ....I........,..:..5.~ .~,:,' ~.?,t:-:..~~. ;> 6 2. 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I( - 4, A~t2r 1ss~a~C2 o~ a P2r~it. work must be c02pleted wit~in one y~ar. L.::':::G2 5, Secure the corrcct Area Ma';) frcm the Cler;-: af this S08rd, a"d by usi"9 a/ X WITH!N A CiRCLE ind,co:c as clceely as pcssibl" the Icceticn of thl3 deck. On the -'O'/crse ,ide of this mo';), provide 0 SC\LE DR¡\\NING which wI/I show Orcinary High Wate, Mark, the ,hcp~ cnd size of the deck ond Qny supplcnoentâl pilin9S which arc ne~ded to hold a flec:i"9 dcck. cr tie,u:J :1 bc~t. Gi",e'ô!1 dinopn-,ic,~s npCP;;:r'! tn det"'''''n" the cr08 of the rbel, surfcce \',~':C:i 2:':~'::::iDS O?:s&'-'Ó?~ fro", rhe 0, :--1, yO¡, M, I;:: adj2cent: property Q',yners h",ve clocks, speci.=J.;~ loc.J.ti.oI1 ùnd length to sC31e. 6. V/dl cny ¡oortian of this construcrian oxt.,nd offshore :nt~ Túwn Wetcrs beyond an imagincr, line Qr "'ounder¡ for",'OC by other sirni!G 5truOuro., olcng thc ~rcc's ohore¡¡ro~ YES or NO, If ir doc. extend beyond rrlis 50·eelled ¿c<ok line indice," Ly how far. ec:Jroximat~ly,.........,fr, ) 7, Prcvi¿~ th2 (o!/:)wintj d:;cL:rr.~nr<;: (o)----A--h-t...'"jl._h_S E"n~jn.-I'J S....."?'.' ("If ~hq prc,:Jcrt" ì....."O "g<.!.~ (bJ :\ cap',' of the Ccntrr)::::Gr's PIr:JrlS an] 5pt'cirJ:CJtiolls. (C¡ ShOL'-:: .L-,t.~r:../i=~i1rnent.;¡J. )\ssC's::;mcnt For:n. ((~ ~'letlands r\D::Jl.ica~ì.nn . V" I 'h,·; cen'""c:'ch' re';:ui,erfie Fi!i,ng cf cny land off,;'o,e of t'1C C,cicar, High Weter ¡,locK or the Drdg<nr, of ecl' material frcm T'own L,ondo und'èr wor"r' YES e,' NO, If it ~ocs. Fer", A/·~ U'~',oiìcct'c," for DredglcJ/F'¡¡¡c,,) rnuot be complered ond artcchc8 0$ pcrr af this c;Jplic.::ticn. 8, 9, In r~(')(;~~tin'J c~;pr\.)vn! ,::f this '::~pJic:::h~~, I suumit th.::r· the inicrmotl~n rre'icr.tr:!d ¡",<:::rcin is i,ue cnu c.:.rr·.'::r to th.:? bnr I.:.~ fil.V kn'::>\''' èd'::;·~\ and b~ j~f; I Cm the- per::;::n CC::'::L:nrc::J':' for Ire ~_·ericrrr,or.:~c cf rh~ 'Nork. in C:cQr¿~]..,::-c wiri',{ !¡~C QL~I1'.: and ::Gec¡ijr::::::t¡::n~ ctt:¡cned; I h::vc res:::! cr Cm f.::::,ï1riic,· wirn t:l,~ pr(;v:.,;ior.~ .')t ar.~' SClJ::":Ji:l T':';·.vn Crc;ncnc:1- pertinent to the work irwc:v.:d; erd funh~r, I ir.;:rd rQ ccnere t,:, G;:j ,J.::i,j·1 tJy the T~rr,lS end C.::ncinicr.$ of tr.~ PI~rrr.lt, \vncn end .f J:>:>U~a ~,) m~. . 1" u. To expedite by using a fi:1ding "f',",ci::ic loca~ion f011 temporary marker.... (\¡ç,4L~Y -)(. L. ~. inspection, C \/f("" , ,~èi)aL' '. fr,I"..J·, . , \ .. , '.. "A /2 T'.--.p ? /n?