HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-1744 .~'L:" ·lCO:1.I~:GS .;':\0:-- ";KES :-lUST DISPSA'{ V!SIE3LE: ¡'lOORI~:'-"'l.;:ii3ERS ~ ALL DOCKS A¡¡D BUL~HEADS ~IUST DISPLAY VIS IDLE PERNIT NU;·lBERS __ -. . '. /,,~. - ~.......4 ""-'--.<- ~--"'" """--""" '. / . -~. 'r=.:~'~----~ ..-.....;.: ~- ~-~-~~·-1' '".-<>C<1þ-''' - - ""f',,"'" "'i¡;"''''''';'' '''''íT:~ . 1'¡n>-"" ",w.'. "'1'l"i.";;;' ....,,~ ._ ""I't"J'1' \ \:;. t....~~-:-;:.,,'~t~~ It ~~~.!f ~'! ":'!~"!~'~~~/(ßo !!'~! 'I \'f"rl \ :"'t_ i::J ;',..':J:¡:' ..:..... ....,..::n..:~ ~"' .:n.~;¡r ·~·'4l'nWtr{¡-"~::aw"",;¡,f' ..:.:... '\Jdð1v~~:r- -: '~lWh~ ~ ~~:::1."..I':'(_-=,;, r '>"_2'~1_ ~_";""'illho.~,Ü'd.I:!l!1h~-L~;'l.~'~Il!h~!!!,!~~~~""'~~;Z'~'''' '. ~:\~(J.r~;::; ';;.,- ;:~';~~;~- .~~~':~ ·~~~~~'e-e's ··'~rJ~i·.,Jl~., ~ ~ $'i1;Í1~~: SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ¡- .,.;'..... '~ l'fJ w;\:'.iR· Mooring ~ { ~'~ I~,\~l~r~:! PERMIT NO. 174.4 DATE: ..Qct, },}, .198f¡;~~~.~.i ~:~ Ji Estelle Neinrib "~ .J ~"i~¡rti ,,,om w Allt1¡~;;;~iío1t . ~1¡1l\~~í' ~,~. ~.{ Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of '~1"~.;J!· \fJ. r.::":.¡~.' ~1 the State of New York, IB93; and Chapter 40.4 of the Laws of the b "¡',;,Al\ '\rr ;!' m:' rj ,'~' -':-& ~'l:.;f;P~;~ ;¡;i:;¡ ~~E~eÙL¡~~~~9¡2~;nTdH~¡'L~ë\~0~ 6~wåB~~tC~T¡O~nS ~j,<~. .",~,W\.~~ ¡; ,j> ("W·' IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the ", -. . ~11 " "~'\']I;:'; REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM f:;~ ,.¡}!/, ;/ )~,à¡':-;Ji~~ LANDS UNDER TC\VN WATERS;" and in accordance with the ~j ;¡~~¿." I 'A\ ~~. Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on l)..::.:t.. ..11., .~ ~ ~\ ' á ~';~tJ.';;~H B3 ~ .~"~~ ..'~' , '~1 ~ , 19. . n._., and in consideration of the sum of $ 5. ,0.. 0 . Pùid by , '.~ ~- ~ \.'~ ·>t H'" ),.,'J . I " ." ~I .................. .......Es..telle...W.einrib... '1~\0' ¡ f, ~:::' of .....J1.attiiuck. . N. Y. and subject to the ~ ~ . ~á': '. \: "f.o~. -~ ,~::~ Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, i'~'~";¡\ j' \ ....... ~,·~,\¡l., of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following; ,~ -"'~t ~I j¡j}~::~¡< ApplicatLon approved under the Grandfather !;J '-::'''~1J' fIg, ~. ... !,~ Clause to secure a perrni t for a bulkhead and .~I· - ._~.,~ r~.ji"" "iL: dock in James Creek. I,~. ";,~(. 'j: ~}~ ...' all in accordance with the detailed Specifications as Presented in ~~ ~~.~.~ " .'_ ~..~ I' ¡U","''' I~"')~:~¡,ï the originating application. ~ ~~~.~I~ -c', ~"'/t'#.''''~:::.V~.{' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The ,aid Boara of Trustees ,...-?, tîf,"..i ~~ '. ç¡ ~.~ \~I" by causes its Corporde Seal ~o be affixed, and these presc'1h to "1 ~ ',~'1 ~'i ~ ~·.:,%;·8..~r·, be subsedbed by a majority of the said Board as of thi, d.,o. ~! 'r,~"i7 \'1............ '~':')I,,~ h .,' :.. .J,i,/ :'~'l~~~~~: , ~~~dç~~~,;:'rf /7 ¡:1';~:~ \ '.~ '{\ fl'. "" - ::¿ I'< ,(.'... ';Q2:? '7 /1// ,,,I, .~~ ~~ .~ :,~ :~t·. a f.~.Ri '"= ~ <A' '\"- {1 /;µ.y',':;!i-~ ,~..;, ~ ~t:/ ;~~I~'~;:f ~ ~~~ ~: ./7 .~/ ;;£-; /'~'~ ;' ~:~~-:;'~ 'd :;f:-î\¡"¡ <:fH; :.",~"". ':;fLr..Jc..íL. ÙY:1~d'; .k ¡~!,~~."",,~ l"~ :i ""f ~:< '</1 ~ 1\<> '-" (,'.:,,j .. "."". L1 ~ I ~.'fà 'or,:., _ . _ . _ _ . . _ . __ _'_'_-__ ,___ ,. .~::: __. _._.,_' _ ~.jl· ~ ~" _ð.;;; ---.: ..::._ ~~~_¿" ~. _ ...:..:--=-_. 1. ··~__~L.:./_~ ~..-.._'....:...!..~.....!.._':..l.:"~ :--",,_.~~_ ........-.~_~.L~.-...::_"""""~. , ',!'__ ~~:.\ill.J""~J, I . iI{ «/. 'JJr~'~}lo\~.~t:Q1]~.~ ~.'/ 1'_, -'~"r..,~."",,~. ",'i¡t~.. .... ,..~- ..,.,,;;-q.''<;W' ='<0:-:.:' -<W"~:_'~""""I/I~~ ..:::$';.';f"_!~ ¡.¿ !1 ... ""~', -'. -, - WJ:'" .- ~ .-. ~ .... a ~ ~\ l,r )" ""11i> ............J.. __.-'J'\. .'. ,'i· ,,-.-'J" """",., .,."....... ", .....' , ~,..>':;' I...þ~..".\!-~...t~~....\..'-¥~.,¡\......~ ....~""j.."":._ . ,~~,\...""Á. .'. 'Á..ll!"~ '\ . __--~ ~._ :;:;--_. ..-~~-~~. ;::~..;..--.......*:..~;..:.~__ . r ___ ~_" ~_ ~ . -..;;::;' ~_~ ._~-= ?'"" -.....;:: .' ~ I Please tear off and re.turn t."o· t.·heTrustee-s- _M_ Boë:rd Of Southold To\'m Irustees Grandf<1ther . Clause I100?1::C NO. Põ:;fAIT NO. 1 H 4 SCUTHOLD, NEW ./ÇJKK ',"'- 1,I~ü CULl~:~EADS MUST '·~ls~L~~·ï ~ISI¡:;LE PE¡~M\T \'¡UMßõRS DATE, Oct. 27, 1983 IS:Uô] TO <7~t-~11p. Wpinrih I. . CC~-:l:~' t~.J.t. t.~e .....,:¡::}: a~ ,)u~~:J:::'=c¿ i~ :~~S ~c~~l: has teen ~c~~!cc~d <1nd i~ nO~J rc!¿~ ~C~ vo~:: in=:cc- t:=~. Al~o, t~e nu~~c~.~e~~i::~d ~~ :h~~ ~~ojcc~ is c!c~~!y visi~le. I !~=:~e:: ~~¿~~s:~~¿ th~s pe:~~: 1= ~O: ~~lid l]"'~¡l this t~~r ~h~~~ / /""..'..'..... . ~ I I I ,I . I ! I kl I - . Ç¡; ~I ' f ~ , ~ '·I,-.r·, "'" IV' '~ Ê p ~,\. ", , , ., " . ,\ TERMS and CONDITIONS The Permittee F,,,telle weinrib .d' tOle Jule Lane, Matti tuck N Y .. resl 1ßg :1 . ·1...... pan of the cansideution fat the issuance of the Permit doco understand and prescribE to the fol- lowing: 1. That the Southold Trustees Permit must be prominer,tly displayed on the premises effected thereby during the period of That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and work I I all d,,,,ag.s, or claims for damages, of suitS arisiDg directly or iDdirectly .. a result of any oper- un~ei ,-,tion performed pursu:mt to this permit, and the said Perminee will, 'ar his or her own expmse, the . : defend any and all such suits inithred by third parties, aDd <he said Permittee assumes £uI1 liability perm~ with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold 3 _ That this Permir u valid for a period of 1 ? mos. which is considered to be <he sufficient time re<Juired to complete <he work iDvolved, but should circun",:mccs warnnt, re<Juesr for an extension :nay be made to the Board at a later d:nc. 4. TI13t this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Pennitttt wishes to maimain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to a..cyone concerned W2.t auth· orÎ2ation was originally obtained. .1 ~J 5 ~ That the work involved will be subjecr to the inspectio" and approval of the Board or its agems. and ncn.compliacce with the provisions of the originating !1pplicatio~ may Ï:.e .:awe for revocation of this Permit by resolution of ¡be soid Board. 6. That there will be no unreasoDable interference with l~~vi!:,'"3cion 3.5 a result of the work herein auû10rized. .- 7. That there shall be no interference with the rigbt of tho public ¡o paS! anò «pass along the beach benveen high and low water marks. 8. That if furure operatioos of the Town of Southold re<Juiro the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or iI, in the opinion of the Board of TCU$(ee1, the work shill CJ.use unrea.sonable obstruccon to free navigaùont the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work or projeC[ herein st:1tcd withouc- expenses to the Town of Southold. 9 . orued. That the ,aid Board will be notified by ,he Permittee o. the completion of the work auth· (See tear off sheet.) 10. That the Permittee will ob,ain all o,bet permitS and consents clut may be required sup- plementJ! to this permit which may be subjecr to revoke upon failure '0 obtain same. " " -, Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P,O, Box 1179 Southoid, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 May 26, \\ 1 .B~..RD OF' TOWN TRUSTEES '9~ ~:\<\; V TOWN OF SOUTHOLD V^, 2000 ~/ Susan E. Long Permits P.O. Boy. 46 East Marion, NY 11939-3455 Re: CHRISTOPHER CONK~IN SCTM#l22-4-20.1 Dear Ms. Long: Ths following a~tion WëS taken at the Soutnold Town BoarQ cf Trustees Meeting held on Wednesday, May 24, 2000: RESOLVED, that the Southold 'I'0'1n BrJard of Trustees grant the request for an Amendment to P~rmit #1744 ta reconstruct existing bulkh~ad using C-Loc .inyl and =~claim lost fill, 90' of d:¡:edging, a3 indicated as !;loin:: 'A" on approved plan, 10' out £:ë':òmche 'Jew bulk];ead, w~ t!ì the ,:)l'rdi tion that the applic:ant tc:pers the dredg':'flg tc m-,:et thê natural grade of the bct~com, at ¡:he north end, ar.d a 10' nO¡l-t,;rf buffer on the new construction. Thi2 is not dn ap?rùval fren: "ny other agency. If you have any questions, pl~a~e call our office at 765-1892. Sincerely, ~ (J ~,~~. n_. 1" /< I r Albert J. KrupSki, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK: Ims cc: DEC 3tfh I-&¿~ t,...' f\. ~"/ ,to, ... .' , _ REPl.^c&. "-t. B\)L~ ItF.AD E1-/ST/I'/,- BÞAT R^~p 8 ~y CAVA"f £... "~E AS .1'10:. FILl. \ ~- st\ h.0J5E. b :::<1 \ w '<. " .. " '" I" " ,. . \ , 13S... PftOP~EO ~TIl~,).,. ßUlk.ttEAO "/NE \ REPLAcE ß\ I.KIiE"n .,.RE.HbVE ,.,.. <10 1-£5 ,~ REClA/-'¡ ~oS'-, ~ ril.l... f'~ '.\ SEAWACQ OF ""$TIN' BULIC/iI!AD \ '1 ~\)Cí R'Ç-CvI'I. N ¡~' ~E.TuR Proposed: Remove and replace approx. 107' bulkhead .,.R~1'\J~tJ in same location using c-Ioc vinyl. Remove remaining 165' bulkhead and reconstruct 135' it in a straight line configuration using c-Ioc vinyl. Reclaim lost fill &om an area 10' seaward of existing bulkhead, Excavated material will not exceed 100 c. y. and will be used as backfill and/or removed to an approved upland site. ~RO?O~E!) WIIT&R DEPTtt 3.5' tiEl-ow AI-W. SItEET \ OF z.. _on 'n_. / " St.AI..E.; J -="10 /' APPll<!ANT~ C.HeISTbPHrst M. c.IJ,Ji<...,,-J 3'/!>fJ OLE .:!'ULI:.. t..;; '" Ë. MATT'T!.1tK , h J ¡ ¡''is 1- SUë'FoLl:. C.ouMT..;l T""t 1"1 A;> ~IOOO-:J.d.-~-j,").¡ I'REÞAli:EtI 15~ ~ 5U5AN E'. LoNG. PERMITS 1'.6. Box "If¿, EAS't \.f AI\JOM , N j 1I'J3Q "'31') 'f11- 3'13 S -----;.-- -, I' . . 11 r-~-- " .. . ·1 MAV. - ~ ':.CCS ,,:11 ¡ 1"".1 _ , -..... i ;...:..:::-.--~-- MA'- J.. I 0).000 ~ A ~~ ~ I) ~ '"'-) Y, ~fp '- ; 1.D I "l\>-;. I " . '.d ~~ <J V ~ -c.5i; '"" '< '""- ~ ~ ~ \ J ~ --- "^ =.... ~-= ,-,' C- /' - -:!. ~ ~~ -"T"-ð<, ~-- , .... ~ - "7 ~ ~ y -";,~ d:1 ó- '2. - :a -.: <:, :>:" --=- \~ \ \ \ \ I \ t 'i \ f ~ ..z « () . 0 0 r( , ,/I 0 , ~ :¡:: <ç ...... -. ~ -? ..3- '\. '\ ~'\ .. ,~ -= ~ I I I ~ ~ .w. '" ~ :z o u >- ~ ~ - ~ ¡: 3 " o ~ >- ~a.. 2:~ >.ê'", ¿v ..c2vo~ 1J¡¡jcÉ~~ ~~O-~ .t'^^ _~'" I- VI '" --' ~ - -' "'-, ..J _ <.I'.... '" t>' I i , I \> ">, '" " I '" èí o d, ..., 0- Z .:JiLJ I ~I'~ Z..r'" ð -",SC <J . cJ;T" Z-,Z . -.,::;' f- '" I-J _ z'" -"" «L1<I0 U C-...J ::> ~OOi- a.. f- _ p....V"Jol- <~or :c.~< U I"1Ä 'II- '" " c " . <-/ 7" < Z 9· \¡. . " \: Q " :;:.. 1/1 . -c; '" , t<.-:z. , 1-- . ....) '\ J.~ P-", ~~ ;ô .... ~ ~~"'- ~= ~.ç "i "- ~ '1 I- '" w J; VI \If,,·n.J hi uf"..'-kl. Pr,'...::irJcrH .1,iT:".·... !\.¡no:. \·,,:._'-Prt"·~,d(,1!t j Ii' ~ -I 1"\ :--- 111 I t ~·I .·\nl':' ¡: '''::!L't· ¡'~'.!j p, ,II '.'., ,-1.-1 .' -:,\\fFUL,t . '~'\;g~ C'~ ." «';.. '........ -~ ::, -<. a , '" ~' 'õ ~,... 4-" ~~' ,'. '. '1fO¡ + '~~,' ~Opy Ti1"'.li/!,¡11 "),jll~);) :-'\;¡¡II E, '-'HI PUB,.\. 11-:-~f S,)\ItI1.-dr!, :--.fl·_': Y,lIk 11'-1- ¡ -, L'll~ph(lnc' ':' It:; -:-i~,-)_! ,"q~ Fax 1,,)16, -;i:j·l:.,2_i BOAHD OF TOWN THUSTEES ,[,DII'N OF SOl'THOLD LETTER OF REQlIEST FOR AN AMENDMENT DUE_"S_-:.2.. - ("',6 r~ ^\ . 11-1'1 '..1_- M· O\\cI\,:ERQiRJs-r.c¿PH¡::1<' CDf.jI<II~ PHONE .;1..9~-,1"<D3 -\DDRESS 34(-,0 0 l. F ::J\) LE. LA-r--\ E, )vi Ä-1 ìl ICK \ C.Rbr..uLE...~ C.ON:ST~UC."'ION -\GEì\T~LJ5A¡"¡ é, kIHJ<'. I'EII.I-iI'T'5PHONE @,,?,I) ~ Î 1 N '-! \ 1Wì9 - 00 '+10 ~ I '{ 3'fS S I ~S;L; -\DDRESS p.!'). Bryc "I/;, EA.'iT MAR-ION PROPERTY LOCA TION 3~.....o LE. .:flJ L-E 1.-'1.\ \1.-\P \10 I aDO - I';¡~ - .2..0,1 t..A kl r- \ t-JA-'tj ITlJCt- I We ('J·tR\'STO:f'tlEI2 (' J)UK.LII\l request an Amendment to Permit'; /7'11 2t~RE (',0 ¡.j 'STJ':. \) c.T Ei.1 OS Ii N (~ ~l H,K HE Ä-[) I )S ( N' C' -LOC.-lli E. L. I ¡::'j.i'lANA-TIDI-\ ON 1'I<D]'E~T f'L!+!'iS). TRI'rNSFEj::... .AUT Ho R I ZA-T¡ 0 N ÂTTAC-t-\E.J) Signed B\ ~-E ~Ó . . \,,If,, '11./ f\ I 'I ~ ',~ ¡·.I. Prop '-¡o!"r¡1 .1111),,- h.111>..' \'1, ,_,-fJrt·"-td('I,r I {"II) '. :-:rllllh :\nl, ¡'''-¡'_'!' j.~, '. P"I ','.-, 'clet ~<¡,\JrFUL~- IÞ'>;.{'~ ::;, --<. CJ . '" ,... 'õ ;p ""," , '~ ~'<- ~¡ + .\.~., 'r f:!"pl1r,n,' "-11 ~~ ";',;.)_ L "q~ Fax ,f"",tG, 7t),J-L'"i:.(ì r",.'. II 11:\11 "..!,'I'!,-, \1 I] II I,;., ,.,1 PI) It.\. I I ~'t ~r'lJ[h"lrJ. ,\i\.,.,: y,,¡k 11'1--:1 BOAfW OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF S()(ITHOUJ ORIGINAL LETTER OF REQ(IEST FOR AN AI\IENDI\1~:_.r:__'" . r,. I, ,'.I' . '. D -\Tf -$--..2.-_0.6_ _____ __ ,,~ ~y - ~ ;.. l'ln M. 0\\'ì\'[R~ItR1S:r.c:œH.~!Us'LJ,~ PHO~E _, .J..9 ~ - ,1.,<6....3........_,__ -\DDRLSS.34/')(') OIF :r\JLE. LA-I\.\E... tv1A-ììlìl)(.K, /--lli IRScL.; C.Rb¡,uLE-~ C.ONSTIV)C."¡ïOI'( \GEÌ\T<4CL.SIlSi't¡. ¡:, kt\/J"- ¡>~PflONE -£Co"3I) 417 _ 3'fS£ ·\DDRfSSp,[), Bt¡,x...._~ EA.sT MAR-ION Ni- lIW,q-OO'+lo PROPŒTY lOCHION 3.ttOD-..Qj",E,_..:JJJJ,..E,_.1,..,8.IJ r- \ ...}fAtt l.IU!:~ 1\.\ \1·\fJ NO -LÞ1LQ=-..l~-=-_I{~_~Q-,-L___________,_____ I \\e CJ-I:R15.T.Of'tlE 12 (' .o1J~L I\l request an Amendment to Permit # fl'i!:/- :!'..b.___ ~c.Q.,I.J'S.rJS II cT Ei-I <; 1 N ç,. ~l) L.\C. \-t E Ä-I) I)S ( N ç, e..=LCl.G. --'J..L~ Ii N D R E.( L.Á-I ~ La ST F- ILL (\'\"'TAIL-E-tJ ¡;:'j.i'lANÁ-TI (¡Ii 01-\ !'1<O'JE.C-T f'LM\S) . ,gAN5 FE~ -p E:-~ \.T .A U T H () R I z AT JON .A TT A c... \-\ Ë J) Si,znedB\ ~--¿--4 vI- ~~~ - I . . -- JUl" 08 'S·" nq: :·:HI'1 ~;¡)UTH'jU' TI)l·jll HHLL 516 7b5 1823 P,I Albe..t J, Krup.kl, President James King, Vice,P..o.tdent Henry Smith ArU. Foator Ken Poliwoda ~l~~.\UFFOl:t~~ ,'=I ~ ,.. . . U2 !111: ~ ~ ~~~~'" Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O, Bo" 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 785-18f2 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUS1'P.E~:~;--' TOWN OF SGUTHOLD , :',: r I , , r,1,ðy - .5 (i: .-, June 8, i999 !--. ¡ ,- , Attention: Chris Con kiln In regards to our phone:· conversation on Monday, June 7. 1999 011 the matter Df a Wetland PenIlit 111744, I spoke with the President of the Southold Town Board of Trustees and he said this permit is valid forever even though we do not use the teal' off slip at the bottom an ymore. If in the future you want to repair this bulkhead 1nkind/iuplace exactJy the way it Is now you can just go ahead and do 90 after you submit a letter to the Board of Trustees stating your intention to rppair inklnd/lnplace. If however you want to change the bulkhead configuration in any way such as height or length or width you have to ask for an Amendment to this permit and fill out the necessatY,"paper work and submit $40,00. But as far as this pe¡'mlt that you have In your pose6siou without the applicants signature on it, it Is valid as far as this Board and an)' future Board is concerned, If you have any questions, piease contact oUr of[lc~, at 765-1892 Diane J. Herbert, Clerk Board of Trustees -t. I o o -)~ "1 0002 g - ,,'Q1'j \.' , jl, .1 '\J " ~_.~ --- . . ( .~~ . . + Q o ll-I~'''V"", i"'" ~ I~"D ;: ojl '-' :Y'.' '.1"" I OOOl S ^\1W I C I Ji ~' III IJ 'J ~ ~l \_~:J . Albert ,T. Krupski, Pr",ideot James King, Vice"Pl'c_~~ident Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda ..:T¡:;;'_'2<:.r;~ . <~.~~\ifFOl"'¿;'; , .. ,;,,' ..... .... . :~, I i~ Hr;'~ "'<:.. . -. . A" r' -. . . . . 'I '''' . -'- ~ ¡;;:;. '"' " '\~... "'~ .:' '" C'¡ . ~',': .:, .~... - ~. '. ':':,.':;~~ . _~~ 1"\' ,,'.(" ~,¡' , ~, -":>7--' --....,' . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone 1.516) 765-1Bft2 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF sm JTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- ~ the Matter ~~ the Application L--!A~A_~il:_)¡L£!~-- CO~~;;~~;;~LK) S'fATE OF NEW YORK) MAY 2 3 2000 ¡.~ : U._., AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I,C.Ht?\STl'IPIt~i'..._(,()~KII~, residing at _-!JA-TTitQ.d::.. being di:ï1'Y'-S~r~ depose and say: t\\. 1(,1\ That '.)n the IA day of I'iA'I ,:ta'/llO, I pc; sonall:,! posted the property known as,.3'10ð hi F. J(J/A'!. LA}!€:- . by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily he: seen, and ·that I ha'lc check'?d t.o be 8U;:,) the poster has remained in pla.ce Í01 seven days priur tr> th'? date of ~e pUblic heaLing. {date of henring nof:ed thereon t,: be held ., lrnt> ~ '}\....f·..· Dated, S-j-z.'f/OO if ~ " . l 0 ~ 'L ~~,--~~)¡---' ---' -<:::; ( sign;t tun:) Sworn to befcre m.= this Jf'\iay of }.f,h~ ;;1eeo ~~~ <-£_0_ Notary "llb.t.l.c -~ Nota SUSAN E, lONG ry Public, SI81e of New York ,,!~.OIL04956343 Co 9U8hfiecl in Suffolk Coun mmlsslon Expires November ~a~ . . PROOF OF MÄILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS MAY Z 3 2000 Name: Address: U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL :1::(01::(1:1 (Domestic Mail Only; .,!~r.m; U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic -Mail Only; ,,1~~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAII~RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; Nõ'nsurance Coverage Provided) U1 ru D IT' ru fT1 D IT' ru fT1 ...I] ~ Po,>tage $ .33 ru fT1 / I.( [) ~ P05tage $ <0 .-'I D IT' . .33 ru fT1 YO ...I] ~ IT' D D D Posl3g~ $ -------.:33_ _ ',IA) 'J.'--.,_ D D ru ru ru Name (Please Print Clearly) (To be comple ru fT1 ..:IAI-AE's...n I< ,t!,\,II,I,HlSn fT1 [J"" Street, Apt. No.: or 'ftò Box No.~ [J"" ~ .P.~nJ5.MLn'i...n...nnn...n ~ £"'- CIt, State, ZIP+ 4 f'- Total Postage & Fees $ Restricted Delivery Fæ \EndOrsement Requ,r~dl Total Postage & Fees $ Certltied Fee Cert.fled Fee Certified Fee Total Postage & Fees IT' .-----1::] D ____D $ Return ReCÐlptFee (Endorsement ReqUlreo¡ Restnc!eCl Dell\lery Fee (Endorsement R~qUlred) Return Receipt Fe", (EndoGementReql.Jll'ô"dl --- Return Receipt Fee [f"" (Endorsement Requiro-d) D D D Restncted Delivery Fee 1Endorsement R'!-quired¡ D ru ru Name (Please Print Clearly) (To be completed m ,';¡,Otl,I'l...E.'nJM.ö6..!Lu.. IT' Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. IT'" 3!,S.O'...QLE.,..3.U.LE.,...I.., D City, State, ZIP+ 4 ['- Name (Please PrInt Clearly) (To be complefed by mal/er} IH,O,B,lI~..t..CA11i~,uH,c.,51i8N,E......,.,......,...........,..... Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box no. ,3J't5,..C.L,¡;;'n;IÚ,I.,Iio.,.bAH.£,.",............,.....'..'..n.......... Clt , State, ZIP+ 4 :11 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK YADI. ~\(E... , residing at H.£.ht=C>RD , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on th /S-nt. day of ---.1'1 R'i ~OO , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice~the~rd of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at EA<;'í HA-Rfð/-.l . N¥::e' that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by ( ertified) (registered) mail. Q~ ß~ Sworn to before me this IS fit day of I'-lAi ,~GoO --S"j~~<y~~ SUSAN E. LONG NoI8fy Public. Stale of New York No.OlL0496B343 Qualified in Suffolk County Commilaion Expires November 6. :Ul.~l 6 . . _ ¡ . ~,' r , , a.m¡elÚilS ~,) 'Wi:-7f'r-n 'aAoqe paqµ:>sap ÁUadOJd Ám uo auop aq O~ '[10M 10J s~!UUad Áll!Ssaoau oe 10J SlI!Á¡dde II! J[eqaq Ám uo ~uaSe se pe O~ Á~µoIpne aIp SUO'} '3: ul!Sns pm¡ (lO~UOO) (a~e¡s 7f1 UMO~) '~. """'J aA~ Áqalaq Op }('h r''''(V ' J~ ~e pa~eOO[ (ssa.rppe ¡aal¡S) (ameu) ~ r~'VQ OGh'i JOlaIL\\O c¡r j'~~l Q õ> / ¡.., j h :a~ea PlliO.1 NOLLVZI)l.OH.LOV ~ . .......... RIõPL^CG, "..- BULl' ItIZAD ~"l-ISTII'I(. 6 8MT RM'iP RFPL/lCE 'b~_ I JUh,l EIID , UCAVA"T£'" v~, liS l/'It I:. FILL. ~\ \ ~ 10 \ I 13$"', PROP~ED nR~~ BULIr.I\E'IIC '-IN R¡¡: ilL ~£ ß\)I.KIIEPII\ ..RE.!\bVE ","'cHtS RECLII'IIi I.OS', .->?I Flu. F~-'.\ SEIIWIICQ OF (tl~TIN' BULkMtAD \ 1oDc.í ~"'CDN S " )4 I~{ ~E.íUR Proposed: Remove and replace approx. 107' bulkhead ...1!~1'\J~tJ in same location using c-Ioc vinyl. Remove remaining 165' bulkhead and reconstruct 13 5' it in a straight line configuration using c-Ioc vinyl. Reclaim lost fill ITom an area 10' seaward of existing bulkhead, Excavated, material will not exceed 100 c, y. and will be used as backfill and/or removed to an approved upland site, ~ROPð.sE!:i WIIT&R DEPTH ¡¡,S' þELow III.W. t " S'AI.E.: -="0 APPLlI!ANT~ c.l-\eISTbPH~ft r-1. C.O'¡I<.LIN 3'/1>0 Ol.E ~ULl:.. LA H Ë MA'-T'TUO::: I /' ~ '195 d.. :SUFFoLL C.ouMT..\t T"'1 MAi' I#-loOO-IJ.d..-~-;¡'D.1 ?REP,M:Eb !5~: SU5AN £:. LbNG. PE RMITS f.lI, fibX .., t.. EAST /101 "P.'OH ' N j ,)'t3Q "'31') 'f11-3'i.5S ii. MAY - 5 2.DOi: SItEET I of Z. MI\'f J- I ;),,600 ~ - - - , __ REPLACE. "t- 8VLI' It£AD ..'/.1..11,.,,, 8<>AT R M·W 8 R£PL/lCE '1<>'., IULII.Hf'IID - r.~ClWII"£'" II~¡ ~~ .I'Itl:. FIL(.. 't:. " .. " ., '" !> '" , I 13$...· PROP"'ED nll~~ IULk.ItE'AD '-IN , ~\ \ ~ ¡¡,¡¡:P&.I\c.£ ß\)lKIHó..n ..RUlbV£ "'''410"[5 RE~LII ~ LOST', ->?I FII,'- F~",\ S¡AwACQ OF ØI$TlN' ßULkMUÞ \ d \lO~ t-ISíi< ~~Ù\1.~ ~~ Proposed: Remove and replace approx. 107' bulkhead of -RE-íURN in same location using c-loc vinyl. Remove remaining 165' bulkhead and reconstruct 13 5' it in a straight line configuration using c-loc vinyl. Reclaim lost fill nom an area 10' seaward of existing bulkhead, Excavateq material will not exceed 100 c, y. and will be used as backfill and/or removed to an approved upland site. ~ROP".5E ¡¡ WIITE-I:. DI>PTH 3.S' ßELoW ALW. St\EET \ of Z- " ' StAI.~: I -=,/0 t·IAY - 5 2000 APPlI<!ANT: C.f-\tISTbPHfR. M. C.OWI<..LIN 3'100 OLE .J'"UlE. LA H E. MA,"nTutlC . 1'1 ~ 119S.1. S\J FFo 1.1:.. c'oUMTJ/ TÞO.'t I'IAi' '¡'IOOO-I¡d..-~-~D,·I ?REPÞlI::EtI JSj ~ SUSAN L Lt>NG. PE R~ITS \",£}. Böx ., (., EAST I. "I\'OM , N j 11't3Q "'.31') 'I11-3'1.5S M"~I d--, ()..óOO ..... ~ I r ~ I ~ ~ ~ " ~ -<I "- ~.. "'-7- ,'~ r- \..:.-, ...-' I ~ \ {¡.-;.~ ~ ..x Ç>- OJ ,\.:L.." ~~ .,;. ;; ~~ ~() I ~ :3· ~~~ _..:::.-..,-;':-~:" I ~'fp Ú...~:-<- .:-:-: -'~ w 7= ~~ z '-Ç \(' - ~ ,; :J11J,I, ~ t; '" ,¿ z' :z 8 z...-"" <-/ 0 ð-J.SC U c:- <.J U. ~ .,.. ~ '" . w-- ~ w- '" 'L:..J- ~~ ~ . _ o.! OJ 2: !'\ !- n- " '" Zw :>L I- >. § '" r! ~ ;}'LWv '" ..D_vor-;' -' p....J :::> "-' lajÆ~~ -I,°Or- :r; o..f-- - ~lIÎo'- '" " ~ ö -- <'~ot- xJ'< O:VJc..~~ u<"1Z: . ~ ~ ----- t-^ "''><> ~ë.- 9;,~ -"""-t>, ~- , ...- c::...:,"S. "7 ~ :t: ý- r -.:, :.>-'" -=- \~\ \ \ .~ ~ ~ ~~ 'S2.. "3 -' « () ':'. Ò c rl ,II Ó , 11 'iI- co '" c " <i 7' « Z ~ :t: <c ~ -, -t H ..s- "'!. "\ '.r. ~\ '" --' 1'0 .. ,~ ~ *~ -= - .> ""-' -'- ~Iþ 4\0 "" It) !;\ .' 1. Agency // 7: 12. Divi~ionfPre(jnct _yOilcState 1,.0Rt 14.+J On. '5. Case No. I 6. Incident No. ;, .;1. -/-7/ tNODENT REPOAT N't, ~, ' r o Supp ~/_ '7,'74 1. Report Day 8. Date <) Report Time 0<<..... 10.0dV 1 1. Date 12.Time o<<urted 13. Day l~4:Date IS. Time /" Ii ) 10 I QIIIF~ r h., IFi I,'j j2"'ftK: - I, / ,J ,Ct '. -=-: ....;... / ') h'c.;' ;??./ t- 16. Incident Type 17,Bu~i"e-;sName 18. Weapon(s) A. Z '--r- ~~. '/' . w Cl 19.1ncidellt Addreu (Street N;-:Street Name. Bldg. No.. Apl_ No.) U I 20. Citv.State, Zip(OC or oV) ~.locatiOn(ode .. Ii ?//,'" __/. ,'/ i /1 " "Pi:'" 12. OFF. NO. LAW l<CTlOIO SUO a. CAT- - All ,,,; . . m~ 23. No.ofvlctims C. 1 2 24. No. of SUspects. V-/-- , a.........Typr.CO.~OT.OIhIr".......:tM.f;,1e l.dM.:............. ~.126.v;"'m.,..'ompl.."."' oyoH , ... TY....... _llAST," '.' -=t STOEEl NO., .~ '. .. 1.;;> ,........~.,. ~ ,;. .'. '., ..... /- // I..">,,,.., - f. :l lr~ ~ -7 , L. / ~ // .~. 'H 'r w .. [.""1,'" Cl 1.,7 ..v , G. .. I_~ .;./.. . , _/ '- h, ,/ ~I , -/-/. //./ .( ~ R,,[)I',cr ",,)",1\;["'; H. ... ,,, .., H. ... C 3",,<', 1. <,:DIV~f i 27. Date of Birth [28. A9~ 29. Sex 113o.RiI~ 31. Ethni( 1 i2. Handi(ap 133. Residern:e Status 0 Temp. Res.' Foreign Nat. J. .. I I I~M OF OWhlt~OBI.KkOOthet o Hispank DUnk. o Yes B ResIdent BTourist OStudent ~Other U 0 Indian 0 Asian 0 unto o fton.Hispank o No Commuter Military 0 Home ess 0 Unk J4.TypelNo 35. Name (last. first. Middt.) 36. AhasINidmame/Maiden fla.ne'(Last. FII'$I:, Middle) 37. Apparent Condition .. I , o Impaired Drugs OMental Dls DUnk. o Imp.1ireclAlco o InJI III 0 AppNorm ... 3l!J. Address (Strt'et No., Street Name, Bldg. No., Apt. No., City, State,lip) I 39.Pttone NO. D Home 40. Social Security NO. l. .. t~ D Work ..t; 41. Date of 8irth T 42. Age 43.~x 44,_ I :" """k "146."10 147. 0<,..._ M. .... .. I OM Of o WhiM 0 81ad: 0 Other o Hispanic 0 IJnk. 0 Ught. ITDark 0 Unk. ".' ~I ou o Indian 0 Awn 0 Unit. o Non-Hkpank 0 Meclium 0 Other c, "'C I 50. Hair I" '''' ~ 48. Height, 49. Weight 52. Glasses 53. Butld 154. Emptoyer/School . 55. Addreu H ! DYes 0 Contacts o Small 0 large DNa D Mecllum ... , i 56. 'tarslMarkslTattoos(Describe) 57.Misc. , "'_or ~ .~ ~~ " , :;.;;,;a;;::;rS7" ~.'.'~ . 'V_;.o0 2 ,.u " - , == .. 4 t- .. 59. Vehicle 6Q.lkense Plate No FullD 51. State 52.Exp. Yr. 163. Plate Type 64. value "',, == .. .. 5t~;us Partial 0 , 0 .. .. 'l69.VIN. !lZ: .. ~ 65.Ven.Yr. 66. Makl!' 67. Model 58. Style Z 6 . .. :> In. Vehide Notes. 70.Cob(s) 171. Tow-edBy: 7 , To: ~ / .L'/ ,/ . n, -;;- /? / // /// / " /./ - '; /" z/ / .'l" / ../ / r . - ..{~ , - -" / /"/ ,7 ./ //<'/- -/ 10 .. ,.. , / ,,' /- /. > , - - ;:: 11 ~ .. 12 'C Z 13 fot,,1 ~ 14. tnquirlft (Chedo:. all that apply) 75. NYSPtN MftSage No 76. Complainant Signature o DMV 0 Want/Warrant o koHlaw DCrlm.History o 5tol~ Property Dather ! ~Cer/u~ludyank) 1 7810No 79. SUP\!'l'ViSor's Signature (lncllJde Rank) I BO.IDNQ. 84~ 1 ' /'. / / /7.... /'1- 0( qOpen~l(Md (If CI(Md. check 00. below) . age 81. Status o Unfounded 82. Status Date 83. NOtifiedlTOT of o Via. Refused to Coop. o Arre!ot 0 Pros. Declined O.....arrantAdwiS\!'d .,.;' bU.;:; !:~ J C OC81 OJuw. ...OC....'tody OArr~t-Juw o Offender Dead OExtr~.Dechn OUnknow-n , ..... OCJS.3205 (2/971 "FALSE STATEMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE AS ACRIME, PURSUANTTO THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL lAW. I . I 1 ! i 07~'Omr " ., I ~ i i " , I.d ~ . ill ':: II ::;' :'1, i II [II r II ' '[1 :. r, '::; ;" , . ~ ~ I . ~, -,:\-! ~ .. , 1 j 'j . ,., I .1 I I I ~i iliG: [H! i! I :' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' '. ~ .- ~ ;i Il'. I i Illi -Yff, ~ . r ~ ! ~ ~ : ~ i j : III: , ~ . , 'i'l irlff~: l!fI1i'f;; 1'1 " ~~qi ;~~~l ! ~. ~ ~.- . : ; : ~ ~ ~; ~ J i ~ 9 ,., ~~-,H . 0'1 ,~ ~ '. , ~ ~ ~ .. E = $ t.,<2 "i.::;:'n ~.:oCJ I ~'~ ~ ~ -+--l ,~ ~ uD'o ~. x "'Tl ~ib'{/l ~ g ~.~ ." n"'Tl .$ 0 ~r . ~~;:o::: "J n ~ - '-'"'' < j 'i "'\ .1-\,,,1" '\' l, i ~yr-:F _l~ Ii [l -~ i ~ ~ ~ i .. r ~ , ~ " c ';;, ~ ~ "I N @ -;; N ~ . - II' II' ~~ i ~~i f~-. \_ <~:,. ,,~ ::1, " ~-N;f 1. / '9>;> "0"4"$) /. ~.. ! \\: "';'c' , d' X~';"~ .....,. ,( ~ ~I' \ Ih., . ~.~; ..>, ''{: ~ i '\"- '6;J I \~ \~:..' 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Remove "'31~ '117. ),I/S $ "?; .;(II remaining 165' bulkhead and reconstruct 135' X ,t!. it in a straight line configuration using c-loc IJJG:T~~ND VI"~""''''b1'\ b~L\~N,",E-1l ,fJ ~~ vinyl Recliiinilosi fiU from an area 10' seaward B'I ....~.I...N~ .)/2'/00 ";~~.\ , of existing bUlkhead. Excavated, materia t will not .' .~ exceed 100 c.y.and will be used as backfill and/or <,.'~.f,:' }'i'( removed to iIi1 appjoved ilpland site...lROl'''SEIl :~ ;, ft.".., Wflnl:. DUTH g.s', llE.l.~W Alo.Wi' . ..".-r;'.i }~t.: ~ -f l' .' .~j~ (,c ...~. '!~~;, i.,:...t.~.;.~... ~. ~. - * l\~ ~t\(€1' 1 of z. M".-l .;I., J.600 d~f~~:., lr,":f -.. - - - - -. - - -.. -... '-'.:;_:':':~"~:,,\,7.-" -.. - -. - - - -. -. -, -' - ,- -.' - -.. -. - -. - - -. - - -. - - - - --' - - - - - - - ->.. -: :~;.~[ it' . . ..' ':-{~~." .'~.:, 1'\ i~, )IFf . ::~Mf;: ::.\'i ,~. ~~"~ . ,', iH~ ~~, i{~ ;!!ilk ;f-~~-:' 08:14p ,i. :,,' Susan., E;., Long .-~f. . ''''', , . 516-477-3455 3 '< .:t:N1'e.,~TIl)""J... 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