HomeMy WebLinkAboutDuffy, FrancisTel No.: (631) 369-8200 CRARLES 1~ CUDDY Attorney at Law 445 Griffing Avenue Riverhead, New York 11901 Fax No.: (6M) 369-9080 TO: Town Trustees Fax #: 765-1366 ECEIVE JUN - 4 2003 $outhold Town e. Board of Trustees TELECOPIER COVER SgEET Total Number ofpageslincluding cover sheet. If transmission is faulty or incomplete, please inform us as soon as possit Operator: Iwona Date: June 4, 20~ Col]'lln.~t s: Re: Pecouic Landing - Notice of Violation We would like to meet with the Town Trustees on July 16, 2003, at the Peconic Landing site, so ~effery S¢~xtan, ?etonic L~ding's environmental consultant can be present and discuss clearance neaz the bluff' area. Charles R. Cuddy considered confide'iai infor . 'fly ........ ddress Po~tage incurred for the return ~nl~ be patd STORY FRAME, " /11. USRetirement OOIIUllLHuIJo.~; Mr. l:rmtcis Dull~' ,[ 1 lorscshoc l';tth lluntington, NY 117 1.3 Dcm' Mr, Dull~': When we spoke thc other day, I hope th;tt my responses to your questions wcrc s;ttisihctory. As promised, I mn enclosing a COl)y o1' thc I)ortiou of the site l)liut ~vhcrc your unit ~vill be located. As you can scc, thc liv,ug room ;Uld bedroom m'c o6cutcd to thc uorthxvcst xvith thc view Ii'tuned by a knoll to thc cast. This orientation h'tkcs adv,-uttagc of the nittur;t[ [~2;tttlllCs Of thc site. I h,pclhlly, this mccts with your cxpcct;ttions. A complete set of thc drmvings xvill bc located itt thc l'ccouic L;mdiug ollicc mtd you cmt review them thc next time you m'c itt Southold. In thc mc;uuimc, ii' yott have qucslions, plc;tsc lkcl l'rcc to call utc. Siucct ely, ,lay \,Voollbrd Excct, tivc Vice President/ Chief OI)crating Olliccr j Enclosul'c CC: Amtika Sh;q)iro Field Inspection 5/14,'03 PECONIC LANDING August 1.5, 2002 To: All Residents - Peconic landing ECEIVE ," MAY 1,5 2003 RE: Protected Bluff A reas : Dear Residents, It has come to our attention that a resident living along the bluff area has removed certain bluff growth to the rear of their unit. I write this letter to inform you of the sensitive nature of the bluffas well as those inland areas adjacent to ponds and fresh water wetlands. In cooperation with the Town of Soutl)9_ld- B_.9_o_ar_d_.gf.T~_~stees Peconic Landing _has engaged the services of a highly qualified and respected environmental consultant. This consultant has been working with site crews to remove that growth within the 100' setback area from the bluffto the rear of the cottages that has no benefit to bluff preservation This 100' buffer s contro ed by~h~e ~Ne_w~y~ork Smt.~ Department of Env~-onn~ntal_Con-- servation ("DEC") and the Southold Board of Trustees ("Trustees"). We believe we have achieved an._d cgntinue to acl)ieve maximum view opportunity t0r Cesidents while maintaining or enhancing stabiliza- tion of the bluff t?o_u, gh ti}is p_[actice In addition, with the assistance of the environmental consultant, we have maintained the vegetation in and adjacent to tile wetlands. Our agreement with the Trustees and DEC is hinged on our faithful execution of the clearingprocess in concert w~th our environmental consultant. No resident may cut, clear or remove trees, brush or vegeta- tion of any kind from the bluffarea or in or adjoining a wetland area without prior consultation with t_he management. The Trustees or the DEC can and will halt our clearing if there is work completed outside of our agreement, and this will prevent us from obtaining final.~ site~val~n.~~_. =--~ . _ -___=~__~ In closing I ask that everyone be vigilant regarding this situation and work with us to not jeopardize our ability to maintain the beautiful views vy.e have worked so hard to achieve. Thank you in advance for ),our anticipated cooperation. Sincerely, Peconic Landing at Soutbold. lnc William G. Th6mpson, Pl'es'd . cc: Charles R Cuddy, Esq Feather HAll Box 430 · Southold; New York 1197t43430 i~F6V7659150 · Toll Free [-888]273"2664 · Fax: (516)~q35~:3149 FRANCIS X. DUFFY