HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5259 . Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. Sa..s-c¡.. DOUGLAS BRADFORD ISSUED TO.um.um !\utl1nriiHdinn DATE: ..?ecembe:r: 27, Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893: and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952: and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;". and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on uP",.ç.,.?Q.,.u 2000m, and in consideration of the sum of $150.,9.0. . paid by Cather:iI1e Mesi,,"o for. Douglas Bradfor:<i of mu..¡;;"''èt...M9.r:~Ç4.'"'''' N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to expand the existing deck, presently 50' from t 1 bulkhead, by 4', to approx. 46' from the bulkhead, 6'X 12' first story addition at southeast corner of house and 7'X 22' addition t northwest corner of house.Add second story; with balcony ove!'·· dec\tl ~.t '~c'è'm<a¡R!ö tsrflPHils dWHI¡W sj:l~~f/Çit¡'¡)n~'~ 'p~¡al", on . :thè originatirig application. the no'rth and east sides of the hotÍs to support the new construction.' . .... .". . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here-, . . byceuses:1ts Corporat,: S~al to be aff.ixed, and these p~sents.to . be subscnbed by a malority of the said Board as of this date. ~~. .! . ~ .. ~. ..~ ~~~~~~~~...~._.".......~. TERMS and CONDITIONS 'I'œ Permittee Douglas Bradford ·din 3705 Bayshore Road. Greenport N Y resl: gat . ., as part of the consideration for Ihe issuance of die Permit does undersland and prescribe to the fol- lowing: 1. That the said Board of Trustees and Ihe Town of Soulhold are re.leased from II1'f and aU damages, or claims for damages, of suits arisiag dhectIy or ladiRcdy as a IeSlÚt of II1'f oper. atioa performed pursuant to this permit, and die aid Pami_ will, at his or her own <:>.pease. defend &Oy and all sum sails lnitiaœd by third ponies, and the said Permittee ,-..... fun IbbUity wilh respect thereto, to Ihe complete exclusion of the Board of Trusœes of the Town of SbatboId 24 2. That this Permit Is valid for a period of mos. wbkh Is œasidered to be the estimated time required 10 complete the work involftCl, but shoold circumstances wurant, request for &0 extension may be made to the Board at a later dalE. I I -, 3, That this Permit should be retained iødef"mitzly, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to &Oyone cooœmed that auth. orization was originally obtained. .c. That the work involved will be IUbjea to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and IIOn-compliance wilh the provisions of the originating application, may be rouse for revocation of this Pennit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no UDRa50nable interfereoce with navigatioa as a IeSlÚt of the 'InXk herein authorized. 6. That there shall be DO interference wilh the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That If future operations of the TOWD of Soudlold m¡aI.te the æmon1 and/or alœratioos in the location of the work herein ..thomed, or If. in the opinioa of the Board of Trostees, the. work shall cause unreasonable obstraCtlon to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, opon due DOdce, to remove or alter this ""rk or project herein stated wllhoat e..¡.e..s.. to Ihe Town of Southold. 8. Thar the said Board will be notified by the Permittee or the compIetIoa of the work auth- orized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain .11 other permils and consenls dJat roay be required sup- plemental to this permit which may be subject to revolce upon faUore to obtain wne. Albert J, Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P ,0, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 27,2000 Ms, Catherine Mesiano Catherine Mesiano, Inc, 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 Re: DOUGLAS BRADFORD 3705 Bayshore Rd" Greenport SCTM#53-4-21 Dear Ms. Mesiano: The following action was taken by the Board of Town Trustees during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, December 20,2000 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Catherine Mesiano on behalf of DOUGLAS BRADFORD applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated November 30, 2000, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town ConselVation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on December 20, 2000 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, . . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of DOUGLAS BRADFORD to expand the existing deck, presently 50' ITom the bulkhead, by 4', to approx. 46' ITom the bulkhead, 6'X 12' first-story addition at southeast comer of house and TX 22' addition to northwest corner of house, Add second story with balcony over deck. 12" concrete footing will be poured @ 8,25' intervals on the north and east sides of the house to support the new construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years ITom the date it is signed, Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Fees: None Very truly yours, ~ 0 /~y~'~. Albert 1. Krupski, Ir, President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms cc: Building Dept. DEC . . 1\\ -\\ -...~ Jt'\ r- l,~ ",,~6 õ;~ 0 ..., <. -.\~~ <: '\ """ " ,,'" ?, ~" .... "'-"® \<:> ~"" ........... (J) ~ 'è~ ~ U\ - ~ ~~ ~ <:) ....r1> \!(> ~';i ~ ~-:i ' <- ,,' c· -, ~ " \\ \41.81' _00'40' £. 13 N, , & ~~(lc. ,~¿;.µ ~"t~ I'" ~~ '\ ~ 0; e\ j-:' ~ ,- '> "', 8,2 œ ...;,'~ '» "'- -<. Ç)cr: ,,, 0'" '''' 0 ~ I -~ o o. ?J ,.;, m <;>~ ~~"t - ~ 7. '\~ ~...~ ~'t. -n n. ~~ _~ ~~.;- r \. . .. " <- " " " . u ~ " \ ,^ , r o """ ® t ¡;¡ ~ ~ <:) ';¡ ?J o '» o '" CD ~ÇD \~ , t \. 1 \~ ISLAND VIEW LANE SURVEY OF LOT 66 AMEfÐED MAP ~ PECONIC SA FLED MA r -.1Ø8 AS MAP NO. 7124 AT ARSHAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY. 1000-53-06-16 Scale: 1" = 30' May 16, 1994 pCT. 23, 2000 NO V, 3, 2000 I prop, oddilions ) AREA = 7,396 sq. ft, to tie line \ \ \ \ \ ~ \} m () o -z. 'f\Õ "'::. o . '0 '6"'- -~ o. œ t,"'» -<. -".. >.' ",00 . "t~ ~ 1... :I. _ ... ~ >' '-'> o » -I m -I 0:0 0 0 » ~ » -0 Z ,c -0 0 :;:0 0 0 0 "'T1 "'T1 < U'I -! 0 ;>0 m c: c: 0 --I (,,~ :I -, c:c 0 r.ï -< ,- ~. CJ ~, ..... f'J t- 1-; " > p ELEVA T'IONS AM) CØNTOUIf LINE Aff£ REFERENCED TO N.G.V,A ANY AL TERA TION OR AOOITION TO 5U'1\IE'Y IS A ~ TION OF SECTION 7209 OF TI£ fEr YORK STATE EDUCA TION LAir. EXCEl'T AS PER SECTION 7209 - SU1DMSION 2. ALL ŒRTI'ICA TÐNS /ÐIE(JN AIlE VALlI FOR THS MAP All! C()f'£S T/Ð/EOF IX Y F $A ) MAP OR C()f'£S BEAR TI£ It'RfSSED SEAL OF TI£ SUl'\lE'YOR ItIIOS£ SIIiIIM 1IÆ N'ÆNlS /ÐIEON. AIJII(T/(JNALL Y TO CQII'I. Y fIlTH $A ) LA" TI£ T£1I 'AL 1E/EII BY' MJST BE USED BY ANY All! ALL surl'£YCRS UTI./lIIfJ A aJf'Y OF ANOTIER .suM'I'QrS MAP. TERMS SUCH AS '1NSI'ECTED" All! '8ROUfHT . TO . DA TE" AIlE NOT N COII'UANŒ. fIlTH TI£ LAir. Co 7 ... I .-di::" 'Ill?; 'x:!::{/V'·~' I PECONIC SURVEY ,63/) 765 - 5020 FA P. 0, BOX 909 /230 TRA VELER STREET SOUTHOLD, N. y, 1/971 94 - 192 (66) ~_.IIII . r' . . ~ œ "? "> l.J\- -<. '? q If' 0l.J\ 'J' 0\D 'J:. "1'1> o 0. ';x:) ,¡, m -<-'bk "<>1- ~~ ~ ~'<.c '2~) \.'i't <;;t- ;<\'" -I:: +'b 'J''L ~...{j :~Ç>, ~~ ',Ò\\ '(." ~\ Ij> ~\ '0 \.Ii. ....~ ..... \\® ';x:) o "> o . ' ",&."" 0" W. ,-\ )0 1"- 00'4 ''> " _ 5 13' i-Il G è , '{ '" ~... l <,' ~ 't &,~. ~ ð . \ ~ t . 0' !¡.. (,- .r~' ~ Q,: ¿¡~ \ VIEWYLANE , o -\ ® \\ .~ '\ () I.', 0 - ' 'Z. \ \~ Õ \ U\~ \0. '0 0", '0 - ..to. \\ \ 0. œ \ \ '. tt\ ~ \ \. ,, IiI!' . -<. \-1..~ /\'\~' ~~ .. ~.~ ...~ :r. _ < .... ;.. "r::::a ~ > '" . ~ \. .¡ . '00'40' E:, 1,1 13 ::;;--- ~,¿,µµ 'L ."", ,I.- ~~\') 1. t. 'L /-" ;.--\ o 1. -#"'7,, i.'~,. . i!~ ;',. .~T·: .,. ~ "" o ì- .'. -'~;~;¡ /~~ , - ISLAND , ,.'~f '¥ NOV - I ,', SUl?VEY OF LOT 66 AMENDED MAP A, PECONIC SA Y ESTA TES FILED AlA Y 1i\793S AS MAP NO. 1124 AT ARSl-IAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. 1000-53-06-16 Scale: 1" = 30' Ma.v 16, 1994 , t '-~ -'4~{k \.1/'. ;}!Ò' .,¡.,¡ . . '.' .;f.. I';.' -'. ¿~-:<t AREA= 7,;;;96 sq. ft. to tio line Prepared in accordance wilh Ihe minimum slandards for fillf: surveys as eslablished by Ihe L.I.A.L.S. and approved and adopled lor such use by The New York Slale Land TiI/e Associalion. :~ :ft¡ . ,'It.: -- ,"--( ~. '. .~, t ¡.w- -.~-? ;!¡.' , >i "í:2'i ,~ j) . ';" I ' 1./ _ i:.* ~~ / N. Y.S. LlC. NO, 4961ªi ECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. .~ (516) 765 - 5020 :i' P. O. BOX 909 .'~ .." MAIN ROAD', SOU THOL D, N. Y. //971 .-, .', 94 - 192 (66)~; \~ ~.~,. . . New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Environmental Permits, Region One Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 Phone: (631) 444·0365 . FAX:( 631) 444·0360 Website: www.dec.state.ny.us ('\al Co ~t)oI' '" ... o ".è ';.1( . ,~ ~o' I'~S John p Cahl~! Commissioner LETTER OF NON-JURISDICTION November 29, 2000 Mr. Douglas Bradford 8 DuPont Avenue \\i1ure Plains, New York 10605 - - Re: 1-4738·02774/00001· (SCTMIf 1000-53-4·2,1) 3705 Bay Shore Road Greenport, New York Dear Mr Bradford: Based on the information you have submitted. the New York State Department of Environmental Cùnservanon has detennined that: The portion of property located landward of the functional bulkhead which is more than 100' in length and was constructed prior to August 1977 is beyond 'he Jurisdiction of Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands) as shown on the Tidal Wetland Map 718-550, Therefore, in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use RegulatIOns (6NYCRR Part 661) no permit is required under the Tidal Wetlands Act, Please be advised, however. that no constn.:cnon, sedImentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal wetlands jurisdictional boundary, as mdicated above, without a permit, It IS your responsibility to ensure that a1\ necessary precautIOns are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation witll1n Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction which may result from your project, Such precautIOns may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your proj ect (i,e, a 15' to 20' wide constr'.lctJon area) or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale benn. Please be tùrther advised that rhls letter does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining any nece~,sary permits or approvals from other agencIes, V~' trul~' kog vans IIv!> Pe 'Admimstrator cc: Cathenne Ylesiano, Inc, 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, }''Y 11940 . . . Te1epl1one (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Bo% 1179 Southold. New. York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wednesday, November 15,2000, the following recommendation was made: ,.J).QJJÇ"'A~.Jl.RAUIQ.ßI? 53-6-16 to extend existing deck and construct second-story addition to existing residence, " 3705 Bay Shore Rd, Greenport The CAC did not make an insDection, therefore no recommendation was made, 'c ,-;,"-..~~,~~" O:.-k;....o"~..,. ';,;~ ~......_..;~,,.." ."i,.,......,..- '. ....;'~. _~, 1I!.~n>.....w~~",."¡;_,,,",,-......,,>.....~.h.,,".., .. . . Albert J, Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Han 53095 Main Road P ,0, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-18.'12 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only ___coastal Erosion Permit Application ~etland Permit Application ___Grandfather Permit Application Waiver/Amendment/Ch nges ~eceived Application· eceived Fee:$ ~ ompleted Application Incomplete SEQRA classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date sent) ---- ~AC Referral Sent: ~ate of Inspection: J~/J~OO Receipt of CAC Report:' Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ublic Hearing Held: JDLL2tVnl) Resolution: ~ NOV 3 0 ' Name of Applicant boor." ...5 6R ~t>¡::oR.f'I AddressC/o C.M¿,>,,,.:>o \~c. 17.M,1I Pð¡.J1> l..h 6,MolllfHE5 /J'Ý I/'No Phone Number: ( <114) q<.¡ q . (./ 75 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 5", -4 - 2..\ Property Location: '670 5 ~A~.5i+ðD ¿ RnA" GreeJ0PORT (provide LILCO Pole i, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: C.<LtJ..û"'A'g H6<;, ....0 0 If',) <. (If applicable) Address: \1. M,II PðUb I ~_ b.1'-IoQ'(I1"" I\)Y I/~<J. Phone: Tn 3/-x 7.?- ;;951 FAXi: 1 .4  ~d of Trustees APPlicati°tIÞ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: fí, /..(,'1" ut ~~ 0/10! fA"", - 1J.p·~1;''''-f d.tN~f ,,,,,,,-:I. 1:S--~r1~'- 4 /J~ß~.lt'~ ~ cluJ.. 11///>1 hA'YO.., Area of wetlands on lot: ~Oö square feet (a,.u....... ~ l' ~ Percent coverage of lot: 1...7 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 50 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 'f~ feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? y. No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? cubic yards How much material will be filled? cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): 7'L..o A."I...I._Z~ß 1/,-:1- Lt u~.r/..-./.. FK. '/;...;:.1 I./~'" /:.. ~_-7'Å,ð'W ,:/1A_:1L- /A/A..~;L: ~ tJAC1'h~'~ ALL4 _ ~a..IIAL.J/L4 wdl L... ~-4l_L:-t.f/g.1i ;:h~ .1% 4u~ ¿~ A ,A.vW l' ~ ~.L.t. ~ ;Á ::iX.- ~ c/ ~ 3 <ilL tlrrd of Trustees APPlicati1lÞ GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 73 9ft:¡ ø Area Zoning: t\ - 4 0 Previous use of property: s",~le +c<'M'\Y A,,, ell""j' Intended use of property: ~¡¡-"^ 0# Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? ~ No Yes If yes, provide explanation: o necessary): f:"pr. ~Á , ú.... J;-~ , Project Description (use attachments if d.,it P^,A._7/.. Sr/ fA""" ~,J.J;j,'uf J I 7J -' 4&' £-m J/'rd..J..J/I...(:',' W (;1 I.)' Is-/- {/ (lAAA'1h i /'boa, (j) {¡JI..! L1ß/~ ~U~A~ t'(~1.J IN 711,1 J,rP~- /_r;,_~ IjÞ"ÜJ_r-..." _ /02" ('ß7{t'AL;(::,¿ o þ..1:0,r {Á/'1../L .Ix.. jJ07N.uJ ¢iJ ¡..:J5' ~-,,,,,h ìlMrJ1 T Pû/}/- A.I ;'/~A /'1 r-1u LJÂ~ l::i A...t.J /1-A~r , , 1. 4' ~ ' s-/.y a'/..I.f':_- (Q S€" .4_ / 7'X2.7~' ~.I-,/~ /:_" -J-, NY\) ~__~_ ~ L~. ~"'_ U/l..C:A /;ai~,."v..¿.., d,~.J I ~ Il f' fl"-<7- ó71d d 7U-ur ~ 2 14·~6·.$ !2/87)-TI!"t 12 I PROJECT 1,0, NUMBER . . 617,21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Aoplicant or Project sponsor) SEC 1. APPLICANT ¡SPONSOR "DODE 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality G Il..í C"unty So ¡:rFoL, 4, PREC:SE LOCATION {Street aadress ana roae! intersectIons, prominent lanamarKS. elc., "r ~Hovlae ."aol e/~ D/J.<.. s.h.ø-re. Rc:f / 588.14'/' N/ } 5L.....NÞ V ~v..J L.'\ s. [S PROPOSED ACTION: o New [j Expansion 0 Moaificatlonlalteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT 8RIEFL Y: /'I. I ~ ..,;~ ¡..J-- a"...I ;:;¡',..J %.r~' (µ..GI'- 7F -- ,--q- 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially . lto q acres Ultimately . J iø 'I acres a. ifill!.. PROPOSEO A.C-nON COMPL':' WITH ë;(IST[NG ZON[NG OR OTHER EXISTING LAND uSE :=IESTr:t[C7¡ONS? [] Yes 0 No [f No. describe brlet[y 9. V/HAT [S PRESENT LAt~D USë IN VICINITY OF ¡:.ç:¡OJECT? !.J ResIdential O.!naustrl81 C C<JmmerC¡éi.1 Describe: o Agriculture ~ ParK/Forest/Ooen soace ~Olher 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELf FROM A.NY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, 5T  TE Or:¡ LOCAL)? iii Yes 0 No If yes, list agencY(SI and permit/approvals . N'iS De-C. - __ f .. jur,"''¡iJ.'¡>t'c.. 4~Q..'rI\,,,,.,J' d'" 1'............, SOU'TtTO'-Þ ò".IJ"/\ 'De p~d ';"¡f 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTlOI. HAVE A CUR ENTLY VALID PERMIT OR ,40PPRQVAL? o Yes' ~ No II yes, list agel"lcy name and permIt/approval .::- 12. A5 A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WIL!.. ::;<ISTlNG PERMIT/APPROVAL ?:EOUlRE MODIFICA,ION? DYes fi] No I CERTIFY THAT THE !NFORMATlON PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE -:-0 THE 3EST OF MY KNCWLËDGE ame; tRTH5'Æ. ßjG }.1t?;¡JPJ. }I)(, ~/J1+IdL. ílM..~o,,"' . " U ///2. <;/VD . . SlgnalUre: If the action is in the Co~stal Area. and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessmen! Form before proceeding with this a:;,,~essment OVER 1 PART II-:NVIRONMENTAL AS SMENT ¡To be CQmoleled oy Agency¡ A. DOES ~C710N EXCEED ~NY TYP~! ESHOL!) IN õ ~YCRR, cJ,Ñr õ17.12? If yes. coo Ie the revIew :roceS3 ana use the FULL ~~. Dy" ONO 8. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATëD REVIEW AS PROVIOE!) FCR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN a NYCRR. PART O)~ì.57 If No, 3. negative dec:arat[( may oe supersede<1 by another InvolveCl agency. DYes 0 No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE eFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be nandwr1[!en. if leglole\ C,. EXlsllng aIr Quality, surface or groundwater quality or auanuty, nOise levels. eXisting :raflic palterns, solid waste proauc:ion or arSOO$. pOteml31 for erOSion. drainage or flooding problems? Explam briefly: C2. Aesthetic, agricultural. arcnaeologlcal. historiC. or other natural or cultural resources; or communIty or nelgnbornoOd character? :xplaln aria C3. Veqetatlon or fauna. fish, snellfisn or wilalile species, slgmficant habitals. or threa{ened or enQangerea soeCles? 8olalO arlelly: C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adODted. or a change in use or Intensity of use of !and or other natural resources? Explain brh CS. Growlh, subseQuent Clevelopmenl. or related activities likely (0 be Induced by Ihe prOPOSed aelion? explain btlefly. CS. Long term, snort term, cumulative, or other effects not Identified in C¡·C5? explain Otle/ly. \"., Other impacts (InCluding changes 10 use of ell her Quantlly or type 01 energy)? expLain briefly. D. IS fHEME. OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATEü TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE =NVIAONMENTAL !MPACTS? o ~es 0 No If Yes, ~xp aln briefly PART III-DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be comcleted by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above. determine whetner it Is substanfÍal,large, important or otherwise signific~ Eacn effect snould be assessed in connection with Its (a) setting (I.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occtµtJ,ng; (cl duration: irreverSibility; (e) geograpnic scope; and (f) magmtuae. If necessari,' al:ld attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure t' explanations contain sufficient detail to snow that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressec. o Check this box il you have identified one or more potentially large or signilicant adverse impacts which MAY ocour, Then proceed directly to tne FULL EAF and/or prepare a positiv" declaration, o Check this box if you have determin7d, :JaSSd on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation. that the proposed action Will NOT result in....;ß...fly significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: .,""",~ fll Lc...d A,=~ncv ~r,nl 01 I VI.1~ ....r...rne 01 t(¡·~oon\.ol~ IJrilcer ,n LCdC ."¡,:cncv r'lI~ 01 t(c~oonSlol~ ùlucer :i,..n.HUle' oJl Kesoons,ole ùII,CCf ,n L~ðC ....¡.:~nCy '),,,nol.tu(e or I-'rep",(~r lIt ( "fer~n[ Irom (esoons,o,~ orllCer, Dolle 2 . . . Edward & Elizabeth Maher 260 Lincoln Avenue Rockville Centre, NY 11570 Paul & Phyllis Torpey 3650 Bay Shore Road Greenport, NY 11944 Thomas Bradford 11 Summit Street Eastchester, NY 10709 William & Elizabeth Wetmore Shore Road Greenport, NY 11944 NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: DOUGLAS BRADFORD YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: SCTM # 1000-53-6-16 1, That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: EXTEND AN EXISTING DECK AND CONSTRUCT A SECOND STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING RESIDENCE, 2, That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 3705 BAY SHORE ROAD, GREENPORT, NY A ,17 ACRE IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT 3, That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37,or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on December 20,2000, You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing, The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNER'S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: Douglas Bradford 8 DuPont Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 OWNER'S AGENT: Catherine Mesiano, Inc, 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 631-878-8951 Ene,: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience, )-::;'C.,õ1 ': r1::~~~-t;I=, !'.: . F~:1: ~·.I~. : S:?l-e.-,~.-S'?:·l .~c., 3:J ;=JÇ1l_:~ ~~'.:-.: :_=:~,r, F =: Hoa.::d oJ: 'l'n.Lstees App~lcatlo!t WfS rnthíC-te C:oun~y CL .'.:' £L!k Sta~F. of ~ew ~Qrk 1')(:, ,(.I., ",' '('-~ î BSTNG m:r,Y S'''¡OR!I . !.JE!?OS:;;~"FIRMS THAT E ./SEE ÌS Till: APPLICÄÑ'f POR TEE i\BO',"E - DE:SCP,IBED PER¡111'(S) Ali:J THAI' AI.:, SrATj,;MENTS CON'l':\.mED BERE2:N ARE T~1.JE 70 THE BEST OF filS/HER ~FOW!F.DGP' AND BF.!,H'F, A.."II) THAT ALL ;'¡OTlK ',;¡L7, BE DONE !N THE: MAN1/ER sr;T FORTH IN' THIS APPè.ICATION AN;) þ.,S ~!AY BE APPROVED .BY 'IRE S'JUTHO",¡) 1''.;)''':l'! HOARD '.;)E' TRl:STEES, THE 11!'pr~C:ANT AGF.EF'; TO HOLi~ THE: T':JWN OF SOUTHOLD ANt '!'fIE 'XJ~¡ Tr,UST~~.r;:S ~ARI>!LESS N'D ",REE F?OM À>!Y AND lILI. DJ'J.!1\3"S ..1m CLAIMS i.fU'l'fG Jrfl)ER OR BY VIRTUE OF Sì\ID PERMIT(S;, IF GRJUITED, :;:N ~~,-MP:'¡':L!N:] THIS ~P"L.U_¡>'Tr[)N, I HEREBY AtfTHOR;:ZE THE TRUSTEE'S, THE!R "'G.EN~ [ S) OR REPRESENTATIVES is i, TO ENTER ONTO MY P::tO?E3T'_' TO l~ISPE:l' THii: ~P.EM!SJ::S :;'N CGNJUNC'.::?20N WITH Hz-nEW :)¡" THIS APPLICIITI()t1 _ ~2{J; - S~gnat.ut'e SHORt; TO BEFORE ¡olE THIS 50 DAY CF /II 0" Hr¡ ß tfê- ,~ drJl/t) (~dbL .' --_._---- N tar't PUblir.= ._-,---,,, .' '''-'---''1 JOHI'< F :\LLEVA Notary Public - State of New York t No. 01AL5079459 Qualified in West County My CommisSion bplresJun 9~ ¡ __ -.t '7 \ " F;::;Ü t'ESl :-Ç'L. lr.-:- . ::-H'-: t·C·. ¿'...::: _ -8(S-8'~51 etF':', 3[1 :oce [l9:1t.!~:¿1 ¡::: APP¡,J ~ \N'¡ 'fJ!tMfø^,er.tC~rlu. IHßCt.CSUl:t:I tl'Dt.M ~~iiW~l. .' TO~ !WII. rtl.. roaM., r'r.~ ".~., .!~dJ. 1"1'r'i;-vnl~ te, .r9 "'lyl"ø In '~I "8m. of lo..an. .1.. ~r "the.. ·,r.tlc" .'Iit:, ., . ~Grr.'I"Y' te' e: t 11'11t1iC'at. ~h. oth.r þlr.en', or Qg~PNn)l. n,~..j WAruRa or ~.~JC~~1~M. tc~.o~ .11 t~&~ G~piy.' 1'1.. .rL~Y..n" _ '..1.:.'1115. 'ZhI11g. af ,(:OIt. . ~..~.s ö. ,¡.~ ~ 1~"ptIIP rrom ,1.. It of'lllll MIF ~.~.~ ~ a. flg~h.r.f·~ !'I.". ton.. acH.i"it.y-. J !Jet ,..u ".~IJCI!'.11.r (UIó "1:I:OU-"- 1'0\111:' '-'-"J'. -,.u-¡ ef.1fL I ":- . p.~"b, .~ añ114} kave . r.l.btGft~hlp Y1.h .~, Ofl ~r ar -,18r'. 0' tbAt '.tov" or loatlta149 "blaHOlllkiF" ioQlud.. ~1 'bleed. ..nl....., Of ba.t... la'.raID. 1II!tIœ:"__. ia'.r..\- ..... . WID!"... ina1'1.1dt...g . p.rt.n&rIÞll1pl t:t wbiek t~ t~Wft o'f1ear e. .~lDr" haa ..e. . þlrb1.. .........hIþ 0' (0. .~pl"r.,~.t lor) . .....p.enU.... In ,h.¡~h ~b. to_a otflQ.r D? ..'1&~.' DVnR BO~ ~~.ft ø. af th. I'har... y.. NO II ~~~ .~...~.. ·Y.8,· e~~p~~t. ~h. ~&1Aftr. Dt khlø f~ aad 4at. RD. stg~ YA.r. lft.lc.~cd~ ':atea øt þlrlt:n .",þlored ::IT ,hI Town or &a'l.:bt-..o14 Titl. c~ p~l~i~n ¢f t~.~ ~I~.~ft ~..c:ib. bh. ~.i1'Lor.~~1p b.~v..n fOU...Lf [~~. .~~11ð.n~} and bb. too. 0',1... If ._Floy." citbl. .~.o~ tho .p~~o.rL.t. ltft. h) khPft~aft D) In~/or da.~~l~ in t~. .~&~. p#'ovI.4.t.'I. 1h. ~~~ ~tfll.r ~: .mplg~., or hi. br het lþeu." liblin;. .an.t. ..t ehUd to (rl\lek ü: .ha' IFJ:'y), _____~) hh. ~vÞ.r .f t~.'~'1 thin ,~ ~f b_. .h_t.. ðl ~~. ~otpor._e .t'd~ of ~h' l~þ11~.~~ ~Vh.a ~h. IPÞlialnc 1. . oorter.aib~)r . _____I) t"" :.~.:. or ~"eflc1.1 ovner .f In, "."~e" 'b . n."".r,..tot.·."H~y' (.hon \~. .p~l!~~"~ 1_ ..t . ..rþo#lI"iel) , ____.C) la'o'.lcerl tlc.D~or. P.t~~.t, or ..»l~y.. &f ~~. _~I>U<l.1Ib I or _._.~rtJ '" t .0...1 .P.pU,C!UIII.. "'If~ltlPT:t:* OJ' Rll.t.A't'1ONIU!':'P ~...' -~ .. .......... - 5í,tn (/(- N~ '!vr.?I<': ('o..,,¡r<¡ rJf t,Vl-rrc(rt-fTVt'l ) ~ ( M~m.. ~k~ ~~ ':~:::b::~ ~ -r~I1-i) A;. SL<..£!Ie", lÚ ßt.ç~i'e VI1Ec "llh, ?v'[[1 ÒIf-<{ iJf- N d \Jt\IV1 ßH< ¡JJJ c' v ~ ._',-~,.-._~- ~~~- "''''1fP1 . JOHN F ALLEVA ¡ ('wts!): Public - State of New York \ No.01AL5079459 ¡ Qualified In West County . r1v COmlTilSSloC, ~xplreSJun 9 ,~.. iii _ ...'-'. DEC-01-B0 12:18 AM CONSOLIDATED PS . F;:t~ ~.~. : S~l-a~'S-B9!-¡ 914 668 2503 P.01 .. 33 :OO~ ~,¡¡¡ç ", F2 Boa~d ot ~r~t.êß Application , , I I ' ! t' WFH~~('S1'we C unty 01 Sk"_ x , , . ate of NOI; ¥Qrk I c...aJ-c ( ;;¡ I);',TNG DL"L'í S'nRlI · I ~ nm"'1 ¡¡~! SHE tŠ""i'íïF.A¡;l'r;î1:At/1r. FOR nut A1IO','!,! StJuBED FBblIT\S) ¡U¡:1 I'HAT AL:, sr;\'rEl'Wfrs \;UrI'!',\INliO HBRE!.N A1Œ. t... '1'0 TIlE liB:!.' Oti' IiIS/!I1:R 'Cl"nWtMGI! "ND !!oF:LUF., ,¡.¡.¡¡¡ TRJ\'J'''-t.L WIt!. nl!. !)ONE IN' T!!£ MA.'IlIER GET r()R'l~r 1M TlIIS A'E'P!:.IC.~'J'IOH AS MAY U: APPRO\'ED BY 'l'lili ¡')U'¡;;¡QJ,.i.) 'l'OIo/N !lOAN!) OF TRUi:Ö'l'¡';¡;~:, ./IPP!.TCAN'r I\.GI'JI'.FS TO !loLe TIll'; TOWN 01" SOtr:'HOt.D "NT: '!'M1!: roW', UST!!!:S !!AlI.MLSM AHD i!'REE r!>.OM k'rI /oJ [) 1\I.!.. tlM )I,:;!!S Þ11D CIo1\IMS &11'1C; ;JNl)IM OJ< B' VIRTlJE or SJ\1.D P£RM!T(:!:), IF (jRì'.1r..r:E ), :al MP:"P;'!lI'l:'J '!'!IT!\ "'1>1>r, n,¡o,'I!ON, I ilEtI,!!:!,Y At'T! QRIZE THE '1:P.1)$!E~!!', T~ AGENTfS, OR REPRE5F.NTA:IVESísi, TO !t~ ONTO MY P~OP~~~' l~SPECT THE ~~rs.~ :N CCNJUN,Tl~N W!TH kß'r.rgw ~F THIS !LICII'rIOtl ' ~2~ .l(l .ture 'IHIs_._2& DAY OF .N ~"&r!Jbt;(l ,1i8_c9øv t~~~[¡f~s~~~1~:-1 No, 01AL5079459 Qualified in West Count~ . My ':O:"_iSs~n:~J~" ~'1rC...¿ L~u,- , I , !. ¡. 1 DEC-01-ee 12:19 AM ':, 11:9 I IN:! Hj~ CONSOLIDATED PS . ~"''< 't, ' iJ~ -e?;;'B!15 ¡ 914 668 It 2~Ø3 P.B2 3(' ~œc 09: \i:H I F~ U'LI CAN~ '~~WlAe"aN~L I .~~IU" """ " '0\'11 MIll. ,Ln. ta'.. ""' "111.. .u¿¡. Irh¡Ci1; \lrl1.~ 1_' Irt '''I,lft' lft 'hi RIM' ., ....... .L.. or """ ...."'.,. ...:-. .. . ".,IIt,. at .", uld.I~. ~ .t..t ......'. or a~~...,I. n&N..' ¡ ¡ ·1 I 'I í ,j . ......., ~I.A~I~.' (~)..~ ,11 b~&, .s,&y, , ",. ..LeY''''. ,..I.ti.. Oh.",. .r nw. ...a .. f.1'~ ~ti,w ,... ,Lit"II "II'II~ "" 0-'" . tCI ·O'..r,·· ft... 1M ....Lf'1..~I' .. .... "-!'tUU:00 "'·.Clo., _., .-.., .i...I... ......, .. ~¡C ..... II __ .ft..~p W1th .~'..r'~t .r "!.of" " ... ., .......1.' '..la'Jouatr" IJoU..... .. ,,1..... ............ II N..... h'".... ._ ..,... t...,.,. .... . "'" ..... llt1dbfi.fI, . ¡:ar".u"IIJr' t!l ora&.~ "'" ._ _I... O' ....ler.. Ita, .... . .." U ......h£p II :.. """If~' atl . _"'. II R~lh ,... ,... "ilL.... .., ....&OJ'" """ .... ",. .. II 'h. .....r... ,.- 110_ I ¡ t I 2. "-11 '''.WH. 6'1.,.. ~l.n. t.n _Þ.~. ... \haD '."-11 _It ..,. ... .1'1 ..... la'LD.-... II'" fC P."'O ..pll'" 'f .h. '1'0.0 .r ...:~...U & '\IS' .~ ,"i'1.. ot I~" ,..... o...~.~. 'h. ..1!".ft.~1. -'\Y..n rOU..11f I~~. _'P1,.,~k) ... ~... I... .trl... .f ,,,,",,,, It'... .~._ la. Ct,f...t.i. 1tft. A) ."re~.k Dj .ftt/~, "'.,L~ 1" ~~. .F&~. .,.vU.~ . 1be .~~ ~rr1.., .. IIP:81.' It bt~ at MIl .,,~.., '¡Þ1i~, oa,.., 'or -'11' i, (.~k .11 lbo, 1,,1,), _A ¡h. ""..r ., Irat"', '?lln .. " ~Á. ü.r... ., ,",. '''''''1'' .".. ,f Ih. 1"II,i.. \w.,. ,.. .,,¡Io.nt t, , "'r..'I"¡' ____..1 ,..~. I' ~"'I~I.l ,w.lr ., 1ft' 1"'".., \. . ...~..",U"I.UI·.'I..." 'hi "~li'''"1 I. ..~ . _....H..'l _0) ..'·...S"., 11I..hr. ...t\lr..r, .... ..,h,.. ., \.~. ..,UIIII'1 H _.__,"J '" ..,.. ,.,ll..fllL ..UIU....l;t~ IlP .."''''r10f1111~. - ... ~,~ - .. .- - ...... -... i.,t1r.tI("~Y"i'JI~ ) " . ~~ of ~~s-rC(fC-fT~ ~::::::. ~~ $'~ ~ "'nl ~,!6.~ ~ ' 'P/I-i). A ~ S k.&'If", -r CI &t("ø e~ 1"'\'1i!i 'Titl ~ 3d n~ ~tf-« ~ Nd~~~~~ ~d~ f'" JõHNFALL~* ~y.>vL- - f~"lIry PUblic· Stale º York "'VT/tJl.'1 No 01AL50794 9 I Qu.lified in West County . My CcmmI5S'o" ¡;.pireSJun 9.., ......'U _ ..Jo"."....... ~ - ~ . T. Albert J, Krupski, PresHent James King, Vice-Presidellt Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda '7-~- '-;'}~-.~:, ",' <t,UFFnl,f , /' ("II'" t~:J. " ""~~ ~ I'~. n¡~ ~.. t,\ {i5. ?J':\ "" .,..1 ,.' , 'ð ~. ",-1:..' ~,,"':' ~~ ,. !~,jllif ,,-...~__. f· Town Hall 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-18q2 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD NOV - I 2uCìll LETTER OF REQUEST FOR A WAIVER DATE__lll_d _ºº_ OWNER .J::bJ.¿gk.s~_R. A þfi i2hIONE j Ij: 5't ~_'f L!:f . ADDRESS3LìDo::;, ~~~g~--------- AGENTLJ:~1~dJy_~___._ PHONE _~3J=-~:?_~- £'i~+. ADDRESS...l.7_J!)~ Qo-...E. L-, --.J;;;" M.OILL~ """- ...J'\"Ll1.'t '!ot> PROPERTYLOCATJON ::'10.5 þ.::;, ~ ~ _ ~_ TAX MAP NO, _l~.ðo. n S ~ \ 000 - 5 3 ~ r.. - LI:._,__,______. I/We ~\'f\~ ,~,¡.be~u~i.¡er to ~¡II~ &..~..L fL...ç c..u-..~......A .;;the{ si. 'f' Q'p .Þ..L'~ -h ~__.d&." _ j¿, -. Signed By: C1 A~ ~ .r ¥~\~( \ ,\ /J/&I!hJ ~~~ßß ~~ 1---- J((r 1\\ ~/ - . . Albert J, Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith ..!\.rtie Foster Ken Poliwoda ~ ~UfFO£.t t! I~~.i\ ã ~~ ... ::e~ ~ ~" ~. ~ ~Q./ .. ~~~ Town Hall , 53095 Route 25 P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- In the Matter the Appliçation COUNTY OF UFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, rJ11Tl1p.vIl"\op Mf.~ (i .,'"ìl , residing at I.J.. rv\'I....'- Po IV I'> ~ .h.t::::j and, "" N f being duly sworn, depose and say: Tha.t en the I,}., day of N "", , 2000, I personally post:ed the property known as...31..Q5 ~'ISho(... l<o«.J Çd't"@np.iÍ-- by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily bE seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days pr~or to the date of the public heari:lg. Date of hearing noted the::-eon to bl'! held ~ Dated: 7 .~ /7 //l~ ( J~- / . LÆULL (signature) / Sworn to before me this i,~ day of /1~ 200ð -ACV1-~ 'n1 ~ '-Notary Public SANDRA M. COOPER NQTARY PUBLIC, State 01 New YÐrk No. 4B0147B QUlllfi'd in Suffolk County tom"III~.n Expires January 31..211OQ. .;!. O'o,;¡, .. . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: DOUGLAS BRADFORD YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: SCTM # 1000-53-6-16 1, That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Waiver from the Board of Trustees to: EXTEND AN EXISTING DECK AND CONSTRUCT A SECOND STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING RESIDENCE. 2, That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 3705 BAY SHORE ROAD, GREENPORT, NY A ,17 ACRE IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT 3, That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37,or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing, The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNER'S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: Douglas Bradford 8 DuPont Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 OWNER'S AGENT: Catherine Mesiano, Inc, 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 631-878-8951 Ene,: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience, . . ~~~IIJ.~' . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: DOUGLAS BRADFORD YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: SCTM # 1000-53-6-16 1, That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Waiver from the Board of Trustees to: EXTEND AN EXISTING DECK AND CONSTRUCT A SECOND STORY ADDITION TO AN EXISTING RESIDENCE. 2, That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 3705 BAY SHORE ROAD, GREEN PORT, NY A ,17 ACRE IMPROVED WATERFRONT LOT 3, That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37,or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing, The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNER'S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: Douglas Bradford 8 DuPont Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 OWNER'S AGENT: Catherine Mesiano, Inc, 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 631-878-8951 Ene,: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience, .' ". r''- ./ if . . South old Town Board of Trustees Re: Notice to Adjacent Property Owner, SCTM#1000-53·6-16 !Douglas Bradford Extend an Existing Deck and Construct a Second Story Addition to an Existing Residence, Ladies and Gentlemen: Late last week I received a notice by mail concerning the above, A call to Town Hall revealed that this item was on the docket for the evening of 11/21100, It is not possible for us to be present at this Hearing, nor have we had sufficient time to consult with legal counsel. We left a voice message on the phone of Catherine Meisano, Owner's Agent, to get some understanding of the impact of this Variance on our O"ID property. Ms, Meisano has not returned our call. Our concerns/objections to this variance are as follows, First, the piece of property (0,17 acre) is so small in comparison to the magnitude of the proposed expansion that it calls into question appropriate land use allocation, potential burden on demand for community and educational services and negative environmental impact Second, the expansion will have an adverse effect on our ability to enjoy portions of our existing view of Peconic Bay and Shelter Island, As a result, the proposed expansion will have a negative effect on the value of my property, We object to your granting a waiver in this matter We further object to the very last minute notification as well as the failure of Owner's Agent to return our phone call in a timely manner, Yo truly 3650 Bayshore Road Greenport, NY 11944 6314773327 November 18, 2000 . . Soutbold Town Board of Trustees Re: Notice to Adjacent Propeny Owner, SCTM# 1000-53-6· 16 /Douglas Bradford Extend an Existing Deck and Construct a Second Story Addition to an Existing Residence, Ladies and Gentlemen: Late last week I received a notice by mail concerning the above, A call to To\\/O Hall revealed that this item was on the docket for the evening of 11/21/00, It is not possible for us to be present at this Hearing, nor have we had sufficient time to consult with legal counsel. We left a voice message on the phone of Catherine Meisano, Owner's Agent, to get some understanding of the impact of this Variance on our own propeny, Ms, Meisano has not returned our call. Our concerns/objections to this variance are as follows. First, the piece of propeny (0,17 acre) is so small in comparison to the magnitude of the proposed expansion that it calls into question appropriate land use allocation, potential burden on demand for community and educational services and negative environmental impact. Second, the expansion will have an adverse effect on our ability to enjoy portions of our existing view ofPeconic Bay and Shelter Island, As a result, the proposed expansion will have a negative effect on the value of my propeny, We object to your granting a waiver in this matter. We further object to the very last minute notification as well as the failure of Owner's Agent to return our phone call in a timely manner. yalc /¡ttJ¿~- I/L~· £ '-', . J. Pau & Phyllis To y 3650 Bayshore Road Greenport, NY J 1944 631.477.3327 November 18, 2000 ~ ~i. 8,2 '00'40' E, N, 13 , ð ~~."? ,µµ \\5- \~~ (\ . ~ f·'" , ~,,'!¡, I"n ... ø. \.~ ~ \AI 'Z 01'- p\jL~ '» lJ\'- "'''!.. -. ~ ...I. .,ff ..,. -< ç:>q ,,,,J~. ,^ OUl I":"::=, '" OI.D ~ -Ñ o 0, 7J :E- m 1\\ ~J ..........~ .11'\'- ~~ -<..~~ õ¡~ 0 r:¡'t ~I)~ '",':; '""" ''h. ~ i\ ~ 'Z 'l écÐ'\ ~\ ...~ ~~~ ~.., 1.<:1 '6'"<:) "'"-~ ~~ ~ ~ ~.~. , '.:) . '" "- ~~ c' -' " " '. ,\ 141,81' \) m () o Z 'f'Õ UI~ o , '0 ~~ o. œ t:"» -< ~ 7J o » o . ' .'~ . o' W. 1\ <;> ~ f. 1,6 ""004 '", \ -- 5 1-' ~ ~ \" ~"\1~' "'~ -"~ UI _ \ 00 ~ ~-~-.'Z. }: \II ~..., ~ \ \ CI'I ~ "" ~ Go . <- \ ~ ~ , . 0'- ~ . " t s:I \: ~ I:) ... ~ r- o '""" ® 1.:' I' '1.- , '.' 'í.~ . \ '!. '> ~'\. \.::r... ~ ~~ \"<. ?; ;~ ~'~ . ~ " '\ ] \, NOV 3 0 ?0Gl ISLAND VIEW LANE AREA = 1,396 sq, ft, to tie line SURVEY OF LOT 66 AMENDED MAP ~ PECONIC SA Y ESTA TES FLED AlA Y -.7933 AS MAP NO. 77:/4 AT ARSHAMOMOQUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY 1000-53-06-16 Scale: 1" = 30' May 16,1994 9CT, 23, 2000 NO V, 3, 2000 (prop, additions I ELEVA T10NS AND CONTOUfII.JNE AffE: REFERENCED TO Noll VA ANY ALTéRATION 01/ ADDITION TO SIM\IÐ'IS A ~TION OF SECTION 7209 OF TIE IEr Yai/r STA TE élJUCA TION LA" EXCEFT AS I'fJ/ SECTION 7209 - sœtJMStoN 2. ALL CERTFICA T10NS I£REON AIlE VALlI FOI/ 11IS MAP AM) COPES T/£1/EOF IX Y F $AI) MAP 01/ ca'fES Il£AII TIE II'RESSED SEAL OF TIE S!.R\I£Y(J! IIHOS£ SIIi'tI4 TUI£ AIffMlS I£REON. ADOITIONALL Y TO CQII'I. Y /IfTH $AI) LA' TIE TE1III :4L TE1IED Br IlUST BE IJSED BY ANY AM) ALL SUM'YORs U7IJlIiI; A apy OF ANOT1E/I S/M1fÐI:\Ir'S MAP. TEIIMS stICH AS 1IIft'C7BY All) 1JROU6HT. TO . DA TE' AIlE NOT N COII'LJANC£ /IfTH TIE LA" . ;Îr" '////;' 96/8 t' 94 - 192 (66)