HomeMy WebLinkAboutTsismenakis, GeorgiaGEORGIA A. TSISMENAKIS, M.B.A., C.P.A. ATTORNEY AT LA~V 2086 EAST 19th STREET BROOKLYN, NEW~ YORK 11229 ,.,TEL (718) 375-9065 'FAX (718) 306-6532 July 8, 2003 Board of Town Trustees Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Ladies and Gentlemen: Greetings. I respectfully request an on site inspection of the premises located at 74000 Main Road Greenport, New York at your next available date. Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $40.00, a permission letter from the owner and copy of page one of the contract of sale. Please let me know the approximate time of the inspection so that I may be present. Thank you. .~ly yours, /'fieor~a A. Tsismenakis (w/Enclosures GAT/da July 3, 2003 Richard Bird owner of 74000 Main Rd. in Greenport, NY give permission for Southold Town Trustee's to do a site inspection on this property. Richard Bird V+ ARNING: NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT THIS FORM OF CONTRACT FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE COMPLIES WITH SECTION 5-702 OF THE GENERAL OBLIGATIONS LAW ("PLAIN LANGUAGE") CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT NOTE: FIRE AND CASUALTY LOSSES AND CONDEMNATION RESIDENTIAL CONTRACT OF SALE Corltroct of Sole made as of JULY RICHARD BIRD and DEBORAH GEURTZE Address: 620 Lake Drive, Southold NY 11971 Social Securit) Numben/Fed. i.D. No(s): GEORGIA A. TSISMENAKIS Address: 2086 East 19th St., Brooklyn, NY 11229 Social Securi~, Number'Fed. I.D. No(s): 2003 BETWEEN hereinafter called "Seller" and hereinafter called "Purchaser The potties hereby ogree os follows: I. Premises. Seller shall sell and convey and Purchaser shall purchase the property, together v, ith all btlilding,, and ~mpro;elnCm,, dlerc,m collecu'~el~, thc I rcm~es I. more fully described on a separate page marked "Schedule A." annexed hcrclo and made a parl hcrc.t and Street Address: 74000 Main Road, Greenport, NY Tax Map Designation: SCTM # 1000-045.00-06.00-003.000 Together with Seller's ownership and rights, if any, to land lying in the bed of any street or high'~ay, opened ur pr.pot, cd. adltnlllnLz Ibc Premises to the center line thereof, including any right of Seller to any unpaid award by reason of an) taking h~, cundcmnation andor any damage to the Premises by reason of change of grade of any street or highway. Seller shall deliver at no additmnal Closing (as hcreina[ter defined), or thereafter, on demand, any documents that Purchaser may reasonably require lot thc conveyance ,I such title and the assignmenl and collection of such award or damages. 2. Personal Property. 1 his sale also includes all fixtures and articles of personal property no'.'~ attached or appurtenant t, thc [hcm~:,c',. unies:, specificallF excluded helov,, geller represents and ~arrants that at CIo~ing the_'. :',ill he paid Ibr and o,,;ned all liens and encmnbrances, except an) existing mortgage to ,,;hich this sale may be sui~ject, lhc) include, but arc nih hmitcd to. plumbing. heating, lighting and cooking fixtures, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, mantels, door mirrors, switch plate:, and door hardy, arc. ,,cncuan blinds, v. indov, treatments, shades, screens, awnings, storm windows, storm doors, windov, boxes, mail box. TV aendl:,, x',calher ',ant. lids- pole. pumps, shrubbeD', fencing, outdoor statuaD', tool shed. dishwasher, washing machine, clothes dryer, garbage dtspo~al umL range. refrigerator, t?eezer, air conditioning equipment and instaltations, wall to wall carpeting and buih-ins not excluded be[or. /:s'#t,(c c/,'/!/.',',//~,'ff/ c~/~/t'/?~'#zcZ to the extent same currently exist on the subject premises. Excluded from this sale are furniture and household furnishings. 3. Purchase Price. Ihc purchase price is $163.500.00 pa:able as Iidlo:;'s: (a) on the signing o/'this contract, by Purchaser's check payable to the Escro,,vee las hereinafter defined}. ,,ub. icct t,, collection, thc re- ceipt ot'v.h~ch is hereb) acknowledged, to be held in escrow pursuant to paragraph 6 of this contract the "Dox;npa,. mcnt"}. $13,500.00* Seller acknowledges that $500.00 of the downpayment has been received and deposited in escrow account of Lloyd'~ Realty Corpora- tion. {d} balance at Chasing in accordance with paragraph 7: $150,000.00 4. Existing Mortgage. Deleted. Law Offtce of Jenm'fer $. Gou/d, Esq. Pa9e - l 1000 045,00 06,00 003,000 BETWEEN FLINT STREET CORP.. a New York corporation having an office at 637 Brown Street, Greenport, N.Y. 11944, RICHARD BIRD and DEBORAH GEURTZE, residing at 620 Lake Drive, Southold, N.Y. 11971, party of thc seco~:d part, WITNESSETII, Ibat the party of the firsl pal I, ia colmderalio:s of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pariy of the second parl, does hereby grnnt and release un[o the plgly of die second park the heirs or successors and assigns of tile party of the seco~ld parl forever, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, near the Village of Greenport, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument set on the southerly line of Main Road at the northwesterly corner of land now or formerly of 125.-127 Main Street Corporation, 336.24 feet easterly along said line of Main Ro~d from the easterly line of Stlvermere Road; running thence along said land of 125-127 Main Street Corporation, South 01 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds West, 615.85 feet to a concrete monument sea.on the northerly line of land Of Long Island Railroad Company; thence albhg said northerly line of land ~f Long Island Railroad Company, South 84 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds West, 48.99 feet to a concrete monument and land now or formerly of Thomas and Florence Jurzenia; thence along said land now or formerly of Thomas Jurzenia and Florence Jurzenia, North 01 degrees 41 minutes 50 seconds East, 610.34 feet to a concrete monument set in the southerly line of Main Road; thence along said southerly line o? Main Road, North 77 degrees 54 minutes 40 seconds East 50.00 feet to the point or place of brginning. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part herein by deed dated April 11, 1990 made by Robert A. Celic to Fltnt Street Cor~ and recorded June 22,1990 in Liber 11091 ~ge 143. IN ',VH'N ,.~,~Sc. WHEREOF'. the uarty or the first part has duly executed this deed the day and ye~ first above wriite~ IN pRESENCE OF: