HomeMy WebLinkAboutPayloader UNITED STATESOF AMERIC~ l%To. i srA~ OF h-~w YOaK S 8 5,0 0 0 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE FOR PURCHASE OF A PAYLOADER WITH CLAMPS-1988 The Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of the State of New York, hereby achanwlei~ea itself Indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bea~r of ~ Note, or if it Be registered, to the z~sterod holder, the sum of Eiqhty-Five Thousand ........................... DOUSE ($85,000 ........ 4 on the 19th day of May , lg89, to~ether with Interest thereon f~om the date hereof at the rate of five and twenty-five hundredths ...... per centum (5.25 %) per annum, payable at maturity, Both principal of and intereat on thls Note will be paid tn lawful money of the United Stutes of America, at The Bank of New York, Greenport, New York At the requeat of the holder, the TowI] Clerk sboll convert this Note. into a t~.~,4stored l~Tole by registering it in the name of the holder ia the books of the Town kept In the office of such Town Clerk and endorsing a certificate of such rogistration hereon, after which both ,This Note shall then Be transfel~able only upon pres~tation to such Town Clerk · dth a wrltten transfer of title and such Town Clerk shall thereupon register this l~ote in the n~me o! the transferee In his books and shell e~dorse a certificate of such registration hereon. Such transfer shall Be da~ed, end signed by the regi~ered holder, or his legal roprezmtatives, and it shall be duly acknowledged or proved, or In the nltern~ve the signature thereto chall be certified os to its genuIneness by an officer of ~ bank or trust company located and authorized to do business In this State. This Note is the only Note of an authorized issue, the principal amount of which is $85,000. TMsNote ~issuedpu~u~ttotBepro~lo~ of theLoealFinance ~ constitu~g ~rSS-aofthe ~n~ll~t~ ~wsoftheSta~ofN~Y0~ the Pond resolution adopted by the Town Board on March 8, 1988, authorizin9 the issuance of $150,000 serial bonds for purchase of a payloader with clamps for use by the Department of Public Works, and the Certificate of Determination exeucted by the Supervisor on May 20, 1988. This Note has been designated by the Town as a qualified tax-exempt obligation pursuant to the provisions of Section 265 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. ~ T~efalthandcredttofsuch Town of Southold areherchy Irre~i ly pledged fo~ the p~ ~t of ~ p~dp~ of ~d ~ on ~ Note ~g ~ i~ terms. t k he~ e~ ~d ~ ~t ~ ~n~fl~ ~s ~d ~ ~ by ~e ~n ~d ~tut~ of the ~ ot N~ Yo~k ~ ~ ~ ~ve ~p~ ~d to have ~ pe~o~ p~t ~ and h ~e ~u~ of ~is Not~ ~ ~ ~p~ ~d ~ bern p~o~e~ ~d ~t ~ ~o~ ~er ~ ~ o~er ~dobt~ of su~ Town of ~o~ho[d ~ ~ every debt ~d o~er ~it p~crib~ by ~ ~n~tton and laws of such State. I~W~ W~F, ~he Town of Southold Bes ~used tills Note to be signal ~utySupervisor , and its corporate seal to be ~ersuntr affixed and atte~ed by its ToWn iC].erk andthis Nototobe datedas of 20th daycf May, SOUTHOL~ ~ ,uty Clerk, .or ~988. ,. , , ' ', IJNIT~D STATES OF AMERIC,& " ' '' g~ ad t~t%r~ ' ' ~.R-1 STAT~ OF N~W YO~K , ) ~ uo.uuu : -~-Sixty-Eight '~Ousand~--~ ............................... Do~ ($ 6g.O00 ........ ~ m~ th ~y, of May , , toge~e~ with futer~ ~e~ from ~e da~ ~r~f at t~ ~te of Bo~ ~r~clp~ of: ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Note Wffi ~ pdd In hwfut mney of the Unit~ S~ of AmeH~ at ' At the ~::~t ~e ~d~, ~ TO~ Clerk ~i11 convert ~ No~ into a registered No~ by. ~[~ tt ~ ~e nme of the holder In ~ b~ks ~. the TO~ kept ~ the of such TO~ Clerk ;" ~d en~m~g a cer[ificate of s~h registra%lon her~n, a~er which ~ , pr~cipal of and ~te~t on t~z Note ~H ~ payable only to the reg~s%er~ holder, his legd r~seniahves, suec~m or ~fer~. T~s Note sh~ t~ ~ t~erable only u~n pr~ation to such T~' shah ~e~upon ~ter this ~th a written ~fer of tffie ~ s~ TO~ Clspk Note ~ ~e nme of the tr~f~ h his ~ ~d shah ~dorse ~ c?tificate ~f s~ ~e~ ~. ~uch tm~r ~ ~t~ and si~ by ~e ~e~ helot or his le~l r~s~[attves, ~d ~t s~l ~ amy a~now~agea or proveuf . the ~terna~ve ~e s~gure {~reto ~ be cer[lfi~ ~ to it~ genuineness by an o~ 0f a b~k or trust c~pany and authorized ~o :~ bus~ in th~ State. This Note is t~ only Note of an authorized renewal issue, the principal ~ount of which is $68.000. ~s of'the 8tart of ~York, the bohd resolution adopted by the To~ ~ard on N~rch u, 1988, a,uthor,izing the issuance of $150,000.serial bonds f0~ the purchase of a 4~yard payloader,with ci~ps for use by the ~partment of Public ~rks, a~ the Certificate of ~tem~nation exeduted by the supervisor on May 19, ~989. This Note has been designated ~ the To~ as a qualified t~-exempt obligation pursuan't to the provisions of Section 265 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as ~ended. The faith ~d er~ of ~u~ T~ of Southo[d are he~eb~ It ~ her~y ~tifled and re.ted ~t ~ con~tlons, ~s ~d t~g~ r~uir~ by, t~ ~ns~Uon ~.~a~}e~eo[.[~ S~ of N~ Yo~ to ~, to have ~ppeued and to have b~ perfomed p~e~t to ~a ~ ~e ~u~ o~ mis l~ot , ~ve ~ppened ~a Mve ~ ~rfome~ ~d ~at ~ ~ote, ~r ~th aR other '~deb~s of such T~ Of Southold fa ~ every ~ebt ~d o~r l~lt p~scrlbed by ~ ~tion and laws of such S~. ,, IN IVITN~ WHEREOF, TO~ of Southold has caused this Note to be signed by its Town Clerk ATTEST S%~pervi sot , and its corporate seal t~ be hereunto affixed and attested by its and this Note t~ [gth dayof TOWN OF May 1989. ,Il "~0.2R_1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I{TAT.E OF NEW YORK C~ OF SUFFOLK 2I)WN OF SOUTHOLD 51,000 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE ~R PU,~CHASE oF A 4-YARD PAYLOADER WITH CLAMPS-1990 iThe T°wn ,of, Southold, in the County of Suffolk, a municipal corporation of New York, hereby nckon~ledges itself lncleht.ed and for value received pro~ses to pay to the bearer of this Note, or if it he registered, to the luegiatere6 holder, tho ,sontot ---Fi~ty-One Thouaand ..................................... Dollars ($ 51,000 .......... -) on th~ 17th day of May , 1991, to~othor with inter~t thereon from the date hereof at the rate of ---SIX and treaty-four hu~qdredthS-~ .... ~ ...... per centum ( 6.24 %) per'aunun~ payable at u~tarity. ]Both principal of and later~t .on rigs Note will be ;paid in lawful money of the United S~tes of America, at NORsTAR BANK, N.A.; Southold, New York. At u~,~lu~t 9f the ho!der, the, Tcr~n Clerk shall c~nvert this Note Into f~ ~ ~n thilt i~'ote' shall be p~yable only to the .registered holder, his lesal representatives, successors or This ~ote slmlt then bl~ tr~u srerat le on y uI ~ u I resent&iron to such with it written tritnsfer of title md sush ' ?.vii ('~ c~."k ~hall thoroopoo register lifts Hote in *he name u! the tr,msferee in his books mt4 shall endorse u certificate ?f s.ne!.~ .regi,st[itt~,.~,~;wr.~~. ~lU~r~ tur~n~~ o~lr'~lnl be dated, and.~l~d by tho regi.~tered holder or bls le~i rt' ~rcs~tatis-es, and it snail m: uuy · ' g p " thc alternative the slgl{itture thereto shall be cerllBed a~ to ils getutin~nc~s hy mt oITicer of *t beak or tntst company ]ocated ~ttli] ,mthorized in ~lolntsiu~ss in this State. This Note fs i~.ed pursuant te the provisiotm of the Local Finance I.aw, c~sUtntlng Chapter ~-a of the Con.lid*tied l,awsolthmStatcof~o~ ~e 1) ~ ~-~l'~ u{ } ~'~ ;~' ) "(~( ~ ~ ,T,.~..~ c~ ( .]9~, au~noriz~iK~ I~:~ L~su~m(:.:.) ',>l' fL}.5(),0".)~; ~(.?'ta: o~)ndx to' the [:.u~'c:~a*ae c:~ ~i .:-*/,:~"~ ~isi~ns o;' a.~:l.i~)n 2~5 of %h~ In:e:'na. I~>',.er,ue (:.:'x':e c: ]986, 4~: Titefalthandcrsdltofsuch · ~.. ,- ~., ,,;.~ ,: urcl!ereity ir~v~ably pledge for t~ pun~ua[ pa{~t of thc prbu'ip~ of and btter~t on this Note ~(~btg to its terms. It is he.by ~liiecl ~d ~ Otat ~1 condit~ ~ts ~d tl]ln~ ~uir~ by t~. C~st~hztion ~ o~ N~' York ~ ~ist, te have ~ppooed and to have heel performed pn'~t to eno m the L~Uanee 0z tats . Ore, elm , hove hopp~ ~d hom~ b~ perfo~, ~d ~at rigs ~ote, ~)~ther with Git other im]ebt~ne~ of Huch ,.. I,r~'s of s,{:h State. ~ )U .h~ i · O~' '"' t' ,.~ d is within e~cry ~bt and o~mr i~nit p~scrib~ by tho ~uetitntion mid IN WITWESS ~'HEREOP, ';'(~.~:l O1' i~C;.l: las tensed fids Note to be si~d by it~ C ~e:'k , and tiff t~n*porste 8~al m be Borneo affixed and nt~s~ by its EXTRACT OF MINUTES Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York March 8, 1988 A regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York, was held at the Town Hall, Southold, New York, on March 8, 1988 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. (Prevailing Time). There were present: Honorable Francis J. Murphy, Councilpersons: Supervisor; and Raymond W. Edwards, Justice Jean W. Cochran George L. Penny IV Ruth D. Oliva Ellen M. Larsen There were absent: None. Also present: Supervisor Murphy and moved its adoption: Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk James A. Shondebare, Town Attorney offered the following resolution BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ADOPTED MARCH 8, 1988, AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF A 4-YARD PAYLOADER WITH CLAMPS FOR USE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STATING THE ESTIMATED MAXIMUM COST THEREOF IS $150,000~ APPROPRIATING SAID AMOUNT THEREFOR, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $150,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATION. THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, HEREBY RESOLVES (by the favorable vote of not less than two-thirds FOLLOWS: Section 1. of all the members of The Town of Southold, Suffolk, New York (herein called "Town"), to purchase a 4-yard payloader with clamps said Town Board) AS in the County of is hereby authorized for use by the Department of'Public Works of the Town. The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $150,000 and said amount is hereby appropriated financing includes the issuance of Town to finance said appropriation, of taxes on all the taxable real property in the Town to pay principa~ of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become'due and payable. therefor. The plan of $150,000 ser. ial bonds of the and the levy and collection the Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $150,000, are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (herein called "Law") to finance said appropriation. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and declared: (a) The period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose for which said $150,000 serial bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution are to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.00 a. 28 of the Law, is fifteen (15) years; however, the bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds shall mature no later than five (5) years from the date of original issuance of such bonds or notes. (b) Current funds are not required by the Law to be provided as a down payment prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof in accordance with Section 107.00 d. 4 of the Law. (c) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution will not exceed five (5) years. Section 4. Each of the bonds authorized by this resolution and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds shall contain the recital of validity as prescribed by Section 52.00 of the Law and said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by general tax upon all the taxable real DroDerty within the Town without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds and provision shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for (a) the amortization and redemption of the bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof to mature in such year and (b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in such year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and of the Law and pursuant to the provisions of Section 30.00 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes and of Section 50.00 and Sections 56.00 to 60.00 of the Law, the powers and duties of the Town Board relative to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, and the renewals of said notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolution and of any notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, may be contested only if: (a) such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is not authorized to expend money, or (b) the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity, is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or (c) such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. Section 7. This bond resolution shall take effect immediately, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the foregoing resolution, in full, together with a Notice attached in substantially the form prescribed by ~81.00 of the Law in "THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN," a newspaper published in Southold, New York, and in "THE SUFFOLK TIMES," a newspaper published in Southold, New York, each having a general circulation in the Town newspapers of said Town and hereby designated the official for such publication. The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Councilwoman O[iva and duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: AYES: Supervisor Murphy, Councilwoman Cochran, Councilman Penny, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Larsen. NOES: Justice Edwards. The resolution was declared adopted. CERTIFICATE I, JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing annexed extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Town Board of said Town of Southold duly called and held on March 8, 1988, has been compared by me with the original minutes as officially recorded in my office in the Minute Book of said thereof and Town Board and is a true, complete and correct copy of the whole of said original minutes so far as the to the subject matters referred to in said extract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, same relate I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said Town of Southold this 8th day of March, 1988. (SEAL) Town Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH THE FOLLOWING "NOTICE" AND ATT;~CHED BOND RESOLUTION IN ITS ENTIRETY ON MARCH :24, 1988, AND FORWARD THREE (3) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971. Copies to the following: The Long Island Traveler-Watchman The Suffolk Times Commissioner of Public Works Jacobs Town Clerk's Bulletin Board NOT I CE The resolution published herewith has been adopted on the 8th day of March, 1988, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested only if such obligations were authorized for an object or purpose for which the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, in the County of Suffolk, New York, is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions of law which should have been complied with as of the date of publication of this Notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the publication of this Notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK BOND RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ADOPTED MARCH 8, 1988, AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF A 4-YARD PAYLOADER WITH CLAMPS FOR USE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STATING THE ESTIMATED MAXIMUM COST THEREOF IS $150,000, APPROPRIATING SAID AMOUNT THEREFOR, AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $150,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATION. THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK, HEREBY RESOLVES (by the less than two-thirds of all the members of FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town of Southold, Suffolk, New York (herein called "Town"), SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF favorable vote of not said Town Board) AS in the County of is hereby authorized to purchase a 4-yard payloader with clamps for use by the Department of'Public Works of the Town.' The estimated maximum cost of said specific object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the financing thereof, is $150,000 and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $150,000 serial bonds of the Town to finance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the Town to pay the principa~ of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $150,000, are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (herein called "Law") to finance said appropriation. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and declared: (a) The period of probable usefulness of said specific object or purpose for which said $150,000 serial bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution are to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.00 a. 28 of the Law, is fifteen (15) years; however, the bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds shall mature no later than five (5) years from the date of original issuance of such bonds or notes. (b) Current funds are not required by the Law to be provided as a down payment prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof in accordance with Section 107.00 d. 4 of the Law. (c) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution will not exceed five (5) years. Section 4. Each of the bonds authorized by this resolution and any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds shall contain the recital of validity as prescribed by Section 52.00 of the Law and said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, shall be general obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and interest by general tax upon all the taxable real property within the Town without limitation of rate or amount. The faith and credit of the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds and any notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds and provision shall be made annually in the budget of the Town by appropriation for (a) the amortization and redemption of the bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof to mature in such year and (b) the payment of interest to be due and payable in such year. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and of the Law and pursuant to the provisions of Section 30.00 relative to the authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes and of Section 50.00 and Sections 56.00 to 60.00 of the Law, the powers and duties of the Town Board relative to authorizing bond anticipation notes and prescribing the terms, form and contents and as to the sale and issuance of the bonds herein authorized and of any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds, and the renewals of said notes, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer of the Town. Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this resolution and of any notes issued in anticipation of the sale of said bonds, may be contested only if: (a) such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which the Town is not authorized to expend money, or (b} the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity, is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or (c) such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution. Section 7. This bond resolution shall take effect immediately, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the foregoing resolution, in full, together with a Notice attached in substantially the form prescribed by SS1.00 of the Law in "THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN," a newspaper published in Southold, New York, and in "THE SUFFOLK TIMES," a newspaper published in Southold, New York, each having a general circulation in the Town and hereby designated the official newspapers of said Town for such publication. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that on the 17th day of March 1988 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York 11971. Notice of Adoption by the Town Board of Bond Resolution, on March 8, 1988, authorizing purchase of a 4-yard payloader with clamps for use by the Depart- ment of Public Works, estimated maximum cost of $150,000, and authorizing the issuance of $150,000 serial bonds of the Town to finance said appropriation. Judith T. Terry~' Southold Town Clerk Sworn to before me this 17th day of March 19 88 ~' Notary- Public '-~ - ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE Notary Public, State of New York No. 52-8125850 Suffolk County Term Exp res October 31.19~,.~_ AFFIDAVIT AS TO NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK :SS: Judith T. Terry, being duly sworn upon his/her oath deposes and says: (1) I am the duly appointed, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York (herein and in Schedule A annexed hereto called "Town"); (2) That with respect to the contract of sale of the Note of the Town-~--~-ribed in the Certificate of Determination executed by the-~PpeU~visor on the twentieth day of May, 1988, to the financial institution indicated in such Certificate, I have made a careful inquiry of each officer and employee of the Town having the power or duty to (a) negotiate, prepare, authorize or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment thereunder, (b) audit bills or claims under the contract, or (c) appoint an officer or employee who has any of the powers or duties set forth above, as to whether or not such officer or employee has an interest (as defined pursuant to Article 18 of the General Municipal Law) in such contract; (3) That upon information and belief, as a result of such inquiry, no such officer or employee has any such interest in said contract unless otherwise noted in Schedule A annexed hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Subscribed and sworn to before me this twentieth day of May, 1988. N0tar~Public, State of ~ew York N0._6..2.:_6,126 _860. Suffolk County Ter~,, r.~rm ~'ta~r 31. lg..~ Town Clerk SCHEDULE A 1. , is a stockholder of the Purchaser owning or controlling, directly or indirectly, less than five per centum (5%) of the outstanding stock thereof but no disclosure of such interest by said officer is required pursuant to said Law. 2. , has an interest in the Purchaser solely by reason of employment as an officer or employee thereof, but the remuneration of such employment will not be directly affected as a result of said contract and the duties of such employment do not directly involve the procurement, preparation or performance of any such part of such contract. 3. , has publicly disclosed the nature and extent of such interest in writing to the governing board of the Town. Such written disclosure has been made a part of and set forth in the official record of proceedings of the Town. NOTICE The resdlution published herewith has been adopted on the 8th day of March, 1988, and the validity of the obligations authorized by such resolution may be hereafter contested on- ly if such obligations were authorized for an object or pur- pose for which the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf- folk, New York, is not authoriz- ed to expend money or if the provisions of L*w which should have b~en.complied with as of the date of publica~tion of this Notice were not substantially complied with, and an. action, suit or proceeding ¢oqtesting such validity is commenced within twenty days 'after the publication of this Notice, or such obligations wer~uthoriz- ed in violation of the provisions of the constitution. JUDITH T. TERRY SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK Patricia Wood, being duly sworn, says that she is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watchman once each week for. .................. ~' ...... weeks successively, commencing on the ~.0/aT BOND . RESOLUTION' OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, ADOPTED MARCH 8, 1988, AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF A 4-YARD PAYLOADER WTH CLAMPS FOR USE BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, STATING THE ESTIMATED MAX- IMUM COST THEREOF IS $150,000, APPROPRIATING SAID AMOUNT THERFOR, AND AUTHORIZING THE iSSUANCE OF $150,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATION. THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUF- FOLK, NEW YORK, HEREBY RESOLVES (by the favorable vete of not less than two-thirds of all the members of said Town Board) AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town of Southo[d, in the County of Suf- folk, New York-(-her~n called "Town"), is hereby agthorized to purchas~ a 4:~'a:rd payloader with clamps for use by the Departmeot of Public Works of the Town. Thc estimated max- imum costs of said specific ob- ject or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs in- cidental thereto and the financ- ing thereof, is $150,000 and said amount is hereby appropriated therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $150,000 serial bonds of the Town to finance said appropria- tion, and the levy and collection of taxes on all the taxable real property in the Town to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest theron as the same shall become due and payable. Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town in the principal amount of $150,000, are hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a of ,he Con- solidated Laws of the State of New York (herein called "Law") fo finance said appropriation. Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby determined and declared: (a) The period of probable usefulness of said specific object qr purpose for which said $150,000 serial bonds authoriz- ed pursuant to this resolution are to be issued, within the limitations of Section 11.00 a. 28 of the Law, is fifteen (15) years; however, the bonds authorized pursuant to this resolution or any bond anticipa- tion notes issued in anticipation of the sale of such bonds shall mature no later than five (5) years from the date of original issuance of such bonds or notes. (b) Current funds are not re- quired by the Law to be provid- ed as a down payment prior to the issuance of the bonds authorized by this resolution or any bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation thereof in accordance with Section 107.00 d. 4 of the Law. (c) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this Sworn to before me this ......... ~..~. ........ day of Notary Public BARBARA FORBES Not~.ry Pablic, State of New York No. 48068~_6 Qualified in Suffolk County Cotrmfismon Expires ~7_~. ~/ 19 °~°~ day of ~~.~ 1 ~ such ~,m~ ~' ' after contested only if such oblip~s ~ ~d f~ an object ~ ~ ~ w~ch ~e ff ~e p~;-~'lsv whch sh~ be~ ~'~ wi~ ~ of ~e d~ ~ ~bH~ of ~ No~ce were ~ substantially c~p~ wi~, ~ an a~, sffit · t m ~ti_'on 6' Tho al hen, .thorized .pur~ an ~..~a. -~od~d "~. ~ds, may ~ ~TE OF NEW YO~K ) ., ~ ' (a) su~ oblig~ ~~~ ' ~o~d for an gE ) SS: of ~e for w~ch ~e To~ . . ~ from sh~ ~ ~phe , . __ __ of Greenport, in resolution arc notCounty' being duly sworn, says that he/she is ~ to 10c provided as a · ~[~ns~nt prior to !he n~'~ th* b~nds authorized t~ or any ~s issued in ~ ~.~ d. 4 of s antho~d by ~is complied with, . and an action, sult,pal Clerk of THI: SUFFOLK TIMl:~. a Weakly contesting such val~na er Greenport, in the Town · ' we, r P , published at menced within t the date of such pubuthold. County of Suffolk and State of New (c) such obli and that the Notice of which the annexed is authorized in vinlati( visions of the const~ted copy, has been regularly published in Sectie~ 7. ~ be.. shaUtake effect immNeWspaper once each week for _~ the Town Clerk is h% successively, commencing on the 2,1 · * ~ill not exceed five (5) years. '~ .......... T~'~'"~-: ..~ctinn 4. Each of the bonds SAm TOVm ~AS~...?~F~..' [": suthod=d ~ ~s. molutin? and. pROPRIATION. ';; ~ ~'~" ) "any bo~d anectpauon hUmS tssueo THE TOWN BO~ in antic/pat/on of the sale of said TOVm OF sot~moi.~ ~ ~ cOUNTY OF SUFFOLK,'. NEW YORK. HEREBY RESOLVI~ (by the favorable vo~e of n~ loss limn two4hlrds of idl the ln~l~ers of said Town Bo~d) AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Town of Socthold, in the County of SOf- folk, New York (herein called "Town"), is hereby authorized to purche~ a 4-yard payloader with dampS for use by the Depaflment of Public Works of the To~. The. estimated maximum cost of ~aid specific object or purpose, in- cindin$ preliminary costs and costs incidental thereto and the fi- nancing thereof, is $150,000 and said amount is hereby appsopriatod therefor. The plan of financing includes the issuance of $150,000 serial bonds of th~ Town to fi- nance said appropriation, and the levy and collection of t~x~ on all the taxable real property in the Town'to pay the principal of said bonds and the interest thereon as the same shall become due and be~ds shall eenttin the ~cital of v~lidity as I~escrihed by Section 52.00 of th~ Law and said bonds and any notes issued in anticipe- ernl obligations of the Town, payable as to both pdnefpal and interest by general tax upon ali the taxable real property within the Town without limitation of rate or ~motmt. The faith and . credit of the Town ate hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of the principel of and interest on said bonds and any no~s issued in anticipetion of the sale of said bonds md provision shall be made annually in the budget of the Town b y appropriation for (a) the amor- tization and redemption of the bonds and any notes in anticlpa- lion thereof to mato~ in such year and Co) the payment of inte~st to he due and p~yable in such year. Section 5. Subject to the pro- visions of this resolution and of the Law and Imrsunnt to the provi- rized and directed to foregoing resolution, gether with a Notice substa~tiidly thc forn by §81.00 of the LONG ISLAND TR WATCHMAN." a new: March 19.88 Ushnd in Southold, Nee Principal Clerk in "THE SUFFOLK ~ newspaper p~blishn~~ (~/' New Y~, ~ h ' ~O b~Rro me this _ _ of.id To. ,.ch ,,/ I