HomeMy WebLinkAboutStassen, Russell Allan TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK S ''OFFICE,' . SOUTH,OLD, N,.Y. WETLANDS PERMIT ; This Wetlands Permit 4 has been grantedby the , So, uthold r ' Town Board according to, information, furnished in Application-,'# 6 filed by ApplicantRussell. Allan .Stassen c ... ' t on June 28' ` 19 72 ' A map of the' proposed +work 'will 'bb kept'on- file in the `town Clerk 's Office .under the °a,pplkcation number iven. ;1 construct 'a wood, walkway,', ' Permit' granted to do' the 'following work Y across meadow land' adjacent to Eug`ene:'=s -Creek. Location of property, on which work to .be, done; ` ,adjacent to Eugene ' s Creek, the premises-in-question' ,bei'ng��.'knowh';as- "Reserved` Plot .A"; SPC`'tiOri 2 of a subd'ivisio'n p ma 'ef °M_ 'S_ Ha-rid -rernr+d'Pd' in the' Suffnl°k. County, ,C 1 e rk -"sOffice `as Map No.' 1280`, whicYi' said promises aYre'located on" the easterly side o f S ti 1 lwa ter -Avenue `a t' Cu tchogia�; 'New York Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting, property Eugene s Creek - Size `of work: Length 2. feet in width and '20'0' feet in 'l.,ength Width 2 feet, _. . . . ' ' _.r �`�''• A, - Height Above High Water 2-feet' Depth -Below-,Low Water ' --Yards to be Excavated _none -Yards ,'to be Filled 'none ' Manner in which material is to `be 'removed 'or deposited Intended use, ofr property , Private, -_ Resideaatia'1_ , ' r t' , i.i BVI ,! . • ... �', - '�_, v. , ! n .. r � .a. -. S' ,• •at,, , ' r. .'F` v .Ic r ., t.r Iry x , o,j ' J 'M' i, r "1'q4+.:., '+..:,iv:,w+. .C:9 ,.k," • ,III~--^-�� Conditions if any Provided the approval of 'this permit herein and the cons°truct°ion proposed",by the amplicant shall be- to and all rights which other ,Property-' owners in the' vi rimay have in, on or over-'the premises�. in ,question.. ' Expiration Date 71 The validity of this- permit is or may'be subject to , the approval of , other governmental or municipal authorities. The Town accepts no ', responsibility in applying , for,_or obtaining -such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of , this permit shall not commence operations -hereunder until' such , approval has been obtained in writing. The ' failure to obtain such' other approval when ' required shall, subject this permit ' to' immediate revocation by 'the' Town Clerk upon receipt by ,the Town Clerk of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusa''1 or disapproval ` The applicant does, by the',acceptance of this permit, ' assume all responsibility for .operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to' persons and property resulting from such operations. By,,' such acceptance, the applicant ' also agrees`,to indemnify and; save harm- less the Town, and its officers, agents and employees from any all claims arising from, operation's under 'this permit and• any -and ,all acts or, omissions of applicant, h'is agent and employees. The applicant and the owner, and, occupants of the premises, upon which the operations authorized by this permit are being conducted, 'do, by the acceptance of this ' permit, give consent to ;the Town, -and its officers and employees to enter upon 'the premises where such opera- y ' tions are being conducted to make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to' insure that such operations are being'' conducted '. ` in conformity with this permit. , Signed »� Town Clerk, Town of'' Southold S E A L Date June 19, ' 1973 `` ' iI♦/ �,^,s, ' 3 H,. {..til~I a"r• ' .�'�"-.--,.. OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK TOWN dF, 9iOUTHOLD ALUENT W. RICHMOND f TELEPHONE 'TUWN 4'l_ERK " 765-3783 REGISTRAR ❑i'VITAL 5TATISTI C l3 500THOLD, L. 1., N. Y. 11971 wI L October 13 , 1972 Mr. Russell Al]-an Stassen „ 135 Seaman Road Jericho, New York 11753 Dear Mr. Stassen: 4' i Transmitted herewith is a copy of the resolution passed by the Southold Town Board at a regular meting held on March 7 , 1972 granting you a wetland pertdi�" provided the following conditions are met: A. -That the Tow� . Clerk shall withhold the issucInce I of such permit until applicant has removed the fill recently placed on said wetlands . B. -That the approval of the permit herein and �:he construction proposed by applicant shall be subject, to any and all rights which other property owners in 'tHe vicinity may have in, on or over the premises in gUestion. Your wetland permit will be issued when the above conditions have been met. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ,'r"`,,'r�'r�i,1 i'.9,'l etr>ng:, ,�:c. 1•"Sn L,'tt 'A�S t,Yr ;�° Y•a{� 1, ,3 'x t;iY...'r i _ Y 1.:. ;Xaa„r',. ,k�'k,i QA _ k At A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southoldl,held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York1401i Ifie 10th day of October, f972. WHEREAS, Russell Allan Stassen by application dated Juhe 28, 1972 - made application for a'wetlands permit for the"purpose of constructing a wo d ` i walkway across meadow land adjacent to Eugene's Creek, the p�ernises in f e question being known as "Reserved Plot A", Section 2, of a subdivision map of „ M. S. Band recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Md� No. 1280, k. which said premises are located on the easterly side of Stillwater Avenue at Cutchogue, New York, f \A%HEREAS, the said application was referred to the Southold Town Board of Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisot^ �ouncil for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by this board with f,espect to said 1`' application on the 12th day df September, 1972 at which time X11 interested persons were given an opport�nity to be heard, and , WHEREAS, this board has thereafter examined all statcme' nts and documents submitted with res%pect to such application and has also visited the J premises in question and is therefore familiar with the premises ,and the P f effects upon the same which'would result by reason of the granting of said application. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Upon all of the evidence and information obtained by th ,b'oard, the 6� board finds that the premises in question consist of a lot 30 felt in width and fir* appro-Nimately 280 feet in length adjacent to Eugene Creek. U�on �an inspection i of the premises by the board, the board finds that presumably applicant has heretofore commenced construction of a dirt pathway from the upland in an easterly direction toward Eugene Creek which construction has resulted in the }: ` k k�. j iq h • a 10 y filling of wetlands. The application states that the applican� 016b ores to con- struct a wood walkway, approximately 2 feet in width and 200 f�et in length to extend from the upland easterlyto the watersl of Eugene Cr6ok. Such walk- way is to be supported by pilings at 10 foot intervals for the pd�pose of obtaining access from the upland to Eugene Creek. This board ,is of the opinion that the proposed construction and the manner in which1�e same is j proposed to be accomplished would cause the least possible' damage or injury to the wetlands in question. However, this board believes that'the fill presently placed on the premises has substantially adversely affected said i I wetlands. It is therefore RESOLVED, that Russell Allan Stassen be granted a pef r4iit to constructi, a wood walkway in accordance with the plans submitted to this b6ard upon the I, r following conditions, to wit- A. it:A. That the Town Clerk shall withhold the issuance of such permit ' i until applicant has removed the fill recently placed on said wetlands. 4 B. That the approval of the permit herein and the coristrl ction propose by applicant shall be subject 'to any and all rights which other; property owners in the vicinity may have in, on or over the premises in question . I' I , . i PITE OF NEW YORK I i A NTY OF SUFFOLK II i 'rice of thb Clerk of the ss: This is to certify �hbt I, Albert W. Richmond, Clerk of the towh ofj�outhold, in )WN OF SOUTHOLD the said County of, Suffolk, have compared the foregoing copy" of resolution with the original resolution now on file in this office, and whish was passed f s A v by the Town Board of the town of Southold in said County of Suffolk, on the .,,10th day of ..... „October 197.L., and that the some is t a correct and trul transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal f,- of said Town this ..13th,.,., day of ..........,Ocober 19,,,,7 2 tu; i` a ....,......,ia....................................I............. l;h, Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southold, County df Suffolk, N. Y. .° �rs If ��r °®ouvuTpao spuBt4 0,Y1 atlq. JO suoTSIAOad ®Ltd. Iapun �traz�adia aoj: usssL- S uatt _ ZZessng - °K°j OC,L N 3tnX�H °d �9TAW klVTAYII DA110 0 our `HOTIT °H Sam M Iamnoo ,aSRjMAjEG TAI SI.[1CxZ. aoISs.[1C' IH��f s ?ni '1nI -IMUIV 110SIAMT119 11 allLqSa13cT zLbt `zt �®qu�a�de� Q3voS I3N1otT� QUGHIUDS 9 H Y iRY Southold Town Board 2 - September 12, 1972 Supervisor Martocchia called the hearing to order at 7:30 P.M. in the matter of application of Russell ,Alen Stassen for a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the purpose of constructing a wood walkway to the waters edge across meadow, on Reserved Plot A. Section 2, M. S. Hand Map 1280, on Eugene Creek, Stillwater .Avenue, Cutchogue, New York. Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. read the legal notice of hearing; proof of publication in the Suffolk Weekly Times* letter from the Board of Town Trustees recommending approval of the application of Russell Alen Stassen and stating that this type of construction has been urged by the Town Trustees in the past prior to the passage of the Town Ordinance., and that it will in no way interfere with the -ecology of the area; letter from the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council approving the application of Russell Allen Stassen'to construct a wood walkway. SUPERVISOR IWTOCCHIA: You have heard the legal notice of hearing, the proof of publication, and the recommendations of the Board of Town Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation .Advisory Council. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this application? ER. DONAIZD BRANT, North Fork Environmental Council: We are here in the interest of this application. I have a letter which I will laave with the Board: Southold Town Board _ 3 - September 12, 1972 Dear Mr. Martocchias With reference t o the three applications now before the Southold Town Board requesting permission to fill wetlands, the North Fork Environmental Council would like to reiterate its position, namely that the value of wetlands as "an important physical, social, aesthetic, recreational and economic' asset to existing and future residents of the Town of Southold" is unquestioned, and that the dangers to depletion of such natural resources of_ our -area -as f inf ish and shellfish by the gradual destruction of wetlands areas by filling and bulkheading are a matter of concern to both our permanent and summer residents. Specifically, regarding the application of Mr. Russell Stassen to fill on Reserved Plot A, -Section 2, M. S. Hand, Map 1280, Eugene Creek, Cutchogue: We wish to commend Mr. Stassen for the suggestion of placing a walkway over the area in question to give him access to a boat, but we object on the above grounds to any further fill on this wetlands area, and in fact, suggest that if the fill already there was put in after the passage of the Wetlands Ordinance, it be removed. Regarding' the applications of Messrs. John Lusk and Arthur W. Sauer, __for permission to fill on Riley -Avenue, James Creek, Mattituck, these are lush, extra fine wetlands, and we urge that you and the members of the Town Board give the same consideration to the values of wetlands preservation and the dangers in its destruction when reviewing these applications as you have done in previous applications which the Board has refused. (Signed) Donald B. Brant, Director North Fork Environmental Council MR; DONAM BRANT: We commend Mr. Stassen on building a walk- way. However, we would object to any fill. Further, if there is any fill that has been put into this area subsequent to the Wetlands Ordinance, we suggest this might be removed. MR. JA.RVIS VERITY: Is this below the high water mark? SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHI&: We have not as yet looked at it. We will inspect it after the hearing. MR. EDWARD WIRSING, Jr. :- Before I say whether I approve or disapprove, what is going to be added on to this walkway; Is there any further construction being contemplated? Southold Town Board - 4 - September 12, 1972 SUPERVISOR NRTOCCHIAs The map shows a walkway 28 wide and 2002 in length. M. WIRSIKG: I assume it would be for a walk-way with no further construction over wetlands. SUPSRVISOR .MARTOCCHIAs It goes out to the water. MR.. WIRSING: I wear two hats; one for myself and one for the Audubon Society. We approve this type of construction and it provides access to the water which should be available to people. MRS. SHIRLEY BACHRACH, League of Women Voters: I would like to submit a letter from the League _of Women Voters, signed by Mrs. Wean Tiedke, President, To the Southold Town Boards An inspection of this property on Eugbne e s Creek by members of the League of Women Voters of Riverhead supports the Leaguers contention that a woad walkway over marshland or wetlands is a sound -alternative to bulkheads and backfill. "Wo. salute Mr. Stassenrs decision to use this method. - However, some fill has already been put in place below the high tide mark. If this was done since the Wetlands Ordinance was passed-®and it -appears to be very fresh-- we ask that the fill--which covers wetlands be removed. This piece of- property is indicated on filed map 170. 730 as being Reserved Plot A, and was -intended for the use of residents of the area who do not front on the water. We ask- that the Town Board clear up this question before deciding on the application presented by Mr. Stassen. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIM Does anyone wish to speak in opposition to this application? (There was no response . ) 21 SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIM Does anyone wish to speak for or against this application? (There was no response. ) f Southold Town Board - 5 - September 12, 1972 SUMVISOR 14ARTOCCHIA: Thank you for your interest. The Board will make a determination soon. The hearing is now closed. it STATE OF NEW YORK: w f ' SS : j COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: it ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southbld, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that lie is. over the ' age of twenty-one years ; ' that, on the Gly ' I day, of r i 19�, he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice 1?., ,.._,;, is a true copy, 'in a proper and substantial manner ', in a most " public ;place in the Town ofi Southold, ' Suffolk County, New 'r•, t 'York, to wit:- > liL'Qi /2 ;Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town 'Clerk Office Main Road, Southold', •L I. ,N.Y. ' Sworn to before me this t 1 Albert W., Rikhmond, -Tow;? Clerk a '" ;day ,ofIL i l 19 otary Public JUDITH T. BOKEN Notary Public, State of New York No 52-0344963 ;Suffolk Count ;r March 30, 19 Commission Expires „ COUNTYOF SUTFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says NOT*CE' OF HEARINGS y that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- that hearings will be held by 1 the Town Board of the Town of paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that Southold, at_,the Supervisor's Of`Pice;' 16, South Street• Green- the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been of Sept6mb r,',1 on tn'tbeh day published in said Lon Island Travel er-Mattituc k Watch- of September,'1972, in"the"mat- P 9 iter, of the following applications: / 7:36-A M•, upon-application of f man once each week for ...... f••j.. weekX •Russell Allen-Stassen for a per- mit under the provisions 'of the I Wetlands ordinance of the Town' successively, commencing on the .............�.4"dw, ......... of Southold 'for_ the purpose of constructing a wood walkway to day of ......... .. . .... . .. Y. . the waters edge across meadow, on Reserved,,-,Pot 'A;- Section 2,• M. S.,Hand'Map 1280, on Eugene Creek: `Stillwater'Avenue, Cut- i ......................................... ............. ................ chogue, 'New'-York: e 7:45 R M 'upon application'of t Johri';tt1s4�fof a -permit 'under the provisions'of tlie� Wetlarids Ordinarf4o"f•the Town of South- old'for ;the purpose of construct- , Sworn to before me this ........ ."a.... day of ing a bulkhead and ,filling land I 'shown"as wetlands; -'an 'dames Creek,j,Riley•'Avenue;',Mattituck, f New Yoi k 8:00 P:'?'M., lupon 'application of Arthur W,Aauer'for a permit under` the provisions of the Wet- lands `'Ordinance' of-'the'=Town of Southold for 'the'purpose of ""°""' "'."'�"�" p N otary Pub constructing, a bulkhead � and filling land shown, as wetlands ADELE PAYNE on James' Creek, Riley.Avenue, Notary Public, State of New YoFR Mattituck, New York. - Residipg in Suffolk County ' All persons interested in said No. 52.3041000, r� matters shall appear gtt the time Commission Expires March 30, 197- and place above specified and will be given an-opportunity-to -be'heard. 'DATED:%August 8,{1972 , BY ORDER OF THE S'OUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND ; i - `,TOWN,CLERK' 't l 1T-31 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK - NOTICE OF HEARINGS ( C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN " that hearings will be held by that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND the Town Board of the Town of Southold at• the Supervisor's . TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- Office, is South Street, Green- _ " paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that port, New York, on the 12th day e of September, 1972, in the, mat=, I the notice of which the.annexed is a printed copy, has been ter'of the"-following-applications '' i published in said Lon Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- 7:'30 P: M., upon application-of P 9 Russell Allen Stassen for a'•p he' �y�'G� ...0 /f/ mit under the provisions of the man once each week for ....... .. . weel `Wetlands'Ordinance of the,Town , ' of Southold"for' the purpose-of: 6 constructing'a wood walkway to, successively, commencing on the .............. ... ........ the 'waters edge across meadow, r i, on Reserved Pot A, Section 2, day of ....... rC°. . °• 19. •• f M. S. Hand Map 1280, on Eugene V Creek, Stillwater, Avenue,'-Cut- chogue, New York. .................... ............... ................ ..................... 7:45 P. M., upon application-of John Lusk for a permit under, the provisions of 'the' Wetlands y Ordinance of the Town of'South- `y old for the purpose of construct- ing a bulkhead and filling land Sworn to before me this ........ . °.. day of l shown as, wetlands 'on James _ Creek, 'Riley Avenixe, Mattituck, i I New York:' 19 . ... d-8:00-P.--,M; upon'application I of Arthur W.'Sauer,foil a permit under the provisions of the' Wet- lands Ordinance+ of _the' 'Tbwn i of Southold for the purpose of 1.",•constructing. a bu_lkhead- and fillmg land shown a's wetlands °'°°•°°°°•°'° °•° •TTbtarg Pub]1C •. °.°•••.••..•.° on James Creek, Riley Avenue, Mattituck, New York., i; All',persons interested in `said ADELE PAYNE matters shall appear-at-the time Notary Public, State of New York and place above specified a_nd Residipg in Suffolk County will be given an opportunity to ; No. 52-3041000 .�l Commission Expires March 30, 197,:., be heard. DATED: August 8;1 1972 i i BY ORDER OP THE"- .b j SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND l t TOWN CLERK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND NOTxCE OF HEARINGS TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that that hearings'will be held the Town Board of the Town of the notice of which the.annexed is a printed copy, has been Southold at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street;•Green- T published in said Long Island oveler-Mattituck Watch- port, New Ydrk, on the 12th-day of September,- 1972, in the mat- man once each week for ...... .�<�r.��.�......�1. weep ter of the following applications. 7:30 P. M., upon application of successively, commencing on the .......... /.................... Russell Allen Stassen for a'per- mit under ,the�•provisions of•the r Wetlands Ordinance of,the Town day Of ......... . .. ........ ... 9 .. of Southold for the purpos6-of constructing-•a wood walkway to the waters edge across meadow, on. Reserved. Pot' A', 'Section- 2, M.,S. Hand Map 12130, ori'l:Qbne Creek, Stillwater •Avenue, Cut- chogue, New 'York: 7:45 P. M.,'upon'application-of John Lusk for a permit funder the provisioba'of the. Wetlands .....t0 before me this ...... ......... day of Ordinance of the Town of South- old for the purpose of construct- ... .......... 19� .. ing a bulkhead and filling, land shown -as' Wetlands on Janes Creek, Riley_'Ayenue, Mattituck; New Yolk: 8.0o P. -NL.`,' upon application ,n of Arthur` W. Sauer for a permit, „ ,;,,, , C� e.. under the•-provisfons of'the`-Wet- Notary Pub lands•t•bidinance+'of' the Town— of Soutf"iold,fol, the purpose of,--, constivcting'•- 'a" bulkhead and ADELE PAYNE filling` Land` 'shown as wetlandsNotary Public, State of New YorK on• 'James,'Creek,"Riley 'Avenue),; ' Residigg in Suffolk County Mattijlick,•New York., ' ''I", No 52-3041000 All 'persons interested iiY 'said' Commission Expires March 30, 197' -matters shali'appear at the'Q6me and place above specified- and will be given-an opportunity-to' be heard. DATED• August 8, 1972 l BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT W. RICHMOND ,.TOWN CLERK 1T-31 } I," - •LEGAL NOTICE - LEGAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF HEARING Southold,for the purpose of f ' constructing- a bulkhead and NOTICE IS-;HEREBY GIVEN filling land shown as wetlands on F SUFFOLK. I hat hearings will beheld by the James' Creek, Riley Avenue I'own Board`-of,.the:Town of Mattituck, New York. NEW YORK. } ss: iouthold-at-,the Supervisor's'_ - All persons interested' in,said )ffice,. ,-J6",South • Street, -matters shallappeal at-the time . . • • • , . , • , , ° , being duly Sworn. ,uart C. Dorman xreenport,New York;on the 12th and place above'specified and ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ° lay'of September, 1972,;,in; the Will be given an opportunity to be', I}18 natter '%f ' the following heard.-'- - J. . . . . . is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK applications: DATED: 'AUg_yst,8,,1972. { !,7:30-P.M., upon application of = BY ORDER OF THE`PIM'ES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said 4us6ell Allen Stassen for a, ',SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD' iermit under the provisions of 'ALBERT �d that the notice, of Which the annexed is a p Tinted . W. ' ;he Wetlands Ordinance of-the RICHMOND = TOWN CLERK been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times Ibwn of Southold for the purpose if constructing a wood walkway Ori A weeks ,o the waters edge across once in each week. far . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . neadow,- on• Reserved Plot A, successively commencing On the . . . . . �1?ir t-v®f i r s t Section 2,M.S. Hand Map 1280,on Eugene Creek, .Stillwater ALi Lig t 2 day Of Avenue, Cutchogue, New York. . . . . 1 7:45 P.M., upon application of • �• • • ° . .. , , , • • , ° , , • ° John Lusk for a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands Sworn t0 r1kefore met 1S . . . . ._ . . Ordinance of the Town of . Southold for the purpose of day of . .constructing a bulkhead' and Filling land shown as wetlands on James Creek, Riley Avenue, '� �� �� �� - Mattituck, New York. $ ��. ' ' "` ' . '. , . .. . . .. . '- 8:00 P.M., upon application of RY PUBLIC, OF NEW YORK Arthur W. Sauer for a permit Residing in Suffolk County Under the provisions of the r.14. No, 52.9366350 Wetlands Ordinance of the Town 1Wy C®frn ss Qn x•ires March 30, 19 t OFF ®@1 ■ W � ERK v z T SOU D ALBERT W. RICHMOND Q ® TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 1 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. 1 , N. Y. 11971 June 29, 1972 Supervisor AlbertM. Martocchia 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia: Transmitted herewith is application No. 6 for wet land permit submitted by, Russell Allan Stassen. Copies of this application have been forwarded to the Board of Town Trustees and Conservation Advisory Council for their report efdfindings and recommendations. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk TOWN OF; S-OUTkOLD TOWN CLERK,' S .OFFICE' S OUTHOLD, N.Y..' I ' APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT ' ; Application` No. Date of Application Identity of Applicant U E_/L L C Lq A/ TA Address of Applicant 13 �' ��^A M.1 Ar �o /�� ' '�„� ��/'C`io .At INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A. This, application is to ---be completely filled �-in by typewriter `or, ink -and, submitted to the Town Clerk, in quadruplicate, accompanied- by written permission ' from the owner , of ,.the property if nbt the same as the;,c B. Pilot Plan must ',be ,drawn to 's.cale on the reverse side 'of".this application showing 'the, location of property, the names and locations, of ,.owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed description of r` proposed ,project. .(Note:; Copies ,of ,the Pilot -Plan may, be made by A copy machine and attached ' to the Permit, Application. ) . -'- r- C. No operations shall be initiated -by the applicant until all , permits that are required. are issued. D:, A cie•tail,e'd_ staaement of the,.,,rehabi.-litation .,and proposed condition of the pr°e�iii ses `atei thc..`work',ie,;,;cem i :tea-.mus't ,be 'g.i'vpn° including. pere a survey if regm'ired.. , E. If permit is being ;sought for ,a- more'' sizeable `excavation' 'than the < ; construction of- a private single, dock or 'jetty, then ' this app'lication'. must be,accompanied by a 'survey and- topographical, map 'certified by a registered land survey-,'or. ;Professional ErngineerA. The 'horizorita,l Cnntrnl nf,_si1rxrQv-_sha11 be__bAsed1upon,,an approved 'local coordinate system.° , The vertical',,control, for N elevation;and 'soundings' shall be based ,upon United. States Coast and`,,Geodet c survey-=and/or, ,Uia,ited -, States-Geological Survey datum-. . F.' A statement must '-accoinpany the application describing any known. prior operations' conducted on the premises, in ,question `'and whether, any, prior licenses br`permits have, been issued 'to' erect structures ' or to dredge or deposit fill on , said, premises and wYiether any -,s I uch ' permits or licenses were, ever revoked -;or suspended by;'a ,governmental r:t<�.'s , �: „5" .ar ,r.;.v.i,, ;�y.. '-'Y'st j��,u.�tx:;, r•. a., Ffrr�lr'fEn..< - > - :..y` ',4 .-a ,i, '`J.: r _ .t,t:e,; ,'�' '°'yq' "iit^ agency, h ` G P, filing fee of 25.00 ,shall accom an, the a 1'ication. This ?,A g $ P y . PP., filing fee includes one i'nspec'tion;=.th'ere, is a- $5.00 fee for `'each' additional inspection. H. The,,-Town Board ,upon request of,-the applicant, for ,a permit, 'may , waive- in •whole or` in part, ,the ,provisions ,of ''Article; II, Section 210, subdivisions '(d) and (g•) where 'it -'_finds' that 'the".nature 'of, the proposed operations'''are such that the req,ui'rementsr' df ; such provisions are not•,'necessary for .a proper consider<tiori 'of- a permit application. I. U Pon approval of this, application; the Town Clerk will issue, a permit to ' the applicant.", 'Such` permit ;'shall-' be :availahl'e for inspec0 tion At -any time, ,upon request. " . .. . , - , . ...,, ` ` „ ,. .. , ° . dry_'-.*': *:, ,* �;:•�`:* . -- . .,.=:�-_',�_r-.�.,^ . _. .r:. _ -',r� ,_,�A"�,;{ ,... , .,. -`,- -.. Page 2. • . 'v,}f lFk•{F ?l3'<ni�n.' ..�iG :1��.'.'a{Ca:t���j`,. _ Examined 19 Approved - , I Disapproved Conditions, if any Examining Body Signature of Chairman APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the 'Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws , Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains c.nd Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit requested to Cow s TA�C/ �r®o l) W ALIO 'AY 'rb Vv QTS CDG67 A eipo4� Location of property for which permit wanted PEESa VIF"10 PLOT- SpCpo/v Z M.S • h/Aw,0 MAP 12 S® - 5T/ WA7FR 'AVF. Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location 13 5R SEAt1Aae R®r9D L)7b?g Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property U G15 ��- CRL Size of proposed work : Length 2,06 Width Height Above High Water _ Depth Below Low Water VA Yards to be Excavated AIA Yards to be Filled N _ Width of canal, creek or -bay' fronting property 90 Depth, at ' Low Tide Average Rise in Tide Page 3 Is this for private or business use? PSI ✓A ' Area Zoning R6,Q DEW TO L Manner in which material will be removed or deposited A/A Intended use of property AFS C� Written consent of owner of property, if not ,the same as the applicant STATE OF NEW YORK) SS : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. 9 Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this c>?,F day of �_ 19 . Notary Public JUDITH T. BOKEN Notary Public, State of New York No 52-0344963 Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30, 191 • STMARDS HOURS SOCIETY 'aJ INCORPORATED DATE __ _C1_-��-------- SHEET NO. --- /=------- OF--- ----- S U BJ ECT'---- � I S EQ W r�J Q ® ��✓ `'9�I�C �� /!� ------ ------------------------- ------------------------------ 00 (y) I a ; • , . ! ;,-, _ BRASS � -.._.._f _. __ . --- P®s 7-S - Stock No Reprovel 44H_. Ogilvie P:ess,Inc. STRABARDS EOGMERS S00tig ,al ' •INCORPORATED J DATE ------- - BY.-� - - - � ------=------------ � ------------- SHEET NO. ------------- OF---4------ SUBJECT._- r'J(SE'�----jNoofv wm1- ---- --- E+5 �I✓�; --1 G�17'f/--_ 14' w)/a?0 ------------------- ----------------------- r F� i I /O 1 a c-cno vL I OP VV P L K ShiJ wN 0 Sfock No.Reprovol 440H C Ogilvie Press, Inc. , J . �„ $$7—CoDEiaCt for Property. - - a _ , JULIUS BLUMbER,G,INC.,LAW BLANK PUBLISHERS -80 EXCHANGE PLACE AT BROADWAY, NEW YORK 4 made the j day of " , in en the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and j' 11 BETWEEN k j " J01 IN Ii« ATZBERGER ! � 29' Sherbrooke Drive, Smithtown, N York hereinafter described as the seller,and RUSSELL A. & MARLIPINE STASSEN ; i 135 Seaman Road, �ericho, New York --11753 hereinafter described as the purchaser, ; I I WITNESSETH, that the seller,'ir consideration of the sum of ' THREE `I'IIOU SAND DOLLARS (63000.00) ' f, to be fully paid as hereinafter mentioned, hereby agrees to sell unto the purchaser,; ; a, ' ALL that lot-, piece of {parcel of land, situate in th6,, town of Southold, County ofiSuffolk, State of NewYork, described t r r as follows: 'fiAND, '14AP 1280, Plot A, Section 2, The foregoing parcel f land is the same parcel of{,lalad awarded to JOHN 11 . ATZBERGER V the County- Treasurer of 5utiolk County, State of New York, as a result of the Suffolk County", Tax Sale. of 16 Novem-ber 19649 fdr unpaid taxes for the assessment of the Year 1963/64. Former owner of Record M.. S.. Hand. A "Tax Deed by 'County Treasurer" was issued by Cheste>P F. Jseo6s County Treasurer of Suffolk County, to JOHN-H« ATZ�EIGER, Smithtown New York, on the 8th Daffy of January, inn the year 1968. The aforesaid Deed was 'RECORDED by Norman! E. Klippe " Clerk of Suffolk County on the 8th day of January 1968 at 3i5 `P« I .,, ! and appears onthe official County' record in,­ PAGE 684 PAGE 366PAGE 367 and PAGE 368. This contract is subject to the condition, that the' papty-les of the- second part en'j.oy the Rights, title and int'ere'st ' to t,Iie y. ro_ ert enjoyed be -thy art of the first art ' whi6h include the ' P' p YP y P > occupancy of 'the _premises in its entirety: the .rigt' ,to build a permanen-t dwelling for summler�� al.1 year , round, and' orf structure ,Y to. shelter a boat. Subject to any zoning taws tnattapply as 'to set 'hack, percentage bf use etc. (Iia effect when, party-of' the first pert took title.) �.. MER JJ 0 477 S? po LAI 0 . Amm �. � - O � `moi � �j � ry� x, qy., .,� f• � lJ0 _� V . .,.r, - ,f .124 av`- ..... .<,• r h+ � '✓S.CI" +w... .... Ja`i a - ' Standard N.Y.B.T.U.Form 8007 5•60-lOM—Bargain and Sale Deed,with Covenant against Grantor's Acts—Indivi 1 ` CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-TH�INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. • u- , l LIBER5U79 PAGE499 THIS INDENTURE,made the 31st day of October , nineteen hundred and sixty-one BETWEEN MICHAEL S. HAND, Widower, residing at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, 'a a party of the first part, and AIdGELO PETRUCCI and GEORGETTE PETRUCCI, his wife, I residing at Bay Avenue, Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, I party of the second part, ---- ---- WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part,in consideration of One and 00100----------- -------------------------------------------------( 1.00 ) dollars, I lawful money of the United States, and ,other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or i successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and beingim2be at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and j State of New York, known and designated as Lots Nos. 80 to 87 inclu- sive on a certain map entitled, "Map of Section Two, Property of M. S. Hand, situate at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York", made by 4 Otto W. Van Tuyl from surveys completed March 23, 1939 and filed in I the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on May 12, 1939 as and by Map No. 1280. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the waters and under the waters of i Eugene's Creek or Stream adjoining said premises on the east to the I center line thereof, SUBJECT, however, to the rights of others to the use of said waters. TOGETHER with the use in common with others of the Plot marked "Plot B. Reserved" zxxlxfor access between Stillwater Avenue and Eugene Creek and the channel thereto. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part in, of and to plot marked "Plot A Reserved", and SUBJECT to the use of the same by others . UBER5079 PAGE492 TOGETHER with aft right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and li roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, �i TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part'forever. ( I� f ! k ! - ' I i I� AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of Ithe first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply i the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for p any other purpose. ! The word"party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. l I 1N WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above i written. CAA 6 Glia • ;ar-PfESEKCE OF Michael S. Hand IC I til uBEfr* 9 PAGE 493 STATE.OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Suffolk SS: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: On the 3 � day of ' 19 61,before me On the , day of 19 ,before me personally came personally came MICHAEL S. HAND to me known to be the individual described in and who to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the —71 executed the same. FRED W. KAELIN Notary Public, State of New 4oN No. 52-7135300 Suffolk County, =0 f STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SS: On the day of 19 ,before me On the day of 19 ,before me personally came personally came to me known, who, being by me duly,sworn, did depose and the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with say that he resides at No. whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn,did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the ' of that he knows the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he to be the individual knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- execute the same; and that he, said witness, tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. f £ - En r � i E O W OC EO 3a z�F+w� Z rc LU C U.H Nz , - , M A W-bOU. H 0 E. px Wcm aU o W z C 9 zal m d yA ~ ® O O O O „ ;, >• Cd Fa F F C b z V E { U O Z RECORDED CL s -� NOV 10 1961 C3 CL- LA-ZD U.0 0 t c C:) @� � o f Ntl W °C �' �,� NORMAN E.of a d_j c Clerk of Suffolk County 0 -.1`- x =-U lei. ``tea . a _N H W � e W YI - W Cie ` ; _ ," 1 'r' �Y ,t •C, , - Si a '..e r,•,-, ,+, ,a".' _ _ ' _ ,`e''- < k ;' ice, _ `4; ,r ' - y, _ - - - _ _ ) _ Rai" �' ", _ _ _ - -,c�_ _ - ,t __ - -. _ _ _r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. _ . - , - J j�,y.{ /y,� ��egwy fir, ..'+y� - ••.• - �`.,% - -moi':. - - I%" ,i,a 1, I (�j-- '„1, z - t`' _ F'. - ' �e1 ry ..H'rr iYI,,v�C,:a .. _ r - - �`�g �3y �g It �,� g''�yQ '-�,: inti rr �,6, - '• ';'- _ '1•' ., ” }r, ., - s_•'{`ip' 0-"4 ;t." r Ir ,k,;`y,' - t ''.,'_i'';, _ .� - r i_ '' - - ,,. _ fi r',,- - -, a `.,+.: ,f, _ `, � 'A., --moor,MMT,O#Cr 'T.,cL ,,, ::,;. _ :;ti ;_ _ , Y 1. h J �i '��+II�{[((�`�+}*(�yyy+� 4'St '•�ppi�gg f�yyY+����+�gg '1, _ r- -r r; .: - __�.I,. - ,Ji,r - - - t9J�JIb .W`:Ee1IA '� aLA`�,'l�WatJA33'F-c' (; .,,,",._ aCS i. ;l .i =1u7�°;t+s CB '.L# 7 a'M1_r d 3g�;`'�& a a '•t ., — ,'11 •_ 'FMj , �4FN:J ' ,, , ',*,`M\-�K vaH,�'i' Y Y'Y- '.I._ '�:'. 'I—�` _ _ _ low -11 I _,:, :. ,` - r _ _ ` - '� - 1`r,4 I Iy - •,'=i' - s, ., ', - 1� - n; ')'- . `�S ',I-- fid" '.J' „ i -" {"• - Southold Town Board - 2 September 32j, 1972 S,,;P .%V1nW­ Tlartaochla called tho C3rin- tO+ Grder Qt 7:30 P,1=1, in tho, matter of knplicat oto sof Ruosoll Allen Stascan for a permitundoes they pr6)vislonp, of U10 �ratlar o O."a1mance of the ' Town of Southold for the purpoae ®g conotructior, a tmod wallamy. to the Wnters edea t` crows moadowj or peae 'vocl Plot Aj, ,'action 2$ MI. ., H�'11`d Mp 1280b on VuGene Creek„ est lllw ate va d a Catohe e j 1"m York. C ounc i lman Jem.es He. R 3ohs Jr, reckd' tho legal nat Lcea of hoorine,; PrOOf Of DublieatLOD In the tii4 f:Co.z a, UCack,kr TImme l[}ttor ;V ora tbo Board of Town Trustees rea9mmnd ung approval of the apylleation of Russell 41 on Stassen and otat in tluat thio -type of ocarotraet t on hso been ur,dd by the Town Trustoos in the P�Ft prior -to thw pasaag,e o2 the Toim Okdinanoo., and that it will In no % say lntam� om with the 000lo oft the Lima; lattor ;r azi tA3411thold Totem Cousorvation AdvSm� y Council approving the aPPZioatiogn Of Russell Allen Stannen to oonotruat a woo; o0Jai R ruPe3 OR E-WR .O�71ti/j��E,G14 You u 'hLaLo 110✓'iv`EY he 16g al 7 dt 1co 02 hearing, the prou2 e2. publication,, and the rocommandalc ons of tho Board of Tom Truntoso and Via Southold arum Conservation Advluoity Counoils Ie thore arqone ,Pracent who w1chos to spe€ lc In Favor Of thio application m,. Dotmzz lyap vorth Pork Council,, lis aro para in the. lntaroet,',+or this app li6at'ion, I. have a letter ;4hiela I will la.av10 with the Board: outhold Turn Poard. - - -SePtember 1"a 1972 k I h r e a.Teincc R'• 0 t1ln U&.3-_ee a 1.1oa'?onj j -n okY' Le fore Cie 1.out oldl 'own rtQ1aml fj�. �� '�+st'�� pt'!'z''_'Aoc on tu ,?,I'Ll EztZ",rt,,rics tbe !;o.f.tki ►'C1v"'- EnvIrot.ttiantal Counc;,Xl. �ovald 11_j: gy e� t°�r :.? zvOc��? is3� itz �posity1iof n,@ �ra.;�� that he a-lue Cid. wvetUndc c►i ff1l=i_ :�.^ ��S yL int �i��S�0Jouea i' coo�tr f•' asistL*tic, mQzx ritlomal and ecot.lc:nicR aocct to e.tioting, future revident€, «f the Ttrun o U3 aml t1.:!3t t'z m darr�arc to f':or lotion, oV such riatural r ec gur,es of our "Sa as fit�,f"loh ant'. sbel2Xish by the �-raJhisl i3lic..tA? .ctZon of zrotlanCen czeao ' �' 1.�3$t; Zi`�ita� ure is Cm°�;tor o concern to botli aur the appi"Acat o :'w° t.X�e .11���:03-1 �;°t�����e to V111 11177,�•on :ya+,rw:r-vo(l Plot A,* erection 2, ::..,_ �.�. uazio,p�-Yiap for uwa,Ono Greek., UL�U(1:.�.oLf+Mw: A�f., bis V. : l/ :/,'r?.Y .�S'.: �Sp L'1,6d ►.V♦' ..6".4' L'�L s6J' cu- LestLQri of :AS-CIDL; a �;alt my over Ulo Owap- in question to sive bIr: acce.ts toy 'ants C: t Y„0 Otjaat On t';* [­2'aandci to any 2111 on wiNLU' .;mull areas :no it Loot, Zu ;;sst that If the fill alra&4 . til e ''o ', :t in attar the of the 1.°etland0 Qr,,T1nU- rce, it 34ti",Ys'+3'.. .ilL k::{a :,i.^k. s Qillirt:i3 of -.,o s.`3ru. cx';✓_':t «..iuok cmd Ar�'ttLir 'iis 'CaLlerl for �18,�.;:T:.;���� �� 2111 or; ',�,�.cy Avon .,.0, :�1:zo� freak, 1:Utt1q,�c':, l acwa C4.0 .fit t. 3 43,",°Lra :L Ina wat. anduo a4 d fie uro-,e that you Gra tbo ► mrer'c; Of 1.1;#� 1.1 eu , z oard �;Ivc the cx w '.lI'd,orzsatt Ion too. 1-1m Values Or wBU�. Ii+ita !;,;xi,nw,.vat�Zon ur,, t E C?;°?.,(;�1Yri 'I:A _.times 4�l9nf,;3't cZon whan reviewin- ti.* o ar"l c� t y�,rry� as you :,orc 4ono In Ivev'icas appllcat long ?f nl; "'m L-onmental. . ounc it cro wnJ ;. r. ';!xnen on Tr.'ay 'RoTrz*,; r p io 'w yt kl ��`�.7 jd ut 1"0 0.-,Y MU.; . 1TAwt'_1,1e j# ',.;P thare to ark fill tt:.t �� been M into thio V""," �_.a":�e�yaaeW,t to tye 1, oOtlands �'+rae E�13x �k3 V),,R .irf: Is F' this etc:; tkro water rL,-'. ­DMVI, ai.tss� a 'iof 0y3: dl �tt y . 'x,111 Inspect epi caq,�TOP /the hear-11-C. 1-11. °�iti�w i �.' L!;►a �i'tk, jr. : PPefore 1 ►``3°`.'Ly ,Slother ti en'l,-rove or disapprove,, %$hat Is So►ing to to adders on to thie walkwaye is there ary furt'wr construction be lrZ; contf nplated? thole Town 13,oard e, �i "�d «; tiivi as A .�y, i--,o ��q yh eq �11.i`4•'�.'��.J_.1Lf U ��.o_ -. L iiC� 1'Y L�..}. !6» Gsi3J4 n ,03 ."2. RT fC4?S_t.:.A: !t V 3ove n q �i-i�,' 'ac :q'r(9: o Jaen Jia li to i��°y °i .�1?o�``4-- +^.. T�l't ,�4++, a..s� C; ri 1 T4isy�^'t i9 e" Y A} � '�` j �"� -Z i;,.�pLy }`'�1 ��py' S�'�13x ���y�.p ��/a�l �..r� p�� {�!�:.� .� yr1d� �1 �,1r$!'1�4'3�yy ��}°(+np`��.�F}'q;-i£:a of �,r wr noW�.'w`.s� �.f SSNnle6Jy~v vote-*W c'i+ �:,�up���t•a4�e+'�''e,i kms.'�,:9~'�•�v*�C:6� ."Jho �(�[w.�.pf Pin c o ay{ " ^•f t"1 h t r r ^ r *k-a R"^^T71'+ ~.'n'r� c•�pr, Cc, �Y'.W":•l�iJ iJ r.fld_13��Ji� ��LT'i 1�4��� +. ��,�'.-.2, i,ri a..rY�A,.a� ���Ss�� �_i�+w i.dG��\.I.Ret ♦ 7 ^ y e,, w r k- �t-�� �•���#�!!'zay.iy� 't,� C? � yt',x�:� �Z'��ES:L t.�.��w�?�! �''��.�ri',lrs ,�+��,..,CQ?.l�'=L���� ��qt"�C...,.�. q!c r"Tn�.utc io . 11-I't w"Icen't �+.�� cir'or- l'i`d acc �S��u:aJyi�+ Q/�LL 14^� d=SJ��4v 7� LL �1i�.c 2,12-12.1h n y Y�syy� �fS?. S'ri` wL+ •Y p..i.atic Lei a � V. �T � 1 i ' ��kJ 6. ..�..'N� 6/ 1, l.. ! Y !u_. ! / f tl--,o I'll. In '$"i1,00 t ar"Ia� ({' ��S,hA. s �ry�r�oya♦y[� ► 15 IV It i, C� li.S..,, '�'y,� ill El r'i'A '✓� �614a•g Ili IL'.�'�ip�YV._..c to re ' o 15IVc tie ift c', tTniat I ho c ove"� as riai a,:, ed. ?Lat 11.0 omt) u-cm 1irAy:Cd r62? the U6.,f) 01", of flfiD Ama ifav do not or, the water. 1,70 dE olr 401-wnt 4110 To"'.7r, rai'9.7''d w110-0,v ei:9 UT'Y"v, ;,uOat ,,)kp3 Ix'A"'G'a t ecla rz an `far) �? �1,�;�L"'a�;'�®Sj''L;��W°�r�:Ff�°�;L7 d ���^ i �'. u,'ta2:von. F%ie7�'�5,•6Vfi. 3:;L9.k K> b�'. 1LJr✓€ '� lSr"Y',CR'L., t�' /CJ's ' ulch �j syy r4: yy rr'•'�l�q�yMbtok1+ ,}. �F 1._♦ :.f B1 rl �'10 0.9���iafA a1 �6�{� Lill to thla s� k`1�J r7�T;�3 i:^��ll to s,�°e��.�� for or ar��,:9.rii'iit Southold down- Boarld w eptOmbo'' ,. ,* 972 ecrd it 4 W Gita 4ermi9>itiG.+AZ• Own -1x oaMnS w brsAat' Aduc 0.? , - ❑FFLERK ALBERT W. RICHMOND A, �a TOWN CLERK • ' :•' 14 TELEPHONE z.?4 TELEPHONE "' .'�``spw�'1`.� Y„ `'7p { i _ 7G5-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD,�L 1 I -N. Y. 11971 June 29; 1972 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees _ Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith : Transmitted herewith is application No. 6 for a wetland permit submitted by Russell Allan Stasse'n. Please preparea 'written report of findings ,arid recommendations with regard to this application and submitt said report to the' Southold Town Board within, 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, Albert W. _Richmond " Town Clerk OFFIC­F41 LERK TC7WN, OF' 50;L:�THL]LD I ALBERT W. RICHMOND } 4i✓ 4 ; 4,' �'', `� _z* a r' I, 41 TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 765-3763 'REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. 1 , N. Y. 11971 June 29, 1972- Mr. Frank Kujawski, Jr. Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Kujawski : -Transmitted herewith is application No. 6 for a wetland permit submitted by Russell Allan Stassen'. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with ' regard to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Board within 20 days of receipt of this , letter. Very truly yours ; Albert W. - Richmond Town Clerk 19 1573 7: wn Surd Ge!10 Am! The exees5 fill pliced tapap the -vetiands` of Russell i11.E:i?:)881, - ltQ:r)fi�'Vf;lja, � ot. aA, 95�� yD Ctv' Ave cut:chopue, have been ramoved -and placed 6 . the' "Upland" Of N _ . Y'EaSer®eu� � ,r'7 ;:a ?ire cted by the `?C?ja :Card. i$y tassersWshcs to got his perAt for Catlilk, dnch , atu. . Yours .truly . ; C•'fir' a Trilf9t;eem V, _ 'rr a r 1. .J. - ' ! ` •I ` , ','I t. •,i'i; .',^'c, I Y`t 'fl,. 1 { �' ) �;.r I'I'.t, J I 't ,f ' t1 J` i; r {• t• „`, ` J, ` - � I � eI, �I.1 � 1' -F _ • - . . ,J ,, f sr ' , `„` `` C'i , f� , f `i f,Jg f� I, •I ' i ^-,. erg r � • r, ' , � •1 7i a r l , • •r , , � i,r-, c'tl, r �i.,, l ,`-fa a ( :., ' I�., J�l�,���� ,Jr .r�a t.",4r,('' i br '� ', 'J,I e , '' , ,C,,.. .A`,r I. 1.'(.'[F I: ` - 'vr I_n '�Jr"� •�_`fir r�v w` ';;,-^ �!y��:.Yr` ^' '� _ • r�;�� o�e r OJ']}'T•'syr .'�. .��.1•r,`y�, ;`lra(`':,N •7.•6{•i ,'�,: Jr •L�u Fr/e > f�tj,' lb:,d S,!i;}.kU fi• '�J:.,^, , {� , 1.A.,}✓,' `Y' r�, -4 ;,R J I y` 1'x''1 •�!r•r.V' , „ � ,;.,�,•� �Ir .v 4• - ..x, {„i::S+'�5, ,:i Ar.••� , , +d�f__. ... �!^^r• `r,r ,I �:T f.rr�•5,���: t .�{,•aA:t� � s 1 il�r.-,�,• _ Nway �.4 /9 cm3 CnvT tvoul-o 7o A-- vve-s7- 'op"o ovex.;, off,' Iv000 RvAq L sc- Ac"ey o4etto f r 1oort4olw®r ®M earlev?WWO . IOG® ?° 14 M S Pe^wjO AgP 0910 /I V® S'e Cp®� /Q 0 7®&-iQ/A 0,PSAt-,40S Ar"o bveW e- HARS.4Z Y l d cewo4 ems:® Waw nOIQ,s 14A016-Me, , / �V V ro C60A..S Tj@vc p AL,0144- a'et Y aP�erN I-4l*-r4fAoor CO T#' X �0 V c a " wig them rO FiL-L AA V A-dFF7- ,O s. r*a- l3&-&eo,5 . rayls jo c&wr /s A cn7 4?4v" AAoff- MO M&4^1 7b k/f7iiLoc e-W'-®&YAC® A?Y A Jex&w Op A ®70/6to 0 fir 00 �® 7bfto�v 12®* ro Decmrvov kwo Re-wwrr- 7W6- jeevvonvwD Vis®®® kove-A &VA Clpf P e ��.4' � 1�F Y"•'E i dG BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK August 8, 1972 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Geitlemen: The Southold Town Board of Town Trustees recommends approval of the application of Russell Allan Stassen for permission to build a wood walkway across the meadow at his property on Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue, New York. This open type of construction has been urged by the Town Trustees in the past, pr1or to , the passage of the Wetland Ordinance. It allows for the rise and fall of time and will in no way interfere with the ecology of the area. Very truly yours, Alvah B. Goldsmith Chairman �J' ;,4 �i1 ,.11.�,'.i„P .r - _ i ,3 'l FS':. :r, rte', !.pY i': _ :r t L I{ +`hI , ., _ f i!,•.-_` ''l, k 'sn "�'R.(` t•j'i'S`"' ktJ t ':,'rc, r". ,(+. Sri,',iV 7r ,1• "+- ;Y, I,i e Lt;', t 4' • ,,.+dog►� b - i'i�. ',, •yr;a• ,��,,'1,�" "'- q '1',`,.,,:',`,'7 .,!• , 'I 1 - jr. , ,+; rr, - _ i'rfI, nt,4,: "1 rtrTt TOWN' `OF SOUT_ HOLD =, ,'`,,_I;, ,,. "` " =';'';,, t. 1 - +,14'Y,I„ , ,, r !,. , f 4 V, _ r I ,! - Yl' 3'; fi, - '„+�I ``, ,,,3 ryr,,, ,,; ,• , ' , `}'" ' TOWN CLERK' S 'OFFICE' ;'s, ^''„< ;,' : ^ ',r''{` ",4l „ V. ' E n., " ,+'.s, '(9'`ji,.t•,�,i'r, '•,' r.{ j '�•, 1, 11=',' , �..-,.;.. S OUTHOLD Y I r ,r 'I 'Iy. ., " , ,, -, - - :ir:1,'e, (, l' ,d", - ,4 •;, (- 'lr. `i`' ,r' , I' ' !• ..i 'r"'',' «, ' ,,, ,t Cil,'• ;� ti' �' ,,t+° - - _ .f + i f - , r ''S` f"+'.,,r,,, , k��.,, ti,)�'{ii ,, ,,J, :F': ` ° APPLICATION F.OR''-,WETLANDS, 'PERI�II,T'',.r;sr" ,.i ` , : `N,I;',° +',, i , G'. h• .t „l n,4 - + p r t »," '(�, .q:,`.`v ''s:� 'Ja�.'ySl�tz ',,,,p,,, 11 3''. 5 i , '. - •,7' ,f:�' - `j?,',�I , ,.Mi; - „f .tc_ is - ,'�J,^tr,�, kh, __�Ii] i 1, r, r _ - A licat'io'n No //'s , `i ' ' Date'1of- `- 'A ti i j�'J��'- ��,A `-, ,,'%J� :1 ,I� , �' PP (O - PP ',, , I A ' "' ,� I I ,,,� ,I, ; I 11,;"I: -I I I, ," , ",��, I , , „ '''':' � , I I�, �' 4 V I I I ,I , 11 I I �I ," " I '', ';a` `+' I'dent'ity of .Applicant, ' V�e�� L �."�f�,,, ,,�%%�'���-�� ` '`'a'1' ;;`,,,'', ", `' •"';";" Address of, Applicant I � ; MP/A0,- �'0 Q,.'f,�J'�,�O��,A,,; /. ' , t, :! ,ii, ',,�,P °,t,' z; - , 's 'r., 11.i . '',,, I, _ �1, t� - +' ''' -I 11 _r 't� i„ > 11 }' ,?, . , . i1- '-INSTRUCTIONG FOR PERMIT :'r _,','+ ,y'yr''''` - %F's , %, >;� ='''�;'t' - ,rte_ r"4? �11 E�r a QA'.'' This'- application is to 'be-rcomplete'ly filled.'in'° by,`":ypewriter or, ' - - '''', ;F , _ , ink a"da:submitted to the Town C, rk . in quadruplicate` a;cc-dmpanied',by,, ' f, nI'llotr,{;the:;'s'ame♦�as` "d; " "'; ;,` :„ written;','permi"ssion from the, ovarier of`"tlie,r'property.,`l,f,'.,'' ' t,^' the, a'PPl'ican't: , tr, ;2,, `•'` ,,;' 11 ,r.f, -, , _ L ,'t, `,l. :t'1\ I „ - f� 't'"�."',- -I, '{ve'1`r';+ - ',i - Gln ti, ,,.B:- ,f Riyl;o't_ Plan- must be `drawn', to' scale on ,the ,reverse:',,sid'e`"_of ;thi's "' fV" appal-i"cation showing- th,e 1:oc�at on of property;;' ,the'I•`names''a'nd locations .,4'',; ''; of. owners .of ,adj'oining properties, 'and a detailed de`scr.' ptori,f`of;,'" r' proposed project: (No'te':" Copies- of"the -Pilot Plan' .may�',b'e,, ma3e 'b'y,, , :, �', 1 r in y,;4+ ., , a' copy '`inaehine and attached ;tg the Permit Application: ).'+`;;;i', ',�,: ;�' ' r_ +� 4;.kr .. ' , t ' ~ ' l - `h. ,�ith,i''r--`In Yrfru_ - _ t1' 'F+ i .1. ,, I. ` , Y, !�• _ - . - '"":J", -,fit' C: ;No` o erations shal'1 be initiated' b the 'app "" '" `' p Y licant 'uri) til' 'all ;',, ,t+, tr 'ir;• _ , I, t' -Y - 'i l,t, �,tt.r,, 5"e,, `q'+%>J4+r"`f,'-.,'r'l',11.,, ' t1;, r 'issued:. n, ,'s' ;,-<'r''''' ,, Permits; that are'' required' a �: <'.:, =x;' =i4" `:'�t:, , t,;' - - .r,r , I V, ,t ,r' alt, .t�' 'r,.` ' ' '�+ D. A';,detailed 'statemelnt of, th'e,.r'ehabil.ztat,ion�'t;;a✓nd proposyed condit•i;on` ' r''' '''%? o}f'+`th'e"'pr,emises• after"'the work is compf ete'd''.mu`st, be'; ,g,i"ven' ; iizcTu'd'irig ;j`,;' �,, �' _,' _ ,• • , ,`, .r,- I 1, .t - ;; - ,�'', r_e,P a, .,1'n,!'- •P? "r!, __ t{„ i''�,r'j;l N , a'+'surve _f,, re uired. , . ,: ;; k,' `Y' ,r;. .t,' ,4�, X,' a.• , ' , `i' s�Zy;',"„ iln iy.f - ` ,4,°„:1 ,, _ rr�I, I i� ',a' - ,' ' , `Yi,- _ ,:n,,,,a.f �Xs 't .+' - ,,' , ',E r'' • If?' ermit Is',,being `r,sou 'ht', for 'a 'more size' abli '"e' xcava.don;, n� the, °''' " construction' of a' pri,va'te' sifigle 'd'ock or^ jetty,,i ;'them'_ thi'v' pplic4`t' ori `,�:"' 'I A _._'.?+''{?^V ^' _ 1 ` '' - , /�'v l",y4.f,i er_ , N/i a "� ,"f' •w` „1:I._ .t.' _ _ must `be accompanied rby'°a_ survey' at�u, turoyr';ap,:' cal' :,` 'N,' �-, 1 - ;, ,f;, ,, ti 'reg�iste�r, land `•sur,vey or Pr'ofessional'•Engineer.';` ;The`_^'kio'rizon'ta`h;" ' "'-'u ' It 1,I - '', contro`la"'o_f survey:,'sha11 •;be :based,,upon''an +apprb•ved_, 11 l'ocaly�;�c_, rd, ate°�' 'r }'11 � ' �'.,� 'I;r,� system': The " I - tical,,'`c`ontrolA for' elevation `and'` soii'ndirigs;" shall'; .be;" ✓: ;a 'ii _ rbased''u 'bn 'United S.t,, :I( .. "''I ,,,,`' 1°; tes" ',Coast''ana- Geodetic 'Su'rvey .and/orN"'Un° ted, t. +�, ;,f•, rti• In P __ 1 _ _ _ �- ,'t ,a,`'{--,�^ .t'::'",F; },!x:� , ra,,' - %_'11 ',�'.'I:,, ' , G ,i' o al'''Su`rve da'tum.' +' ;T; ;,;., ;", k, „I ,�;,�h'.", 'r',,.,- ;,,,;,S'ta(t'e`s� Geoil gic Y, :' ,�, - � 11 _ -'`E4',# '', � - !}.lP ,;t -may. }' _ .lir J+,.Y,f ,she i' IL -�r" "T n'own., i` ;i, ,I ilt=',` 'F A"',statement'.must ''accom" an the- a• 1ri�cati`ont,:'descri, ,anyk.,k ,r' 'i 11 ^ _ P Y' PP 4•, a' ;,, ':,,:.,.;' ,4 ; ,` ,V' prior '',operations conduc'te'd'' on11 ' `,`th&%,,p.t0mises in'„'qu'e'sti'on✓,,and-;yywh:e'ther, a ^ar,r,'r I i' -I, 'I''„M";1 •"�� , •` �,"'t",x,: ,,A, Xar'g„ „„lr`,+,�- a,,l.; a"' I.`,rA: ' i',''f any prior ,licenses` o'r" permits.; have been, 'issued',,, 'o, erect '}s,I uctu'res'' '}' ;k, .: .. Fr or'`to rdred e'''or�`de pos;it',$fill:;.on', 'said ' 'reinises,'`6rid,�,,,w h'er,,} any such ,{' _ .I' I, s: g p ;a - r i 'Pr' ;, '.r•,r „`,;,:.,�;',t:..!5' ":'r ,L,,. ;:;''r,. '• h;' Vermits'.-or'.li:den'ses-Were',"ever reVoked. , 'I- sLt's' end'`ed;' b�T,?►a1,,f:tgoVernmEntal'',:. ! 'i,' +,?I' `, ,.E - +.� - ,fir,' _ ,� `,d'"+ T„ .0 r',J,k"; >'i^+;h,1?",. 4 ,i`•' i< ':t _ I ''4 l n , kr'., a` a c' L' -' i ;r. r,+f air` i^' a�, r �++. A': ,tit's, �';r' yi',; `er Y '1 f r''C:I''�''' d}r Y �y ` i.I I ," .y Cie �/'%:`r",n '' �` i "F d ''T+ `iii 1°f', .d,'t i,.� 'rY. ,«G. J d a`t4' "t' p_,..�,'`"" „ t..,^fid .t,,t. ! ,,r; 'i'` ': t, -- '7 ,A. s ri' ,<f f/ 2°5, 00' 'shal'1 accon `an they;,:, ,,` "fi'l,C i4h., � 'I, a„G. ;,A• , 'r g,•;, e e;� $ P Y P ;, i'I^, , ,,,,, Y, ', ,,F:�,,;,,'r ,, ' mil"✓ r';i:i'�,a'�'f}:�,fY,,fF' X11' ,E� '*,I 'ii+ l,ud,6s` -one,. ins ect'ion`` theme•, 'is;"a, $5„00''.,f+e, ,,rf ,,,,;'ea ,i.,, ;",;.,; ",,° 3f:iAling; ,fee, `iric p �,,., .,Y,, t „r; �iFeage' 2 I, 4 Examined V fi y 19 Approved •S : Disapproved Conditions, if ''any Examining Body'X Lit tol Signature" of Chairman APPLICATION IS HEREBY ,MADE -to the Town Board of the,,.,Town Sof Southo-ld; Suffolk--County, New York, for the issuance 'of a`.permitpursuant to ' ,the ;Laws„ Ordinances' and Regulations , governing the , Coastal and' f Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage' Areas` of`' th;e ,Town, of South MS�Q J c I V�o e 'Permit -requested to I • k1A ME ro ert for which permit wantedkid�4 ye® LdT Location of p p y k /®Al Z, l� �$ o ��ArQ l� �A �1�0 $77 G ae!�9 Home address of permit applicant 'if ,different from aforesaid location - 46 fronti� ert k� . Creek; Bay or Harbor ro p Y Size of proposed work Length ; Width Height Above High Water.` Depth `Bel'ow 'Low Water ' j - _ ,1, ", r',i, '%'�1�� ;'�ry:'v`p'iA•`f!F�•�` IT;t,,' "r,t' � ,. „',y„1 ,r.. • Yards 'to':ber Exca,v,ated.'',•I 1' ,,�, •'a' ''r"��•!' .,Yards' to, be;'`Filled ,,- (, Width 'of ,canal, rcreek'J;j'or.,"ba'Y°; frohting;.. ,F rl',i'' '�'yF' h ,,.,•f."-� ,,e4,`,•'�f!f���i:l'�: I; ;", '''l: r�+•' +, . - 'r .''{'r � 'L�'v;t r,�, _ ,®` n,iy,,� ;„1An Tr, �'��II' I , r� ., ''i `'J,+ i '�' ={",I+,f,,, ,t,,•;' 'Irt, '+'�;''S�rt''-,' '�)``, 14.x, �'I i,_' ',I` ( _ r ,,, rV'r •_i• ,r" r :�u„;�, .t, 1't.�l,..+_i4 i .,;, .,r, ,. ,+'` p_ j:)rop et ,U� '`tl;�:' }i.r1 '�1 - - ';5, � liit' i.��',n�;� ,,4•J'1,ki, :�.,pry;Ptr';a ;� 1,.'1s- ', ! 'r •;1,,;,1'6„f; ''t+'�'1�1,1'' DIY •,` v ! f`. _ ,{ I,,', i. `,l•:l .i vr',,ti�,"�l,y.t4{" li,' ,.Pi`, �,'�• De p th,`,a t,�°Low,"tide 1 , '1„ ,<''1. .r i. ,i,,;. •`J,`'1�'':�i; �,F,I .,l,r?,i 1, ''r"l i - i �,, .'F�'r vd;l?'�^, r'y '�1�, 'i� i;t�� f®'1,'a"'°l7•'�;1t�. '�ii ,1,. - , '1 1,,h•I� ',t:`Vt ,"i, `�' a+, :I• - 'a a',,inti};,^r N'k" I,'::'S,Ft: (Rise,:.°iii.'Tide: Average _ it •'r}i+� �, - r,l' ,/ - 1 - ''',J� tt?? ,4�; ',t� i;(I ft.,,.,tliyr "I;'- 'Np F.r h,j`'' 't4, il, h� „=r! •!. - ,r „ ,'t�lv? 'r'' .E r '„y.• ,e., ,I I';�; t l"'' .r,�l,i�. �,, .i(�''�` .'t'�'j`A"` .„i,, ..w• ray,, �,:1,rtd`o 'u,,,�;,,t rr, 'h 1:.,}',. nl,�• ''9 i x 61�„(tr.0 .,.✓S i. ,�.w. J (.• '-7^, 1, '1! "^t% Sr aSl [, (7.,, '� ,C ..•t 'f ''t', `'t l' �'si"1!Y •s�,, ,r' n• .'7' ' "1�.' I',, :5a`',�Y ,n' „Ea. ,I, s�r�4, .��" Y, ,`A i +�4 (� '�, - ,t'c',. r,:n1i• `�'� dY' .f-� c', r!, ,'e.r?1 1:�,',t ',21'YY- a; i-, r`j't, ;'j' i 14 r.s^t>rsr ,ri _ :t ' - ,:ter;� {, t x:' ,fv '�,,,",+L11 .3�-,;. .,�I:•A- - ,i' �%�Y` , 'J: 'ii 'a`'- .i,. ',r•, ,`i` „a'::. A�f4`,�1:'(`..,,. 5�`.x.Ni� .v j i.:' (; - .''ti,, iii+`.r`. '�-i',<F,F' iI 6i-'�f�9u'•' � c1' /t IL' c .1,. ,,la. i „6,; •,n•, ,� � i.' "F, '�' `•i ,1,' +.Y�{"r ^,+t+m': .1 ',� °r'1.. .l� I ♦'^ '^M t,y „'(16. «l: �s r t. %!- to' ' ',• 11F t ;ii` b' „<, .d,',.';., .'r... y". ,ll .4 .r{t �d t i ,,:i� v4 it ,4' .�r ,b �4 - (.'+.�.,'1I. �,,,:I,i' r°d 'i� .T•''i"(' ,.S�t F''I L r4• ~4'• ,Y,f.. :,5 `aN% I' •,, y 'fir I, Fc e�'4 't", t 7 f,: ,dr.ICY 1, t, tel! ri\�'•,', ,t r, .at'rlr��'r=` 1� ('�' �1Y„ ,,lr" :1 r I I, u 1��, ,."{,�,;• ,rY„1n ,.1.. a ,'J.,, s 'I� .$t��.Y4 ''t;rlln'^� t; '1, a•��,n';,.'( ,� '1`'r o '�} �°�'' ';I,1,n ,.f 'r1,i.x" !` '•�;r' r.' �,t t. c ,.�1,:',s ':a:'., ,¢ 'tl' 'i• % "ip44'�', .rr', ,; , y� :+J'd' '2 N'a a' I�,'f ,r4 ,.�:r. •li• ,�• tl,�'! 1 1, +l lI�( k. ���tii i ,t"a,'t1..i•i3rl {, „.� �'�,, h] '.� -! r,r '•' }}`�rA'..,J.d,i,+ t, ,, V•! i I l 'f'" 1','",\" :l'�,:,�1i„1{.{Y`M:I, .���` '`r•'`r[[- _- S��lJ r,y,.�� `,f, ,.w1 r 11,+', :4f '{4°+'::'.' I,r _,}i.,,+.i•f y+�} 7re7-,AJ,.,tp1r', '1 r<',^,° y.�'A, '., ,, ',+' °tn'� •'a°I�r.,1 Ipp (•i, "^, i, .J' .7,{,1., Sd„ r '1 gip,.'_ t •!."•, :�.1-: 1,;7, _ •anr.., 'y-r' 'i'` �{,.�, ,r.' 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",,J. 11 'and',:that `all statements contained herein are .true � to;"�the best of his i,l'y� the r'. set .i and belief; , hat. the work will 'be ; done in marine , knowledge . ,.,^ forth in ;this applicat�on aid as may be 'approved by the;,Town ` Board'. , s to; holdl th''e Town of, �'� ''} I 'll .of the, Town of 'Southold. The applicant agree , , •r,?,"' 1 Southold and the Town Board: harmless' and free, from „any";`and -all ; -damages and' claims arising' under or ,by .vir,tue of 'said permit; if ;r,'; , ",�`, granted. ' _ ,I "00 ,. :'f`r , . ;P i, ,. .y , '' Signature' of Applicant.',;, - ; ,-' F,, „ , . - . , , 11 r I ,• i',,i' 1. �a Sw rn' to bef re me ,thi - r 4, ';: ;'' <' , O X54, �' , 1ki,r;",-r'` ..''I ,. _ s';"' 1. 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' ` j i+., " iry 1}f•'± - JVLIUS BLUM,BERtl,,'INC,LAW BLANK PU9LISHERS- , p,'3 7-Contract fui Property. ,3 a,i };, +'7' I •'fl - ,1 +, ' '' BO EXCHANGL^hL_CE AT BROADWAY, NEW YORK . , . : I. - _," - ar � , ," , ,, I z , I , ,� tj'� � , � ,,,;�,;­ -, �� , I I _� C�, L ,,I- I I,; , � I, 1, ,I - 1.I ! � I C, "I 11 I I I, "j,., I I, ,� �, �,I, �, -,"�I- ,4 a } r' c 1 {' - _'•t' 2yt f "i t,j'.''�,i'f ',,,'„I'-'_J,' 5� .lI, ;f,'` ria'' of 'i:Lt` ,, " t ;; ;'' y ' ' '1, r'} tk;in the year One Thousand made"the, ;'f, ; ' �,.',�Z'., Y , ,'i '' i ,1 1 ,1,_c `,(,r.,l;. It �' •, ..1` r.7j � , , I. 41- _ ;,i,;;,Nine Hundred and :„ � - ' - - 1f';,,.,1,+' ,. II, ,,,t�f.{r a I r,, ;, «t _ ,'e' , ,t lir' - 'y„J„ ,} 'r', fY, ,, , '^',' 'aI.,.Sr A'�`'}',I,,,,`�b,1L :r. i;, „ ,•+, :i. BETWEEN , ,'' , ' ,'. ;jk,,t,.:'. ,.` ' - ' �JU N II« AT`ZBERGF.F ''` ' { 'If i -' a IIS ',, ,I,,"„j" +t`�'''' ^ i' : 29 Sherbrooke Dtive; ' Smi ttitown;';;\ievr York -11' 8'x`' ' ' " hereinafter described as-the seller,�•and `:^ L, !,'' 1 ,1 'j F" `- ` ` ' ' J- 1`� .r,,.,6 ' !,, - ,, `'�, •"•i w {J'i',? .� IN 1` � , tit+,,, _ ,I; ,j, 7' "rr,4e, I _ , 11 1111 ,11, J. '{ +t _ - r,f„fi.j^,'^1111„ ',^ "IL r' d I,;,,1 Y",} ., RUSSELL,A. &`-MARLENE-STASSEN, ,, "- ';,':t'`',' - 'i"~'";,, ; ':' ' "!` " , 135 Seaman Road; Jericho, Netit,,,York -�-11753 , ;,,`a ,, I "";,'.t ,hereinafter,described as the purchaser,; - " ,,`,� - _ _ I,, ' , ";i • '' . , ` '' ,WITNESSETH,, that the`"seller, rn consideration+of the sum'of' r;1'' ''''°'` " '' „ ?4,'; Y? - ;'; ` i' _ ' THREE V0USAND, DOLLARS (33000.00 ,' -to be fully paid'as hereinafter mentioned,rhe'reby agrees to sell unto the purchaser,',,i,;•'':11,- , i z+ 1 s `' 'u, ,,; pL�, that l,ot, piece or.' ,parcel , of land l•si-tuate','rin Ih�:7 torn . ,( �:" '>, "' r -i' ', ,'>.v- - „' - y i I-`• `. 1 ^1,i,:,;,'.'": .,1,`.',5r,,1' .;,}i_ , ; . �` "'o'f 3o'uthold, "Couri'ty of,'suffolk,' 8t'ate'-i'', 'New`York,-`1,It1, , rilied . °' •`,a' :','f`, ,J' - _ '" 11,. ?- t ,. .''` lei i,,,, ,ll,Y;_", , 11 11 1 a S , '" 'r'i,' !. ,;1 fOIIOws' :, 11�1,ii , • 1280 Plot',A '`:S I} ; Vii.. S.;' HAND; MAP x >;' eetioa�.';2 `` .', I, '1, Ini 1`` 1�'{, - e r,' - ( - iw",•Il _ Il" „•:4" {�I', 3i,^4i._".'I' ',{:,,i,% '7 ,i: '"±' Thlet foreQ0.oi n creel' of+ dzidf•is the., same,�;,pareel!,o;f1'''1'and a�rar,ded • , f•ti f, ,,.r_' 11" , - ,,.Fri,.,;' ,'' 4J. :to 'JOIiN Hca', ATZBERGER by, the Countg;,,Treasuar,`.o ,.`:So' k'' ,Co�in'ty, : °;r; '' StateF of'.New;Yorlt}; , as,,a result-rof-' the-,�, i Y$olk,},;Coun, '`,�,'faa S"ale w, . .r1 _ .. x -ial ,i c'_ I'', ;,- ` as-,"- i, I '"'t,y.�," '}r. 4 + i , ,-, ;:-:^. ' ' the , ,' . t' of 16 P1o�tem'ber •'1964, far` unpaid,"ta- 11xes"•'for:`' the,,.ass'essMlent' of, v „' -��1.. a ein n „. a «' r, 1963 ,6J4.-'Former';-:' t' er of .,Record'�M':::S.-- Haiid.y,`~`;, x�;:h`4 a''';;;'- '"J,6, - -i I" `Yea _ _ ><�;I, , t1' e�,,'r n i, r"e r" 'was' isaui3 ;"by;';;Clae t t ' F Jacob, •-_ ' A Tax, Deed by Couaty Trees - ; ,, " IIV't`' omit Treasurer' of ,Su w; County;-'to,' JOI N(rH;.. ADtZ E GER, 'Sm'ithto n t + '7 t - - - 1� , a`r ',R ra ,i,,P:Y'r.t:i,c�A:,,p'!}i-},.,j,Y�,.' ..r,rF_ , t ;4'- '+�f'r,,px,;• ,,. '•_ '�78,.'dai� , 'r.`. ew"York on tYie' 8th' Day of January: iii-;the'�'year': 1 • , „ `'I - 4, 1 's.. .i' .,,<- :f,,. ''?,, y,ru..ir,� .1;;' ,l,11'''>.�i''t+,• , ' ^r7.la ,r y - 1 ,ff,, - - ,,,;,rt _ I. - Ik,` _ r' s: ,r„•. ;a4= °.',t',lsi4�;, 1, 13 s,,. - ;" rinari:' E'..`'K�i• Cerk_.;of f,, d+'Deed-Iwas `RECORDI,D'• by-No P`P: ;r, ;_ M ;.' ,i' T�l.e,- aforesai f ,,fi,,,. i);,,• a.. r,1,",,'`-r 1. _ :,: _' , ;,1'L-% th_ deg, o g:_ qq " ,1 ''�,. - ., ,r.•,>j; "�;E'' ,(I_ ki�'r'�,'.%3„•?'� f';.'Fw.S+ ;xt''sf;.Hi,,;';14"1'''4 ,}i' ,! s ,;;,�;�",( ;r�'',,,' 11, oitnt„ ' record La:;;'.UjI 1 ;�;6284;,'T'AGh ';,1 'r.-and,,Ia� ears`'on' the'c.'of.Ii;cia]'!; i - Yrs: ,a=, cv i!'.i' ,3'ra,.A, .''1 - "{i,, a + Pp ,(" .r, _ t ;C`." 1 '-F=r,;,1,,1:,,i :1',t:'?;'r;.fiPterrta4.i:},,: ,f ",�:.irb<„'a" _ ;'1 I, i4,' I - _ ,c -':t^^ -,p `k,- ,..6J,' d�`,,,f,`z?C'%�t(0' ,i,in^ ,.ry Yi1 t. .- - ''F1 :'1 "II"`i }^�`' - 'T'; �t`',St,' fr 1• r.. :;tt.;r •3< {'i;."�,,,,l.v,,%; 'i,'t ad`Z>fli„", ';t, ''yi5 �,,,;,, :;c.,t' "ict - �' .,Sr.4,t*„>k`%, ,;f, '"-,• �',�`"„ !t.•n L, - ',, �,I,1'. a R=. ;36'T and ;'PAGr, `368.'.., :;`, 1,4 t, ,, : k;;, , .,,, <'> 'P.'AGE f:„'.' •-4 1 " y t „� • ..ia. -,; ` `4, r 1 YY J, , .;r' '/,` ',4,.'l"w t „,Sri , 1,: ";,+i bJ,Y I s�I ''', - 'U"..;:i�,,` ': a'8,9''' -1,+'il:•,ti _,k.; 5,.Irk};1'r.�1x,•t ,1:1, j,i:h'�,q;,.93„tfb. :, ',.ori,. "'tai _ �1<I(. , ',h_. 1 ;'j,t q, ftP,r'",1 t§!4' „' (r}i`_ V'1 ''�.;r :f. :L'; .}' �;�, h.e;,y art -i"es'' ,,' .-'aa; ' 0:';7'the; TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK' S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. t APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT , Application No. Date of Application Identity of Applicant PCzssELLL ALLAA/ RA/ ���c��Address of Applicant � �� ® A o J , INSTRUCTIONS - F'OR PERMIT A•.- , This application is to be completely 'filled in by typewriter or _ ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, 'accompanied by ; written permission from the owner of ,'the property if not. '•the same as the applicant. B. Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the' location of property, the' names and , locations of owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed' description of proposed project. (Note : ' Copies of the' Pilot, Plan may ,be made by a copy machine and attached to ,the Permit Application. ) ' ,' C. - No , operations shall 'be' initiated -,by the applicant. until all permits that are required are issued: ; D. A detailed -statement of the rehabilli` ation and proposed condition of the premises after the work ; is comp1eted must be given, including a survey if required. ' E. If permit is 'being- sought fora more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private 'single dock 'or 'jetty, then this -application h; must , certifies? b a be accompanied by a survey aucz %OYOyu ,r.ica� ,....ap N l r registered land survey or P'rofessional 'Engineer. 'The,''horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approved local "coordinate " system." The vertical control for elevation and soundings shall be based- upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. ,'- F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued,-to erect, structures or to ,dredge• or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such , permits' or licenses were ever revoked or suspended by a governmental agency, G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany" the application. This filing fee includes one inspec_ tion, there , is a -$5'.00 fee for 'each ; additional inspection. ` H. The Town Board upon request of the applicant for a permit,, may waive in whole or in part, theiprovisions of Article ,II,-,Section 210, subdivisions (d) and (g) where; it 'finds that the nature of the, proposed operations are such that the requirements of such provisions , are not necessary for a• proper • consider'tion of.,a' permit- application. I'. Upon approval of this application the. .Town Clerk will- issue a " permit to th ' applicant., Such' permit , shall be availi%ble •for ' inspeco tion at any time,, upon request: "i -M11--i, Page 2. Examined 19 Approved Disapproved Conditions, if any Examining Body Signature of Chairman APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of ,the, Town of Southold: Permit requested to CNSTR IJ e l w0 OA wA LK''�EZY /o Location of property for which permit wanted Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location )3S SO MaA/ R*Aa' J cg/coo A0 117xS Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property Size of proposed work : Length 200 Width Height Above High Water Depth Below Low Water Yards to be Excavated ' �J Yards to be Filled Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property - Depth at Low Tide • Average Rise in Tide r Page 3. Is this for private or business use? h Area Zoning ��S �E A/ TI,) L Manner in which material will be removed or deposited Intended use of property, Res 1®e7pvC4F Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant . STATE OF NEW YORK)SS : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that all statements contained herein are true ,to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, ,if granted. 4A 'AAe PA Signature of Applicant Sworn to b re me this `= day of Notary Public JUDITH T BOKEN Notary Public, State d New York _ No.52-0344963 Suffolk County Commission Expires nAarsh .39, 19 ------------ ®� j; `�`!� �•° � � � �'L _ ��"I it �u J = i � ovO � • �� Off' log No Affo 17 tZIN P" G ' owe � - I-LA a _l Lel ( 1f .fid ns �• ^. „I. t`d� t'L�I\��Li STANDARDS ENGINEERS. SOCIETY • �� INCORPORATED- - - ---`----- - -- - --- - - -- ---- .—_.� -- -- - —`- ----- - --...— _ ' BY.-- _�__ /J�� --- DATE=_�=J�S�—���------- SHEET NO. --- -------- OF--- ----- / - SU BJ ECT------ — ---��—= ------------���/--------�-�-- ------------------------------------------------------- - - • r - �F MOT Stock No.Reprovel 440H Ogilvie Press,Inc STODDHRDS ERGInEERS SOCIETY INCORPORATED ---- - -- --- BY_- _ 6 d7 ---- - - - - - ------- - - - - - DATE.------- --------------. SHEET NO. ------------- OB------------ S U BJ ECT--- rJ 9_TF ---- 0C� --- ----- —N--- � i?� � y�-- �t1 ------------ d P� f'---------------- 7, --- _—b®_ l_0 ,Fr. St�-C,7r0&, CNJ -10 PL `shown! , ` 1 J- 4 ' - - - T G Stock No.Reprovel 440H Ogilvie Press,Inc 337—Contract for Property. a JULIUS BLUMBERG�I,NG.,LAW BLANK PUBLISHERS'' `' 80 EXCHANGE PLACE AT BROADWAY, NEW YORK I ' made the day of in the year One Thousand_ •, Nine Hundred and - > BETWEEN i JOHN II.. ATZ,BERGF.R, ' 29' Sherbrooke Drive, Smithtown, New York--i17a7{ t hereinafter described as-the seller,and : ! RUSSELL A. & MARLENE STASSEN 135 Seaman Road, -Jericho, Ne,;r York ---117.53 � :f k hereinafter described as the purchaser', ! � :!1 WITNESSETH, that the seller, In:consideration of the sum of 44 F THREE VOUS D DOLLARS (33000.00) to be fully paid as hereinafter mentioned, hereby agrees to sell unto the purchaser, ( ALL that lot,, piece or parcel of land,. situate. in thex' town -of Southold, County, of ,Suffolk, State of New'York, described ' as follows: - M. S.. HAND , MAP '1280, Plot A, Section 2 The foregoing parcel 6f., land is the same parcel of ; land. awarded to JOIiN: Ii« ATZBERGER by the County Treasurer of Sui'foik County, � L P State of New York, as a result' of the. Suffolk County Sax Sale of 16 November T964, or unpaid taxes for the assessm'ent of the t , Year 196364. Former owner of Record M..; S.. Hand. A "Tax Deed by County Treasurer" was issued- by Chester F. Jacobs County Treasurer of. Suffolk County, to- JOHN H. iTZBERdER, Smithtown ' New York on the 8th �a of, January, in the year 1968. - : y �' y i, The aforesaid Deed was .RECORDED, l)y Norman; E. , Klippi Clerk 'of Suffolk -County on tiie 8th day of January 1968 at 3: 54 ,P. and appears on the 'official County record_ in. .LIBER, 6284' PAGE 366 ; I PAGE 36T and PAGE. 368. Vis contract is subj;eet- to the eonditioni' that- they party.-les` of the second part enjoy ,the RigYits,• 'title and interei4t' to' the property enjoyed be t�e party, of tlie,.f'irst ,part,; whieji iinclude the , r occupancy of the ' premises in its en'tiretyiv, -the right' to Vu'lid a permanent. dwelling foi 'summery' all year round,' and`. or.' structure to shelter a boat. Subject to any zoning laws tnattapply as' to get hack, p'ercesitage ok use etc: (Im 'eff`ect whenF plarty .of► the first part,.took tide �, i a LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE OF HEARING j NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearings will be held by the Town Board of the, Town .of Southold at the Supervisor ',s office, 16 South Streetji, Greenport, New York, on 'the 12th day of September, 1972, in thdl matter of the following applications : ' 7 :30 P �M. , upon application of Russell Allen Stassen for a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the purpose of constructing a wood walkway to the waters edge across meadow, on Reserved- Plot A, Section 2, M. S . Hand 1iap 1280, on Eugene Creek, Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue, IVew York. 7,:45 P.M. , upon application of John Lusk for .a permit under the provisi!�ns of the Wetlands Ordinance of the ,Town of Southold for the purpose of constructing a bulkhead and filling -land shown as 'wetlandslion James Creek, Riley Avenue, Mattituck, New York. 8 :00 P".M. , upon application of Arthur W. Sauer for a permit • I under thei' provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance -of ,-the Town of if Southold fdr the purpose of constructing a bulkhead and filling Mand shown-!as wetlands on James Creek, Riley Avenue, Mattituck, - i i New York. I i' All persons interested -in said matters shall-appear at the time and pliace' above specified, and will be given an opportunity to be heard. ii DA72ED: August 8- 1972. t BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD j ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK I I - Page_ 27 1e;ga1 notice ; 71 PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE .AUGUST- 31;: 1972 , AND"'FORWARD FIVE (5) - AFFIDAVITS 'aDF PUBLICATION TO THE ' TOWN' CLERK,; MAIN ROAD; .SOUTHOLD, ' NEW YORK. P , TAe Suffolk Times 'TYie Long- Island 'Traveler. Ri.`sse.11 `A. Stassen John Lusk. " AY-t hut. W. _'Sauer {: ; LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING , ' I Town. Ihear1•h Abe .li,eld,'b the, in •sl II NOTICE IS HEREBY � that Y ' „„i' - , •:�,-,,,. "13;;�, '1''-' ,i'Si'i"ii;/5�''. p ' . Board of the Town ,of5 Southold at' the 'S�pervs,o'r,Fts,, ,Office, 16 III I� SouthStreet,• Greenport, New, York, on,' the 12tY%;'day, of September, '{ 1972, in the matter�'of the following ' applica_tions.: �i 7 :30 P.M. , upon application' of Russell A1'len Stassen for i ji a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands;, Ordinance ;of the Town of Southold for the purpose of cons,tructi,ng• a' wood walkway j to the waters edge across meadow,' on Reserved', Plot A, Section 2, j, M. S . Hand Map 1280, on Eugene Creek,_ ',Stillwater',Avenue, Cutchogue, New York. ' 7 :45 P.M. , upon application of John Lusk' 'for''a 'permit under If the provisions -of the Wetlands, Ordinance ,,of the`.',Town of 5,outhold !I for the purpose of ,constructing a bulkhead and 'fillip land shown I' as wetlands on' James, Creek; ''Riley, Avenue,, '; Mattitudk; New ,York. +.i 8 :00 P 'M.', upon applidation• of Arthur W. Sauer' for ,a permit i 9 under, the provisions, of the ' Wetlands Ord inance ,;'+af' the Town 'of t, a buYlkhead and filling 'i Southold for the purpose of conptructinc� , land shown as wetlands on James Creek, - Riley Venue, tuck, New York. j' All persons interested in said matters 'shall 'appear ' at the �i time' and place ,above 'specified •and will`bb giVeft,­ an,i,opportunity ;3e t , to be heard. DAU"ED. August 8, 1972 ., 1,BY ORDER 0$', THE ' I� SOUTHOLD ,TOWN",BOARD ALBERT'` TOWN' CLPRK + ,gid'' };" +•';`� i+rr�' '`'1 10, I , , try,, ••It�y',,• ';e,+:y+ai,' ! - ,'�„r.I�4,,,� Z ' Page, 2 - legal notice i 4 t 'i PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE AUGUST 31,, 1972, AND FORWARD, FIVE (5) } AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO THE TOWN CLERK,, ,MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, ' , y NEW YORK. i i i Copies -to: ! The Suffolk Times The Long Island, Traveler Russell A. Stassen 'John Lusk , Arthur W. Sauer I I F 1' 1 r 1 V 1 , � i 1 1 ri^Y S' `w,f r,t Y,�ry r(,'�•lPt .�r..f. � _ bFFI{C;Eu;®yF'TC] IN 'CLERK TObVN �F' Si bbTHO,LD ALBERT W. RICHMOND TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 1 765-3783 {2 EGISTRAR ❑F VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD," L. I , N. Y. -11971 Jurie 29, 1972 Supervisor AlbertM. Martocchia 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia : , Transmitted herewith is application No. 6 for wet land permit submitted by Russell Allan Stassen. Copies of this application have been forwarded to the Board of Town Trustees and Conservation Advisory Council for their report of, findings and- recommendations. very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk