HomeMy WebLinkAboutSmith, Henry J TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK' S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit # 16 has been granted by the Southold Town Board according to information furnished in Application * 26 filed by Applicant Henry J. Smith on October 5 19 76 A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Town Clerk' s Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following work Install a drainage ring and attached outlet pipe to run into the southwest branch of Corey Creek, Southold, New York Location of property on which work to be done southwest branch of Corey7 Creek, Southold Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property Corey Creek southwest branch Size of work: Length 4 ft. Width Height Above High Water 3 ft. Depth Below Low Water 1 ft. Yards to- be Excavated ,- Yards to be Filled None Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited Existing Intended use of property "A" Residential Page 2 '\ Conditions if any Expiration Date Number of Inspections Required Inspection Fees Liability Policies in the Amount of The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the- approval of other governmental or municipal authorities . The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations hereunder until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Town Clerk upon receipt by the Town Clerk of written notice -from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to indemnify and save harm- less the Town, and its officers , agents and employees from any and all claims arising prom operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by this permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent to the Town, and its officers and employees to enter upon the premises where such opera- tions are being conducted to make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure that such operations, are being conducted in conformity with this permit. This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion intothe fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vegetation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. S E A L Signed own Clerk, Town o Southold Date January /J, 1977 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Supervisor 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on December 21, 1976 at 3:30 P.M. , in the matter of the 'application of Henry J. Smith for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the installation of a drainage ring and attached outlet pipe to run into the southwest branch of Corey Creek, Southold, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: November 23, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOKR JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Copies to the following on November 24, 1976: Long Island Traveler, Inc. The Suffolk Times Rudolph H. Bruer, a/c Henry J. Smith PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, DECEMBER 2, 1976 AND FORWARD THREE AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD NEW YORK 11971. d WETLANDS APPLICATION #26 - HENRY J. SMITH, JR. - DECEMBER 21, 1976 Public Hearing was held December 21, 1976 at 3:30 p.m. Present were: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman James F. Homan Justice Martin Suter Justice Louis Demarest Councilman Homan read the Notice of Hearing. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Super- visor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on December 21 , 1976 at 3:30 p.m. in the matter of the application of Henry J. Smith for , a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the installation of a drainage ring and attached outlet pipe to run into the southwest branch of Corey Creek, Southold, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: November 23, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Councilman Homan: I have proof of publication in the Long Island Traveler signed by Sherley Katz. I have proof of publication in the Suffolk Weekly Times signed by Stuart Dorman. I have an affidavit that this was posted in the Town Clerk' s Office. I have a letter from the Board of Town Trustees dated November 89 1976 to the Southold Town Board. Gentlemen: Please be advised that the fo1lowii.g resolution was passed by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on November 1, 1976: "IT WAS RESOLVED that the Board of Southold Town Trustees favorably recommends the approval of Wetlands Application No. 26 by Henry C. Smith for permission to install drainage ring at Wampum Way, Corey Creek, Southold, N. Y. We suggest that you confer with the Highway Superintendent and Building Inspector as to the adequacy of the existing drainage basin to determine whether it is adequate for the amount of drainage that exists to prevent run-off into the southwest branch of Corey Creek. If the present drainage basin is not adequate; then it should be suggested to::the owner that an additional basing D Henry J. Smith €#26 -2- December 21, 1976 be installed. If this is necessary, the additional basin should be installed at the proper location and be of the proper size so as to prevent run-off into Corey Creek. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman I have from the Conservation Council dated October 30, 1976, inspected by Frank Kujawski, Frank Cichanowicz and John Plock and they recommend approval. Conditions, if any: Presently existing work has no conflict with adjacent wetlands. This is by the Conservation Advisory Council. Supervisor: You have heard Councilman Homan read the notice and the description of the property in question, the project involved; proof of publication by the Traveler and, also, the Suffolk Times; the noting of it being posted in the Town Clerk' s Office; and the position of the Southold Town Trustees recommending in favor; and the position of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council in favor. At this time, I will entertain anyone that wishes to speak in favor of this application being granted. Mr. Bruer: 'I am Rudolph Bruer, Main Road, Southold, on behalf of Henry Smith. I would just like to say that, first of all, the drainage ring exists. It was pointed out to Mr. Smith after he did it that he was to come here. What he did was put in a drainage at the end of Wampum Way which would take care of the drainage of that street. What was there before, there was really no drainage at all. The water would come down the street from the development and had washed away a good part of the land and was just going, all the water and debris, was just going right into the creek. I think the application pretty well speaks for itself and if there is anybody that has any questions, I would be glad to answer them. Mr. Franklyn Bear: My name if Franklyn Bear of 375 Wampum Way. I would like to speak in favor of this but I would like to raise a question ,in connection with it. There is no question that it is required and the job needed to be done. I would like to know whether or not the grading around the basin is proper and adequate, not only for now but the future. The grading was done by sand pulled out of the creek for him for the road and the side of the road. But, with the wind and rain, I question whether or not it will stay there too long and I would like to suggest that it maybe should be graded more carefully and some grass planted there, some proper type grass that exists nearby. Personally, I would be glad to help with this if he would provide the necessary things with which to do it. That is my only question. I wondered whether or not this Board or persons from whom you ask advice would like to indicate that. I don't want to hold up the approval but would like to suggest that possibly something be done to retain the grading around the basin. Henry J. Smith 026 -3- December 21, 1976 Supervisor: Anyone else wish to speak in favor of this application being granted? Anyone wish to speak in opposition? Mr. Paul Stoutenburgh: I am not speaking in opposition. I am representing North Fork Environmental Council. I am wondering if you did call in your road superintendent and ask his advice as the trustees asked. Supervisor: This letter that is in this file, I am hearing it for the first time. We get this folder the day of the hearing. We have not seen this folder prior to this date. He will be called in. Mr. Stoutenburgh: In other words, you cannot act on it today? Supervisor: Not today,)�no. Mr. Stoutenburgh: I was at the meeting and they did wish that it, at least, be checked by the Highway Department to see that it was adequate and I wanted to make sure that that was fulfilled. Supervisor: We have 20 days to make a decision. Thank you, Paul. Does anyone else wish to speak? Does anyone wish to speak in either direction? Mr. Bruer: I would just like to make an additional statement for the record that the application is for the existing system as there. There is no insinuation by any of the letters there or by the Trustees that the drainage that was put there was not adequate. I don't think there is any question in anybody' s mind that the condition that existed prior to this drainage there was completely inadequate. As a matter of fact, I don't think there was any condition there except complete runoff of the water coming down from that entire subdivision into that creek and I would just call the board' s attention to the application that is being made here. Mr. Stoutenburgh: I would like to call to the board' s attention, also, that Mr. Smith appeared before the trustees and said that he would put in an additional drain if the Town Highway, Superintendent felt that it was necessary. Supervisor: Anyone - else? Mr. Bruer: Without reviewing the record of the trustees at that time, I could not concede to that statement made by Mr. Stoutenburgh. Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak? Hearing none, I will call the hearing to a close and the board will make a determination within the proper time allowed. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush, Secretary LEGALNOTICECOUNTY OF SUFFOLtc f NOTICE OF HEARING ij ss: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN STATE OF NEW YORK that a public hearing will'be held by the Towri Board of the Town of _> Southold 'at- the office of the Supervisor, 16. -South Street,' ' Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an 'Greenport,'New York, on Decem- ber 21, 1976 at 3:30 P.M., in,the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; t:lsmsldod•A PluuI$ and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, 3°AIlmsd agy has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch-3o Ile ssa[q PoJ 'Paaaquraruaa aq s,fsmis man once each week forI ••••••••I.............................. weeks lq� ' 1I •siamo13 pus spaso 'ssau I -purl .rlayl ro3 saAllslaa pug spuaia3 ' successively, commencing on the ........................................ trio IIs o1 s�lusgl a.iaoais in0 r� ~ SXNVH140 QXdO day of .... ........... 19 ................. .( ................. Sworn to before me this .. ............... day or 19. . /.;.� . . Notary PubHe ETHEL PALLADINO NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-4628953 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 3o, 1978 LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ' -NOTICE OF HEARING 1 ss + STATE OF NEW YORK NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will beheld "by the Town Board of the Town of Southold' at the'office 'of the 'Supervisor, 16 ' South- Street, Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an Greenport, New York; on D`ecem= Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, ber 21, 1976 at 3:30;P:M., in'the matter of the application of Henry ! a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; J. Smith for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordi- and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, � nance of the Town'of Southold for i has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- the installation of a drainage ring and attached outlet pipe to run man once each week for ........ ............................. weeks into ttie southwest branch of Corey Creek, Southold, Newsuccessively, commencing on the .....�....................................... York. a, a -All persons interested in said day of ............ 19.f.�.. matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be ...... ............................... .......4& ............ .................. heard. DATED: November 23, 1976 i BY ORDER OF THESOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Sworn to before me this .. da or ' JUDITH T.TERRY, _ •••••••• •••••••••••• Y TOWN CLERK ��1, 1T-12/2 ..:?�!!! ✓�........ 197 e,2 ..........7.. �-6.... .Pylic..................................». Notary ETHEL PALLADINO NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-4628953 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30, 1978 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING that aTpN COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. u lic heE JS ariring will be REBY he d I STATE OF NEW ORK, l ss by the Town Board of the Town of Southold,,at the office ' the ! Stuart C. Dorman Supervisor, 16 South ,Street, • • • • •i Greenport, New,.'York; on i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . being duly Sworn. I December 21, 1976,-at'3:30 kjq.,.. I says that . . . .h�. is Printer and Publisher iOf the SUFFOLK in the matter of the application of Henry J: Smith -for a permit I WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said under the provisions of the county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed Wetland'-Ordinance of the Town I of Southold for the installation of copy, .has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times a. drainage ring .and attached outlet pipe to r."un into the south- I once in each week, for . . . . . . . . . .QIXA .W west branch' of-,Corey Creek, i weeks ` Southold, New-York. successively commencing on the Second All persons interested-,in said matter shall appear at the time day of . . . . • Dectabs 19• • • 76 and place above specified and i will be � given'an opportunity to be . . . . heard. / DATED: November 23, 1976 Sworn t0 before a this • • • • • � BY ORDER OF THE y/ 1 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD day of . . r �`��.,C��! 19. A. JUDITHT.TERRY TOWN CLERK 1TD2-2527 I . . . . . ����Ll�. ./7:.•-. 6�..���. .. . . . . . DONALD W. DEALE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No.52-4600772 Qualified in Suffolk County Rum Expires March 30, 19V I _ ILEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF NEW YORK. ss: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held I Stuart C. Dorman by the Town Board of the Town of • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . being duly Sworn. Southold at the office of the Supervisor, 16 South Street, says that . . h�. , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK I Greenport, New York, on WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said 21 December , 1976,at 3:30 P-M., in the matter of the application county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed Henry J. Smith for a permit t � , . under the provisions of the copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the installation of i once in each week. for . . . . . . . . One-4). . . . . . . , , . weeks a drainage ring and attached I Second outlet pipe to run into the south- I successively commencing on the west branch of Corey Creek, DeCeld 19 .76 • • • • • . . • . . . • . . . • • . Southold, New York. day of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . • • •• . • • . • . . • . and place above specified and Sworn to bef a me this will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: November 23, 1976 day of BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOAR . . . . . : .=��. . . JUDITHT.TERRY,, � . TOWNCLERK DZSNALD W. DEAL 1TD2-2527 NOTARY PUBLIC, Stlte of New Yofff ___-- No.52.4600772 Qualified in Suffolk County (Tenn Expires March 30, 19� LEGALNOTICE i COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF NEW YORK, ss 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held Stuart C. Dorman by the Town Board ofthe Town of 7�'' " " " " " " " " ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • being duly Sworn. E "Southold at the ''office of ,the says that . . . he. is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK Supervisor, 16 South Street; Greenport, New', York, on WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper ,published at Greenport, in said December.21, 1976, at 3:30 PM i in the matter of the application of county;and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed Henry J. Smith for a permit under .the provisions of, the copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times } Wetland Ordinance of the Town One (1) of Southold for the installation of once in each week, for weeks � a drainage ring and attached • . . . • • . . •St.COnd • . . • . . . • outlet pipe to run into the south- -west branch of Corey Creek, Southold, New York. , . day of . . . . . .Deo eY•. . . , . . 9_76 All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time • • • • • • ' • and place above specified and Sworn to be a me this . . . . ' ' will be given an opportunity to be heard. day of . . 1 .- Z/k — . 19. DATED: November 23, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE . . . • . . . . • . . . • . �, . . ' SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD i • • JUDITHT.TERRY, ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' • bONALD V�/,/.v TOWN CLERK NOTARY PUBLIC, OEALE 1TD2-2527 State of New York I No. 52-4600772 ,Qualified in Suffolk Coun germ Expires March 30, un I STATE OF NEW YORK: SS : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twenty-one years ; that on the 24th day of November 19 76 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 NOTICE OF HEARING UPON APPLICATION OF HENRY J. SMITH FOR A WETLAND PERMIT - DECEMBER 21, 1976 - 3:30 P.M. Judith T. Terry, wn Clerk Sworn to before me this 24th day of November , 19 76 otary Public ELIZABETH ANN NEVILLE NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No 52-8125850, Suffolk Count Term Expires March 30, 1Uk e LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the office of the Supervisor 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on December 21, 1976 at 3:30 P.M. , in the matter of the application of Henry J. Smith for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordimance of the Town of Southold for the installation of a drainage ring and attached outlet pipe to run into the southwest branch of Corey Creek, Southold, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. DATED: November 23, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK Copies to the following on November 24, 1976: Long Island Traveler, Inc. The Suffolk Times Rudolph H. Bruer, a/c Henry J. Smith PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE, DECEMBER 2, 1976 AND FORWARD THREE AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO `JUDITH T. TERRY, TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD NEW YORK 11971. f c��FFOC�.nA ` BOA D O.F TOVNM'd„R=STEES O�N OF`SOUTI3OU S1 7�B OLOu"' Telephone 516 - 765-3783 southoPd, A It N.�'. 11971 November 8, 1976 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the following resolution was passed by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a regular meeting held on November 1, 1976 : "IT WAS RESOLVED that the Board of Southold Town Trustees favorably recommends the approval of Wetlands Application No. 26 by Henry C. Smith for permission to install drainage ring at Wampum Way, Corey Creek, Southold, N.Y. We suggest that you confer with the Highway Superintendent and Building Inspector as to the adequacy of the existing drainage basin to determine whether it is adequate for the amount of drainage that exists to prevent run-off into the southwest branch of Corey Creek. If the present drainage basin is not adequate; then it should be suggested to the owner that an additional basin be installed. If this is necessary, the additional basin should be installed at the proper location and be of the proper size so as to prevent run-off into Corey Creek. Respectfully submitted/, Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees ABG/bn cc :file ,�n Examined ..�� t..... ...................... 19.1. / //, Approved ...... ......................................................... Disapproved ........................................................... Conditions, if any . .. .. G; r/? G.. ..(!1A..... ......... :....... '.ai.� .' � .... . . .... ! ........................................................................ .................................................................................,................................................................................ ExaminingBody ........... ................................... � " L .... ....: !.�e� .........,.......................... Signatureof Chairman ........................................•................................................................................ APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations govern- ing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit requested tt° ......t•�1�:.. ..."tet lr� 35§• •haw•ain�c�a�...V,UA9..:r�1 h. 0�7..... metal~ cover and attached outlet pipe run into S/W branch o ,. ray..Co.0 . ................................................................................................................................... Location of property for which permit wanted...,,y� ..0.i.. 0ig,ey•,Gre ................... .................................................................................................................................................................. Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location ..... i;neen... G-a6s........ ,.Pec,onLc....New..:91ozk...11 t.......................•................................................................................ Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property ..crook.................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. Size of proposed work: Arireventl -X $tln (a .e ttached nurvay- and sea fired subdZI on snap 4 12 Length .....��...............................................................•................................................................................ Width ..................................................................................................................................................... HeightAbove High Water ..................................................................................................................... DepthBelow Low Water ....... ................................................................................................................ Yardsto be Excavated .....�............................................................................................................... Yardsto be Filled .............e4.f1l ..................................................................................................... t Widthof canal, creek or bay fronting property.../... .0.................................................................... Depthat Low Tide .... ............................................................... ................................................... AverageRise in Tide ............................................................................................................................. ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1222 November 16, 1976 Southold Town Board Greenport New York 11944 Re: Wetlands application permit for -Henry J. Smith of property at Nunnakoma Waters, Southold, N.Y. Gentlemen: Please let this letter supplement Mr. Smith ' s wetland appli- cation dated October 5, 1976. The permit requested was for the installation of drainage ring with solid metal cover and attached outlet pipe running into the s/w branch of Corey Creek. The location of the property is Nunnakoma Waters at the end of a private road known as Wampum Way adjacent to a certain boat basin as shown on the filed map known as 11Nunnakoma Waters" . The land underneath the boat basin is of course private property owned -by Henry Smith, as well as the property adjacent thereto where the leaching basin was installed. After heavy rains, water would rush down the private roadways of Nunnakoma Waters to the boat basin and then into the boat basin. The , leaching basin was installed for the purpose of preventing wash- outs and preventing erosion of the property adjacent to the boat basin. The drainage ring and outlet pipe will have' no adverse effects on the wetlanem and, in fact, is in c6ftformity with the intention of the Act as set forth in Article I, Section 97-11 A and B in that the permit requested provides for the protection, preservation and proper maintenance of the use of the wetlands. It minimizes damage from erosion and all the other items as set forth in that Section. It is respectfully requested that this application be granted. inc rely, RHB:ba Ru olph H. Bruer- cc: Mr. Henry J. Smith aado'�A'-'IMae.. ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK 11971 TELEPHONE (516) 765-1222 October 27, 1976 Mrs. Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Re: Henry J. Smith Wetlands Permit Application Dear Mrs. Terry: Thank you for your letter of October 15, 1976. As to Paragraph B of instructions, enclosed please find a revised survey dated October 24, 1976 showing 4 x 8 pre-cast leaching basin with C.I . grate. Survey- also shows C.I. drain- pipe. All the above is to scale. Since the project is completed, what is shown on the survey is the end result of the project. As to Paragraph D, no rehabilitation will be required since the condition is completed and has existed in its present condition for a number of years . As to Paragraph E, the survey speaks for itself, showing each dock as it presently exists. No changes are contemplated. Regarding Paragraph F, the permit is for the approval of prior operations. The- dredging in Corey Creek was done many years ago.- The docks as -shown on the survey were built by individual land holders of Nunnakoma Waters, all as proposed on approved subdivision map signed by the Southold Town Planning Board. Mr. Smith thought that since the Planning Board approved and signed a map showing the proposed basin that was all the approval that he needed at that time. The instant' application is to correct -that situation. If anything further is required, please let me know. We would like to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Best regards. Pdolp y, RHB:ba Bruer Enc. Zo7' 1*3 ID _ D N 79°/ �6- X3 N Ag, \l z) nock 0 zo Q R 14 2a' ,r6��Spsr �l 9�y A \\o - C� V 5ED LANA Fid S` Ccs LEW, O� X3696 F v I S�,2yEyFo .woe • /�E'Y2Y���>'�' ,gv��yv�✓y vr/L��.9�oa���r� �Goe,gTiDiY • /✓r�N/k'�.�DM� yS/�9TE;E'S G�9iV� �U,�''�'E,�o,�E' ecu THoeo .5�.�'�'01,4� Cau�veyy So�rya4�r /v, �! 1J,9Tw, 6e-z Ze, ?� Town Of Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT Application No. �4...................... Date of Application .....October. 5, ..1976.. Identityof Applicant ................. ent.Y...�:....Smi�Ch.......................................................................... Address of Applicant . Robinson Road,,,,Peconic,, New„york 11� $ .......... ............. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter permission from the owner of the property if not the same as the applicant. B. Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location o property, the names and locations of owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed description of proposed project. (Note: Copies,of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and attached to the Permit Application) C. - No operation shall be initiated by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. QrD. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the k is completed must be given, including a survey if required. 0 If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map certified by a registered land survey or Professional Engineer. The horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- ings shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued-to- erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether ainy such permits or licenses were ever revolted or suspended by a governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This filing fee includes one inspection, there is a $5.00 fee for each additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request of the applicant for a permit, may waive in whole-or in part, the provisions of Article 11, Section 210, subdivisions (d) and (g) where it finds that nature of the proposed operations are such that -the requirements of such provisions are not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. I. Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request. U,.phi j r r / f � C a Ch off' • ( , 'a LEWi c �J � 9- fir e loi 10 0 RK JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS �4 Southold, L. , N. Y. 11971 October 15, 1976 Mr. Henry J. Smith Robinson Road Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Smith: I am returning herewith your application for a wetland permit. Please comply with sections B. D, E, and F as shown on the instructions. The board has examined the applications and map submitted by you and cannot act- without the additional information requested. Very truly yours, �i Judith T. Terry y Town Clerk c I_L(1Q41i' ®EGA Jam ' OW p6RK Ota SOUTI, JUDITH T.TERRY =PID TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK rote 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. N. Y. 11971 October 15, 1976 Mr. Henry J. Smith Robinson Road Peconic, New York 11958 Dear Mr. Smith: I am returning herewith your application for a wetland permit. Please comply with sections B. D, E, and F as shown on the instructions. The board has examined the applications and map submitted by you and cannot act without the additional information requested. Very truly yours, Judith T Terry y Town Clerk a , �J Examined Approved ................................................................ Disapproved ........................................................... Conditions, if any ................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ExaminingBody ..................................................................................................................................... Signatureof Chairman ........................................,................................................................................ APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations govern- ing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit requested tax....for..the installation of drainage ring..with Sly„ ... ........................_..,.............................. ............ ........... metal cover and attached outlet pipe run into s/w branch of ,.Corey...Creek................................................................................................. .................................... Location of property for which permit wanted.....s�w..b.ranch. ...of. ..Core. y...Creek..... ...... .. .. ....... .. .... .......................... ................................................................................................................................................................. Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location .....Robinson.Roads......, ............. ......0... Peconic, New York 11958 ................................................................................................................................................................. Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property ..sZw.....branch. . ...o. ... f Core. ' Creek . .... .... .. . .. .... .... ................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. Size of proposed work: As presently existing (see attached surveys=and see filed subdivision map # 5126) Length ........... ....................................................,................................................................................ Width ...............r.................................................................................................................................... HeightAbove High Water ....... ..../.....................................................:.................................................. i DepthBelow Low Water ........./.............................................................................................................. Yardsto be Excavated ........`3.............................,................................................................................ Yardsto be Filled .............4�4".C......................................................................................................... Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property...Zeo.../:'Z.:............................................................ Depthat Low Tide ................/..............................,................................................................................ AverageRise in Tide ...... ................................................................................................................... I Is this for private or business use? ..........Private....... ..................................................................................... Area Zoning ...........A" Residential .......................... ............................................................................... Manner in which material will be removed or deposited ............Existing... ................................................... . .................................................................................................................................................................. Intended use of property ....Approved boat basin as shown on approved„filed,,,,, ...... ..... ..... .......... ..... subdivision map ##5126 ........................................................................................................................................................ Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant ........................................ .................................................................................................................................................................. .........4........................................................................................................................................................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) STATE OF NEW YORK SS: Henry J. Smith ...............................................mi ............................................................ being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of 'Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. . .................... Si nature o plicant J. Smith Sworn to before me this5th ................................ doW�q �b ..... . ................. 1976.... . .. ............. ..........Public RUD 'LPH H. f3RUER NOTARY PUBLIC, State of ,New York No.52.0465530 -Suffolk County lCommission Expires March 30, 197Z � I -. -1 -11 - , - - I - I - - ­ � - I�Q�j � q, "!, 1 1 1 � ­ - I 1W0P11,,,m11N`�1 �41 ,] , ., .. � "'11, ,§g��,�i,.%Tg,t!sl�IK,,L,�vx�4�--y,,;­­-,,,­,­`._-I;P-,�, '' _ 'A R U'h' ... � 'flll•k," '. , , , " H -I I , , , .1- -- t � , , , rwl,I -.1 � ?v �'. ,.; -.g ,�.. '-,�p,�,-,,'.,,,',`,W,"',',-.-, 0" -,j W I-, , ,�-_ , , , , , , "I' ' F140-Y , 'i; _A'!,6-� , , , I I �` , " � " -or" ft�'_47"iz I .1.. I " . , A , - .I M� -, - �A,� ,,.!�� I. . 1�,t, M S, , , [� .... 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Martocchia Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia: Transmitted herewith is application no. 26 for a wetland permit submitted by Henry J. Smith. � ' Copies of this application have been forwarded to `tkhi Board of Town Trustees and Conservation Advisory Council for their report of findings and recommendations. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk RK JUDITH T.TERRYI 1 TEL fi 3H0 NE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS i Southold, L. , N. Y. 11971 October 7, 1976 Mr. Frank Kujawski, Jr. , Chairman Conservation Advisory Council Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Kujawski: Transmitted herewith is application no. 26 for a wetland permit submitted by Henry J. Smith. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit Raid report to the Southold Town Clerk within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk - A 5�� OF 71 RK g TELEPHONE JUDITH T.TERRY �' v TE TOWN CLERK 765-3783, 1� REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS j _ J Southold, L. , N. Y. 11971 October 7, 1976 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Southold Town Trustees Town Clerk' s Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith: Transmitted herewith is application no. 26 for a wetland permit submitted by Henry J. Smith. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Clerk within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk