HomeMy WebLinkAboutSauer, Athur W ❑FFICE ®F ,TOWN CLERK TOWN OF ,SDUTHOLD M AL13CRIT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK - ' 755-3783 HF-015TRA4 OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. 1.; N. Y. 11971 r October 13, 1972 {: Mr. Arthur W. Sauer Riley Avenue Matti.tuck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Sauer : Transmitted herewith is a copy of the resolution I , passed by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on October 10, 1972 , at which time your appiioation for a wetland permit was denied. very truly yours , Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk F ;',7•i'' .k;,r'.^'a ;'.--.,,�j�. .s�w`r':?`,i,",`hvt,- •t.,. - :,,• ',y ````�c - u. '' ';'i` Wit'• :t ''"'r�.F,r''..{', `�`�s, 'T1+vista"';.#..f ,I � ' „ , �iir 1 At a meeting of-the Town Board of the Town of Southold held at the ` Supervisor's Office,'' 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on the 10th day of October, 1972. ! j' WHEREAS, Arthur W. Sauer by application dated July 17, 1972, made application for a wetlands permit for the purpose of constructing a bulkhead and filling land on preinises of said applicant located`on the sAttherly side i of Riley Avenue at Mat.tituck, New York, which said premises are adjacent to James Creek, and WHEREAS, the said application was referred to the Sotithdld Town I Board of Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisbr'y Council for their findings and recommendations, and , Ii WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by this board with respect to said application on the 12th day of September, 1972, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, this board has thereafter examined all statements and documents submitted with respect to such application and ha.g also visited the premises in question and is therefore familiar with the premises and the I ' ' effects upon the same which would result by reason of the gi-a�ting of •aid application, !' d, , r , NOW, THEREFORE, ,IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS F&LOI WS: Upon all of the evidence and information obtained by this beard, the I board finds that the portion of applicant's premises for which a permit is I sought consists of approximately the southerly 50 feet of applicant's property adjacent to James Creek. On inspection of the premises, the'board advises i` that the premises for which aermit is sought comprises wetlands under, P g p . the wetlands ordinance of the Town and have growing thereon silt hay and cord grass which is vital to the marine life of the area. The applicant �s proposes to completely fiA the entire area in question which would result r f•. 1- F� t in the complete destruction of said wetlands and sub 8 tantially,adversely i affect fish, shellfish and other beneficial marine or ganisms,i aquatic ° wildlife and vegetation and the natural habitat thereof, it is therefore . RESOLVED, that for the reasons hereinbefore set forth, �fe aforesaid , application of Arthur W. Sauer is in all respects denied. i E: I? r. i" f F., 4 i a , r- I I � 1-ATE OF NEW YORK OUNTY OF SUFFOLK )ffice of the Cled< of the ss' This is to certify that I, Albert W. Richmond, Clerk of the town of Southold, in OWN OF SOUTHOLD the said County of Suffolk, have compared the foregoing dopy of resolution with the original 'resolution now on file in this office, and ovhlcf, was passed i S E A L by the Town Bbard of the town of Southold in said County o4 Suffolk, on the .. 10th„ day of ..._.,,, ............ 19.72...., and that the some is a correct and true transcript of such original resolution and the whole thereof. " In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this ...,13th.,, day of ..........October,,,,,,,, 19,72 , } .........................I.....,..................... Clerk of the Town Board, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, N. Y. i M I N U T E S SOUT HOLD TOWN BOARD September 12, 1972 PRE SE ITT: SUPERVISOR ALBERT M. 14ARTOCCHIA JUSTICE MARTIN SUTER JUSTICE LOUIS M. DEIMAREST COUNCILMAN JAM H. RICH, JR. C OUNC IT241N JAMES F. HOMAN TOWN CLERK, ALBERT W. RICHMOND 8:00 P.M. m Arthur W. Sauer for a permit under- the provisions of the Wetlands 0rdinance. Southold Town Board -2- September 12, 1972 Supervisor Martocchia called the hearing to'-order at 8:00 P.N. in the matter of application of Arthur W. Sauer for a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the purpose of constructing a bulkhead and filling land shown as wetlands on James Creek, Riley Avenue, Mattituck, New York. Justice Louis M. Demarest read the legal notice of hearing; proof of publication in the Suffolk Times and the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman; letter from the Board of Trustees objecting to the application of Arthur W. Sauer as it would not be in the best interests of the ecology program; letter from the Southold Town Conservation ,advisory Council stating that they, do not approve the application. SUPERVISOR 1ARTOCCHIA: You have heard the reading of the legal notice, proof' of publication in the official newspapers, and the recommendations of the Board of Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council. Is there anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this application?- MR. ARTHUR W. SAUFR: There is not any difference between mine and biro Lusk' s property because they adjoin. This is an erosion problem which was not caused by us . We are trying to reclaim our land and to hold it. It is our right and duty to protect our land. It is the first thing this country was built on. There are a lot of m1sunderstandings of people who watch television and read some- thing in the papers and accept it as gospel without any question. This has been referred to as lush meadow. This application was put in in February. Yes, the grass has grown in .August. Did anyone look Southold Town Board -3- September 12, 1972 at it in January. SUTPERVISOR MARTOCHIA„ Does anyone else wish to speak in favor of this application? (There was no response. ) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHI&: Does anyone wish to speak against this application? MR. JAMS KIMMINS, Mattituck; I dontt think this man understands wetlands but if he has an erosion problem I should think that could be circumvented by some sort of retainer on his hard ground. Once this is bulkheaded James Creek will be a completely bulkheaded area and we wontt have any more swans and ducks. I am definitely opposed to it. MRS. SHIRLEY BACHIACH, League of Women Voters; (read the follow- Ing letter) ; The sites of this application and Mr. Luskts application are side by side and after inspection of the League of Women Voters of Riverhead, we are considering them as one piece and an excellent example of valuable wetlands. It is our contention that viable alternatives to bulkheading and filling are available and such alternatives should be investigated to the fullest. Mr. Sauer explained to the League members that excessive speeds of boats on the creek endangered moored boats and eroded the shore- line. We believe that this can be eliminated by proper policing of the creek. The question of erosion of shorefront property, however, is always with us. The major problem, then, is to determine whether shorefront of this type, which is of prime wetlands quality, belongs to the Town or to private buyers. The fact that our Town `.trustees Southold Town Board -4- September 12, 1972 are required to protect the public interest in land below the mean high water mark suggests that all such areas really belong to the Town. We ask the Town Board to deny, the application of Mr. Lusk and Mr. Sauer for bulkheading and filling on James Creek. (letter signed -by Jean Tiedke) MR. DONALD BRANT: We oppose this application as we did the prior one. I will leave the letter from the North Fork Environmental Council with you. Excerpt fnom letter: Regarding the application of Messrs. John Lusk and Arthur W. Sauer, for permission to fill on Riley avenue, James Creek, Mattituck, these are lush, extra fine wetlands, and we urge that you and the members of the Town Board give the same con- sideration to the values of wetlands preservation and the dangers in its destruction when reviewing them as you have done in previous applications which the Board has refused. (Signed) Donald W. Brant _MR. ED WIRSING, North Fork 4udubon Society: We are opposed to the granting of this application. I would suggest that the best answer to the erosion problem is the presences of the grasses. This will increase the land as this goes on for a period of years. The spartina is- going to move away and he will have more land as time goes on. If he cuts that out he will have erosion, it will under- mine his bulkheaded dock and his lawn will fall into the creek. MISS MOORE: I cantt endorse strongly enough the position taken by all four speakers. I would certainly urge that we oppose. There has to be a cut-off point in saving the wetlands. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Does any one else wish to speak in opposition to this application? MR. PAUL STOUTENBURGH: Just for the record.. I oppose. Southold Town Board September 129 1972 -SUPERVISOR YARTOCCHIA: Does any-one else wish to speak for or against? --(There was no response. ) - SUPERVISOR- MARTOGGHIA: Thank youu -for being with us. The Board will now close the hearing and make a determination at a later date. ` LEGALNOTICE -LEGAL.NOTICE s•' 1� NOTICE-OF HEARING, f, • ;" E of Southold for,the,purpose of ? t NOTIC IS HEREBY GIVEN " constructing-, a ,bulkhead• and'- 6t filling land slid wetlands on ' hat hearings will beheld by th'e James, Creek . y Cown -Board,-of• the_'Town of Rile Avenue- j SUFFOLK I iouthold at,.-,the-'Supeivisor's, Mattituck, New fork.-,. [�Eyy 7CORIS; ss office, 16, South =,Street-, All Persons-interested,in said,.1 ;,reenport,New York,on the;12th matters shall appear at the tirrie and day of September, 1972,-in, the !ace''above%specified'�and dart 0. Dorman being duly Sworn, natter of the'_.,followiri will be;given ar opportunity to be ° ° ° ° applications - , g{ heard.,;= •� he DATED p' , is Printer and Publisher sof the SUFFOLK 7:30P.M.,;upon application'bfY`'',,"r "- Augut-8,-1972. -, - . I Russell, Alf'en .••Siassen •for- aBYORDEROFTHE'.IMES. a newspaper published at Greenport. in said Dermit ander, the,'pl•ovisions-,of 'SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD'I the Wetlands-Ordinance-of the "'ALBERT W.RICHMOND l that the notice. of Which the annexed is a printed Town of Southold for the pgrpose -->> - ''-TOWN CLERK j tf•constructini,a,woodwalkway` i-= — __-_t1eeII published in the staid Suffolk Weekly Times `o the waters -edge across one meadow, on Reserved Plot' A, once in each week, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weeks F,Section 2,M.S.Hand Map 1280;on hir; 1Y;S ugene _Creek, 'Stillwater successively commencing on the . . . .t. tY-:f t. . . . . . . jAvenue, Cutchogue, New York. •,! day of . . . , $. . . �. _� ,�X97 . 7:45 P.M., upon-application of John Lusk for a permit under the provisions_ of•- the•, Wetlands ° ' ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ' ° °° ° ° ° ° °° ° ° ° ° Drdinance _of -then,Town_`of - SWAirII to before me th" —° Southold for: the purpose� of•• 'gSuffolk ' ° ° ' ; constructin a bulkhead and day of Filling land shown�as wetlands on James Creek, Riley,"Avenue, r Mattituck, New Yo8:00 P.M:;_4on applicat;on of .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur -W-:Sauer` for a,-permit ENCE T®WNSENb under thea,provisions of_ the C OF NEW YORK Wetlands O'r'dinance of=the Town7 County k Ciks- No. 52-9366350 (� `- My Commission Expires March 30, I9 7 r COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND NOT?CE tpF HEARINGS � � TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- y,t. I NOTICE is,,HER> JBY_GIVEN that hearings" �ekl by Pa printed at outf I rid Southold, County;in Suffolk Cand that j ' � Per the Town Board,of the',Town of' the notice of which the.annexed is a printed copy, has been Southold , at- the' Supervisor's office, 161 South Street; Green- f published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mattituck Watch- port, New York, on the 12t , of Siptember, 1972, in the.mat= - - � � man once each week for ter tions: ...... .. ...... 4 7:30.P.,M.,'upon application of successively, commencing on the i, Russell'=Allen Stassen for 'a`per- .. .... ............ mit under the provisions,of the C Wetlands ordinance of the Town sof-Southold hold for the purpose of day of ..... ..... ., constructing-a.wood-walkway to the waters edge-across meadow, onReserved'.Pot` A,, Section 2, ......................... .... .............. ............ ......... M. S. Hand'Map 1280,-ori.,tugene Creek, ZtillwatQr 'Adenue;'%Cu - chogue;, New York. E` 7,:45'Pt1VI:;'upon applii'ion•of pry f 1`�'( d f John-'Lusk,:fdr,.a �iermit,,A1nabr i the .provisions of ,then°Wetlands S ••••• ••.• ••••�. _" worn to before me this ay o Ordinance oflihe Town of,So>xth- old for"the 9pu•pose of.cbl'fstiruct= 9�°� ing-a -bulkheadI and'filling(land °• •••••°• •� •••• ' `showxi' aswetlands `on James ' Creek;'Riley Avenue, LAattAd6k, ( New Yoik. '1 8:00 P. •M.; upon•'application h' of'Xrthur W Sauer-for a`per`mit "under the provisions of`the`Wet-°` b ,,,, „ ,.. .. .. .. ........ i A ` lands ordinance' of-' the• Town 2Vbtratq Pub14c of Southold for the purpose-'of j constructing"_ a bulkhead-' and fillmg• land:;shown 'as wetlands"- , ori James' Creek,, Riley-'Avenue ADELE PAYNE • - Mattituck, New York. ,, Notary Public, State of New YOfiR 4 All persons interested'in said Residigg in Suffolk County matters.shall=appear at the time, No 52.3041000 and place above specified"and Commission Expires March 30, 197 yg' will be given;an opportunity�_to 4r be heard. iDATED: August 8,-'1672 BY ORDER` OF THE SOUTHOL, TOWN-BOARD� r ALBERT W.'RICHIVIQNb TOWN CLERK' �a sr .- L � STATE OF NEW YORK: SS : ; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: f( ' } 1 If � ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the' ' age of twenty-one years ; that on the o�p' day, df 19 he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice ; A is 'a ;•true copy, in a' proper, and substantial manni r` , 'in a most j public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk Couri�y, New _��� ;6; 'York to wit: �T�� �� _1� ,# Town Clork, Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, ,L.I• ,N•Yo i Sworn to before' me this Albert,,W.i, Richmo d;' Town Clerk day of 42� .d�� 19 !; (ff(Aary Public •I JUDITH T BOKEN ' Notary Public, State of New York 7„ No 52-0344963 Suffolk County//fJes� Commission Expires March 30, 19�� e t! LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE 'OF HEARING ., i `i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearings 'will`be held by- the ' Town t Board of the Town of Southold at the 'Supervisor ' s Office, 16 I South Street, Greenport, 'New York, on the 12th .'day of September, , 1972 , in the matter of the following applications : 7 :30 P.M. , upon application of Russell -Allen Stassen for , a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the i ; ! Town of Southold for the purpose of constructing a wood walkway to the waters edge across meadow, on Reserved Plot A, Section 2 , f M. S . Hand Map 1280, on Eugene Creek, Stillwater Avenue, ; I , Cutchogue, New York. 7 :45 P.M. , upon application of John Lusk for a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the- Town of Southold for the purpose of constructing a bulkhead and filling land shown ° as wetlands on James Creek, Riley Avenue, Matti,tuck' New York: 8 :00 P.M. , upon application of 'Arthur W. Sauer „for a permit { under the provisions of the ;Wetlands , Ordinance,• -of the ,Town of Southold for the purpose of constructing a bulkhead and filling j I land shown as 'wetlands on James Creek, Riley Avenue, Mattituck, „ New York. ° ' I All persons interested in said matters shall appear at the t time and place -above specified and will be given an opportunity to be heard. ' 1 DATED: August 8, 1972 . BY ORDER OF THE , �I SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD {' ALBERT W. 'RICHMOND TOWN CLERK , I 3 1 Page 2 - legal notice , y } I , PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE AUGUST 31, 1972, AND FORWARD FIVE (5) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION � TO THE TOWN CLERK, MAIN ROAD, SOUTHOLD, � NEW YORK. t ' f 1 r f l 1 - i I I , t j Copies to: The Suffolk Times I The Long Island Traveler I Russell A. Stassen John Lusk n -Arthur W. Sauer P ' I I 1 ' t - i t ' ° 1 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK August 8, 1972 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: The Board of Southold Town Trustees objects to the application of Arthur W. Sauer, Riley Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for permission tQ fill wetlands. This proposal would not be in the best interest of the ecological program. Very truly yours, Alvah B. GoILdsmith Chairman OFF M ERK T ® - SWUM I" D ALBERT W. RICHMOND �®�v TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. I , N. Y. 11971 July 17 , 1972 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia : Transmitted herewith is application no. 8 for a wetland permit submitted by Arthur W. Sauer. Copies of this applicat6on have been forwarded to the Board of Southold Town Trustees and Conservation Advisory Council for their report of findings and recommendations.- Very truly yours, JAlbert W. Richmond Town Clerk TOWN OF S OUTHOLD \ TOWN CLERK' S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. - APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT Application No'.� Date of Application /__1 — � Identity of Applicant 7'/-1641? Address' of Applicant ��' //� P ///�. /,/ 'l�fG( ;r+' - INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT ' ` This, application is to be completely filled -in 'by typewriter br- ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate,. accompanied by' ' . -- _,_written permission from the owner of the, property if ,nmt 'the same as the applicant B. , Pilot Plan must be drawn to ,scale on the reverse, side -of 'this application showing the location, of property, the names and locations of owners of adjoining properties, 'and a detailed, description of proposed project. (Note : Copies of ,the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine 'and attached to the Permit Applicati'on. ) C. No operations shall be initiated, by the appl'ican;t tunl all b permi ts' that are required are, issued. ; - 4I D. A_ detailed', statement' of the rehabilitation, and, proposed condition of-the, premises after the work is, completed ' must, be given,` including e, a,,survey.'if xegnired. ; E Ifermit is being sou ht, for 'a more sizea'ble ecawatiori than 'the ; - p g , g ' constructfioo_, of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must"be accompanied by a ,.surve'y and topographical map certified by,,a "registered land survey, or ,Professional Engineer. ,,'Ths„'horizontal control, of survey shall be based, upon an approved ' local' coordinate system:'; . The• vertical control for, elevation and soundings shall be based upon.''Unite_d• States ,Coast and- Geodetic, Survey and/or United S'tates; 'Geolog ica1,ISurvey!,datum.. -'` F'. Astatement must ,accompanyr'• the application describing any known ` - 'prior operations' conducted ,on; th`e .premises in ,question' and whether y• any. prior, ;licenses or permits have been issued to erect ' structures or to dredge or deposit' fill on said premises ' and whether any;,such permits 'or licenses were' ever revoked or suspended by„a. go'vernmen'tal” ; .. _ agency, G. A:filing fee of $25x.00 ' shall accompany, the application. ,, • This filing :fee, includes one inspection,=there is a $5.00 fee for each Y additiona`1 inspection'. The',,,Town.', Board upon, request 'of the applicant for a' permit, may waive, in, whole or ,in part',, ,the provisions of Article II, Section 2101 subdivi's''ions: '(d) and (g)'- where it finds' that' the `nature of the proposed, operations-,.are, such ,'that 'the requirements of s,`uch provisions , , ,. are not necessary for a proper -considertion of, 'a ', permit application. „ YI` Upon approval "of this application the,-,)Town',.°Clerk ,.will' issue a ' permit to ,the 'applicant. `Such,.•permit, ;shall, a ,avai.11ible for ,"inspec0 tion;°`at'. an time, .upon r'eque'st'. '' ;,• Y r S:'�,, , ,,' , � �,,,; t' ,: *' ,e„* *n, * � ,- -."'r 1, rak '�, �lY•�ai{;,av,,,;, , Page 2 i Examined 19 Approved Disapproved Conditions, if any Examining Body Signature of Chairman ; APPLICATION -IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk , County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the ' Laws, Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit, requested to Offs %/Y LAG t Locution ,of -property for which permit='wanted- Home address of -'permit applicant, if different from aforesaid location Creek, Bay, or Harbor fronting- property jd/2 5' Size ofrposed O t 20 _ Height Above; High Water,, Depth Below L'ow Water ` Yards tobeExcavated ? ' Yards to be Filled - Width of canal, , creek or bay fronting property 0 / Depth ,at Low. Tide (t, ' Avera a Rise .in Tide f g /a.USi4u f�r_ � �o�vz?vrG7'cc'r� 's G7`saF Its-10 0�' Page ,3. I's this, 'for private or business use? /r/, i -Area-Zoning S/EE(1/7-/,4c l Manner in which material will be removed or deposited Intended use of property ,Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant STATE OF NEW YORK) SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) _ being duly sworn deposes , and says that ,he is the, app i ant for the above described permit, • and that all statements cont fined herein are true' ,to the best .of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done- 'in the manner set,, forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town-' ,Board of ;the Town of Southold. ' 17he applicant agrees to hold the- Town of Southold and•. the. Town, Board harmless -and' 'free from any, and•, all . ,damages, 'and' claims arising under , or.,by virtue of said permit, if granted. Signature .of_Applicari Sworn 'to b f re me this day of r 19 - Notary Publi i ' - - r • ' ' - - � .!y F - _ '1�' _. +•i..`A.:Ji_.i:ir - - ,. ' -1 I -S:. �.yrs . � - v - - • - - ' •• ��i'. ..0 r.. ..... _- et`� '] i1.• a eY.�`3,f ,'4 'f - _ - `�I•'t'�� _ ` r _ y .- -t .$) Sr 'sem-. _ �r,.},,' -- ''7 _� _ �J� •.L:,-}_ � -- - `'r�' - _ •, •�fk' - - --- •- - , , , _ - , L, - �- .Gay , '-R' -_ +- Rl - - ,. . - - _ - •Y• i -. _ ._ � � '+,c_ ,-] rr S.z'. :q, __ .' _ 4r' .� t% i °,f;l' ,.. _ - .. _- _ - }, _ t '' - • TOS '. ,r ^S'' `d. r is - ,�,v. � rk}{{k��p�1'y� �y M,1�� ,,/w. Y •] - /.�;y�, - it.J -i t r , . Je MST 'Ar , '7�"- ., � - -Y'' RP�, ,C4 Wt'��• W'Yr+�y�@�t.vR!51 . 'i, - • .. - ��gg;'����'�`'yn `�,�, e. - r��—�`x' - +' •1, . - _- 'r,^ _ - - r ' i `� �''�1'[;3'!_ y�y ,q+ r. 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Ing Ist,tar) Tho. dies 'or thIs upp I toatton'a r4 -1-Iri a�:fv 'application e aWty b. 'e 140 and aftO!r 'UiS OCi1* ,a: tho Of WOOM 'Vot' re of as o , PLOO4,4W ;all' .OX601Iert example or ,vnuabie *t2nndai. aglaaft, _ctia'u'val lila and such altornOl as Dhcu3A;_bo: 16veat 4tad ; to-t - tallest a& �xpnod,,to tbo L ipx,,Ovv 'tit b oat apcedg Of,outs do the croolz aniarfg. erod moavad boats 'tind eroded Ifte* WO Itw�e tt, thla, can -baa ollmlmt d 'by �r f)r,pailc t Of tho-'OV60%4, alwaya with- U34- 1Tho 06j, 0 t a . 1a t . a ata a whot r - ahwetroixt-4-'this tyqos,tftl. ch ,Is- a, primo..wis a, quality# belpriac +a tha 11rwn �,61* 04-*'*1cw 4. '+Sw* O%ilw MAW= :*er r 1110uthb2a TOM Aw that 44 ' - R`'ltkk+l. 4�����+�j�'v,'�.%� ���,+�_ 9;;; ,1 ,� ' ''�n �jx�,�.��sy `L:'+����' �a��°�1�p• _,. ,,._ ` " . 0 ZVP .� m Tv at OAwvO liwz �.1.4 ' 1.71' ���{A d'S-RVTFt;w� ��iki.lT ���� T%��Ar9 S4f5•�� -��Y!-f�a1�iL4..^+f �.i1G"1f..i�Y1r ST�as� �«�i� �{�7. iy+19t��� �' , � R MMI-krzt• �& •_ , Ebmd;it-my ' - • zv pro" o• - 6qto - , _ _ „ - - pp.�� _ -rryy ��•, '}wry��.+ • +�,''� ,�q,��,y,yr•�.y y �-c • p - s,;� q�•-,g+�, p, ��p-�j,, � y,�q j'• - - - � IF�4'sr +�,r45� F�3'al�, ��+-R�+'W' � -b�"J$+�:my.tc,?►•$k•'se'ki.�4Rie �e� �d��4�� " K,+!4yy�'17�5�Y,.ic i4.1Las Fly '� �.,tS.��+H?�d - ' `� Sb3"�� �'f.Y,�tii�m'� '�r�a ila�.r �'�� a_`+'.��q`..i' �uah•-dp�� .:o����., �y'+�'��i �.'R�1?� ��.•a�R+67a+4i��S.M�� �i,ir.�f.e' J m a 4 &gig Oso . � ., v. M Ilav "It t W U.'.; '16 = dtmc . . • Y . . ,- - r „r :� B..l j • IvdO`[,,-en�d,W _ve� W,-t, iO'k-fzC'� ,OvYut, fry-.the, r.-P. iDisip••rs..t, y ,bo.n• that,we -oppose* 11.1he re 0 t,1 � far ., ' . ZeMPMVlach ,T� '�"t�����i Does' a o , 163aw, Wish.i0l ipepLk its ' - --,i,- irt' - '4:; - ;. - Vii' , -VIA, !, - "i''° .i;r ,C � ", } t �,: il ' "� ' meg' -I r-� `Y• _i t, ,rn '-}5. "' 1 - - "1„ - L J 1 - - t .1J 1 wa - �. tr - - � 11 All �`wv '1. rr, .i ,c'.-,,'I a ,''+MW?yJ�P,:'=y•' /t$ �,pON 16 , dA-''=. r�'A,.;'ae+tpy[ #M -, , F"'1 £,t'i+.s1,+;i,A' .' �S7i jf�} S.d,$Y 1 .,�; _,{x' •+A*'. ''r'J. ,a'Mr ,t _ .# '" `.1+ _ IY1 •`t. ,� _ 'fF� �T= _ s `:fir; r' - -=c'. - 'is,'r _ ,, -" d,h'• ,l - tk i ,t^ ,, 4' •?4f`.1' .) - �i1� ,ter' - 'i`„ - ,j.. _ .Cr' _ - •-1 _ 1,_ _ '; "",#'•• �4' .J A ,.3.Aar _ A `1 , - ,,' :=a, ­, _-h va, ' do 'A''I t. ••J,: ,` 'r .;'' I .4:I f- - - 'v� yti[ - - 1 "' �i•Co _ J,,- ,i:^- - - "v `�:,p - , IV - ' ' SMS, A QUOS fir``'`_ ,' �:" ' ? -� rd'= ;t:r� t• : ; , �. .,a. ,wi ". :, Vit'• _ „ J },'1.A 3' ,♦�f , ., .y _ '.fr - ",F.•. `F•, gg"Audomanown St ^i ' .do, 4 - K,", rt -t t 4`,.$: ' til _ _ P" t 1-'. Wi WR -y y�yp, Wa' -1 - - a. h :Si-r- f .M A.` 'j.•;t�`,.il _ E ,t i 1"" :��,+ _ ,sty~ •'1' „_ ,`. 4. " ,S4 1 Jit rt,t14 :J+ `,J, FG.;+ - i --,� Xv ,t{ f' yi - ,_ -., _ .'air.:.Y - (~ ,!l?;'" F fn, ;r+r _ " -or 11 _ ,10 -!,,^ �,1:,1:.1 _'}_' - ,r_ 1 4• flat ' i '4{�i• �`r' - 'AV' " ,} - _• - _ "�f, -_:!' d- _ % �„`'r _ _ _1.-l"”, , - '111": r; r AA ?, i -; r' ki._ _15 stk .,F�,Jv �r%,.,If- '/t Jf.- Allyn.':K ,4. - .-'�,.n - .:1.,, S T�_ � t, sjf. _ - J - - - - _ _ F5-, ,I, -A ,_ _ , QV ri,,1 ° - - _ C - ON, 11 .+' _ ,. ,1, ale, ,..n - i,i`i` _ i�`- - '?_ _ �'f', Ili S ,'... ,A {.+`_,i-•-Am, ,.y' _ l"i - 1. -=5!: _ ,. _ ";'1 ,._ c _, s.• _ f' -,r - "t. _ - -, ,: n 1 ,rI' t".,,, '_y,`'^ -_ 'I - - - _ - "",i', .. _ Orr �•=':'-,' ,a,f- •�"'" ;i " .011% `y.s' ',tt,•,' - Ire __��,+,. _ - 4{•1 - , •ill - _, k',-°i - yFi, ��" 1, r - " ,11 ' '- _ "" r••.4�:` - '.t kt' -• -_ ,.i." 6: / ./'—%:i:+ tet. + . - - tj� it _ - -4 'ice Nr`' tJ __ r$'.- t..F ,F,V -" X''+1` - . , `y' ,'�v� 'V1Af �,.� `w J. 4 }.11 ,•s1; ,t�j ­ 11 _ f., _ _ _ - -t.r,LT.�'.Yi' t Y, - - S„` -' -- __'J ,,"G'" Ar",, '�� t _ i.5 - _ -,Ii, Vit. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3), 157L, Agria, for , variancen accord-' M,GAL i%,` ince Noth the Z., I ling Ordinance, N01,rct, 01• s Aiticle 111, SOCLIon 301 and 303, I�OTTCE for permission to build and ad- IS GIVEN dition to existing stlulcture with 11111' U..' held by les,, than required setback. Coca- the To%�n 13' 0,"Id of the Toa n of 4)uthold at tilt, S1jpjvj,,or,s tion of property, west side of Wells Road, Peconic, New York, 0:JCL, 16 South Stlot Green-, bounded north by Son, east by Nev- York, on the l2th day Simon, Wells Road: ,outh by Sims: west ,f September, mat- by Skwara, of the follow 11',!, applic,luoils 7:45 P. .%,I (EDST), upon ap- 11poll :11)1)11(atiojl of S It i ell w�swn for a per- Allen St' Plicotion Of William Worhle, 426- ::,i,. under the pjov;.,,j(), Mt. Miseiy Road Melville, New Is ()f the Ola"laile" W the Town York, for a variance in accord- of .1iouthold for the pusof ance with the Zoning Ordinance, ,:,Ni,ucting a wood to Article III, Section 301, for per- illi-s8ion to build addition to ex- isting edge acio,�s I lleadow, l`teSCrVCd Pot A, S(,ciloll 2, istilig �ztructuic with insufficient b 11,111d Map 1280. on I.-Ilgc1le. side Yard Location of property: Stillwater Averillo, Cut- South side of Lake Drive, South- New Yoik old, New Yoik, bounded north by Lake Drive: cast by Orr, eouth :,15 P M., upon application of by Great Pond, west by V. L,�;,k for a pelillit undel p o'. �,ioll Ceechim. l " Of the Wetlands 8:00 P. M. (EDST), upon ap- of the Town of South- plication of Jean Ellen Dean, Ir" tile P111TO-Se of C011SULICt- 8400 Main Road, East Mai-ion, t bulkhead and filling land' New York, as administratrix of as Wetlands on James 1— the Estate of Elmina Brown, de- -<. Mley Avenue, Mattituck,Yolk ceased, for a variance in accord- P M., upon applicat.ion ance with the Zoning Ordinance, v� i;ttlur W Sauer for 11 pel-Init Article III, Section 301 for per- '110 Provision,, of the Wet- mission to divide property with less than required area and Oidinance of the Tomi fiontage. Location of property: ;"Ilold for the purpose of '.^,,icting ,, bulkhead and west side of Bay Avenue, East rid -1 Marion, New York. bounded 14: land shown as wetlands north by Karas, cast by Bay Creek, Riley Avenue, kAvenue; south by Rose andk'-:` ew York. 110 r ;v:,,ons interested in said others; west by Radford and JUothers. :,hall appear at the time otabove specified and 8'15 P. M (EDST), upon ap- e : plication of *Eugene McElroy, V, an opportunity to Topsail Lane, Southold, New is eov—'. 1) ,trust 8, 1972 York, for a variance in accord-' ld "!7 kj*)DLR OF THE ance with the Zoning Ordinance. bndv,. :-AArticle III, Section 300A, 2c, for 't',T`[0LD TOWN BOARD permission to keep a, horse on W RICHMOND property with less than required "ay. IN 11. CLERK area Location of property: south e D;wx! 1T--31 r";; '�Iil- side of Soundview Avenue, ()F IMARING ON Southold, New York,. bounded ngakv:I of TO AMrNI) north by Soundview Avenue', ORDINANCE east by Hahn; south by Dolv; west by Dow. Va Scot!" Section 265 of the 8.30 P M. (EDST), upon ap- 11 Ai,,icle XVI, Sec- plication of Mildred Laubengel- Building Zone ger, Old Main Road' Matti'iick, Town of New York, for a special exception County, New in accordance with the Zoning the xill be held Ordinance, Article III. Section -1 To,.vrx Board in r�, ­ — - -- - r •f. 7s :�,� P. :Ile ry,,r_; ,I,L6^ ° 'Tp a' Ty 31 ` 1 - - - - •'r• •fl ,a`�,,7"',(`' -'f',. `g,,� ,e:. '"i 4t r_r i - 'q�,�a.,,�'%. _ _ „��.". }" ALR VYd�i• )rl..r 5✓+1r'iA' g,� "�°flYrJ�3. ,fly. 'DC7 od', _ .t•!t a Dear ;,,wap;irq c . c,.'. `a :. ~ - .` } n l le=.: ¢: ,' ' r .o .acaa :de fla .c yy� kJ�.. _r*t R5 y� �,.,,,�- 'tom,r qq��S,e1,[ _ - - '�`.`' .3-T. it' u'V•�.d?y j 'itL'. r're gGLs.'.r,+i:]� , i's kimp'd ;1 'd tbie ? ' all are l ter. ••�.propert-,es era iater +: r' i4sm= rze , _ �� x rix '`. _ c hue ` aad ,, t: e: i e,x�t3 :."tee d c ; .; d '6 .�tnerc , , ,. 6t�.i .,���. `i C3,fld'' fir" if r" :: '2101 `_Pfl " ,.C14 e ' '.e E r 'eC #.G°� �S� a � + fy � flea' ", J_ r ,- v'' '(" - - - - - • ` - �F'r - {} � def ��y'y - �,,p qq �(�'!$} r. "l J63l "' tIj'G,Y= Ine' ... te` a �a jElIt "nodes lar • be age, dte s. lijkbr }'1€a eea�-' fairs . `'cre� _; 0Z al a' - 5 + p =.rh € d y.•; ? , iorv- �.'6 least avaa..�.:��� L- �.'bc� '��a�`° s�p& would r `. �.�.�;e..: ; it` e'. c e ; ' s 'c baa , ' ass h. d ° I'l-�it����,;:,r•r_. �,:' approva- s' a < The .` `t?��Ts►'.;; ee ''. �P e ' res, Idnig",ran e tplanhi �,�,., nd"' .t- . Rills, r !all,;}' e -, , mot pr' ��':; ' ' afl »rsf`ley .,; d , d€ 1 5.4+ µ t ,"S or slid gake ;:a _fina-���. " MrV g`"( 7,Py 4J'1i'VS-1 Bot&d M4' - r`t:l• '- _ '' r a bi T :ar�in u t e' -' ;; TOWN OF, SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK' S OFFICE ; _ S OUTHOLD, N.Y•. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS 'PERMIT ,.Application No._, Ji/ _ Date of Application Identity of Applicant Address, •of' Applicant INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A. ' This application is' to be completely filled in by typewriter ''or "ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by written permission from ,the owner of the property if nbt ;the same , as- the app=licant. ' B. P 'lot'', Plan, must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this applica't'ion 'showing the location of property, ,the names and locations :of ;owner`'s of adjoining properties,, ,and a detailed, description of ' proposed' ;project..- (Note,: Copies, of the Pilot Plan . may ,be 'ma'de by, _ . a copy m'a'chine and attached to the Permit Application,; ^C;. Nq.)opera;IJ u,aihlti,ated,,] y the: applicant';until, all permits that are required ,are issued. f, ,D': 'A' detailed , statement--of. the ,rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the work is completed must be given, inc'lud ng ' ,' a survey if required. E. If •permit" is being sought for a -more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty,' then this application must •be 'accompanied by a' survey 'and topographical map certified by ,a , ' registered land survey or Professional Engineer. The 'horizontal control of survey shall be based upon•;an approved local coordinate The„vertical control for elevation and ,soundings shall; be , based upon,,United States. Coast and--Geodetic Survey and%or .,United-', - ' States.,Geological .Survey, datum. „ ; F. • • A statement must" accompany the application describing any known prior operations ,conducted on. the premises in ;question and.; whether - "' ' any ,prior •licenses • o"r permits have.•been issued to ,erect structures or,, to, ,dredge,.or deposit fill on said,. premises .and whether any such permits , or, Iicenses,•were _ever, revoked or suspended by a governmental agency, G. A , filing fee of,. $,2,5.,00' shall'•accompany the application. This f1ling„ fee includes one 'inspection,`=,there, is a $5.00, fee' for each additional inspection. H., The, Town Board upon request of the applicant for a 'permit, may .. waiize' in, whole or' in part, the provisions of Article II, Section 2: 10., „ subdivisions (',d) and (g) where it finds that the nature of the ` propos,ed,';pperati,ons,,;a,rq such, tha-t, •the requirements, ,,of.',,s;iich;;'provii's' on's''';r•'°' .,not necessary 'for' a' proper considerti,on of,:,a permit application. '' Upon approval of, this` application the Town' C'le'rk will issue a 'permi,t', to. the 'app'l'icant. Such permit shall be availl3ble for inspec0 °.` ti'ori 'at; any time, upon, request., , ,. , ,,.f• i.''` r1�;,,.. � ,_ � ., ., , i . * ,,, *. * ,tai* * ,+i,,,.. .p'. t , , ,. . i „ ,;if ayd.,.n}�y��k.,i� y' ,s:•�',�rie7l�i;S aJ:��," . Page, 2 , Examined July 29 19--22 , Approved No Disapproved Is not acceptable, Wet Meadow is wetlands'. Conditions, if any Examining Body Signature of Chairman f APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolj'''Courty, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws,, Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and _ Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas, of the Town of Southold: Permit requested to' eff) , 7-RU 6� ce c iT�y=✓-eta " 7 Location of property for which permit wanted Home address of permit applicant if different from„aforesaid location 11 S-1 Pl,,?7- - , Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting propertylg5j Size of proposed work : Length W N3 Vh Height Above High Water ` Depth Below Low Water Yards to-be Excavated ' ,- ' • Yards to be Filled -300 ' - Width-,.of canal, creek or bay fronting property, �0C) f, Depth at Low Tide _ ` -Average Rise in Tide j 01 OWN WIOR q,*rt01V �fc2�1P ' " ', , _ —• •;s^::1.,tRt;•t�^a'4';ay,',,. :.i,a,f,.4r9�n•Ara..;.? ,- + - ,_1 Page -3.11, - ; Is this'' for private or business use? !1,�, ir-- Area Zoning R16 s,to WT"!�4- Manner, in which material will be removed or deposited Intended use of property �lL= ,.,, Written consent of owner _of property, `if not the same ,as ',the applicant STATE OF NEW YORK) SS COUNTY OF, SUFFOLK) ILL - Ibeing duly sworn deposes ' and .says' that he is the applica , for the above described permit, and, that 'all , s•tatements containeyd herein are true to the best of- his ' knowledge and belief; that the -work will be done in the manner set forth in this; application' and as may -be approved by the,,Town Board • , of the Town of ,Southold. - , The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and -the Town Board harmless' and free from any and all . damages and claims arising, under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. Signature of Applican Sworn, to before 1te this day of ' 19 Notary Publi ;t ADELE:'PAYNE :Notary:,P,ubhc,,State-of'New York' ; Ras;dmg m` Suffolk'Courity ? _ No 52-3041000 Commission Expires'March 30, '190'• - " r .. 'r', '' .i .,l ' •ir , ., ' } "'A'y'' �"!'',rl.' ,t .;IS i�'Y,, ., Pi`. - I js OFFICE' r®F'S OWN-=CLERK T13W~ i.,OF;S,OLftH6 D ALBERT W. RICHM❑ND TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK T',a,-'r?"ivy 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. I , N. Y. 11971 t July 17 , 1972 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia : Transmitted herewith is application no. 8 for a wetland permit submitted by Arthur W. Sauer. Copies of 'this application have been forwarded to the Board of Southold Town Trustees and Conservation Advisory Council for their report of findings and recommendations. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk UA O F F ti F, E R K ALOIERT W. RICHMOND y` TELEPHONE ' TOWN CLERK `6pl P� 'r} r 765-3783 +' REUISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS •, SOUTHOLD, L.J , N. Y. -1197i July 17 , 1972 Mr. Alvah B. GoldstAith, Chairman Board of Southold Town Trustees ' I Town- Clerk 's Office Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Mr. Goldsmith: - Transmitted herewith is application no. 8 for a wetland permit submitted by Arthur W. Sauer,- Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this applica- tion and submit said report to the Southold Town-, Board within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours; Albert W. Richmond- , Town Clerk r - t O F F[, ice- 0IF3 �T C]Vlf�\ _ E R K yk pTMT..yz�4,7,a'A''" a a ALBERT W. RICHMOND ag TELEPHONE'' psi `` TOWN CLERK 6` ,��,�� 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTH❑LD, L. 1 , N. Y. 11971 July 17, 1972 Mr. Frank Kujawski, Jr. , Secretary Conservation Advisory Council Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Kujawski: Transmitted herewith is application no. 8 for a wetland permit submitted by Arthur W. Sauer. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with -respect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town -Board within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, , „ Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk „ 1 OFFICE 0F11,TE3wN-CLERK TdWN,..OF SOUTHOLD ALBERT W. RICHMOND c.y`'`^%n [+y'i �•} TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 76S-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTH0LD, L. I , N. Y. 11971 June 22 , 1972 Mr. Arthur W. Sauer Riley Avenue Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Sauer : We are holding your application for a wetlands permit pending receipt of the $25. 00 fee required dpon filing your application. Very truly yours , Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk TOWN OF _SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK•',S OFFICE ' SOUTHOLD,, N.Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT Application No. Date of Application ' Identity -'of Applicant ' �� rl�u� S14 cA�G—d� Address of Ar plicant W."ZY r: INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT ' A. _,Thus_ application is to be completely filled in by -typewriter ,o'r ink and submitted -to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate; accom :anied' by ` ' written: permission from the owner of the property if nbt th,e same as . ,,the'' applicant. , B. Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this . y ; application showing,, the location of property, the, names and locations ©f,:owners, of'-adjoinng properties, ,,and a detailed description of - ,propos'ed project. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by ' " a, copy 'machine _and attached to the Permit .Application'. ) ' C., , •NoM1:�oper,ations shall be initiated 'by the applicant,,,until' a11' ,per'mits•,that are required are-'issued. ;. " statement of the rehabilitation and ro I o`sed condition , D. A-'detailed sta a .P P of the, premises , after the work is completed must, be given including a' ''survey`,if, required. E. If permit,-is being sought ,for, a. more ,sizeable excaYation- than the construction of a private single dock-or- jetty, then this application must ,',be;'ac,companied by a ' survey, and topographical map certified by a registered' land survey or ' Profesaional Engineer. The '-horizontal , control ,of, survey shall be based- upon an approved local,lcoord'inate -system. ° The vertidal control for elevation and soundings, shall be; 'based ;upon United, States,,.Coast 'andr Geodetic' Survey and United ,States Geological Survey,;;datum. , F. A statement must`, accompany• the application describing -any known prior opera'tiQris,;conducted; on, •the .premises in •.questi'on. and whether ; .%any; prior, li'censes'- v or permits hae ':been issued bo erect: structures•' or 'to ,ldredge,-.,or,.deposit fill- ori {said ',premises and whether any such ' '• permit's,-or licenses ,were; ever ;revoked or-, suspended ,by 'a governmental agency '. 'G. A •I£iling,'1fee of- $25.00 shall accompany ,the, application: filing fee includes one inspection,=there is ' a, $5.00 fee for each ' additional, inspection. 'H. The'"`Town;' Board upon, request ofr,,the applicant ,for a permit, ,may „ ` waitze in whole or in part, the provisions ,of Article 'II,' _Section 210, ; subdivisions „(d) and ,(g), where" it ,,finds that the`nature of the ,';''' proposed operations: are such that,-the 'requirements of such -provisions are not nece'ssa'ry for 'a proper considertion of a 'permit application. " 1-' . 'Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk ,,will issue a ' permit •to ',the'.applicant., Such permit shall be available, for, inpec0 ,time, 'upon request. Page 2. Examined 19 Approved Disapproved - - Conditions, if any Examining Body Signature of Chairman APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Cou':ity, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains_ and- Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: �- Permit 'requested to C���/U ST—�i GP G % - ' v a�F( / 'F/�T� �- • �(­7 ` 14L � �A/G� �1-fowry �S (�c��i f��'/a-j�Ow , Location of property for which permit wanted - ac .Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property Size ofL proposed work . Length r wioth Height, Above Hingh Water- Depth Below Low Water - _ Yards to be Excavated Yards to be Filled',',,,! Width of canal, creek or bay..fronting-' propertyOC� - Depth at Low Tide Average Rise in Tide f ,Q �o R � �p Otc N Alf D�JC_RAT/ i oA,-5Y!f!/e- 1345a tJ '�`v�cc TSD ; Page .3. - - Is this for private or business use? Area- Zoning '49 lL Manner in which material will be removed or deposited i �G -Intended use of property, 1 V4- I/_�S /moi_`c Fa f�/�ivD 6 d= Written consent. of owner of property, if not the. same as the applicant, ,. : STATE OF NEW YORK)SS: i COUNTY, OF SUFFOLK) , being, ,duly sworn deposes and-s'ays that he - is the appli a t for the above,:de'scribed permit, and- that all• statements contai d -herein are true ',to the best of his • knowledge and 'belief; that the work will .be done in the manner set" forth in thi's''application and as may be "approved by the Town Board of the Town o'f. Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the„ Town,,o•f Southold and -the Town Board harmless and free from any ' and all „ - damages and claims arising under , or by virtue of said permit, if granted. ' Signature of Applicant - Sworn to before me- this day „of 19 Notary Public - ' ADELE'PAYNE i Nciary Public;' „ Res,d,rig m Suffolkf ew Yorks _ 4 No 52.3041 °unty F Commission Exp rres March 30,,1§” 7�l AIE FHUR I S � SI 0 /411/14D b v - r� 10 R L t K��I}D (9 fJ