HomeMy WebLinkAboutRuch, Eleanor L TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK' S OFFICE r SOUTHOLD, N.Y. WETLANDS PERMIT This Wetlands Permit # 20 has been granted by the Southold Tovm Board according to information furnished in Application #3l _ filed by Applicant Eleanor L. Ruch, as Executrix of the Estate of VI-Lenzne Ruch IV, cLeceased on July 25 1977 A map of the proposed work will be kept on file in the Town Clerk's Office under the application number given. Permit granted to do the following work Deposit approximately 1500 cubic 4 yards of clean fill to secure a 5 ft. elevation in an area between Middle t Road and a line determined to be 100 ft. from the ordinary high water mark of Arshamomaque Pond® Location of property on which work to be done Middle Road (C.R. 27) , _Southold, New York. t Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property Arshamomaque Pond y� - i Size of work: Length 285 feet Width Between 100 feet and 200 feet f ! Height Above High Water --- i iDepth Below Low Water --- Yards to be Excavated --- Yaras to be Filled Approximately 1500 cubic yards i i Manner in which material is to be removed or deposited By Truck load_ f and bulldozed to grade. 1 Intended use of property Private - Residential �'A" Page 2 Conditions if any A method of retaining the fill at the southern boundary 100 ft. from Arshamoma ue Pond to be established and Lapproved y the ui .ing Department. Expiration Date --- Number of Inspections Required --- Inspection Fees— Liability Policies in the Amount of --- The validity of this permit is or may be subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities_ The Town accepts no responsibility in applying for or obtaining such approval. In the event that such approval is necessary, the holder of this permit shall not commence operations hereunder until such approval has been obtained in writing. The failure to obtain such other approval when required shall subject this permit to immediate revocation by the Town Clerk upon receipt by the Town Clerk of written notice from such other governmental or municipal authorities of its refusal or disapproval. The applicant does by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations . By such acceptance, the applicant also agrees to indemnify and save harm- less the Town, and its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims arising from operations under this permit and any and all acts or omissions of applicant, his agent and employees. The applicant and the owner and occupants of the premises upon which the operations authorized by this permit are being conducted, do, by the acceptance of this permit, give consent "to the Town, and its officers and employees to enter upon the premises where such opera- tions are being conducted to make such inspections as the Town may deem necessary to insure that such operations are being conducted in conformity with this permit_ This operation will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the town_ B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vegetation or the natural habitat thereof. E_ Increase the danger of flood and storm-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. S E A L Signed ' own Clerk, Town of So hold Date November 29, 1977 WETLAND APPLICATION 1 - ELEANOR RUCH - NOVEMP 15, 1977 Supervisor Martocchia' called the hearing to order on the wetland application of Ruch. Present were; Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Louis M. Demarest .Justice Martin Suter` Councilman James F: Homan Justice Franckis- Doyen Justice Suter read the notice of hearing. Justice ,Su'ter: . We have an affidavit of publication by Stuart C. Dorman of the Suffolk Times and one by Sherley Katz of the Long Island Traveler-Watchman. I have an affidavit from Judith T. Terry that it was posted on the Town Clerk' s Bulletin Board at the Town Clerk' s Office, Main Road, Southold, New York. This is the report by the Conservation Advisory Council that they examined ' it on Saturday, September 24, 1977 on application #31, Eleanor Ruch. It has been approved with the condition that a method of - retaining fill at southern boundary 100 feet from pond should be considered. Present slope and drainage pattern indicate that' a future problem may arise. It' s under signature of the chairman, Frank A. ' Kujawski-, Jr. I have a letter from the Board of Town. - Trustees, September 26, 1977, to the Southold Town Board. Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Board of Southold'Town Trustees at - a regular meeting held September 1,3, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of Wetlands Application #31 of Eleanor Ruch for permission to deposit approximately 1500 cubic yards of clean fill to secure a five-foot elevation -in an area between Middle Road and a line determined to be 100 feet from the ordinary high-water mark of -Arshamomaque Pond. /s/ Muriel Brush, Secretary Board of Town Trustees Supervisor: You have heard the reading of the application and the request, the, official legal- notices in the proper 'papers, the official papers of the Town of Southold, the posting of the same on the Town Clerk' s Bulletin Board, the comments of the Southold Town Advisory Council with some reservations and the Town Trustees , position. The floor is open for comments or if anyone wishes to' speak for the applicant. Richard Cron: I am an attorney and have my offices at Cutchogue, New York, and I am the attorney on behalf of the ,applicant. As this board, knows, this application has been pending for quite , some period of time, in fact, back since August of 1976. By way of background, it, was at that time, to wit August 5, 1976, that the State of New York through the Department of Environmental Conserva- tion, reviewed the area in question on the application of Valentine Ruch who was alive at -that time; for a permit or permission to Wetland Application ;l -2- Nov( ar 15, 1977 perform the very work under the application that is before thi-s Board.. At that time, on ,August 5 of 1976, the Department of Environmental Conservation at-Stony Brook, New York, through the . offices of Daniel, Larkin,, who is the local Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator, found that there was no adverse affect on•wetlands •, ' and, in fact', no permit was required for the filling operation. I would like to, point out to the board that'.the state law is all inclusive of its terms in terms of what is wetlands. It includes those items that are d.ef'inedfaias wetlands under the Southold Town ordinance in addition-to a number of other items that the state deems wetlands. The reverse is not true with respect to the- ' ,Southold ,otdin' ance. The Southold ordinance has a limited number of items that are considered wetlands. We have always felt that , it was never established what type of wetlands basically existed so when the ' application was made to the state, we assumed -that we . got a clean bill of,health from .the State of New York that it included any and all wetlands, even those that might be `embraced, under the Southold, Town Wetlands Ordinance. So, obviously; we went ahead to great expense and went ahead and: filled pursuant' to this permission from the State of New York. Subsequentally, . it was realized-that- there was no permit received or no application made to the -Southold Town Board for a permit which was since •, - rectified and is now before ' the board. We would ask this board in the light of the fact that the State had approved this on.'more than one occasion, also in light of the 'fact that- a great deal of , time, effort and expense has- already been undertaken with respect to the property, that this board give favorable consideration, to the application as it is- submitted. ' We note that there is some 'observation made about- possibly ,r•etaining some of ,:th:is fill' that, is going to be placed on the land. '.I 'would like• .to . point-,out,,to. the, board that this fill is going to- be placed in an area that' s - ' ' at least = will be 100 feet back from the -ordinary high .water mark of, Arshamomaque Pond. I don't"think that- the , slope that' s.: '- envisioned there is going to cause any difficulty to "any adjbining. wetlands' within that 100 foot sphere. Certainly,, with' prop'et­ . planting or grass , saeding, I, don't think that' s going--to pose any, problem at -all. , Other than that, I would ask that 'the application be approved as submitted. Supervisor: Does anyone else 'wish to speak in' behalf of' approving this -application? - Is there anyone in opposition- to the granting of this application? Has -everyone had the opportunity' to •speak - on; this particular application? Justice Suter:' Mr. Cron, since the Conservation Advisory Council recommended a retaining wall at the 100 foot mark, is it your knowledge that the' slope would go to that retaining wall or would 's'tart at the 'retaining. Mr. Cron: ' ' ' I think there would be very little slope. � It would,- almost be part of the natural terrain at 'that point. I don think that' s going� to be any real problem. - Supervisor: Does anyone else wish to speak on this matter? Has everyone had the opportunity to speak? Hearing no one else, I will call the hearing' to. a close and the board will arrive at a decision in the ,specified time alloted. _ F _o�ctfully submi , Muri, Brush, ecretary c��FFDC BOA (_9 TV TEES `WlV �SOU L , OL o COUN Telephone 516 - 765-3783 South11971 September 26, 1977 Southold Town Board Town Hall° Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: The following action was taken by the Board of Southold Town Trustees at a regular meeting held September 13, 1977. RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of Wetlands Application #31 of Eleanor Ruch for permission to deposit approximately 1500 dubic yards of clean fill to -secure a five-foot elevation in an area between Middle Road and a line determined to be 100 feet from the ordinary high water mark of Arshamomaque Pond. Yours truly, Mum Brus , Secretary Board of Town Trustees - - E Examined ... 19.17f `� Disapproved Conditions, if any ...19/.. l.e ... ...lw(.� 4.. ......�.... v'.,.. :....... ..`:? ......... ....., .............. ......... ............ ..................... . y�...�....... ...f..... " � .�� " """ °°."..:!: .... ....................... ExaminingBody .......... � .................................f. , 11-7..... .......................,.......................... •� z Signatureof Chairman .. � ......... .`..../ 5 ... .:....................................................... APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, ' New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations govern- ing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: finVda ay-,.ter t�:... • � � •�� a area-be•-.ger-ow- idd•18... • line datermiced to be 1000 from the ordinary high water MaCk of Hiddle Road (G. Ro 27)9 Locationof property for which permit wanted..................................................................................... Southold, Nw Yore .................................................................................• ............................................................................... i, Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location .............................................. •................................................................................................................................................................. Avahamomoque Pow Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property ................................................................................................. ....................:.............................................................................................................................................. Size of proposed work: TI 285 feet Length .................................................................................................................................................... Between 100 feet. oad 200 eep A Width ..................................................................................................................................................... =c HeightAbove High Water ....................................,................................................................................ DepthBelow Low Water ........................................................................................................................ Yardsto be Excavated ................ .. . ..................................................................................................... 8 QPPtfC)'%' 1MP-e.'a1y 1500 CUM-0 yaress V--4, ._ ., .................. ........ ........ ........................... LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING t - C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT public hearings will be held by j the Town Board of the Town' of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New Yoik , on November 15, 1977 as follows: (I 3030 P.M. o'clock in the matter of the application of Albert I 1L. DeLauro for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland �10rdinance of 'the Town of Southold for permission to extend and lIre-enforce bulkhead return to prevent erosion of soil into channel rapproximately 20 cubic yards of fill to restore original grade at Town Harbor, Southold, New York. 3:45 P.M. o'clock in the matter of the application of Eleanor L. Ruch, as Executrix of the Estate of Valentine Ruch, IV, deceased, for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for permission to deposit approximately 1500 cubic) yards of clean fill to secure a 5 ft. elevation in an area between ' ( Middle Road and a line determined to be 100 ft. from the ordinary high water mark of Arshamomaque Pond, Southold, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified and will be given an opportunity tol be heard. DATED: October 11, 1977 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD JUDITH T. TERRY f TOWN CLERK i i� ►:TO: The Suffolk Times & Long Island Traveler, Inc.--Please publish: once, NOVEMBER 3, 1977, and forward three (3) affidavits of publication to Judith T. Terry, Town Clerk, Main Road, Southold, New ,York 11971. t� I I (ICopies to the following on October 12, 1977: 1i Albert L. DeLauro �! Richard J. Cron, Esq. , a/c Eleanor L. Ruch i - { f STATE OF NEW YORK: SS : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: JUDITH T. TERRY, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is over the age of twenty-one years ; that on the 12th day of October 1977 , she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, N.Y. 11971 Notice of Hearing - application for a wetland permit by Eleanor L. Ruch, as Executrix of the Estate of Valentine Rich, IV. , deceased, 3:45 P.M. , November 15, 1977. udith T. Terry, To Clerk Sworn to before me this 12th day of October , 19 77 e otary Public ELIZABETH ANN NEVILL13 NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 52-8125850, Suffolk Cot►pj Term Expires March 30, 19,_.6- LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE - IS HEREBY COUNTY OF SUFFOLK GIVEN THAT public hearings STATE OF NEW YORK ss Will be held by the Town Board i of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town ' Hall, Main Road, Southold,•New York, on November 15, 1977 as follows: Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an 3:30 P.M. o'clock in the I Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN j matter of the application of Albert L. DeLauro for a permit l ❑ public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County, i under the provisions of the l Wetland Ordinance of -the f and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, ,y Town of Southold for permis- has been published in said Lon Island Traveler-Watch- 1 sion to extend and re-enforce I bulkhead return to prevent man once each week for ......... .............................. weeks erosion of soil into channel, approximately 20, cubic yards successively, commencing on the ...... .............................. of fill to restore original grade 7..� at Town Harbor, Southold, day of .... w.......... 19.. New York. 3:45 •P.M. o'clock in the matter of the- application of ........... . � Eleanor L. Ruch, as Executrix ...... .................., ; of the Estate of Valentine. Ruch, IV, deceased, for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold,for permis Sworn to before me this ......... .............. day o4 sion to deposit approximately 1500 cubic yards of clean fill to _,,,_„ I 9„17. secure a 5 ft. elevation in'an area between Middle Road and a line determined to be 100 ft. from the ordinary high water mark of Arshamomaque t Pond, Southold, New York. I ..................... ..... ............................................. . All persons_ interested in otar Public said matter shall appear at the JOSEPH FENTON time and place above specified NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New Yofk and will be given an opportun- No. 52-1195150 ity to be heard. - Qualified in Suffolk County DATED: Ocotber 11, 1977 Commission Expires lurch 30, 1 BY ORDER OF THE I SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD Y r LEGAL NOTICE f NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE -IS HEREBY J COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss. GIVEN THAT public hearings STATE OF NEW YORK 6 will be held by the Town Board f of the Town of Southold at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, on ' Sherley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is on November 15, 1977 as follows:, 3:30 P.M. o'clock in the j Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, matter of the application of i o public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; Albert L.DeLauro for a permit under the provisions of the ` and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, Wetland Ordinance, of- ,the Town of Southold for permis- has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- sion to extend"and,re-enforce man once each week for ..........j................... weeks bulkhead return to., prevent P erosion of soil.into channel, successively, commencing on the .. I approximately,20 cubic yards "'"""""""""""""""" + of fill to restore original grade day of ... /�� 19 i at Town .Harbor, Southold,; """"" """""'' "/ "' New York. . ' 3:45 P.M. o'clock in the matter of the application. of ..... ••• 'Eleanor L. Ruch, as Executrix• of the Estate of Valentine Ruch, IV, deceased, -for -a permit under the provisions 4- the Wetland Ordinance of;the, f Sworn to before me this ....... Town of Southold for permis-, V day of sign to deposit approximatel 1500 cubic yards,of clean fill to";_ "' ""' "' """ """' 19.21. " secure•a 5 ft. elevation in,an area between Middle Road i j and a line determined to>be 100 ft. from the ordinary_high i Q �/ watermark of Arshamomaque .................. ..... . ..............................................w Pond, Southold, New York. ' No ry Public All persons interested in I said matter shall appear at the time and place above specified �ua�rH PENTON and will be given an opportun- •.UTARI vUBLIC, State of IdeW York ity to be heard. ° No. 52-1195150 Qualified in Suffolk Cound► DATED: Ocotber 11, 1977 Commission Expires March 30, 19J4— BY 0, 1BY ORDER OF,THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD. LEGAL NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ] NOTICE OF STATE OF NEW YORK, J ss: HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Stuart C. Dorman THAT public hearings will be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . being duly Sworn, held by the Town $oard of the he• I Town of Southold at the Southold says that , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK Town Hall,Main Road, Southold, WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said New York, on November 15, 1977 -� lip P P as follows: - county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed ——3:30 P.M.,O'clock in?the matter-. l of the application "of Albert.L. copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly i Times DeLauro for a permit tinder the provisions of the Wetland Or j once in each week, for . . . . • • • n rie •(1)• weeks dinance of.the Town of Southold 1 Third for permission-to-,extend;and.re- I successively commencing ori the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . enforce bulkhead- return to prevent erosion of soil into Jday of . . .No 19. .77 channel, appr6ximately--20 cubic7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _yards of_fill to' restore original grade at Town Harbor, Southold, Sworn to before me this . . . . . . . . . ; New York. - wnlykv�. 19./ -7• 1 3:45 P.M. o'clock in the matter day of of the application of Eleanor L. Ruch, as Executrix of the Estate • • • • • • ' • • • • • • f of Valentine Ruch, IV, deceased, I . . ` .�. . . . .� •'• for a permit under the provisions � of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold for permission i NANCY R. DOUGLASS to deposit approximately 1500 NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New Yodc cubic yards of clean fill to secure Rosiding in Suffolk County Clks. No. 52-6086685 �� a 5 ft. elevation'in an area bet- Commission Entrroa March 30,15�..1G ween Middle Road and a line determined to be 100 ft, from the ordinary high water- mark of Arshamomaque Pond, Southold, New York. All persons interested in said matter shall appear at the time ,and place above specified and mill hu ai—,—n........+... .­_ t- JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK ` �` f (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 August 31, 1977 Deputy Supervisor Louis M. Demarest Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Deputy Supervisor Demarest: Transmitted herewith is application no. 31 for a wetland permit submitted by Eleanor Ruch. Copies of this application have been forwarded to the Board of Town Trustees and Conservation Advisory Council for their report of findings and recommendations. Very truly yours, udith T. Terry Town Clerk JTT/bn cc :file Ur h K JUDITH T.TERRY U _ r. TELEPHONE Town CLERK �v (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. L, N. Y. 11971 August 31, 1977 Mr. Frank Kujawski, Jr® , Chairman Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Mr. Kujawski® Transmitted herewith is application # 31 for a wetland permit submitted by Eleanor L. Ruch. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Clerk within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, 4udith To Terry Town Clerk JTT/bn cc:file K JUDITH T.TERRY w TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 August 31, 1977 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith . Chairman Southold Town Trustees Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear lair. Goldsmith: Transmitted herewith is application no. 31 for a wetland permit submitted by ]Eleanor Ruch. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with repsect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Clerk within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, ud.ith T. Terry Town Clerk JTT/bn cc:file ,h Town Of Southold Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT Application No. �.................... Date of Application July 25 1977 .... .......... .........t.......................... - ELEANOR L—RUCH, as Executrix of the Identity of Applicant .....Estate ,of VALENTINE RUCHEIV, deceased ....................................... ........ ........................... Address of Applicant .Ruch Lane, Southold, New York APp t ................................................................................ INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A. This application is to be completely filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by writter permission from the owner of the property if not the same as the applicant. B. Pilot Plan must be drawn to scale on the reverse side of this application showing the location of property , the names and locations of owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed description of proposed project. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by a copy machine and attached to the Permit Application:) C. No operation shall be initiated by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. D. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition of the premises after the work is completed must be given, including a survey if required. E. If permit is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application must be accompanied by a.survey and topographical map certified by a registered land survey or Professional Engineer. The horizontal control of survey shall be based upon an approval local coordinate system. The vertical control for elevation and sound- ings shall be based upon United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States Geological Survey datum. F. A statement must accompany the application describing any known prior operations conducted on the premises in question and whether any prior licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures or to dredge or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such 'permits or licenses were ever revolted or suspended by a governmental agency. G. A filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the application. This filing fee includes one inspection, there is a $5.00 fee for each additional inspection. H. The Town Board upon request of the applicant for a permit, may waive.in whole or in part, the provisions of Article ll, Section 210, subdivisions (d) and (g) where it finds that nature of the proposed operations are such. that 'the requirements of such provisions are not necessary for a proper consideration of a permit application. I. Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk will issue a permit to the applicant. Such ;permit shall be available for inspection at any time, upon request. .i Examined .................................................. 19....... Approved ................................................................ Disapproved ........................................................... Conditions, if any ......................................................... .................................................. .............. .................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................. ExaminingBody ..................................................................................................................................... Signatureof Chairman ......................................................................................................................... APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to the Laws, Ordinances and Regulations govern- ing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit requested to 7vdeposit+approximately 1500 cubic yards of clean fill to secure -a 5 eleation in an area betw66rii"MicTc`lle"RoA7c1M(T-W-ITM line determined to be 100' from the ordinary high water mark of .................................... ..... ....................... ....... ................................................................................... ,.Ars�amomoque fond Location of property for which permit wanted.......Mid dle Road (C. R. 27), .................................................................... Southold, New York ................................................................................................................................................................. Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location .............................................. .................................................................................................................................................................. Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property ..,,Arshamomoqu.. .Pond. ... .. .................................................................................................................................................................. Size of proposed work: Length .....285 feet............................................................................................................................ Width ......Between 100 feet and 200 feet........................................................................ HeightAbove High Water ..................................................................................................................... DepthBelow Low Water ......................................................................................................................... Yardsto be Excavated ........................................................................................................................... Yards to be Filled approximately 1500 cubic yards ................................................................................................................................... Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property.....80. feet,..:more.,or,.:less........................ Depthat Low Tide ................................................................................................................................. AverageRise in Tide ............................................................................................................................. a Private Is this for private or business use? ......................................................................................................... Residential "A" AreaZoning ............................................................................................................................................. Manner in which material will be removed or deposited ......By truck ...load. ...and ............... .... .... ......................... . bulldozed to grade .................................................................................................................................................................. Intended use of property Residential lot .................... .................................................................................................. .........,........................................................................................................................................................ Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant ........................................ ......................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SS: STATE OF NEW YORK ) -ELEANOR L. RUCH .......................................... .......................................................................... being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of 'Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. ....... ! ................................ Signature of Applicant Sworn to before me this 25th 77 day of . ..';. ... ...u1.y.. . ....... 19......... f.. :-.............. P lic N .� RI T• o o¢11 Notary. O A 5�� 3p,19�a V0.552- 1 n 1.g4 /36.0 rr q o� Yep .50 Urycr— T`e6f7 . .. { �/v _ • - •7l/ •' _ UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADD[, _7Q THIS SL'+:V_Y IS A VIOLATION OF N 7:C9 Cs"THE NEW YORK STI EDUCA• La 6y EDUCATtCN LAW. CO;I_S OF THIS SURVEY mw Nor r,--.#THE LAND SUSVEYO.°•S %K=D SEAL OR / I _ EMBCSED SEA--"HAIL N:T EE CONSII [ TO BE A VALID is UE =7T, i ;UA,AhiEES .P•^uI:ATE= hZR20X SHAD ONLY TO ME 0E;.Sow;--. WNOM TH! IS FRE;ALE7,A;.D JP:H.-' C:HAIF TO TITLE CGtt.^ �iJYEi;:.1SENTAi AGE ' LENSING L:STTUTION LISTED HM:OK, TO THE ASS.G.\LES OF THE LENDING IT TUTION.GUA:A JEES AZE NOT TRANS • TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUP - _ ' OWNERS,• af rlufs 6 19 76. -- •-- — •— — _— L^ — —_ •sv v f�r - -_ - ir1 Q r rl I F o 115 toIN . 29 , r y tu. lei ID • � i� .ep -_ HA.�il.�ti.�46 �����f .zo • •> _ �•_ " �- . _ fit/ _ '- - � a• d ® 111%�it,7 4e �� ,� �.J s ca , to i _ oCA r ci �n 0 U%= � 1,l.Lll�jff SUFF Q�Kc� OF � r, � t RK JUDITH T.TERRY 17 TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 1 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 22, 1976 Richard Cron, Esq. -Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Cron: With respect to the hearing held on the request of the Estate of Valentine Ruch, IV, relative to a Notice of Violation of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, the following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on December 7, 1976: "WHEREAS, the Building Inspector, heretofore served a notice of violation upon the Estate of Valentine Ruch, IV, pursuant to Section 97-31 of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, this Board held a hearing with respect thereto, pursuant to Section 97-32 of said Ordinance, and WHEREAS, it appears that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, in its consideration of a permit application with respect to said premises, found that wetlands did exist in the area to be filled, but determined that the filling thereof would not cause irreparable damage to the water; And it further appearing, upon a personal inspection caused to be made by this board that wetlands are present in the area to be filled and therefore a Wetland Permit should be applied for, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Notice of Violation of the Building Inspector is being sustained and it is further RESOLVED that the Estate of Valentine Ruch IV apply for and obtain a wetland permit before conducting any further filling and/or construction work to be conducted on the premises in question. " Applications for a wetland permit are enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry" Town Clerk WETLAND VIOLATION - ESTATE OF VALENTINE RUCH IV - NOVEMBER 23, 1976 A hearing was held at the Supervisor' s Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York on November 23, 1976. The hearing was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. and was commenced at 10:25 a.m. Present were : Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Louis Demarest Justice Martin Suter Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman James F. Homan Robert Tasker, Esq. , Town Attorney Richard Cron, Esq. , Attorney for the Ruch Estate Mrs. Valentine Ruch IV Valentine Ruch V Supervisor: We will call the hearing to order. It' s according to an action of the Building Department versus a piece of land in the Ruch Estate. They were cited for a violation. The attorney for the property owners has appealed to have the action rescinded. Richard Cron: If it pleases the Board, I am appearing in behalf of the applicant, which in this instance is the Estate of Valentine Ruch, who as this board is aware if now deceased. The property in question, if you will examine the exhibits next to our notice for demand for this particular hearing, is located off the Middle Road across from Long Island Sound in the Hamlet of Southold. I think it is important that the Board realize from the outset that what was done here was done in accordance with all applicable;,laws, rules and regulations, insofar as they pertain to the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York. Back in July of 1976, Mr. Ruch made application under the Environmental Conservation Law to the Regional Permit Agency, to wit, Mr. Larkin, at the Offices of the DEC in Hauppauge, New York for a permit to fill in these particular lands which are described in the survey which is annexed to our demand for this hearing. The basis for the permit was because the lands in question were within 300 feet of tidal waters and the elevation in question was less than 10 feet as prescribed by the Environmental Conservation Law and the rules and regulations pertaining thereto. There was never any indication on Mr. Ruch' s part or anybody else' s part at that time that there was any wetlands whether defined under the state law and, presumably, under the Wetlands Ordinance in the Town of Southold as far as they would exist in the area that was contemplated to be filled. The application was submitted to the DEC, Mr. Larkin, himself, I think, and perhaps another came out and made a thorough examination of the site and the area in which the proposed fill was to take place. Mr. Larkin had the very survey that is annexed to our papers here. The property was walked. The property was examined and, on the basis of these examinations by the Department of Environmental Conservation, it was determined by that party that, in fact, no wetlands existed in the area in•which 'the proposed fill was to take place. So, if it pleases the Board, at that point, there was absolutely no basis to proceed to make any RUCH WETLAND VIOLATIC -2- Nove �r 23, 1976 application to the Town of Southold under their wetlands ordinance because, at that point, certainly there was no evidence of tidal wetlands. All that was being done was to fill in a piece of property. Now, Mr. Larkin gave to Mr. Ruch the very necessary permit to fill in the particular area that he requested. The permit was predicated on the fact that there were no tidal wetlands within the area that was proposed to be filled. In accordance with that permit, Mr. Ruch then proceeded to contract with a local contractor to have the particular area filled. Now, as it so happens, sometimes most unfortunately, a neighbor who apparently had an axe to grind made some kind of a verbal complaint to the Department of Environmental Conservation. The Department of Environmental Conservation came out again and this time they decided, well, there was an area, and it' s not clear, and it' s our position that the area was not within -the area to be filled, that had some degree of tidal wetlands. We refused to abide by their determination and the matter then went on to Albany. Albany, then, wrote back and said 'no, we are reinstating the original permit that was issued to fill in the property' and that was it. So, at that point, we are still not concerned with any tidal wetlands insofar as they might exist within the area that we propose to have filled. Well, to and behold, maybe it' s the same neighbor, I don't know, in any event, another complaint comes in to the Town of Southold and, at this point, we are served with a violation, we are told to desist and not perform any more with respect to our filling operation. As a result thereof, we then brought this"matter on to hearing before the Board. Our position is that as set forth in our demand for this hearing in all of its respects. We don't believe that we are subject to the ordinance or the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold. We have fully complied with the Department of Environmental Conservation. We have fully complied with the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York and, frankly, I think it' s nothing more on the part of a neighbor to harrass and annoy the Ruch' s in fulfilling that in which they have a legal right to do and I don't think this Board should'-be a party to that type of action. For all of the reasons that I have stated, I would ask that this Board forthwith rescind the notice of violation so the Ruchs may complete the project for which they have a valid permit to do so. Supervisor: I have one question. The question I have is do you have a permit of any type? You said you had a permit. Mr. Cron: It ' is ' annexed to my papers. Supervisor: I don't see it. I see here where it says 'no permit necessary' . Mr. Cron: That ' s it. They say absolutely no permit is necessary. There are no wetlands. That' s our permit to go ahead and build. They are saying that we don't require a permit, there are no wet- lands. Supervisor: Once you mentioned you had a permit. What I have here says no permit is necessary. RUCH WETLAND VIOLATIC -3- Nove �r 23, 1976 Mr. Cron: It is our permit to build. It' s our authority to build, but no permit was required. The state examined the lands in question. They found no wetlands in the area in which we proposed to fill. Let me say this. I am sure this Board is well aware of the fact that if there were any tidal wetlands in that particular area to be filled, the applicant would have had to post an undertaking with the DEC, it would have had to be published in a newspaper in the area and any complaint that would have been forthcoming from other than the DEC, a public hearing would have been held. Moreover, if there was any complaint on the part of the DEC to the proposed project, they too would have insisted upon a hearing. They are saying, no need for it. If there is no need for it under the Environmental Conservation Law, I submit there is certainly no need for it under the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold, because the Town of Southold Wetlands Ordinance does not exist exclusive of the Department of Environ- mental Conservation. Supervisor: Anyone else? Mr. Tasker: What is annexed to your papers, the original decision of the DEC? Mr. Cron: I think we annexed a photocopy. Justice Demarest: There is a letter signed by Larkin. Mr. Cron: This is dated August 5, 1976. Mr. Tasker: You indicated that you had another determination from Albany. Will you submit that to the Board? Mr. Cron: Surely, if you want to make a photocopy of it. I have no objection to your photocopying that and making it a part of the record. Supervisor: Do any of the Board members have any questions? Justice Suter: To your knowledge, at any time was any application made to the Planning Board or the Board of Appeals in regard to this property? Were there any agreements or understanding? Mr. Cron: To my knowledge, no. Not to my knowledge. Mrs. Ruch: Following that, we were approved a subdivision to go ahead and build on one acre lot that before our subdivision was broken into smaller lots and we changed and now there are only two pieces. One was just last year and this piece that' s in question and that' s what it is. Supervisor: Was this a minor subdivision? Mrs. Ruch: Yes. Councilman Rich: Do you have any map of the property -&,_-,can refer to? Justice Demarest: There ' s no map. Justice Suter: Is there any map of the property? RUCH WETLAND VIOLATIO -4- Novei r 23, 1976 Mr. Cron: Do you want to make a copy of the map. I don't know why it' s not there. I might add, if I may, that with respect to this letter of October 7th from the DEC, where after a complaint of a neighbor they allegedly find some area on this entire lot that has some marsh area that might be defined as tidal wetlands under the regulations and law of Environmental Conservation, how- ever, I would point out to you that what they do find is of such insignificance that it has absolutely no bearing on the tidal wetlands and, certainly I would submit, would have no bearing in that regard on any of the standards that are set forth under the Wetlands ,Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Supervisor: I had some comment from the people that went to review the property that was retained by us, I guess, that his objection wasn't that much. Paul Stoutenburgh, I think it was. Paul Stoutenburgh reviewed the property and he is supposed to be an expert in this particular field of endeavor and he thought, as a suggestion, perhaps so it wouldn't go further out where there is a little touch of wetlands, perhaps, a bulkhead could be put in or something like so you would end and you couldn't go any further and that would be a suggestion on his part. Mr. Cron: Let me respond to that, if I may. If you look at the survey and you will have it. I am sorry it wasn't annexed to the papers. If you will look at the survey, there is a large setback from the water' s edge. We are in no way near the water' s edge. The area exists, if anywhere, exists closer to the water. A bulkhead is absolutely unessential because it' s all upland from that point on9 from the road right on almost down to the water' s edge. As a point of historical information with respect to this application, the lands to the west here that, I believe, are owned by a chap by the name of Haas. He, a long time ago, probably before the advent of the Environmental Conservation Law, filled in his lands with County sanction, I am told. The County, in order to provide proper drainage, had him install a pipe which drains in to the subject parcel here and which, to an extent, has caused a marsh area on the bordering edge of the water. It' s not something that developed because of the low-lyingness of the area. It came about because of what man had done. But, in,�,terms of a bulkhead, it is utterly ridiculous because you will be bulk- heading all upland and that' s unessential. Justice Suter: What are there, two areas? Larkin is in control of what? 300 feet from. . . . Mr. Cron: 300 feet from the water' s edge and an elevation of less than 10 feet. Then, you have to make application for any filling of any land, any construction. That' s under the moratorium business. We are not filling in any of that area. Councilman Homan: According to this map, your fill line is approximately 100 feet from the highwater mark? Mr. Cron: Yes. That' s all upland area. RUCH WETLAND VIOLATIO -5- Novei r 23, 1976 V Councilman Rich: Is the work completed? Mr. Cron: Almost, it is 99% complete at the time we were told to stop. Councilman Rich: What I am really driving at is would you be getting closer to the wetlands if you completed it? Mr. Cron: Infinitessimal, maybe a foot. Councilman Rich: That' s what I wanted to know. You don't have to' go another 25 or 30 feet? Mr. Cron: No. Justice Suter: All they need is an inch. Mr. Cron: That' s about it. We don't even need any more fill. It' s just a matter of spreading what we already have there to complete the project. _ Supervisor: Grading it out? Mr. Cron: That' s it, pretty much. Supervisor: Bob, do you have anything? Any other comments from the people that are with you? Mr. Cron: I don't think any other comment will be forthcoming. Supervisor: Any questions that the Board would like to direct to Mr. Cron. I will call the hearing to a close and the Board will review the subject property and we will have a decision very shortly. Mr. Cron: Thank you very much. Respectfully submitted, Muri Brush Secretary -------------------------------------X In the Matter_ of ( ecfa1 Notice of Violation of Wetlands Ordinance- of the Town of Southold i -against- The against-The Estate of VALENTINE RUCH, IV -------------------------------------X TO: THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned as attorney for ELEANOR RUCH, Executrix of the Estate of VALENTINE RUCH, IV, deceased, by virtue of a Notice of Violation served by mailing, a copy of which is hereto annexed, does hereby demand a Hearing upon said Notice of Violation before the Southold Town Board pursuant to Section 97-32(A) of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold. I i PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the said undersigned does hereby demand that said Notice of Violation be forthwith rescinded for i the following enumerated reasons : r (1) That said VALENTINE RUCH, IV, now deceased, had on or about July 12, 1976, made application to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pursuant to Section 25-0202 of the Envir- onmental Conservation Law for a permit for alteration of the state of Tidal Wetland or Adjacent Areas . Said application was carefully re- viewed, including on-site inspections by the office of Daniel J. Larkin, RICHARD J. CRON - COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK i Local Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator, and as a result thereof a finding was made by the Department of Environmental Conservation that indicated no presence of Tidal Wetlands in the area proposed to be filled by the applicant, as evidenced by the copy of letter of Daniel J. Larkin dated August 5, 1976, annexed hereto and made a part hereof. In the absence of an affirmative determination of the existence of wetlands on the applicant' s property, no application for a Permit under the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance was required. (2) That the applicant denies the existence of any wetlands as defined in the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance in the area proposed to be filled. (3) That even if such wetlands, as defined in the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance, were found to exist in the area proposed to be filled, its loss by filling would not cause irreparable damage to the adjacent waters or violate any of the Standards set forth in Section 97- 28 of the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance. (4) That Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law does not grant to local government, by reservation or otherwise, juris- diction over any Tidal Wetlands within its boundaries . In the light thereof, provisions for the alteration of tidal wetlands by Permit rest solely within the powers of the State of New York as set forth under Article 25 of the Environmental' Conservation Law and Part 6601 Tidal 6, 2 - RICHARD J. CRON - COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York. (5) That in the absence of a mutual agreemEn t, pursuant to Section 660. 13(b) of Title 6, the Town of Southold cannot compel the applicant to file a separate application for a Tidal Wetlands Permit under the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance. To hold otherwise, would subject the applicant to on e rous and needless duplicity of effort and expense, and which might of necessity, compel the applicant to seek a judicial remedy to set aside an invalid, illegal, arbitrary and capri- cious ruling by the Town of Southold if it were contrary to that of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. (6) That the Town of Southold had knowledge of the fill operations of the lands of the applicant and the existence of the Permit to do so by the Department of Environmental Conservation, and therefore, it is now estopped from denying applicant the right to complete said fill operations pursuant to the valid and existing Permit granted by the Department of Environmental Conservation. (7) That the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance is in violation of the provisions of the Constitutionsof the United States and the State of New York and that no provisions are made therein for judicial review by an aggrieved person and/or compensation in the event that a deter- mination of the Southold Town Board might constitute the equivalent of 3 - RICHARD J. CRON - COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK a taking of land without just compensation. Dated: November 4, 1976 RICHARD J. CRON, ESQ. , as Attorney for Eleanor Ruch, Executrix of the Estate of Valentine Ruch, IV Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 734-5100 RICHARD J. CRON - COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK H59nS a0 SNOI1n111SNI lVN0111CCV 01 F 23SNY11I JON 3"tl 5331NY;Vn9•NOI1ni 1SNI 0N110N31 3H1 10 S33N°0iSStl -H1 Ol - f/ 3V 'NC39_H a31517 NCI1nL'1SY1 O`llaNil - :)N30V 3ViNTHMd3ACD 'ANdJVIOD 31111 'Hl 01 dlVH:9 S:H':C a?'V '03Jtl3ad SI G 3Hl IWOHY,'-03 NOS:P Mi 01 A..VO ' 3!l7VHS 331VDI0N' miNyatlnJ •Ad� 3!1'JJ 0I1VA V 311 Ol - S301SNOD 33 1^ty 11VH; MS o3530SW3 VO 7v3S a3:IN1 WdOAWIMS a W1 3H1 MMS ION dV:! A3A,.n5 SIHL d0 S Id0D }- 'Mtll 4o11YJna3 UYIS MOA M34 3H1 40 60ZL ri011035_4 �'�t�f r✓�l`��i� ^ - 10 NOIlVIOIA Y SI A--A:.)S SIHL Ol 011100Y a0 NOIIVIS311V a3ZIaOHIn VNn t VA olio;' t s �•�( •t t --- --.-.�_�-l'�-- wafer J ere r - • :. - -. .-. --, - -• � -�'- - ,� _ - __ - -- `i-'•- fie=' _ : - .. - ,- ', Gr .. JI T .'*11%-L U::..L;.1, U.1 41LI"iJD_s U:1�LL p B ,i 1ding 40 a August 5, 1976. �� • SU' Y C. laus Stony :;rook, 11:,:w York% n794 $ Peter AA Berle Mr. Valentine Ruch the 4T ; N.Y. State Dept. of Envirotental Conservation = Building 40, SUNY , Stony Brook, New York 1179 Re: Petition No. TW 15277-0090 A Gzntlemen: Your petition for a Tidal I tlands Moratorium- :':rmit ,has been_ reviewed by this office. . As a res Jt, we -have determined that construction of a one-family dwelljhg on parcel on s/s Middle Road, 136' west of Ruch Lane., Arshanomque, Town of Southold, New York. u no adverse efrecr upon x1j acen- tidal wetlands. -•:�11 h•�v � There is to be no construction, fill or disturbance of vegetation within 100' of the line of MHW. ?n-2rcfore, -.ursi:ant to Section 25-0202 of the i_:ivironment-al Conservation Lasa and 6 n ,'Cra, Part 660.3 (c) , you aro :hereby notified that r_o permit will be r-ezassary. __ :.c Dy cf t'14 s detertlinatior. :, sst be available at the job site _f_mes wring construction activity. Ve trul ot7ff' DANIEL J. LAW,IN Loc:11 'Tidal "4etlancls 1'urmit Adiltinist-rator DJL:sir, cc: Corps of inIgineers, New York District Lours M. Concra New York State Department of Er, � onmental Conservation Ei� ...:; . Building 40 SUNY Campus Stony Brook, NY 11794 Peter A. A. Berle Commissioner August 26, 1976 Mrs. Valentine Ruch IV Shorecrest (27A at Ruch Lane) Southold, NY 11971 Re: TW 15277-0090 'A° Dear Mrs. Ruch, As -a result of complaints received from neighbors, we have re-inspected the parcel of land on Middle Road (C.R. 27), north of Arshamomoque Pond, Southold. We have found that a strip of wetlands extends into the property beyond the area originally restricted from filling. We must therefore rescind our previous approval granted in our August 5; 1976 letter. We would like to discuss with you at your earliest convenience the extent of filling necessary to construct a home on the property. We are hopeful that this still will be possible while preserving much of the wetlands on the parcel. We regret any inconvience this change may cause you and look forward to arriving at a mutually agreeable solution. Yours truly J �Dannie J. Liar in�- Regional Supervisor nvironmental Analysis DJL f cr New York State Department o ivironmental Conservation 50 Wolf Road, Albany, New York 12233 3•� Commissioner Peter A.A. Berle October 7,- 1976 Mrs. Valentine Ruch IV Shorecrest (27A at Ruch Lane) Southold, NY 11971 RE: TW-15277-0090"A" Dear Mrs. Ruch: By letter of August 5, 1976 you were advised by Daniel Larkin, Regional Permit Administrator at our Stony Brook Regional Office, that construc- tion of a one-family dwelling on your parcel at Middle Road, Arshamomoque, Town of Southold would have no adverse effect upon adjacent tidal wetlands providing there was no fill, construction or disturbance of vegetation within 100 feet of the line of mean high water. Mr. Larkin was subsequently made aware of an objection to your project and he, by letter of August 26, 1976 rescinded the August 5 letter. A field investigation had indicated that fill was being placed in an area which contains certain species of vegetation which are indicators of tidal wetlands and protected by Article 25 (Tidal Wetlands) of the Environmental Conservation Law. Our original field inspection on July 30, 1976 had not indicated the presence of tidal wetlands, except for a 20 foot fringe along the shoreline. The marsh area was apparently overlooked or perhaps misjudged. Further investigation by staff, on August 23, confirmed the presence of a tidal wetland but it has been determined that its loss would not cause irreparable damage to the water provided no filling or bulkheading is permitted of the outer fringe. Since you have expended funds in securing fill material and some fill had actually been placed prior to Mr. Larkins August 26 letter, you are hereby advised that the Larkin letter of August 5 is. hereby reinstated and you may continue the fill in accordance with that letter. V y trrruly yours, Louis M. Concra, Jr. Central Tidal Wetlands Permit Administrator cc: Samuel J. Glickman Daniel Larkin j r ,01 ID IV 7f 7eof Ocala / - UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITIt I TO ThIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION OF C1 - h•7Qcltjrrt�tlf - _ - :-- SECTION 7209 OF ThE NEW YORK STAT r EDUCATION 4.W. : COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEAR THE LAND SURVEYOR'S !NK-D SEAL OR EMBOSSED SEA!SHALL N..T BE CONSIDE TO BE A VALID TI;L'E•--SPY.- 1 - - GUAPANTEES .NDICATC: `.EREO",SHALL ONLY TO TAE ,E,SOI1 FO- WiIOM THE ' 15 FREPALEC, A,.D at,H:S C:HALF TO T' - - - TITLE COtAFANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGEN- - LLND1>.G I.:STiTUTION LISTED HEREON,A TO THE ASS'GINEES OF THE LENDING INS TUTION. GUAKANTECS A:E NOT TRANSFr TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBS OWNERS. elaA Twoae,1 ck Unn 7-ay/, P. C. . ,,- - • - �'�,.oQ, - _ � • � � �r -cam�� S'�d . OAI t .�3 d+'Ir7 fJQ SVA 19 _ O'll � ,r- -- - ` - � - -- _ f �.3•�J:/!%�- ISI - - - • r�fl _ ;'�Grr—•3��.. aG,rr,rr �_ f 'rh cb - � � � - .•,�/� Piz � � ^!1,''l*-�`, � � i - - FORM NO. 5 BUIOING DEPARTMENT TOW , CLERK'S OFFICE ORDER TO R. EDY VIOLATION November 2 76 -' Estate Of ,al"n"i^�. -Ruch.c/ ' wner or authorized agent of owner) (address of owner or authorized agent of r) '- - - PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violation \Of.k Zoning Ordinance ............................................ Wetland. ordinance Other Applicable Lown Ordinances or Regulations' ............................................ -�TT has been' oT8c8d or- wetlandsas definedot premises hereinafter described in that - - � . -.------. ..------------_--.____.__ (state character ofviolation) in South0ltI. Town 1,-;,-e-Gland oI^6fnanc8x without obtaining a permit from ' Southold Town Board ---- ............................................... in violation of _.�a�.--^Dtar 9section 7-20 of Art TT , OOd8 OTown of Southold----'�'/7---------�'�-------------'----f.---.------.- (State section or paragraph of applicable low, ordinance orregulation) YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the low and to remedy the conditions above mentioned forthwith on or before the ...............tlz-i�- d � -.--.(�=).............................. �8ozr�z�>�� �b day of .................N. The premises pmmoisos to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are situated at 8I8 CR27 �o��bo�� /6 Ruch La (3-- I6iII Greek _..':.�.----'-...--_.-_.-`-----^_________[ounty of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of low may constitute on offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. Jy � {_~-m�' �~ .~ . --�-�----.----------. -..--.-- � Building Inspector � ' - - ` '- - ------`--------- - - - ` `- Env-roi:::e:ital Analy lln_e 4 L•.iildin;, 40 s August 5, 176. SU:;Y Ca:aPus ; C),Sony ;�raok, New York 11794 Peter AA+Berle Mr. Valentine Ruch the 4T� N.Y. State Dept. of Envirovental Conservation Building 40, SUNY � Stony Brook, New York 1179§ ria: Pecition No. TW 15277-0090' A G.:ntlemen; :'ouretition for a Tidal I `tlands moratorium, _' rmit has been P •- - raviewe.'_ by this office. . As a res ilt, we-have determined that construction of a one-familw dwelli�g on parcel on s/s Middle Road, 136' west of Ruch Lane, Arshamomque, Town of Southold, New York. cz upon aJ 'acen- tidal wetlands. r,��� no �dvcis� of=e p ,7 There is to be no' construction, fill or disturbance of vegetation within 100' of the line of MHW. T'ncraforc, .ursi:an . to Section 25-0202 of the Environmental o:lse;vati or.yI_aca acid o r^'CI'.�R, Part 660.3 (c) , you are :iereby notified that no permit will be necessary. cny of t:�-s determination :,:ust be available at the job site all _`.-:-::es aur:ng construction aot�vity. Ve t ul o DANILL J. L&P\XIN Local Tidal �4etland4 l'unnit Administrator DJL: sm cc: Corps of Engineers, ',ew York District Lows M. Concra STATE-OF NEW YORK _ _ - '' CC•___r COUNTY OF -SUFFOLK In, the Matter`, ofED ✓ _ _ _. _ Notice of Violation of Wetlands EC_EMED AND -F-IL_ Y - Ordinance of the -Town of Southold, - ; - THEE SGUTHQLD. TG- ':TII = DATA.7� -7 IiOT.�R _ -against*--; _; _ :F - The -Estate of: .VALENTINE-,"RUCH9 IST, Town Clerk, Town of ScuLhold DEMAND FOR HEARING To Attorney(s) for Service of a copy of the within is hereby admired. Dated,• Attorney(s) for Sir:-Please take notice ` NOTICE OF ENTRY. that,the within'is a (certified) true copy of a r- duly`entered in the office of a clerk of the within named court on -- -,_ - u 19' NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT 4 - -� _ - - - '- \ - - �• •- -" -that an order of which-the within is a true copy will be presented for- settlement to the HON.- one of thejudges of the within named Court, at _ -on the _ day of 19 at M Dated, Yours, etc. _ - - RICHARD J CRON Attorney for Eleanor Ruch as Executrix - ' of the Estate of �alentine_ Ruch; IV = Office and Post Office Address - _ To Main Road - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK Attomey(S) for y TEL. 516,734.5100 12 QFFI ORK t T O SOUT14-- �h t , y tL , JUDITH T.TERRYtyFTELEPHONE TOWN CLERK � 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS �Southold, N. Y. 11971 , November 10, 1976 Richard J. Cron, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New ,York 11935 Dear Mr. Cron: The Southold Town Board will hold a hearing on 'ovember 23, 1976 at 10: 00 A.M. upon the request of v Eleanor Ruch, Executrix of the Estate of Valentine Ruch IV, with respect to the Notice of Violation of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk A' r 7 �M -------------------------------------X ,F ro , ern ., �v In the Matter_ of Notice of Violation of Wetlands Ordinance of -the Town of_ Southold _ -against- The Estate of VALENTINE RUCH, IV -------------------------------------X TO: THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the undersigned as attorney for ELEANOR RUCH, Executrix of the Estate of VALENTINE RUCH, IV, deceased, by virtue of a Notice of Violation served by mailing, a copy of which is hereto annexed, does hereby demand a Hearing upon said Notice of Violation before the Southold Town Board pursuant to Section 97-32(4) of the Wetlands. Ordinance-of the Town of Southold. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the said undersigned does hereby demand that said Notice of Violation be forthwith rescinded for the following enumerated reasons : (1) That said VALENTINE RUCH, IV, now deceased, had on or about July 12, 1976, made application to the New York State Department' of Environmental Conservation pursuant to Section 25-0202 of the Envir- onmental Conservation Law for a permit for alteration of the state of Tidal Wetland or Adjacent Areas . Said application was carefully re- viewed, including on-site inspections by the office of Daniel J. Larkin, RICHARD J. CRON - COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK I i I Local Tidal,Wetlands Permit Administrator,' and as a resu'1t' thereof a finding was made by the Department of Environmental Conservation that I indicated no presence of Tidal-Wetlands -in-;the area proposed to be i� filled by the applicant,. zs evidenced by the'�copy: of -letter,-of Daniel J. Larkin dated August- 5; 1976; annexed hereto and made a part•,hereof. In the absence of an- affirmative determination of the existence of wetlands on the applicant' s property, 'no application for a Permit under the Southold Town Wetlands- Ordinance was required.- ,; _ ,-(2) . - That- the applicant denies the existence of any. wetlands as defined in the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance in the area proposed to be` filled. _ y =(3) 'That-even if such wetlands., -as defined in the- Southold Town Wetlands 'Ordinance, .were found to, exist -in the :area proposed to be filled,, its loss- by -filling 'would -not cause irreparable damage to the adjacent waters or violate any, of the Standards set forth in Section 97- 28 of the "Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance. (4) That Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law does not grant to local government, by reservation or otherwise, juris- diction over any Tidal Wetlands within its boundaries . - In the light thereof, provisions for the alteration of tidal wetlands by Permit rest i solely within the powers of the State of New York as set forth under Article- 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law and Part 660, Tidal 61 2 - RICHARD J. CRON -'COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK ,I ------ --------- I i i i Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York. (5) That in the absence of a mutual agreement, pursuant to Section 660. 13 (b) of Title 6, the Town sof Southold cannot compel the applicant to file a separate application for a Tidal Wetlandg Permit under the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance.' To hold otherwise, would subject the applicant to onerous and -needless duplicity of effort and expense, and which might of necessity, compel the applicant to seek a judicial remedy to set aside an invalid, illegal, arbitrary and capri- cious ruling by the Town of Southold if it were contrary to that of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. (6) That the Town of Southold had knowledge of the fill - I operations of the lands of the applicant and the existence of the Permit I to do so by the Department of Environmental Conservation, and therefore, it is now estopped from denying applicant the right to complete said fill operations pursuant to the valid and existing Permit granted by I the Department of Environmental Conservation. (7) That the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance is in violation I of the provisions of the Constitutionsof the United States and the State of New York and that no provisions are made therein for judicial review by an aggrieved person and/or compensation_ in the event that a deter- mination of the Southold Town Board might constitute the equivalent of i 3 - RICHARD J. CRON - COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK I a taking of land without just compensation. Dated : November 4, 1976 RICHARD J. CRON, ESQ. , as Attorney for Eleanor Ruch, Executrix of the Estate of Valentine Ruch, IV Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 734-5100 • i _ • RICHARD J. CRON - COUNSELLOR AT LAW - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK ' i' TO-VN OF SOUTHOLD — �t - BUILhING DEPARTMENT TOW CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. ORDER TO Rilj EDY VIOLATION NOVember 2 76 ate ...................................................... .. 19........ Estate Of Valentine Ruch TO .... ........................................................ ......... (owner or authorized agent of owner) Horth Road (CR27) & Ruci! Lane Soutrlold ...................:...... ........ ................................................... (address of owner or authorized agent of owner) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there exists a violation of. Zoning Ordinance ............i.:............ Wetland ordinance Other Applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations\ ............................................ at premises hereinafter described in that !''Iil.l has be. -olaeed. . .. on Za►et1:1145 as defined....................................... .. ....}en...: .. ..... .... .. (state character of violation) in Southolce. Town ",.retland or i inan,e" without obtaining a permit from ................................................................................•................................................................................ Southoldrfo-wnBoarC�............................... ............................................................................... , in violation of ... Cahpter 97 sect. .ion 97- 20 of iyrt sl , Code of Town of Southold .......... ....... .... .... ................................................................................................ (State section or paragraph of applicable law, ordinance or regulation) YOU ARE THEREFORE DIRECTED AND ORDERED to comply with the law and to remedy the conditions above mentioned forthwith on or before the ..............;t..hird (3) .............................................. I�oveulber 19. 76 day of ................ . The premises to which this ORDER TO REMEDY VIOLATION refers are situated at - Southold SIS CR27 (' Ruch La 8, ill Creek of Suffolk, New York. Failure to remedy the conditions aforesaid and to comply with the applicable provisions of low may constitute an offense punishable by fine or imprisonment or both. .. ... .. ........................ .................. Building Inspector Peter AA Berle Mr. Valentine Ruch the 4T$ N.Y. State Dept. of Envirouental Conservation Building 40, SUNY Stony Brook, New York 11794 11 Pecition No. TW 15277-0090\ A Your petition for a Tidal We�tlands Moratorium :'ercnit has been ' revie:ae_1 by this office. . As a result, we have determined that construction of a one—family dwelll�g on parcel on s/s Middle Road, 136' west of Ruch Lane, Arshanomque, Town of Southold, New York. i i11 hwe no :adverse effect upon a2jaceA tidal wetlands. There is to be no construction, fill or disturbance of vegetation within 100' of the line of MHW. • 'narctorE, 3ursi:an-. to Section 25-0202 of the EnVironmcrltal• Conse_vati on Law and 6 r,'CI_R, Part 660.3 (c) , you ars hereby notified that no permit will be nazessary. -.cny c). t: is detc rainatioz: ::ust be available at the job site a'_l `wring construction aot:vity. Ve trul o tV DANIEL J. LARICIN Loc:ll 'Tidal l4etlands Pur:iiit Administrator DiL: sir. cc: Corps of rn—ineers, 'Now York District Louis 1,1. Cancra Index No. Year 19 STATE OF NEW YORK COURT COUNTY OF SUFFOLK In the Matter of T �; Notice of Violation of Wetlands Ii CEIVE� AND rl�� _ Ordinance of the Town of Southold THE So OLD TG�':�Id Ci� �.�i -against-, D 'I'E i7� i�0U1 The Estate of f - VALENTINE RUCH, . IV �, Tomm Clerk, Toy., of �OuLlioll DEMAND FOR HEARING _ l To - Attorney(s) for Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated, - Attorney(s) for Sir:—Please take notice - NOTICE OF ENTRY that the within is a (certified) true copy of a` - - duly entered in'the office of a clerk of the within named court on 19 ` NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT _ ' - - that an order of which the within is a true copy wtll be presented for settlement to the HON. one of the judges of the within named Court, at on the - day of _: 19 at M Dated, Yours, etc. RICHARD-J. CRON Attorney for Eleanor Ruch as Executrix of the Estate of �alentine Ruch, IV_ Office and Post Office Address - Main Road To - CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK - Attorney(s) for _ TEL. 516,734.5100 — " WHEREAS, the Building Inspector, heretof re served a notice of violation upon the Estate of Valentine Ruch IV, pursuant to Section 97-31 of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold, and WHEREAS, this Board held a hearing with respect thereto, pursuant to Section 97-32 of said Ordinance, and WHEREAS, it appears that the New York State Department of Environmental 'Conservation, in its consideration of a permit application with respect to said premises, found that wetlands did exist in the area to be filled, but determined that the filling thereof would not cause irreparable damage to the water; And it further appearing, upon a personal inspection caused to be made by this board that wetlands were present in the area to be filled and therefor a wetland permit should be applied for, NOW THEREFORE BE *IT RESO VED that the Notice of Violation of the Building Inspector is ustained and it is forth RESOLVED that the Estate of alentine Ruch IV apply for and obtain a wetlands permit before conducting any further filling and or construction work be conducted on the premises in question. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes : Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. � + WETLAND VIOLATION - ESTATE OF VALENTINE RUCH IV - NOVEMBER 23, 1976 A hearing was held at the Supervisor' s Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York on November 23, 1976. The hearing was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. and was commenced at 10:25 a.m. Present were: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Justice Louis Demarest Justice Martin Suter Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman James F. Homan Robert Tasker, Esq. , Town Attorney Richard Cron, Esq. , Attorney for the Ruch Estate Mrs. Valentine Ruch IV Valentine Ruch V Supervisor: We will call the hearing to order. It' s according to an action of the Building Department versus a piece of land in the Ruch Estate. They were cited for a violation. The attorney for the property owners has appealed to have the action rescinded. Richard Cron: If it pleases the Board, I am appearing in behalf of the applicant, which in this instance is the Estate of Valentine Ruch, who as -phis board is aware if now deceased. The property in question, if you will examine the exhibits next to our notice for demand for this particular hearing, is located off the Middle Road across from Long Island Sound in the Hamlet of Southold. I think it is important that the Board realize from the outset that what was done here was done in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, insofar as they pertain to the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York. Back in July of 1976, Mr. Ruch made application under the Environmental Conservation Law to the Regional Permit Agency, to wit, Mr. Larkin, at the Offices of the DEC in Hauppauge, New York for a permit to fill in these particular lands which are described in the survey which is annexed to our demand for this hearing. The basis for the permit was because the lands in question were within 300 feet of tidal waters and the elevation in question was less than 10 feet as prescribed by the Environmental Conservation Law and the rules and regulations pertaining thereto . There was never any indication on Mr. Ruch' s part or anybody else ' s part at that time that there was any wetlands whether defined under the state law and, presumably, under the Wetlands Ordinance in the Town of Southold as far as they would exist in the area that was contemplated to be filled. The application was submitted to the DEC, Mr. Larkin, himself, I think, and perhaps another came out and made a thorough examination of the site and the area in which the proposed fill was to take place. Mr. Larkin had the very survey that is annexed to our papers here. The property was walked. The property was examined and, on the basis of these examinations by the Department of Environmental Conservation, it was determined by that party that, in fact, no wetlands existed in the area in which the proposed fill was to take place. So, if it pleases the Board, at that point, there was absolutely no basis to proceed to make any RUCH WETLAND VIOLATION -2- November 23, 1976 application to the Town of Southold under their wetlands ordinance because, at that point, certainly there was no evidence of tidal wetlands. All that was being done was to fill in a piece of property. Now, Mr. Larkin gave to Mr. Ruch the very necessary permit to fill in the particular area that he requested. The permit was predicated on the fact that there were no tidal wetlands within the area that was proposed to be filled. In accordance with that permit, Mr. Ruch then proceeded to contract with a local contractor to have the particular area filled. Now, as it so happens, sometimes most unfortunately, a neighbor who apparently had an axe to grind made some kind of a verbal complaint to the Department of Environmental Conservation. The Department of Environmental Conservation came out again and this time they decided, well, there was an area, and it' s not clear, and it' s our position that the area was not within the area to be filled, - that had some degree of tidal wetlands. We refused to abide by their determination and the matter then went on to Albany. Albany, then, wrote back and said 'no, we are reinstating the original permit that was issued to fill in the property' and that was it. So, at that point, we are still not concerned with any tidal wetlands insofar as they might exist within the area that we propose to have filled. Well, to and behold, maybe it' s the same neighbor, I don't know, in any- event, another complaint comes in to the Town of Southold and, at this point, we are served with a violation, we are told to desist and not perform any more with respect to our filling operation. As a result thereof, we then brought thi8-matter on to hearing before the Board. Our position is that as set forth in our demand for this hearing in all of its respects. We don't believe that we are subject to the ordinance or the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold. We have fully complied with the Department of Environmental Conservation. We have fully complied with the Environmental Conservation Law of the State of New York and, frankly, I think it' s nothing more on the part of a neighbor to harrass and annoy the Ruch' s in fulfilling that in which they have a legal right to do and I don't think this Board should be a party to that type of action. For all of the reasons that I have stated, I would ask that this Board forthwith rescind the notice of violation so the Ruchs may complete the project for which they have a valid permit to do so. Supervisor: I have one question. The question I have is do you have a permit of any type? You said you had a _permit. Mr. Cron: It is annexed to my papers. Supervisor: I don't see it. I see here where it says 'no permit necessary' . Mr. Cron: That' s it. They say absolutely no permit is necessary. There are no wetlands. That' s our permit to go ahead and build. They are saying that we don't require a permit, there are no wet- lands. Supervisor: Once you mentioned you had a permit. What I have here says no permit is necessary. RUCH WETLAND VIOLATION -3- November 23, 1976 Mr. Cron: It is our permit to build. It' s our authority to build, but no permit was required. The state examined the lands in question. They found no wetlands in the area in which we proposed to fill. Let me say this. I am sure this Board is well aware of the fact that if there were any tidal wetlands in that particular area to be filled, the applicant would have had to post an undertaking with the DEC, it would have had to be published in a newspaper in the area and any complaint that would have been forthcoming from other than the DEC, a public hearing would have been held. Moreover, if there was any complaint on the part of the DEC to the proposed project, they too would have insisted upon a hearing. They are saying, no need for it. If there is no need for. it under the Environmental Conservation Law, I submit there is certainly no need for it under the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold, because the Town of Southold Wetlands Ordinance does not exist exclusive of the Department of Environ- mental Conservation. Supervisor: Anyone else? Mr. Tasker: What is annexed to your papers, the original decision of the DEC? Mr. Cron: I think we' annexed a photocopy. Justice Demarest: There is a letter signed by Larkin. Mr. -Cron: This is dated August 5, 1976. Mr. Tasker: You indicated that you had another determination from Albany. Will you submit that to the Board? Mr. Cron: Surely, if you want to make a photocopy of it. I have no objection to your photocopying that and making it a part of the record. Supervisor: Do any of the Board members have any questions? Justice Suter: To your knowledge, at any time was any application made to the Planning Board or the Board of Appeals in regard to this property? Were there any agreements or understanding? Mr. Cron: To my knowledge, no. Not to my knowledge. Mrs. Ruch: Following that, we were approved a subdivision to go ahead and build on one acre lot that before our subdivision was broken into smaller lots and we changed and now there are only two pieces. One was just last year and this piece that' s in question and that' s what it is. Supervisor: Was this a minor subdivision? Mrs. Ruch: Yes. Councilman Rich: Do you have any map of the property we can refer to? Justice Demarest: There ' s no map. Justice Suter: Is there any map of the property? RUCH WETLAND VIOLATION -4- November 23, 1976 Mr. Cron: Do you want to make a copy of the map. I don't know why it' s not there. I might add, if I may, that with respect to this letter of October 7th from the DEC, where after a complaint of a neighbor they allegedly find some area on this entire lot that has some marsh area that might be defined as tidal wetlands under the regulations and law of Environmental Conservation, how- ever, I would point out to you that what they do find is of such insignificance that it has absolutely no bearing on the tidal wetlands and, certainly I would submit, would have no bearing in that regard on any of the standards that are set forth under the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Supervisor: I had some comment from the people that went to review the property that was retained by us, I guess, that his objection wasn't that much. Paul Stoutenburgh, I think it was. Paul Stoutenburgh reviewed the property and he is supposed to be an expert in this particular field of endeavor and he thought, as a suggestion, perhaps so it wouldn't go further out where there is a little touch of wetlands, perhaps, a bulkhead could be put in or something like so you would end and you couldn't go any further and that would be a suggestion on his part. Mr. Cron: Let me respond to that, if I may. If you look at the survey and you will have it. I am sorry it wasn't annexed to the papers. If you will look at the survey, there is a large setback from the water' s edge. We are in no way near the water' s edge. The area exists, if anywhere, exists closer to the water. A bulkhead is absolutely unessential because it' s all upland from that point on, from the road right on almost down to the water' s edge. As a point of historical information with respect to this application, the lands to the west here that, I believe, are owned by a chap by the name of Haas. He, a long time ago, probably before the advent of the Environmental Conservation Law, filled in his lands with County sanction, I am told. The County, in order to provide proper drainage, had him install a pipe which drains in to the subject parcel here and which, to an extent, has caused a marsh area on the bordering edge of the water. It' s not something that developed because of the low-lyingness of the area. It came about because of what man had done. But, in terms of a bulkhead, it is utterly ridiculous because you will be bulk- heading all upland and that' s unessential. Justice Suter: What are there, two areas? Larkin is in control of what? 300 feet from. . . . Mr. Cron: 300 feet from the water' s edge and an elevation of less than 10 feet. Then, you have to make application for any, filling of any land, any construction. That' s under the moratorium business. We are not filling in any of that area. Councilman Homan: According to this map, your fill line is approximately 100 feet from the highwater mark? Mr. Cron: Yes. That' s all upland area. RUCH WETLAND VIOLATION -5- November 23, 1976 Councilman Rich: Is the work completed? Mr. Cron: Almost, it is 99/ complete at the time we were told to stop. Councilman Rich: What "I am really driving at is would you be getting closer to the wetlands if you completed it? Mr. Cron: Infinitessimal, maybe a foot. Councilman Rich: That' s what I wanted to know. You don' t have to go another 25 or 30 feet? Mr. Cron: No. Justice Suter: All they need is- an inch. Mr. Cron: That' s about it. We don't even need any more fill. It' s just a matter of spreading what we already have there to complete the project. Supervisor: Grading it out? Mr. Cron: That' s it, pretty much. Supervisor: Bob, do you have anything? Any other comments from the people that are with you? Mr. Cron: I don't think any other comment will be forthcoming. Supervisor: Any questions that the Board would like to direct to Mr. Cron. I will call" the hearing to a close ,and the Board will review the subject property and we will have a decision very shortly. Mr. Cron: Thank you very much. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Brush, Secretary 1 , Lool ` L.x'�Ir+i ✓' ��—✓��.' a-'f 1-s."' ai -4=Ca/-�:,iv-��saabtb ® Ace A — ersks� 4 All, Li Yb. -r� -*j ._ :�_^�°�-�--��9$�.• fi.-Q P .A�� a rte-' yr/- �,`ms�'�Ca��'/ • �, QRS• r. � ..€9 r��- �. t «�,� C.� �. �^�. . A. VFE r�11'IVARK T1�11' C NOF 3buTm. f JUDITH T.TERRY TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK Ol 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. , N. Y. 11971 November 10, 1976 Richard J. Cron, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, New York 11935 Dear Mr. Cron: The Southold Town Board will hold a hearing on November 23, 1976 at 10:00 A.M. upon the request of Eleanor Ruch, Executrix of the Estate of Valentine Ruch IV, with respect to the Notice of Violation of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Judith T. Terry Town Clerk OIL K JUDITH T.TERRYuQ � .F TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK "� i: � (516) 765-1801 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 August 31, 1977 Deputy Supervisor Louis M. Demarest Southold Town Board Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Deputy Supervisor Demarest: Transmitted herewith is application no. 31 for a wetland permit submitted by Eleanor Ruch. Copies of this application have been forwarded to the Board of Town Trustees and Conservation Advisory Council for their report of findings and recommendations. Very truly yours, udith T. Terry Town Clerk JTT/bn cc:file