HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5540Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ISSUED TO JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws the Sta~ of New Yor~, '1893~ and ~apt~r 4~ of the ~ of fha State of New Yor~ 1952~ and the Southold Town Ordinance en- t~led "RE~U~TIN~ AND THE P~CIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC ~NDS and REUOVAL OF SAND, ~RAVEL OR OTHER UATERIALS FROU ~NDS UNDER TOWN WA~RS~. and in accordance with the ResOldlon of The B&ard adopted at a meeting held on .~?.~.. ~.~ . g~.~.~.~and in consideration of the sum of $ ....~?.~..~.°0 - paid by of ....... ~?~ ........................................... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the revere slde hereof, . of ~ thold. ~o~ ~usleet,epJbprlze~ and per.its t~e fo~wlng: Wet]an~ ~e~m~t to a~ an ~ ~u excenston ~ an~ enclose t~e ex~st, deck, w~t~ the condition that dry~eHs ~ gutters are tnsta]~ed~and t~e p~pe th~oug~ t~e b~lk~eRd ts capped, and as depicted on the approved plan dated [/~/03 by Gerard Arc~ta:cordance with the detai~d specifications as pre~nfed ~e ~ig~natlng application. ~x~st~ng set~ac~ ~m the bu~ead to be maintained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The sald Board of T~stees ~re- ~ causes ifs Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these p~esenfs to tubtcribed by a 'majmi~ of the said Board as of thts date. TERMS and CONDmONS The Petmktee John & Barbara Severini teskllag~t 8 Woodhull Path, St. James, NY 11780 part- o~ the coask~doa for ~e ~ off ~e ~t d~ ~dem~ 1. ~ ~ ~ B~ ~ T~ ~ ~e T~ ~ ~old for ~ ~on ~y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ at a ~ d~ ~. ~t ~ Pe~t ~d ~ ~ ~y, or ~ 1~ .~d~ wu od~y ~a~ 5. ~at ~ ~ ~ no ~le int~f~ ~ ~ '6. ~ ~ ~all ~ ~ ~e~et~ ~ the ~t ~ ~ ~bHc 7. ~ ff ~~of ~T~nof ~ld~ 8. ~ ~e ~d B~td w~ ~ ~1~ ~ the ~ ot ~e o~ ~. ~t ~e Pe~i~ ~H ~n aH o~et ~ and ~ Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE __ Pre-construction, hay bale line __ 1st day of construction ¼ constructed Project complete, compliance inspection. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 25, 2004 Ms. Catherine Mesiano Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940-1222 RE: JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI 565 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT SCTM#35-4-28.27 Dear Ms. Mesiano: The following action was taken by the S0uthold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Wednesday, February 25, 2004: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVE the Amendment to Permit #5540 to increase the setback of the proposed addition to 43' from the bulkhead, and as depicted on the survey prepared by John C. Ehlers last dated October 27, 2003. This is not a determination from any other agency. If you have any questions, please call our office at (631) 765-1892. Sincerely, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of TruStees AJK:lms Albert J. Krupsld, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Please be advised that your application, dated has been reviewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of ~1~..~O~ and the following action was taken: (./~Application Approved (see below) (__) Application Denied (see below) (__) Application Tabled (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: BY: PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES cLERKt, BOARD OF TRUSTEES 4/98 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, February 23, 2004, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Don Wilder, seconded by William Cook, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION of the Amendment application of JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI to Amend Permit #5540 to increase the setback of the proposed addition to 43' from the bulkhead. Located: 565 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. SCTM#35-4-28.27 The CAC recommends Approval of the application with the Condition of a 10' non-turf buffer. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy' A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 19, 2003 Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11934 RE: SCTM#$5-4-2&27 JOHN SE VERINI 585 Gull Pond Lane Greenport, NY Dear Mesiano: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at their Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, March 18th, 2003. RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Board of Trustees Approve an Amendment to Pemit #5540 for a 6'x8' one story portico addition to the existing single family dwelling. If you have any questions, please call our office at 765-1892. Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees cc: Building Department Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town 'Hall. 53095 Maiu Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCI[, At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wednesday, March 12, 2003, the following recommendation was made: JOHN SEVERINI to Amend Permit #5540 to construct a 6'X 8' one-story portico on the landward side of the existing dwelling. Located: 585 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. SCTM#35-4-28.27 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. John & Barbara Severini INSPECTION SCHEDULE __ Pre-construction, hay bale line t si day of construction % constructed Project complete, compliance inspectio,;. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dicker~on JanuaD'16,2003 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Soutbold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax 631) 765-1366 Ms. Catherine Mesiano Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lm~e East Moriches, NY 11940-1222 JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI 565 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT SCTM#35-4~28.27 Dear Ms. Mesiano: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Catherine Mesiano, Inc. oil behalfofJOIIN & BARBARA SEVERINI applied to the Southold Town T1 ustees for a permit nnder the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Sonthold. application dated February 28, 2002, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Coancil for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees wi0~ respect to said application on April 24, 2002, at which time all interested persons were give, an opportunity to be heard, aud, WHEREAS, the Boaid members have personally viewed and are familiar with tile premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony anti documentation sabmitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the struclure complies with the slaudards set forth ia Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general wel fare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of,JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI to add an 8'X 30' extension to and enclose the existing deck, with the condition that drywells and gutters are installed, and the pipe through the bulkhead is capped, and as depicted on the approved plan dated January 9, 2003 by Gerard E. Meyer, Architect. Existing setback from the bulkhead to be maintained. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which ma3, also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees ust be prod, tfapphcable, and permit issued withiu six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $5.00 per inspectiou. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $5.00 - Final Inspection Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/Ims Teleohone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New Yo~k 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CO Sg, V T O ADWSOaY COUnCiL Moved by Scott Hilary, seconded by Drew Dillingham, it was RESOLVED to TABLE the Wetland Permit Application of BARBARA & JOHN SEVERENI to add an 8'× 30' extension to and enclose existing deck. Existing setback from bulkhead to be maintained. Located: 565 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. SCTM#35-4-28.27 The CAC Tabled the application because the project was unclear. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried GERARD E. 14 COVERT AVENUE, 516-437-7350 MEYER, STEWART MANOR, ARCHITECT NEW YORK 11530-2219 FAX 516-437-3318 9 January, 2003 Board of Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Proposed Additions & Alterations to: Severini Residence - 565 Gull Pond Road, Greenport, NY Dear Village Board of Trustees: During a recent telephone conversation with the Southold Town Office, I was made aware that the Village Board of Trustees is still waiting for corrected and revised copies of the Site Plan for the above referenced project. The revised Site Plan was to reflect the capping of an existing drainage pipe from the existing driveway drywell currently extending to Fordham Canal. The drawing should also indicate the collection and disposal of the roof areas storm water run-off. Enclosed please find six (6) copies of the newly revised Site Plan drawing dated 9 January, 2003, reflecting said changes. These drawings now indicate the existing driveway drywell, a note to cap the exiting drainage pipe outlet to the Canal and the connection of the roof leaders from the southeast end of the dwelling. In addition, these drawings also indicate a new drywell to be located to the west of the dwelling. This new drywell will receive the storm water run- off from the majority of the roof area. Strom water run-off and collection calculations are now indicated on the drawing as well. If you should have any questions about the enclosed information or the project in general, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Encl. Cc: John & Barbara Severini Catherine Mesiano, Inc. O(~T. l ooo .m::,~__~t-(ot-.J IE:~:::~i,<. o4,.oo LoT' SUP-.'v'IE"r' OF: F'ROPER'T"r' 51TOATE: HAST MARION TOk'IN: 50UTHOLD ~OLK COUNTY, SUR~,/E'C'EO 0q-23-02 ~r'op. addit:ion IO-~O-O2 ~nd Underwater OI-23-O~ ~l~blands O~-16-OB, r~v 04-22-03 SEPTIC ~ C. OVERA®E O~-O4-O5 REVISED IO-2-/-O5 r:~FFOLK COUNTY TAX LOT ¢ IOOO - 35 - ,4 - 28.27 .70HN SEVE~31*qI %%. \ \\ \ \ -\ \ AREA EXCLU~IN6 UNOE~TER AREA OF ELEVATIONS REFERENCE A U~S DENCHHAR~ TIED TO N~V~ Iq2q DA~H FLOOD ZONES ANNOTATED FROM FIRM MAP ~iODCOI"/8 G - HAY 4, Iqq8 SEPTIC LOCATIONS E~'r' OTHERS GRAPHIC SCALE I" = :~O' \ X X N ¢_o'Oe LOT COVERAGE CALCULATIONS EXISTIN~ D~ELLIN~ IO80 SF PROPOSED OP4ELLING ADDITION 2'10 SF PROPOSED DEC-F-. ADDITION '~O4 SF PROPOSED ENTR'r' ADDITION 48 SF 2,102 SF 11.2q% TOTAL JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\~Ip server\dXPROS\02-286A.pro Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson  Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 $outhold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 BOARD OF TOWN' >~C-]d ~/ '~/' TOWN OF SOU9 0 ~ APPLICATION FOR AN AMEN AGENT CATHERINE MESIANO, INC.PHONE ADD.SS 12 MILL FOND LANE I¢~o,~l,jki:o, ;'.~ ~' i~940-1222 PROPERTY LOCATION ~ ~ 5 (~ ,~ I I TAXMA~NO. !r~c~o - '~5- 4-- ~_~,,~-~ Signed By: request an Amendment to Permit # 55~'0 · ,,- Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the / 'Tday of ~ , 200 ~I pers~nal~y posted the property known as by placing the Board~fTrustees official poster ~ffhere it can easily-be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight ~[ay~ prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held ~J ~t~. ~k.~, e (2 kl-' . Dated: ~ .,_'~.' _./?~,~.~.~.~.,_ /' ~'~--~'~z...~.,~. (signature) Sworn to before me this .9.3 day of rUe['-. 200~ Notary Public ANNE W. H LL Notary .Public, State of New York fie. 01HI6103497 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Dec. 29, 2007 ... BoaOiof Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York O h~ ~V ~%~ I' BEING .DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT BE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS cONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUl,HOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING uNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF sAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REpRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. ~--~ Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF~C~ --' ~ary Public OTARY PUBLIc Stat 7 STATE OF NEW YORI" COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) John & Barbara Severini, being duly sworn, depose and say: We reside at ~Woodhill Path, St. James in the County of Suffolk and the State of New York, and we are the owners in fee of the premises described in the foregoing application and that we have authorized CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. to make the foregoing application on our behalf. Barbara Severini Sworn before me this ,~, day of~cg-,~-,-~, ~...~F20 ~EN Notary Public APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics urohibits conflicts of interest on the nat of town officers and employees. The nuroose of this form is to orovide information which can alert the town of ~ossible conflicts of intereat and allow it to take whatever action is neces to avoid same. (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Variance Change of Zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map . ,':),",', ,' ,',:',', vl/,v/'./'_,'d.' Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, mamage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO ~ If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/ur describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): __.A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when tho applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a nors-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __.C) an officer, dilator, pur~er, or employee of the applicant; or ___D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitte4tt~ _~c~_day of -[-6.~ .,~Signa~ure ~-~x_ PrlntNam~ _~a ,o .~¢,a e~,,~,; 2oo_ CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NEW YORK 11940 631-878-8951 January 20, 2004 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: John & Barbara Severini 565 Gull Pond Lane Greenport SCTM # 1000-35-4-28.27 Gentlemen: I am the agent for the above referenced applicant who is seeking an amendment to Permit #5540 for an increase in the setback from the proposed structure to the existing bulkhead to 43', as depicted on the enclosed plan. Enclosed please find three sets of the following: 1. Application for Amendment to Permit. 2. Survey last dated 10/27/03. 3. NYSDEC approved plan. 4. Owner's authorization. 5. Owner's release. 6. Transactional disclosure. 7. Notice to adjacent property owner. Also enclosed is the applicant's check in the amount of $40.00 for the application fee. Kindly direct any requests for additional information to my attention. Thank you for your consideration. Very trj~ly yours, Catherine A. Mesiano, President Enclosures Albert J. Krupski, President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1892 Fax(631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application Wetland~.ation __ Major Waive/Amc nd_...nlga~J~na ng~s -. Received Ap~: t,~,,] 9"1/O-~ Received Fee:$ ~t Completed Application Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination:(date CAC Referral Sent: ¥1 ~.// Date of Inspection: Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination:__ Technical Review: Public Hearing Held: Resolution: Minor Name of Applicant Address t~ Phone Number:((~3/- Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - Property Location: ~ ~ .S (~ ~ .~.5 -6 - 2.?- z7 (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) CATHERINE MESiANO, iNC. 12 MILL POND LANE E. MORiCHES, NY 1i940-1222 Phone: AGENT: (If applicable) Address: ~outhold Town )ard of Trustees Applicati~on V~'ETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: /_Ar~ ~ t~.,o,n~-~,~ .'~ Area of wetlands on lot: (2) square feet Percent coverage of lot: (~__°,/o Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: ~ 2.,,- feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: '~ feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? x/~ No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated'~ ~ cubic yards How much material will be filled? '-'-'"-- cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited:_ ~ feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations. Manner in which material will be removed or deposited' Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the tow reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): I~EIt 2- 2003 m own n that Board of Trustees Application Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: ~'-' ~d6 GENERAL DATA C, · Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: ~. _h,t~_Agency Date __ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? xx No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION 1 APPLICANT ,' SPONSOR JOHN SEVERINI 3 PROJECT LOCATION GREENPORT 6~720 APPENDIX C STATE EN'vlRONMENTAL QUALITY' REVIEW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNLISTED ACTIONS Only ~ TO De cOmpleted by Apphcan[ or PrOleCt Sponsorl 2 PROJECT NAME 565 GULL POND LANE SUFFOLK Codnly SEQR : ElS GULL POND LANE 597.82'S/ RT 25 ,S PROPOSED ACT,ON r~ New [~] Expans,on [--'-] Mod,fl ca, on a,~e r at,o n DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS? ~ Yes [] NO tf no. describe bnefly 9 WHAT IS PRESENT LAND uSE rN VICINITY OF PROJECT? (Choose as many as apply) [~ Resident, al [~ Industr,al [~ Commerc,al E~]Agnculture E~] Park, Forest, Open Space 10 DOES ACTION ~NVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL OR FUNDING NOW OR ULTIMATELY ER( AGENCY (Federal Stale or LOC, aiI [~]Yes [] NO If yes, list agency name and permit , approval SOUTOLD TRUSTEES. BLDG. DEPT. ~ "1.5b E.c ~o¢.~'r~,,_t, ~,,~ 11 DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY' VALID PERMIT OR APPRO r~'lYes I~No If yes hsl agency name and permit appro;al SOUTHOLD TRUSTEES B0~rl~ ef Trustees 12 AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT, APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION') [E]No ~ CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Ap0,.oan: N m, CAT' II .MES A'O. "Zl If the action is a CostaJ Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: John & Barbara Severini SCTM # 1000-35-4-28.27 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees for: CONSTRUCTION OF 6' X 8' 1 STORY PORTICO ADDITION TO THE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 585 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37,or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on March 19, 2003. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNER'S NAME: MAILING ADDRESS: John & Barbara Severini 8 Woodhill Path Saint James, NY 11780 OWNER'S AGENT: Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 631-878-8951 Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. $outhold Tow~ ~a~d of Trustees APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part; of town office,~. and emolovees. The puroose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessaq/to avoid same. YOUR NAME: John Severini NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Variance Change of zone Approval of plat Exemption from plat or official map Other (If"'Other," name the activity) Buildinq permit, wetland permit _ Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X If you answered "YES," complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Descdbe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent or child is (check all that apply): __A) the owner of greeter than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); __B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or __D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP S u bmitt ed tl~s 6.~_¢~day~o.of 3o~ ¢,~,_ ¢,f Signature ,~-,~,.- _.~-:~,, .~ ~- John Severini . 200~ Albert J. Krupski, Presiden James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Pohwoda Town Hall · 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application 4A°f / STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I,~/~/~,~ ~ , residing at being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the ~ day of~,~ 2003, I pgrsonally posted the property known as ~F~c~ L~. by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of%the Dublic hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Dated: Sworn to before me this /! day of ~ 200~ [YNDA M NOTARy PUBL,^ ~ 80HN 8lifJecl i~ SUffolk Count~ 7erin EXpires March 8, 20 ~ '? Name Proof of Mailing of Notice Attach Certified Mail Receipts Adddress State of New York County of Suffolk Anne W. Hill, residing at P.O. Box 1245, Center Moriches, NY being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 5th day of, March 2003, deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addressed of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at East Moriches, NY, that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by certified mail. Anne W. Hill ~3worrt'to~l:~forem~s ~ '~day'bf ~)/) ~L~ ~/t ?~00~ Notary Public Robert & Allison Wieczorek 385 Gull Pond Greanport, NY 11944 1000-35-4-2g.26 Robert and Allison Wieczorek 200 E. 32nd Street New York, NY 10016 1000-35-4-28.26 Daniel J. Fox 470 Wiggins Lane Greenport, NY 11944 1000-35-4-28.28 Robert & Charlotte Wissman 715 Gull Pond Greenport, NY 11944 1000-3~-4-2g.29 John & Patricia Casillo 31 Shenandoah Blvd. Coram, NY 11727 1000-3~-4-28.33 Peconic Holding Co. Inc. 925 Sleepy Hollow Lane Southold, NY 11971 -5'fATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) John & Barbara Severini, being duly sworn, depose and say: We reside at ~,Woodhill Path, St. James in the County of Suffolk and the State of New York, and we are the owners in fee of the premises described in the foregoing application and that'we have authorized CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. to make the foregoing application on our behalf. Barbara Severini Sworn before me this ,~ day of~-*~20 EILEEN TYLER  Ouatlfled In Iq~au County_ Cemm~'J~ Explr~ 02/12/1'~.,~. Notary Public Southold Town Board Of]Tuste~s FROM :C M INC. FAX NO. :631-878-8951 Feb. 28 2002 P2 County of Suffolk) State of New York) JOHN SEVERINI BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/ SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARRISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVE(S) , TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. JOH~IEVERINI SWORN TO BEFORE THIS ~ DAY OF~_y._~, 200..~ NotarY ot~r~ CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NEW YORK 11940 516-878-8951 February 25, 2003 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: John & Barbara Severini 565 Gull Pond Lane Greenport SCTM # 1000-35-4-28.27 Gentlemen: I am the agent for the above referenced applicant who is seeking an amendment to an existing permit for a 6' x 8' 1 story portico addition to the existing single family dwelling, as depicted on the enclosed plan. Enclosed please find original and two copies of the following: 1. Application for Permit. 2. EAF Short Form - Part 1. 3. Survey last dated 1/23/03 4. Owner's authorization. 5. Owner's release. 6. Transactional disclosure 7. Notice to adjacent property owner 8. Application fee in the amount of $40.00 Kindly direct any requests for additional information to my attention. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, ,/3 Catherine A. Mesiano, President Enclosures SU VET OF mgPF TT .~ITUATE: EAST MARION TOHN.. 5Ot)'f]4OLO 5bTTOLK C, OUNTT, N~ SURVEYEO 0q-2~-02 ~rop. oddi~ion I0-~9-02 mhd Un~r~oter 01-2~-0~ SUFFOLK C,OUNT¥ TAX LOT ~ IOOO - 95 - 4 - 28.23 ~P_.K t lPU~.D TO: lO~q ~ NOTES: · MONUMENT AREA : 18~O2 S.F. OR 0.49 AC. RES ELEVATIONS REFER. ENC,E A USOS BENCHMARK TIED TO NOVO Iq2q DATUM FLOOD ZONES ANNOTATED FROM FIRM HAP ;~f2103C,01-/~ 6 - MAY 4, Iqq8 ®P. APHIC SCALE I" = 30' \ \ \ -\ X /o 'x F , 2003 N + W "¥'/ E S JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\~-Ip server\&PROS\02-286.pro NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: John & Barbara Severini SCTM # 1000-35-4-28.27 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees for: CONSTRUCTION OF 6' X 8' 1 STORY PORTICO ADDITION TO THE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 585 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37,or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on March 19, 2003. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNER'S NAME: John & Barbara Severini MAILING ADDRESS: 8 Woodhill Path Saint James, NY 11780 OWNER'S AGENT: Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane East MorJches, NY 11940 631-878-8951 Eric.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. .~dbert J. Krupski, President James K~ng, Vice-President Hen~' Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone ~'516) 765-18~f2 Fax (516~ 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only oastal Erosion Permit Application etland Permit Application randfather Permit Application Waiver/Amendment / C.~es Recei'ved Applica~tion: Received Fee:$ ~ ~ Completed Application ~/'1 Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date 'se~)~ CAC Referral Sent: ~1.1 I'~,' Date of Inspection: Receipt of CAC Report-: Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: Public Hearing Held: >)[~/~ Resolution: - I Name of Applicant Phone Number ((/~/) ~f~ 7 ~ / ~ Suffolk County Tax Map lq~umb~Tr: 1000 - Property Location: ~ (provide LILCO Pole/ ~, distance to cross streets, AGENT: f'ATklCDII~IC MI:I~IAkli% (If applicable) ~'"~'" .............. ~ ..... 12 MILL POND LANE Address: E. MORiCHES, NY ii940-i222 and 1 ~ o~n )/ Phone: FAX%: JOHN & BARB~RA SEVERINI ~ GULL POND L~.NE, GREENPORT $CTM # 1000-354-28.27 Name of Applicant: Address: Phone Number: JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI 8 WOODHILL PATH ST. JAMES, NY 11780 631-567-1867 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000-35-4-28.27 Property Location: 565 GULL POND LANE GREENPORT AGENT: CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NY 11940 PHONE/FAX: (631)878-8951 JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI 565 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT SCTM # 1000-35-4-28,27 Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING SAME Land Area (in square feet): 18,000 square feet Area Zoning: R-40 Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: ~_5 Agency Date __No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description: Add 8' x 30' extension to and enclose existing deck. from bulkhead to be maintained. Existing setback JOHN & B~RBARA SEVERINI 565 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT $CTM # t000,.35.4-28.27 Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LAIgDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Area of wetlands on lot: -0- square feet Percent coverage of lot: -0-% Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 42'* feet (* principal structure) Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 42'feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? X No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? N/A cubic yards How much material will be filled? N/A cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: N/A feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: no change Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: N/A Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT IS ANTICIPATED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED ACTION. · PROPOSED DECK EXTENSION WILL MAINTAIN EXISTING 42' SETBACK · ENCLOSURE OF DECK WILL NOT NECESSITATE ANY EXCAVATION. 3 JOHN& BARBARA SEVERIN! 565 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT SCTM # 1000-35..4-28.27 NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: NAME: JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. SCTM # 1000-35-4-28.27 That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: ADD 8' X 30' EXTENSION TO AND ENCLOSE EXISTING DECK 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: 565 GULL POND LANE GREENPORT 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37,or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on March 20, 2002. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNER'S NAME: Address: John & Barbara Severini 8 Woodhill Path St. James, NY 11780 OWNER'S AGENT: Catherine Mesiano, Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, NY 11940 631-878-8951 Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) John & Barbara Severini, being duly sworn, depose and say: We reside at ~Woodhill Path, St. James in the County of Suffolk and the State of New York, and we are the owners in fee of the premises described in the foregoing application and that we have authorized CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. to make the foregoing application on our behalf. Jo~Severi~n~~' Barbara Severini Sworn before me this ~.,o~, day of~-~ Notary Public County ol Su~tolk) State of New York) JOHN ~EVERINI BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRM8 THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPUCANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILl. BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPECANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARRISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES. THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVE(S) , TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. JOHI~EVERINJ SWORN TO DAY OF~.200~_~ THIS ~ BEFORE~I~ PROJECT iD NUMBER PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION 617.20 IAPPENDIX C STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNLISTED ACTIONS Only ( To be completed by A )licant or Project Sponsor) 1. APPLICANT / SPONSOR JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI 2. PROJECT NAME 565 GULL POND LANE 3.PROJECT LOCATION: GREENPORT SUFFOLK Mu.i~.;l~ality County 4. PRECISE LOCATION: Street Addess and Road Intersec6oas, Prominent landmarks etc -or I)rovide mad 565 GULL POND LANE E/S GULL POND LANE, 497.82' S/MAIN ROAD 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: [] New ~ Expansion [] Modificafies / alteration SEQR 6. DESCiIBE iROJECT BRIEFLY: ADD 8 X 30 EXTENSION TO AND ENCLOSE EXISTING DECK 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially .43 acres Ultimately .43 acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS? []Yes [] No If no. describebdefty: 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? (Choose as many as apply.) ~Residentia, []Industrial []Commercial [~Agdculture ~"]Park/ForestlOpenSpace ~]Offier (describe) 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (Federal, State or Local) ]Yes ~'~No If yes, list agency Hame and permit I approval: SOUTHOLD TRUSTEES, BUILDING DEFT. NYSDEC-NJ 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? ]Yes []No If yes, list agency name and permit I approval: 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/ APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant / Spo. l~r Name JOHN &~SEVERINI by C. MESIANO, INC. Date: February 27, 2002 S .a re If the action is a Costal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE # 0084C Date 11/29/05 At THIS CERTIFIES thatthe open porch, first-floor addition to dwelling and second-floor dormer 565 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport Suffolk County Tax Map # 35-4-28.27 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated 2/28/02 pursuant to which Trustees Permit # 5540 Dated 4/24/02 Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for an open porch, first-floor addition to dwelling, and second-floor dor.mer The certificate is issued to aforesaid property. JOHN & BARBARA SEVERINI owner of the Authorized Signature GERARD E. 14 COVERT AVENUE, 516-437-7350 MEYER, STEWART MANOR, ARCHITECT NEW YORK 11530-2219 FAX 516-437-3318 9 January, 2003 Board of Trustees Togrn of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 RE: Proposed Additions & Alterations to: Severini Residence - 565 Gull Pond Road, Greenport, NY Dear Village Board of Trustees: During a recent telephone conversation with the Southold Town Office, I was made aware that the Village Board of Trustees is still waiting for corrected and revised copies of the Site Plan for the above referenced project. The revised Site Plan was to reflect the capping of an existing drainage pipe from the existing driveway drywell currently extending to Fordham Canal. The drawing should also indicate the collection and disposal of the roof areas storm water run-off. Enclosed please find six (6) copies of the newly revised Site Plan drawing dated 9 January, 2003, reflecting said changes. These drawings now indicate the existing driveway drywell, a note to cap the exiting drainage pipe outlet to the Canal and the connection of the roof leaders from the southeast end of the dwelling. In addition, these drawings also indicate a new drywell to be located to the west of the dwelling. This new drywell will receive the storm water run- off from the majority of the roof area. Strom water run-off and collection calculations are now indicated on the drawing as well. If you should have any questions about the project in general, please do not hesitate Thank you! Encl. Cc: John & Barbara Severini Catherine Mesiano, Inc. enclosed information or the to contact me. SU~V~'¢ Of= sITUATE: EAST PIARION ToINN: ~UTI~I r~ 5UPPOL~: COUNT1', Nh' SUFFOL~ OOUNT'¢' TAX LOT AREA EXCLUDIN6 UNDER~TER LAND = ID,~02 AREA OF UND5~T5~ LAND = 7,q4U 5.F. OR ELEVATION5 REFERENOE A U~5 BENGH~A~ TIED TO N~VD i~2~ OA~ FLOOD ZONE5 ANNOTATED F~H SEPTIC LOOATION5 D~ GP-.APHIC SCALE I" = DO' ,, N LOT COVEP--A®E CALCULATIONS EXIETIN~ ~k'4ELLIN® I0~,0 Pt~OPOSED DYq~LLIN~ ADDITION 2~0 P~OPOSED D~CK ADDITION ~04 P~OPOSEO ENTR~ AOOITION 45 TOTAL 2,102 JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 6 EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 11901 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 REF.-\LHp server\d~PROS\02-286A.pro