HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5709Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 # 0088C At BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Date 1/5/06 THIS CERTIFIES thatthe single-family dwelling 875 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport Suffolk County Tax Map # 35-4-7.4&28.22 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated 1/30/03 pursuant to which Trustees Permit # 5709 Dated 2/26/03 Was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for a single-family dwelling The certificate is issued to aforesaid property. ELAINE NESIN owner of the Adthorized Signature Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE V//Pre-construction, hay bale line st day of construction constructed ~-"~oject complete, compliance inspection. Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO.. DATE: ISSUED TO ELAINE NESIN ............................................. kut'horizali n Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State ~f New Yore 1893' and Chanter ~ of the Laws of the State of New York 19~i2: and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled ."RE~ULATINC~ AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUGTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, C~RAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;?. and in accordance with the Resolution of The B6ard adopted at a meeting held on ....~.~.~...~..6..,.. . 2g.??..., and 'in consideration of the sum of $....~.~.~.~Q ..... paid by Elaine Nesin of ....~P~]~Y~J~....~.~ ....................... N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permi~ to construct a modular home with the condition the sanitary system is relocated closer to the road,gutters & drywells are installed to contain roof run-off, staked line of hay bales installed along top of bank before project begins, and ag ~1e' in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in od lnatin ~oplication. depicted on the survey prepared by Johz~ T. ~Jtzge? last dated January 23, 2003. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- ~ causes ifs Corporate. Se. al to b.e affixed, and these ~.resenfs fo subscribed by a 'malorHy of the sald Board as of fhts dafm Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 5.9.0~ . DATE: .~e.k~ g.6,.....~.0.03 ISSUED TO r&,^TNr. NESIN ................................................ 9,ut-l ari atiau Pursuant to the provisions of Ohapter 615 of the L~ws of the State of New York, 1893; and C,h~pfer ~ of the L~ws of the State of New York 19521 end the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled ."REGULATING AND THE PLAOING OF OBSTRUOTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, ~P~,VEL OR OTHER IdATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;?. and in accordance with the Resolution of The B~>ard adopted afa meeting held on ....~'.eb .....~..6.... 20.0.~..., and 'in consideration of the sum of $....~.p~.,..0.p .... paid by Elaine Nesin ................................. : ........... : ......... of ....~P.q~Y~]~-.--~P~ ...................... N. Y. end subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following:.. Wetland Permit to construct a modular home with the condition the sanitary system is relocated closer to the road,gutters & drywells are installed to contain roof run-off, staked line of hay bales installed along top of bank before project begins, and ag nil' in eccordnnce w.!fh .the de, tei.b~, specific.?tions es presented in, the or; ;natin ---hcahon oep~c~eo on the survey preparea by John T. ~t~eltzger ~asJt dated January 23, 2003. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes, its Corporate. Se. al to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a malor'fy of the sa,d Board as of this date. TERMS end CONDITIONS Elaine Nesin Lexington St., l~ockville Centre pan of the conskle~atlon for the i.~,,-r,, of ~he permit does understand and ptescrlbe to the fol- lowing: 1. That the saki Board of Tn~_~__--~__ and the Tmvn of ,.gouthold a~ teka~d 6~om say and 2. That thls Petmlt i~' valld ~o~ J period of 24 m~. ~vhlch ~ ~omtdetod to be t~e for an e~e~4~n may be ta~de, to the ~ at a latex daw.. ~. That th~ Peun~t should be t-e~l indefinlmly, or as long as the said Petmin'ee to maintain the ,tractate or project involved, to provide evidet~e to anyone cot~emed that aud~- o~.atlon was o~gh~lly 4. That the work 5. That t~ere will be no unteuonable interference with ntvig~__~ as a result of the work 7. That if future ol~tati°°s °f the T°wn °f S°uth°ld t~l~ite t~e tem°val and/°t altex'atl°a~ wo~ shall cause unreasonable upon ~ notice, to remove ot alter this work ot project herein stated without ezpem~ to the To~n 8, That the saldB4~rd w~H be n°fified by the Pe'emit~e °t ~he c°mple~°n' 0f the ~4t auth' orlzed. 9. Th,t the pexmit~e will o~ain ,al other petmlts and coments d~at n~y be teqult~d raP' plemental to th~ permit which may be subject to revoke upon failure to o~aln same. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE V//Pre-construction, hay bale line st day of construction constructed ~15'~oject complete, compliance inspection. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Attic Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 February 26, 2003 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Richard Saetta P.O. Box 2047 Greenport, NY 11944 ELAINE NESIN 875 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT SCTM#35-4-7.4&28.22 Dear Mr. Saetta: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Richard Saetta, General Contractor, on behalf of ELAINE NE SIN applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 30, 2003, and, WHEREAS, said application ~was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 26, 2003, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of ELAINE NESIN to construct a modular home with the condition that the sanitary system is relocated closer to the road, gutters and drywells are installed to contain the roof run-off, a staked line of hay hales is installed along the top of bank before the project begins, and as depicted on the survey prepared by John T. Metzger last dated January 23, 2003. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $10.00 Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hail 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Please be advised that your application, dated has begn reviewed by this Board, at the regular meeting of ~]6~6~ and the following action was taken: ( ~) Application Approved ( ) Application Denied (__) Application Tabled (see below) (see below) (see below) If your application is approved as noted above, a permit fee is now due. Make check or money order payable to the Southold Town Trustees. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in the instruction sheet. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: SIGNED: PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES BY: 4/98 BOARD QF.TR___USTEES, TOW~N. OF $OUTHQL-D In the matter of applicant: ELAINE NKSIN SCTM~L000~S-°4-7'~'&~28'32 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention o5 the undersigned permit from the Board o~ Trustees to: to request a 2, That the p~operty which is the subjeCt of Environmental RevieW.~ located adjacent to your property and is described as follOWS: LILCO POLl # 7 875 GULL ~OND t~NE, G~KNPORT, N~ 11944 · ' ct to ~nvironmenCal Review .... ~ ~o~ect which Ks sub]e .... ~d is open %0 public 3. Tna~ =,,~ ~- · .... ~7 ~ the ~u~ ~__e - - under chapters 32, ~7, u~ = ~ contaCt the Trustees 765-1892 or in wrltlng. The above re£erencod proposal is under review o~ the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency %hat migh~ have to review same 0WNw-RS NAME: MAILING ADDRESS ]l, OCn~VT~.t~ C][~IT~R. ~ ~11'~70 ...... Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your ~ l~ ~oo~ ~ Smlthnld Tnwn Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town HaJ/. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11'~9 Southold, Ne~v Y~xk 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wednesday, February 19, 2003, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Donald Wilder, seconded by Tom Schlichter, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees APPROVAL WITH A CONDITION of the Wetland Permit application of ELAINE NESlN for a new modular home. Located: 875 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. SCTM#35-4-7.4&28.22 The CAC recommends Approval of the application with the Condition that a 25' vegetated buffer is established and maintained and hay bales are placed down prior to construction. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~oc~y ~ -- i S 0 U N D RLING ? FHOLD PIPES . ConkLtnjp~: . "<.~. o../ 1964 Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO.. 5909 DATE: ~.b.. ~.6,...~.093 ISSUED TO ... ELAINE NESIN nt'l rizatian Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New YorE, 1893; end Chapter ~ of the Laws of the Stere of New York 1952; and the Southeld Town Ordinance en- titled ."REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM 'LANDS UNDER TOWN'WATERS?. and in accordance with the Resolution of The B~ard adopted at a meeting held on ....?.eJq.t.. 20.~.., and in consideration of the sum of $ ....~.P(b.(~ ..... paid by Elaine Nesin .................................................... ~e.Y. and subject to the of Rockville Centre .......... t reverse side hereof, Terms and Conditions listed on WetlOfn Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the following: a d Permit to construct a modular home with the condition the sanitary system is relocated closer to the road,gutters & drywells are installed to contain roof run-off, staked line of hay bales installed along top of bank before project begins, and ag ' all in .actor.dance with .the detailed specifications as presented in ~he omq:natlng applicahon, depzctea on the survey prepared by John T. M'etzger last dated January 23, 2003. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a'maiority of the said Board as of this date. Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE V~Pre-construction, hay bale line st day of construction constructed ect complete, compliance inspection. APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS Ruth D. Oliva, Chairwoman Gerard P. Goehringer Lydia A. Tortora Vincent Orlando James Dinizio TOWN MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BOARD OF APPEALS Southold Town Trustees Ruth Oliva, Chairwoman, Zoning Board of Appeals June 3, 2004 Request for Comments Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1809 ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 http://southoldtown.northfork.net JUN - 3 2OO4 Southokl Town Board of Trustees Presently, the Board of Appeals is reviewing the following application for a June 22, 2004 public hearing. Enclosed is the Notice of Disapproval and ZBA application. The file is available for review at your convenience. CONTRACTING [ R40 ~ Your comments are appreciated. Thank you. 4/23/04 5/25/04 UILD NEW HOUSE- BULKHEAD SETBACK AND PRIOR ZBA DECISION RESTRICTING BUILDING #2480 ~EVISED )ATE 10-16-03 ETZGER, SURVEYOR TO: FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Rich Saetta Contracting for Elaine Nesin PO Box 2047 Greenport, NY 11944 DATE: April 23, 2004 Amended: May 25, 2004 Please take notice that your application dated April 13, 2004 For a permit for construction of a single family dwelling, at Location of property: 875 Gull Pond La., Greenport, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 35 Block 4 Lot 28.42 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: Pursuant to the ZBA Decision #2480(1978), condition #4 which states: "Covenanted agreements restricting or prohibiting this property for residential use, without prior a~proval of the Board of Appeals shall be filed in the County Clerk's Office." The proposed construction of a single family dwelling on a non-conforming, 23,777sq. It parcel, is not permitted pursuant to ArticleXXIII Section 100-239.4B, which states: All buildings or structures located on lots upon which a bulkhead.., exists & which are adjacent to tidal water bodies other than sounds shall be set back not less than 75' from the bulkhead." The proposed survey indicates construction at a distance of 51' to the bulkhead. Furthermore, pursuant to Section100-33 the placement of the proposed dwelling as indicated on the survey places the existing accessory structure in the side yard. Total lot coverage is less than 20 percent uthorized Signature //%~o ed APPLICATIO~TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS ~ ~' ..... )t~"~ ,~ ~J ~, or Office Use Only -- -- -- NESIN, ELAIN ($AETTA)35~4-28.42 ~48 VO ~Oc ~')~0 APPEAL ZBA 2480 - NO RESIDENTIAL - CONSTRUC. 875 GULL POND LA GNPT Parcel Location: House No. 875 Street G~.ane Hamlet Green orr SCTM 1000Section35 Bl°ck3 Lot(s)28__.42LotSize23777 Zone District R-40 I (~,VE) APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED: Hay 25, 2004 Al~plieant/Owner(s): co,,rt~xey aallaghex. Age~l~ ~ ~ ~a~~; ~ Maai~g Address: P.O. Box 2067 Greenpor~, New York 1~944 Telephone: 63 t-;65-6900 ~ 631-Y65-4999 Auth°rlzed~epresentative:~2skard Saetia, C~b~ac~or. ~,,~kd~ Address: P. O. Box 2047, Greenpor~, ~ t1966 Telephone: 631-765-4900 ~-~ '~ 631-765-4999 Please specify who you wish correspondence tb be mailed to, from the above listed names: ~0 Applicant/Owner(s) E] Authorized Representative [3 Other:' WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED ~ 25 L_2.004 EOR: ~Buiidlng Permit [] Certificate of Occupancy [] Pre-Certificate of Occupancy [] Change of Use [] Permit for As-Built Construction Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. Indicate Article, Section, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordinance by numbers. Do not quote the code. Article Section 100- Subsection Type of Appeal. An Appeal ds made for: El A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. [] A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. 13 Interpretation of tlj~_Town Code, Article .~(Reversal or OtherX),Fiqr,O(=, ~ ~,+. Seetl0n A prior appeal [] has ~has not been made with respect to this property UNDER Appeal No. Year~ Page 2 of 3 - Appeal Application Part A: AREA VARIANCE REASONS (attach extra sheet as needed): (1) An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER o! the neighborhood or a defdmenft, o nearby propertles, lf granfed, because:This tot is the last lot that are subje¢l: rescrictea residential use. Ail other lots are built on with current residential home~ This house is set back approximately the same distance as the other houses in the un in ea * ~:L~I'[" ~"~*l~[s°Oght bS~]~'a~)~clrtc°aSnetaCANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant fo pursue, other than an area variance, because: There are salt and £resh waLe]: set backs as per the D.E.C. and Southold Town Trustees Requirments. There are also residential homes in the area and this is the last lot without a residential home loc~ (~ ~hee~t~f relief requesfed Is nor subsfanflal because:This is a modestly sized home th~ would not be able to be built unless a varience is granted do to other permits we have. (4) The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or Impact on the physical or environmental conditions In the neighborhood or district because: npp]:oval ?ermits have beeu granted allow this home to be built. The neighborhood is completely residential. (5) Has the variance been self-created? (x) Yes, or ( ) No. If not, Is the construclion exlsting, asbuilt? ( ) Yes, or ( ) No. (6) Additional Information about the surrounding topography and building areas that relate to the difficulty In meeting the code requirements: (attach extra sheet as needed) See attached surveys and permits. As per the accessory building located in the side ~:-~ ~ct prier to ~ ~ .... ~.~ T]',~'. ~,,~ ic c!csor to the bulkhead than home. This Is Jhe MINIMUM ;hal Js neCessa~ and ~dequa~e, and a~ ~e same ~me prese~es add pr~lecfs lhe character o[ ;he neighborhood and lhe healfb, safe~, and weffare o; the ¢ommunJ~. ( ) Check this box and complete PART B, Questions on next page fo apply~ ~ (Please consult your altomey.)~ Otherwise, 131ease ~roceed to the signature arid nora area below· ~.~1~/~._~ Sworn fo befor~ me this ; 3'rd,ay of ..... ~..., 200_~ , Signature of Ap-~J~Jlanf or Authorized Agent (Agent must submll A~ufhorizaflon from Owner) (*) see attatched page JOYCE M. W1LKINS Notary Public, State of New York i~eo. 4952246, Suffolk County rm Expire~ June 12., ZBA App 9/~0/02 '(*) The accessory building is up due to the house being located in a flood zone. No basement can be built so the building is only storage, not habitable. ET,IT.&BETH A. NEV~,T,F. TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Hew York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nort h£ork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD WASTEWATER DISPOSAL PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION PERMIT SEPTIC TANK or CESSPOOL Permit No. 3158 R Residential X NOn-Residential Septic x Cesspool Fee $ 10.00 PERMIT ISSUED TO: Name : Address 1: City St zip RICHARD SAETTA PO BOX 2047 GREENPORT NY 11944 Descripton of Proposed Construction or Alteration SANITARY SYSTEM FOR ONE FAMILY DWELLING. APPROVED AS SUBMITTED AND AS APPROVED BY THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTNENT OF HEALTH SERVICES. REF #R10-03-0039 Name Of Owner NESIN, ELAINE Mailing Address I 32 LEXINGTON STREET City St Zfp Property Address 1 ROCKVILLE CENTER NY 11570 875 GULL POND LANE city st zip TaX Map NO. section Cross Street Building Permit Number Cross Reference: GREENPORT NY 11944 35.00 block 4 lot 28.042 COUNTY ROAD 48 Issue Date: 4/15/04 Elizabeth A. Neville southold Town Clerk (TOWN SEAL) NEW YO~.. STATE I DEC PERMIT NUMBER DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL C-.. ,SERVATION PERMIT Under the Environmental Conservation Law EFFECTIVE DATE , October 30, 2003 EXPIRATION DATE(S) October 30, 2008 TYPE OF PERMIT · New [3 Renewal [] Modification [] Permit to Construct [3 Permit to Operate [] Article 15, Title 15: Water Transport [] Article 15, Title 15: Long Island Wells [3 Article 15, Title 27: Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers [] Article 15, Title 5: Protection of Waters [] Art/cie 17, Titles 7, 8: SPDES [] Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: [] Article 15, Title 15: Water Supply [] Article 19: Air Pollution Control Hazardous Waste Management [] Article 34: Coastal Erosion [] Article 23, Title 27: Mined Land Management Reclamation [] Article24: Freshwater Wetlands [] Article 36: Floodplain Management [] Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37;6NYCRR · Article 25: Tidal Wetlands 380: Radiation Control [] 6NYCRR 608: Water Quality Certifica- [] Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: tion Solid Waste Management PERMIT ISSUED TO --- 1..__~.,,_.. ~ ADDRESS OF PERMFFrEE ~ton Street, Rockville Centre, New York 11570 CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMI3q'ED WORK Richard Saetta, P.O. Box 2047, Green_port, NY 11944 NAME AND ADDRESS OF PROJECT/FACILITY NE NUMBER 5-4900 ~ 875 Gull P~ort COUNTY TOWN Suffolk Southold DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED ACTIVITY: WATERCOURSE Fordham Canal '-OORDINATES Construct a two-story single family dwelling, septic system and pervious driveway. Remove existing driveway. All work must be done in accordance with the attached plans stamped NYSDEC approved. By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, applicable regulations, the General Conditions specified (see page 2 & 3) and any Special Conditions included as part of this permit. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: W. Hammarth AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ADDRESS ion 1 Head DATE October 30, 2003 3rook, NY 11790-2356 Page 1 of 4 Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 February 26, 2003 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Richard Saetta P.O. Box 2047 Greenport, NY 11944 ELAINE NESIN 875 GULL POND LANE, GREENPORT SCTM#35-4-7.4&28.22 Dear Mr. Saetta: The Board of Toxvn Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Richard Saetta, General Contractor, on behalf of ELAINE NESIN applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 30, 2003, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their fmdings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 26, 2003, at which time all interested persons were g/yen an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, '2 WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of ELAINE NESIN to construct a modular home with the condition that the sanitary system is relocated closer to the road, gutters and drywells are installed to contain the roof run-off, a staked line of hay bales is installed along the top of bank before the project begins, and as depicted on the survey prepared by John T. Metzger last dated January 23, 2003. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $10.00 Very truly yours, Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms Albert J. Iirupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone(631) 765-1892 Fax(631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~____----Nqetland Permit Application ~ Major Waiver/Amendment/Changes ,.,Received Application: ~eceived Fee:$ ~t~'_ . · ,'Completed Application/~0~_~ Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination:(date sent) · ,,CAC Referral Sent:/~~_ ,~Date of Inspection:~.]~.~_ Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination:__ Technical Review: ~ublic Hearing Held: ~/1~ Resolution: Minor Name of Applicant Address EI.A llqR I~]ES I}I 32 T.~'~T~qGTOI, I ST. ROC1CV'ILLE CEIqTER. Wi' 11570 Phone Number:( )5~6 766 ~667 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000- 35-04-7.4 & 28.22 Property Location: 875 gtmL POSO ~m. a~£mmO~T, mr LILCO POLE ~ 7. 777_R?~ 'I~ ~rm'r~ onan (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: gxc~nRn SA~ITA Gm~,AL C0m'RACX0R 1 I (If applicable) Address: P.O. BOX 2067 GREEI{POR'~, W/ 11966 Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 27,777 sq. ft. Area Zoning: Previous use of property: Intended use of property: RES II)~',ITIAL RESIDI~ITIAL Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency DEC 1979 Date __ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Area of wetlands on lot: 7,005 square feet Percent coverage of lot: 7 aa % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 65 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 51 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No x Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 100 cubic yards How much material will be filled? 0 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: I feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: r.~.~.~ ,wAn ~ vnox Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate); NONE Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall · 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES ToWN OF sOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING KA'rimYN SAETTA , residing at SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the day of , 200 , I personally posted the property known as 875 GULL POND LAI~E. FESIN by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public ~aring. ~ake of hearing noted thereon to be Dated: Sworn to before me this /f day of ~_z~- 200~ ho ic JOYCE M. WILK NS Notary Public, State of New York No. 4952246, Suffo k Coun~ Term ExpiresJurm 12, ~oo3 tS lgnatu~e') Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York RtC~am SA~TTA BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH 1N THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNT)ER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERM_IT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS U- ~'~'LSi~nature /L~lot ary Pu61ic ELIZABETH A STATHIS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New No. 01ST6008173, Suffolk Co_u~ty Term Expires June 8, 20o~ of Trustees Applicati4 AUT~ORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) ELAINE NESIN (print owner of property) residing at a? T.~XTWCT~N ~T (mailing address) RO{;I~vlLLE CENTER, NY 11570 RIC~A~ SAETIA do hereby authorize (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ( Owner ' s signature ) · PROJECT i.D. NUMBER 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quallty Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed Oy Aepdcant or Project sDonsor) SE~ 3. PROJECT LOCATION; 875 GULL POI~I) [ILCO POLE SEE AT~Aca ~] 5, IS PROPOSED ACTION: ~New [] Expansion [] M(3dificafionlalterallon 5. DESCRIBE PROJECT eRIEFLY: ~ I~ODULAE HOI~E Yes ~_, NO If NO, describe brmtly DEC, SOUT~OLD TOI~I BUILDING DF.?AE~IEt~ 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL =_XISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REOUIRE ~IOOIFICATION? [] Yes I~ No N/A ... [f the action is in the Coostal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this as~s, essment OVER I =aRT [iI--OETERMINATICN CF SIGNIFICANCE ~To .~e comole[ed Dy Agency) RPPLt~RNT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORH The Town o~ S~u~holdta Code of Ethico prohibits conflicts of interest on the part o[ town of£icere and employees, The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. TOUR N~Jig! SAIS'L=fA RICHAR~ W~".."'~. .-,, ..... ,~.~-': (~aat name, first name, midd.le initial, onleae other entity, auch ~a a company, lg em, i.dicate NATURR OF APPLICATION~ (check all thee apply,) Tax grievance Varianoe change of ~one. App~l~val of plat , Bxeiption from plat or official map other X (If "other," name the activity.) TRUSTEE$.PERNIT... parent, or child} have a relationship with any o£gicer or interest" ~eans a businees~ including a partnership~ in nhich ~he tone officer or employee ham even a partial ownership of (or employmene by) a corporabion in whiclm the torn ofricer or employee myna more than 5~ og the NO X If you answered "YEs,".cmmplnte the balance o~ ~his ~orm and date sod sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line ~) through D) and/or deter[be in the space provided. The town officer or employee or hie or her spouee~ sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply)l A) the owner o~ greater than 5% of the shares og the corporate stock of the applic~nt (shah the applicant ia a corporation)i B) the legal or bbneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate'entity (when the applicant le not a corporation)~ C) an ofticer~ director~ pa~tner~ or employee o£ the applican~t or D) the actual applicant. !,,.;' Submitted th~ aa~cf'3'~ ~ '-- ' sit'ha ~ure ';"" ".: '