HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5533 James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OFTOWNTRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE # 0476C Date: October 2, 2009 THIS CERTIFIES that the construction of a set of stairs from existing deck to the ground At 2360 Village Lane, Orient, New York Suffolk County Tax Map # 26-1-15.1 Conforms to the applications for a Trustees Permit heretofore f'fled in this office Dated 1/31/02 pursuant to which Trustees Wetland Permit # 5533 Dated 4/29/02 was issued and conforms to all of the requirements and conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The project for which this certificate is being issued is for the construction of a set of stairs from existing deck to the ground The certificate is issued to JOHN HENRY owner of the aforesaid property. Authorized Signature James F. King, President Jill M. Doheny, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box I 179 $outhold, NY 11971 Telephone (631 ) 765-1892 Fax (63 I) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE OF INSPECTION: Y//Ch. 275 Ch. 111 INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line/silt boom/silt curtain 1st day of construction ½ constructed L~Project complete, compliance inspection. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO.. ~ ISSUED TO JOHN HENRY Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6IS of the Laws of the State of New Yor~, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the ~ws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled ."REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;~. and in accordance with the Resolution of The B~>ard adopted at a meeting held on ..~]~!~ ~'~-.~.. 200.~__., and In consideration of the sum of $5°.,~0.(~ ........ paid by ....... ..................................................................... .. of ............ ~!~q.~ .................................. N. Y. and subject to the Terms and Gonditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town· Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to construct a 9'X36' ground-level deck, remove window and install an overhead door, and construct stairs from existing deck to the ground, on the south side of the house the condition that there is a staked row of hay bales from. all in accordance with the detailed specifications es presented ,n the originating application, property line to property line, 15' out from the edge of the building,, plaFFcl do,lvn, l~efo/-e co~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF(The sa,dBoaraot irustees i~ere- by causes its C;orporate Seal to be affixed, and these ~.resents to be subserved by ~s .majority of the said Boerd es of .th~s date. Trmtce~ TERMS and CONDmONS The Pem:dctee John Henry · ~slding ~ 54 Riverside Dr., Apt. 16B. New York 1~1. ¥, ss l~xt' of the ¢c~aslderatio~ fo~ ~h¢ is~mce of ~e P~'~ dogs undexstand s~l p~escr~ to the roi- for an ~on my be made to the Board at a liter date. 3. That this Petmlt should be re~im~l i~lef'mkely, or ss 1o~ ss the said P~ ~4.si~ to ,~am,~n the smactu~e oc project involved, to pmvlde evldene~ to anyone co~r~l that auth- o~-tlo~ was odbqmll7 obma~L 4. That dae wodc involved wtU be mbject to fl~e i~_,,l~tkm ~d approval of ~ Boed ~z its agent~ amt noe-comp~anee ~tth the ptovislons o~ the odgina~g apl~Catlo~ may be ,~n,e fo~ ~vocatlc~ of this la~it by :esoluti~ of the said ~ 5. That there will be no unzeasoaable interference with navlgatlo~ ss · result of the work hea~ *ddaorb~l. 6. That there ~ be no interference with the right o~ the public to ~ ami teposs ~ d~e beach betwee~ high and low wate~ m~rks. 7. That if future operations of the Town of Southold z~luire the removal and/or sdtexadoas inthe location of dae work herein authorized, or if, in the opl~_loo_ of dxe Bossd o~'Tmsteeg the. w~k ~hd! cause ~le obstmcnon to free n~vigation, t~e ~id Per~ee vrlll b~ ~ upon due ~otlce, to ~'emove o~ alter this work. or project heteba ~ated wiflamat ezpemes to the Town 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Pexmlttee m the completio~ of the work auth- orized. 9. That the Petmittee will obtain aU other petmltx a~d o0osefll~ that amy be lrequLeed plemefltal to this permit which may be subject to zevoke upon f,il,,~ to obtain same. Albert J. Krupski, President James I~ng, Vice-President Artie Fester Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New Yock 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 7654366 April 29, 2002 Mr. John Henry 54 Riverside Dr., Apt. 16B New York, NY 10026 2360 Village Lane, Orient SCTM#26-1-15.1 Dear Mr. Henry: The Board of Town Trustees took the folloxving action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, JOHN HENRY applied to the Southold To~,n Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 31, 2002, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Tox~m Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on April 24, 2002, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies ~vith the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the toxvn, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of JOItN HENRY to construct a 9'X 36' ground-level deck, remove window and install on overhead door, and construct stairs from the existing deck to the ground, on the south side of the house, with the condition that there is a staked row of hay bales from property line to property line, 15' out from the edge of the building, placed doxvn before construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date it is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified upon completion of said project. Fees: None Very truly yours, Albert J. K_rupsffi,'Jr. President, Board o f Trustees AJK/lms Telephone (631) 765-1892 Tovat H',dl, 53095 M~ Road P.O. Box 11"/9 Southold, Ne,~ York 1.1971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, February 12, 2002, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Drew Dillingham, seconded by Bob Ghosio, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board of Trustees DISAPPROVAL of the Wetland Permit Application of JOHN HENRY to construct a 9'X 36' ground-level deck, remove window and install an overhead door, and construct stairs from the existing deck to the ground on the south side of the house. Located: 2360 Village Lane, Orient. SCTM#26-1-15.1 The CAC recommends Disapproval of the application because the project was not staked. Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried ~:y-I~TIh,l~ C. olJC., [IL:9"~HJtNG i -) ELEVATIONS 118"=1'~)" ~/4/99 - 1 . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~Wetland Permit Application Major Waiver/Amendment./Changes ~"Received Application:_ ~Received Fee:$ ~0 ' ~Completed Ap p licat ion ~,~/J~L Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I__Type II Unlisted Coordination:(date sen. t) n~g'AC Referral Sent: ~_.~l~te of Inspection:~J/~a~ Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination:__ Technical Review: ,,,'~ublic Hearing Held:~}O,~ Resolution: fMinor Name of Applicant ~--a//,~ /4-t'.,a~ / Address~I/ ~'/Ja'~x',~- 3~. .a,~,r Phone Number;P../).). 7~' ~- ~/[~6 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: Property Location: (provide LILCO Pole #. distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet):. Area Zoning: ~P~.e,~ a~*/* Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date __ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspepded by a governmental agency? ~c_No Yes If yes, provide explanation: '~ Project Description (use attachments if necessary).'~o¥c.~ Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Area of wetlands on lot: .square feet Percent coverage of lot: % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated??J,~ttF cubic yards How much material will be filled? cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): Board of Trustees Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? No Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? .~ No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? _(cubic yards) How much material will be filled? _(cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) PROJECT r.D. NUMBEB 617.21 Appendix C / State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSFSSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTtON$ Only PART I--PROJECT INFORMATICN ¢'o be comple',ed by Applicant or F'roiec~ BDonsor) SEQ r~ New [] Exoansmn [] ModificationlalteraIion DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY; L- AgrlcuKure DOES ANY .ASPECT OF THE ACTIOI4 HAVE .A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR .APPROVAL? [] Yes [] NO ~1 yes, list agency name and DermHlaoproval If the action is [n ,`he Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastsl Assessment Form before proceeding with ,,his a~s, essmem OVER PART iII--0ETERMINATICN OF SiGNIFiCANC~c ~To ae comoletao by Agency> NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEESe TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: SCTM#1000- YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review~s located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: R3~O O. llal~ ~.~ ,3 ~ ~e ~,t~$P s,~ ~ ~ 3'rree~ 3. That the project which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: f¢~ ~.~e~__You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in-writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS MAILING PHONE # Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. ~da,/~J~ ~ ~f~3'~ BoaOof Trustees Applicatiou County of Suffolk State of New York ~ OHM ~. ~tN~' BEING .DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT,/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. swoRN To BEFO THis Notary Public AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) (print owner of property) residing at ,f]~ /~,~.~ /..1~., /~F/~ (mailing address) do hereby authorize ~e/'t (~,~5~? (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. (Owner ~ksi~nature) A/bert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of .................. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I ,/~'~~' _, residing at ~ /~*f~ being-du'ly sworn~ depose and say: That on the day of~ ~, 200~ I personally posted the property known as by placing the Bo~~ official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held~-~ --~ ~4;~ Dated: (s/gnat Sworn to before me this / day of ~,..~3 200 yotary Public /~ JOSEPH L TOWNSEND JR Notary Pubhc, State of New York Qual Suffolk County No. 9366335 Commissioq Expires Feb 28, 20 d ~ TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORH The.Town o5 S0u~hold's Code of ~thic~ pro~ibl~ con~licts o~ interest on.the part of town officer8 and employee~. The pprpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. '(Last name'; ~iret name, midd.l~ 'initi~'/"'uniees you ere applying in the name off someone else or other entity, such ~s a company. IE so~ indicate the other person's or company's name.) · · · ~'..,.-. ~i):,.' NATURE OP APPblCA~OHt [che~k all ~hak appl ' Tax grievance Variance Change o~ zone Exemption from plat ~r' official map Other (If "Other," name the activity.) .... ., , Do you personally (or bhrough your eOmpany~ spouse# sibling. parent, or ~hlid) have a relationship with any officer or employee or the Town of 5outhold? 'Relationship' includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which ~he ~own offficer or employee has even a partial ownership el (or employment by) a corporation in which the town of[icer or employee owns mo~e than 5% o~ the shares. YES HO If you answered oYE3,#, complete ~he balance O~ { ~orm and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person . . Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or d~scribe in the space provided. The parent, c) D) town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, or child is (check all that apply), the owner off greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applic~nt (when the applicant is a corporation)~ the legal or b&nefioial owner of any i~terest in a noncorporate'entity (when the applica~ is not a corporation)~ an officer, director, pa~tner~ or employee o~ the applicant~ or the a~tual applicant, DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSIIIP