HomeMy WebLinkAboutLalane, Renee At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold held at the Supervisor's Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, on the 7th day of March, 1972. WHEREAS, Renee Lalane and Antonia Lalane by application dated December 6, 1971 made application for a wetlands permit for the purpose of placing approximately 1, 000 yards of fill on premises known as Lot No. 44 on map of Mattituck Estates which said premises are situate on the east side of Meadow Lane at Mattituck, and WHEREAS, the said application was referred to the Southold Town Board of Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS,, a public hearing,was held by this board with respect to said application on the 10th day of February, 1972 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be 'heard, and WHEREAS, this board has thereafter examined all statements and documents submitted with respect to 'such application and has also visited the premises in question and is therefore familiar with the premises and the effects upon the same which,would result by r'e'ason of the granting of said application, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Upon all of the evidence and information obtained by this board, the board finds that the premises in question consist of a lot which has a frontage of approximately 123 feet on the east side of Meadow Lane and a depth of approximately 180 feet. On viewing the premises, the board finds that the premises are adjacent to a body of water which is a tributary of Deep Hole Creek which in turn flows into Peconic Bay and the waters adjacent to the premises in question comprise a salt water body of water; that a substantial portion of the premises in question are covered by storm and normal tidal waters; that as indicated in the letter of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation submitted at the hearing, the premises have growing thereon salt hay and cord grass and other beneficial vegetation which is vital to the marine life of the area; that the proposed filling as set forth in said application would completely fill and cover the area in question and therefore completely destroy said wetland and therefore 'substantially adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vegetation and the natural habitat thereof, it is therefore further RESOLVED, that.for the reasons hereinbefore set forth, the aforesaid application of Renee Lalane and Antonia Lalane is in all respects denied. - -2- MINUTES SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD February 10, 1972 PRESENT: SUPERVISOR ALBERT MARTOCCHIA JUSTICE MARTIN SUTER JUSTICE LOUIS DEMAREST COUNCILMAN JAMES RICH COUNCILMAN JAMES P. IHOMAN TOWN CLERK, ALBERT W. RICHMOND Application No. 1 - Renee and Antonia Lalane Lot 44 - Mattituc k Estates Application No. 2 - Edward Abitz, Contractor �l �� Lots 40 and L'I - Mattituck Estates rl Southold Town Board -2- February 10, 1972 SUPERVISOR MMOCCHIA:" I will now call the hearing to order (7:30 P.M.). We will hear from those, people who wish to speak tt fort' or "against!! the application of Renee Lalane and Antonia Lalane for a permit under-the ' provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance- of the Town-of Southold for the purpose of placing fill on premises located 'on the east side of Meadow Lane, Mattituck, New York. Justice Suter will read the legal notice of hearing and affidavit attesting to its' publ.ication in the official newspaper. Justice Martin Suter read the legal notice of hearing and proof of publication signed by-Stuart C. Dorman of the Suffolk Weekly Times. Justice Suter read the following letters, for the record: Letter dated January 10, 1972 addressed to the Southold Town Board, signed by Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman, Board of Town Trustees: "We-have examined wetlands application #1 of Renee and Antonia Lalane ,.for permission to fill low lands, Lot 44.. Mattituck Estates. The Town Trustees find that this application in no way interferes with tidal waters, nor Town owned properties that might be considered under the jurisdiction of the Town Trustees and therefore waive objection.'' Letter dated January 2, 1972 regarding Conservation Advisory Council, Special Meeting/wetlands "applications. Attending: Nelson Chapman, Terry Haman, Charles Meyer, Frank Chicanowicz, and Frank Kujavpki, Jr. ItFindings of the council concerning; „Application # 1 /Renee Lalane & Antonia Lalane Mattituck Estates Lot #_44 1. The submitted application does not meet the requirements of Article II, sections a through g of Wetlands Ordinance. 2. The council has found several statements inaccurate; a. A section of Deep Hole creek afronts the eastern boundary' of the property- bo The lot in question at a time of high tide was partially covered by salt water up to a distance of less than 50 ft, from the road on the western boundary.' 3. The council believes filling of lot # 44 would reduce the quality of the wetlands, pollute the-tidal waters, and damage the local ecology of the area. 4o The council further believes it would be impossible to comply with existing Board o f Health regulations on lot # 44.n "Summary: We have found both applications to be contrary to the policy of Article I of the Wetlands Ordinance, specifically section 280, parts (a), (d), and (i). -Ife believe such operations would be detrimental-to the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Southold Town." (Signed- Frank Kujawski, Jr.). tt Justice Suter also read into the record letters received from Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. `Kron, Kron Gallery, Mattituck, New York; John J. & Margaret-B. Carroll., Mattituck;. Russell Do -Tuthill., Vero Beach, Fla. re: .Mattituck Estates-_ all protesting the fil.l.3ng,in of the wetlands on properties referred to in both applications. (copies of letters attached). 11 ' , t Southold Town Board' off. Apia ; -3- February 10, 1972 SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA:- You have heard the legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting, to_its publication in-the official newspaper and the comments of the Town Trustees and the Southold Town Advisory Conservation Council. The letters of protest also refer to the second hearing which will be heard later tonight. At this time we will hear from anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this first application. MR. REM LALANE: I'have been at this property during high tide and during"low tide and I have yet to see any water on my property. Referring to paragraph 2 of the last letter you read, map property, at no point, touches the water. I am as ecology-minded as the next guy. -I am interested in photography of birds and nature and I, myself, would not like to hurt the area. A few weeks ago there was a story in the paper about grasses and a Judge ruled that certain grasses (spartina patens and spartina alternaflora) only grow where high tides come in. I went to the Public Library in, Islip to read about these grasses. I find I have no spartina patens or alternaflora on may property. I have a_picture here of my children running on my property. (Mr. Lalane presented picture to stenographer). SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone else present who wishes to speak for this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? MR. PETER WARREN, Laurel: I was talking to Attorney General Louis Lefkowitz and he has a-till'wliich~is going to create a new Article in the conservation law. This is 'so new that the copy I have is in hand written form. This article is concerned with tidal wetlands which constitute the ,most important elements..', it forms a link in the food chain. I am not a fan of Newsday but in the paper the other day they published an article about the creeping pollution from the western part into the eastern part of Suffolk. One of the hazards mentioned was the destruction 'of wetlands. There are certain actions which are unique and which can not be replaced. This Bill is in such detail that you will have to read it. I intend to leave a copy here. I will read part of it. (Mr. Warren Southol&_2. own Board -4- February 10,,1972 read excerpts from the Bill). MR. WARREN: (cont'd): ,The reason I am here is because we have to stop somewhere. 1 have seen-this property at high tide. I have lived on 'the water for.twelve•years and I have seen the waters being, polluted. book at Eaton's Neck and Northport Harbor. People become greedy. We know we have seen it happen in Nassau County. That should be a lesson for Southold, Southampton and East Hampton. .We can only depend on our elected officials to stop filling in the wetlands. I don't care if. the wetlands belong to. Albert Martocchia, himself' filling in should be- stopped until,a Bill: like this can go through. We pass the buck to the Board of Health,on certain things we are letting Big Brother do it, because we don't have the guts to do them ourselves. This Bill goes-on to say: (Mr. Warren read further excerpts from the ,Bill). SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Thank you for some of your comments. We' do not need a nEiig Brothern.` That, I take exception to. MR. WALTER FRIED: I am speaking in behalf of the North Fork Environmental Councii., "The gentleman who spoke before me spoke so well about the need of wetlands that I don't think I have to dwell on that. We are not trying to save the wetlands just because they are pretty. They are irreplaceable. We are really amateurs so we thought ,it would be valuable tp get a' professional Opinion and we were able to get an appointment with Mr. John SpagnOli, Regional Supervisor of ,Regulation, New York State Department of Environmental, .Conservation. I am not, in any way,• saying that we' are trying to bring an authority-in over anyone's head but we were interested and Mr. Spagnoli came out here and looked at it, and it was very high tide at that time and there was salt. (Mr. Fried read letter dated February 7, 1972, ad dressed to Mr. Fried and signed by John J. Spagnoli- copy of letter attached). Southold Town Board -5- February 10, 1972 MR. PAUL STOUTENBURGH: I thought it would be apropo to say that I feel sorry for'the ownerIof1the land because itis something like buying a' car that looks good. There was an article in the February 4th Long Island Press. (Mr. Stoutenberg read excerpt re. Suffolk County Ground Waters and Surface Waters.) I say this is the reason that for many years many of us have been concerned about filling in marshlands. Should any future home be put on here you would be building a cesspool above a bog... a bog that is impervious to water so it would go back into the fresh water table. I hope you will consider your Health Departmentts thinking. MRS. ALINE DOVE: I am a resident of Mattituck. I am President of the North Fork Chapter of the NationalAudubon Society, one of the oldest and largest conservation organizations in the country, with'a long history of leadership in thO struggle to protect the environment. There is now a larg a body of scientific data which demonstrates beyond doubt that wetlands are an essential component of our entire marine environment. The well being of this community, in great part, is dependent on a healthy marine environment. These facts have been accepted not only at the township level. The County government- is increasing its efforts to protect wetlands; through its land acquisition program; through the requirement of environmental impact statements, through its Council on Environmental Quality, etc. At ,the State level, Attorney General Lefkowitz .is�urgirig passage of a bill, co-sponsored by five Long Island legislators, to protect and supervise tidal wetlands and marshes. This bill would place a moratorium on the filling and dredging of wetlands until tjr a State has taken inventory of them. It authorizes the Environmental Conservation Department to prepare land use regulations that would preserve Ithe wetlands, and provides that after the moratorium is lifted, Southold Town Board -6- Febrnary 10,1972 nowetlands area -could be. developed without the Conservation De' partmeat"s permission. Thus it is evident that there is increasing recognition at every level of government that our wetlands must be protected. The North Fork Chapter of the Audubon Society takes pride in ,tha; fact that our Town has adopted a Wetlands Ordinance. We support all efforts'.- toward its enforcement, and wish to go on record as being strongly opposed to any attempts to undermine or circumvent its purpose.5 MRS- JEAN TIEDTRE, League of Women Voters: (Mrs. Jean Tiedke read from prepared speech concerning the Hearing, Feb. 10, 1972, on applications by R. & A. Lalane and E. G. Abitz to fill, under the provisions of the Wetlands­Ordinance. -(copy attached). MRS. MARY CHAPMAN: I think many of us have felt that our President 'has been dragging his feet-but recently he came out stressing the importance of wetlands. Just recently a few scientists came up with figures that over 90% of oxygen is made up of oceans and we know that many oceans are dead ,already. The other 10% is grasses, and greense*oe there is something that all the world shares- one is oxygen and the other is water- Therefore, it seems to me that for good heq th in many parts of the world we have to have a little more oxygen produced. We have to make every new person who comes to this Town and also those who have roots here for 300 years aware of the situation and' also have them take a closer look to see what Zoning means. We have to have a 'different concept today... the concept of preservation for your childlren and grandchildren, not just to line the pockets of a few. We can also make this a little more pleastnt place to live in, and it should be to the benefit of all. We have to leave a little that is- un-nibbledk at. Everyone show, take a little bit of his own property and allow it to grow wild. TERRY HARNAN: There seems to be some doubt as to what is wetland... according to the^kinds of grasses. I think an idea would be to appoint an honorary committee of three or four marine biologists who I think would be happy to serve, such as: Southold Town Board -7= February 10, 1972 Jim Mulhall, Orville Terry, Charles "Doug" Hardy and W. Bedell Smith.' Where there is any doubt I think these gentlemen could solve the problem. VIRGINIA MOORE: I know the Conservation Advisory Council came out against this, that-this should not be permitted. Can you tell me how the Trustees voted on it? SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: The letter-from the Trustees was read by Justice Martin_.Suter..• The Trustees said they would not stand in the way. VIRGINIA MOORE: I am sorry, I was late and did not hear the letter. This seems like la good example from the looks of the land to test whether you all meant it when you passed that wetlands ordinance because it seems that an awful lot of ecology compromise would be made if this perm:it•went through. I would urge you to take a good close look at -it. A lot of points have been made about salt wells, bottom land, destruction of pubXi c land etc. and I,would urge that on the basis of general need, this be refused. MRS. CHARLES FRACE: We- own part of the marshlands; I think it is a quarter or a third of our property. We like the marsh and we want to preserve it. I think everybody who owns land there has as much right as the people who want to fill it in. My husband has used the marsh to paint his pictures and people have been very excited about them. There should be something left that we want to look at. MR. JAC SAFFER: It's much more serious than it' appears to be. "You might think that'a few iAs- won't make much difference. In California where they have been drilling for oil the lands are -beginning to settle and only five or ten days ago there ;was a scientific,symposium held and the scientists said the land was changing. . We wontt!�be here but in a thousand years it could create an ice age. We do have some, obligation to others. If we say we love our children I think we ought to show it in some small ,way. I don't think this is asking too much. _ MRS. LORRAINE TERRY: I also wish to register my opposition to the approval of this permit. Southold Town Board -S- February 10, ,1972 MR. STOUTENBURGH: I think it might help all concerned when you,put the application in the paper if you also put a small map in. Some time ago I asked the Board to pass on to the Planning Board the recommendation that if the marshland was to be filled it should be 9- feet above high water. If this had been done they might not have bought this property. Would you please pass this on? This would be the same as Shelter Island and East Hampton. MRS. FRANCIS TUTHILL: I am opposed to the granting of this application. MR. ROSS MANERI: There are two brand new houses at the edge of Deep Hole Creek. Cesspools are equal to the top of the eellar, window. Iam opposed. MR. FRED'ADAME: To further what Ronald said, those cesspools are about 12 or 15 feet to the back of the house so if they are going to build another -house, I wonder where it could go. I am opposed. MRS. FRACE: Many times the whole marsh is completely flooded. Other times we can walk on it. After a rain usually it is all flooded. MRS. JAMES DELEHANTY; We have had an unusual amount of flooding. I would like to apologize to the owner of this property but at the same time I believe we want this wetlands ordinance upheld. MR. JAMES DE'LEHaNY: I dontt think itt's the Town Board's fault that he bought' it. We should not bail him out. This property is not suitable for building. He carat possibly; build on it. MRS. NOEL PISCITELLI: I am-opposed. MR. PAUL STOUTENBURGH: I wish the Planning Board were here to see what is going on. I think it is wrong of'the developers-,to sell marshland that the owner can't use. MR. JOSEPH SULLIVAN; I think much- of the'tension that surrounds this issue could be alleviated by having a mapping survey so we know what are wetlands and what are not wetlands: SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Does anyone else wish to speak for or against U Southold Town Board -9- February 10', 1972 this application? (There was no response.) -SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: " The Board will make ,a determination within wentr-days. Thank you for your attention. We will take a five minute recess before opening the second hearing. RECESS SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: The hearing is called to order on application of Edward G. Abitz for a permit un der the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town, of Southold for the purpose of placing fill on premises of Mr. Abitz located at the east side of Meadow Lane, Mattituck, New York. Councilman James Rich will read the legal notice of hearing and affidavit attesting to its publication in the 'official newspaper. Councilman Rich read the legal notice of hearing and .proof of publication signed by Stuart C. Dorman of the Suffolk Weekly Times. Councilman Rich read the following letters for the record: Letter dated January 10, 1972 addressed to the Southold Town Board, signed by Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman, Board of Town Trustees: "We have examined wetlands application #2 of Edward Abitz, Contractor, to _,fill low lands, Lots 40 and 41., Mattituck Estates. The Town Trustees find that this application is-'no way interferes with tidal waters, nor Town owned properties that might be considered under the jurisdiction of the Town Trustees and therefore waive objection." Letter dated January 2, 1972 regarding Conservation Advisory Council.,- Special meeting/ wetlands applications. . Attending: Nelson Chapman, Terry Hannan, Charles Meyer, Frank Chicanowicz, and Frank Kujawski, Jr.' t'Findings of the Council concerning; Application # 2/,Edward Abitz, contractor Mattitu.ck Estates, Lot 49 and Lot 41 1. The submitted application-does not meet the-requirements of Article-II, sections a through g of the Zjetlands Ordinance. The council does not.- believe Mr. Abitz should be granted a_waiver on.Article IIS 'sections a through g`, because the proposed operations would-be substantially damaging to the wetlands and the adjoining community. Southood Town Board -10- February 10`, 1972 2. The council found-evidence of standing tidal salt water at a distance of approximately 70 ft. from the road located on the western boundary during a high tide. 3.� The council believes it would be impossible to comply with existing Board of Health regulations on either lot #40 or x#41. Summary: 'We have, found both applications to be contrary to the',policy _ of Article I of the-Wetlands' Ordinance, specifically section 250, parts (a), (d), grid (i). We believe ,such operations would be detrimental to the-health,, safety, and welfare of the people of- Southold Town Councilman Rich also read into the-record letters received from'Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. Kron, Bron Gallery, Mattituck, New York; John J. & Margaret B. , Carroll, Mattituck;' Russell D. Tuthill, 'Vero Beach, _Florida re. Mattituck Estates- all protesting the fitting in of the wetlands on properties.referreed to in both applications. (copies -of letters attached). SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA You-have heard the legal notice of hearing, affidavit attesting to.,its.publication in the official newspaper and,the comments of the Town Trustees and the Southoo+ld Town Advisory Conservation Council. At this time we will hear from anyone present who wishes to speak in favor of this first application. RICHARD J. CRON, ESQ.: I represent Mr. Edward G. Abitz. - I would like to make a,point in behalf of the North Fork Bank & Trust Company. The bank was mentioned to clarify the record only. The reason theyyaere mentioned Was that they happen to be the legal owners, of these two lots having taken , them through foreclosure proceedings. I find myself, again, on the minority side.' I suppose I have had sufficient warning and I' nhould now tell a few funny stories., but I would' like to discuss a few points regarding this application: What bothers me to a, great extent is what bothered me when the proposed wetlands ordinance came up in public hearing. This went out as a regulatory ordinance and it is, generating into a prohibitory ordinance. I wss afraid that with an ordinance of this nature that would-happen. I am in favor of preserving the wetlands but what I am opposed to is letting "John Jones", who happens to 'own the wetlands, bear the total cost of so preservifig for all the people in Southold Town. In all fairness, if the wetlands are that important to preserve, all the people should have to bear that cost, not just "John Jones". You can call it "regulatory" but T can't conceive of any applications 'where you would not have some opposition. Whether you will be guided by sheer weight of numbers or by the substance of what has been said- this is what will happen with every application so, in effect, you have a prohibitory ordinance and I Southold Town Board -11- February 1©,, 1972 cantt think of ,anything that comes closer to condemnatory. Something will have to be done to properly, legally, condemn the wetlands. 'It is not fair to ask nJohn Jonesn.to do all the paying. We all must do it. If this is the way the Ordinance is going to be.- prohibitory - I think you should look into ways and means of preserving without penalizing an individual. This deals with Lotst 40 and 41- there isi a portion that- is upland and another portion that is marsh area. Actually the total area is an area that would run 210 feet from a depth of 1 ft. back to a depth of 45 ft. We would calculate the fill would be about 2,000 cu. yards. It's my understanding that -------------------- in that area the tide never rises above 12 to 16 inches. Thatts basically what the application is. All.I ask of the Board is that they consider what they are doing if they deprive each and every applicant. I can't think of : any lesser typ a of application than what' you have here this evening... others will be greater. I would like to make a point with respect to the Southold Town Advisory Conservation Council report. I think the applicant should be ' furnished with a copy of the Council report to see what their basis is in disapproving the application.- 'Thank you. MRS. DELMAMTY: Just what is an Ordinance? You do something, you. pass it, and then you constantly have to come down here when someone wants to break it: There is always someone trying to get around' a rule and there will always.be people of this nature. SUFERVISOR.MARTOCCHIA: They are entitled to a hearing. MR. CRON: 'This is ,an Ordinance which is endeavoring to regulate certain activities ,with� regard to wetlands. Without it we could do as we pleased. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Does anyone else wish to speak in favor of this application? (There was no responseO SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Is,there anyone present who wishes to speak against this application? l ' Southold Town Board -12- February 10, 1972 MISS VIRGINIA MOORE: If I may philosophise for a moment -in a contra- dictoryRway... I think there is nothing wicked about what he says. I believe, in many cases, and perhaps these lots are among .them, that the land was not even land when it was bought. It was under water. It is a speculative venture. Some of these places are little more than a road shoulder that abuts marshland. Look at the real estate boom in Florida... so and so had bought a perfectly wonderful lot but it was under water. They were worthless as buildable land. These lots, as I have mentioned before, are not really meant for human construction..* they belong to the tides. The grasses grow only when the land is submerged periodically. MR. RONALD NELSON: How long after you fill 3n the land can you build? Is there any-time limit? ROBERT TASKER, ESQ., Town Attorney: I don't believe there would be any limitation of time. MR. NELSON: You could fill today and start to build tomorrow. MR. TASKER: That would be up to the builder. MR. NELSON: Yhy should we penalize these people who have bought in good faith? •--By the'same' reasoning would not a dope addict say "I bought and paid for this dope, how can you take it away from me?n..9 or, in years gone by, ImWe own these slaves, how can you take them away from us?e MR. WARREN: I' am opposed to the filling in of wetlands in the Town of Southold.~ I think we should give the Attorney General a, chance to get this Bill through. I was thinking of the people who bought swamps in Florida... some of it has now become the most valuable land in the country... Lake Okeechobee. Mr. Cron has his job to-do but there is nothing we can do once the wetlands are filled in. ' You Just have to go into Nassau County where they did' fill them in and you will find. that there are rows of houses that are empty. The wetlands are fighting back and they are winning. There are areas along these bulkheads Southold Town Board -13- February 10; 1972 where there is nothing but human waste. Southold is too valuable an area to let go. If we keep nibbling away, eventually we will have nothing. We may have to hurt a- lot of people, we may have to hurt friends, but it should be done. MRS. TERRY HARMAN: Mr. Cron said if we deny this man we cheat him but I ask, Tahen'he fills it in and sells it to someone else, how much is he being cheated? I dontt think we are talking about Mr. Lalane. Mr. Abitz has put up houses. Many of us were told it would be a park. MRS. FRACE: We first found out about this when a neighbor went around and said we should buy these lots. The price was going to be $1,250 per lot. The price then jumped to $2,000. We got very angry... we wanted to preserve the land..'. but the price was jumped. Why should we pay this much more? Our neighbor said she had offered to buy these lots but they wanted too much money for them. MRS. JEAN TIEDTKE: Is it possible for a prospective buyer to come to you and ask for a hearing before he actually owns the land? MR. ROBERT TASKTR; He would be a "contract vendee". MRS. TIIDTKE: I should think it would be up to the Planning Board to warn these people. MR._WARREN: That is. one of the reasons the Attorney General is 'getting involved. MR. FRIED: I think it..is• obvious that I intended to convey that' the North Fork Environmental Council is opposed to both applications: After hearing the Trustees' letter, it seems that they don't know whether this constitutes wetlands or not. Mr. Spagnoli is a very nice guy, personally, and he said he doeent want to convey that they are coming in over local government. However, this office 'is there to serve citizens and you gentlemen, alike, and I think they are a great bunch of guys. I find nl self in sympathy with Mr. Cron*s remarks. Personal loss is serious. There are ways and means for properties to be taken over so they t Southold Town Board -14- February 10, 1972 are not a dead loss to the owner. At one time I spoke in favor of public ownership. We, of the public, can't demand all of this conservancy without some expense to us. MISS MOORE: In regard to Mr. Fried's last statement, are not these lands (under water] Town owned? This is on a creek. The uplands certainly are not Town owned but they enjoy certain property rights that we are talking, about; but, tidal lands, themselves, are they not Town owned? SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: We would have to take that question back to Chairman Alvah Goidismith. MR. TASKER: The authority indicates that lands below the high water mark belongs to'the Town of Southold. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Itts a very technical question. There are all kinds of tides. MR. PAUL STOUTENBURGH: Ditto. (voting against both applications). I think you should consider Mr. Cronts suggestion that the applicant get a copy of the Council's report. It should be published in the newspaper also. MRS. TIEDTKE: Ditto (voting against both applications). MRS. CHAPMAN: Ditto. MR. RAYN08: The idea of building Mattituck Estates is not something new. Even before we'had an Advisory Co{aneil, in 1965s. Mattituck Estates was being formed. There was a meeting on August 10th of that year with Mr. Abitz who brought his engineer with him. At that time Mi. Unkelbeck was on the Planning Board and there is one sentence... Mr. Unkelbeek raised the question- "whereby 'the. County Clerk would accept lots before'the lots were filled and the County stated that the lots were all filled in.n SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Th a indication is that the lots were all filled then, in i965. - Itis-public rpeord. However, sometimes the next paragraph could change the pi cture. Southold Town Board -15- February 10,1972 MR. CRON: I don't wish to belabor any particular point but I heard two analogies as to why one person should bear the whole cost for the benefit of others... one of them dealt with dope and one with slaves. I found neither .of them pertinent to the question here. I think if one were to consider that (hypothetically) the Town of Southold decided that all public highways would be 60 feet in.width... I wonder how many owners would willingly, contribute or give up without any compensation. You are dealing with lots on a filed map. You are not dealing with lots that just sprang into existence. These were approved by the Planning Board and went into the Town Clerk's office. It's an approved subdivision map, •approved as to dimensions, with lots 40 and lil, which may or may not be wetlands. I am not familiar with what took place in 1965 but I make the observation that these lots were not laid out in shorter lengths and what is being asked to be done here is, that a portion of the , land be filled in. ' MR. WARREN: There was nothing stated•that there would be refilling. I take it for granted that this filed map was filed but I don't see anything in back records where there was to be adclitional fill on these lots. The Board of Health has come back with a lot more rales to protect the public. I feel very strongly opposed. MR. PAUL STOUTENBURGH: Referring to Cesspools: The Suffolk County Health Department, yesterday, announced new standards that will become effective April 1, governing the building of cesspools. (Reprint from L. I. Press) "Effective April 1, cesspools willl have to be built so the base is at least two feet above ground water." "And further, effective April 1, cesspool systems must contain two cesspools and a septic tank." MR. CRON: If the applicant wishes to take the risk that's his concern. The Board ,is concerned with the Wetlands Ordinance as to whether it should or should not be approved. The only reason tare are here is- because of the Southold Town Board -16- February 10, 1972 Wetlands Ordinance. MR. WILLIAM E. CHRISTOPHER; As a citizen, I am deeply opposed to any filling in of any wetlands. It would seem the idea of compensation is a good one except for the speculative nature of these properties. I think if You grant the filling in of these lots it would be detrimental. SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: _Is there anyone else present who wishes 'to speak for or against this application? (There was no response.) SUPERVISOR MARTOCCHIA: Thank you for coming in. The Board will make a determination within the next qty days. The hearings closed at 9:30 P.M. Letter received ,after public hearing; Dated Feb. 9th from Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wirsing, Jr., Mattituek, New York, wishing to go on record -as being opposed. P.0. Box 141 Mattituck, N.Y. 11952 February 9. 1972 Supervisor Albert Martocchia Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, N.Y. 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia: As concerned citizens , we wish to go on record as being opposed to the granting of any permit for filling in of wet- lands areas on Lots 40 , 41 and 44 in Mattituck Estates. These wetlands form part of the headwaters of Deep Hole Creek and are an important nursery area for the fish and other aquatic creatures that help to make our entire shorefront a pleasant and profitable place to live and work. Destruction of these marshes will inevitably destroy the community that depends on them. It is our understanding that the Conservation Council , appointed by the Southold Town Board to advise them in such matters , has stated that they believe the request to fill these areas to be in open violation of the Southold Town Wetlands Ordinance and they advise against granting permission to fill. We are fully in accord with that conclusion. Sincerely yours , C16 ��'" (Mr. & Mrs . Edward Wirs ng, Jr. ) r - d torr Suffolk Time'S,,GreenportjN.Y. - dee Hole Creek, Wetlands iN3.t1i the arguements &ars The Deep Hole Creek . 'viat-wituc 0etates tetl-ank controver ay Still fresh i jLjInd we detourbd dawn WeV1 .SufgOlk AV06 on the "MY 1;'Ome from -Al verheadp peg ing bVietly Oil the br7 gGe to haVe i6ak at first Land, At firA ;SLIM.ee It did not l i:�(Csk I much of va area, At a second,takling In Its ±U1 e'3010510 k., %dr, importance So Well Poitited Out in 'the roTimesit It , ,b py t,17o veeko a�c�,c3�itple W-5-t 'G xe ,tact that St 'tea er 4 - the waters of Deem, Hole Creek„ ate' ei1V1r0n- mehtal v6.jue .bQo me clear. To 4z t as, we, Btaa ted. UP -40 move ons a Pair Of Bi&Wk Ducky i f 'd In Prov, t1-1c, Day Md settled,'dbvM In t12e , i,e - dq”we -jot h,,-4v-{ a Wett- _ Copy: .TdvBoard._ To the Southold Town Board From the League of Women Voters of Riverhead Concerning the Hearing, Feb. 10, 1972, on applications by R. and A. Lalane and E. G. Abitz to fill, under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance. The two applications under consideration here tonight are being brought, under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance. However, the League of Women Voters believes that these applications also fall under the provisions of the so-called Sand and Gravel Ordinance of 1965 entitled "Am Ordinance Regulating and Controlling the Excavation and Removal, of Sand, Gravel, Topsoil and Other Materials." This Ordinance begins with the statement that regulation and-control of the general regrading of land are - "necessary'to prevent serious and ,- irreparable nd =irreparable damage to the public health, safety and general welfare as well as to make effective the general purposes of comprehensive planning and zoning." Section II says that these regulations are intended to prevent the following conditions from occurring: (II a) "interruption and diversion of natural watersheds and drainage lines, resulting in inadequate and improper surface water drainage;" (II h) "the rendering of lands unfit or unsuitable for their most appropriate uses;" and (II 3) "the creation of other deterrants to the coordinated and harmonious physical development of the• Town of Southold." The truly unique area in which these three Pots are located will, of course, require excavation for foundations, cesspools and wells, in addition to a large amount of fill. Sec. VII (1) of this Ordinance says "No excavations shall be made which shall cause pollution to any-underground water supply by salt water or other causes." 2. It is doubtful, to say the least, that cesspools - or even septic tanks - put in on filled bog would not pollute these waters. It is doubtful tnat wells dug into such boggy land so close to salt water would not suffer salt water intrusion. It is doubtful that the fill placed on these lots could be kept in place without the use of bulkheading. In our opinion the filling of these areas is not in keeping with the general purposes of comprehensive planning and zoning. It would represent a diversion of a natural watershed, and would destroy the most suitable or appropriate use of this property. It could well cause unacceptable modifications in the waters of Deep Hole Creek. We believe it isnot in keeping with the harmonious physical development of the Town of Southold to Permit such filling. It is 'our opinion that the threat of pollution of both fresh and salt water from cesspools, or the threat of salt water intrusion into the fresh water aquifer, or the possibility of further reduction of,these wetlands by bulkheading would each be sufficient reason for rejection of both applications. Taken together, we believe that the Town Board has an obligation to refuse both of the applications for filling that are being heard tonight. Thank you. Jean H. Tiedke (kes ident League of Women Voters of Riverhead Box 1103 Southold, N.Y. 11971 February 10, .1972 SA6w/cy ' JT:IFM 7 tR?1 �� v 4 rn+�rr►elj'aD c2 r ,Statement made at pul c hearing of Southold Towu -Joard, Feb.10th, 1972, concerning applications to fill lands protected by the Wetlands Ordinance. Mr. Martocchia, members of the Board, My name is Aline Dove. I am a resident of Mattituck. - I am president of the North Fork Chapter of the National Audubon Society, one of 'the ,oldest and largest conserva� ion organizations in the country, with a long history of leadership in the struggle to protect the environment. There is now a large body of scientific data which demonstrates beyond doubt that wetlands are an essential component of our entire marine environment '. The well being of this community, in great part, is- dependent on a healthy marine environment. These facts have been accepted not only at the township level. The County government is increasing its efforts to protect wetlands; through its land acquisition program, through the requirement of environmental impact statements, through its Council On Environmental Quality, etc. At the State.-,level, Attorney General Lefkowitz is urging passage of a bill, co-sponsored by five Long Island legislat&rs, to protect 'and supervise tidal wetlands and marshed. This bill would place a moratorium on the filling and dredging of wetlands until the state has taken inventory r of them. It authorizes the Environmental Conservation Department to prepare land use regulations that would preserve the wetlands, and provides that after the moratorium is lifted,1no wetlands ,area could be developed without the Conservation Department 's permission. Thus it is evident that,-thore. is::..increasing recognition at every level of 'government that our wetlands must ' be protected. The North Fork Chapter of the Audubon Sori.ety takes pride in the fact that our Town has- adopted a Wetlands Ordinarioee We support all efforts toward its enforcement, and wish to go on record as being strongly any opposed toattemptsto undermine of circumvent its purpose. New Yd.rtc State Department of Environmental Conservation 4175 Veterans Memorial Highway, Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 11779 Henry L. Diamond, Commissioner George W. Humphreys, Acting Regional Director March 3, 1972 Mr. Albert Martocchia, Supervisor Town of Southold 16 'South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Mattituck Estates Subdivisions Lots 40, 41 and 44 , Dear Sir: I and my field biologists had the opportunity to visit the aforementioned f area and examine the marsh included within lots 40, 41 and 44. ' Our review of this wetland was the substance of a letter directed by this office to , Mr. Walter Fried of the North Fork Environmental Council. In summary,_. this •letter indicated that we were opposed to any modification of viable- marine marshlands due to their great intrinsic value and recommended that efforts be made to preserve this area. We are, however, not able to supply you with a more definitive review of this area since the winter season does not readily lend itself to ecological survey. Even if sampling conditions are acceptable, the community compo- sition of the resident animal forms would be biased as compared to the summer conditions. This would undoubtedly prevent us from arriving at a conclusion within acceptable confidence limits. May I therefore suggest that since sufficient reference information is available to warrant protection of salt marshes and since on our initial survey this rarsh appeared viable, that the town do all in its power to prevent its destruction. Thank you for allowing the New York State Department of Environmental - ' Conservation an opportunity to comment on this proposed modification. Respectfully yours, John 7 agn li JJS:par Regional Supervisor of Regulation cc: ,T. Taormina l 1 STATE OF NEW YORK / DEPARTMENT OF LAW PHILIP WEINBERG lOUI•J. LEFKOWITZ ;1r ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL ATTOIINEY O[N[RAL STATE OFFICE BUILDING IN CHARGE OF / ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION I I( 60 CENTRE STREET BUREAU NEW YORK, N.Y. 10013 TnaPNONE. 488-7567 March 1, 1972 Town Board of Southold ` Southold, Long Island New York, New York Dear Sir: It has come to our attention that you are considering applications for permits to fill in wetland areas designated as Lots 40 , 41, and 44 . Attorney General Lefkowitz , Nassau County Executive Caso, and Suffolk County Executive Klein have recently established a Wetlands Task Force to help preserve our remaining wetlands on Long Island. By the enactment of a town wetlands ordiance it is clear that Southold shares our concern' and is attempting to deal with this very serious problem of wetlands destruction. We therefore urge you to deny the applications. Our office has discussed the matter with the State Department of Environ- mental Conservation which has examined the area in question and found them to be very valuable in -terms of fish and shellfish production. Unlike some marshes which are closed off from the sea, these wetlands at issue are connected to the bay area and are therefore rich in nutrient value. This assures a high level of breeding and sustenance for the marine life present. The Wetlands Task Force stands ready, to assist you in any way possible. Thank you. Very truly yours , LOUIS J. LEFKOWITZ Attorney General By JAMES P. CORCnRAN Assistant Attorney General JPC:dg tltYSSMeea+.tF.weay�,.,..+...n,.—..0:.•�'••• •^-•,+x47.�'mteeerzisnu+auxarrnm�nnY+m�TimN mmcrosamitruuavuulztrvoe�pdtiakl5'ir`AY.EI+'AaeYSV."SCEflta:M;v^of'S1+x+a.YM1xawS?ur&r,rweawan Statement of George M. Woodwell, Sr. Ecologist at Brookhaven National Laboratory and chairman of the Suffolk County Council on Environmental Quality The Suffolk County Council on Environmental Quality has considered the problems of continuing exploitation of the wetlands for real estate on several occasions, and has recommended explicitly that these wetlands be preserved undisturbed. The basis of their recommendation is that the wetlands are essential in the support of coastal fisheries, that they are essential in preserving the stability of coastal lands, that they-are essential in maintaining the high quality of coastal waters, and are themselves among the most highly productive vegetation types on earth. Large inroads have already been made on Suffolk County's limited wetlands. it is essential that the County and it Towns take every action to preserve the remaining wetlands. rVip tie' �q�t%'iF� �° � _.,�•. ❑FFI '�31 ' , : 1-ERK Twr►�t' 1 X1:6 HID ALBERT W. RICHMOND y, � 1e;' S(�v a TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 765-3763 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTIC6 _ Y:ad � j ai {� SOUTHOLD,' ,L. L.' W6' Y.; 11971 March 9, 1972 Mr. Renee Lalane 43 Wantagh Avenue S. East Islip, New York 11730 _ Dear Mr. Lalane : I am sorry for the error in sending you the Abitz decision on the wetlands application. Your copy is enclosed, as well as a set of applications for wetlands permit per your request. Very truly urs, Judith T. Boken Deputy Town Clerk • - S',:di•, nR„•'(x:. 4t','Cy :,1`a''+rd�:i , ' OFFI,51 '21h e ERK J f;l j•^'f x 4 ,vtFrce r�Y'fr.l,rFl,�,I,t�.7•a' �, ALBERT W. RICHMOND u, •tea a4 - �fR �� TOWN CLERK +;�a f��p� 3:1y;; °j+ TELEPHONE f+�vts,^ f 4 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICSti„ SOUTHOLD, L. 1., N. Y. 11971 March 8, 1972 Renee & Antonia Lalane 43 Wantagh Avenue S. East Islip, New York 11730 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Lalane : Transmitted herewith is a copy of the resolution passed by the Southold Town Board at a regular meeting held on March 7 , 1972, at which time your application fora wetlands permit was denied. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk /Jb rf ®FFI ERK T O p D ALBERT W. RICHMOND 0 ® \ TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK - ` 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS JL ir SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 22, 1971 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia : Transmitted herewith, for the Southold Town Board, is amended application No. 1 for a wetlands permit, submitted by Renee & Antonia Lalane. Duplicate copies of the application have been forwarded to the Conservation Advisory Council and Town Trustees for their written report of findings and recommendations with respect to said ,application. Very truly yours, 4. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk TOWN OF SOUTHOLD', t: - TOWN CLERK' S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N.Y. APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT Application No. Date of Application }„ Identity of Applicant /y Iq ry-e j- P%o Address of Applicant /�//�/✓/� y U ' INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT' ,A., This application is' to be Completely filled in by typewriter 'or ink and submitted to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied key' written •P . rmissionfrom the oWner 'of the N ' e ' � property if not the same as , • _1" the.-applicant.. B: . Pilot Plan mint be drawn to scale on the reverse. side• Of this ' application showing the location' df `property, the names and locatioh8 • ' ' "= of owners of adjoining properties; and a detailed description of proposed project. (Note ® Copies of the Pilot Plan,-may be made, by a copy machine anattached to the Permit Application. ) - C. No _operations shall be initiated, by the applicant until all permits that are required are issued. ; . ' D. A detailed statement of the rehabilitation and proposed condition, ` of the premises after the work ,is completed must be given,,, includilh"q ' a survey if required. 5, E. If; permit` is being sought for a more sizeable excavation than tfi'e - iL construction 'of a private single dock or jetty, then this application' R" must be accompanied by a survey and topographical map `certified'lbl' a registered' land survey or Professional Engineer. 'The horizontal control of survey shall be bas04'6�on an approved local coordinate' system. The vertical control for 'elevation and soundings shall--be- based upon ,United States Coast aril Geodetic Survey and/or United ; States Geological Survey datum. xq F. A statement must accompany the application describing yany known . prior operations conducted on the premises in 'question andwhether any prior' licenses or permits have been issued to erect structures Vit,* or to dredg"e',or deposit fill on said premises and whether any such ' permits or licenses weke ever revoked or' suspended by a government9l agency, - _ G. , -,A filing, fee • of $25 . 00 shall accompany the• application This i . .: +' 4' filing fee includes one inspection, --there is a $5. 00 fee' for , each , additional inspection i.. H. The Toitim-':,Board upon request ,of the applicant for a permit, may ^� waive in whole or in-part, the provis.i.ons of Article II, 8ection ' 210,a subdivisions �(d) and (g) where it,,finds tITa-t--the„nature of the . 4- -.proposed operations ar_e such that the requirements of" such, provisions '�,;a"re .not necessary for a proper considertion of a permit, appl-icat`ion. ' 'Upon a roval of t he own Cl' pp his application t T erk 'will issue=,,a r pe m t to' the , applicant. Such permit shall' be available for . iaispec0 4r tion at any time, upon request. AV z Page 2 , Examined 19 Approved Disapproved Conditions, if any E h Examining Body _ Signature of Chairman APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town , - of Southolrj - Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant tb ; the Laws , Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal -and" Interior Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town ''of Southold: Permit requested to q rr'GZ_ , s v �- C_i�iy ��Lam!12�7 y Z�77 K a, Location of property for which permit wanted Home address of permit' applicarit if different from aforesaid locati6n Y /r7`3d •T Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property iy0.y Size of proposed work : Length a ' Width , y Height Above High Water:76c-s lvcT -;,,WM "76-2 _ iyor � cz� 7`0 7>5',- Depth Below Low Water _DoQs mor 7o«&12 �,gr�riZ Yards to be Excavated ircP/5/2�4- PO Yards to be Filled ' Width of canal, creek or bay fronting , . property Depth; at Low Tide — Average Rise in Tide Page 3. Is this for private or business use? Area Zoning Manner in which material will be removed or deposited -WY Intended use of property -12 �✓I9,-/T �v r_ ,'c� s a -z Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant Lam- STATE- OF NEW YORK) SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) being duly sworn deposes and says , that he is the applicant J for the above described permit, and that all statements contain herein are true to the best of his ; knowledge and belief; that the work will' be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under br by virtue of said permit, if granted. Signature of Applicant Sworn to -Aeforee this day of 19 7 / Notary Public t FRANCES H. LEHECKA Notary Public, State of New YO RBsiding in Suffolk County Suffolk,County Clerk's No 52.2299565 Commission Expires March 30, 1973 i I Januay r2, 1972 1; N Conservat3-on Advisory Council Special Meeting/wetlands appli- cation,3 ATTending: Nelson Chapman , Terry Harnan, Charles Meyer, Tom' Reeve, Frank Chic anowicz, and Frank Kujawski Jr. Findings of the counc.il concernin1g; c a t i o n /Renee Lalane & 'Antonia Lalane Matti tuck Eztates Lot # 44 1d The submitted applicaition do'e'sinot meet the requirem-erl of Article LI, sections a through g,,,pf Wetlands Ordinance. 2. The councilhas found several statements inaccurate; a. A section of Beep Hole creek afronts the eastern boundary of the properIly. bi 'The lot in question at a time of big-h tide was partially covered by- salt water trap to a distance of less than 50 ft. from the road on the western boundary, 3- The colincil believes filling of lot #44 would reduce the quality of the wetlands, polluLe the tidal waters, and damage the local ecology of the area. �4.The council further believes It would be impossible to comply existing board of health regulations on lot #44. , Applicatiun ;# 2 /EdiYard Abitz, contractor Mat-tituck Estates Lot #40 and Lot #41 Ia The submitted application does atm not- meet the requirement 3 of Article 11 , sections a through g of the 'Vietlands �rdlrlancp­ Tilt council- does not believe Mr. Abitz should be granted a waiver on Article 11 , sections a through g , because the pro_ Po3ed operations would be substantially damaging to the wetlands and the adjainirrig communitya 2. The council foxnid eiidenc* of standing tidal salt water at a distance of approximate]-Y 70 ft, from the road locate-d an the western boundary during a high tide . 3. The council believes it would be impossible to comply with wxisting Board of health regulations on either lot #40 or #41. mar 'f!Yle have found both applications to be contrary to the policy of Article i of the Wetlands Ordinance, apecifically section 280, parts (a) , (d) ,and (i) . We believe such operations would be detrimental to the healthy .safety; and welfare of the people of Southold -i'own, - --------- 0FFI n ERK T O S0 D ALBERT W. RICHMOND ® TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 December 22, 1971 Mr. A. Nelson Chapman, Chairman Conservation Advisory Council of the Town of Southold Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Dear Mr. Chapman: Transmitted herewith is amended application No. 1 for wetlands permit submitted by Renee and Antonia Lalane. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Board within 20 days of receipt of this letter. Very truly yours, r.� Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk •�t:i .� „. ,4�� .. L `. . s �' ,:', " '�, Sy� -11' - , ,I; v—I "fir//(� LL-.,'r, „ -. 1, TOWLV OUTHOLD _ I ,OF`FICE I i�' 'i tt g( - -. - ., r ,.,r,y .ij4`iJai'• '''a,^ t'. ' APPLICATION A WETLANDS' PERMIT cY f) 4^ N5, ,i e , .- !'1 Y+ ` I ' ',`' , ',:�jI , P , • ' dyer . r, < Application No _ ba.6,Aof ,Application ' Identity' of Applicant /f �%y, � N/ Address o, ..,Applicant �� Vl/xY ly�,G,�/' 4y�_ �e;&l j1�3-�'y;;r „°'i'4 ,�k „ -�.• ” ' ^' ,1 '•' r kti r INSTRU�t' ,CSNS FOR PERMIT " N f �..5 t� be .d.:, 1��?� _., F- " ' n 4..d' ,.•r�'' 1 �4r: ,}c'�"' �` - `� Thi's application c'66"letely filled in by; typewriter o '''' ''�R '` A ink and.` submitted to the To , �1erk in ~„ ;`�; _ quadruplicate," a'ccom anied k. ',written ermiss ion from t • e" e p he`'ownerr' of the property if 'nbt,' the same ;as' ';''-'t • .r, _ the „applicant. pe B: Pilot- Plan Plan mint be drawn_ o `scale on the' reverse side ofT_ths ' applicatibn`, showi the locat�.bii of property', g ,- the- names'' and of owners of..adjoining' property es, and a detailed 'description",-of proposed project.'' "(Note: Copse`of the Pilot Pian m b 5`` ay' e','made �by' a- copy,- machine and attached to h'e Permit "Application. )" C, r No''operations' shall`'be initiated by the a,pplicantt until al ',; �'� -� ✓' - permits ,that are required are issued. A ldetailed stsitement^ of' the rehabilitation and propbsed condit!i��i�i',I' ' of 'the premises after the work !" 'completed must' be given, ;,'incr'lud 'fic . ' 'a •survey if ,required.' ,E. _If permit' is being sought''6tor^�a more sizeable excavationW.than ',the k 'j NG°', ;i construction, of a' private single flock` or `jetty, .,then 'this' a 1 6 6 ,must be accompanied, by a surve`y^`hnd topographical ma certified, by topographical- map regi'st'ered land' survey or Professional Engineer. ' The, Horizontal, control'' of surve l, 'shall be basecd'-u � y, pone an approved f local' coordinate system. The vertical c.Qntrol :tor elevation and soundiri s shall be based upon- United States Coast i and Geodetic: Survey and/or Un t` M i ed' s „States' Geological Survey;datum. *t'' , - r •rl. - - M1 1,. 1 }.�. ! Jl lr -* .f` 'Jz'YN'�•:r J} F.' A 'statement must accom an' 1 ' +� p yhe.� applicant�,on describing" 'any "known Y . k; hr prior,; operations conducted on -the premises' ;ii'wquestioiz 'and `whether` any= prior licenses orypermits have been issedid''erect'`structures - ` fir .to'''dredge or'-`deposit" fill on `said premises an c whether any; such'`1alj'=r+:. = _:; , `':•. t permits, 'or licenses were- ever ever 'revoked or sus I _ pended by' a governmenta�:' f((y�Lllaf, _ .,`v.: :' .-..;,1 Hyr,_ " '- ”, P , ~ - '!ti `,�}F4-� Yt- +,.✓y 't,A k= :Sp r°^� ;- A`;fling fee of ,$25`. 00- sh,a"11 accompany the' ailplication 'This ' ..,, filing. fee includes one insp'ec�tion, -there is aV $5. 00 fee forte ch a'INddit n inspection. o a'1ins �.J ., The, Town' Board upon ' request .o the applicant ;'for a 5permit; triay' wai^ize ,in:whole or in (part, ' the prdvisions ,of' Article II, , Section',210, .`1; v,.,s,., iris here itnature' , - .subd'`' ions '. (d) and '(g), w finds that the� ' of, the-, , proposed ,operations •are' such that the` requirements of;..such provisions' " }y are not necessary for a proper considertion of a permit application; yfl IS 41 , � - , y _ '•''s.` ~'S , , ,I , it ..F _ ..- M ,' 'i`y�,� Upon approval[ of tiffs ^application the Town 'Clerk will `'issue"'a, f permit', to' the applicant': Such permit shall .be "avail b � .,. 4 P a 1e fore' inspeob , tion at any, time;time upon request.) . v :•tCo.'-�, •' r,`` "? ,c,k =. - f , 'kt;r• p_,-t "1''df'P a ,>' -Dl, �+.' n._ ....., _,t ..m 'Y..,, . .y„'x ..... ," 7;...,, r- . .v .,. , ',5 r a I .ar„ _..". r.., ....,,• ,., _,..... go-..'a^ , .'�.,. - .. . .7la''-' .+-C--ft�5.`^'n'.ryk�"y.r Ci". , 1. ,� Page 2 . 5�+ 3 Approved Disapproved o Conditions , if any a , ' Z6 Examining Body_ Sionc1ture of cliciii- an �c A A APPLICATION IS HEREBY MR-DE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit Pursuant to the Laws , Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and I::terior Wetlands , flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of Southold: Permit requested to Location of property for which per.nu-L ware Led Z,,,I- Scc'/'Ur 1�L=vGw C iL f•�7,97 /<r C',C S !/9%G=S Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid location r - Creek, Bav or Harbor fronting property Size of proposed work : Length__ Width Heigh L- Above 11.>_yl I Water Joz,-s llopLli Below Low Water /V� n'v�/ Yards to be Excavated c 7— Yards to be Filled i�. �r ic'�"-c: ��9•�"yS Width of canal„ creek or bay fronting property Depth at at Low -Tide Average Rise in Tide Page 2 . }� Examined19 w? Approved Disapproved W • • Conditions, if any �y Examining Bodyam:ot Signature of Chaii:man 1 „ Al iJ i.1 APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of Southold] a# Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to t the Laws ; Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal- and ' Interior Wetlands , Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of ' Southold: Permit requested to �, s�� �7 Location of property for which permiLwanted Z 7-?PL vy h Scc' /��7 %Gr C�.� N s�%/9-%G'S � /—:LG= -;,zl r Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid locatioh �. �3 CL�iYr;��Ft %-//��• ' CJr9ST"�:S'Lc�O //`/. /'//�`�Gr , ' rr"I' Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property 4. Size of proposed work : Length Width keigh L Above High Water Jc,-11s G�1�'� CG'!2� U2 ivuc� S Depth Below Low Water Yards to be Excavated T; Yards to be Filled, T Width of canal, creek or bay fronting property Depth at Low Tide �' Average Rise in Tide Page 3. Is this for private or business use? yam, Area Zoning ' Manner in which material will, be removed or deposited Z:Z� y Intended use of property___-4 g�, ,�' ' _ Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applic�a C CIN N STATE OF NEW YORK) SS : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) J / being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the applicant for the above described_ permit, and. that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his '+` ,. ' knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as ma y be approved by the Town Board of the Town of -Southold. The 'applicant agrees to hold the Town of . + Southold and the Town Board harmless and free from any and a11 ' . � rr damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if- granted. . , ` Signature of Applicant T' Sworn tofAefore me this . day of Notary Public FRANCES H. CEHECKA Notary Public, State of New York Residing in Suffolk County ` Suffolk County C'erk's No 52-2299565 } Cornn,ss on Expires March 30, 1973 {` COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. 1 -- STATE OF NEW YORK. � ss: NOTICE IS-HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held by the,I , . . . Stuzrt.C., Dorman . . . . , , , , , , being duly Sworn. f Town Board of the Town of,j ' ' ' • ' ' ' Southold at .the, Supervisor's says that . . . !A . , is Printer and Publisher of the SUFFOLK Office, 16 South, Street;,.Green- port,New York or.the 10th dapof- , WEEKLY TIMES, a newspaper published at Greenport, in said February, 1972, at 7:30 P.M. in I the matter of the-application of i county; and that the notice, of which the annexed is a printed ReneeLalane and Antonia.Lalane for a permit-under the provisions copy, has been published in the said Suffolk Weekly Times ofthe Wetlands Ordinance of the I once in each week. for . . . . . one Town of Southold for the purpose' j " ' • " " " " " " " weeks of placing fill on premises-of the•-j successively commencing on the . . . .twenty-seventh. . . . . . . said Renee"Lalane.and, Antonia; Lalane.located on the east side of i dcry of January, , -lg 72 Meadow Lane at Mattituck, New ' ' ' York and known as Lot No. 44 on , , , ,�,,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i subdivision map known as; ; . °`Mattituck•Estates- Sworn to f re me this . . . . . . . . . . All persons interested,in said , matter shall appear at'the time day of . . A!'!.1! 9 and place above specified and i will be given,an opoorutlity to be heard. ��t',E.TOV�N$EN�D . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Dated: January 12, 1972y.pA LIC OF NEW YORd j'' Bt-ORDER OF THE Residing jn Suffolk County SOUTHOLD-TOWN BOARD Clks. No. 52-9366350 ALBERT,W. RICHMOND { ires March 30,19 TOWN CLERK j My Commission ExP h ;5t� IY`iK YI'� } ,.� c+,y: `:;�ys wY.e„"- Y�'c ._ °v;n>Sw'`' �'"' r`a-L=,.'r _ �' -an: iit;r,< �, - �_ ,,;;;?.�• °-.r., -_ ,a...6, �,,• g,;, �'3, - ' ,,-:- AA i• Y•-'a' �- .a., .'i.- 3ri,:':;? :,t ati.,wgti �:++.`�.s';,, <: '°tw:..,.;fi� U 'yt'' y' ',. _ ,§_' �,� i'.:s " ,�Y...Cws•..a�'�';-.�1: "tet„' '`'; .1: �,s' •i N. - �• ;ti'' r ;,`3'.r-'r 7� - - 1�,... moo. �,.'ai: m ;..-• - '••i''' 1a :..•;aF-;K� - .:,,r..a``11< 'Y k` .Ee' #.'' •''�.'a =-�.'-s'Ia% ?:Fp ,.3,7 ;•ost 1 t ai�,,,� S^c� •>> � �-�^ ,.,.a ar•'' a='�' ,.�' ,..:•.Kra"' ,�,-:t i...�.t v','."w�' uF, "i °'t � .M�i- 3�-+ .C:: mrm i '�6 �2;5� -.3' �.h 'a- 'p;^ _S1 .lu,,:F•ri:`.,Y�• lol:ii-.. +. �r 4 �' i' ^ +`-a ;'„a-:.t �_:'. _r 4r� ,d' ,'.yj dc. ” .,<• e.. _ :� �' .,-�.•,...�, ,.b, sa.�;f -1.� ...1 •5 1�,C .s,.�t, �a`. th"vS ';{s:t .�v,1 z,�i'"t ,a:` v •-r .t,. h .r fir+ � �t ,--.:�. -.'?t ,k"^'^:,"+� ..s__ _ "<�i;., `�� �1.:�''.%' iv- �!' a„;, ,f, a y. ,.�..,✓�"N; •�n5, G '-,7- 'i.'. .9'r `§,.. `moi, �i .A _, ..;,,�.:•i' �•� t.r.;•l..•,_F"�,;: -'tif}K 4.l§ ,.2.,1•M1�,. .:��, r.�.,'`,a-si,',r___.,,i.,� �s.,_i_.a: f• ,b .',-C': '�"'..a. ^•�;-i:.. 3�e t.�` - -•i' -a+ =v.:�' -. ,�" a,- _ C.•- - r'�., .g aE- �%'�A ry I <f'�Yy-;,7�,.. _ ��'.3-.� ' —;`3,- ,"h.`•' ,`,r '+n'd„ :'SSS A.•�� ,a. .•ik. - «r. 5;�._ .y:�`=.,"` --;..., ,yt ..,,�..�{., 1.,=;-.,;�`p..3;'�i��a s ra,:�a;' �'� .'r �,�,E �� ``r my.� ♦„��+sa �,?,n;i, ', -'v ?I., "�� _ '.,�) y, •I . �-��4:. - � 31�-y .7;� •�t:e na .. -`=,t''. �__r,;. _,�-^, ���±:�, �✓�``s - ,�, dc etYr 4 _ ,:,f” Nfa>E"4?iY� �',�.':� - ..t• R�.'„y;•\, � I�,r ;.1'j. :�'.r �iY _ e"I'y'.�.^i-` ", '.,, .. s*ai 'Ar. .`-,Y'." ,.1^ i • .rl.x,^-•+--,^ - T,L;_r�:,, � %'/ �'-t•";�"- tt•�c= ,i a '4'`'ti. ids °�a , •' - •.•[!.`.?, _ _e �.'a.. •�,` ._ ,,k._, - �.X,.::2, 'i1Sev„' - v=' ,.!"1• -i sL�r .g}'4' .,`c' - ,,. 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'clo °o•oo, `ter s, C0 v. d• o _ yy C � .rte o C1�3� g o°oor o0 of•�d�'a. at i /- r a�1, 1•� " 001[ W0 JSO�•`i`Y e sb`Iii_ eo oa '' I po W •rt _ �1 oe• a e0 oa I� o■ K IIIVI.1 1! , coca, e0 0e1 e['fe •L If Ao W s I ra P --- - - 'r � �- - - - - -- - - � -- _ , -_-- ,:---•=-- .– �- - .mac, _ ----•-- "� ------ - - .- - . •. _ • -- — ------ - - – - cc 1- .- - -:l .; :.- •,' :� � Imo) : . . ,� ,,... .. .. . �' q -�.. _ -::. 3 � i , , �� , c ��� `. � ,q•.,r � � � ;� �';► (516) 298-8: 6) 734-6317 home KRON GALLERY CUSTOM FRAMING LITHOGRAPHS • OIL PAINTINGS ROUTE 25 MAIN ROAD MATTITUCK, L.I., N.Y. 11952 i e �� ifid �I i f Je 19 U ° ® Y' ! 7 rF Z f � i - l F i , t F 06 LONG IMAND PRENNNew-. Cv4� :i ,a ' s w ' -Suffolk 'Takes Sfops-40Half P611066 IMe Suffolk County Health Department yesterday for the (tome owner less iqhap in.%a 1I - lasts arngaounced new standards that will become effective pumping of 06246dir. and a loage r life f01 d b06.9pD61 April 1. governing the building of cesspsi®ls. �'Iaef system.As to the Watsft*uh ment'ilse�aa ld.� stabdardo are designed to halt the rdntau�,atiopa o! in the cabe where land is juft albove ground'tl&a, it jpeotutd and surface waters. . ' • will have to be filled s it ,to maerlt.the 'rhe slew regulations 'were prepared. by -the Heap' above gwtmd fttw . ) 4 dent's Dlvlsloss of EaMmausmntal Healttr Asses: °rhe a+ truth"ra�c kenWA-w111 niekn lead- puzong 7he division's director, Herbwt N. Davids admitted of case ie., Davids expkbm& In west= Suit** most ; the new standards will result in an added expense to taau�nicipalitiesa respsIre the cm@ool cleat tsps deposit the new homeowner, but he said the standards w111 the wastes at municipal sewge treatment planta for actually prolong the life of a cesspool bfatem. While the treatment, gather thrall allow it to be dumped into pt the ars==e time result fa iatos water tablq pollut10n. givand as Is in*e w, Effective April 1, cesspools will b&Ve to be built so He expWned that wb& ft Ugtic tas5 sill be , 'he base is at least two feet above ground wester. The' pumpaad, the redu"A an ount as previous standards. adopted in 19&0," wed cOta= will mean less salad a d gravaL ea eventually f ,sstauction of cesspools down into groused water systems. into a treatment °�' whom it Calm mechanical trouble. IN ADDITION cesspools m=ust be constructed at least . 0 o r '100-feet from surface water bodies. and in the can of THE Il for f rom Mufta tidal waters, the 100 foot distance requiremant,.pnust water will seem less psgutim..of byre,c vim and P=ft be measured form the mean high water mark. l?Mvlsiosly Davids said, poh9ft out that MWt uritiea Will be 'cessimis were allowed within 50 feet of surface water. "sbrl&ed oast"wilt loo Beast. , bodies. Davids said the aMudards ware draaa up prim {t And further, effective April 1, cesspool systems, mtwt for the benefit of eaastem Suf aW home woners, batt contain two cesspools and a septic tank. Previously no °'sewers are many yam away for ft eat end, septic tanks were required, Davids said. Davids and his assistant ANO Aaslreoll, ,sem the However, if a cesspool can be built with its base at Dtpwtment is nm prepsft rtphtkm to the least 15 feet above the ground water, only one ceupwl use of chandcal addlUm zWk as acid and and a septic tank will be required. tsriala used to,21d in Cbftft am expected to6 DAVIDS explained tLt the no; negations Wlll ns� lala 4 � t ®.� - �•....,..�► •��ar� - ®• • �-' ice. ,°~'•� k ,COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Trove ler-Mottituck Watch- _. r Yf NOTICE OF HEADING , ,,, week ` man onc ,. ,,e each week for ... te NOTICE IS HEREBY `----.! GIVEA7 r•w =t`h'at a hearing will be_held 15y— .' .. ,, ? successively, commencing on the ..............2. ................. We Town Board of the Town of Xr 7"`1"Southold at the Supervisor's Ofd` ' d i '7-five, 16 South Street,- Greenpo,t!r I day of .L. . .. 9 ...0.... i -N�w York on the-10th day xia February, 1972, at, 7:30 P. M. iri' 1 i ar32t ie matter of the,application &C` :_Renee Lala`ne and.. tonia, ............ ............ ....... ' 'lane for,a permit`under h ` visions"of'rthe ' Wetlands`''-drdi ri}nance 'of ,the Town oP'Southold','' for the purpose of placing 111F 1 "ttt premises of the said Renee + t f`ialane and -Antonia.Lalane to=` Sworn t0 before me this ........................ day of ^ccated,on the east side of Meadow v�f�yJ� o:t-l;ane at Mattituck,'New York,,••; V ! .. hand known as Lot•No. 44 on subs: • ,division map known,as "Matti' ' -,r tuck Estates." ti(All persons interested in said M i-::Smatter shall'appear at the time, { N r d ,place above specified and S 1, 7r,' will be given an opportunity tb,g . ..(!��.A;.. Z�.Notary Public ..... .. ...... be heard. t`5 ` 2;s,i,pated: January 12,'1972 {t _• '`),;,�;� BY.ORDER OF THE, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD \1 ADELE HOME ALBERT W. RICHMOND i-a. � Notary Pudic, State of New YerR TOWN CLERK ' Residiog in Suffolk County No 52.3041000 1T.—•27 Commission Expires March 30, 197 y 1�VI , ;I ,1 i I n ff i i it I I STATE OF NEW YORK: SS : fi COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ALBERT W. RICHMOND, of Southold, Town of i ' Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the f age of twenty-one years; that on the 31st day of Januar, 19 72 , he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit:- 4 I, Town Clerk Bulletin Board, Town Clerk Office Main Road, Southold, L. I. ,N.Y. i Sworn to before me this lbert W. Richgond, Town Clerk 31st day of January ; I I , �i 1972 If (Ifo a r y Public �f JUDITH T. BOKEN Notary Public, State of New York No.52-0344963 Suffolk County If Commission Expires March 30, 19 i ifl I I ! Ij I if f f iI i i I `t II • l BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK January 10, 1972 Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Gentlemen: We have examined wetlands application ##1 of Renee and Antonia Lalane for permission to fill low lands , Lot 44, Mattituck Estates. The Town Trustees find that this application in no way interferes with tidal waters, nor Town owned properties that might be considered under the jurisdiction of the Town Trustees and there- fore waive objection. Very truly yours, d4ly Alvah B. Goldsmith Chairman Board of Town Trustees January 2, 1972 Conservation Advisory Council. Special Mee ting/wetsands appli- cations ""'Tend-;ng: Nelson Chppman , Terry Harnan. Charles Meyers Tom Peeve , Frank Chicanowicz, and Frank Kujayski Jr, I Findings of th<A council concerning; 1 /Rence Laiane & Antonia Aala_ne Mattituck Entates Lot # 44 1. The aubmitted application does not meet the requirements of Article L!, sectionr3 ex. through g of Wetlands Ordinance. 2, The rounc-il has found several statt-ments inaccurate; a. A section of Beep Hole creek afronts the eastern boundary - of the property bThe lot in question at a time of high tide was -partially covered by salt water iip to a distance of less than 55/0 ft , from 'he s-aad oki the western boundary. The council believes fi2ling of lot #44 would reduce the quality of the wetlands, pollute the tidal waters , and damage the local ecology of the area. ' I, council fur mer believes it would be impossible t'- comply vitt_ itt- existing board of health regulations on lot y44.T Ap-o'i c a tion, 71 2 /Edward Abi t T,,j can trac tor Mattituck Estates Lot #40 and Lot #41 The submitted application doeo m*t nat rpees the requirements of Article Ili sections a through g of 'Che Wetlands 'irdina.-nee,. The council does not. believe Mr. Abitz should be granted a ,-ri&iver T:j.-,a Article 11 , sect-icins a througi, g , bstzause the pro- Pos�d operations woulJ be cubstantially damagilig to the wetlands _acid the adjoining oo=iunitv. 2The council. found evidencr., of standing ,,dal salt Yia.'Ler 'n'tt a di.stance of aprroximately ?0 It, from- the road located oll the v.estern boundary during a high tide. 3. The council believes it would be impossible to comply with *xisting hoard of health regulati-one on either lot #40 or #41. L-1�,nn,mrvYle have fonnd both applications to be contrary to the policy of Article I of the Wetlands Ordinance, apecificallY Eect-ion 260, parts / (a) , (d) ,and (i) . We believe such operations would be detr'iineatal to the healtlh, oafety, and welfare of the people of Southold Town. ®FFAERK ,. . ALBERT W. RICHMOND �� Tcl_EPHONc TOWN CLERK j�k(Ja� 765-3783 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS S �� s SOUTHOLD, L. L, N. Y. 11971 January 24, 1972 Mr. Renee Lalane 43 Wantagh Avenue S. East Islip, New York 11730 Dear Mr. Lalaneo A public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Southold at the Supervisor ' s Office, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York on the 10th day of February, 1972 at 7030 P.M. in the matter of your application for a permit under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ' �, I_ .. ' f' tu. , i I '• _�l� r 1 , ,I , - ..��•-', ,_ I n I1 t, ,, }, f '; I �� NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing will be held bythe 'lowti 13oarl of the Town of Southold,at the Supervisor" s Office„ 16 South Street, Green- port, New York on the IOth day of February, 1972, at 7:30. P. M. in the matter of the application of Renee Lalane and Antonia Lalane for a permit , • under the provisions of the Wetlands Ordinance of the Town of Southold for the purpose of placing fill on premises of the said Renee'Lalane and Antonia Lalane located on the east side of Meadow Lane at Mattituck, 'New York and known as Lot No, 44 -on subdivision map known as "Mattituck ';states° " All persons interested in said matter shall appear at-the time and place above specified-and will be given an opportunity to be heard, Dated: January 12, 1972 ,BY 'ORDER OF THE �SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ALBERT We RICHMOND TOWN CLERK J t i. : , i' .t $ , , }• ,i 1 1 'r:,` �I t ;r,+ i�f r�" z� - „ I i SMITH, T'ASKER AND FINKELSTEIN ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW REGINALD C. SMITH 425 MAIN STREET ROBERT W. TASKER GREENPORT, N. Y. 11944 HOWARD M. FINKELSTEIN FRANCIS J. YAKABOSKI 516-477-1400 ARTHUR H. LUNDBERG COUNSEL PAUL J. BAISLEY ALLEN M. SMITH January 20, 1972 Suffolk Weekly Times Main Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Sirs: Enclosed herewith are two Noticei) of Hearing-which we ask you to publish in your edition of January 27, 1972. Proof of Publication and your statenlent of Charges should be sent to the Town Clerk. Yours very truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:bc Enclosures dc: lion. Albert W. Richmond +l,, �`•�, +y met. r i , ,I,:f, > i { , , -• „- , ... TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLETZK g OF.-TCE - �,,tH'i '1 \, 1 - r` <` - �_ `„• SOU6hD; N.Y.R. = APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS PERMIT P_ X ' Application NoDat Date of Application �e�_ d � A - Identity of Applicant Address of 'Applicant plicant 43 ` - t : INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT - j, A. " This application is to be , completely filled in by' typewriter J ink and. submitted, to the Town Clerk in quadrupl'icate,,',accompanied by-,-, ` tirritten permission from the owner of, the 'property if nbt the same ,As.-,,," the applicant: F B_ Pilbt Plan must be drawn to scale on the' reverse side' of-this ;• application showing the location of property, - the names and,, ocationsl. - , :6f owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed descriptiom, of proposed project. (Note . Copies of the Pilot' Plan- may be• made ,by { a' copy machine and attached to tie Permit Application': ) C. No operations shall be initiated by the applicant until'tall permits that are rissued. ". equired are J, D; A detailed statement of therehabilitation and proposed condition::"„ ';- of the premises after the wori. is completed must be given,,, including'. ' F a -survey if., required. r .'E.'', If• permit is,,being sought for .a more sizeable! 'excavation.'"than. the construction "of a- rivate • siri le •dock or ett " ' p g j y,`' then' this application !- , Z; must' be accompanied by a. survey and' topographical •,map, certified: by-a''y g y ' Engineer. -The-horizontal re istered land survey or Prafess�i'onal En .control= 'of survey shall be based upon an approved' local coordinate, ,r ,. >';, system. , The' vertical control for elevation and -soundings shall--,be.-f ; 'based upon United, States Coast and Geodetic Survey,.-,and/or-United_ " States Geological Survey datum. rE. •F. ” A statement must. r I accompany-the application.' describing,'�-any "known ?, 4 prior operations conducted on the premises ire 'question aria whether`,;, • -any'-prior licenses or pdk its liave, been issued• to _erect structures` µ; or td,Adredge or depos,it� fill `'ori said premises and .whether;any such permits or licenses , were ever revdk6d or, suspended by a" goverrimentals:;`;. ; x°r ,agency., s - G_,„ .A filing-fee of $25. 00 shall accompany the application: .' ''This nN•, _sem" i filing, fee ,includes one inspection, =there is a $5. 00 fee for each- additional inspection. H.—, Th Town Board upon request of the applicant " for a- permit; `may ,r waive- in,whole -or in part, the provisions of Article ,II,_,Section ,;210, .: .subdivisions (d) and' (g) where it finds that. the- nature ,of the , propose ,operations are such that the requirements of suchr.,provisions, i. ^ are not, necessary for a proper considertion of a- permit, application. _ . } I. Upon approval of this application the Town Clerk will :issue';a- ;4 permit,•.to the applicant. Such permit shall be available for",; A. L, ti —Page 2 . m r Examined 19 x Approved Disapproved Conditions, if any "A 't .Examining Body ,' Signature of Chairman 4: APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town of, Southbltlj Suffolk County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to { the Laws , Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and Interior Wetlands, Fl{ od Plains and Drainage Areas of. the , Town of Southold: Permit reques ted to �c�/ s' y / C'f31J /� v r'b M p/W r - Location of property for which', permit wanted 7 y7 RfiP U� D/U5w %e,12 MST T ;�r i� res Tr�T{s Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid locatieh '{ �✓ Creek, Bay or Harbor fronting property Size •of proposed work - Length— �r Width_ 2 Height Above High Water If f1,J 6)-7— Go Go u P F. Depth Below Low Water -i- bT -ro vr'./F W 6Te& T-C% iZ Yards to- be Excavated /✓� N e 6, To v -/y- w /+T�,,, '9-T /I P. 17- Yards - to be Filled T" / ccl-3 Width of Canal, creek or', bay fronting' e; property W Depth at Low Tide Average Rise in Tide --Page 3. Is' this for private or business use? Area Zoning Manner in which material will be deposited p Intended use of property (i✓/��7` T� til/ S c; / C G� T��,i/r� I., •i Written consent of owner of property, if not the same as the applicant r C 0 w r STATE OF NEW YORK) SS : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) �z�� ti I,2�Tti�� Lbw . being duly sworn deposes { and says that he is the applicant for the above described permit, F' and that all statements contained herein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; that the work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town '13oard harmless and free from any and all damages and' claims arising under or by virtue of said permit, if granted. Signature of Applicant II Sworn to ��e e this UX day of 922-1: II Notary Public N FRANCES ff. EERECKg Notary Public, State of New YorR Residing in Suffolk County Suffolk County Clerk's No. 52-2299565 't Commission Expires Match 30, 1973 l r ' t ' t ' ff r �� t. ',�-: �!� k, �.'�:'• ."fit,,�•�a ,;°' ,���,,. . ;sem - � `c�-•• :•'.- e;,-s}�^m;x A2 4 'I )•i1l F h w� a �.. .:.N ` y yr"��-~ •�i,frN�' *,w'' ( r� +'• I r-0j, -- "ter"• =,� ,S 'h_ t.fyspE�n�y ;�li 16• '�yf X11 _ � 6��• .0/ ,��.��'`°'4'"5+�l�'�• 77, IV IIS \ ^•X� ��,yj.,•,'t� 17 ' � •'J •.,i � -•syr` I!_�i►' "t=';.+;,�'�'• 0 LA AL IV At -o 'r IIA I, �"'. fs• 8 A fr g 1' of .orr,.za• •. '�.w..e"''ar'Jp .w �• .iii,, •c•••• ea •e - 9a «j sure •cv•� ,�r�r,� r auf ..afo '�• "y � 8 ..� .:�'A•�' go to Ilp Loi bw r C �Q 400 jit i m ,g— / A' p�• "ems: , g- "? t oo crl �o v� o0 ooe .!• �!. 81.. {`.. A7ivi ": ],eo.••w ,ri�'t. Tool Ad's ,r6rar -ft Do j 'r, I 2 - ` g'• y Ell h e V Y, ,� 't a ;j -:;`,�' '- - ;'. �,;. r4G'�ti �— .00•vv�.. A� o•ao� oo•oo� oa eon ov,�.% - � � �:_'�`r' c .4L6ERTW. RICHPA❑PdD z = ,'`�� �"'F1,_•Ai,' 'TLLEPHONF. TOWN CLERK ;z,"r ttl ml .,•".v::"., 765-37Li3 a : , ;'r REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTH❑LD, L. L, N. Y. 11971 December 22 , 1971 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchiao Transmitted herewith, for the Southold Town Board, is amended application No, 1 for a wetlands permit, submitted by Renee & Antonia Lalane . Duplicate copies of the application have been forwarded to the Conservation Advisory Council and Town Trustees for their written report of findings and recommendations with respect to said application. Very truly yours , Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk • . ' ,. 'F 6..JEEIYI�AN_•'fgLERK, i "%' ,r i�3.,'.•.-'4;>', ti'f i L L E P H FJ N E , ALBERT W,. RICHMOND �5c{-. :v,fy s i:`' r , TOWN CLERK ,'•r"g'•+n t ` 765-37F33 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS, ' `I - _.`fie:?mss,�:+.wS•ir - _ , SOUTHOLD, L. I., ZV. Y. 11971 December 22 , 1971 Mr. Alvah B. Goldsmith, Chairman Southold Town Trustees Town Clerk 's Office, Main Road, ' Southold, 'New York 11971 Dear Mr, ' Goldsmith Transmitted 1-e rewith is amended application No. 1 for a wetlands ',permit submitted by Renee and Antonia Lalane. Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit -said report to the Southold Town Board within 20, days of 'receipt of this ,letter. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk i,V p(.a Za R K TOWN ®F;,',S®UTH LD / /ALE3ERT W. RICHMOND {�•_,-x-r ._+kt Y; '��\_' ," TF-LEPHUNE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS SOUTHOLD, L. L, N. Y. 11971 December 22 , 1971 Mr. A. Nelson Chapman, Chairman Conservation Advisory Council of the Town of Southold Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Dear Mr. Chapmano Transmitted herewith is amended application No. 1 for wetlands permit submitted by Renee and Antonia Lalane, Please prepare a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Board within 20 days of , receipt of this letter. ' Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk . I � err� jL�✓.tea � OFF � JERK w`M, I- WN 3 "4F.tHilf-jld{r�D ALBERT W. RICHMOND T _ �etia� J gr? 'I.-, 10F 1 TOWN CLERK � �,,. ;•�n;."• ,\��� TELEPHON= qac e 1S 765-3703 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTIC SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 November 24, 1971 Mr. Renee Lalane 43 Wantagh Avenue S. East Islip, New York 11730 Dear Mr,. Lalane; - to - I am returning- herewith your application for `4a a Wetlands Permit. After examination by our Town r N` Attorney, he advised that it;,-be returned, and a new application filed,- with each item answered completely. . i Very truly yours, ,• Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk 1; Fee of $25 . 00 - paid on first application will apply to your new application. It ia}♦ gyp(• _ t- ®FFI a Q ERK T ® O ^ U D / ALBERT W. RICHMOND , `® AA� TELEPHONE TOWN CLERK 7�p� 765-3783 RE815TRAR OF VITAL STATISTICSMW SOUTHOLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 November 15, 1971 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York "' 11944 Dear Mr. Martocchia : Transmitted herewith, for the Southold Town Board, is application No. 1 for a wetlands permit, from Renee & Antonia Lalane. Duplicate copies of the, application have been forwarded to the Conservation Advisory Council and Town Trustees for their written report of findings and recommendations with respect to said application. Very truly yours, Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk �d yn I W y, 1T7�,:rc�dazta,.�. A� I�F FI: LER K ALBERT W. RICHMOND ";4 trLtoHONETOWN CLERK �.ff:n +rim„h:�,.',:' �''„. �,I"Y• REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS `'r',1, �•;yy ydj �`� ,r 1° sbUTHOW, I., N, Y. 11971 November 15 , 1971 n Mr. Alvah B. dbldsmith, Chairman ' Southold Town Trustees Town Clerk ' s "Office Main Road s Southold, New York 11971 ' Dear Mr. Goldsmith : 1 Transmitted herewith is application No. 1 for wetlands permit submitted by Renee and Antonia Lalane. '1 Please prepare a written report of findings rI and recommendations with respect to this application and submit said report to the Southold Town Boakd within 20 days of receipt of this letter. s Very truly yours , r2, Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ,3 xJ r 1 , 1l` • 17 f=FIS _ q^ �{"A�' llihJ�,�LEIS{: ` To `, 'fit HoD ALBERT W. RICHMOND ` a; �b•s �� �,)Y • ru ya '5,;,� 9 I" •"V" T E L E P O O M It } TOWN CLERK .`• REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS �� ', ,-k".J= C. - 765-3783 SOUTHOLD, L. L, N. Y. 11971 Y. hk , r ;P November 15, 1971 ' Mr. A. Nelson Chapman, Chairman P Conservation Advisory Council of the Town of Southold ` Main Road Orient, New York 11957 Dear Mr. Chapfian: Transmitted herewith is application No. 1 for wetlands perlit submitted by Renee and Ahtonia Lalane. Please rbpare a written report of findings and recommend6�ions with respect to this applica- tion and submit said report,-to .the Southold Town Board within 20 days of reddipt of this letter. .F4 Very truly yours, _ f V Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk ' • t t� "Y k Lp7 FF I lC ,tt:�;f1� 'rL R K T W �• lF;, ' � sbf�D ALOaRT W. RICHMONDTELEPHUWc y 4Z a dd t`vw"e:�v c` rf " T❑\YN CLCRK j •w.ii%S 5m� t RLSISI KAr: OF VITAL SrATll�7'IC'J �r��a"�^f �''?i i�,`" 7�G•37f1� SOUTHOLD, L. I., o`I. Y. ii971 November 15 , 1971 Supervisor Albet t-_M: Martocch-ta ' Southold Town Board 16' South Street Grdenport, New York 11944 ` Dear Mr. Martocchia : Transmitted herewith, for the Southold Town ? F Board, is application No. 1 for a wetlands permit, t from Renee & Antonia Lalane. Duplicate copies of the application have been ' forwarded to the Conservation Advisory Council and Town Trustees for their written report of findings and recommendations with respect to said application. Very truly yours , 1 , Y Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk • r •fS ®FFI � fNL E R K :? Vi ALBERT W. RICHMOND �:NH_ :Y` j°k�? i, , , TELEPHONE G> TOWN RLERIC riti d a .''rykK / 765-37©3 RE1315TRAR OF VITAL 9TATISTIP.9 ISOUTH CIL®, L. L, P.I. Y. 11971 ' November 11, 1971 yl Mr. + Renee Lalaneb 43 Wantagh Avenue S. East Islip; N.Y. 11730 P'K Dear Mr. Lalane: We are in receipt of your application for Wetlands Permit, but find it was not accompanied by your check for $25. 00 ' as outlined in the instructions for the permit. Please forward same so we may proceed with filing your, application in the proper manner. Very truly your s Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk tea Enclosed : .Wetlands Ordinance 'F 41.'Y • it T '_TOWN OF 'SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK' S OFFICE , S OUTHOLD, N.Y. , APPLICATION FOR WETLANDS , PERMIT " P�pp+li;cation No. / Date of Application Identity of Applicant " /PIC /toe Address' of Applicant A �N7'/�'6 �v _ �' Ai fj . " ' .1s�P T� _ - • X15 INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERMIT A., This; application is'• to be completely filled in by, typewriter° or --i�nk,'and ''submitted 'to the Town Clerk in quadruplicate, accompanied by ;written permission' from` the owner of , the property if not the same as ' the applicant. B..' Pilot Plan must 'be drawn to scale on the reverse side of' this application .,showing the location' of property, the names and locations ,' Qf owners of adjoining properties, and a detailed description of proposed project'. (Note: Copies of the Pilot Plan may be made by = ; a ,copy, machine, and attached to the Permit Application. ) 't C,. Y''No operations 'shall, be initiated by the applicant until all t permits 'that are required are issued. .' D._ ",,A, ,detailed statement of the rehabilitation andro osed" c,ond,i t' p p ion, of" 'the 'premises after the work -is completed must' be given, including I a `survey if required.' E. "If permit is being 'sought for a more sizeable, excavation than the construction of a private single dock or jetty, then this application ' g must"be, accompanied by a survey and topographical map certified' by a registered land survey- or Professional Engineer. The horizontal ; ; ' control' of survey shall be based upon an approved local coordinate system: ,: The vertical control for elevation and soundings shall be based• upon, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and/or United States','Geological Survey datum. F., - A. statement must accompany the application describing any •known prior' operations 'conductec- on the premises -in question and whether ahy;prior licenses or permits have been issued to- erect structures or to dkedg6 'or deposit fill on said premises and whether any'.such" permits or •licenses "were ever revoked or suspended by a governmental agency, - G.`% gency,G. 'A "filing fee of $25.00 shall accompany the 'application. , This rY` filing 'fee includesinspection,,-.there G one inspection,-.there is a $5.00 fee for> each' adalitional inspection. H.- The',Town Board upon request of the 'applicant for a permit, _may , waiee' ;in ;whole 'or in 'part, the provisions of Article II, Section 210, subdivisions'' (d) and (g) where it finds that the nature of "the proposed operations are such that the ,requirements of• such provisions 'are not necessary for a proper considertion of a permit,applicat_ . 'I'.`.., ' Upon' approval of this application the Town Clerk will issue a ' permit•'to the applicant: Such ,permit shall be available for, inspec0 tieo,n" at' any- time, upon' 'request, „ , - .IY 'u.;,'a„t r"ra'•%�,;,';e F'p.'', r, - - - ,- J ,,- • :_ a X' $r _ _ .rr -µ. - -.-,r ,,, _ _ _ _ c J,G7. - :.4-•1•-7 _• iti t._ rte, - J i, '•y4 ' Examined: 19- Approved,' 9- Approv_ed,; . Disapproved ;t ? ' , sCond,ition's', if any Examining Body •j Signature of Chairman ; 'S APPLICATION IS' HEREBY MADE to the Town Board of the Town' o ' , Southold, Suffolk,'County, New York, for the issuance of a permit pursuant to • } " the;,;Laws; . Ordinances and Regulations governing the Coastal and Interior -Wetlands, Flood Plains and Drainage Areas of the Town of South0Id Permit 'requested to / ll�S'�S / �/�� �i/� My A/ , • / -Location of property for which permit wanted ,`� T 7�K ' ;. YJ;�v'J���'/S'l�N f Q� �%J�-T'•7i,T� c°% �sT/}?ems � l �'/ � '�� , yy Home address of permit applicant if different from aforesaid • location X. " Creek;..Bay or Harbor fronting 'property IV/D ti's Size::of, 'proposed work : Length_ . width - • -�t Height Above High 'Water ; Z' ` T$ b, Depth Below Low Water Yards to be Excavated Yards .o be Filled �n(2•. T�. , �� Width of* canal, , creek or bay' fronting • property, '`, Depth at Low Tide �' '' Average Rise in Tide AQ1 V, 4z T .4 �'Is ,th-is� ,f6r -private or -business use ,� Zonin 9, 'A D16nnet"ri .'in which" ma ter 3-a I will bd removed or deposited ­Intend6d"Aisd of property 7-_ en, consent; of, owner of property, if' not the' , same as the applicant kl :-OF NEW YORK) , S� STATE : S TTSY :COUNTY.,OF 'SUFFOLK) being duly ,swo d rn 'ceposes n ,,says ,that t he "is the applicant for the above described �p' 'ermi and"-tha-t all statements contained herein are true to, the,best of his _kri6wledge",and belief; that the work will be done in the 'manner set fotlth',­=':,this- application and as may be approved by, the Town Board Town- of, Southold. The -applicant agrees to hold the Town ,of •Soiithdld '&nd the Town 'Board harmless and free from any and all damacf69 'and claims arising under or by virtue of said .permit, if ' "granted-, Signature of Ali c a n t % -Swornto6' b fore me this., ' d" 'a 19 -711 Notary Public ADELE WHITtHEAD, Notary,Publ,*c, State of New York Residing in Suffolk Countv Suffolk Co.' Clerk's No 52-3903560 fission EXn=March 30, 1973;, 'A: !/eki