HomeMy WebLinkAboutFishers IslandR~¢e Point Corporation Description of portion o£W~istler Avenue £or conveyance the To~n o£ Southold Ave~ue~ said point being North $70°35 feet North ~f a point ~tll~el~st and Geode~ic Sarve¥ Triangulation Station "PROS" · ~d thence runnint a!onR said Equestrian Avenue Iine North 79° ~8' 15" East ?o~? £eet~-thence South 28e I9' West 119.31 feet; Race Point Corporation Description of Winthrop Drive for conveyance to the To~n of Southold !96~) (SBP) A certain tract or parcel of land for road purposes located at Fishers Island~ Town a~ Southold~ County of Suffolt~ State of New York~ being bounded and described as follows: · Begigning at a drill hole in the walk at the · ntersectlon of the Southeasterly line o~ the herein described tract and the S~lthwesterly line of Equestrian Avenue~ said point being 777.88 feet North of a point ~a~ich is ~452.83 feet West of a uonu~ent marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey TrianEulation Station 'TROS" and thence running South 62° 21~ West 856.~4 feet to a drill hole; thence South 65° 19' West 120053 feet to a splke~ thence North 86~ 08~ West ~15o~8 feet to a drill hole; thence South 36~ 58~ West 49.05 feet to an iron; thence South 2~ 26' West 115.36 feet to an iron; thence South 8~ 22~ East 125.66 feet to an iron; thence South 8° 02~ West 91039 feet to a spike; thence South 25° l0t ~ast about 24 feet; thence South 6~~ 50' West 13o0 feet to ~n angle in the Northeasterly line c~ Truutmll Drivel thence alone said Trumbu1! Drive line North 79° O8~ West 105,greet; thence North 78°~11' Bast 56.99 feet; thence North 8° 02~ Bast 8600 feet; th~mce North 8° 22' West 123025 feet; thence North 2° 26' Bast 135062 feet; thence North 36° 58~ Ba~t 91.60 feet; thence South 86e 0~' Bast 192o99 feet to a.spike at the intersection of the Northerly line of the here~n described tract with the Southwesterly line' of Reservoir Road; thence North 83° 59' Bast 53.72 feet; thence North 6~0 19' Bast 87.10 feet; thence North 62e 21' Bast 811.78 feet to the said Southwesterly line of Rquestrian Avenue; thence along said Avenue line South 27° 34' ~st 11034 feet to a ~o~u~ent; thence alon~ said Avenue line South 76° 02' 30" Bast 58°22 feet to the point of beginning. Being a road 50 feet in width known as winthrop Drive extending Southwesterly frou Bquestrian Avenue to Trumbull Dr ive ~ Excepting therefrom that portion of the Department of the Navy Ramp Site which extends Westerly from the Westerly curb line of Winthrop Drlveo £ogether with the right to use and maintain any drain lines extending Westerly£rom the above described tract tO Silver Be1 Cove. (September 8~ 1964) (SBP) Race Point Corporation Description o~ Reservoir Road for conveyance to the Town of Southold Beginning at a spike in the road at the Southeasterly corner of land of the United States designated as the "Fishers Island Lifeboat Station Quarters Site"; said point beant 383.28 feet North of a point which is 5366.98 feet West of said '~ROS' monument and thence running North 83° 59' East $3~72 feet; thence North 27° 38' West 200063 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 46° 13' West 47.88 feet; thence North $9° 13' West 43.70 feet to a monument; thence North 59° 13' West 141.10 feet to a monument; thence North 46° 45' West 69.13 feet; thence North 34e 52~ West 66.10 feet; thence North 7° $1' West 97.38 feet; thence North 12~ 10' Bast 190.27 feet; thence Northwardly on the arc of a curve to the left with a radius d 479.30 feet a distance of 97°35 feet; thence Northeastwardly on the arc afa curve to the right with a radius of 157o$0 feet a distance of 100039 feet; thence North 29e 46' East 31.34 feet; thence South 60~ 14' East 25°0 feet; thence North 29~ 46' Bast 100.0 feet; thence North 60~ 14' West 100.0 feet; thence South 29' 46' ~est about 102 feet; thence Southeastwardly on the arc o~ a c~rve to the le£t whose radius is 137o10 feet a distance of about 10002 feet to a brass ~late; thence South 65° 17' 10" ~ast 14099 feet; thence South 29u 46' West 31.3~ feet to a lag screw at a point af curve to the left whose radius is 207050 feet and the direction of whose radius at that point is South 60e 14' Bast; thence Southwardly following the arc of said curve 135070 feet to a lag screw at a point of curve to the right whose radius is 429030 feet ami the direction of whose radius at that point is South 79~ IX' $0" Westi thence Southwardly followlng the arc of said curve 82.90 feet to a Brass Plate marked '~"; thence South I2e 10' West 192o20-feet to an iron pipe; thence South 9° 12~ Bast 125.$0 feet; thence South 35" 47~ Bast 76.01 feet; thence South 47" 55" Bast 86029 feet; thence South $9~ 13' ~ast 177006 feet to a spike; thence South 46" 13~ Bast 34.0 feet to a spike; thence South 27~ 38' ~ast 172.70 feet to the point of beginning° Being a road $0feet in width ki~o~aas Reservoir Road extendin~ Northerly fro~Winthrop Drive. (Septembe= 10~ 1954) (SBP) Race Point Corporation Description of portions of Tru~bull Drive for conveyance to the Town off Southold BeginninI at a point on the Northwesterly line off Whistler Avenue said point betng 201.1! fleet South off a point ~hich is $496o17 fleet ~est of a monument markin! the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey ?riangulatlon Station '~OS" and thence running North 67° 13~ East 13o0 fleet; thence North 25° 10' West 166o9 fleet; thence South 64° $0~ V~est 13.0 fleet; thence South 25° 10~ East 165,9 fleet to the point of beginning TRACT 2 Beginning at a point on the Northwesterly line ofl Whistler Avenue ~ said point being 210.48 fleet South ofl a point which is 5518o48 fleet West of said '~ROS" monument and thence running North 25° 10' West 159,9 fleet; thence South 53° 15' Went 13.10 fleet; thence South 25° 10' East 156.74 fleet; thence North 67° 13' East 12.84 fleet to the point off beginning. F I S H E R S I S L A N D S 0 U N D WICOPESSET I.~ Race Pt. Stony Beach HARBOR FT. H. G. WRIGHT ~ NORTH DUMPLING (LIGHT HOUSE) SOUTH ~) ~FLAT HAMMOCK DUMPLING NoHh Hi~ Hawks Nest Point WEST HARBOR U. S. Wilderness Pt. Clag Pt. El. 70 Ft. FL,~ T PLAINS Brooks Pt. n CHOCO~.OUNT PINE IS. 0 EAST HARBOR FISHERS ISLAND .?' 1J lq p ~ 6 WRECK I. 9 FISHERS ISLAND SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. LEGEND All-weather mads ~ Dirt roads .... YARDS SCALE o soo ~uuor, its Provldence~ [ '~,~,oo Hartford J ' CONNECTICUT RHODE ~ , J ISLAND ~~ 3.-~i.~y ALPINE AVE ATHOL CRESCENT AVENUE "B" BELL HILL AVE. BOARDINGHOUSE ROAD CENTRAK AVE. CERSCENT AVE. EQUESTRIAN AVE. ETTRICK STREET FONES STREET FOX AVE. GREENWOOD ROAD HALCYON AVE. HEDGE STREET HETHULIE AVE. MADELINE AVE. MANSION HOUSE DR. MONTAUK AVE. MUNNATAWKET ROAD OCEANIC AVE. OCEAN VIEW ORIENTAL AVE. PENNINSULA ROAD PETERS WAY SAPPHO ROAD STERLING STREET TRUMBULL DRIVE WEST STREET WHISTLER AVE. WINTHROP DRIVE TOTAL : 9.43 MILES 800' 550' 900' 1,300' 250' 4,900' 3,800' 3,100 900 250 4,000 650 95O 750' 4,000' 1,350' 2,100' 2,300' 1,300' 700' 1,600' 5,150 1,300 80O 3O0 500 850 550' 2,300' 1,600' 49,800' N PLAN F'O~.. /(%/ ~(A.C E POINT PLAN ~'0( -SEPT. ICJG'-t- Iq OK. WIC:H, cot.iN E<~TICUT ! C*/-) ~oo' BE, bi,, ~ ~bb (t/-) ,,/ '150' ,, (+1.') ® ~'j.~ ! ,