HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5555 · Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson f· Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 28, 2002 Mr. Thomas C. Law c/o Docko, Inc. PO Box 421 Mystic, Ct. 96355 RE: SCTM#10-1-9 Fisher's Island Yacht Club Central Avenue S/W corner of West Harbor, Fisher's Island, NY Dear Mr. Law: The following action as taken by the Board of Town Trustees during a Regular Meeting, held on May 22, 2002, regarding the above matter. WHEREAS, Docko, Inc.. on behalf of Fisher's Island Yacht Club. applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 14, 2002 WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on May 22, 2002 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18 of the Southold Town Code. . 2 . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approved the application of Fisher's Island Yacht Club for a Wetland Permit to construct a Tx72' wood pile and timber pier with two 5'x30' finger piers, construct 225 (+/ - )LF of floating pier, all with associated tie-off and restraint piling reposition an existing 6' wide x 90 (+/-) If float with new hinged ramp, include all associated restraint and mooring line piles, all water ward ofthéapparent high water line. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Fee must be paid, if applicable and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified when project is started and on completion of said project. FEES: NONE Very truly yours, tltLJ 9· /~. ~ Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJKIcjc cc DEC Building Department . . TERMS and CONOmONS . .. ..\. . .'. .' ~ f" .'. """'" "'" ...-~. The Permittee Fisher's Island Yacht Club residing at Central Avenuel <=./w ("nrnpT' Woe+- N~'I'"'h."""r, Fi£B.8~18 15lWn~.. as part' of the coasideratioo for the W........ of die I'Umlt doa uødeøtaod and prescribe to the fol- l-mg: 1. That the said Board 01 TNSteeS and the Town of Southold are rdøsed úom any and aU damages. or claims fM damages. of suJø adsiag cUrecd:y or Jndirediy as . !aUk of any ~. adoo peáormed panuaat to chis permit, and the said p... ¡.."'" will, at his or - own apCDOC. defend any aDd aU sUch suiu '1nJtI-.iI by third 1>arties, and the said p.. . I..... .....- fullliabilky with reSpect thereto, to the m"'{'1.ete esdusioa of the Board of Trøstta of the TOWIi of SoutMJd 2. That this PenDk Is' valid for . period of 24 mos. which Is ()O<>S¡Atred to be the ...,;....t~ time'required to complete the wad< iawhed, batihould ~ waaaar, ~ for an exœasion _y be made to the Board at . later ciaIIe. 3. That this Permit should be retained iadef"mUdy, or lIS loog as the said Permime wisbCs to n........n the stIUCtU<e or project iavolved, to provide eridenœ to anyoae coocerned that anth- orizatioo was originally obuiaecl 4. That the work invol~ will be subject to the i~ and approval 01 the Board or its agents, and noo-œmpl1ance with. the provisioDS 01 the orIgi"",;"g appikatioo. may be cause for revocaâon of chis Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unuaso<N'hle iaterference with navigaâoo lIS . !aUk 01 the work herein uithorized. . 6. That there obaU be no ialerference with the right 01 the publk to pass and repus aloog' the beach between high and low water marks. . 7. That if future operatioos 01 the Town of Southold requite the remooa1 and/« alœraâons ia the location of the wad< herein ..~...¡, or il; ia the opinioo of the Board of TnJSIeeS, the. work shall. cause unreason.bl. obsttuCtlOD to free navigadoo. the said ~ will be required. apoo due notiœ, to remove or alter this work or project herein stated wilboat ~ to the Town of Sonthold. ' ø. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee 01 the ~. 01 the work anth- orized. 9. That the Permittee wiU ~ aU other permits and c:oø<e"" that may be required sap- p1ementai to this permit which _y be subject to revolœ upoo failure to obtain -- '. . ,> . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P,Q. Box 1179 SouIhoid. New York 11971 _ SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tuesday, February 12, 2002, the following recommendation was made: FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB to construct a TX 72' wood pile and timber dock with two 5'X 30' finger docks, construct 225 (+/-) LF of floating dock, all with associated tie- off and restraint pilings, reposition an existing 6' X 90' (+/-) LF float with new hinged ramp, include all associated restraint and mooring line piles, all waterward of the apparent high water line. Located: Central Ave., Fishers Island, SCTM#10-1-9 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. ~" . . . . FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB DOCKO MODIFICATIONS JANUARY 2, 2002 ,--.,..-- r ' '.-1- I , . " roO. .::..,,_ !. - _/4. y, "...... .;a.. " ~, ,'II ~ ABOVE:. AERIAL VIEW IN A GENERAL SOUTHERLY DIRECTION OF THE INNER WEST HARBOR AREA. FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB IS LOCATED CENTER I RIGHT IN THE PHOTO. NOTE THE COMMERCIAL FACILITY NORTH OF THE YACHT CLUB. ,1-'\' .:..¡. . . . . FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB DOCKO MODIFICATIONS JANUARY 2,2002 .. ... ....... .- " :\!'_~._- .r-·_-!!oi·-~'i:W~ --_'-~11. ~f~ ..- ~ ~ .... ........'" , .~rj ._-" - - .;;:~:zi:'::. '..~ . ~'.....: " ..................' -. i .~ ---. . -...., -~.....:. "-!V/ ¡¡- ABOVE: VIEW OF THE EXISTING INNER PIER TO BE REPLACED WITH FWATING DOCK, TAKEN IN A SOUTHERLY DiRECTiON. BELOW: VIEW IN A GENERAL WESTERLY DIRECTiON SHOWING THE CENTER FLOATING PIER TO BE RELOCATED AND THE OUTER FIXED PIER TO BE EXTENDED. 'k-')¡:~F-':" ..,... '" ,.-......:.;,¿#;i:~;'. ,.- ft -...,6.~ _. ,..I··--..~-:: - - -:....- - .~ r 'I -:!'Ør"'''::''--r-'~-=-'' -. ,- - - ·~e \ , "3 "- - 'It tJ 5 = ¡ ~ o ..:i > V ¡" ~ ~ z. ~ a OQ Z 0( ~ B.~ e ~ ~ ~ !§ ~ ~ <' . -O..:iO~...r..:iV Q(1j{/)V [!!z o..._~ ><11"':. ~o¡Q..:i:C::!:~ ~~i!~~~8 -"ì "~' \ . ) ......F": \ <:> i :;;:: ~ ~ '" " ~ ~ 0( ~ ~ ;;. ¡ E .~ 0: ~4,;"S.~ at - Co U ~~o(o( ~ ~--,. ~~ ~~r I, ~ ~ !¡ ~ ~ ~ I;¡ ~ ~ ~ ¡ "'----"'~ I ~ ::I~ i: 11 ' , ~ · 01- o.\' d Ii ~\ ~.. - . --- I.":.,' " " -, '.,' .. -,...-,.- ',' . ,,,, ......' ~ .' ,. ," ~ -f": '. .... .... , ~. ., I . ..' . . , -" ">',<~,>'I s':' ,. ." '". " ,~ , ' ~ '~OtyÈ: ,..'.."..", . ".. '~,,,S.~L>,":",': ,.: ',: ",. -";,,;,z"'4", ,,,' .. RAM --.. '(~~h':'\-""-:'~.:...."':. "'. / . ,-- J..;¡,¡,,-_:>,, ,": / STEP" ~ ~.::: '"y. J¡::¡ ":' /'1 '-0 " AXEÓRNts~R". 4_ "1r ,,/ . PlFR (TYP). _<r ~ RESTR.AJNT ...... .' ......... .....- \" PILE (TYP) ---TIf OFF PILE (TYP). . . LINE MOOI?'NGS , ' -. l.··· .',." : .... , " , ,~ , I'" .. ~ \)vEST H-ARBOR ø RESTRÄJNT PILE (TYP) LINE MOORINGS nE-O~' PILE (TYP) --.. "- "- '-. ~ / \ "- PILING ,,e :E><.IST/NC3 CC:;:JNC>/TfC:;:JNS I \)vEST H-ARBOR I "60 GRAPHC~J....E 1',,60 30 0 I 60 ø HYDROGRAl'HIC SURvEY; I byHYDROO,ATA!NC I ____ __-.l__ -. ------ --- ----- ---- - --- - - - PROJECT: " LOCATION TOIIv'N OF SOUTHOLD COUNlY OF SUFFOLK. NE\Iv' YORK INES T >-lARBOR JANUM<Y 2, 2002 RSHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB AGENT SHEET 2 OF 4 DOCKO, INC, Keith B. Neilson. PE Mystic, CT 06355 8605728939 FA'< 860 572 7569 EMAJL docko@,;ne-rnet \VATER\VAY: DATE: ApPUCANT': DING 00-03-1078,2 DOCKO. INC. Keith B. Neilson, PE Mvs"t1c. CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 5-;'2 '7569 EMAJL dOCKo@snet.r1eT I" TO'VVN OF SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND NE'VV YORK s 'C"'\' \ I / r'~"~'I'-" ! .1 -.' ,'----.., / A. . ~/ I., /L '" /p;J~". ,,~"'..," <i:"" "/~ CO< "",;.) N/F PROPERTY OF /'~ V GOOSE ISLAND CORP, ------"'., SITE ~ ~ PROPERTY OF FISHERS ISL.AND YACHT CLUB ( \ '---., >/ v . ~\' I" ( ~/F PROPERTY \ OF SHARP V "0' , (¡ I I PROJECT DOCK MODIFICATIONS 'VVEST HARBOR (i) /:":"~,""."."'" .-... .../::-:":-. ¡"-....::"/ ,.,.." /',r~ ,,¡[f;/4 ú'/í" :---r ' / ~'v"E~LL P~N G~ICSC~ 1"=300 300 200 100 I 300 PROJECT, o LOCATION: \VA TER\VA y. DATE. APPLICANT Ô' ,. :0\' t . ,". . ~:f~\ ri., ",.., , :',',;",: ", ! r' : -~ !. .:;.. ~ :~.. ',:1 '..,' 1,,,,'1 \'''.'~'\ , ,', :-.",/ , ''0\1': '¿I , ~'I"""':'/'" " ',:--,:,..;.,---:::'50 ". ~.:~/:.~~(;!:Y AGENT ~ - -- .-,~~, - ,-- 1 ^ "__,r-,""::¡ -:-'h p......., :~ _.~:':::t~~~- ~l~~~~;~:;; -:~j'¡-;;J I_L, "" C-' <_".:.7/°. ""..-. IPoint\ \ i-,~"I" ,~,;~:;! >¡i?-' ";'~"\\ 0:':"- ' :Y ," I r"f~ - .,(.:,". -Iro_ ::~~··711 ,....." './ >;-to IJ 'O'-I~"Ð""27~"" ,'..~' " "I I~'t" )'~~~- .... Wesf" .~;{ c ~ ~~~:ef~ :~~,. H rbo_r_ "', \ ~,'l iZ! f ~ ~ ~' F ~her8 ~ . ,__ --: ,/' ~:... JI:,'< I:~d" .o~~ I.: -:-,.,j t' . , .1 '__I .. / '" , . -"-"~'iJ,.C/~ -~'"'" .' r,. i'¡" . '. I -.-:- .;". -~n :1 _A --I, -I \! ,,J. ,I, ?l., .0'_'._" -- .m_,hL, "'1-- ..' ~.'31;····_ ~"';, . I '...·..'I.~. 'lk . ""/"9'}"¡<"~!'''' I.."· - '0 ",~ ~:.;~;.~!:L~/~,; ",('! ~::,~I~~(\""::;.'I·';(.~~~f;~::~-:&L, 'l .7/.,.>. ..-";:':."~;". ....., . t"A'~ I"'.:<~:~'" ".,. "_1 '}' \, '.~,' ...' .,....)"".., IJ .' ¡'~~,:·~d/, :,·.i.~'-'I--r, -~~~.~L'l' "~":~~. ~<>~ I:"~ :-..= .;.: ~ 5 Gotf "',~,:.',..,." .b-:~ ' 'Of ~\F;.~_~S~ :~. ,Course__':---....': ,.',;};. - t7 0- .10~~ <' ~ _ LOC,A. TION r-JAP I :::f :::f ::::::; :::f ::::::; 2000 0 REF, NOAA CHART I NO 13214 2000 NOTES. I, ELE'\',ATION DA1lJM IS MEAN Lo\\ \vATER 2. TIDE DAT.:.. IS T.AKEN FROM THE 2001 NOAA TlDE TABLES, 3, PROJECT DESCRIPTlON. CONSTRUCT A 7 X "2 WOOD RLE AND TIMBER RER \), lTH T\VO 5 X 30 RNGER RERS CONSTRUCT 225" LF OF FLOATING RER ALL \'.ITH ASSOCIATED TlE-oFF AND RESTRAJNT PILINGS REPOSlT10N AN EXISTING 6 \\1DE X 90tLF FLOAT \\tlTH N~ HINGED R.c..MP INCLUDE ALL ASSOCIATED RESTR"JNT ,AND MOORING LINE RLES. ALL \\," TERW"V<D OF THE "-PPARENT HIGH WATER LINE, 4. PROJECT PURPOSE: THIS IS A PR!\ATE DOCK FOR RECRE~TIONAL BOATlNG, 5, Tl--<ESE"-PPLlC"TION DRA\"INGS REPRESENT" COMPIL"TION SURvEY FOR PERMIT PURPOSES, THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 6, ADJOINING PROPEKTY O\\NERS' EAST WEST. GOOSE ISlAND CORP. PENELOPE C SKARP PENINSULA RQ, 225 REEDS GAP RQ, FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 NORTl--<FORD, CT 06472 DOCK MODIFICATIONS To\VN OF SOUTl--<OLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK WEST K"-RBOR JANUARY 2, 2002 FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB SHEET 1 OF 4 D\\ G 00-03-1078,1 ~,=......,=,..,--<y.~ 1 ...¡"., , . '---AI'-¡I-J\'\'L_,_, I ~ if --,- ./ ·......·_·.1 .)" ..........\ ~~----... ":"-~~__I_- 1 _~. ~\-\~ - .~¡, .' ,/ ~c -_ ._.~. ../ ,/ -- -,: /';-..../ -- EXISTING DOCKS" --_....... ", ,~j , TO REMAIN ~ '-,- , NEW RESTRAINT PILING (TYP) I \ I NORTÌ'f I ~ I I ," E J I / S / / / V ( \ , \ , , , , \, ~ , " , , ~ , , / / / / ,. / ( \ \ '-,- ) '- - --- , ~, ~ I, '~NEW 4' \VlDE X O~ ~20HINGED " RAMP , NEW FIXED FINGER PIER -~ . " (TYP) , / / REPOSITIONED FLOAT-/ ,/ \,VlTH ASSOC/A TED / RESTRAINT PILES / AND MOORING LINE ../ PILES NE\V PIER SUPPORT PILE (TYP) PRC:::>PC:::>SEC::> CC:::>N C::>I TIC:::> NS r 50 GRAPHIC SC.o..LE 1 ::; 50 25 o r 50 4'/",Q,f.)'J, lr··,":'~··:.~ .". ~ I .: '....,.... " ~.¡~"" n......",., J~~ ¡ .J. '?n,,2 3 29 Pr-1 FI<;h~151,,-f'r' _ ~ ~,,¡ , , 7,2\~ / ~ , -, , / , , ' '-.../ "' "-!yEW TIE-OFF PILING (TYP) PROJECT, - 4 -~- " ~ ~ ~ NEW FIXED PIER _-------EXTENSiON -- ",,- / \,VEST H-ARBOR '/') ~~/~:¿dP u/?- DOC/< MODIFICATIONS LOCATION, \\/ATER\vAY DATE, APPLICANT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY. OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK \vEST HARBOR ~ANU,ARy 2, 2002 RSHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB SHEET 3 OF" AGENT DOCKO. INC. Kerth 8. Neilson, PE Mystic. CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 '7569 EMAlL docko@sner.ner DWG 00-03-10783 -- " .. ~ ;" '-:~-;~t~:~~r~~ii~~~'-í::-,~.:~~-¡l-- ',..¡:'''-' I . ':":":~ ~ '1 II o,n III ;, ~ \ - ---,---~ I"'·;~" -ir I J 'I -::' ~ -'J~:'I. ,-/11 '- ,",..:~ II r:;,-,-r c.:/- .,~ I: .. 1;:,'b ,I ~ I .... ¡ I _ -. ..... ~ ! 4..' .. ".\ .. (' I . l. ~ O'-"j~n,;' I,' -.- I / ~'-' '0 I HI U. '-"}. \ I~ '="f~ I . " 'I'" J . ",. West .', .~~o{ ), 1 +, I ' r" <::: , .. .~ .. FIshtl'r 6... ->- ~ +:. , , ,(' ~> ,: ,~I~, íl [s!~~d :;';:;, "c ;--, -, , : -=l ~':p". é3~,~ <" :\ ). r ~ -J. "r_ _j \ -" ',.I·I.~~,"~"" -~{~~\ '.r;--:< ~::!\~-VfllJc. ~. '. /k,/.__ ,~. .:::'-"~'-'"¡:"!'~'../'.:J' "'" \'" ,_ ~. '," ,~.",,~"""".:' - - .. V'''7~..·.'",,__; "" ""o".e;.,-;;..,-,'" '\-";,t ""x, " h'·')' V"" "'-1", _ ~'_""",. , - ,.,",. .,~'~ " ,I, '~" '" \ij">.,.,.,., '. "", =:" "./' - - ,'.\.' '~..;,- '- , . t,,',,- I;,': 0,.".,:", ,r~\. ,,~I .: ""~~.,,, .-:1-..).... "'·rJ:;~.'.o-_"'1 "l" ..' """;' ".1",;*", "'",," O'I\~', - 'D~:'" _ '!.,-~ --",/, ..~ L-~~J$ L\¡A~' .\".~~" ')(~::::::"'.~;-.; ~:,5 Golf ~'~\T~.Þ~' -,:, -",,~,,·¡."c;;.,'tS~~,' , COlirse ·0 ,o'¡¿Mt-'<.-.. ) -~,;;¿'..I(' r .-..lr""',JJ",.-$ ,!\l: ! ]-.. W'E S TOVVN OF SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLA.ND NEVV 'YORK I I / I ( / l" -......, i,., , "." ' .... ~.:,"/ /(;.t;":\ ..., ,./' (/,,'C- ... «,,-yj N~PERTY OF ~. /'~." b GOOSE ISLAND CORP, , ----....', SITE ~'~ PROPERTY OF FISHERS ISLAND YA,CHT CLUB 1"----1-- " "C"C \ ,L_ / \ LOC-"""TION M-"""p REF NOAA CH..ART I NO 13214 .2000 ::: ::: t::::1 ::: ::: 2000 0 (" ( NOTES, 1 ELEv.",nON DATUM IS MEAN LOW WATER. 2 TIDE DATA IS T"-KEN FROM Tf1E 200T NOAA TIDE TABLES, .,~ '. 3, PROJECT DESCRIPTION, CONSTRUCT ,A';" X 72 ',OOD ~LE AND TIMBER ~ER \>.lTH T\,O 5 X 30 RNGER RERS, CONSTRUCT 2:25" LF OF FLOATING ~ER. ALL \>.'lTH ASSOCIATED TlE-oFFAND RESTRAJNT ~LlNGS, REPOSI110N AN EXISTING 6 '''DE X 90,LF FLOAT '''Tf1 NEW HINGED RAMP INCLUDE ALL ASSOCIATED RESTRAJNT AND MOORING LINE PILES,ALL WATER\VARQ OF THE ,APPAJ<.ENT HIGH \,-IATER liNE .;y' , 'WF PROPERTY \ OF SHARP , I PROJECT DOCK MODIFICATIONS VVEST HARBOR (¡ ('" ) I',..·.y;.."··', . _.- . . - . ,-- .. . ... -., .. '. ,. . .... .. " '--. . - - - ¡"'<; ..,.. .- "' PROJECT PURPOSE, THiS is A PRI\ ATE DOCK FOR RECREA TON A.L BOATlNG '0 ~*://Ø U/<' 5 THESE APPLiCATlON DRA\>.lNGS REPRESENT A COMPILATION SUR\ EY FOR PERMIT PURPOSES, Tf1EY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, 7\ 6, ADJOINING R<OPERTY OWNERS, EAST \VEST GOOSE ISLAND CORP, PENELOPE C. SfiARP PENINSULA RD 225 REEDS GAP RQ, FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 NORTHFORQ, CT 06472 C::>'v'E~LL P~N GRAPHIC SCALE r = 300 r-----I r .300 200 100 0 I 300 PROJECT, DOCK MOD/FICA TIONS LOCATlON TO\' N OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NE\\! YORK WEST HARBOR JANUARY 2,2002 FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB AGENT SHEET 1 OF 4 DOCKO. INC. KeiTh B, NeilsoM, PE M\-'5T1C. CT 06355 860572 8939 FAX 860572 7569 EMAJL docko@snet.net WATERWAY DATE. APPLICANT D\>. G 00-03-10':'8,1 ... - -'- ""- --~ n~_c~,__ 1 'd,'?nr '") -:>·7'" PM i=,,,,"'-I<;I..,,jY:': 10\\0 . ~ -. I:,:,':~, ,_'::' ?,:',::,:::,.:, ,«:,_<,<,,¿:g~~~:;,":,: .' ", "::_>':':::':"'::':">,>_.',:~',':.I I" ''', ND'Jrm, , ,,' -, SITE " _", _, , ' ';þ?.:.q' ", ,:,.",,>-- ,,_ , "..' , ~ :.. .............. .>~, ") ,,' .ø\)i~~~,.:n~/ ~~ ..:..!.,er~~D,~j, "RW _'~¡ ~':::-/I. I H\.VL"'.-:~,-::"AêCESSRAMþ:<,:\;; FI :. R '. '0-4- :..:.. RESTRAJNT :/~."" ,,~~~~'/ <r::::~'roPi -\,:""'" ! DINGHYRAM~2' , MOORINGS ........ FLOAT ~ VVEST H-ARBOR ·v· LINE. MOORINGS ø RES1l<.AJNT PILE (TYP) LINE MOORINGS TlE--o~' ~LE (TYP) ---- "- "- ....... PILlNGoe I /~\ I '.....-1 I I :EX/ST/Ne=; I I C;:~NDIT/~NS VVEST H-ARBOR I '60 GRAPt1·c ~ ,.;:: 60 30 o 60 ø HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY : by HYDRODA T A INC -- -----.- _______J._ ,I -------- PROJECT: LOC"TION TO\NN OF SOUT110LD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. NE\I.I YORK WATERWAY ""EST HARBOR DATE: JANUN<Y 2, 2002 t>,pÇ jCANr' RSHERS ISlPND YACHT CLUB "-GENT SHEET 2 OF J. DOCKO, INC. Keith B Neilson. PE MyS11c, CT 06355 8605728939 F",< 860 572 7569 DWG 00..03-1078,2 EMAiL dock:o@snetnet - -'-'-AMI-¡VvL f - -'-... , f -........... I /' .........\-\)J~--___ ........:./~ } ,j" ~\\ -- ~~, , _/ .,< ---_" A/ ./ EXISTING DO'CKS " ................. 0;., >,,'" TO' I<EMAlN .~ .......... " .......... ..... - NEIAII<ESTl<AINT --- PILING (TYP) NEIAI 6' WIDE FLO'A TlNG DO'CKS '" '" / / ,- / ( \ I -" , /' /' - , , , \ " :s , , NEIAI 4' WIDE X ~20 HINGED RAMP NEIAI FIXED FINGER PIER (TYP) / / REPO'SITIO'NED FLO'AT~/ / WITH -ASSO'C/A TED , RESTl<AINT PILES / AND MO'O'RING LINE PILES NEIAI PIER SUPPO'RT~ PILE (TYP) PRc:::JPc:::JSEf:::) C c:::J N f:::) ITI c:::J N 5 r 50 GR.A.Pr-fIC 5CALE 1· = 50 25 o r 50 ~ ~'...... '.'''''''''''' "...,~..., I,,~ 1 .l- ,:;_,~'--:'2 329 PM F"''''~'o;rn,1Yr: 3 "'_" - ~ I \\ 4 __ ! ' ':>-- ~ s ~ " '. " \ \ \ , , " NEW FIXED PIER ~EXTENSIO'N '" > , / , )20 , ""----..... // , , , , ;". , '" '"V/ ", NE\\I TIE-OFF PILING (TYP) PROJECT, " 'VVEST H,A,RBOR $';::;,(i V../f.' DOCK MODIFICATIONS LOCATION' TO\>.N OF SOUTI-<OLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK \vEST HA.R80R JANUARY 2, 2002 RSHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB AGENT SHEET 3 OF "- DOCKO, INC. K.ei-th B. NeilsQr'1, PE M.....stlc. CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 EMAlL docko@snet.net \\'ATER\VAY· DATE APPLICANT DWG 00-03-10783 .. NEW FINGER PIER (TYP) lEXISTING FINGER PIER ¡ II 'I NEW FIXED PIER EL. SO ± I "ff- :..t: MLW 0.0 - .. NEW CROSS BRACING (1YP) '-:":,''.:':> I"" ;:,," "-,', , ' , :':.::' ,',:,.' ::<:': I ':,'-" ~. ',.' ',:::. "I -":':.:, ~" . ',. .~ .-.,". .':" ".-.~ "T-. , ".' ."",..- . ..... ~ -'<'. :~ '. . ". ..~ ",_ "~. t.' ";..:,1 . '~. ,'. "..,.: .-' ":," -...:, ""'- .. ..."',..... .'..- ~ - -- ";: ~.. NEW SUPPORT PILE (TYP) \ NEW CROSS BI<.ACING (TYP) NEW SPLIT CLAMP (1YP) , ' ..~ ~. ...-,.. ,:. ,:.: .-"' ..~. ,..- .... ..'n .\." ::- ........: "' ~.-. , ' . .'. ..~ , , ...;; .: ~ .:; ;.'.)-" .". .--';-',. .-....;:...,.. " ,. ,. :-:: -- .,: ~..:. -. ....: >', .;.": :~. ............... ....:-..,.:. . .... -"'~ ~ ....:.",:.,:. ,--", .....:.,: . .........'.' .- .:.." NEVV F/NC7ER t=R~F/LE SCALE r:: 10 NEW 6' X 20 FLOAT WITH CONTINUOUS \ FLOA TA TION (TYP) MLW 0.0 NEW FLOAT t<ESTI<.AJNT PILE /TOP EL. 76' ± (TYP) ~ª~~~~&:f~kf.t~~~~~~~£ NEVV FL~..AT t=R~F/LE 5C.AJ....E 1"=2(] P!<OJECT: ~ NEW SUPPORT PILE (TYP) NEW SPLIT CLAMP (TYP) ,.. . .~ ": ' "; '0"0 -.':, ~:-, .:....:_\:.:. .~.: ,- - .... . ".·iC. ;> - '. '..' ..-., .... - NEVV E><TENS/~N /, .5CAL.E r '" 10 NEW FIXED PIER NEW TIE-DFF PILE E1EVA noN 5.0· '\ E1EVATION '6, (CYP) 0' .. ". ".- ,""", ,".--"" ..-...... " AHWL 3.6' HLW25 MLW 0.0 "..v." ,'" ": ", ..,..... ,,, :..:.-.···õ: .... . :-.,,,' .., :.:.>.'.;:-:...;.... .:-".,.. ".:..:.,'-.-':" """"1-""'" NEW 35 X :20~\~~J I . !~~iB~r~r$~~ ij. DOCK MODIFICATIONS LOCATION: TO\\t1\ OF SOlITHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. NE\>v' YORK WEST HARBOR JANU,o.¡<y 2, 2002 RSHE.R5 ISlAND Y.AGHT CLUB AGENT: SHEET 4 OF 4 DOCKO, INC. Keith B. Nell50n, PE Mystic, CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 8605727569 B1.AJL: docl.::o@sner.net ',./~",}).~}lltI1:, ~"~ ' . n. j:~"}\i , , ";"J. > , ~:' \ ...0'-/ ,.'.~'" --, \.. -'. -' r:'-·-"'\I;...~ ,.......~..~-::.:~.....- WATERWAY DATE, APR"X;'ANT; - DWG 00-03"1078.4s0 ,", ," ;'",- # 'U NEW FINGER PIER (TYP) lEXISTING FINGER PIER n 'I ~ NEW FIXED PIER EL. 5.0," I MLW 0.0 ~ NEW CROSS BRACING (1YP) '.. ....;., .-. ~. .., .... .... . .~._,. ", ". :.- -." .. ; :.:. ::>.:~:--~ . ..'." .",.",. .......:.... :.. .~. ~...:..:: .,:....~. :.;.~;- .. ......~ ,". .. "..\'. ::'.' ....". .""'. ;..: . ~ : :. ..-.:-,.,::. .......;.... .' . ,,-. _".:;0 ~. . ~.. ':.. "¥,: ;": '< ,_..~:.<.:. " ....., .'. .~ t·",.. ,-." -. .. ..,', -,;. .:,..-.,....( ." ~ ~;". .:~ . .. .:.~.-:\-: " ·c: . .",- .... ~. .- .. .,.......:. "........ NEW SUPPORT PILE (TYP) .:.. ....,...~. , ' .. ......:. ':.....,. '.;.':...--:_:.,<~ ~<.: I': .~. "..¡".. .0'-. :'"...... ......,.. ...... -.:-" , , :... .... ". . , , 'I 1 NEW SUPPORT PiLE (TYP) \ 'I I NEVV E:;:::~aNSIC;)N / 'I NEW FIXED PIER NEW TIE-OFF PiLE -./ ELEVATION 5.0 '\ ELEVATION '6·, (CYP) NEW CROSS BI<ACING (TYP) ~:... . ....: < '" "..,. ..... ".-.". :~ ,........,... '. .......,.. " ~~-~~~,~ . . .~~:\.: n:. ~.:. ........., -: '.. ",.. ~ .:.. .... .-:~ , ,-,.. . ,.- . .. ,. '. ~ .:. ;.... '.. NEVV FINC::;ER PRc;)F/LE 5CAL..E r = 10 NEW 6' X 20 FLOAT WITH CONTINUOUS \ FLOA TA TJON (TYP) NEW FLOAT RESTRAJNT PiLE / TOP EL. 16' '" (TYP) MLW 0.0 ~~0~~Ñf;~~1~2Ë~~~~?ß NEVV FLc;)--AT PRc;)F/LE 5CALE r = Xl PROJECT: DOCK MODIFICATIONS LOCATION: TOWN OF SOl.JTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. NE\t,I YORK WEST HARBOR J,ANlJ.ARY 2, 2002 ASHERS ISlAND YACHT CLUB -'\GENT: SHEET 4 OF 4 DOCKO. INC, Keith B. Nel!soM. PE My-, CT 0635S 8605728939 FAX 8605727569 EM.ÞJL: docko@snernet WATERWAY: DATE: APPLiCANT: - ---AH\..VL 3.6 _~_.___ HLW 25 ML\\IO.O .:-~ :-',. ,..--,". . .. ,.." ',' , ." .. .,.. : 'I'" ,. ,'..""'1"''''" ' DwG 00-03-1078Mo .\ " ~' I , , : 1__ --'-. I 32 it I, I iL 1-- i , I , I , I , I , I I H I i I , I , I , I , i t' I d I,t _I . ~ e- Ii , l ! I I'P I \, 'J ' " I't ... , , ~ 'X , ,~ ;..... '',\. '/ ':-- r ~ , I i I, I" @ ¡, r· " ¡; \ \. . ~ '\ <." \ ) , ______~----~L2f5---- LULA IIU1~ NJAf' C-") " Project: Location: "DOCK MODIFICATIONS" TOWN OF SOVTHOLD, FISHERS ISLAND, SUFFOLK COUNTy, NEW YORl( WEST HARBOR JANUARY 2, 2002 FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB DOCKO, lNe. , Î " 35 , , ) Jì ',-J . '~! '-- ,/ ~{¡,'f10W" Roc ( \~lig;t~ ~---. / -J¿;/~: ' Waterway: Date: Applicant: Agent: J , / ,+ '& /' " /' ;, j/. ~ -" ~- ~/ , '\..OJ.¡Y.9~7 " ¡¡ßJ~O\,R/, " - S, '-- "", : !'i~ o , ,,;;" I i IJ) 23 -. /' / / , i ~~ ~ ~ ;' ~ (./ '-'" ~ / ~ " ~/ ;, f \ "12 ------- / '/ o ¡p/ .-------/- / - __---~,r --/ , ! ú :O~Ò J /;, Y ~'j "" I .----. / Œ~,,' 52 ~ / ~~ / ~ ~ / ~ ~ .30-/' 32 '----..-- ~ \ , " , , \\, \ ~- ~ 37 s <> \~ ~' ''1/___- , ... , , , \' ", '. "...... ~'\..... ....., 6.9~ ...-...------\ ~ . , I '-~ ., ) , ,. ¡;'~~,~';'1-'-·~-.,:."':õ~ " <>?------Y" ,/ '",-==> -, -? . / /-::;/'¡*'~<::cfliZ~be F~~;;;"'- \;, * <'.~ I /r·" ",i "'-)/~---==-:J-/: -2 ,.,..-------ß1£' J{/ ! " ~, 'ç........................- .--'---'> I _13 ' , ¡ '.p ~~ -.-~" n , / /, /fl' ':,~.<"'" "" I ',' // , . (-. """ -- ".'\ '-..~"~ 7SLAN-D"-IS~O n , Ù"'¿¡ '3 :œ PUBL!C,NOTICE rr " t' ',. æ' , f1 @ ~ n ~J. :. :', n ~"",~-_..--' i', , f¡ I US Army Corps :'l' . ~em 'I~ ': . . of Engineers New York District , ' In replymg refer to. Jacob K, Javits Feeeral Buildi ""'O\~!' " 0'=, ,'=-:r~:-,~PaÖ:J:ic Notice Number: New York, N,Y, 10278-0090 .L\ ";;<_'-_" --' -, Issue Date: ATTN: Regulatory Branch ,-"- Expiration Date: /6 -/-; 2002-00080-L2 July 24, 2002 August 23, 2002 To Whom It May Concern: The New York District, Corps of Engineers has received an application for a Depanment of the Army permit pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 USC 403), APPLICANT: Fishers Island Yacht Club PO Box E Fishers Island, NY 06390 ACTIVITY: Expand a marina with a pier extension, finger piers, repositioning a float and installing ramps and floats, WATERWAY: West Harbor, Fishers Island Sound, Block Island Sound LOCATION: Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, A detailed description and plans of the applicant's activity are enclosed to assist in your review, The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact, including cumulative impacts, o(the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of imponant resources, The benefits which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments, All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historical propenies, fish and wildlife values, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, consideration of propeny ownership and,in general the needs and welfare of the people, The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested panies in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity, Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic propenies, water quality, general environmental effects, and the other public interest factors listed above, Comments are used in preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity, ALL COMMENTS REGARDING THE PERMIT APPLICATION MUST BE PREPARED IN WRITING AND MAILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THIS NOTICE, otherwise, it will be presumed that there are no objections to the activity, Any person may request, in writing, before this public notice expires, that a public hearing be held to collect information necessary to consider this application, Requests for public hearings shall state, with panicularity, the reasons why a public hearing should be held, It should be noted that information submitted by mail is considered just as carefully in the permit decision process and bears the same weight as that furnished at a public CENAN-OP-RE PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 2002-00080-L2 hearing, !t;'! 8 -' U. Our preliminary determination is that the activity for which authorization is sought herein is not likely to affect any Federally endangered or threatened species or their critical habitat. However, pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (16 U ,S,c. 1531), the District Engineer is consulting with the appropriate Federal agency to determine the presence of and potential impacts to listed species in the project area or their critical habitat, The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-267), requires all Federal Agencies to consult with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on all actions, or proposed actions, pennitted, or undertaken by the agency, that may adversely affect Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), The proposed work, fully described in the attached work description, could cause the disruption of habitat for various life stages for some EFH -designated species, However, the District Engineer has made the preliminary determination that the site-specific adverse effects are not likely to be substantial. Further consultation with NMFS regarding EFH impacts and conservation recommendations is being conducted and will be concluded prior to the final decision, Based upon a review of the latest published version of the National Register of Historic Places, there are no known sites eligible for, or included in, the Register within the pennit area, Presently unknown archeological, scientific, prehistorical, or historical data may be lost by work accomplished under the required permit. Pursuant to Section 307 (c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended [16 U,S,C, 1456 (c)], for activities under consideration that are located within the coastal zone of a state which has a federally approved coastal zone management program, the applicant has certified in the permit application that the activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with, the approved state coastal zone management program, By this public notice, we are requesting the state's concurrence with, objection to, or waiver of the applicant's certification, No permit decision will be made until one of these actions occur. For activities within the coastal zone of New York State, the applicant's certification and accompanying information is available from the Consistency Coordinator, New York State Department of State, Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfront Revitalization, Coastal Zone Management Program, 41 State Street, Albany, New York 12231, Telephone (518) 474-6000, Comments regarding the applicant's certification, and copies of any letters to this office commenting upon this proposal, should be so addressed, In addition to any required water quality certificate and coastal zone management program concurrence, the applicant has obtained or requested the following governmental authorization for the activity under consideration: · New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Pennit · Town of Southold Pennit It is requested that you communicate the foregoing information concerning the activity to any persons known by you to be interested and who did not receive a copy of this notice, If you have any questions concerning this application, you may contact this office at (212) 264-6730 and ask for Mary Ann Miller. For more infonnation on New York District Corps of Engineers programs,· visit our website at http://www.nan.usace.anny.mil ~ CV-L LÎtL ~ Enclosures },1L- Richard L. Tomer (j v· Acting Chief, Regulatory Branch CENAN-OP-RE PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 2002-00080-L2 WORK DESCRIPTION The applicant, Fisher's Islarld Yacht Club, has requested Department of the Army authorization to expand a marina with a pier extension, finger piers, repositioning a float, installing ramps and floats, and installing pilings, The site is in West Harbor, Fishers Island Sound, Block Island Sound at Fishers Islarld, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. The project would involve exparlSion of an existing pier on the eastern pier with construction of a 72' by 7' fixed timber pier extension and two (2) 30' by 5' fmger piers, with four (4) pilings located 16' south of the proposed structure and four (4) pilings located 13' west of the proposed finger piers, An existing fixed pier in the center of the marina would be extended with a 20' by 4' hinged ramp and repositioning arl existing 90' by 6' float at the end of the ramp extension in a "T" configuration. Four (4) pilings would be installed approximately 30' waterward of the float, An existing fixed pier arld ramp on the west side of the marina would be replaced by installation of a 20' by 3.5' ramp, a 145' by 6' float, with an 80' by 6' float in a "T" configuration, The proposed work could have a minor adverse impact on Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) arld EFH-managed species as a result of a temporary increase in turbidity during construction, Although this may adversely affect the feeding success of some EFH-marlaged species or their prey, it is expected that fish populations would avoid the area of disturbarlce. In addition, the proposed structures would provide attachment surfaces for encrusting organisms, which could increase the forage base for EFH -marlaged species or their prey and provide additional ecological functions. The stated purpose of this project is to enharlce a commercial recreational mooring facility, 3 .,.I:!/_I J ~~, I '32 " I! ',' I" I I ¡ ,---1""- I ¡ , I , I , I , I , I I '-i I , , I , I , I , I , I , .. ¡ to ¡ ~ I:; I.:'i " hr' ¡ r I I I , . I f~ ¡ " , 'J , , . I>, I.~ ,. ¡IX I ',.... . ;...... '~ /' " ---:-- o ....- ...." 35 o L\Ä.AUUJ~ MAt' 3J "DOCK MODlFICA nONS" TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, FISHERS ISLAND, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK WEST HARBOR JANUARY 2, 2002 FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB DOCKO, INC. " /j I " , , , , , , , , , , " , , , , , . ", '. .,. @ /....-¡ I ~ \ ) , ~ :~ '" "" \~ ' ~~ '1 ---- j I , , .. , .. Waterway: Date: Applicant: Agent: - , M 0" ." - "'O~\)-~ , ~JJ rró\,~~" ' ____ s\J" , -----../ .~ .'. Q . -.' '," --- -- ,", \ '" f $1 II / ' ~ ~ / - ,0 ~ ~ , ./' ~ /~ ~ ~ / - ~ ~ " .. IT ~. J7 lSLAND~" 2Z /J}-\..j -,-,., ~. ..... .." ..>..,.... " , ' .. ',.:,....." " I ., I tj '. .,."" ~ .. ',' ,', ". "" , , ., ..,.... ,r p. .. '" '. .." '. ".' I, ;.w; '..- ',' ., ~ -, ..-"-- I I I .- -----.- '-'" -_/'_-""""'-' ",/ -- ---"- - - - - _. ',- VVEST HARBOR ø ., I ! , RESTR.AJNT RLE (TYP) "'- -"",.-, " -'"'--~ - LINE MOORiNGS - -- .. TlE-O~' PILE (TYP) ....... " " ....... ~ ./ \ I "-./ ---------..'-. -'- .-.....- -'-""-- - r:1L1NG.., E><./ST/NC3 Cc::;JNC::J/T/c::;JNS VVEST HARBOR - . GRA7I-! C SCALE '" = 60 I -<;0 30 o I 60 ø HY1JROG~IC SURVEY : by HY1JRODATA INC I '--~ ----- --------~------- .----..- --.- ------- PI<OJECT: LOCATION TOWN OF SOUlHOLD COUN1Y OF SUFFOLK. NEW YORK WEST HAR60R JANUÞI<Y 2, 2002 RSHERS ISlAND YACHT CLUB AGENT: SHEET 2 OF " DOCKO, INC, KeiTh B Neilson. PE Mysn:, CT 06355 8605728939 FA.'< 860 572 7569 EMA.i~ docko@snet.ner WATERWAY DATE: APAJCANT: D\:'¡G 00-03-1078.2 '-'-,- AHINL -'- --...;... 0-: ...à 05 04 ° 5 4-- ~ / / / .} ::. 11 0,6 0.; 08 0.8. ð-e-- - -0 9 ° é o ¿'g 0 S Ú ô N¡!W RE?TF<AJNT ,~'9 PILING (TYP) - ::: ' J 1" -1.1 ____~~........~3() "-----~---,-.. Z_9- - "---'--"'-.. -~<, - ~O ;~, ::: 6 . """ ::.~ J 1 ..J._ \ 2.6 :: ~ J 1 ^, ,. .3 2 2' REp'OSmONED FLOA/ 3" 2 5 \VITH ASSOCIATED, ~ 29 'RESTF<AJNT PILES 35 , S AND MOORING LINE 35 '6 30 PILES NEW PIER '9 i'; 33 J2 SUPPORT _.9,' PILE (TYP) 3.3 .3 ~ ::\9 ~ ~, J 2 .3 1 3.2 29, ..J. "" .3 2 .3:::.3 1 29 'PRCJPCJS>Ecr - - - - - ~-=- - - i~ C:;CJNC>IT/CJNS> 2 ~ 29 "- "- ::9 " 06 28 '-'""- ............~~ :? 6 ~:::::::::::""---"26 27 :::4 .? .3 :::.5 2.4 2 , " 2: 2.8 29 30 -'< ,":';1 3.1 ,j 0 "- I 50 G~ICsc;,.AJ",E '"=50" 25 o 6.4 5,3 6 3 6,J ~~~ 59~ 6.1 6 <I €.3 6.5 . 6.5 62 69 6 " / (;9 ( 7.0 7,0 \ 7.0 I 69 ';+-- 69 68 6,S 3.5 ~--'..........- ~ ~----""-- 33 34 36 VVEST 33 3 , ~:HAR.BOR. ~EW3~E-OFF:: ø2 30 PILING (TYP) 3,2 32 3· 3.3 .3 2 "t ? ",) 0 3.3 .3 I 3.2- 3..3 34 34 J..? .3:' .3 2 3.2 .33 33 2 9 I 50 PI<OJECT: DOCK. MOD/FICA TIONS REV15ED 1/28/02 DEC DEPTl-iS I<EV1SED 4110/02 ,ACQE VESSEL LOCA 1l0NS LOCAllON: TOWN OF SOUll-IOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. NEW YOI<K \\lEST HAABOR JANUARY 2, 2002 FISHERS IS!..»ND Y ÞCHT cwe ,AGENT: SHEET 3 OF 4 DOCKO. INC. Kettt1 e, Nei_, PE Mystic, CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 EM.AJL: docko@snet.ner WATERWAY: DATE APPUCPNT: "-'h Neeor.. DQÓ.:O_1r<: ~/TI/.:200.2 '10.56 AM FI5h~i:5hdYC....3c...g DwG 00-03-10783 NEVI CROSS 8R.ACIN (TYP) NEW FIXED PIER EL. 5,0", I NEW SUPPORT PILE (íYP) NEW FINGER PIER (íYP) (¡EXISTlNG FING~R PIER ,",.:-. " :~~t,"f\:~,;~}·~·n:: 1:~1i~~I'~~:":tt:;¡0( . . . -. . - .' - .'. '~ ./:~~~:' :~::.~: J:j::~:~l~~: ;~::~·~':i\.~~,~::~~<'-·· . p' . . .' .'~ ....-.,.. ~~:~:.~~~~~~ -~ -~ .~ ~ - ~ - ,:,. ~ - .,.:,·".:,,-.~,.,'.CC::_~"_'.'...'.:..,,',.,,'::~:_~,.,-~:-~,:_',_~,,:.~..,..'.~,~~.-.:.~.',:.'.:::,".-.:.,:',~_~,._::~.:,.-:~::.~,',-,:,.,;... ,:5;f;;~;;6Æt~:~ ,-. , :~~~þ~:~,¿;i~ '.:,""':",.:':-" ~ Z¡:;~~~"'>~:' ..-.....'.-;. :.',. ~ ;,..-.-. ~~.~.:;:~; ")" ......... ......;-..: '':<:' -". .::.~~:' , , NEW CROSS . BRACING (íYP) - NEVV F~ ~NSIc)N / I NEW FIXED PIER NEW TIE-oFF PILE / ELEVATION 5 0 :\ ELEVA -nON 76' '" (íYP) , ''''\ AH\>v'L 3.3"- NEW SUPPORT PILE (íYP) \ NEVI SPLIT CLAMP (TYP) ALWL 0.0 ","_..p .' -,- ,.:__ .n , - :~~~~Mi,I:~~~¡g~f1~~t:~t~~':li ;~ij@J~~;~-~~f~~\~:~}F~ ;~~1~!0~:;~~~~:~~~;:;~¿ --:::".~?:._-,. .-.'.... ~~~L~~~:-~ NEVV FING7ER PRQFILE SCØtLE r = 10 NEW 6' X 20 FLOAT WITH CONTINUOUS FLOAT A TION (íYP) - AHWL 3.3' NEW FLOAT J<ESTRAiNT PILE /TOP EL 76' '" (TYP) NEW 3.5' X 20 r<AM~ \ ~~r:J , .. " - .:..:.-\~ ~ - :::- :::: -- .- .-. ----.-- ," .. NEVV FLc)~T PRC)FILE .sc,.:>.LE T=20 PROJECT: DOCK MODIFICATIONS 1<EV15ED 4-10-02 ACOE LOCATION: TOWN OF SOlJT1-iOLD FLOAT PRORLE WUN1Y OF SUFFOu::. NEW YORK WA'TERI.VAY WEST H.AR8OR DATE JANUARY 2. 2002 APA.JCANT, R5HERS 15l..ÞOND Y,ACHT CWB )'GENr: SHEET 4 OF 4 DOCKO, INC. Keirn B. N..lson, PE Mystic, CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 DWG 00-03-1078.4sD E/""1..6JL doc:ko@snet.net K,e,1't1 Ne,lson, ko.lnc 3/6/2002 11:30 A"1 F;I;hrlslndYC ~ ~.a....G . , . . . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P,O, Box 1179 Southol<i New York 11971 . A1bert J. Krupski, President James King. Vice President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only JI-\i. ! ~Received Application: ~~ ~ ~ /' Received Fee: !Sl) ~ + ¡ J-8 Il)~ -{ ~Completed Appllcatlon Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date sent) ..- CAC Referral Sent: ~) ~Date of Inspection: I O~ Receipt of CAC Report: ____ Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ~ Public Hearing Held: ~010)J Resolution: Name of Applicant FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB Address P.O. BOX E. FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Phone Number: (631) 788-7036 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 010-1-9 Property Location: Central Avenue, southwest corner of West Harbor, Fishers Island (provide LILCO Pole #. distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Docko, (If applicable) Address: P. O. Inc. , Mr. Thomas C. Law 421, Box Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Phone: Fax: (860) 572-7569 ~ C~ r ,Q ~ ~\)'ð-' ~\,&o.. . . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet) Area Zoning: Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Prior permits / approvals for site improvements: Agency New York State. DEC Date April 13. 1995 No prior permits / approvals for site improvements, Has any permit / approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary) :Coffitructa 7' x 72' wood pile and timber pier with two 5' x 30' fmger piers. COffitruct 225 (+/-) LF of floating vier. all with associated tie-off and restraint pilings. reposition an existing 6' wide x 90 (+/-) LF float with new hinged ramp. include all associated restraint and mooring line piles. all waterward of the apparent high water line, 2 . . Board of Trustees App1ication WETLAND I TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA (NOT APPLICABLE) Purpose of the proposed operations: Area of wetlands on lot: square feet Percent coverage of lot: 0 -0 Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the project involve excavation or filling: No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? cubic yards cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): 3 . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB SCTM#1000-010-1-9 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: Construct a 7' x 72' wood pile and tinlber pier with two 5' x 30' fmger piers, construct 225 (+/-) LF of floating pier all with associated tie-off and restraint pilings, reposition an existing 6' wide x 90 (+/-) LF float with new hinged ramp, include all associated restraint and mooring line piles all waterward of the apparent high tide line. 2. That the property which is the is located adj acent to your follows: subject of Environmental Review property and is described as Site is located on Central Avenue in the southwestern comer of West Harbor. 3. That the property which is subj ect to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37. or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765- 1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX E FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 PHONE #: (631) 788-7036 Enc.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. 5 . . Albert J, Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall , 53095 Route 25 P,O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of J1:~h4.~ J:~Sl~,.(xt ~a.c.t)t_ ~~IAQ _ __ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, MA-T'I"H&'W tV....so.. , residing at ~ "'...~"c... 0 RII/Ii I:MT L.y...~ c..T A-T...e"'III~" ::',~";¡-"'~ I~.~"D H.",.U;''''Oð''' being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the I./th day of FEE, 200;;1" I personally posted the property known as FI;Ke:14. I 'iL-~'" Þ y....C....T c..L.....P.. by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public h~~rin9' Date Rf hearing noted thereon to be held ~& Çeb.~ ~ 0(\ or ~gCU't 1',CD ~.,¡"'. Dated: 2J12j02- ~ (~ rJ~ (signature) Sworn to before me this /3#¡ day of r:teb 200:;t, ~-,'7J1~~' ry Public . . Board of Trustees Application County of New London State of Connecticut FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE / SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT (S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVE(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. (¡,~,-~-I Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS '7tk DAY OF ¿)o0 , 200~ '7 / ff?1tU Notary Publi ¡/ 1"1 y (omm /S';¡On eX pi RES: !tPR 3S;¿OOÞ 7 . . Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) I, WILLIAM REED. for Fishers Island Yacht Club (print owner of property) res iding at 86 Greenhaven Rd.. (mailing address) Pawcatuck. CT do hereby authorize Docko. Inc, (Agent) P,O, Box 421. Mvstic. CT 06355 to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ~ ¿Ji' '(ownec" 'igna'uce) William Reed for the Fishers Island Yacht Club 8 . . Docko. Inc. P.O. Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Fax: (860) 572-7569 3, r Mr, Albert Krupski, President Southold Board of Trustees P,O, Box 1179 Southold, NY I 1971 January 7, 2002 Re: Fishers Island Yacht Club Dock Modifications Dear Mr, Krupski: On behalf of Fishers Island Yacht Club we enclose herewith the following in support of their permit application for dock modifications on Fishers Island, .:. Two prints each of plans titled: Project: Waterway: Location: "Dock Modifications" West Harbor Fishers Island, Town of South old Suffolk County, New York Fishers Island Yacht Club January 2, 2002 Applicant: Date: .:. Two copies of the Southold Board of Trustees permit application, U,S, ACOE and DEC applications, Tax Assessor's Map, site photographs and location map, .:. Check in the amount of$150,OO payable to the Town of South old I trust that you will find this application package complete and acceptable; please let me know if the need for further information arises, Very truly yours, DOCKO. INC. C,l~ (ì k -Hi ~ 4 TCL:jm Enclosures CC: Mr, William Reed ACOE: Mr. Jim Haggerty NYS DEC: Regulatory Affairs File: 00-03-1078 FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB Thomas C. Law -----