HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5767 J> TERMS and CONDmONS 'c\ ,., ,.:-. ¡ c . . c""" . ~ I...u.eie1=ls· Fônl<:.l residing at Equestrain AvpnllP "i::,,,;~I~hT'Q. N. y~ .. part of the coosideratioo for the issuaoœ of the Permit does ¡.,.duscaød and prescribe to the fol- 1owiag: 1. That the said Board of TrusteeS and the Town 01 SouchoId .... released f<OO1 ID1 and aU cIamages, oc claims for cIamages, of suits uisiag dirccd1 oc indUecd1 as · result of ID1 ope<" .tioo pctfom>ed punuaDt to this permit. and the said h· ~ will, M his or bet own expease. defeod ID1 ai>d all such sa/ts"iaidated br cbkd patdes. ai>d the said P.....kue --- fu1I JIahI1it1 with reSpect thereto. to the compkte exclusion of the Boord of Trasrta 01 the Town 01 SoatMJA 2. That this PeaDit is ..wd for . period of 2 4 mos. -..bkh is .oosi""·"'¡ to be the estimated time c requited to complete the -work iawlYCCl, but ihoaId år¢-"""nces warnnt, request for an exœnsioo auy be malic to the Board at . later date. ~. That this Permit should be retaiaed iadefUlÎtdy. or .. loog .. the said Permittee -wisbÞ to m.¡n..;n the S(IUCtUJ:e or ptoject iavolved, to provide evidence to aøyooe coocemed that aad>- corizatioo was origiaally obtaiaed. -i. That the work iavolved will be subject to the ïøspectioo and approval of the Board or lIS agents, and _-compliance with c the provisions 01 the origiaaliag application, -, be cause for revocatioo of this Permit by resolutioo of the said Board- 5. That there will be no untea5Of'.bIe iaterfereoce with ....-igadoo as a result of the work bereia aåthorized. 6. That there shall be DO iaterf- with the right of the public to pass and repass aioag the beach betwCCO bigh and low water matks. 7. 'That if future operadoos 01 the Town of Southold requke the r=ovaI ai>dlor aIœødoos in the Iocatioo of the ".,d< bereia ...~...!, or if. ia the ophùoo 01 the Board 01 Trusrees. the c wotk shall cause unreasooahle obsttUCtlOO to free ...vigodDo. the said Permittee wiI1 be requIRd. upoo due notice, to remove or alter this ".,d< or project bereia stated withouc ...~ to the Town 01 Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified br the Permittee 01 the ~ c 01 the work auth- orized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain .ll other permits and COOSCOIs that may be requited sup- plemental to this permit wbkh _y be subject to revoke upoo failute to obtain -- . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 6, 2003 Keith B. Neilson, P.E. Docko Inc. PO Box 421 Mystic, CT. 06355 RE: SCTM#09-03-09 Lucius L. !,owler Equestrian Avenue Fisher's Island, NY Dear Mr. Neilson: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during a Regular Meeting, held on May 21, 2003 regarding the above matter WHEREAS, Docko, Inc. on behalf of Lucius L Fowler applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance ofthe Town of South old, application dated November 25, 2002 WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on May 21, 2003 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, . . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town. NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approved the application of Docko, Inc. on behalf of LUCIUS FOWLER for a Wetland Permit to relocate an existing 10'x20' float with four new restraint piles and install a new 3'x20' hinged ramp, all waterward of the apparent high water line. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Fee must be paid, if applicable and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule). FEES: None Very truly yours, ~o.~·t}. Albert J. Kfupski, Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK/cjc cc DEC 2 05/13/2003 10:41 8505727559 DOCKO INC PAGE 01 . . Cocko. Inc. PcOc Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (B60) 572-8939 Fax; (880) 572-7569, e-mail: docko@snet.net May 13, 2003 Ms Charlotte Cunningham Southold Board of Trustees P. O. Box 1179 Siothold, NY 11971 Re: Mr. Lucius Fowler Dock Modifications Dear Ms Cunningham: In accordance with our conversation this moming, we are transmitting herewith revised application drawings showing the relocated dock float size as 10' x 20'. Docko, Inc, inadvertently showed the existing float as 8' x 20'. This was an error on our part. Mr. Fowler has indicated that this float has been 10' x 20' since the 1950's, It is therefore respectfully requested that this revision be incorporated into Mr. Fowler's permit request. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate to call us if the need for further information is required. Very truly yours, DOCKO, INC. I~/&J~ Keith B. Neilson, P.E. KBN:jrn CC: Mr. Lucius Fowler File: 02-06-1314 FOWLER 85/13/2803 10;41 8605727569 DOCKO INC PAGE 02 . . \ IOLEVAllON DAWM 15 APPN'EN1" ¡íN/ WATER ~ ~ ';£'~N"5 \1'.).,;~;1m:·;J~>(···;;· - - ..,. ."... ______ t.....: . ,. ..;: . f;.._ ~.:. .....;.:.: ....¡.. ." : ~\·::;:.:,WE~l~;~p t;T~-~~: ~>:;:.'.~:~',:: ;:~.:\ ,c cc,cc>cc": '.:'c . \...::.. \.:~~- :.>~_:~~'~' ~':~', -,.. r ;,'.::.'" 'c tc.~,·:::;<;,:.>,;:c:', ' 1::~~?:~:jP ""'" '" tee 'c, . ccc.> ".' ,Ccc ,...""';.k.CT: ',; c c . c' c 'cO c' I......",.. .\ -~~ \~NlODF:~PE77~?t.~\¡·:,c.: :.~.,; 2.11DEDATA6T,-...:ENA>Or1"THIOXJ02NOAA ........... "'" c TlDETf'8LE5~~ESI~VfREE~C:OVE I: ~c';'\ OF TAPSCOTT;¡j c,. . .c': 3Pf<DJEGTDESCIWTlON ~,""":'<'~\ 1 ,',,~. .:.::~~:;¿.:.. ~P05moNANE>\ISTlNGId'X20·R..OATwrrH =-i::-, ..::..'.c;...·:'æ:~ ~... .. ,,'>"c':-::':'~C ASSOCLATEDRES1W'NTPU£SANDINSTAU..A ./. ' .c "'c >~,.',," ..:' «,' '. . c c NEW3CX20c~PWlfH1T1E.oFFP¡L£S""1.- /., . ". """'c~ ., ~.~ ' WATER\VAADOFiHEAPPARE:NTHIGHWATE¡¡WN~. /{.- ,..',~, ,~. <{~i~~~;;'~~~ N~~~;~~~~~~~~~'~ 4, PIIOJEGT Pl.IIIPOSE; /". NIF PRQPEI<TY' .~·d"~'~':~· J1 ':>",~~~~'~;;::{f,.1 .c , " OF CRISP'" '". 1;"'0"" .hfl? =·I·~;;:;"·,,.:"·..,,~¡r: TH.5ISAPIlNATEDOC (FO¡;(Iõ?ECR!:AT10~ /:~'. -', . ,. '. .~, .~~:::N;~;}~" ~~:ç...¡o I ~ ,~~~~"" ',,< 60ATNGc ,c . ,-, -' , ., ,.... '.. ··-~PROPE ''-''~ - '. '~~~ ~;':,.:"O~.üI,\:~·stŒ .>~~~~ 6c.I'DJOiNING Pl<QÆIZ1'"T'OWNERS: _n c c'" C C C. d " .- " c C c' c. . ~'". ~ c ~.., hnn c ':',;c c ~~.~.~~>·t,..··.:,t~Ú;,...·i~'~\~;l,'l:,;)\'jiiÊ MRS.I.-ESUE F TAPSCOTT Mil. R06s:<T L TAPSCOTC JR C?'v'E~L.L pJ-,.A..N 1112 T ,ACONIC !<OX) 9 C:HEOUES5ETI !<OAD 5A/.JS8Uil'I'. CT 0606ð ~NG. HA 0\007 ~ . i I '/ ¡..-¿A. y H-AF2.BOF< ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ,-.......-- L-OC,Ao,TfON ~p 11=1 c::::I ~ R ... o w. CI-IA'IT; 12372 I G~SCJOU' ~INY~ ~~-- = NOTI:S, GI<ARiC ~ r. 'XX) [ ;¡oo "'" o I ;¡oo MIl. ..LAMES V TAPSCOTT 1116 T,..uNTON IWAD F""RAELD. CT 064i!0 r;J...---~ ~"a/.t ~.¡(t""1 AJ $... PROJECT: 1.-0GAT10N, DOCK MODIFICATIONS W"'TE~,A""": DATE, API'\JCANT: ASHf3'1S ISl.AND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 5UFRJU( COUNTY, N£;W YOI<K HAY HAI<SOI< S5PTEMBER 25. 2002 WClUS FOWLER DWG 0:uJ6.1314c01jo AGE:NT: SI-1E:eT 1 OF 4 DOCKO, INC, """,,ßcNahoon.Æ M,sf'G. CT 06355 ðGO 572 893"' FI'X BÆO 572 7!56", ~ doclw4P.6l"6't.net _.. ~'-"~r" n_'A...... 11.r1"iif:2Ol?2:J:;¡:;:)Pf'1 Fo-!","_OÕo"§l ¡ / c -,=- 1/ 1/ EXJSl1NG DOCK . I '- / //t ..:-::::yY-/....... 'c,j..., ..... ,,-......., ' ...... . \ ". \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ '\ 1'\ ~,O. -O,i ~-- ;( )( NIF PF2OÆ1<TY' -=-- r<OCK 0._ OF CRISP \ (l'YP) """"""'" " ' f Q) °x' " TOP OF · . ~, BAN~ 1.' ì...... 0 . SJ OJ _ ~2 ~0.3 ~ "~......?'_. "'.8 o. - x .J \) u :. 1.1 ~ ~O F , i 'r.' ->.< 1.1 12 2.5 \./ h::Vtrç ·it&~~/;';'r:-·_-'-·- , 1 ." " ,., ~.,. · ,3. 101 Ail ¡" . " y ¿ì'''"" . .J. . .. !'. . c SPAATINA (;I '" SPARTINA AI... TERNIFLOIlA \ PATENS ~ " SEA MY1õ11l-E \ 05'13/2003 10:41 85057271]5'3 . . !-iA Y HAF<BOt<. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2.6 x ~-.-- -- -~ _c EXlSl1NC:; .- FLOAT -=- -1.7 . ~ -.. -1.0 X -OJ! X -00 XC --- ~ -~ -0.5 X -.Jc7 -~.8 DOCKO INC . ---=- o MOORING -feD ~ -5.J X X -5.7 ~ -5c2 X NO a:'L c:;I2ASS WI>S OBSERVED IN THE' PI'/OJECT .AREA -4.8 X - -- -,:-- -,P -,1" -,p - ~ c-- -1.15 -if -1.5 -~J X X -- -<1.8 ~ -1.0 X -iP --=" ~ -0.4 -0.3 z.AX ;( EXlSl1NG FIXED Pl6'< -0.5 X - - \ EX/STINes; CC::>NDITIC::>NS GIiARiIC $CoAlE l' = 40 . I "" I 40 XJ o Ie""", a. NooI_, Døõ..... hü IO/C2/XJCI:) ~~ PM F""",c~ _o:J.ø.41 SirE PI<OPERTY OF FOWl-E1< PIlOJECT, l./XAl1ON, DOCK MODIFICATIONS PAGE 03 ~ - -=- -0,& X EXl5TlNG DOCK I . -<u . - -0-] X O.J X \ , ì of T A85COlT \\ Ii\i;\ 1'" \ , , NIF PI<OPEI<T"r'" w,ATER\.\I.A '"1": DA"æ APPUC,ANT, R9-iEI'S L5L.AND. TOWN OF SOVTHOlD SUFFc:>LX COUNT"Y. New YOI'K HAY HAASOI<. se;PTW-1BER :25, 200:1 LJjOUS FOVJI.EI< AGENT, SHEET ;¡ OF 4 DOCKO. INC._ Kai1tI Be Neloon. PE Myo~<. CT 06355 860 572 ð939 FA>< ð60 5T2 7569 EMAIL _"""'cre< owe 02-<:Jõ-1314.o2.b<: /<...... f--¡' ~ /1 f I EXlSí1NG DOÇK 1/ ...... /1 , ,I ~ ........"..,~'/.... .........j . '" , ..... \ -..... ..... -'" \ \ \ \ \\.\ \ \ \ ,0, I "1.. "1" NIF PI<OPEØY \ ~ X I<Ocy Oc' OF CI<ISP \. (TYI') . . "\. qf Ti~~D;! ~. ,\~,.....~:._) ". oJ \.2 \ I .-r;' ., .~ \,/ ~1~"~!F~, ~\ . .J"' .2.. f\\~!i\ SPAI'11lNA \ PATENS If _ '. SEA~E \ , . 85i13c 2883 10:41 . --" -5.2 NEW"TIE--o~~~REP05m;;':;ED PILE (TYP) ---. 15 c. FLOAT -=1 -J.. ~"'1 ': -,t-' )(-3.2 17 c. 8505727569 DOCKO INC . H-A Y H-AF<60F< - - ~ -- o -I.D MOORINC;¡ -5.3 X =-- "-~ -\.7 -,. X "c NEW FLOAT RESTf<.AJNT PILE (TYP) . -2:.5 X . )( -5.7 -,P ~ PAGE 84 """'" . . . -,l-J -~J --=-- .- N£Vv'3'X ;20'-- HINGED !<AMP -0.4 -0.3 2.. x x EX~í1NG F\X!ÕD PIE.R 0.'2 -g.3 X X , , 1,3 10 " ." ;c 1.1 1,Z ~5 -c+..,'Ÿÿ-''''''' ., 1.8., 'fy ,"'''~._._'-'-- .,,, 'Y" , y' ., 1 ~SPARTlNA AL."Œ~I~ -- -, ,Q -D.8 -Q.9 X " END OF EXJS'TlNG F\X!ÕD PlE.R _..=-_ -0.5 -v ---::acB x x " -1.8 X -1.8 X -0.8 " -1.D X .- -1-5 X - -0,7 x - -~.5 ::! ,t ·D.J )( W:J.] X 1..2. 0.3 X X \ PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE P!<OPs<IY OF FO\Vl..ER ~9Co"rU!1·.40 . -l" EXJSí1NG DOCK - -0.' x \ . \ OF T ABSCOTT 1. , \ NIF P!<OPEr:l1Y o "" PI<D~5CT, LOCATION DOCK MODIRCAilON5 WATß<WAY: DATë: H'I'I.JCANT: ASH~ ISI.AND. TO\.\IN OF SOll11-1OLD SUFFOU<: COUI\'IY, New YORK HAY~ SEPTI:M6ER :25. ;;IO(n LUCIUS ~ AGENT, SHEET 3 OF 4 DOCKO. INC.. ~ 8c NdIoon. Æ H,.1tc;, CT 06355 &ao S1;;I 89.39 FAA &ao 5"P 7S69 EnAIL.; _,.u.., c IC4'Irh 8 N.IoII""", Oøc;~~. C)gt26Izxr.;J 4:;;J6 PM FpooIar_œ.cto-sil D\WG œ-06-13l4D3cbc Ç1~i 1 v =003 10:41 ,::'" .t.···..:: 'c c' . ~ "," .-.' ..-: ",; c' .....'........ . c. c. .... ~I. . ..... ..,..'...... ..,"", .. NêIN .3 ' X :20 ' HINGED RAMP EXlSllNG 4 . WIDE FIXED PEl< a.. 55 '. ',' ",.." ,cc ,cc .:. c' 'cc :,.,'" , !.,...", ,',:;'.". ".' < "..-.,' , 'c 'c C'c ..,-. .... ", ~ ~·1. ":' ~:". .~~< . ',. .- ····;~,::S~y;:;~<::' : ,. :.~. '. ..... '. "", 8505727559 DOCKO INC . . NêIN í/E-OFF PtJ..E (TYP) NêlN3 'X:20 HINGIED RAMP r<fEP05I17ONIED f1ø' X 20' FLOAT 'c :,. ._, . . :. .'~ ; ~ ",' :r": .;.1 .: ;;>:0~~::c':', .:,-',.. ..: .. .... r~. " .... ;t. ....,. ...:...... ',' ". ." '"".... ... " . I ,....... I'",· ::' .. ; ./ ::/:':':~.:: ::~: ,';:> ~':,:. -:!" '..-. ;..~:' \. ':.:.,~,:;::~~::.:.:.~:c;.çc~ ;i:~i:;:(;:.~< " .; ..~ .-~ ,:" . ," .. .~ ." :~;;-::)~~. c. ¡'-. ~.. ;00 . ~ ." ': ,,' ::.:" ....", .... ",.,:..: ,~ .,.... .;... cc eND "",,/EVv' SGo'L.E ,'.. 10 . NêIN FLOAT F<ESTT<.AJf\ff PtJ..E (TYP) NEW í/E-OFF PtJ..E (TYP) ¡;ëEP05mONIED It) < X 20 'FLOAT '-' ..~;,' 'cc . ":'. ' . :~". . . ,: . :1 '; .. ",,-,,: :". . '.~N "0; -. ,-,." '. ~ .:. . " '::..:~':'s;t~~.::.. .' . " ;; _ .~, :', ' , .:_ '_H' ~-, ". ". ".:""'::'<'~'..' ....-:., - '-' ~ ..i. ,- _ _ .:",.,-":., ,. .,..... .c '.'~,-'- .- : ~. '.,' . . de c. .ì· Cc -..,_.., .. . .;.: ~ Pr:<.~F/L-E SCA..B ,. 0: 10' -NN/3S' -MI-NoI;2A. '. ~w OcO- i'~~"" .\:.>...~~.-:.:., .:: ~,..; .:..:.',l ¡. ," ~ "f. - : ....~.' >:-:' ;-::.. ....' ,.'" ~~.'~.~) ,::/.: '~>'~'l:';' ',.:, ~ ~ '. ~ :'/"':' .,.... .... ....- PAGE 05 ~3.!5'z. r""IH'W'.:3.4.'1t ~WO.O ;:.," cc_ ,- ,~ ....... 'N" .. " .," 7 ! ~ ......<: .~'...: ~:I.: .....; ...::.........-;'.',.,' ~.:- "~ = :: .:,~.: :,\ .. ...,' fã;tld. Sf'.'" Q,.J.. &:....,., F- .,... ~'I1ON: DOCK MOD/F/G,AoT1ONS pfWjl:CT: WATEIlWAY: DATE: ~: FtSHeRS ISL.AND. TowN OF !i!OlJ"IHQID ~c;ouNTY. ~YOIlK HAY KARaOR sePfEMI ER:25, XX)::¡ UJaUS ~ .4GI>NT: SHEET 4- Of 4- DOCKO. INCh l<eIft1ð._Æ t1\OrItC, cr 06355 &60 57.2 M69 FAX &60 572 7569 f'M<O<'-' __0IWf._ "-""'............pe::w::1CD.,..,.ç."~2~1"'I"'I ~~_O".áw&I :"~' ;' o DWG C7.KJ6-I314.o4, ø f 1CkD. Inc. . P.O. Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Fax: (860) 572-7569, e-mail: docko@snet.net - - .. ...- ~c - May 13, 2003 MAY 15m Ms Charlotte Cunningham Southold Board of Trustees P. O. Box 1179 Siothold, NY 11971 SeII1IIoIiIr.¡ Board of TrustIes - , Re: Mr. Lucius Fowler Dock Modifications Dear Ms Cunningham: In accordance with our conversation this morning, we are transmitting herewith revised application drawings showing Ihe relocated dock float size as 10' x 20'. Docko, Inc. inadvertently showed the existing float as 8' x 20'. This was an error on our part. Mr. Fowler has indicated that this float has been 10' x 20' since the 1950's. It is therefore respectfully requested that this revision be incorporated into Mr. Fowler's permit request. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Please do not hesitate 10 call us if the need for further information is required. Very truly yours, DOCKO, lNe. 1t;R¡¿J~ Keith B. Neilson. P.E. KBN:jm CC: Mr. Lucius Fowler File: 02-06-1314 FOWLER . . t " I" ......... . '"""'" FISHERS ISLP--ND ".-,".. c'c c·c a " \- i-" /c" ,_ ~,</>",,:»,-c<""" .~', ," \., '".',,"', ::' , . ,. .' "...,. : .. .~. "~"' ~. .. .' . ~. . 'c, Cc "\~'~: .:" .\.~:.:~:. ~~ :-:i~~~~' l'" ' c .. \ ,"', ::. .'_V. PROJECT: ":< < «. >- ~::"110N DATUM ISADPARENT LO\V WATER .,,, _~__ \ ~c;c¿,7FICA TIO~~:~.,·': 2c llD~ DATA IS TAKEN FROM m~ 2002 NOAA 1,\ \ N/F PROPERTY )c c, c.c 3 ;:;=~:::;:CE SILVER ~~L COVE ). " :,\ l ' ...OF T\C01T~/<~:: :.' REPOSrTiONANÐ<ISllNG/ÓX20cFLOATWlTH __~.,," ocC .cc c...! ,/ ." .ASSOC¡...\TED RESTRAINT ~l..ESAAD INSTALL A 1/ .: - ,'?F~~:~: \~:~'.<\ ." ",' N~W 3 c x 20 c RAMP WITH 711~-DFF PILES ALL /. " <~\:;:~~_. 4;~<· ~ :,,':\ . WATERWARQ OF m~ "'PPARENT HIGH WAT~R UN~ /' ,0. . \("c~::-':,..<~ '''''''^~':;;';':'''''.''.>., 4, FROJ~CT PURPOSE. / '. NIF PROPERTY' ~':: ':":::~:~ß\ /: ,;¡;~.;\::;~:~;;~ ' mls ISA PRiVATE DOCK FOR RECRf.A11ONAL /: ." . . '" OF CR!SP ·.c \--:{;.;:::::~,/ SIT~.SY;;:;?·'!y ", BOATING, /'c.' .... ".-' ,.:.:\:;;::,:::.:;Y\\PROPERI.ry::.-.Ic: ,,_c 5~~~~~11g;'~~';::;:o~~~~NT <, ,.'.. .::' ·>\r:'·'.':FO~ER \". :.: '..:> "::==::=~"' '<,,~~ ..... ... . ..'\\~>\~;<~.(¿ 'J..EST -"\c',cc ,c (if. / ~'~:~I~~Dc NY 06390,<.":.__.,,;-><,,..h,:, .;"<)<:0& ,', .,,', ",'~"".:'>i':' EAST ·ccC"C c . ' . cCC, f'cc c, c MRSc L~SLI~ Fe TAPSCOTI MR I<OB~RT L TN'SCOTT, JR c::J'y/E~LL P~N 182 TACONIC I<OAD 9 CH~QUESSETT I<OcAD SALl5BURYc CT 06068 REPDINGc MA 01867 / . .. . '".-" >:- ..'~ ...'. . . . .c \ \ \ c, c' ... c, ."", ." -".. "/ .. .... " .-.-~~-" \ , , ~-'-'-' CC ..... ", '" 'I,' ,I,: , --! ,.: ~ HAY HARBOR ..... .... .... .;...... c· ~'---- ~ ... ,:. ~-" . -" ~ . -~- '---"-' :...., :":--" cc .... ", .;" ,.... .~.~--- LOCATION r---t.AP I<EFc CHART: 12372 I GRAPHIC SCALE 2000 IN YARDS I J;:::t ~ ::.1 ::.1 ::.1 2000 0 GRAPHIC SCALE r = 200 MR JAM~S V 'TAPSCOTT 186 T AlJNTDN I<OAD FAJRA~LD. CT 06430 ~oo ]00 o I 200 FROJ~CTc DOCK MODIFICATIONS .r/.Of~¡~ ~ (- ~....!!!:.J·V .0' ~-:"";::;i:\Y~'T :-:"~:¡,~ ,"\ ~'),;/ t,:', j,,-,-;..,,-\, . ~ - _ .). ~ r -::: - " , . - ~ l , n 'J ~L' J .....:, _. '. --"J -: : {.~ ~. _f,' ...':;/ , ·:·'):'~:Y[;ii;)/ ~ . - .-" ~__J '5JI'6/0!t E'Il'.-fï.;, Roll S.z. L=ATIONc FISH~RS 15LANDc TOWN OF SOUmOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK HAY I-<A.RßOR S~PTEMB~R 25c 2002 WCIUS FQ\.\. LEI< AS~NTc SH~ET 1 OF 4 WATERWAY DATE APPLICANT: DOCKO. INC, Keith 8. Neilson, PE Mysric. CT 06355 860 572 8939 FcAX 860 '>72 7569 EMAJL docko@snet.net DWG 02-D6-131401Jo '-.._-~ . ~.. "" "J,'....-" r.~...-,.., L-,_ " -1<';' ::>,"';,"ì) ='"20 R-1 F""I"r__Ola...q . HAY HARBOR ---~ ~ --- I~" , .' f),v, '/,' .' ! :..' , ' -2.6 x ~...r~~ (' c r /i EXISl1NG DOCK --'-- -"-- -- _N, EXlSl1NG ,~~"', FLOAT ....... -~-~ -1.7 X >/' P EXISTING !<.AMp -"--"- -~-- -1.0 X -0.8 X -0.9 X A_ -, -0.5 X -0.8 X -0.7 X G~ 5C..ALE I' = J.O . I 40 I 40 20 o //\)-::c:\: ~i¡'::;;;< ,p,,''''''' -......'.. '. ~/<'~.,.~--;,~c;c-'~ "cc;:;' ;Ç,l::.r'(:.::.;'ì!o ~ . '/....'.:;., . - : .'\ l/C'i,j ^'-".c, ' . ':\\ ,If to: .~:: '.1 . I ...... \ ....1. \C;¿~¡f~it/;t . ':e<'"8 Ne,lwn. Do<:k.:> he. 10-02::200221:3 PM F",...1er_O:¿o.'9 . --- o -~D HOORJNG --- -5.3 X _......~~--- x -5.7 -5c2 X ~ NO EEL GRASS WAS OBSERVED IN THE PROJECT ARE"- -4.8 ->L. --~-- // , , r' . ,,",'': ...... /', ". '¡ I , ......"..('.,. '" "','-. \ ". " \ \"\ \ i \ " \ \. \. \ \ ., -Dc' ~D. -Dc' ___~ x x X N/F PROPERTY \ ,~''''; ROCK D:~,,,_ -Dc2 - OF Cr<ISP \ (TYP) -- \\ <J¡2 TO:~~F Ox':s. ., BANK ~\~''-''''''~~') ß.i 8 O.} Dc ~2 ,t' "D~,., 1.2 _ 1.1 .;;: ~O ~.2 / "-::0 --X ~ 1 1 1.2 25 ~. ,. y y~, x"" = '+''Í''-~-'- ri'I"./ .~ Y' 'f 2.3' .. - Y, 8 Y Y Y Y Y't-·-·-·-·- ~~l3t. / .., 'f .,..,.., 'r = "" .., ., 'f \. .., 't" .., C\'t "...I:....j"'.. 1;,...~LI.,...2~ .:::' Y "'-SPAATINA ~..í;\ SPAAl1NA ~ AL TERNIFLORA I P."-TENS Æ V ~ " SEA MYRTLE 01"',' "C,: ::5'<S\ \ '~'1 --00 ð=Q\---, \ BRUSH COVEREU EXIST/Nc=7 STONE BANK Cc::JND/T/c::JNS -4.4 X -4.4 X -).3 -2.9X ~___ -3.2 ._~- -2.0 :=:: -~--~ - -1.5~ -1.8 X -1.5 X -1.8 X - - -~~ -1.0 _ -0.8 X -1.D X -0.7 X -' --~~ ---~ -D.4 -0.3 _ 2.~X X EXISl1NG FiXE'D PIER -D.5 X ---~- SITE. PI<OPEr<TY OF FOWLEr< -~~- --- -......--....... -1.3 X -- ~ f . ~ -:5.3 X ~ -0.6 X \ EXlSl1NG DOCK -~ -0.4 X -- -D.3 X Dc3 X \ I OF TABSCOTI 'g~ ~\ß ~."6 ¿~ Z-,~\ 11" I N/F PROPEr<TY PROJECT, DOCK MODIFICA T70NS WATERWAY DATE ;'PPUC.ANf, RSHERS ISlAND. TO\IvN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK KA,Y HARBOR SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 LUCIUS FOWLER L="- TlON, AGENT, SHEET 2 OF 4 DOCKO. INC._ Keith B. Neilson. PE H)"Stic, CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 EM~L..: docko@snet.net DWG 02.Q6-1314D2bc -5.2 _~~ x NEW-~=O~:J~REPOS/~O~ED PILE (7YP) ---. 15 '< FLOAT -::-¡ -3c' -;.44 '< -:.4 X -J.2 ----I 17C< ~ I ? t. '-. V/ '- /'!'.. ". '-, / , ..........~ ,.............. "- c"'" . '\ "','. \ ". \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ -0.' -~-ø 1.4 N/F PROPERlY \ ---- x i<Ocy O~~_, -0.2 ~ OF CRISP \ (1YP)~--- \ <¡,2 0;/ ox' , TOP OF dj . ;, B,ANf\: 1.4 .\', Dc' 0' 02 ·.....X 'I! X 0 'g~ .--") .8 ~2 . (?,~;~ß\~ .// ~.~\ V 1.3 XTç c . l' y;y--,2"'t'f't ',"1,./ ..I,. .. .. 1. i:. 't \~ /... I.J''''''¡' 2. C,_, ~. _ ~\\\I SPAATINA. " : \ PATENS It V = <:c) \ SEA MYRTLE £\Ì]iJ "0. ,. \¡:¿ . 1(~TB - [\¿j BRUSH c~~;;l STONE B,ANK . HAY HARBOR ~ ~ ~ "" / ~~1 fí/·'/ / , , . ,';;:' -2.6 X -~--~ '- /; , c , ' EXiS-nNG DOCK , ' CC t , , --....--.- --- -~ -~J ,r' NEW FLOAT RESTRð.JNT PILE (7YP) . ._-.- -_._-. -1.0 -0.8 X X END OF EXiSTlNG FD<ED RER :::::.~ -0.5 -0.7 -0.8 X X X \ PRC::JPC::JSEC:> CC::JND/T/C::JNS G~IC 5CAL.E l' = .10 . I 40 20 0 é-~¡: N¡:'·:-' ~~;~~,~<!-"-:~;:-.~" ~~' " .!,i>::;<P~:", . 1./:, :'~X.c\\ I,tlc/,;c'c c d.c::'ccc', C';'C)' '::. \~ ~'::>-' :::\:, OJ i1:, .., \ , ,.J '[ ( ('\;~l; I 40 """n,e Nor<I$On, Dxl..,:¡l-.:;. CJ91.26':20024:GPM . -- ----- o -~cO HOORJNG -5.3 X -- X -5.7 -'-'~"-' -2.5 X -1.0 X -0.7 X -)p -0.9 X NEW 3 'X 20c:=- HINGED !<,AMP -1.8 X -1.8 X -1.5 X -, --- -0.8 X ~ ,-~ 0.2= -0.4 -D.,} 2.~ X X E><JSTlNG FD<ED PIER -0.5 X -~-~ 0.2 -0..3 -O,J X X X~.3.3 1.1 ~ kD ~.2 , 1 1.2 2.5 '+'Í"-:'--'--._ .., 18 't 't't ,,""''' -------- 't 't. " y 't 'i' 't 't Y ~ SPARTlNA Ai. TERI,IFLORA SITE. PROPERTY OF FOWLER ~ ~ -1.3 X ~ -~ N::>mj -- E s -- -3.3 X -- -0.6 X EXiSTlNG DOCK -~ -0.4 X ~ -o.,} X 0.3 X \ \ OF T ABSCOTI 'g~ ~~ c'~ Z.", "'. \ N/F PROPERTY PROJeCT; DOCK MODIF/CA TJONS \\f.A.TER\VAY: DATE APAJCANT; RSHERS ISlPND. TOWN OF SOlfTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK HAY HA!<8OR SEPTEMBER 25. 2002 LUCIUS FOWLER LOCATlON; AGENT: SHEET 3 OF 4 DOCKO, INC.. Keitt! ß. Neilson. PE Mys~c. CT 06355 860 572 /3939 FAA /360 572 75459 Er-1AJL dod:o@snet.net F""'¡"I"_03o.-g DI.VG 02-06-\314D3J,c ( c, c.c ....,..,.. ,cc c· c. . NEW TIE-OFF PiLE (7YP) NEW3'X20' HINGED RAMP . ......, - c,c , CC ··:··BÒTröM 5WMEN:-S~ ,;c'O :..' 5AND ~", . ", . ,,~. .'..- . ..' .co ",::.,'. . 'c . EXlSllNG 4 . WIDE FIXED AER a. 55 '. REPOsmONED 1'0' X 20' FWAT ,. '"', . ',.' ,:..' c .c c C '," . c -"" " .." .....,. c. ".-'." ....,.. c. ENe:> 'v"'/EVV" 5GALE "=10' NEW FWAT I<ESTR.AJNT PiLE (7YP) NEW3'X20' HINGED RAMPJ EXlSllNG 4 c WIDE r FIXED PIER a. 55'. c_ ,<&,t.s-. ~/'''16? z:¡.,.¡.. ~""'';1 fi-' at<& ~ N~"'n DOCq:), ~ g,':251Ã)Q2 430 A"'1 F~r_Q.J. dwg ;..-'" . .. ~NNJ35·. - MH\V:2.4 '= ,ALWO.o- c. .-: ~" ".' ":"," 'c 'c .:"...... .. c ..:,. n"" C. .... .... NEW TIE-OFF PiLE (7YP) REPOsmONED 10 'X20 'FLOAT BOTTOM SWlMENT5 - SAND _c PRC:>F/LE 5C.ALE. 1'::: 10 . AHW 35 ':t MHW .:2.4 ':1; ,ALWO.o c 'c ....... ... ~.: PI<OJECT, ~llON; DOCK MODfACATIONS WATER\>VAY, DATEo APF\.JCANT, FISHERS ISLAND. TO\\iN OF SOLJfHOLD SUFFO\..K COUNN. NEW YORK KAY HAI<BOI< SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 WCIUS FO\.Vl.ER AGENT, SHEET 4 OF 4 DOCKO. INC._ KeIf11 B. N"lson, PE Mystic, cr 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 5;T2 7569 Et1AIL: docko@$(1et.net DWG 02-06-I314.04Jo Board of Trustees February 26, 2003 TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Is there any other comment? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No comment on this. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Inkind/inplace and the same height. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE DICKERSON: I'll make a motion to Approve the application. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES . 31 . 19. Docko, Inc. on behalf of HAY HARBOR CLUB requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge +/-3' in the diving area around the swimming dock. Dredged material will be used for upland fill purposes. Located: Bell Hill Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#3-1-3 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to Table the application. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES 20. Docko, Inc. on behalf of LUCIUS L. FOWLER requests a Wetland Permit to relocate an existing 10'X 20' float with four new restraint piles and install a new 3'X 20' hinged ramp. Install seven new tie-off piles, all waterward of the apparent high-water line. Located: Equestrian Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#9-3-9 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here for or against the application. They want to relocate it seaward. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I can't agree with this. This is a residential lot rig ht? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. They want to go out that much more. They have seven new pilings they want to put in. I have a problem with the tie- off piles. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I don't like the tie-off piles either because they monopolize the bottom. Once they're in, they're in, and it's a residential lot. If they need a tie-off pile, they can just throw an anchor. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I don't have a problem with one tie off pile. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Right. One pile to accommodate the boat is fine. It's usually on the inshore side of their float. (talking, inaudible) TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I know what you're saying. Peggy is questioning the need to go out further too. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: They're going out past the neighbor's dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All right, we're going to have to Table this and have Artie send us his written comments. I'll make a motion to Table. TRUSTEE DICKERSON: Seconded. ALL AYES 21. Docko, Inc. on behalf of RICHARD BINGHAM requests a Wetland Permit to extend an existing 6' wide fixed pier by 30 (+/-) If. to reach suitable berthing depth all waterward of the apparent high-water line. Located: Central Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#6-4-2 . . SEQRA RESOLUTION RE: LUCIUS L. FOWLER SCTM#9-3-9 Resolved by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold that the application of LUCIUS L. FOWLER more fully described in the public hearing section #19 of the Trustee agenda dated Wednesday, December 18, 2002 is, pursuant to the SEQRA rules and regulations, an Unlisted Action; and be it Further resolved that the applicant is required to submit Part 1 of the Long Environmental Assessment Form (LEAF); and be it Further resolved that upon receipt of the LEAF the Clerk of the Trustees is hereby directed to commence a coordinated review pursuant to SEQRA. . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New Yark 11971 . SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Thursday, December 12, 2002, the following recommendation was made: LUCIUS L. FOWLER to relocate an existing 10' X 20' float with four new restraint piles and install a new 3'X 20' hinged ramp. Install seven new tie-off piles, all waterward of the apparent high water line. Located: Equestrian Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#9-3-9 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. . . . LUCIUS FOWLER PHOTOGRAPHS ,...... "-~....' - .~, ' ~1~;.1 :.. ;J. .,_... "..-Yi_ .' ~ , c.,"'" _ - . -p; , ....,-¡¡¡# ___ c ,~':.. > - ~ - '-..0 .....:.~ ABOVE: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE OVERALL VIEW OF THE FOWLER DOCK LOOKING GENERALLY TO THE NORTH. CRISP'S DOCK IS BEH£ND IT AND THE CONFIGURATION SHOWS VEGETATION ALONG THE SHORELINE, THE PIER AND THE FLOAT WHICH IS TO BE RELOCATED AND MOVED OUT. BELOW: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE PIER LOOKING FROM THE FLOAT BACK IN A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION TOWARD SHORE. THE RAMP IS TOO SHORT TO BE UTILIZED SAFELY AT LOW TIDE CONDITIONS AND NEEDS TO BE LENGTHENED. IN ADDITION, THIS WILL REQUIRE THE FLOAT TO BE MOVED OUT SLIGHTLY AS SHOWN IN THE APPLICATION DRAWINGS. . 1 , f-!· '32 I ¡I. ,c Ie , I I i , " 1---1'" , I , I , I , I to ,; . I'~ t I ~ I \'J , I ',c I', , , ~ Ix , ' J.... '~ /' '~:- ~ . ) " . WCATlON MAP Cj 33 PROJECT: WATERWAY: LOCATION: "DOCK MODIFICATIONS" HAY HARBOR FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY LUCIUS FOWLER SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 I __" -----'I' J / '~J~] ,. \ ,,~,.,SéaHUWl!r '(eer ___' (f "'-,/ljght.-~· V ("'_') /1 "J¿.;'''::-'- APPLICANT: DATE: ~ '1;;-1'1 s I, .1 -<I c I 1.\ CO.;. . \,/'j,01.\jJ.9'''Cõ ~ 1.\"'-''tfoj,y. / " ___- "ìJ~T c /' + . I '-'\ I -;, 151' ---'" s C) ~ , \ S \"\ ~ '02 /' -- /~.,,,c .' / ..'¿'\;¡¿:i~j: // '\.. \\~. 'c.J[)!-JmPIII1g " 'c I, ',c ....,' ~;'"-' .: . ',--;; \. ',' \> f'Ì .,' \J ...','......~.. C(!I¡VÒ (I, " ) ) , ~, '" ! ~ ,c' 1"-) ~ ~ ./ " . -....-' './ '-/~ // ~ ~ i.uh mpl1ng c \, '-- --~. . ,.,.ìj: It:;:, ì ,\. ,HemrT1bck \'C, I ell . c, 114, >-" " I .-~-j I , <'~-).../Ò / S ~/ 60" ~ ./ ~ ./~ ~ ./~ ~ ~ ~ " " " " " "0 "- l~~"r _/·........,...--.t/·/" '--......". , , , 23 " ( '. " , -- J2 :~~-, ,- 72/ ~ .c 20 .. " <> " "¡¡=-'4 , s 0 ~ 'Il ,_ .-. " " "'''-. / 6:!../ /(' \.---..---, --I , " ....""<' ,'·.Ä/ Field ,/ ~'J //,>,- .-.r-- .. I <' " Id..-r"øiÍá - --.... . .Pg.ln,t 8 0(;" -~,j J "'[)~ _, ,0' -78- ~¡,oà -¡SLAND " . . TAX ASSESSOR' MAP 09, SECTION 3, LOT 9 PROJECT: WATERWAY: LOCATION: WDOCK MODIFICATIONS" HAY HARBOR FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY LUCIUS FOWLER SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 û ~ APPLICANT: DATE: c, '" CcT ci 1 '.U.lel ..J ; \ 5.2Aldl 6.].4.lcJ I I % " , HAY HARBOR ) If 5.1!iA . '.1 ~~.IA(cl ..\ ot.1A!c:1 AVE. -~ . -. . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application X Wetland Permit Application ___Grandfather Permit Application Waiver/Amendment/Changes ~ Received Application: JllóL~); - Received Fee: ;loø.O'O ~ompleted Application 11/~S70~ _ J.ncomplete ~SEQRA Classification: ~ Type I Type II Unlisted v' ~oordination: (date sent) Jllo/6:b ~CAC Referral Sent: JIJ~~~ ---=::::: Date of Insp,-,ction: ið-JIIJð~ Receipt of CÞ.C Report: Lead Agenc:: I "termination: Technical Re~lew: ...........Public Hear :'.'~¡ Held: ~O-;" Resolution: . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 ¿ J $Qn~ La~q tò~ \'('\ orco~~ Name of Applicant LJ"'::cS L. FOWLER Address EQUESTRIAN A'<':':S, FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Phone Number: ---- Suffolk County Tax Mc_' '!Jmber: 1000 009 - 03- 09 Property Location: i:::"':STRIAN AVENUE (provide LILCO Pole ¥ iistance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: KEITH B. c;¿-,')N, P.E., DOCKO, INC. (If applicable) Address: P.O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 Phone: Fax: (860) (860) 572-8939 572-7569 .r5~ ~ ,\ \~ · . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet) : approximately 0.7 acres Area Zoning: Residential Previous use of property: Residential Intended use of property: Residential Prior permits / approvals for site improvements: Agency Date X No prior permits / approvals for site improvements. Has any permit / approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary) Relocate an existilll! IO-foot wide bv 20-foot Ion!! float with four new restraint Diles and install a new 3-foot wide by 20- foot hin!!ed ramD. Install seven new tie-off Diles. all waterward of the aDoarent hi!!h water line. 2 . Board of Trustees Applioation . WETLAND I TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: This float and [¡xed timber pier is used for recreational boatin!l:. Area of wetlands on lot: approximate Iv 2.000 square feet Percent coverage of lot: 5 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 0 feet (dock spans wetlands) Closest distance edge of wetlands: between o nearest feet proposed structure and upland (dock still spans wetlands) Does the project involve excavation or filling: X No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? X cubic yards How much material will be filled? X cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet x Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: N/A N/A Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate) :The propOsed float relocation will cause no chan!l:e in effect on the wetlands. 3 - - Board of Trustees Application N/A COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Are wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? No Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No Yes If Yes, now much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? (cubic yards) (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) impacts of the . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: LUCIUS L. FOWLER SCTM#1000-009 - 03 - 09 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: RELOCATE AN EXISTING 10' X 20' FLOAT WITH RESTRAINT PILES AND INSTALL A NEW RAMP AND SEVEN NEW TIE-OFF PILES. 1. That the property which is the is located adj acent to your follows: subject of Environmental Review property and is described as EQUESTRIAN AVENUE, HAY HARBOR, FISHERS ISLAND, PROPERTY OF THE LUCIUS FOWLER FAMILY. 2" That the property whieh is subj ect to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765- 1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: LUCIUS L. FOWLER MAILING ADDRESS: EQUESTRIAN AVENUE FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 PHONE #: Ene.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. 5 l Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda . . Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ----------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of -~Ç\~~-~-~~~~~-------------- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING , ì I, ,yCl.u.L It'\"""bÞ&.:, , residing at C l t0TR. A: L t-J~ w ~C rk say: ~\J'" os A.. -ç Soh 1LIR.c-. :;c ~ \ Y't'~.I) being duly sworn, depose and That on the ~~ay of 9L, 200~, I personally posted the property known as Y(\.,.. 1-0 wi r:;¡L by placing the Board of Trustees official poster where it can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date o~.~~e^ public_Q~~ring. Date~ hearing noted thereon to be held~Q(,~ ~OD~ O"\cr~-t r'}',ro t'\", Dated: ~ IJ.. 0 2.. Go-Q í[>~ôv~ (signature) ""--" ;' Notary Public THOMAS', DQI<ERn JR. Notary pub!!e Stale 01 New Ybrk No. 4806S59 OUBi~flea in SuffC/lk County TE-I'm ExpIres 12,31~ . . Board of Trustees Application County of (!af<.'¡¡;R. State of ;11 int11.5dt"- LUCIUS L. FOWLER BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE / SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT (S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVE(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. 1- I 'i-^-- Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 11'-' DAY OF ¡VovernbelZ- 200.2.1 6/.r;; ¡J ¡l<-.{ Notary Public 8> BEATRICE A. HECKSEL . . NOTARY PUBLIC· MINNESOTA . . CARVER COUN1Y . M ' elltllll1lsston ExpIrIlU,n. 31. tIIII5 7 " . . Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) I, LUCIUS FOWLER residing at (print owner of property) EQUESTRIAN AVENUE, (mailing address) FISHERS ISLAND do hereby authorize DOCKO, INC. (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. (Owner's 1-:0 signature) -;)-,1 8 c' . . . Cocko, Inc. P.O. Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Fax: (860) 572-7569, e-mail: docko@snet.net November 18.2002 Mr. Albert Krupski, President Southold Board of Trustees P.O. Box 1179 Southold. NY 11971 Re: Mr. Lucius Fowler Dock Modifications Dear Mr. Krupski: On behalf of Mr. Lucius Fowler we enclose herewith the tollowing in support of his permit application for pile modifications on Fishers Island. .:. Two prints each of plans titled: Project: Waterway: Location: "Dock Moditìcations" Hay Harbor Fishers Island, Town qf Southold Suffolk County, New Y-örk Lucius Fowler September 25, 2002 ¿ J Applicant: Date: .:. Two copies of the Southold Board of Trustees permit application. U.S. ACOE and DEC applications, Tax Assessor's Map, site photographs and location map. .:. Check in the amount 01'$200.00 payable to the Town of South old I trust that you will find this application package complete and acceptable; please let me know if the need for further information arises. Very truly yours, DOCKO. INC. (;£ ~¿()6=- Keith B. Neilson. P.E. KBN :jm Enclosures CC: Mr. Luke Fowler ACOE: NY Office NYS DEC: Regulatory Affairs File: 02-06-1314 FOWLER , .. ,. Docko. Inc. P.O. Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Fax: (860) 572-7569, e-mail: docko@snet.net December 17,2002 FAX TRANSMISSION (631) 765-1366 Southold Board of Trustees P.O. Box 1179 Southold. NY 11971 DEC I 9 2 ;~2 Re: Lucius Fowler Application Restraint Pile Heights Dear Board of Trustees: We have recently received a letter from Mrs. Tapscott, neighbor to Lucius Fowler in Hay Harbor. objecting to the height of the float tie-off piles that we have shown on Ihe Fowler dock modification application. In defense of our design, we would like to offer Ihe following rationale. Our typical practice is to show float restraint piles and boat tie-off piles to an elevation of one to two tèet above the hurricane design elevation for a particular site as set forth in the US Army Corps of Engineers Tidal Flood Profile, (copy attached). Our reason is that in storm and flood conditions, when Ihe dock is exposed to this worst case water elevation, we want 10 make sure that the float and / or boats stay in place. The extra two feet of pile length is for the rocking that will be associated with waves as they hit the float or boats. We believe that this is a prudent and necessary approach for Mr. Fowler's floating dock and all waterfront dock owners, and request that you consider this application in that light. I trust that you will find this rationale acceptable for your approval. Please let me know if the need for discussion arises. Yours truly, DOCKO, INC. It¿ ðJ~6~ Keith B. Neilson KBN:jm CC: Mr. Lucius Fowler Mrs. Robert Tapscott File: 02-06-1314 FOWLER , MRS. ROBERT L. TAPSCOTT 182 TACONIC ROAD SALISBURY, CT 06068 µv,.......t,..- ""2. 71 l.. 0 () <.... .:I1 ~ o..v i'\~.).J(7¡ {ÞCó{.., I íL <......... "- '/ ò v r-......... c-.-<-<.....f~J\ /"ffr>v ...."-<-.J1 'I CJu"- Spc." c..J c:::t..>.(S:cS s~'-J.~'Locl ~". 7-o.~<£ -(-0 t,v,/ :S0'->' H'( > "'... $- ... «J ..L- L. "'" v<" ).,'.1:. (, vs. ~.. -I '16"''' r {-*."<- 1-0-- .f-c..r F6~(f?"Y:s. lAP..... j.ð¿;.L, ¡........H. J '" t~ Got.,~<J,-<i-- t= IOuV' ::0------ G \.:> ..,. -ý pc.... -(- ~ f ¿>., '- ~ ' \µ-.. 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" \ \ \ \ \' \ \ \. \. , \ ~- " -0.' ;)0. -0.4 ~__'_' x x x NIF p\<oPE¡<:TY \~""'~ f20CK ~~.._ -0.2 OF CRISP \ (1YP) _.c~'~- " <¡.2 O} 0;1 '- TOP OF .. . \" ßAN~ 1.4 '\ ". j¡c6 06 0;1: o¡ ..... ~8 Oc 'X~~-') .. .'} 1.1 ~ kO 51 / _ --r.: " 1.2 2.5 ~ ('" .. 'jJ x~· - .~.Ç1·-· 'r./ ".. .... f Ù 't .. '8.. ........ ..~r:;._._._.- 'I, / .... ........ .. 1 .... ".... .. ¿~ '-'"J"":::!" - .. ",-Sp,ARfINA ~'f- Sp,ARf\NA 3 ,At. íERNIFl.ORA \ PAíENSIt ....~._~ '-'~ SE." t1Yf/.1l.-E ,,;rC1' <tI\-fY S/íE: \ BRUSH COY~f2E;J/ p\<o~¡<:TY e:></S,-ílNG STONE BANK FOWLER C;ONDII10NS co -~.-~ -,---- ---~ ------- -0.8 " -Oc9 " -1.0 " -' ~'--~ -.--.- -,---- -0.5 " -0.7 " -~.8 -O.B " -1.0 " -0.1 " -0.6 " _1.0 .--'-~ -~-~ "_~_..F'-' -0.4 -0.3 2.. X X EXlSilNG FIXED Pie;¡<. -0,5 " -0.4 " ~----- -0.3 " -O..J X~.3 1.2 " ~ f " "'--~- (' . \ I, \-\ II I', I"J \~ :(\' '\,\ EXlSilNG DOCK \ '\ \ \ \ \ , \ .. \ , \ \ \ :':c:''::-? \. 1\ \, \ \ \, I~--j ~------ -~- -0.3 " 0.3 " NIF P\<OPERí \ \ OF T AßSCOí ~\ \\ ¿~ 'L.'" \1\' \ G....."..c~I·.ADc PlWJ¡;CT: DOCK MOD/FlCAí10NS J AD LDCATlON: WA~AY: DA"Œ ,APPUCANT: FISHERS ISU"ND. TOWN OF SOLJTl-tOLD SUFFOU< COUNTY, NEW YORK HAY rW<BOR SEPTEMBER ;15, :200~ LUCIUS FQ\V\..E'R [ AD :¡O o ¿c~~~ íž;i;''{f') ·@::<_2<i~,j ~...~ ,oGE'NT: SHEET ~ OF A- DOCKO, INC.- Ke\1t1 Be NeI\oO<1, PE' Hy5~C, cr 06355 B60 572 £1939 F"" £160 5727569 E'M"J~ doeko@snefcnet r;NJG 02-06-1314 -5.2 __~_ X NEW ~:_o~;J~RePOS/~~~~D PILE (TYP) ----. 15 c. FLOAT ~CC~ -36 ~~'4ì c. -~.4 x-J·2 17. ---- ~ HAY HARBOR _._r-_ -'-~ ~ ---~- o -~.o MOOi<lNG --- <, '\ -5.3 x 1/ ./ -2.6 X --- _c~ -~-~ I¡ c' EXiSTING DOCK -~ _.~_e_ ..... -,P -~.7 >leg NEW FLOAT ReSTI<A1NT PILE (7YP) . , /..~ '.... " ". '., c ..... .........: ..............." .......... " '\ ....... .'\ \ \¡\ \ i \ \' \ \ \. , \ \ -0.1 -,2._ -;4 NIF PROPERlY \ _w_ X 1<OCY 0.4 -0.2 OF CRISP \ (lYP) :~- \, ' ¡2 O,l 0;1 '\ TOP OF ~4 ,,\ B.AN~ '\ ", ~.6 0.6 01; ..... 'I! 8 O. W~ -') . 1.2 t5~ I f-r;- V :fj':;:~. ',,, / !tVVV~2.3·" c:=/ ., 1f.., ..,.,'t ¿~ ~~~~J"""¡¡''¡'''¡''}': '*',~ SPAATINA \ PAiENS ~ ~. " SEA MYRTL-E,-v1; \ is'1::' -"---.,. -~~-- -1.0 -0.8 X X END OF EXISTING AXED PIER -"".=. -0.5 -0.7 -~""":O.8 X X X -1.0 _......--~ ---_.-. -~~- ~'---"- x -5.7 -~ -,P NEW 3 'X 20' HINGED RAMP -1.8 X -1.8 X -1.5 X --'-'"-'~ -0.8 X -'.0 X -0.7 X -~ -~-~ -0.5 X 0.2 -0.4 -0.3 2.. X X EXISTING AXED P1ER 1.1 i:. kO 1.1 1.2 2.5 -:'fc-..,r:,-·-. V 1.6 V vv V ~ V'r:;:'-'-'-'- "" 'f" ""1'''' ~ ~ SPAR"TINA Al. iERNIFL-ORA \ pF2.0POSED CONDITIONS GR.AA-iIC sc:::.ALE ,. = 40 . o I 40 PI<OJECT, I 40 20 LOCATION, ~_"?,,,:-,..,.... ..,..F~"'--' t: ~ ~ ")., /-~.. ('II .~... I' :"7\:~~;~' )(" . " \ II '. " ..' ., r~'!' -.' ,c , ~ - , - -, . ~ '{ . .','~ <~~~/ ,} ,.,,-./ ""-. .,''- ",,' _ ~_: ¡:.. ,~.,__::-"':-.,.Y. WATERWAY DA-æ APPUCANT' ----- ---,---- 0.2 X -0.3 X -0..J XWil.:5.3 1.2 X SITE PROPERlY OF FOWL.ER N~ --~~ . 5 -~-~ -303 X -1.3 X lì \\\\ \\ \ \ EXISTING DOCK \ \ \\ -" \\ -~--_. ._- -0.6 X -0.4 X -0.3 X 0.3 X \ N/F PROPERlY \ OF TABSCOTT ,\ ¿It z'''' "', \ DOCK MODIFICATIONS RSHEOI<S ISLPND. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUN1Y. NEOW YORK HAY HAABOR seoPTEMBS< 25. XJ02 L.lJClUS FOWLS< ,AGENT, SHEOEOT 3 OF 4 DOCKO, INCh Ketth B. NEO_. PE My5~G. CT 06355 860 57:2 8939 fA,)( 860 '572 7569 EI'1AJL: docKo@snet.net ~'" eo NorIJson. Doçko '<X;. œ/26I2O.?.2 A..;a6 PM F.:-lel'"_03o..g DWG 02-06-\314D3J>G NEW 77E-OFF PILE (TYP) NEW3'X20' HINGED RAMP REP05mONED r8 'X20 'FLOAT EIOT1"OM seDIMENTS' SAND EN~ 'v"/EVV" SCAU: 1'",'10' NEW3 'X20' HINGED RAMP NEW FLOAT REST1<AINT PILE (TYP) EXlSTlNG 4 C WIDE r FIXED PEl< EL 55 '. REPOsmONED 8'X20'FLOAT L ~ -.AJ-NV 35'. -MHW24·. ....WOO- NEW 77E-OFF PILE (TYP) ............................. CCC ::, .": . , . . . C. . . ", ~ C,C ,..... ~.':'.. . Cc . ~'. . '.." .:. C, C CC, ;"'," ,",. ,- ~ ~. ...". ..... .",." ,'. ," "..'. ....."", C EIOT1"OM 5I:DIMeNTS:. c, C. c"cSAND c<c, . Cc cC' CCC . ;..-'".... ';-.,.'..:" ..'- -.: . ., C ....... CC' .:..";' " C. "" . CC' .'-' - - ," C· . 'C' C. ,- " .... ".^ .. '~" .', . - .~..- . C C c. . ..'...:' . ," . PROFILE 5GALE '"..10' ,AHW 3S ':t MHW 2.4 '. ALWO.O :,..'-."". ..., ,L -,' . .C CC ,.:.d", ..... . . .~. .." ;\"": Cc ..... .~,..." ....... C.C DOCK MODIACA770NS fÍj;tf2'C'I.:~,~""',. /c.".......c......:r"cc..cc. íG~;../"C~C. C C '_.' C Cc C . , ~,(\!t~() ¡',; ".".' ~;, C/' ¡r \. . . , I . .': . ... . ~ _.., I :¿. . ..... .'c.>/.I .,c.,c·j;/c.ccc, ,'" ..:.... ',. .~ . " .. -- ...._,... .~:~~ PRO.JECT: LOCATlON: WATERWAY: DATE: APPL.JC.ONT: FlSHE~ SLAND, TO'WN OF SOLlTHOLD SUFFOl.K COUNTY. NEW YORK HAY HAQ60R SEPTEMBER 25, 2002 WCIUS F'OWI..ER ,AGENT: SHEEr .4 OF 4 DOCKO, INC.. KeIth B. Neil""" PE Mys1tc;, CT 06355 860 572 8æ9 FAX 860 'S12 75Ió9 EI"\ÄIL: doc:kD<hMt.net ~ Ne!~n DOC""". ....c. ~/:25/:200.2 4ðO PM ~r_04.dw¡ DWG 02..06-1314.D4Jo FISHERS \ NflV 2':5 j:c;;':'o . ISLAND ,\.:.:,,:,:..,. ,." r·; ,.. j.' :....... ~ " .". .'" ..- - .~,...~::.:.:.....-~ ., :-: ~'. .~. -...~~ .~'" ,':'~ ~- ..-: -, .'. -." \:.. .... ."c F:'~ ," ,", ..~-.::..~...:..-.-.~-~ ~:'r'---~ ....- l 0" ',." '.' c' ~ ' . ." ."", ",' . '.. '.' .' - . '·\.cc Cc' cc.c c'Cc.CCccc CCc' C ',c.. ':, c,. ,c. "cc,Cc ',.', . )'-.-;: 7>,,;~:",~'; ::\ :'\ ~. :-.'" \.. " ..' "f'c:;;~~::~~-' Y··: . .' P1<O.JECT: ':<:> 'c'c:: '.C ___~ \ ~~c;7FfCAT70~~"S: ",: " .,., ".-. ~ I . t, ' . . \ N/F PROPERTY 1 . . \. .. \ f'.... OFTAPSC~ (' >.: /,. . \ I . .~ /':'-'--' . /. ,.' "" I; " /". '.> ---- /. ,:' '. .'?-;;~1t ¿.:.",o_{k ." '.,. NE\V 3 c X 20 c RAMP WITh 71lE-GFF ALES ALL /. '. (,"<;'<::,!~. .0<:,;:';" c C':1.\ . WA1ERI.VARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER UNE /"'.,....;. :\;~;,~~,:;,_!~ o""',\"i:';::~:::;~:":.. < "..... ....'''.~ L .:\-' ..~ ........_.<i. ~ 4. PROJECT PURPOSE: / '. N/F PROPERTY' ~o:",.,,;:;.::~,:¿ÝI. Le·: ~,:,~.::-:.~:::.:- THIS IS A PRIVA.TE DDCKFOR RECREA.1l0NAL /: . . .' '" OF Cf<lSP : .. \i:~:;:*::;»[ SITE\~~;.'::L~·· BOATINGc / . '.' c ' . . . "~'_:.;y.\ PROPEI<T"(\·.·c,· ,,'" . 5. THESEAPPUC,ATlON Df<AW1NGS REPRESENT .~:" . .::.... '.' .:,' :\~\?: ··..~\~€~if/'·I": ACOMALATlON OF SURVEYS FORÆRMrr '. c ..\~. ~ ceCC" cc,,><,:c../: .;;:=;::=~ ~'<:.~,: ....... .... ......... ... i\'~··;~~c 'Y~;;J ~ER~,~~D, NY 06390<·....·:.·:_~.:. :).~;~,~,:>:,:» :.. ." ·:.·:::~\:;i~.:',· ,.':' ;.:',/:::: EAST' . _". ...... c'C cc,c'c:<''l'cccc. M¡;6 LESLIE Fe TAPSCOTI MR ROBERT L T;>PSC01T. JR ~'v'"Er::<.-ALL P~N 182 TACONIC ROAD 9 CHEQUESSETT ROAD SPLISBURYc CT 06068 ~NG, MA 01867 " NOm' "' I.c .I;' ---., .' IN/ ~ , c¡ s HAY HARBOR -,"'--"-"',- ~ C) "---- - LOCATION r-1AP REFc CKAI2L 12372 I GRAPHIC SC.AlE 2000 IN '( AJ<DS 1===== 2000 o - '-"- - NOTES, 1 ELEVATlON DATUM is APPA.RENT LOW WATERc 2. TlDE DATA IS T ~N FROM THE 2002 NOAA. TlDE TABLES REÆRENCE SILVER EEL COVE 3. PROJECT DESCRlPllON: REPOSmON AN EXISTlNG 8 c X 20 c FLOAT WITH ASSOClATED RESTl<.AJNT RLES AND INSTALL A c. 'c ..... MR JAMES V T;>PSC01T 186 TA.lJNTON ROAD F,AJ CT 06430 I 200 100 GRAP'HIC SCALE r = 200 200 o DOCK MODfFfCA nONS PROJECT: WATERWA.Y: DATE: A.PPUCANT: FISHERS ISLANDc TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNlY. NEW YORK HAY I-lARBOR SEPTEMBER 25. 2002 WClUS FOWLER LOCATION: AGENT: SHEET 1 OF 4 DOCKO. INC, Keiti1 B. Neilson, PE Mys1ic, CT 06355 860 572 8939 FcA.X 860 ¡;72 7569 EMAJL: docko@snet_net he,,., B NeHSQn DX"-D In;:; 11 15"':.2002 220 PM F"""e~_OI"'^9 DWG 02-G6-1314c01JD