HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5554 Albert J. Krupski, presidtt .. James King, Vice-PresidJ~t Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson .. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 28, 2002 Mr. Glenn Just c/o JMO Environmental Consulting PO Box 447 Quogue, NY 11959-0447 RE: SCTM#09-3-6 E.G. PATTERSON Equestrain Avenue/Bell Hill Drive, Fisher's Island, NY Dear Mr. Just: The following action as taken by the Board of Town Trustees during a Regular Meeting, held on May 22, 2002, regarding the above matter. WHEREAS, JMO Environmental Consulting on behalf of E.G. Patterson. applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions ofthe Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated April 4, 2002 WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on . M"ay 22.2002 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18 of the Southold Town Code. .. 2 .. WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT. RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approved the application of E.G. Patterson for a Wetland Permit for an in-ground swimming pool, patio, fencing and replace existing walls - with the stipulation that haybales and silt fencing shall be installed and maintained until completion of project - a washback pool on road side of proposed swimming pool. -. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Fee must be paid, if applicable and permit issued within six months of the date ofthis notification. Two inspections are required and the Trustees are to be notified when project is started and on completion of said project. FEES: NONE Very truly yours, C~(7 ,,' /~-,)--vß... c I ~ Albert J. Krupski, J r. President, Board of Trustees AJKJcjc cc DEC Building Department .. .. TERMS and CONDmONS ~'.. .~ 1. ..... '\ ,.' - -..... The Permittee 1!.. \..r. .l:"atterson residing at R(p]f~~tr:::dn Au.,.ro~lqJ:a811 Hill Ðli r' 1 ' ~ à N.¥ as . . y...., 10 11:;;:;.L ~ - all ., pan. of the coosideratioo for the isSv''''''' óf die PemJit does ~ pïäéribe to the fol- ~: 1. That the said Board 01 T...- aod che TOWD 01 SouchoId ue released from aøy aod aU damoges, or claims foe damoges, of suits arising direcdy oe inditecdy .. . resuk of aøy o~- adoo peáoamed pUrsumt to chis permit, aod che said p.o.. ¡Nee will, at his or her own e>:¡.¡nor. defend aøy aod aU ...m suits·¡..s.,;.....! by tbitd puâes, aod the said ~ 1"",=.........., fuI1lØb111t.T wich reSpect thereto, to the complete csdusioa. of the Board ol TrøsUes ol the Town ol Soad>^Id 2. That this PeøDit is· valid fOe . period of 24 mos. wbkh is coDSi' 'ed to be the estimated time· R.<JUÜed to complete the wod< invohed, butiboald ~...- wunac, request for on exœasioo may be made to the Board at a later date. ~. That chisPeøDit should be retained indefmitely, or .. loog .. the said l'tuuiuee ,.¡sbCs to I"";_;n the st1UCt\IU or project involved, to provide evidence to anyoae .....cuned chat aøch- orizaâoo was originally obtained. 4. That che work imolved will be &Object to the ~ aod approval ol the Boerd or Its agents, aod ooa-compliance wich. the provisions 01 the ori8/_fl..g applkodoo. ø.y be conse for revocaâoo of chis Permit by resoluâoo of the said Boatd. 5. That chere will be no unreasooable interfereoœ wich aavigatioo .. · resuk ol the wodt berdn ..(homed. . . 6. That there shall be 00 Interference wich the right ol the pub1k to pass aod repas aloag the beach between high aod low water marks. . .' 7. That if future operaâoas 01 the Towo of South91d teqaire the remonl at>dIor a1œradoas in the 1ocatioa ol the ~ bereiø ...tborize'I. or it, in the opiøIoo ol the Board ol Tnuœes. cbe. work shall cause unreasoo.¡,Je obstruCbOO to free aaYiga1ioo. the said P-/...... will be required. upoo due øotiœ, to remove or alter chis work or project berdn stated witbout ....~ to che TOWD . ol Souchold. . 8. That che said Board will be -Wed by the Permittee 01 the ~. ol cbe work PIth- orhed. 9. That che PemJittee will obtain aU otber pennits aod coocenf< chat ø.y be RqUired sup- plemental to chis permit wbich _y be subject to revoke upon fúlure to obtain -- r Ie Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 SouthaM. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the South old Town Conservation Advisory Council held Monday, May 20, 2002, the following recommendation was made: lioC.PATTERSON to construct a swimming pool, patio, fencing and replace existing walls. Located: Equestrian Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#9-3-6 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. FRDr1 r1HRGUERITE \.1. PURNELL . MAY.22.20C12 10:18Ar1 P 1 411fHONE NO. : 8¿O 868 6042 [FAx COVER SHEET TO: Charlotte Southold Town Hall Fax.# 631.765.1366 FROM: Marguerite W. Purnell Washington, CT (& Fishers Island, NY) Phone: 860.868.6624 Fax # 860.868.6042 DATE: May 22,2002 RE: Comments/Questions on Patterson Pool Application for tonight's public hearing. P AGES SENT: 3 (Including this cover sheet) COMMENTS: Charlotte, Thank you fur the information. Here are the conunents uom the Purnell tàrnily (adjacent property owner) for the public hearing on the Patterson pool application. Please give me a call if the two following pages do not come through, and I'll fax lhem again. Thanks, Margie FPOf'l r1HPCJUEP I TE 1,1. F'UPr~ELL . nH\·.~:2.200: lO:1'3Hrl F'-' .'HO~~E ~Jr:::I. : E~.Ü BE.E EJJ.:.12 Board of Trustees. Town of South old Southold Town Hall Southold, NY 11971 RE: Application of E.C. Patterson SCTM # 1000-009-3-6 Dear Sirs, May 22, 2002 My fumily would like to submil a few questions and comments tor consideralion at the public hearing tor the application being made on a neighboring property at Fishers Island for a pool and associated improvements. We are the adjacent property owners to the west, and according to the copy of the plan that was sent as an enclosure along with the Nodce, the edge of the pool is proposed to be 34 fuet trom our property line and approximately 60 feet &om Hay Harbor (a tidal wetland). Fishers Island is very dear to our family, and Hay Harbor is an ecologically sensitive tidal area thaI is suffering from the ravages of development along its shoreline and within its watershed. Eel grass beds that had been plentiful in Hay Harbor have been greatly diminished in the past decade most likely from declining water quality. A nwnber of scallop restoration projects have been undertaken in recent years. but they have met with limited success in part due 10 the lack of eel grass as protective cover. Also, in our area of Hay Harbor, Phragmites sp. (an aggressive invasive species encouraged by fresh water inputs- tolerant of reduced salinities) has been encroaching on the areas previously occupied by Spartina sp.. Foraging habitat for species such as Blue Herons, Black Crowned Night Herons, Egrets etc. is shrinking due to the expansion of Phragmites. The importance of vegetated buffer areas has been well docwnented with the literature specifYing a minimum of 100 feet to protect water quality. It seems prudent to encourage development that would enhance native buffer plantings and minimize impervious surmces. As such, our family has a nwnber of concerns with trus current proposal, and we feel that the possibility exists for a dangerous precedent to be set; the only other pool that exists on Hay Harbor is the Hay Harbor Club Pool (located approximately JI. mile to the northeast) that is set further back tram Hay Harbor, at a rugher elevation, in an area with lirnìted fetch and is utilized by many members of the community. Though we have been unable to review the complete proposal. the following questions corne to mind: I. Do the Trustees allow pools to be constructed in close proximity to tidal wetlands" 2. Is the pool proposed as a fresh water or salt water pool? 3. What type of chemicals will be used" Where will they be stored? 4. What type and where will noise generating equipment be located? 5. What type ofsurfå.ce will the pool have? Will a liner be used? FFI]r1 r1HFï::;'UEPITE 1,1. PUP~~ELL . . t"1H"('. 2..::.'. 2~J0.2 10: l'?Hrl F' ~ _HONE I ~CL : er;ü 868 E.O-1.2 6. Will the pool have a drain? How will it be closed during the ofl season') Will water be drained into Hay Harbor during this process? 7. How will leaks be detecled and addressed? 8. How will heavy equipment access this site? Will trees and underbrush need to be removed to accomplish the construction? 9. What type of erosion and sedimentation controls are proposed? 10. Are addítional plantings to be made? Will any be reqtilied? 11. Do the Trustees require mitigation for environmental impacts associated with development? Would mitigation be applicable in this situation? 12. Is the configuration of the "existing waUs to be replaced" identicaJ to what currently exists on site? Will the enclosed area be larger? How high are the walls proposed to be? 13. Following construction, how will water flow across/around the site? 14. What is the amount of additional impervious surface that will be generated by this project? 15. How will rainwater runoff in the patio area be handled? Drains? Where will they discharge? 16. Is there another location on the property where a pool could be sited further from Hay Harbor, at a higher elevation and in an area that is more sheltered from storm wave action? The fetch across the Sound and Hay Harbor is considerable (though broken up a bit by Stony Beach) and the wave action from Nor'easters and Hurricanes is directed toward the Southern portion of Hay Harbor (Purnell and Patterson properties). 17. While not an environmentaJ issue, is there any concern about the proximity of the proposed pool to Equestrian Avenue and the curve? On a number of occasions over the past six years, drivers have 1àiled to negotiate the curve as they travel westward on Equestrian Ave., and they plow into the hedge between the telephone pole and the Purnell property boundary and then down the embankmenl - thankfully, no one has been seriously hurt. While we understand that property owners have certain rights with regard to the usage of their property, and we have no desire to unilaterally oppose an application offered by a neighbor, we do hope that the Trustees will take these comments into consideration to develop the most environmentally sound proposal that will benefit the heaJth of Hay Harbor for generations to come. Thank you for your consideration of these comments and questions. Sincerely, /VI_k t-..). "\.:>-n Marguerite W. Purnell 2 Alher! J. {rup.kl, Pre.iden! .J"m~s J{inJ!', Vice·rresident Henry Smith Art"=, Fm:¡tr.r K(>n PoliwodA , , Town Hall 53091) RQute 25 P.O. no. 1179 Soulhold, Now YOI k 11971-0959 Tclcphnno (531) 755-IR92 Fox (31) 765-1366 , BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit APPli~ ~ _Wetland Permit Application MaioL-- _ Minor Waiver/Amendmenlf ha ges _Received Application: 'f I c.f .../ ¡o:- Received Fee:$ j.. ::; ò ~ Completed Application _Incomplete SEQRA Classiflcation: Type I_Type II_Unlisted_ _Coordinalion:(date sent) , ~ ' CAC Referral sent:3.f of 0 y _Date ofInspection: I DY _Receipt ofCAC Report: . _Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: _Public Hearing Held: _Resolution: i .:..(. (1,?L- ('µJ. ~-~ ? PR 4 s-/"^1 0 Y Name of Applicant E.C. Patterson Address 17 South Beach Road, Hobe Sound, Fl 33455-2227 Phone Nurnber:( )561- 546-702 5 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 _ 009-3-6 Property Location: Equestrian Avenue. naif. Fishers Island (provide LILCO Pole II, distance to cross streets, and location) J -r\ ~, AGENT: Glenn E. Just/ J.N.O. Consulting (If applicable) Address: P.O. Box 447. Quogue, NY 11959-0447 Phone: 653-0607 , Board of Trustees Application ø Land Area (in square feet): GENERAL DATA 67,518 Area Zoning: R-80 Previous use of property: single family dwelling Intended use of property: same Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date ~o prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspend ~ governmental agency? ~~ya Yes -- If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): As proposed, project should have no negative impacts upon the waters or wetlands of the Town of Southold ~ard of Trustees APPlicat~ WETLANDfTRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Proposed pool, patio, fencing and replace existing walls Area of wetlands on lot: square feet Percent coverage of lot: n/a % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: + 61 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: + 5 6 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No x Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? + 1 0 cubic yards How much material will be filled? o cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: 10 feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 1 : 1 Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Pay loader Sfatement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments ifappropriate): We anticipate no negative impacts upon the wetlands or waters of the Town of Southold ~ard of Trustees ApPlicat~ COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Proposed pool Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? No x Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No x Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? .:':.10 (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? o (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: payloader Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) We expect no negative environmental impacts , ø . H·16·2 (9/95 -7c 617.20 Apponcllx A SInlo Envlronrnonl,,1 aualllv nevlew . FULL ENVIRON.MENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEaR rurpo.e: Thc full EAf I. de.lgned to help applicants and agencies delermine. In an order Iv m.nner. whether a project . or oc!lon may be significant. The question of whether an "ctlon mav be slgnlllcantls not always easy to anSwer. frequent- ly. thcre are aspccts of a proJect Ihat are sub cctlve or unme.sureable. III. also underslood thaltho.e who delermlne .Ignlllc.nce m.y h.ve little or no formal knowledge 01 Ihc environment or mav nol be technlcallv expertlr\ environmental an.ly.l!. In Addition. many who have knowledge In one particular area may not be .ware of the broader concernS affecting the quc.!lon 01 .ignlllcance. The lull EAf I! Intended 10 provide. method whcrebv .ppllcanls and agencle. can be assured that the delermlnatlon proccss ',a. beon orderly. comprehen.lve In nature. yet flexible enough 10 .IIow Introduction 01 Information 10 fit a proJect or action. Full EAF Componenl" The full EAf Is comprl.ed of three parts: rar' 1: rrovlde. objective data and Information about a given proJect .nd lis .lIe. BV Idenlllvlng ba.1c proJect dat., II asslsll a revIewer In the analvsls that lakes pllce In Plrts 2 and 3. rarl2: Focu.es on Idenllfylng the rlnge of pnsslble Imp.ds thlt m.y occur from I proJeCt or action. " provides guidAnce as to whether In Implct Is likely to be consldcred smlll to modcr.te or w'.eth.. It Is a potentl.tly- I.rge Implcl The form II so 11cntlfles whether An Implct cln be mlllg.led or reduced. Pari 3: If .nv Imp.ct In Part 2 Is Identllled as potenllallv-Iarge, then Part 3 Is used to evaluate whelher or not Ihe Impact Is Iclually Important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify fhe rorllons or EAf compleled for fhll pr%~~ct: 0 Parf 1 0 Pari 2 OPart 3 Upon revlcw 01 the Information recorded on this EAf (rarts 1 .nd 2 .nd 3 If appropriate), .nd any other .upporUng Informallon, .nd considering both the m.gnllude and Import.nce or each Implcl. It Is reuonlblv determined bV Ihe leld .geney Ih.1: o A. The project will not re.ult In any I.rge And Importlnt Imp.d(') and. ·therefore. " one which wlllnol hAve a slgnlflcanl Impact on the envlronmenl. Ihererore a nelallve declaration will ... prepared. o B. Although the proJed colild have a .Ignlflcant effect on tl.e envIronment. there will not be a "Inlllcant effect ror this Unlisted Action bccause the mltlglUon measures t!e.crlbed In PART 3 have been requIred. therefore a CONDITIONED nellaUve declaraUon will be prepared.' o C. The project may result In one or mo.e '.rge Arid ImportlnllmplclS thlt mIl' hive a sIgn ;flcant Implct on the environment. therefore a po.ltlve declaraUon will be prepared. . A CondlUoned Negltlve Declarlllon " on IV valid for Unlisted Acllon. Nlme or Acllon N.me of leftd Agency Prlnl or Type Nlme or Re.ponslble Orncer In leld Agency Title or Respon.lble Orncer Slfin8lure or Responsible Orncer In lead Agency Signature of Preparer (II dlfferenl from responsible off.lcer) I Date 1 , fit PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor . NOTICE: This docu",enl" d!slgned 10 asslsl In dele,mlnln f whelher Ihe acllon proposed may have a sl fnlllcanl el;eel on Ihe envlro'",onl. rlease com pIe Ie Ihe en lire lorm, rarls A IhroU fh E. Answerllo Ihese quesllons will be consld~'ed as parI ollhe appllc.'lon lor approv.land may be sub/eel 10 lurlher verlflcallon .nd public ,evlew. ProvIde any addlllonal Inlorm.llon you believe will be needed 10 complele rarls 2 and 3. . II Is expeelcd 11,.1 complollon ollhe lull EAr will .be depMdenl on Inlo,mallon currently available and will nol Involve now studies. research or Invesllgallon. If Inlormallon requIring such addlllonal work Is unavailable. so Indica Ie and specify each Ins 10 nee. NAME OF ACTION Proposed pool, patio, fencing and new walls LOCATIO'" OF ACTION (lnelude SI"., Addr.... Munlc'ø,II'r end C.ounfyt Equestrian Avenue noli Fishers Island NAME OF trfllCANTYONSj'A / J .M.O. Consulting 1 Br~fs~ 6~'j~'ß'gf)7 enn . ust AooneS9 447 ·P.O. Box CITYIPO .. Quogue 1 ~TfTE 11 ~~ 'refE NAME OF OWNEA ~I dlll."n' I I BUSINESS TELE,,"ON! . EC Patterson ·6611 546-7025 ADDnESS 17 South Beach Road ClTYII'O 1 STATE I. ZIP COO! Hobe SoùÍ1d . FL 33455-222 DESCAIMION OF ACTION Applicant proposes to construct a pool, patio, fencing and replace existing walls rlease Com pIe Ie hch Que.llon- Indleale N.A. " nol applicable ^. SlIe Description Physico I seltlng 01 ov~rall pro/eel. bot'" de~Ioped Ind undevelored areu. . 1. Presenlland use: OOrban Olnduslr'al OCommerclal OResldenl,.1 (suburban) ~utll (non-farm) Ororesl OAllleulture OOther 2. Tolol acreage of pro/ed area: /. ,S- ICU!s. ArrROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTF.g COHPlETION Meadow or Orushl.nd (Non-'Irlcultural) .o<::'r Icres !12 leles Foresled _Qr Icres if .ere. Agricultural (Includes orchards. cropland. paslule, etc.) Q- Icre. _.:t2.-_ .ere. Well.nd Irreshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of Eel) () ,0 l acres (... \ 0 I ac,es Waler Surl.ce Area .n acres ·6 ac,e. Unvegeloled (Rock. earth or ""' ø- acres ...g- acres Roads. buildings and other paved surlaces () I 'û :3> acres () ,0 <{ Icre. Olher (lndlcale Iypel In.,:^ I, ç I aCles I, :SO acre. I 3. Wh.11s predominant soli Iype(s) on prolecl sllel¥('1=: "Q"'f-I\"'~<'(\ ¿ ~1",Y)()\¡4-\..... ue.s1 h"1\ll~h<{ JJ::y. a. 5011 dralnaRe: Uwell draIned Ie :Xj "01 slle OMode,alely well drained " 01 sltot . OPoorly draIned " 01 slle . b. "ony .e,lcult",alland Is 'i,volved, how mftny ac,es 01 soli are clu.llled wllhln '0118'0(/1' 1lh,oUlh 4 01 Ihe Nh lftnd ClftssllrcaUon Systeml f\ \0- Icres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). I 4. Are Ihe.. b~drock outeropplñlS on proJect .Itel DYe. ~o a. Wl,at Is depth to bedrock I . :::!::: c-.,( )n (In leet) 2 .~ '. tit s. ^rrHoximale percentage! of proposed profect $III! wHh slopes: 1% % ~.IO% ~O-IS% 'SO 015% or grealer % 6. " I'.ojoct ,ub.lonUolly conllguou, to. or conloln 0 building. 'Ue. 0' dhtrlet. Ihled On Ihe Stole or Ihe Nallonal Reghle" 01 11i.lorle Ploce,1 DYe, ~o 7. "1',ojecl subnonllolly conllguou, 10 0 ,ile II,ted On lI.e Reghler 01 Notional NOlurollandmuk,1 8. What h the depth 01 the water tablel ± \ t.{ (In lee!) 9. " ,Ue located over a primary. principal. or ,ole source aQuiferl ~ DNo 10. Do hunllng. li,hing or shell IIshlng opporlunilles pre,ent'y exht In the prolecl ..eal 11. Does pro/ecl slle contaIn any s "lecle. 01 plant or anlm.', IiJr that Is Idenlllled u threatened or endaneeredl DYe, 5fwo According to ~~c..~ Identify each specie' . 12. Are there 'ny unique or unu,ual land form, on the profect ,It. I (I.... clllIs. dunes, other geological forma!lons) DYe' ~ Oescrlb. DV.' Qtlo ~s DNo 13. " Ih. proJect ,lie presently u,ed by the communlly or neighborhood as an ope·n .pace or recreation .real DVe, ~. If yes, eX "llaln H. Do., Ih. "I,e,ent slle Include scenic vIew, known to be Im "lortanl to the communltyl DVe. ~ !S. Slream. wllhln or conlleuous to "ro'ect areo: I/,. \ ~ a. Name 01 Stream and name of River to which II Is tributary 16. lakes. pond,. wetland areu within ~rrcon"guou, to profect area: t. Na",e I-l~ .!;iQ,I\i\\)) 17. " Il,e ,lie served by exIsting public ulllllle,' ~, DNo a) " Ve,. doo, sufficient capacity exl,t to allow çonnecllonl ~ DNa h) " Ve', will Improveménts be necessary to allow connecllonl ~~ DNa 18. " Ihe sllc located In an agricultural district cerlllled pursuant to AgrIculture and Marlcets law, Article 2S-AA, Secllon 303 and 3041 DVes .9fto 19. H the slle locatcd In or substantially conllguous to a CrItical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article II 01 the ECl. and 6 NYCRR 6171 .¡rfes DNa' 20. lIu the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or haurdous wastesl b. Site (In acres) -=J:-,s'O Dves ~o B. Project Description 1. Phy,'ca' dimensions and scale of proJect (fill In dimensions as appropriate) a. Tolal contiguous acr~age owned or controlled by proJect sponsor I. SS- acres. b. rro/ect aoreage to be developed: \), nL acr"s Initially; () I ()L acreS ultimately. c. rrofect acreage to remain undeveloped ~53> acres. d. lenglh 01 proJect, In miles: \1\\(:. (If appropriate) e. ." the proJect Is an expansion, Indicate percent of expansIon proposed ~ %; I. NumhN 01 oil-street parking spaces existing t'\r.. ; proposed I f\ It:! g, Maximum vehIcular trips generated per hour I... \ n.. . (upon· completion of prol,,,t)1 " ..., h. "re'ldenllal: Number and type of housing unlls: 0"" Family Two Family Inlllally O\NP Ultimately ,..')\,\.-£' I. Olmen,lons (In feeO of 'argest proposed struclt"e - hel,hl; - wldth;'--- len,th. ,. linear feet of fronta,e alon, a public thoroughfare ;ro1ect will occupy Isf -+- ft. Multiple Family CondomInIum , --- I , '" . . 2. Itow much nOlu,o' mOle,lol (I.e., ,ad. eO'lh. elc.1 will be ,emovcd f,om II,. sll., ± to 3. Will di.ru,b.d .,.os be ,eclolmedl DYes .ø.tlo ON/" A. If y..: 10' whol Inlend.d pu'po.e I. II,. .lIe beln~ ,eclaimedl b. WiIIlo"soll be slockplled fo, ,.clomaffonl OY.. DNa c. Will up"., sub. 011 be .Iodplled fo, ,eclamollonl DYes ONo 4. 110'"' mAny oe'es of vegelulon (I,ee.. shrubs, g,ound cov...' will be ,.moved.f,om .lIel .± cD\ 0(. ac,e.. 5. Will ony molu~ fo,esl (over 100 yea.. oldl or olher 'ocally·lmpo,lonl ve//elalion be ,emoved by Ihls p,oJecl/ DYe. ~ 6. If single pho.. p,oJ.cl: Anliclpaled pe,lod 01 con.truetion ( monlh.. (Including demolition). 7. If mulff·phosed: V"\lo..... a. Tolol numbe, of pha.e. anllclpaled b. Anliclpaled dale of commeneemenl phue 1 e. ^"",oxlmare complellon dale of IInal "hue d. "phose 1 functionally dependent on .ub.equenl phue.! 8. Will bla.llng occu' du,'nl con.t,uctlon1 DYe. ·¢No 9. Numb., of lob. gene,ated: durlnl con.tructlon ,~~ 10. Numbe, of /01,. elimInated by 11,1. proJect I «(5 11. Will p,o/eet requl,e relocallon of any p'o/ecls or facllllie.I 10ns/~iC ~...h') (numbe, . monlh monlh Oy.. y"', (Includlne d.·mollllonl. vea,. ,. DNo ; a Her p,o/.ct Is compl.te ø DYe. Øio If ye., ..ploln 12. ".urfoee liquId ~¡'Ie dl.po.o' Involv.dl DYe. ~o o. If yes. Indlcal. Iyp. of wa.te (.ewag., Indu.I,'al, ele.) and amount b. Name of woler body !nlo which effluent will be dl.eha'gcd 13. " oob.u,Ioee liquId wule dl.po.ol 'nvolved! DYe. ¢No Type 14. Will .",faee a'ea of an e'''tlnl wal.r body 'ne,ea.e or dee,.a.e by p'oposall OY.s Il!No Exploln 15. " ",o/eet 0' IIny portIon of p,o/eet loclIl.d In a 100 yea, llood pla'n1 Dv.s 9J:I0 16. Will the pro/eell.ne,ate solid waste' . DVes ÇlMo a. If )'<!s, whaf I. Ihe IImount pe, month ton. b. If ye., will an exl.tlng 'solld waste III cUlly be u.ed! OVe. ONo e. II yes, I've name ; location d. Will IIny Wll.... not go 'nto II .ewlI,e d"posal 'Y'I.m 0' 'nlo a sanllary IlIndlllll OVe. DNo e. " Ve.. .xp'a'n 24. Will th. ",oleel Involve Ihe dlspo.1I1 01 .olld wlI.te! o. If yes. whal Is the anllclpated rale 01 dlspo.al! b. If Y". whal Is the anllclpllted slle Ilfe1 Y..... Will ",oJect use herbicide. 0' pesticides! OVe. r¡;JtlD 19. Will p,ofeel ,outlnely p,oduce ado.. (mo,e Ihlln one hou, 1'.' day)1 DVe. 61t:I.o 20. Will p,oleet "roduee operallnl nol.e exceeding the loelllllmbl.nl nol.. levelsl DYe. 21. Will "",/cel ,esult 'n an 'ne,eue In ene'IY u.el DYe. I;INø If ye. . Indica Ie type(s) 22. If woler ."pply " from well.. 'ndlCltle pump'ng capllelly V\ \. (1. 23. Totol anticipated wale, u.age pe, day ~ gallon./day. Does ",o'eel Involve local. Slale ~r Fede,"llundlngl DVe. If Ves, .,.pfaln 17. OVes ~o ton./month. 18. ~o gallont/mlnule. . , I ¢Mo 4 Mar 20 02 03:011" , consultln!; 6_3 3348 1".3 BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPLICATION County of Suffolk State of New York v Jl~1 . ~~......... Being duly sworn deposes and affirms that he/she is the applicant for the above described permit(s) and that all statments contained herein are true to the best of hislher knowledge and belief, and that all work will be done in the manner set forth in this application and as may be approved by the Southold Town Board of Trustees. The applicant agrees to hold the Town of Southold and the Town Trustees harmless and free from any and all damages and claims arising under or by virtue of said permit(s), if granted. In completing this application, I hereby authorize the Trustees, their agent(s) or representatives(s), to enter onto my property to inspect the premises in conjunction with review of this application. ~,,--a-~~ Signature Sworn to before me this ~ Day of ~ 2002 ~.~. Not pubr 1J..iIii"" '. NANCY E. MAHLER 'W,. ~. MVCOMMISSIONtCC811726 I . '. I. EXPIRES: F.bru.ry 23. 2003 II ,iff.. Bonded Thru NDtaI)'Publrc Underwriters Har 20 02 03:01p 'consultinc: 6_ 3348 BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPLICATION AUTHORIZATION (where applicant is not the owner) !l ~ .. I'"JJÁ- ~L I, \A~.. ,~- ~.......resldtngat ".," ., <J'.o<' "~ (print owner of property) (mailing a dress) do hereby authorize J.M.O. Environmental (agent) Consulting to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. (}~ #..£:dr." "-"" Owner's Signature .I' p.4 /1/ D~ 3C¡O I.~¡"--~--~~Il'--r--' _u_~~ ----. -:~ ~1'!5 "'0 r ~ ;Z . I 1 '( ~'I ~ --11; I I I ~ I I I 8: "/0 8.~ I ~:~ f ~/., ~ I!I '"I ~ " î \ 0 \ \ \ .~~ ~ In P '~_lJ rJ;J ., GI!I JI rJ,1_'P_~! m OJ 11 1 .tJ1_rr! ,.. m ..'!..JlJ'9. , i -kl1~Jfiür¡¡jlJ-wlL Jri1'IJ."",,-7[1LlflL" !II . .. r¡~~"" I \ \ -' ..' . , c,,~,..·o/-'~···· \ tt·~··· <1 ~.... . f'.' \ ..' \........... . I I I ~ N M g ~ :> w w ~ ~ ~ " Z Z Õ 3 ~ "' Ii' en ~ rI¡ ~ ~ 1:1: rI¡ .. t>, ! ~ . . is '==' ~ ~ ~ . . ~ 5 íJ . r. :ñ ~ ....~ê; ~ \....:::. 0: :::::,..; ~ J1~ g f~ z _ ~ ~ o z « ..J. "'''' ............ -...; .............. ~Q '-"""0 w u__ '............., ............ ~ ~ '( ....¡ rI¡ ;Z .. :.: ~ Q ..; i:Q ~ ~ :ñ ~ ¡ ~ i i t> ~ ., ] " ce '" ...., " ..., u .~ ~ 1 - Q., '-' .~ to, ¡: ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ~ ~